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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 31(Pt 3): 438-446, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38652579


Knife-edge imaging is a successful method for determining the wavefront distortion of focusing optics such as Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors or compound refractive lenses. In this study, the wavefront error of an imperfect elliptical mirror is predicted by developing a knife-edge program using the SHADOW/OASYS platform. It is shown that the focusing optics can be aligned perfectly by minimizing the parabolic and cubic coefficients of the wavefront error. The residual wavefront error provides precise information about the figure/height errors of the focusing optics suggesting it as an accurate method for in situ optical metrology. A Python program is developed to design a customized wavefront refractive corrector to minimize the residual wavefront error. Uniform beam at and out of focus and higher peak intensity are achieved by the wavefront correction in comparison with ideal focusing. The developed code provides a quick way for wavefront error analysis and corrector design for non-ideal optics especially for the new-generation diffraction-limited sources, and saves considerable experimental time and effort.

Opt Express ; 30(11): 19185-19198, 2022 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36221703


Aberrations introduced during fabrication degrade the performance of X-ray optics and their ability to achieve diffraction limited focusing. Corrective optics can counteract these errors by introducing wavefront perturbations prior to the optic which cancel out the distortions. Here we demonstrate two-dimensional wavefront correction of an aberrated Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror pair using adaptable refractive structures. The resulting two-dimensional wavefront is measured using hard X-ray ptychography to recover the complex probe wavefield with high spatial resolution and model the optical performance under coherent conditions. The optical performance including the beam caustic, focal profile and wavefront error is examined before and after correction with both mirrors found to be diffraction limited after correcting. The results will be applicable to a wide variety of high numerical aperture X-ray optics aiming to achieve diffraction limited focussing using low emittance sources.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 27(Pt 6): 1518-1527, 2020 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33147177


A refractive phase corrector optics is proposed for the compensation of fabrication error of X-ray optical elements. Here, at-wavelength wavefront measurements of the focused X-ray beam by knife-edge imaging technique, the design of a three-dimensional corrector plate, its fabrication by 3D printing, and use of a corrector to compensate for X-ray lens figure errors are presented. A rotationally invariant corrector was manufactured in the polymer IP-STM using additive manufacturing based on the two-photon polymerization technique. The fabricated corrector was characterized at the B16 Test beamline, Diamond Light Source, UK, showing a reduction in r.m.s. wavefront error of a Be compound refractive Lens (CRL) by a factor of six. The r.m.s. wavefront error is a figure of merit for the wavefront quality but, for X-ray lenses, with significant X-ray absorption, a form of the r.m.s. error with weighting proportional to the transmitted X-ray intensity has been proposed. The knife-edge imaging wavefront-sensing technique was adapted to measure rotationally variant wavefront errors from two different sets of Be CRL consisting of 98 and 24 lenses. The optical aberrations were then quantified using a Zernike polynomial expansion of the 2D wavefront error. The compensation by a rotationally invariant corrector plate was partial as the Be CRL wavefront error distribution was found to vary with polar angle indicating the presence of non-spherical aberration terms. A wavefront correction plate with rotationally anisotropic thickness is proposed to compensate for anisotropy in order to achieve good focusing by CRLs at beamlines operating at diffraction-limited storage rings.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 27(Pt 6): 1688-1695, 2020 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33147195


Ptychography is a scanning coherent diffraction imaging technique which provides high resolution imaging and complete spatial information of the complex electric field probe and sample transmission function. Its ability to accurately determine the illumination probe has led to its use at modern synchrotrons and free-electron lasers as a wavefront-sensing technique for optics alignment, monitoring and correction. Recent developments in the ptychography reconstruction process now incorporate a modal decomposition of the illuminating probe and relax the restriction of using sources with high spatial coherence. In this article a practical implementation of hard X-ray ptychography from a partially coherent X-ray source with a large number of modes is demonstrated experimentally. A strongly diffracting Siemens star test sample is imaged using the focused beam produced by either a Fresnel zone plate or beryllium compound refractive lens. The recovered probe from each optic is back propagated in order to plot the beam caustic and determine the precise focal size and position. The power distribution of the reconstructed probe modes also allows the quantification of the beams coherence and is compared with the values predicted by a Gaussian-Schell model and the optics exit intensity.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 24(Pt 4): 744-749, 2017 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28664880


X-ray mirrors are widely used at synchrotron radiation sources for focusing X-rays into focal spots of size less than 1 µm. The ability of the beamline optics to change the size of this spot over a range up to tens of micrometres can be an advantage for many experiments such as X-ray microprobe and X-ray diffraction from micrometre-scale crystals. It is a requirement that the beam size change should be reproducible and it is often essential that the change should be rapid, for example taking less than 1 s, in order to allow high data collection rates at modern X-ray sources. In order to provide a controlled broadening of the focused spot of an X-ray mirror, a series of refractive optical elements have been fabricated and installed immediately before the mirror. By translation, a new refractive element is moved into the X-ray beam allowing a variation in the size of the focal spot in the focusing direction. Measurements using a set of prefabricated refractive structures with a test mirror showed that the focused beam size could be varied from less than 1 µm to over 10 µm for X-rays in the energy range 10-20 keV. As the optics is in-line with the X-ray beam, there is no effect on the centroid position of the focus. Accurate positioning of the refractive optics ensures reproducibility in the focused beam profile and no additional re-alignment of the optics is required.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 4582, 2023 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37524749


Visible light optical elements such as lenses and mirrors have counterparts for X-rays. In the visible regime, a variable focusing power can be achieved by an Alvarez lens which consists of a pair of inline planar refractors with a cubic thickness profile. When the two refractors are laterally displaced in opposite directions, the parabolic component of the wavefront is changed resulting in a longitudinal displacement of the focus. This paper reports an implementation of this concept for X-rays using two planar microfabricated refractive elements. The Alvarez X-ray lens can vary the focal distance of an elliptical X-ray mirror or a planar compound X-ray lens over several millimetres. The study presents the first demonstration of an Alvarez X-ray lens which adaptively corrects defocus and astigmatism aberrations of X-ray optics. In addition, the Alvarez X-ray lens eliminates coma aberration in an elliptical mirror, to the lowest order, when combining the lens with an adjustment of the pitch angle of the mirror.