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J Hist Behav Sci ; 56(2): 115-132, 2020 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31743453


Despite Carl Gustav Jung's acknowledgment of Albert Einstein's influence on his thinking, and despite the significant number of studies about Jung's interest in physics-and his collaboration with the theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli-so far there has been no thorough investigation into the connection between Jung and Einstein. This paper fills the void by reconstructing the circumstances of the meetings between the two men; by analysing the dynamics and importance of their relationship and by offering insights into the reasons why the connection did not last. The reconstruction of the narrative of this connection serves as a good foundation for future research into Einstein's intellectual influence on Jung.

Física/história , Psicanálise/história , História do Século XX , Humanos
Am J Psychoanal ; 80(3): 281-308, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32826953


In this paper, I evaluate Sabina Spielrein's life and ideas from a contemporary understanding. I do this by considering the context and situation in which she lived: a journey from being a hospitalized psychiatric patient to becoming a psychoanalyst herself. From her crucial life experiences she learned that the main psychic conflicts stem from the struggle between life and death, and not from opposing ego drives and sexual desires. Spielrein's considerable creative potentials were nurtured, as well as blocked by her inner conflicts, but also by the enormous historical conflicts of her time.

Relações Médico-Paciente , Médicas/história , Psicanálise/história , Teoria Psicanalítica , História do Século XX , Humanos , Histeria/história , Histeria/terapia , Esquizofrenia/história , Esquizofrenia/terapia
Hist Psychiatry ; 26(3): 288-302, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26254128


On the basis of unpublished materials, this essay reconstructs Jung's seances with his cousin, Helene Preiswerk, which formed the basis of his 1902 medical dissertation, The Psychology and Pathology of so-called Occult Phenomena. It separates out Jung's contemporaneous approach to the mediumistic phenomena she exhibited from his subsequent sceptical psychological reworking of the case. It traces the reception of the work and its significance for his own self-experimentation from 1913 onwards. Finally, it reconstructs the manner in which Jung continually returned to his first model and reframed it as an exemplar of his developing theories.

Transtornos Mentais/história , Psiquiatria/história , Psicologia/história , Espiritualismo/história , Transtornos Dissociativos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos
J Anal Psychol ; 2024 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39289868


In 1928, the American Anthropological Association declared that "Anthropology provided no scientific basis for discrimination against any people on the ground of racial inferiority, religious affiliation, or linguistic heritage" (Guthrie, 1976/1998/2004, p. 30). In 1945, Jung denounced race theory as a pseudo-science. In 1950, UNESCO released its statement denouncing race. Long discredited as scientifically invalid, the race concept still holds uncanny value and significance for Americans and Europeans. In effect, the concept seems to be mysteriously linked to the limited accessibility and the limited economic support that is allotted to people of colour, internationally. This paper will explore the global implications of Jung's expressed attitude towards people of colour prior to 1945, which I identify as an attitude of white supremacy, an attitude that stands in direct contrast to the analytical ethos, as expressed by the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). This attitude may promote the continuance of racialized beliefs and behaviours within the planning and provision of care to individuals in need of medical and mental health services. It is requested that a written acknowledgment of harm be added to the works of C. G. Jung.

En 1928, l'American Anthropological Association a déclaré que « l'anthropologie ne fournissait aucun fondement scientifique pour la discrimination contre toute personne sur la base de l'infériorité raciale, de l'affiliation religieuse ou de l'héritage linguistique ¼ (Guthrie, 2004, p. 30). En 1945, Jung a dénoncé la théorie de la race comme une pseudoscience. En 1950, l'UNESCO a publié une déclaration dénonçant la notion de race. Longtemps discrédité comme scientifiquement invalide, le concept de race a toujours une valeur et une signification étranges pour les Américains et les Européens. En effet, le concept semble être mystérieusement lié à l'accessibilité limitée et au soutien économique limité qui est accordé aux personnes de couleur, à l'échelle internationale. Cette présentation explorera les implications globales de l'attitude exprimée par Jung envers les personnes de couleur avant 1945, que j'identifie comme une attitude de suprématie blanche, une attitude qui contraste directement avec l'esprit analytique, tel qu'exprimé par l'Association Internationale de Psychologie Analytique. Cette attitude risque de favoriser le maintien de croyances et de comportements racialisés dans la planification et la dispensation de soins aux personnes qui ont besoin de services médicaux et de santé mentale. Il est demandé qu'une reconnaissance écrite du préjudice causé soit ajoutée aux travaux de C. G. Jung.

En 1928, la Asociación Americana de Antropología declaró que "la antropología no proporcionaba ninguna base científica para discriminar a un pueblo sobre la base de inferioridad racial, afiliación religiosa o herencia lingüística" (Guthrie, 2004, p. 30). En 1945, Jung denunció la teoría racial como pseudociencia. En 1950, la UNESCO publicó su declaración denunciando la raza. Desacreditado hace tiempo como científicamente inválido, el concepto de raza sigue teniendo un valor y un significado sorprendente para estadounidenses y europeos. En efecto, el concepto parece estar misteriosamente vinculado a la limitada accesibilidad y al limitado apoyo económico que se asigna a las personas de color, a escala internacional. Esta presentación explorará las implicancias globales de la actitud expresada por Jung hacia la gente de color antes de 1945, la cual identifico como una actitud de supremacía blanca, una actitud que contrasta directamente con el ethos analítico, tal y como lo expresa la Asociación Internacional de Psicología Analítica. Esta actitud puede promover la continuidad de creencias y comportamientos raciales en la planificación y provisión de cuidados a individuos que necesitan servicios médicos y de salud mental. Se solicita que se añada por escrito a las obras de C. G. Jung un reconocimiento del daño.

Biosystems ; 234: 105059, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37832929


This paper delves into the concept of archetypes, universal patterns of behavior and cognition, and proposes a novel tripartite model distinguishing between structural, regulatory, and representational archetypes. Drawing on insights from code biology, neuroscience, genetics, and epigenetics, the model provides a nuanced framework for understanding archetypes and their role in shaping cognition and behavior. The paper also explores the interplay between these elements to express representational archetypes. Furthermore, it addresses the informational capacity of the genome and its influence on post-natal development and the psyche. The paper concludes by discussing the future trajectory of psychology, emphasizing the need for an integrative approach that combines our understanding of social constructs with insights into our inherent organizational propensities or archetypes. This exploration holds the potential to advance our understanding of the human condition.

Teoria Junguiana , Humanos
J Anal Psychol ; 68(2): 416-426, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36975719


This paper explores the vertices of Jung's, Anzaldúa's and Benjamin's distinct ontologies and the way in which they connect in the shared recognition that what has been estranged in human history is enigmatically lodged in the world's fabric today. Cultural distress, in other words, is the outcome of what has become repudiated in the self and the collective across time. From this perspective, the paper argues that we have a collective responsibility to listen to the claims of the dead laid bare in moments of contemporary real-world danger and it elaborates the psychical dimensions of being that are cultivated in times of danger. The author contends that these psychical presences are the dead of human history including our ancestral heritage that linger and possibly may penetrate our awareness. They haunt and hold a potential to animate our movement towards a sublimatory process that can be seen as a precursor to social responsiveness and action. The author explores this through her own experience with an example of the spawning of spiritual activism within the socio-political maelstrom of AIDS.

Cet article étudie les perspectives de Jung, d'Anzaldua et de Benjamin et leurs ontologies distinctes, ainsi que la manière dont elles sont connectées parce qu'elles partagent la prise de conscience que ce qui a été écarté de l'histoire humaine est mystérieusement niché dans la structure du monde d'aujourd'hui. En d'autres termes, la détresse culturelle est le produit de ce qui a été répudié et mis dans le soi et le collectif au fil du temps. De ce point de vue, l'article soutient que nous avons une responsabilité collective : écouter les requêtes des personnes mortes dans des périodes contemporaines de vrai danger pour le monde. L'article détaille les dimensions psychiques de l'être qui sont cultivées en période de danger. L'auteur soutient que ces présences psychiques sont les morts de l'histoire humaine. Cela inclut notre héritage ancestral, qui subsiste, et qui pourra peut-être pénétrer notre conscience. Ces présences psychiques hantent et contiennent le potentiel d'animer notre mouvement vers un processus de sublimation. Un tel processus peut être envisagé comme un précurseur à la réceptivité sociale et à l'action. L'auteur étudie ceci à travers sa propre expérience d'un exemple d'engendrement d'activisme spirituel dans le maelström socio-politique du sida.

El presente artículo explora los vértices de las distintas ontologías de Jung, Anzaldúa y Benjamin y la forma en que se conectan en el reconocimiento compartido de que lo que ha sido distanciado en la historia humana está enigmáticamente alojado en el tejido del mundo actual. En otras palabras, la angustia cultural es el resultado de lo que se ha repudiado en el yo y en el colectivo a lo largo del tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva, el artículo sostiene que tenemos la responsabilidad colectiva de escuchar las reivindicaciones de los muertos que quedan al descubierto en los momentos de peligro del mundo real contemporáneo y elabora las dimensiones psíquicas del ser que se cultivan en tiempos de peligro. La autora sostiene que estas presencias psíquicas son los muertos de la historia humana, incluida nuestra herencia ancestral, que perduran y posiblemente penetren en nuestra conciencia. Nos acechan y contienen el potencial de animar nuestro movimiento hacia un proceso sublimatorio que puede considerarse precursor de la respuesta y la acción sociales. La autora explora esto a través de su propia experiencia con un ejemplo del surgimiento del activismo espiritual dentro de la vorágine sociopolítica del SIDA.

Ativismo Político , Humanos
Biosystems ; 208: 104501, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34364930


As a clinical psychologist, I observe stereotyped formulas of behavior in action every day in the consulting room, despite differences in age, race, or culture; they present themselves as codified rules or typical modes of behavior in archetypical situations. Such circumstances coincide with what C.G. Jung defended: the existence of archetypes stored in an inherited/phylogenetic repository, which he called the collective unconscious - somewhat similar to the notion of an ethogram, as shown by ethology. Psychologists can use a perspective to facilitate understanding the phenomenon: the code biology perspective (Barbieri 2014). This approach can help us recognize how these phenomenological events have an ontological reality based not only on the existence of organic information but also on the existence of organic meaning. We are not a tabula rasa (Wilson 2000): despite the explosive diversification of the brain and the emergence of conscience and intentionality, we observe the conservation of basic instincts and emotions (Ekman 2004; Damasio 2010) not only in humans but in all mammals and other living beings; we refer to the neural activity on which the discrimination behavior is based, i.e., the neural codes. The conservation of these fundamental set-of-rules or conventions suggests that one or more neural codes have been highly conserved and serves as an interpretive basis for what happens to the living being who owns them (Barbieri 2003). Thus, archetypes' phenomenological reality can be understood not as something metaphorical but as an ontological (phylogenetic) fact (Goodwyn 2019). Furthermore, epigenetic regulation theories present the possibility that the biomolecular process incorporates elements of the context where it takes place; something fundamental to understand our concept - the archetype presents itself as the mnesic remnant of the behavioral history of individuals who preceded us on the evolutionary scale. In short: brains are optimized for processing ethologically relevant sensory signals (Clemens et al., 2015). From the perspective of the corporeal mind (Searle 2002), in this paper, we will show the parallels between code biology and the concept of the archetype, as Jung defended it and as it appears in clinical practice.

Evolução Biológica , Código Genético/fisiologia , Instinto , Psicologia/tendências , Animais , Humanos , Psicologia/métodos
J Anal Psychol ; 66(2): 200-220, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34038582


This is the second of two papers concerning our study into an integrated approach to psychotic disorders conducted at the University Psychiatry Unit of Palermo's Polyclinic over approximately 15 years; this paper concentrates on the clinical phenomena. The study aimed to find the best possible treatment and to improve the prognosis of this patient group. We have explored the efficacy of a range of psycho-therapeutic (cognitive-behavioural, systemic-relational, psychodynamic, group and others), psycho-pharmaceutical, psychiatric rehabilitative and psycho-educational treatments, with a hermeneutic approach instead of a systematic one. The study's conclusions, described in the paper, are that all psychotic functions start with a nuclear psychic issue connected to emotional development. We describe how the most significant symptoms of acute psychotic manifestations (delusions and misperceptions) make use of an encrypted psychological meaning that can be decoded through the patient's symbolic language. This language is a key element in diagnosis and in the choice of treatment. The paper describes how we revised our understanding of psychosis from being a brain disease to being a process aimed at the rearrangement of psychic functioning. Our significant results are described.

Ceci est le deuxième d'une série de deux articles consacré à notre étude d'une approche intégrée des troubles psychotiques, conduite sur une quinzaine d'années à l'Université de Palerme, dans le service de Polyclinique en Psychiatrie. Cet article se concentre sur les phénomènes cliniques. L'étude visait à trouver le meilleur traitement possible et à améliorer le pronostic pour ce groupe de patients. Nous avons exploré l'efficacité d'un éventail de traitements: psychothérapeutiques (cognitif-behaviouriste, systémique-relationnel, psychodynamique, de groupe, etc), psychopharmacologiques, de réadaptation psychiatrique, et les traitements psychopédagogiques. Notre approche est herméneutique et non pas systématique. Les conclusions de l'étude, décrites dans cet article, sont que tout fonctionnement psychotique commence avec un problème psychique central en lien avec le développement émotionnel. Nous décrivons comment les symptômes les plus significatifs de manifestations psychotiques aigues (délires et perceptions erronées) emploient un sens psychologique encrypté, qui peut être décodé par le biais du langage symbolique du patient. Ce langage est un élément clé dans le diagnostic et dans le choix du traitement. Cet article décrit comment nous avons révisé notre compréhension de la psychose, la considérant au départ comme une maladie du cerveau, puis finalement comme un processus visant le réaménagement du fonctionnement psychique. Nous décrivons ici nos importants résultats.

Este es el segundo de dos ensayos acerca de nuestro estudio sobre un abordaje integrado de los trastornos psicóticos, conducido en la Unidad Policlínica Psiquiátrica de la Universidad de Palermo durante aproximadamente 15 años. El presente trabajo da cuenta del fenómeno clínico. El estudio está orientado a encontrar el mejor tratamiento posible y a mejorar la prognosis de este grupo de pacientes. Hemos explorado la eficacia de un espectro de psicoterapias (cognitivo-conductual, sistémica-relacional, psicodinámica, de grupo, y otras), psico-farmacología, rehabilitación psiquiátrica, y tratamientos psico-educacionales, con un abordaje hermenéutico en lugar de uno sistemático. Las conclusiones del estudio descripto en el trabajo, dan cuenta que todas las funciones psicóticas comienzan con un problema psíquico nuclear conectado al desarrollo emocional. Describimos como los síntomas más significativos de las manifestaciones psicóticas agudas (delirios y percepciones erróneas) hacen uso de un sentido psicológico encriptado que puede ser decodificado a través del lenguaje simbólico del paciente. Este lenguaje es un elemento clave para el diagnóstico y elección del tratamiento. El artículo describe el modo en que hemos revisado nuestra comprensión de la psicosis, desde ser considerada una enfermedad cerebral hasta ser un proceso destinado a la reorganización del funcionamiento psíquico. Se describen nuestros resultados significativos.

Teoria Junguiana , Transtornos Psicóticos , Emoções , Humanos , Transtornos Psicóticos/terapia
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438440


O artigo trata de símbolos teriomórficos­referidos a animais. A importância que exercem pode ser atestada pela permanência na arte (pinturas parietais até os grafites contemporâneos) e na psique. A perpetuação de símbolos e temas é tratada por estudos como os de Aby Warburg em história da arte, com as noções de Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformele Mnemosyne: a recorrência de temas, emoções e comportamentos revela a perpetuação de símbolos interligados à cultura. Essa recorrência simbólica, em termos psíquicos é entendida por C.G. Jung mediante as noções de arquétipo e inconsciente coletivo. Autores contemporâneos a Warburg e a Jung e seus respectivos conceitos, bem como a apresentação de algumas obras de arte, ilustram a importância dos símbolos teriomórficos .Aventa-se a hipótese de que seja uma necessidade psíquica de reunir a natureza biológica, sua força desejante instintiva com a esfera da mente e do sentido de ser constantemente renovada (AU).

Teriomorphicsymbols refer to animals. The importance they exercise can be demonstrated by the permanence of these symbols both in art (parietal paintings to contemporary graffiti) and in the psyche. The perpetuation of symbols and themes is dealt with by studies suchas those by Aby Warburg in art history: Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformel and Mnemosyne. The recurrence of themes, emotions and behaviors reveals the perpetuation of symbols intertwined with culture. This symbolic recurrence, in psychic terms, is understood by C.G. Jung through the notions of archetype and collective unconscious. Contemporary authors of Warburg and Jungand their respective concepts, as well as the presentation of some works of artillustratethe importance of teriomorphic symbols. It is hypothesized that it is a psychic need to unite the biological nature, its instinctive desiring force with the sphere of the mind and the sense of being constantly renewed (AU).

Los símbolos teriomorfosse refieren a los animales. La importancia que ejercen puede ser atestiguada por su permanencia en el arte (pinturas parietales hasta grafitis contemporáneos) y en la psiquis. La perpetuación de símbolos y temas es abordada por estudios como los de Aby Warburg en historia del arte: Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformel y Mnemosyne: la recurrencia de temas, emociones y comportamientos revela la perpetuación de símbolos entrelazados con la cultura. Esta recurrencia simbólica, en términos psíquicos, es comprendida por C.G. por Jung a través de las nociones de arquetipo e inconsciente colectivo. Autores contemporáneos de Warburg y Jungy sus respectivos conceptos,así como la presentación de algunas obras de arte, ilustran la importancia de los símbolos teriomorfos. Se plantea la hipótesis de que se trata de una necesidad psíquica de unir la naturaleza biológica, su fuerza instintiva deseante con la esfera de la mente y el sentido de renovarse constantemente (AU).

Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 27: e49028, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1394511


RESUMO. C. G. Jung e William James compartilhavam uma série de interesses de pesquisa. Por ocasião da Conferência realizada na Universidade de Clark, no ano de 1909, os dois autores tiveram a oportunidade de se encontrar e conversar. Os debates abordaram temas que não estavam na pauta da conferência, especialmente pesquisas psíquicas, também chamadas modernamente de experiências anomalísticas ou relacionadas à 'psi'. Desde seu período como estudante de medicina, Jung se interessou pelos fenômenos anômalos da consciência, tendo pesquisado os principais autores associados ao espiritualismo dos séculos XVIII e XIX. William James foi pesquisador reconhecido dos chamados fenômenos psíquicos, tendo participado de sociedades como a Society for Psychical Research e a American Society for Psychical Research. Através de seus estudos, James e Jung buscavam contribuir para a psicologia dinâmica, também chamada de psicologia profunda. O objetivo deste artigo foi ampliar os diálogos estabelecidos na universidade de Clark, resgatando informações importantes acerca da teoria dos dois autores.

RESUMEN. C. G. Jung y William James compartían una serie de intereses de investigación. En la conferencia celebrada en la Universidad de Clark, en 1909, los dos autores tuvieron la oportunidad de encontrarse y conversar. Los debates se centraron en temas que no estaban en la agenda de la conferencia, especialmente en la investigación psíquica, también llamada en la actualidad experiencia anomalística o relacionada con la psi. Jung de su tiempo como estudiante de medicina se interesó por fenómenos anómalos de conciencia, después de habiendo investigado los autores principales asociados con el espiritualismo de los siglos XVIII y XIX. William James era conocido investigador de los llamados fenómenos psíquicos, y participó en las sociedades como la Society for Psychical Research y la American Society for Psychical Research. James y Jung a través de sus estudios trataron de contribuir a la psicología dinámica, también llamada psicología profunda. El propósito de este artículo es ampliar el diálogo establecido en la Universidad de Clark, rescatando la información importante acerca de la teoría de los dos autores.

ABSTRACT. C.G. Jung and William James shared several research interests. At the conference held at Clark University in 1909, the two authors could meet and talk. The debates were especially on topics regarding psychical research, contemporarily also called anomalistic or psi-related experiences, which were not considered on the conference schedule. Since his period as a medical student, Jung has been interested in anomalous phenomena of consciousness, having researched the prominent authors associated with the spiritualism of the 18th and 19th centuries. William James was a recognized researcher of the so-called psychic phenomena, participating in societies such as Society for Psychical Research and the American Society for Psychical Research. Through their studies, James and Jung aspired to contribute to dynamic psychology, also called depth psychology. This article aimed to broaden the dialogues established at Clark University, rescuing important information about the theory of the two authors.

Psicanálise , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Congressos como Assunto , Parapsicologia , Fenômenos Psicológicos , Psicologia , Religião e Psicologia , Espiritualismo/psicologia , Universidades/história , Estado de Consciência
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443151


O artigo trata de símbolos teriomórficos referidos a animais. A importância que exercem pode ser atestada pela permanência na arte (pinturas parietais até os grafites contemporâneos) e na psique. A perpetuação de símbolos e temas é tratada por estudos como os de Aby Warburg em história da arte, com as noções de Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformele Mnemosyne: a recorrência de temas, emoções e comportamentos revela a perpetuação de símbolos interligados à cultura. Essa recorrência simbólica, em termos psíquicos é entendida por C.G. Jung mediante as noções de arquétipo e inconsciente coletivo. Autores contemporâneos a Warburg e a Jung e seus respectivos conceitos, bem como a apresentação de algumas obras de arte, ilustram a importância dos símbolos teriomórficos.Aventa-se a hipótese de que seja uma necessidade psíquica de reunir a natureza biológica, sua força desejante instintiva com a esfera da mente e do sentido de ser constantemente renovada (AU).

Teriomorphicsymbols refer to animals. The importance they exercise can be demonstrated by the permanence of these symbols both in art (parietal paintings to contemporary graffiti) and in the psyche. The perpetuation of symbols and themes is dealt with by studies suchas those by Aby Warburg in art history: Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformel and Mnemosyne. The recurrence of themes, emotions and behaviors reveals the perpetuation of symbols intertwined with culture. This symbolic recurrence, in psychic terms, is understood by C.G. Jung through the notions of archetype and collective unconscious. Contemporary authors of Warburg and Jungand their respective concepts, as well as the presentation of some works of artillustratethe importance of teriomorphic symbols. It is hypothesized that it is a psychic need to unite the biological nature, its instinctive desiring force with the sphere of the mind and the sense of being constantly renewed (AU).

Los símbolos teriomorfosse refieren a los animales. La importancia que ejercen puede ser atestiguada por su permanencia en el arte (pinturas parietales hasta grafitis contemporáneos) y en la psiquis. La perpetuación de símbolos y temas es abordada por estudios como los de Aby Warburg en historia del arte: Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformel y Mnemosyne: la recurrencia de temas, emociones y comportamientos revela la perpetuación de símbolos entrelazados con la cultura. Esta recurrencia simbólica, en términos psíquicos, es comprendida por C.G. por Jung a través de las nociones de arquetipo e inconsciente colectivo. Autores contemporáneos de Warburg y Jungy sus respectivos conceptos,así como la presentación de algunas obras de arte, ilustran la importancia de los símbolos teriomorfos. Se plantea la hipótesis de que se trata de una necesidad psíquica de unir la naturaleza biológica, su fuerza instintiva deseante con la esfera de la mente y el sentido de renovarse constantemente (AU).

Pinturas/história , Arte/história
J Anal Psychol ; 62(2): 247-262, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28321865


The evolution of Jung's relationship with Judaism is interpreted as reflecting aspects of the individuation journey over the course of a long life. The progress and limitations of his public positions and personal relationships are explored through his published work and correspondence. Perspectives from relational psychoanalysis and Jewish philosophy are used to amplify Jung's understanding of Jewish, and specifically Kabbalistic, text and image. Dimensions of the author's own journey toward greater acceptance of his own Jewish soul is also considered, along with the wider contemporary relevance of these themes.

Individuação , Judaísmo/psicologia , Psicanálise/história , História do Século XX , Humanos
Psicol. USP ; 32: e200113, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1279546


Resumo Este artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre os aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos do número na obra de Jung. Assim, foi efetuado levantamento de aspectos do número, desde os testes de associação de palavras até o conceito de sincronicidade. O artigo foi dividido em três partes: apresentação de aspectos quantitativos (tempo de reação no teste de associação de palavras e conceito de energia psíquica); apresentação de aspectos qualitativos (número como conteúdo psíquico, número como elemento organizador da psique, caráter numinoso do número, número como grandeza imprevisível entre mito e realidade, a relação do número com os eventos sincronísticos e o número como arquétipo da ordem que se tornou consciente); e apresentação das intuições matemáticas primordiais (a série infinita de números naturais e a ideia de continuum). Ao enfatizar os aspectos qualitativos, Jung aponta para a base arquetípica do número como fator de ordenação e de articulação entre psique e matéria.

Resumen Este artículo hace un estudio exploratorio sobre los aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos del número en la obra de Jung. Se examina aspectos del número desde pruebas de asociación de palabras hasta el concepto de sincronicidad. El artículo se divide en tres partes: presentación de aspectos cuantitativos (tiempo de reacción en la prueba de asociación de palabras y concepto de energía psíquica); presentación de aspectos cualitativos (número como contenido psíquico, número como elemento organizador de la psique, carácter numinoso del número, número como grandeza impredecible entre mito y realidad, relación del número con eventos sincronísticos, y número como arquetipo del orden en que se ha convertido consciente); y presentación de intuiciones matemáticas primordiales (la serie infinita de números naturales y la idea de un continuo). Al enfatizar los aspectos cualitativos, Jung señala la base arquetípica del número como un factor de orden y articulación entre la psique y la materia.

Résumé Cet article présente une étude exploratoire sur les aspects quantitatifs et qualitatifs du nombre dans l'œuvre de Jung. On a réalisé une enquête sur les aspects du nombre, des tests d'association de mots au concept de synchronicité. L'article est divisé en trois parties : présentation des aspects quantitatifs (temps de réaction dans le test d'association de mots et concept d'énergie psychique) ; présentation des aspects qualitatifs (le nombre en tant que contenu psychique et élément organisateur de la psyché ; le caractère numineux du nombre ; le nombre en tant que grandeur imprévisible entre mythe et réalité ; la relation du nombre avec les événements synchrones ; et le nombre en tant qu'archétype de l'ordre devenu conscient) ; et présentation des intuitions mathématiques primordiales (la série infinie de nombres naturels et l'idée de continuum). En mettant l'accent sur les aspects qualitatifs, Jung souligne la base archétypale du nombre en tant que facteur d'ordre et d'articulation entre la psyché et la matière.

Abstract This article presents an exploratory study on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the number in Jung's work. Thus, aspects of the number were surveyed, from the word association tests to the concept of synchronicity. The article was divided into three parts: presentation of quantitative aspects (reaction time in the word association test; and concept of psychic energy); presentation of qualitative aspects (number as psychic content; number as an organizing element of the psyche; numinous character of number; number as unpredictable greatness between myth and reality; the relationship of number to synchronistic events; and number as an archetype of the order that has become conscious); and presentation of primordial mathematical intuitions (the infinite series of natural numbers; and the idea of a continuum). By emphasizing the qualitative aspects, Jung points to the archetypal base of the number as a factor of ordering and articulation between psyche and matter.

Associação , Teoria Junguiana , Conceitos Matemáticos
J Anal Psychol ; 61(2): 172-82, 2016 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27000693


This paper considers the experience of translating the correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann as part of the Philemon series. The translator explores the similarities between analytical work and the task of translation by means of the concepts of the dialectical third and the interactional field. The history and politics of the translation of analytic writing and their consequences for the lingua franca of analysis are discussed. Key themes within the correspondence are outlined, including Jung and Neumann's pre-war exploration of Judaism and the unconscious, the post-war difficulties around the publication of Neumann's Depth Psychology and a New Ethic set against the early years of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, and the development of the correspondents' relationship over time.

Correspondência como Assunto , Teoria Junguiana , Traduções , Humanos
Junguiana ; 38(1): 73-86, jan.-jun. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1124974


Este artigo buscou revisitar as experiências de katábasis de C.G. Jung, ou, em outras palavras, as experiências de descida ao submundo, ou mundo dos mortos, seguidas pelo retorno ao mundo dos vivos, a anábasis. Em termos psicológicos, essas experiências significam o confronto com o inconsciente e a subsequente ampliação da consciência. Para revisitar as experiências de katábasis de C.G. Jung, resgatou-se, historicamente, a katábasis (1) na antiguidade clássica através da mitologia grega, (2) no período medieval e moderno, por meio das obras de Dante Alighieri, Emmanuel Swedenborg e William Blake, e (3) finalmente, na própria vida de Jung, com ênfase na constituição de O Livro Vermelho. As experiências de katábasis foram de vital importância para Jung e culminaram na gênese da psicologia analítica. ■

This article aimed to revisit C.G. Jung experiences of katabasis, or in other words the experiences of descending to the underworld, or world of the dead, followed by the return to the world of the living, the anabasis. In psychological terms, these experiences mean confronting the unconscious and the subsequent expansion of consciousness. To revisit C.G. Jung's experiences of katabasis, it was rescued historically (1) in classical antiquity through greek mythology, (2) in the medieval and modern period, through the works of Dante Alighieri, Emmanuel Swedenborg and William Blake, and (3) finally in Jung's own life with an emphasis on the constitution of The Red Book. The katabasis experiences were of vital importance to Jung and culminated in the genesis of analytical psychology. ■

Este artículo buscó volver a examinar las experiencias de catábasis de C.G. Jung, o, en otras palabras, las experiencias de descender al inframundo, el mundo de los muertos, seguido por el retorno al mundo de los vivos, la anábasis. En términos psicológicos, estas experiencias suponen la confrontación con el inconsciente y la posterior expansión de la conciencia. Para volver a examinar las experiencias de catábasis de C.G. Jung, fue rescatada, históricamente, la catábasis (1) en la antigüedad clásica a través de la mitología griega, (2) en el período medieval y moderno, a través de las obras de Dante Alighieri, Emmanuel Swedenborg y William Blake, y (3) finalmente, en la propia vida de Jung, con énfasis en la constitución del Libro Rojo. Las experiencias de catábasis fueron de vital importancia para Jung y culminaron en la génesis de la psicología analítica. ■

J Anal Psychol ; 60(5): 679-97, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26499299


This paper responds to a recent paper by Wolfgang Giegerich entitled 'Two Jungs: apropos a paper by Mark Saban'. Giegerich disputes my assertion that the 'rigorous notion' at the heart of his psychology 'finds no source in Jung's psychology, implicit or explicit'. In order to do this he posits the existence of two Jungs, an exoteric Jung and an esoteric Jung. The implications of Giegerich's binary scission of Jung are explored in this paper, and show that the tendency to exalt one Jung while disparaging the other betrays a comprehensive blindness toward the contradictory complexity of Jung's psychology as a whole. It is suggested that this blindness is the consequence of Giegerich's systematic prioritization of a neo-Hegelian agenda that is in profound conflict with the telos of Jung's psychology.

Sonhos/psicologia , Teoria Junguiana , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Humanos , Personalidade
J Anal Psychol ; 60(3): 303-315, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25950623


Jung's idea of the 'personal equation' amounts to the reflection that theoretical differences between the psychologies that people teach are rooted in their personalities, in other words, that they are due to the psychology each one 'has'. This concept also applies to different interpretations of Jung's work. The serious difficulties that Mark Saban has with my psychology are a case in point. Recourse to the concept of the personal equation reveals that Saban has his Jung and I have mine. With his insistence on his Talmudic methodological principle of dream interpretation, that 'the dream is its own interpretation', according to Saban Jung means nothing but a rejection of Freudian free association. My Jung goes far beyond that. Jung understands this methodological principle above all in terms of what he calls 'circumambulation'. The main part of this paper is devoted to an elucidation of what circumambulation involves as a mode of dream interpretation. The paper concludes with the distinction Jung himself introduced between two types of reading of his work, either as 'paper' and 'dead nostrums' or as 'fire and wind', and pleads for a reconstruction of Jung's psychology as a whole in terms of his most advanced, deepest insights, instead of a dogmatic reading mainly based on the early Jung, a reading for which his later revolutionary insights are at best negligible embellishments.

Sonhos , Teoria Junguiana , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Humanos
Psicol. USP ; 30: e180133, 2019.
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1002843


Resumo O artigo põe em questão uma afirmação de Jung de que a ética se resumiria na relação entre homem e Deus. Tomando-a como problema, busca uma articulação entre os conceitos junguianos para uma resposta do que se entende por ética nessa perspectiva. Esboçamos um percurso que passa pelos problemas dos opostos morais, pelo confronto com a sombra e, por fim, abordamos a questão que inicia a pesquisa. Ao final, argumentamos que tal relação aduzida por Jung é, em termos psicológicos, a relação entre o eu e o si-mesmo. A ética seria nesse sistema uma resposta a uma outra voz suprarracional, "a voz de Deus", que, para além da pura estética da imagem, conjuga consciente e inconsciente; demanda a totalidade da personalidade.

Résumé L'article remet en question l'affirmation de Jung selon laquelle l'éthique serait résumée dans la relation entre l'homme et Dieu. Prenant cela comme un problème, il cherche une articulation entre les concepts jungiens pour une réponse de ce que l'on entend par éthique dans cette perspective. Nous décrivons un parcours qui passe par les problèmes d'opposés moraux, la confrontation avec l'ombre, et enfin, nous abordons la question qui lance la recherche. En fin de compte, nous affirmons qu'une relation telle que Jung est, en termes psychologiques, la relation entre le soi et le soi. L'éthique serait dans ce système une réponse à une autre voix supra-rationnelle, "la voix de Dieu", qui, au-delà de la pure esthétique de l'image, se combine consciemment et inconsciemment; demande toute la personnalité.

Resumen El artículo pone en cuestión una afirmación de Jung de que la ética se resumiría en la relación entre hombre y Dios. Tomándola como problema, busca una articulación entre los conceptos junguianos para una respuesta de lo que se entiende por ética en esa perspectiva. Esbozamos un recorrido que pasa por los problemas de los opuestos morales, por el enfrentamiento con la sombra y, por fin, abordamos la cuestión que inicia la investigación. Al final, argumentamos que tal relación planteada por Jung es, en términos psicológicos, la relación entre el yo y el sí mismo. La ética sería en ese sistema una respuesta a otra voz, suprarracional, "la voz de Dios", que más allá de la pura estética de la imagen, conjuga consciente e inconsciente; demanda la totalidad de la personalidad.

Abstract The article calls into question Jung's assertion that ethics would be summed up in the relationship between man and God. Taking it as a problem, it seeks an articulation between the Jungian concepts for an answer of what is meant by ethics in this perspective. We outline a course that goes through the problems of moral opposites, the confrontation with the shadow, and finally, we approach the question that starts the research. In the end, we argue that such a relationship referred to by Jung is, in psychological terms, the relationship between the ego and the Self. Ethics would be in this system a response to that other supra-rational voice, "the voice of God," which, beyond the pure aesthetics of the image, combines conscious and unconscious; demands the entire personality.

Ética , Teoria Junguiana
Psicol. USP ; 30: e160020, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-990272


Resumo O pensamento de Carl Gustav Jung é marcado pela complexidade e por um diálogo contínuo entre ciência e filosofia. Seus posicionamentos teóricos, por vezes incompreendidos, levaram-no a constantes embates em defesa do empirismo e dos fundamentos do pensamento científico moderno, muitas vezes através da crítica a pressupostos que ele considerava indemonstráveis. Essa trajetória apresenta, todavia, uma série de dificuldades. Através da noção de naturalismo, este ensaio busca indicar uma via de análise dessa complexidade. Com efeito, podemos discernir duas noções distintas, mas complementares de naturalismo na obra de Jung: um naturalismo metodológico, que o mantém próximo do pensamento científico de sua época, e um naturalismo ontológico, que o alinha ao pensamento romântico e à Naturphilosophie, implicando considerações teóricas que o distanciavam de seus contemporâneos. Coordenar essas duas visões do naturalismo foi certamente um problema para Jung, e é um desafio para a compreensão de seu pensamento.

Résumé La pensée de Jung est marquée par la complexité et le dialogue entre science et philosophie. Ses prises de position, maintes fois mal-comprises, l'ont conduit à des efforts pour défendre l'empirisme de ses démarches et les fondements de la pensée scientifique, en employant une critique à certains partis pris, tenus pour indémontrables, de la science moderne. Cette trajectoire présente cependant des difficultés. En utilisant la notion de naturalisme, ce travail cherche une voie d'analyse de cette complexité. En effet, on peut discerner deux notions parallèles de naturalisme chez Jung : un naturalisme méthodologique qui l'approche de la pensée scientifique de son époque ; et un naturalisme ontologique, héritier du Romantisme et de la Naturphilosophie, qui implique des considérations théoriques que l'ont tenues un peu à l'écart des ses contemporains. Coordonner ces deux notions a été un problème pour Jung et il s'agit d'un défi pour la compréhension de sa pensée.

Resumen La complejidad y el diálogo entre ciencia y filosofía es una importante característica de la obra junguiana. Sus posiciones teóricas, muchas veces mal entendidas, han llevado a esfuerzos para defender el empirismo de sus acciones y las raíces del pensamiento científico, a través de una critica de ciertos presupuestos, considerados indemostrables, de la ciencia moderna. Sin embargo, este camino presenta dificultades. Bajo el concepto de naturalismo, este trabajo busca una forma de análisis de esta complejidad. De hecho, uno puede discernir dos nociones paralelas de naturalismo en la teoría junguiana: un naturalismo metodológico que lo acerca del pensamiento científico de su tiempo; y un naturalismo ontológico, heredero del romanticismo y de la Naturphilosophie, que implica consideraciones teóricas que lo han mantenido un poco al margen de sus contemporáneos. Conjugar estas dos nociones ha sido un problema para Jung y es un desafío a la comprensión de su pensamiento.

Abstract Carl Gustav Jung's thinking is characterized by complexity and a continuous dialogue between science and philosophy. His theoretical positions, frequently misunderstood, led him to constant efforts in defence of the empiricism and foundations of modern scientific thought, often through criticism towards what he considered as indemonstrable presupposes. This trajectory shows, nonetheless, a series of difficulties. Through the notion of Naturalism, this study aims to indicate an approach to understand the complexity of Jung's thought. Indeed, two different but complementary versions of Naturalism can be distinguished in Jung: a methodological Naturalism that keeps him close to the scientific thought of his day, and an ontological Naturalism, which is aligned with Romanticism and the Naturphilosophie, implying theoretical considerations which distance him from his contemporaries. To harmonize these two types of Naturalism was a problem for Jung, and it is a challenge to understand his thinking.

Teoria Junguiana/história
J Anal Psychol ; 59(3): 391-409, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24919631


This article presents the history of one until now unknown case of C.G. Jung: Maggy Reichstein. Born in Indonesia in 1894 in a very aristocratic family, she brought her sister to Zurich to be treated by Jung in 1919, and later she herself was in analysis with him. Jung used her case as example in his lecture in 1937 on the realities of practical psychotherapy, relating it to the process of transference and countertransference. Jung deepened his studies in Eastern psychology after a series of dreams she had, which culminated in the Yoga Kundalini Seminars. She was also the case presented in his article of 1951 on the concept of synchronicity. Jung wrote that her case, concerning synchronicity, remained unique in his experience. Jung also published some of her mandalas. He considered her able to understand his ideas in depth. Reichstein was for Jung an important case, which challenged and triggered his interests in different subjects.

Terapia Psicanalítica , Transferência Psicológica , Feminino , Humanos , Teoria Junguiana , Pensamento