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Pharmaceutics ; 16(3)2024 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38543249


The modulation of TRPV1 emerges as a promising strategy for dental pain management. This study aimed to assess TRPV1 modulation in a human odontoblast-like cell model using Capsazepine (CZP) loaded in a nanogel delivery system. Gelatin nanogels, synthesized via the emulsification-gelation technique, were characterized and loaded with the TRPV1 antagonist, CZP. HPLC determined a remarkable 67.5 ± 0.04% CZP loading efficiency, with 71.7% of nanogels falling within the 300-950 nm size range, as evidenced by light microscopy. Moreover, CZP-loaded nanogels had a low cytotoxicity. An FTIR analysis showed no adverse chemical interactions, ensuring stability and active release. When examining biological responses, TRPV1 expression and channel activity were assessed in odontoblast-like cells. On the fifth day post-treatment, cells treated with CZP-loaded nanogels exhibited an increased TRPV1 expression and a reduction in calcium fluxes after agonist stimulus (F/F0 ratio 1.18 ± 0.18), resembling the response in free CZP-treated cells (1.28 ± 0.15). A two-way analysis of variance and the Tukey's test were used to determine statistical significance (p < 0.05). This delivery system, proven to be economical and straightforward, holds promise for dental pain management and potential local use. Local administration minimizes systemic adverse effects, making it a practical solution for releasing molecules in the oral cavity.

J Oral Biol Craniofac Res ; 13(1): 71-77, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36479039


Objectives: Dental pain, which is the main reason for patients consulting dentists, is classified as a public health concern. The study of cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to pain is a fundamental element for developing new analgesics. By using a selective antagonist in an in vitro model, this study aimed to establish the role of TRPV-1 in human odontoblast-like cells (OLCs) as a therapeutic target for dental pain mediated by noxious thermal and osmotic stimuli. Methods: OLCs were differentiated from dental pulp mesenchymal cells and TRPV1 expression was evaluated. Activation of TRPV-1 was determined by evaluating changes in calcium concentration after stimulation with mannitol and xylitol hyperosmotic solutions or DMEM heated at 45 °C, using the fluorescent calcium probe Fluo-4 AM. In addition, changes in fluorescence (F/F0) due to calcium flux were evaluated using fluorometry and flow cytometry. Simultaneously, the cells were co-stimulated with the selective antagonist capsazepine (CZP). Results: OLCs expressed DSPP and DMP-1, confirming their cellular phenotype. TRPV1 was expressed, and its activation by different stimuli produced an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ which was reduced by the antagonist. Both methods used to evaluate TRPV1 activation through the measurement of calcium probe fluorescence showed similar patterns. Conclusions: These results suggest that TRPV-1 modulation using an antagonist can be implemented as a pharmacological strategy for managing dental pain mediated by hyperosmotic and thermal stimuli.

CES odontol ; 34(2): 76-92, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374781


Resumen Actualmente existen varias estrategias para consultar información en la red en tiempo real sobre infinidad de temas, tanto asuntos de la cotidianidad de las personas como de campos del saber que son de interés para la comunidad académica. Las bases de datos se constituyen como herramientas eficientes para la trasmisión de información y su acceso, en general, resulta sencillo y rápido; sin embargo, en ocasiones estudiantes y docentes no las emplean con la frecuencia que se desearía, fenómeno del que se desconocen en gran medida las causas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue indagar las percepciones de docentes y estudiantes de una Facultad de Odontología en Bogotá, en cuanto al uso de las bases de datos en investigación formativa, empleando la técnica de Clasificación Múltiple de Ítems -CMI-. Se pudo identificar que para la mayoría de los participantes se hace necesario implementar estrategias pedagógicas que promuevan el uso de estas; adicionalmente los participantes reconocen la importancia de los diferentes actores en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje y de la inclusión de las bases de datos en las diferentes actividades académicas e investigativas.

Abstract Nowadays, many strategies are available to search for information on the web in real-time about various topics, including personal daily life and academic knowledge, which are of interest to the academic community. Databases are efficient tools for transmitting and accessing to information in an easy and quick manner. Nevertheless, students and faculty frequently do not take advantage of it as expected, whose cause is unknown. The aim of this work was asked the faculty and students of the Dentistry Department of an University of Bogota about the perceptions on the use of databases in training research, employing the Multiple Classification of Items -MCI. We identified that for most of the participants it is necessary to implement pedagogical strategies that promotes the use of these; additionally, the participants recognize the importance of the different members in the teaching-learning process and the database inclusion in the different academic and research activities.

Resumo Atualmente, existem várias estratégias para consultar informações em tempo real na web sobre uma infinidade de assuntos, tanto no cotidiano das pessoas quanto em áreas do conhecimento de interesse da comunidade acadêmica. As bases de dados constituem-se em ferramentas eficientes para a transmissão de informações e o seu acesso, em geral, é simples e rápido; no entanto, às vezes os alunos e professores não os usam com a freqüência desejada, um fenômeno cujas causas são amplamente desconhecidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as percepções de professores e alunos de uma Faculdade de Odontologia de Bogotá, a respeito da utilização de bancos de dados em pesquisas formativas, utilizando a técnica de Classificação de Múltiplos Itens -CMI-. Foi possível identificar que para a maioria dos participantes é necessário implementar estratégias pedagógicas que promovam o uso destes; Além disso, os participantes reconhecem a importância dos diferentes atores no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e na inclusão de bases de dados nas diferentes atividades acadêmicas e de pesquisa.

Univ. odontol ; 31(66): 115-123, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-673816


Antecedentes: la infección por virus herpes simple tipo 1 (VHS-1) es una de las más frecuentesen la población humana; produce infecciones en mucosa oral, piel, ojos e inclusoen el sistema nervioso, que causa encefalitis. Después de la infección en la región orofacial,este virus puede permanecer en estado de latencia en el ganglio trigémino y eventualmentereactivarse. Objetivo: determinar la presencia de VHS-1 en ganglios trigeminales humanosmediante pruebas paralelas de PCR, RT-PCR e inmunohistoquímica. Métodos: previa aprobacióndel Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional deColombia y del Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses, se recolectaron dieciséispares de ganglios trigeminales humanos, que se procesaron tanto para extracción de ácidosnucleicos como para inmunohistoquímica. Resultados: en seis de los ocho donantesanalizados por inmunohistoquímica se encontró marcaje positivo para antígeno de VHS-1.Se halló que nueve de los donantes evaluados por PCR para VHS-1 y cinco de los diezexaminados para transcritos asociados a latencia (LAT) fueron positivos. Conclusión: seencontraron ganglios trigeminales en los que no se detectó virus y otros con distintosestados de infección (activa y latente). En casi todos los ganglios fue evidente el infiltradoinflamatorio asociado. El presente es el primer trabajo en el que se busca sistemáticamentetanto genoma viral como proteínas y transcritos LAT en ganglios trigeminales humanos, locual abre puertas para la investigación tanto de la epidemiología como de los fenómenosasociados a la LAT y reactivación del VHS-1...

Background: Infection by type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) is the most frequent viralinfection in human population being able to cause injuries in oral mucosa, skin, cornea,and even the central nervous system causing encephalitis. After mucosal infection, HSV-1establishes a lifespan latent infection in trigeminal ganglia where it occasionally reactivatesinfecting primary sites again. It is little known about cell and molecular events responsiblefor infection reactivation and immune response in human ganglia. Objective: To standardizethe obtaining and processing of human trigeminal ganglia to detect specific HSVantigen, DNA and RNA. Methods: After approval of the study by the Universidad NacionalIRB, 32 trigeminal ganglia were obtained from 16 cadavers from the Colombian ForensicMedicine Institute. Results: Using PCR technique to detect viral DNA, it was found that 56.3 %of ganglia (9/16) amplified specific fragment and five out of ten with suitable quality RNAwere positive for latency associated transcript. Conclusion: Some trigeminal ganglia did notshow evidence of infection and some had different HSV-1 infection status (active or latent)with inflammatory cells infiltrate in almost all samples. This is the first work that detectssimultaneously genome, proteins and LAT of HSV-1 in human trigeminal ganglia, leading toexplore findings about the latency and r eactivation pr ocess...

Dermatopatias Infecciosas , Gânglio Trigeminal , Herpes Simples , Imuno-Histoquímica , Latência Viral