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J Anal Psychol ; 68(2): 416-426, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36975719


This paper explores the vertices of Jung's, Anzaldúa's and Benjamin's distinct ontologies and the way in which they connect in the shared recognition that what has been estranged in human history is enigmatically lodged in the world's fabric today. Cultural distress, in other words, is the outcome of what has become repudiated in the self and the collective across time. From this perspective, the paper argues that we have a collective responsibility to listen to the claims of the dead laid bare in moments of contemporary real-world danger and it elaborates the psychical dimensions of being that are cultivated in times of danger. The author contends that these psychical presences are the dead of human history including our ancestral heritage that linger and possibly may penetrate our awareness. They haunt and hold a potential to animate our movement towards a sublimatory process that can be seen as a precursor to social responsiveness and action. The author explores this through her own experience with an example of the spawning of spiritual activism within the socio-political maelstrom of AIDS.

Cet article étudie les perspectives de Jung, d'Anzaldua et de Benjamin et leurs ontologies distinctes, ainsi que la manière dont elles sont connectées parce qu'elles partagent la prise de conscience que ce qui a été écarté de l'histoire humaine est mystérieusement niché dans la structure du monde d'aujourd'hui. En d'autres termes, la détresse culturelle est le produit de ce qui a été répudié et mis dans le soi et le collectif au fil du temps. De ce point de vue, l'article soutient que nous avons une responsabilité collective : écouter les requêtes des personnes mortes dans des périodes contemporaines de vrai danger pour le monde. L'article détaille les dimensions psychiques de l'être qui sont cultivées en période de danger. L'auteur soutient que ces présences psychiques sont les morts de l'histoire humaine. Cela inclut notre héritage ancestral, qui subsiste, et qui pourra peut-être pénétrer notre conscience. Ces présences psychiques hantent et contiennent le potentiel d'animer notre mouvement vers un processus de sublimation. Un tel processus peut être envisagé comme un précurseur à la réceptivité sociale et à l'action. L'auteur étudie ceci à travers sa propre expérience d'un exemple d'engendrement d'activisme spirituel dans le maelström socio-politique du sida.

El presente artículo explora los vértices de las distintas ontologías de Jung, Anzaldúa y Benjamin y la forma en que se conectan en el reconocimiento compartido de que lo que ha sido distanciado en la historia humana está enigmáticamente alojado en el tejido del mundo actual. En otras palabras, la angustia cultural es el resultado de lo que se ha repudiado en el yo y en el colectivo a lo largo del tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva, el artículo sostiene que tenemos la responsabilidad colectiva de escuchar las reivindicaciones de los muertos que quedan al descubierto en los momentos de peligro del mundo real contemporáneo y elabora las dimensiones psíquicas del ser que se cultivan en tiempos de peligro. La autora sostiene que estas presencias psíquicas son los muertos de la historia humana, incluida nuestra herencia ancestral, que perduran y posiblemente penetren en nuestra conciencia. Nos acechan y contienen el potencial de animar nuestro movimiento hacia un proceso sublimatorio que puede considerarse precursor de la respuesta y la acción sociales. La autora explora esto a través de su propia experiencia con un ejemplo del surgimiento del activismo espiritual dentro de la vorágine sociopolítica del SIDA.

Ativismo Político , Humanos
J Homosex ; 69(12): 2027-2048, 2022 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34644241


This paper neither plans to use the restorative agenda nor provides a sample of representation or voices of a teacher candidate or researcher who identifies themselves as queer. Instead, this paper looks into the researcher's desires and imagining in analyzing a split self to think about how to problematize their thinking and actions, which should go beyond the limits of gender and sexuality or a coded term "L-G-B-T-Q," to disrupt the existing binary of doing queer research. First, the author reviews what queer and after-queer mean in educational research and how the researchers have queered their work in the education field. Then, the author describes the nepantla concept as a theoretical lens. The autohistoria-teoria, or a personal essay that theorizes, is used as a form of self-critique in this piece. The author concludes by reexamining this paper's central question, How did a Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) teacher candidate queer their teaching in a high school in the United States? and shares critical thoughts of what could be next in after-queer research.

Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Escolaridade , Identidade de Gênero , Humanos , Comportamento Sexual , Sexualidade , Estados Unidos
J Lesbian Stud ; 7(3): 57-72, 2003.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24816054


ABSTRACT This article situates Gloria Anzaldúa's work Borderlands/La Fronterain the context of staid, heterosexist academia and conventional readings of the Latin American mestizaje to show how the book has subverted both. By examining how Borderlandshas been received and how it ironically anticipates these hierarchical readings, we can see the functioning of the elitist, exclusionary processes that manufacture subaltern identities within societies and within academia.