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J Pharm Sci ; 2024 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39179031


The day and age where pharmaceutical institutions were securely nestled within solid walls in one country, without much communication and collaboration with other sites and external collaborators, are long gone. The move to more global communication and collaboration has been beneficial for science exploration, however, it has presented scientists with the challenge of working on global teams. This article will explore this world-wide-working web and provide guidance on how to be successful in this new environment in the pharmaceutical industry and related work institutions. Four angles will be explored - intercultural awareness, virtual working and non-standard working hours, personal and team goals and how to be authentic in this new environment. The article will conclude with a road-map that the reader can follow, when embarking on the global team journey.

Front Psychol ; 10: 1006, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31143144


Teams have been a ubiquitous structure for conducting work and business for most of human history. However, today's organizations are markedly different than those of previous generations. The explosion of innovative ideas and novel technologies mandate changes in job descriptions, roles, responsibilities, and how employees interact and collaborate. These advances have heralded a new era for teams and teamwork in which previous teams research and practice may not be fully appropriate for meeting current requirements and demands. In this article, we describe how teams have been historically defined, unpacking five important characteristics of teams, including membership, interdependence, shared goals, dynamics, and an organizationally bounded context, and relating how these characteristics have been addressed in the past and how they are changing in the present. We then articulate the implications these changes have on how we study teams moving forward by offering specific research questions.

Rev. educ. fis ; 24(2): 171-179, Aprl.-June 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-701502


The purpose of this paper was to briefly review the major theoretical and empirical research in goal setting related to sport and develop applications for best practice. Different types of goals were discussed and Locke's theory of goal setting provided the foundation for future research. After briefly reviewing the goal setting literature in sport and organizational settings, principles for how to apply goal setting to enhance performance were developed. The development and implementations of a goal setting system was presented including planning, meeting, and evaluation stages. Finlly, effective goal setting practices based on empirical literature were discussed.

Este trabalho focalizou a efetividade do estabelecimento metas no esporte e em ambientes de exercícios físicos. A teoria de Locke de estabelecimento de meta, que indica que metas específicas, difíceis, desafiadoras conduzem a níveis mais altos de desempenho de tarefa do que metas fáceis, nenhuma meta, ou a meta do tipo "faça o seu melhor", foi apresentada. Pesquisas mais recentesinvestigando a relação meta-desempenho em esporte e exercícios físicos também encontraram apoio para a efetividade de metas embora os resultados não sejam tão robustos quanto os da literatura industrial. Foram apresentados os princípios básicos de estabelecimento de metas, incluindo estabelecimento de metas específicas, de metas realísticas e desafiadoras, de metas em curto e longo prazo, estabelecimento de metas de desempenho, anotação de metas, provimento de apoio para as metas e incentivo à avaliação de metas. Um processo para estabelecimento de metas com equipes foi esboçado junto com um processo de sete-passos para estabelecer metas efetivamente. É importante lembrar que a efetividade de qualquer programa de estabelecimento de metas em grande parte dependeda interação entre o treinador, do coordenador de exercícios físicos, do psicólogo desportivo e da motivação dos participantes. Em essência, ao estabelecer metas sempre se deve levar em contao ambiente e as diferenças individuais.