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Soft Matter ; 20(29): 5769-5780, 2024 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38984407


We study the local dynamics of a thixotropic yield stress fluid that shows a pronounced non-monotonic flow curve. This mechanically unstable behavior is generally not observable from standard rheometry tests, resulting in a stress plateau that stems from the coexistence of a flowing band with an unyielded region below a critical shear rate c. Combining ultrasound velocimetry with standard rheometry, we discover an original shear-banding scenario in the decreasing branch of the flow curve of model paraffin gels, in which the velocity profile of the flowing band is set by the applied shear rate  instead of c. As a consequence, the material slips at the walls with a velocity that shows a non-trivial dependence on the applied shear rate. To capture our observations, we propose a differential version of the so-called lever rule, describing the extent of the flowing band and the evolution of wall slip with shear rate. This phenomenological model holds down to very low shear rates, at which the dimension of the flowing band becomes comparable to the size of the individual wax particles that constitute the gel microstructure, leading to cooperative effects. Our approach provides a framework where constraints imposed in the classical shear-banding scenario can be relaxed, with wall slip acting as an additional degree of freedom.

Soft Matter ; 2024 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39028363


Soft amorphous materials are viscoelastic solids ubiquitously found around us, from clays and cementitious pastes to emulsions and physical gels encountered in food or biomedical engineering. Under an external deformation, these materials undergo a noteworthy transition from a solid to a liquid state that reshapes the material microstructure. This yielding transition was the main theme of a workshop held from January 9 to 13, 2023 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. The manuscript presented here offers a critical perspective on the subject, synthesizing insights from the various brainstorming sessions and informal discussions that unfolded during this week of vibrant exchange of ideas. The result of these exchanges takes the form of a series of open questions that represent outstanding experimental, numerical, and theoretical challenges to be tackled in the near future.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(15)2021 Apr 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33837153


Colloidal gels result from the aggregation of Brownian particles suspended in a solvent. Gelation is induced by attractive interactions between individual particles that drive the formation of clusters, which in turn aggregate to form a space-spanning structure. We study this process in aluminosilicate colloidal gels through time-resolved structural and mechanical spectroscopy. Using the time-connectivity superposition principle a series of rapidly acquired linear viscoelastic spectra, measured throughout the gelation process by applying an exponential chirp protocol, are rescaled onto a universal master curve that spans over eight orders of magnitude in reduced frequency. This analysis reveals that the underlying relaxation time spectrum of the colloidal gel is symmetric in time with power-law tails characterized by a single exponent that is set at the gel point. The microstructural mechanical network has a dual character; at short length scales and fast times it appears glassy, whereas at longer times and larger scales it is gel-like. These results can be captured by a simple three-parameter constitutive model and demonstrate that the microstructure of a mature colloidal gel bears the residual skeleton of the original sample-spanning network that is created at the gel point. Our conclusions are confirmed by applying the same technique to another well-known colloidal gel system composed of attractive silica nanoparticles. The results illustrate the power of the time-connectivity superposition principle for this class of soft glassy materials and provide a compact description for the dichotomous viscoelastic nature of weak colloidal gels.

Soft Matter ; 18(35): 6645-6659, 2022 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36004507


Colloidal gels are out-of-equilibrium soft solids composed of attractive Brownian particles that form a space-spanning network at low volume fractions. The elastic properties of these systems result from the network microstructure, which is very sensitive to shear history. Here, we take advantage of such sensitivity to tune the viscoelastic properties of a colloidal gel made of carbon black nanoparticles. Starting from a fluidized state at an applied shear rate 0, we use an abrupt flow cessation to trigger a liquid-to-solid transition. We observe that the resulting gel is all the more elastic when the shear rate 0 is low and that the viscoelastic spectra can be mapped on a master curve. Moreover, coupling rheometry to small angle X-ray scattering allows us to show that the gel microstructure is different from gels solely formed by thermal agitation where only two length scales are observed: the dimension of the colloidal and the dimension of the fractal aggregates. Competition between shear and thermal energy leads to gels with three characteristic length scales. Such gels structure in a percolated network of fractal clusters that interpenetrate each other. Experiments on gels prepared with various shear histories reveal that cluster interpenetration increases with decreasing values of the shear rate 0 applied before flow cessation. These observations strongly suggest that cluster interpenetration drives the gel elasticity, which we confirm using a structural model. Our results, which are in stark contrast to previous literature, where gel elasticity was either linked to cluster connectivity or to bending modes, highlight a novel local parameter controlling the macroscopic viscoelastic properties of colloidal gels.

Soft Matter ; 18(40): 7897-7898, 2022 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36205114


Correction for 'Interpenetration of fractal clusters drives elasticity in colloidal gels formed upon flow cessation' by Noémie Dagès et al., Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 6645-6659,

J Chem Phys ; 156(21): 214901, 2022 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35676150


Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are rodlike biosourced colloidal particles used as key building blocks in a growing number of materials with innovative mechanical or optical properties. While CNCs form stable suspensions at low volume fractions in pure water, they aggregate in the presence of salt and form colloidal gels with time-dependent properties. Here, we study the impact of salt concentration on the slow aging dynamics of CNC gels following the cessation of a high-shear flow that fully fluidizes the sample. We show that the higher the salt content, the faster the recovery of elasticity upon flow cessation. Most remarkably, the elastic modulus G' obeys a time-composition superposition principle: the temporal evolution of G' can be rescaled onto a universal sigmoidal master curve spanning 13 orders of magnitude in time for a wide range of salt concentrations. Such a rescaling is obtained through a time-shift factor that follows a steep power-law decay with increasing salt concentration until it saturates at large salt content. These findings are robust to changes in the type of salt and the CNC content. We further show that both linear and nonlinear rheological properties of CNC gels of various compositions, including, e.g., the frequency-dependence of viscoelastic spectra and the yield strain, can be rescaled based on the sample age along the general master curve. Our results provide strong evidence for universality in the aging dynamics of CNC gels and call for microstructural investigations during recovery as well as theoretical modeling of time-composition superposition in rodlike colloids.

Celulose , Nanopartículas , Celulose/química , Géis/química , Nanopartículas/química , Reologia , Suspensões
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(25): 12193-12198, 2019 06 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31164423


Dilute suspensions of repulsive particles exhibit a Newtonian response to flow that can be accurately predicted by the particle volume fraction and the viscosity of the suspending fluid. However, such a description fails when the particles are weakly attractive. In a simple shear flow, suspensions of attractive particles exhibit complex, anisotropic microstructures and flow instabilities that are poorly understood and plague industrial processes. One such phenomenon, the formation of log-rolling flocs, which is ubiquitously observed in suspensions of attractive particles that are sheared while confined between parallel plates, is an exemplar of this phenomenology. Combining experiments and discrete element simulations, we demonstrate that this shear-induced structuring is driven by hydrodynamic coupling between the flocs and the confining boundaries. Clusters of particles trigger the formation of viscous eddies that are spaced periodically and whose centers act as stable regions where particles aggregate to form flocs spanning the vorticity direction. Simulation results for the wavelength of the periodic pattern of stripes formed by the logs and for the log diameter are in quantitative agreement with experimental observations on both colloidal and noncolloidal suspensions. Numerical and experimental results are successfully combined by means of rescaling in terms of a Mason number that describes the strength of the shear flow relative to the rupture force between contacting particles in the flocs. The introduction of this dimensionless group leads to a universal stability diagram for the log-rolling structures and allows for application of shear-induced structuring as a tool for assembling and patterning suspensions of attractive particles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(14): 148003, 2021 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34652189


Soft glassy materials such as mayonnaise, wet clays, or dense microgels display a solid-to-liquid transition under external shear. Such a shear-induced transition is often associated with a nonmonotonic stress response in the form of a stress maximum referred to as "stress overshoot." This ubiquitous phenomenon is characterized by the coordinates of the maximum in terms of stress σ_{M} and strain γ_{M} that both increase as weak power laws of the applied shear rate. Here we rationalize such power-law scalings using a continuum model that predicts two different regimes in the limit of low and high applied shear rates. The corresponding exponents are directly linked to the steady-state rheology and are both associated with the nucleation and growth dynamics of a fluidized region. Our work offers a consistent framework for predicting the transient response of soft glassy materials upon startup of shear from the local flow behavior to the global rheological observables.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(24): 248006, 2020 Jun 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32639838


We sandwich a colloidal gel between two parallel plates and induce a radial flow by lifting the upper plate at a constant velocity. Two distinct scenarios result from such a tensile test: (i) stable flows during which the gel undergoes a tensile deformation without yielding, and (ii) unstable flows characterized by the radial growth of air fingers into the gel. We show that the unstable regime occurs beyond a critical energy input, independent of the gel's macroscopic yield stress. This implies a local fluidization of the gel at the tip of the growing fingers and results in the most unstable wavelength of the patterns exhibiting the characteristic scalings of the classical viscous fingering instability. Our work provides a quantitative criterion for the onset of fingering in colloidal gels based on a local shear-induced yielding in agreement with the delayed failure framework.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(24): 248001, 2019 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31922825


Dense emulsions, colloidal gels, microgels, and foams all display a solidlike behavior at rest characterized by a yield stress, above which the material flows like a liquid. Such a fluidization transition often consists of long-lasting transient flows that involve shear-banded velocity profiles. The characteristic time for full fluidization τ_{f} has been reported to decay as a power law of the shear rate γ[over ˙] and of the shear stress σ with respective exponents α and ß. Strikingly, the ratio of these exponents was empirically observed to coincide with the exponent of the Herschel-Bulkley law that describes the steady-state flow behavior of these complex fluids. Here we introduce a continuum model, based on the minimization of a "free energy," that captures quantitatively all the salient features associated with such transient shear banding. More generally, our results provide a unified theoretical framework for describing the yielding transition and the steady-state flow properties of yield stress fluids.

Soft Matter ; 15(21): 4401-4412, 2019 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31095139


Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are naturally-derived nanostructures of growing importance for the production of composites having attractive mechanical properties, and offer improved sustainability over purely petroleum-based alternatives. Fabrication of CNC composites typically involves extrusion of CNC suspensions and gels in a variety of solvents, in the presence of additives such as polymers and curing agents. Most studies so far have focused on aqueous CNC gels, yet the behavior of CNC-polymer gels in organic solvents is important to their wider processability. Here, we study the rheological behavior of composite polymer-CNC gels in dimethylformamide, which include additives for both UV and thermal crosslinking. Using rheometry coupled with in situ infrared spectroscopy, we show that under external shear, CNC-polymer gels display progressive and irreversible failure of the hydrogen bond network that is responsible for their pronounced elastic properties. In the absence of cross-linking additives, the polymer-CNC gels show an instantaneous but partial recovery of their viscoelasticity upon cessation of flow, whereas, the presence of additives allows the gels to recover over much longer timescale via van der Waals interactions. By exploring a broad range of shear history and CNC concentrations, we construct master curves for the temporal evolution of the viscoelastic properties of the polymer-CNC gels, illustrating universality of the observed dynamics with respect to gel composition and flow conditions. We find that polymer-CNC composite gels display a number of the distinctive features of colloidal glasses and, strikingly, that their response to the flow conditions encountered during processing can be tuned by chemical additives. These findings have implications for processing of dense CNC-polymer composites in solvent casting, 3D printing, and other manufacturing techniques.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(40): 11088-11093, 2016 10 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27647890


Graphene oxide (GO), the main precursor of graphene-based materials made by solution processing, is known to be very stiff. Indeed, it has a Young's modulus comparable to steel, on the order of 300 GPa. Despite its very high stiffness, we show here that GO is superflexible. We quantitatively measure the GO bending rigidity by characterizing the flattening of thermal undulations in response to shear forces in solution. Characterizations are performed by the combination of synchrotron X-ray diffraction at small angles and in situ rheology (rheo-SAXS) experiments using the high X-ray flux of a synchrotron source. The bending modulus is found to be 1 kT, which is about two orders of magnitude lower than the bending rigidity of neat graphene. This superflexibility compares with the fluidity of self-assembled liquid bilayers. This behavior is discussed by considering the mechanisms at play in bending and stretching deformations of atomic monolayers. The superflexibility of GO is a unique feature to develop bendable electronics after reduction, films, coatings, and fibers. This unique combination of properties of GO allows for flexibility in processing and fabrication coupled with a robustness in the fabricated structure.

Soft Matter ; 13(9): 1834-1852, 2017 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28177015


Motivated by recent experimental studies of rheological hysteresis in soft glassy materials, we study numerically strain rate sweeps in simple yield stress fluids and viscosity bifurcating yield stress fluids. Our simulations of downward followed by upward strain rate sweeps, performed within fluidity models and the soft glassy rheology model, successfully capture the experimentally observed monotonic decrease of the area of the rheological hysteresis loop with sweep time in simple yield stress fluids, and the bell shaped dependence of hysteresis loop area on sweep time in viscosity bifurcating fluids. We provide arguments explaining these two different functional forms in terms of differing tendencies of simple and viscosity bifurcating fluids to form shear bands during the sweeps, and show that the banding behaviour captured by our simulations indeed agrees with that reported experimentally. We also discuss the difference in hysteresis behaviour between inelastic and viscoelastic fluids. Our simulations qualitatively agree with the experimental data discussed here for four different soft glassy materials.

Soft Matter ; 11(18): 3677-85, 2015 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25812667


Biogels made of crosslinked polymers such as proteins or polysaccharides behave as porous soft solids and store large amounts of solvent. These gels undergo spontaneous aging, called syneresis, which consists of the shrinkage of the gel matrix and the progressive expulsion of solvent. As a result, a biogel originally casted in a container often loses contact with the container sidewalls, and the detachment time is difficult to anticipate a priori, since it may occur over variable time spans (from hours to days). Here we report on syneresis phenomena in agar plates, which consist of Petri dishes filled with a gel mainly composed of agar. Direct observations and speckle pattern correlation analysis allow us to rationalize the delayed detachment of the gel from the sidewall of the Petri dish. The detachment time t* is surprisingly not controlled by the mass loss as one would intuitively expect. Instead, t* is strongly correlated to the gel minimum thickness emin measured along the sidewall of the plate, and increases as a robust function of emin, independently of the prior mass-loss history. Time-resolved correlation spectroscopy atypically applied to such weakly diffusive media gives access to the local thinning rate of the gel. This technique also allows us to detect the gel micro-displacements that are triggered by water evaporation prior to the detachment, and even to anticipate the latter from a few hours. Our work provides observables to predict the detachment time of agar gels in dishes, and highlights the relevance of speckle pattern correlation analysis for the quantitative investigation of the syneresis dynamics in biopolymer gels.

Ágar/química , Géis/química , Géis/síntese química , Polissacarídeos/química , Proteínas/química , Solventes/química , Água/química
Soft Matter ; 11(46): 9026-37, 2015 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26403168


We report on the fluidization dynamics of an attractive gel composed of non-Brownian particles made of fused silica colloids. Extensive rheology coupled to ultrasonic velocimetry allows us to characterize the global stress response together with the local dynamics of the gel during shear startup experiments. In practice, after being rejuvenated by a preshear, the gel is left to age for a time tw before being subjected to a constant shear rate [small gamma, Greek, dot above]. We investigate in detail the effects of both tw and [small gamma, Greek, dot above] on the fluidization dynamics and build a detailed state diagram of the gel response to shear startup flows. The gel may display either transient shear banding towards complete fluidization or steady-state shear banding. In the former case, we unravel that the progressive fluidization occurs by successive steps that appear as peaks on the global stress relaxation signal. Flow imaging reveals that the shear band grows until complete fluidization of the material by sudden avalanche-like events which are distributed heterogeneously along the vorticity direction and correlated to large peaks in the slip velocity at the moving wall. These features are robust over a wide range of tw and [small gamma, Greek, dot above] values, although the very details of the fluidization scenario vary with [small gamma, Greek, dot above]. Finally, the critical shear rate [small gamma, Greek, dot above]* that separates steady-state shear-banding from steady-state homogeneous flow depends on the width of the shear cell and exhibits a nonlinear dependence with tw. Our work brings about valuable experimental data on transient flows of attractive dispersions, highlighting the subtle interplay between shear, wall slip and aging whose modeling constitutes a major challenge that has not been met yet.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(3): 038303, 2014 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25083668


Biomaterials such as protein or polysaccharide gels are known to behave qualitatively as soft solids and to rupture under an external load. Combining optical and ultrasonic imaging to shear rheology we show that the failure scenario of a protein gel is reminiscent of brittle solids: after a primary creep regime characterized by a power-law behavior whose exponent is fully accounted for by linear viscoelasticity, fractures nucleate and grow logarithmically perpendicularly to shear, up to the sudden rupture of the gel. A single equation accounting for those two successive processes nicely captures the full rheological response. The failure time follows a decreasing power law with the applied shear stress, similar to the Basquin law of fatigue for solids. These results are in excellent agreement with recent fiber-bundle models that include damage accumulation on elastic fibers and exemplify protein gels as model, brittlelike soft solids.

Géis/química , Modelos Químicos , Proteínas/química , Caseínas/química , Óptica e Fotônica/métodos , Polissacarídeos/química , Reologia , Resistência ao Cisalhamento , Ultrassom/métodos
Soft Matter ; 10(10): 1555-71, 2014 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24651869


The stress-induced yielding scenario of colloidal gels is investigated under rough boundary conditions by means of rheometry coupled with local velocity measurements. Under an applied shear stress σ, the fluidization of gels made of attractive carbon black particles dispersed in a mineral oil is shown to involve a previously unreported shear rate response γ dot above(t) characterized by two well-defined and separated timescales τc and τf. First γ dot above decreases as a weak power law strongly reminiscent of the primary creep observed in numerous crystalline and amorphous solids, coined the "Andrade creep". We show that the bulk deformation remains homogeneous at the micron scale, which demonstrates that whether plastic events take place or whether any shear transformation zone exists, such phenomena occur at a smaller scale. As a key result of this paper, the duration τc of this creep regime decreases as a power law of the viscous stress, defined as the difference between the applied stress and the yield stress σc, i.e. τc ∼ (σ - σc)(-ß), with ß = 2-3 depending on the gel concentration. The end of this first regime is marked by a jump of the shear rate by several orders of magnitude, while the gel slowly slides as a solid block experiencing strong wall slip at both walls, despite rough boundary conditions. Finally, a second sudden increase of the shear rate is concomitant with the full fluidization of the material which ends up being homogeneously sheared. The corresponding fluidization time τf robustly follows an exponential decay with the applied shear stress, i.e. τf = τ0 exp(-σ/σ0), as already reported for smooth boundary conditions. Varying the gel concentration C in a systematic fashion shows that the parameter σ0 and the yield stress σc exhibit similar power-law dependences with C. Finally, we highlight a few features that are common to attractive colloidal gels and to solid materials by discussing our results in the framework of theoretical approaches of solid rupture (kinetic, fiber bundle, and transient network models).

ACS Macro Lett ; : 234-239, 2024 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38301141


The present work offers a comprehensive description of the acid-induced gelation of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a water-soluble derivative of cellulose broadly used in numerous applications ranging from food packaging to biomedical engineering. Linear viscoelastic properties measured at various pH and CMC contents allow us to build a sol-gel phase diagram and show that CMC gels exhibit broad power-law viscoelastic spectra that can be rescaled onto a master curve following a time-composition superposition principle. These results demonstrate the microstructural self-similarity of CMC gels and inspire a mean-field model based on hydrophobic interchain association that accounts for the sol-gel boundary over the entire range of CMC content under study. Neutron scattering experiments further confirm this picture and suggest that CMC gels comprise a fibrous network cross-linked by aggregates. Finally, low-field NMR measurements offer an original signature of acid-induced gelation from a solvent perspective. Altogether, these results open avenues for the precise manipulation and control of CMC-based hydrogels.

Biomater Sci ; 12(7): 1738-1749, 2024 Mar 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38372031


Immediate care of skin wounds and burns is essential to repair this mechanical and chemical barrier to infections. Hydrogels have become one of the standard methods for wound care. Here, gelatine-collagen photo-crosslinkable matrixes or hydrogels were manufactured by two-photon polymerization (TPP) or one-photon UV exposure using a Digital Light Processing (DLP) setup. Both techniques are able to construct matrixes from computer-aided design models, which is important for future clinical applications in which wound dressings should be customized. Although TPP can mimic the 3D dermo-epidermal junction with a high spatial resolution (i.e., ∼6 µm3), the manufacturing time was too slow to produce large wound dressings. Therefore, a DLP setup was explored in this study to fabricate large 2D matrixes of several cm2 using the same photo-resist as for TPP, except for the photoinitiator. The fibroblast viability, adherence, and proliferation were analysed in time on both 3D and 2D matrixes in vitro using two-photon microscopy. For both types of matrixes, the adherence and proliferation of fibroblasts (3T3-NIH) were optimal for stiff structures with a Young's modulus of 191 ± 35 kPa compared to softer matrixes of 37 ± 12 kPa. Fibroblast showed complete confluence on Day 14 after seeding on these matrixes, which may create the granulation tissue composed of fibronectin, collagen, and various proteoglycans in the future dermis before repair of the epidermis and disintegrating of their host matrix. For the monitoring of this repair, gelatine-collagen matrixes can easily incorporate bio-optical sensors for the simultaneous monitoring of inflammation processes and wound healing in time.

Gelatina , Pele , Colágeno , Regeneração , Hidrogéis
Biomater Adv ; 164: 213980, 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39126900


New therapeutic approaches to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus relies on pancreatic islet transplantation. Here, developing immuno-isolation strategies is essential to eliminate the need for systemic immunosuppression after pancreatic islet grafts. A solution is the macro-encapsulation of grafts in semipermeable matrixes with a double function: separating islets from host immune cells and facilitating the diffusion of insulin, glucose, and other metabolites. This study aims to synthesize and characterize different types of gelatin-collagen matrixes to prepare a macro-encapsulation device for pancreatic islets that fulfill these functions. While natural polymers exhibit superior biocompatibility compared to synthetic ones, their mechanical properties are challenging to reproduce. To address this issue, we conducted a comparative analysis between photo-crosslinked gelatin matrixes and chemically crosslinked collagen matrixes. We show that the different crosslinkers and polymerization methods influence the survival and glucose-stimulated insulin production of pancreatic ß cells (INS1) in vitro, as well as the in vitro and in vivo stability of the matrix and the immuno-isolation in vivo. Among the matrixes, the stiff multilayer GelMA matrixes (8.5 kPa), fabricated by digital light processing, were the best suited for pancreatic ß cells macro-encapsulation regarding these parameters. Within the alveoli of this matrix, pancreatic ß cells spontaneously formed aggregates.