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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(12)2021 03 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33731478


Although its mesomorphic properties have been studied for many years, only recently has the molecule of life begun to reveal the true range of its rich liquid crystalline behavior. End-to-end interactions between concentrated, ultrashort DNA duplexes-driving the self-assembly of aggregates that organize into liquid crystal phases-and the incorporation of flexible single-stranded "gaps" in otherwise fully paired duplexes-producing clear evidence of an elementary lamellar (smectic-A) phase in DNA solutions-are two exciting developments that have opened avenues for discovery. Here, we report on a wider investigation of the nature and temperature dependence of smectic ordering in concentrated solutions of various "gapped" DNA (GDNA) constructs. We examine symmetric GDNA constructs consisting of two 48-base pair duplex segments bridged by a single-stranded sequence of 2 to 20 thymine bases. Two distinct smectic layer structures are observed for DNA concentration in the range [Formula: see text] mg/mL. One exhibits an interlayer periodicity comparable with two-duplex lengths ("bilayer" structure), and the other has a period similar to a single-duplex length ("monolayer" structure). The bilayer structure is observed for gap length ≳10 bases and melts into the cholesteric phase at a temperature between 30 °C and 35 °C. The monolayer structure predominates for gap length ≲10 bases and persists to [Formula: see text]C. We discuss models for the two layer structures and mechanisms for their stability. We also report results for asymmetric gapped constructs and for constructs with terminal overhangs, which further support the model layer structures.

DNA/química , Cristais Líquidos/química , Estrutura Molecular , Soluções
Nanotechnology ; 34(32)2023 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37141868


Autonomous experimentation (AE) is an emerging paradigm that seeks to automate the entire workflow of an experiment, including-crucially-the decision-making step. Beyond mere automation and efficiency, AE aims to liberate scientists to tackle more challenging and complex problems. We describe our recent progress in the application of this concept at synchrotron x-ray scattering beamlines. We automate the measurement instrument, data analysis, and decision-making, and couple them into an autonomous loop. We exploit Gaussian process modeling to compute a surrogate model and associated uncertainty for the experimental problem, and define an objective function exploiting these. We provide example applications of AE to x-ray scattering, including imaging of samples, exploration of physical spaces through combinatorial methods, and coupling toin situprocessing platforms These uses demonstrate how autonomous x-ray scattering can enhance efficiency, and discover new materials.

Nat Mater ; 19(7): 789-796, 2020 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31932669


The ability to organize nanoscale objects into well-defined three-dimensional (3D) arrays can translate advances in nanoscale synthesis into targeted material fabrication. Despite successes in nanoparticle assembly, most extant methods are system specific and not fully compatible with biomolecules. Here, we report a platform for creating distinct 3D ordered arrays from different nanomaterials using DNA-prescribed and valence-controlled material voxels. These material voxels consist of 3D DNA frames that integrate nano-objects within their scaffold, thus enabling the object's valence and coordination to be determined by the frame's vertices, which can bind to each other through hybridization. Such DNA material voxels define the lattice symmetry through the spatially prescribed valence decoupling the 3D assembly process from the nature of the nanocomponents, such as their intrinsic properties and shapes. We show this by assembling metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles and also protein superlattices. We support the technological potential of such an assembly approach by fabricating light-emitting 3D arrays with diffraction-limited spectral purity and 3D enzymatic arrays with increased activity.

DNA de Cadeia Simples/química , Nanoestruturas/química , Engenharia Química , Cristalização , Estrutura Molecular
Soft Matter ; 17(21): 5444, 2021 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34008664


Correction for 'Shear-induced polydomain structures of nematic lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal disodium cromoglycate' by Hend Baza et al., Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 8565-8576.

Soft Matter ; 16(37): 8565-8576, 2020 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32785364


Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals (LCLCs) represent aqueous dispersions of organic disk-like molecules that form cylindrical aggregates. Despite the growing interest in these materials, their flow behavior is poorly understood. Here, we explore the effect of shear on dynamic structures of the nematic LCLC, formed by 14 wt% water dispersion of disodium cromoglycate (DSCG). We employ in situ polarizing optical microscopy (POM) and small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) to obtain independent and complementary information on the director structures over a wide range of shear rates. The DSCG nematic shows a shear-thinning behavior with two shear-thinning regions (Region I at [small gamma, Greek, dot above] < 1 s-1 and Region III at [small gamma, Greek, dot above] > 10 s-1) separated by a pseudo-Newtonian Region II (1 s-1 < [small gamma, Greek, dot above] < 10 s-1). The material is of a tumbling type. In Region I, [small gamma, Greek, dot above] < 1 s-1, the director realigns along the vorticity axis. An increase of [small gamma, Greek, dot above] above 1 s-1 triggers nucleation of disclination loops. The disclinations introduce patches of the director that deviates from the vorticity direction and form a polydomain texture. Extension of the domains along the flow and along the vorticity direction decreases with the increase of the shear rate to 10 s-1. Above 10 s-1, the domains begin to elongate along the flow. At [small gamma, Greek, dot above] > 100 s-1, the texture evolves into periodic stripes in which the director is predominantly along the flow with left and right tilts. The period of stripes decreases with an increase of [small gamma, Greek, dot above]. The shear-induced transformations are explained by the balance of the elastic and viscous energies. In particular, nucleation of disclinations is associated with an increase of the elastic energy at the walls separating nonsingular domains with different director tilts. The uncovered shear-induced structural effects would be of importance in the further development of LCLC applications.

Soft Matter ; 15(2): 227-236, 2019 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30543258


An energy dissipation mechanism during deformation is required to impart toughness to hydrogels. Here we describe how in situ small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) provides insight into possible energy dissipation mechanisms for a tough hydrogel based on an amphiphilic copolymer where nanoscale associations of the hydrophobic moieties act as effective crosslinks. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels are intimately coupled with the nanostructure that provides reversible crosslinks and evolves during deformation. As the extension rate increases, more mechanical energy is dissipated from rearrangements of the crosslinks. The scattering is consistent with hopping of hydrophobes between the nanoscale aggregates as the primary rearrangement mechanism. This rearrangement changes the network conformation that leads to non-affine deformation, where the change in the nanostructure dimension from SAXS is less than 15% of the total macroscopic strain. These nanostructure changes are rate dependent and correlated with the relaxation time of the hydrogel. At low strain rate (0.15% s-1), no significant change of the nanostructure was observed, whereas at higher strain rates (1.5% s-1 and 8.4% s-1) significant nanostructure anisotropy occurred during extension. These differences are attributed to the ability for the network chains to rearrange on the time scale of the deformation; when the characteristic time for extension is longer than the average segmental relaxation time, no significant change in nanostructure occurs on uniaxial extension. These results illustrate the importance of strain rate in the mechanical characterization and consideration of relaxation time in the design of tough hydrogels with reversible crosslinks.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 4): 1261-1270, 2018 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29979189


Xi-cam is an extensible platform for data management, analysis and visualization. Xi-cam aims to provide a flexible and extensible approach to synchrotron data treatment as a solution to rising demands for high-volume/high-throughput processing pipelines. The core of Xi-cam is an extensible plugin-based graphical user interface platform which provides users with an interactive interface to processing algorithms. Plugins are available for SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/GIWAXS, tomography and NEXAFS data. With Xi-cam's `advanced' mode, data processing steps are designed as a graph-based workflow, which can be executed live, locally or remotely. Remote execution utilizes high-performance computing or de-localized resources, allowing for the effective reduction of high-throughput data. Xi-cam's plugin-based architecture targets cross-facility and cross-technique collaborative development, in support of multi-modal analysis. Xi-cam is open-source and cross-platform, and available for download on GitHub.

Langmuir ; 34(30): 8767-8776, 2018 07 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29975064


The low intrinsic conductivity of sulfur necessitates conductive additives, such as mesoporous carbons, to the cathode to enable high-performance metal-sulfur batteries. Simultaneous efforts to address polysulfide shuttling have introduced nitrogen-doped carbons to provide both conductivity and suppressed shuttling because of their strong interaction with sulfur. The strength of this interaction will impact the ability to fill the mesopores with sulfur via melt infusion. Here, we systematically investigate how nitrogen doping influences the rate that molten sulfur can infiltrate the mesopores and the overall extent of pore filling of highly ordered mesoporous doped carbons using in situ small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The similarity in electron density between molten sulfur and the soft carbon framework of the mesoporous material leads to a precipitous decrease in the scattered intensity associated with the ordered structure as voids are filled with sulfur. As the nitrogen doping increases from 1 to 20 at. %, the effective diffusivity of sulfur in the mesopores decreases by an order of magnitude (2.7 × 10-8 to 2.3 × 10-9 cm/s). The scattering becomes nearly invariant within 20 min of melt infiltration at 155 °C for all but the most doped carbon, which indicates that submicron-sized mesoporous carbon particles can be filled rapidly. Additionally, the nitrogen doping decreases the sulfur content that can be accommodated within the mesopores from 95% of the mesopores filled without doping to only 64% filled with 20 at. % N as determined by the residual scattering intensity. Sulfur does not crystallize within the mesopores of the nitrogen-doped carbons, which is further indicative of the strong interactions between the nitrogen species and sulfur that can inhibit polysulfide shuttling. In situ SAXS provides insights into the diffusion of sulfur in mesopores and how the surface chemistry of nitrogen-doped carbon appears to significantly hinder the infiltration by sulfur.

Soft Matter ; 14(19): 3929-3934, 2018 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29736540


Stimuli-responsive 2D nanoscale systems offer intriguing opportunities for creating switchable interfaces. At liquid interfaces, such systems can provide control over interfacial energies, surface structure, and rheological and transport characteristics, which is relevant, for example, to bio- and chemical reactors, microfluidic devices, and soft robotics. Here, we explore the formation of a pH-responsive membrane formed from gold nanoparticles grafted with DNA (DNA-NPs) at a liquid-vapor interface. A DNA-NP 2D hexagonal lattice can be reversibly switched by pH modulation between an expanded state of non-connected nanoparticles at neutral pH and a contracted state of linked nanoparticles at acidic pH due to the AH+-H+A base pairing between A-motifs. Our in situ surface X-ray scattering studies reveal that the reversible lattice contraction can be tuned by the length of pH-activated linkers, with up to ∼71% change in surface area.

Soft Matter ; 14(7): 1108-1119, 2018 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29340434


Here we report a link between the interfacial structure and adhesive property of homopolymer chains physically adsorbed (i.e., via physisorption) onto solids. Polyethylene oxide (PEO) was used as a model and two different chain conformations of the adsorbed polymer were created on silicon substrates via the well-established Guiselin's approach: "flattened chains" which lie flat on the solid and are densely packed, and "loosely adsorbed polymer chains" which form bridges jointing up nearby empty sites on the solid surface and cover the flattened chains. We investigated the adhesion properties of the two different adsorbed chains using a custom-built adhesion testing device. Bilayers of a thick PEO overlayer on top of the flattened chains or loosely adsorbed chains were subjected to the adhesion test. The results revealed that the flattened chains do not show any adhesion even with the chemically identical free polymer on top, while the loosely adsorbed chains exhibit adhesion. Neutron reflectivity experiments corroborated that the difference in the interfacial adhesion is not attributed to the interfacial brodening at the free polymer-adsorbed polymer interface. Instead, coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation results suggest that the tail parts of the loosely adsorbed chains act as "connector molecules", bridging the free chains and substrate surface and improving the interfacial adhesion. These findings not only shed light on the structure-property relationship at the interface, but also provide a novel approach for developing sticking/anti-sticking technologies through precise control of the interfacial polymer nanostructures.

Soft Matter ; 13(39): 7074-7084, 2017 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28848986


Crystal orientation in semi-crystalline polymers tends to enhance their performance, such as increased yield strength and modulus, along the orientation direction. Zone annealing (ZA) orients the crystal lamellae through a sharp temperature gradient that effectively directs the crystal growth, but the sweep rate (VZA) of this gradient significantly impacts the extent of crystal orientation. Here, we demonstrate rotational zone annealing (RZA) as an efficient method to elucidate the influence of VZA on the crystal morphology of thin films in a single experiment using isotactic poly(1-butene), PB-1, as a model semi-crystalline polymer. These RZA results are confirmed using standard, serial linear ZA to tune the structure from an almost unidirectional oriented morphology to weakly oriented spherulites. The overall crystallinity is only modestly changed in comparison to isothermal crystallization (maximum of 55% from ZA vs. 48% for isothermal crystallization). However, the average grain size increases and the spherulites become anisotropic from ZA. Due to these structural changes, the Young's modulus of the oriented films, both parallel and perpendicular to the spherulite orientation direction, is significantly increased by ZA. The modulus does become anisotropic after ZA due to the directionality in the crystal structure, with more than a threefold increase in the modulus parallel to the orientation direction for the highest oriented film in comparison to the modulus from isothermal crystallization. RZA enables rapid identification of conditions to maximize orientation of crystals in thin polymer films, which could find utility in determining conditions to improve crystallinity and performance in organic electronics.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(2): 519-31, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26917140


The need for functional materials calls for increasing complexity in self-assembly systems. As a result, the ability to probe both local structure and heterogeneities, such as phase-coexistence and domain morphologies, has become increasingly important to controlling self-assembly processes, including those at liquid surfaces. The traditional X-ray scattering methods for liquid surfaces, such as specular reflectivity and grazing-incidence diffraction, are not well suited to spatially resolving lateral heterogeneities due to large illuminated footprint. A possible alternative approach is to use scanning transmission X-ray scattering to simultaneously probe local intermolecular structures and heterogeneous domain morphologies on liquid surfaces. To test the feasibility of this approach, transmission small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (TSAXS/TWAXS) studies of Langmuir films formed on water meniscus against a vertically immersed hydrophilic Si substrate were recently carried out. First-order diffraction rings were observed in TSAXS patterns from a monolayer of hexagonally packed gold nanoparticles and in TWAXS patterns from a monolayer of fluorinated fatty acids, both as a Langmuir monolayer on water meniscus and as a Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer on the substrate. The patterns taken at multiple spots have been analyzed to extract the shape of the meniscus surface and the ordered-monolayer coverage as a function of spot position. These results, together with continual improvement in the brightness and spot size of X-ray beams available at synchrotron facilities, support the possibility of using scanning-probe TSAXS/TWAXS to characterize heterogeneous structures at liquid surfaces.

Langmuir ; 32(42): 10851-10860, 2016 Oct 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27709955


We report the effects of compressed CO2 molecules as a novel plasticization agent for poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)-conjugated polymer thin films. In situ neutron reflectivity experiments demonstrated the excess sorption of CO2 molecules in the P3HT thin films (about 40 nm in thickness) at low pressure (P = 8.2 MPa) under the isothermal condition of T = 36 °C, which is far below the polymer bulk melting point. The results proved that these CO2 molecules accelerated the crystallization process of the polymer on the basis of ex situ grazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements after drying the films via rapid depressurization to atmospheric pressure: both the out-of-plane lamellar ordering of the backbone chains and the intraplane π-π stacking of the side chains were significantly improved, when compared with those in the control P3HT films subjected to conventional thermal annealing (at T = 170 °C). Electrical measurements elucidated that the CO2-annealed P3HT thin films exhibited enhanced charge carrier mobility along with decreased background charge carrier concentration and trap density compared with those in the thermally annealed counterpart. This is attributed to the CO2-induced increase in polymer chain mobility that can drive the detrapping of molecular oxygen and healing of conformational defects in the polymer thin film. Given the universality of the excess sorption of CO2 regardless of the type of polymers, the present findings suggest that CO2 annealing near the critical point can be useful as a robust processing strategy for improving the structural and electrical characteristics of other semiconducting conjugated polymers and related systems such as polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction films.

J Am Chem Soc ; 136(23): 8323-32, 2014 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24803304


DNA-driven assembly of nanoscale objects has emerged as a powerful platform for the creation of materials by design via self-assembly. Recent years have seen much progress in the experimental realization of this approach for three-dimensional systems. In contrast, two-dimensional (2D) programmable nanoparticle (NP) systems are not well explored, in part due to the difficulties in creating such systems. Here we demonstrate the use of charged liquid interfaces for the assembly and reorganization of 2D systems of DNA-coated NPs. The absorption of DNA-coated NPs to the surface is controlled by the interaction between a positively charged lipid layer and the negatively charged DNA shells of particles. At the same time, interparticle interactions are switchable, from electrostatic repulsion between DNA shells to attraction driven by DNA complementarity, by increasing ionic strength. Using in situ surface X-ray scattering methods and ex situ electron microscopy, we reveal the corresponding structural transformation of the NP monolayer, from a hexagonally ordered 2D lattice to string-like clusters and finally to a weakly ordered network of DNA cross-linked particles. Moreover, we demonstrate that the ability to regulate 2D morphology yields control of the interfacial rheological properties of the NP membrane: from viscous to elastic. Theoretical modeling suggests that the structural adaptivity of interparticle DNA linkages plays a crucial role in the observed 2D transformation of DNA-NP systems at liquid interfaces.

DNA/química , Nanopartículas/química , Água/química , Microscopia Eletrônica , Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Concentração Osmolar , Espalhamento de Radiação , Eletricidade Estática , Propriedades de Superfície
Soft Matter ; 10(34): 6392-403, 2014 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24930998


The effects of CO2 annealing on the melting and subsequent melt crystallization processes of spin-cast poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) ultrathin films (20-100 nm in thickness) prepared on Si substrates were investigated. By using in situ neutron reflectivity, we found that all the PEO thin films show melting at a pressure as low as P = 2.9 MPa and at T = 48 °C which is below the bulk melting temperature (Tm). The films were then subjected to quick depressurization to atmospheric pressure, resulting in the non-equilibrium swollen state, and the melt crystallization (and/or dewetting) process was carried out in air via subsequent annealing at given temperatures below Tm. Detailed structural characterization using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and polarized optical microscopy revealed two unique aspects of the CO2-treated PEO films: (i) a flat-on lamellar orientation, where the molecular chains stand normal to the film surface, is formed within the entire film regardless of the original film thickness and the annealing temperature; and (ii) the dewetting kinetics for the 20 nm thick film is much slower than that for the thicker films. The key to these phenomena is the formation of irreversibly adsorbed layers on the substrates during the CO2 annealing: the limited plasticization effect of CO2 at the polymer-substrate interface promotes polymer adsorption rather than melting. Here we explain the mechanisms of the melt crystallization and dewetting processes where the adsorbed layers play vital roles.

Soft Matter ; 9(40): 9633-42, 2013 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26029772


We investigate two-dimensional (2D) assembly of the icosahedral turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) under cationic lipid monolayers at the aqueous solution­vapor interface. The 2D crystallization of TYMV has been achieved by enhancing electrostatically induced interfacial adsorption, an approach recently demonstrated for another virus. In situ X-ray scattering reveals two close-packed 2D crystalline phases of TYMV that are distinct from the previously reported hexagonal and centered square (√2 × âˆš2) arrays of TYMV. One of the newly observed phases arises from either a dimeric double-square (2 × 1) or tetrameric square (2 × 2) unit cell. The other is a rhombic crystal with a lattice angle of 80°. The two observed crystal phases are substantially less dense (by over 10%) than a 2D lattice of TYMV could be according to its known size and shape, indicating that local anisotropic interparticle interactions play a key role in stabilizing these crystals. TYMV's anisotropy attributes and numerical analysis of 2D arrays of virus-shaped particles are used to derive a model for the rhombic crystal in which the particle orientation is consistent with the electrostatic lipid­TYMV attraction and the interparticle contacts exhibit steric complementarity. The interplay between particle anisotropy and packing is contrasted between the rhombic crystal model and the square (√2 × âˆš2) crystal. This study highlights how the high symmetry and subtle asphericity of icosahedral particles enrich the variety and complexity of ordered 2D structures that can be generated through self-assembly.

Tymovirus/química , Tymovirus/ultraestrutura , Adsorção , Anisotropia , Cristalização , Modelos Químicos , Espalhamento de Radiação , Eletricidade Estática
Sci Adv ; 9(2): eadd3687, 2023 Jan 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36638174


The directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) is a powerful approach to fabricate complex nanostructure arrays, but finding morphologies that emerge with changes in polymer architecture, composition, or assembly constraints remains daunting because of the increased dimensionality of the DSA design space. Here, we demonstrate machine-guided discovery of emergent morphologies from a cylinder/lamellae BCP blend directed by a chemical grating template, conducted without direct human intervention on a synchrotron x-ray scattering beamline. This approach maps the morphology-template phase space in a fraction of the time required by manual characterization and highlights regions deserving more detailed investigation. These studies reveal localized, template-directed partitioning of coexisting lamella- and cylinder-like subdomains at the template period length scale, manifesting as previously unknown morphologies such as aligned alternating subdomains, bilayers, or a "ladder" morphology. This work underscores the pivotal role that autonomous characterization can play in advancing the paradigm of DSA.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(50): 57941-57949, 2023 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37816032


The tunable properties of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), through polymer chemistry manipulations, enable these technologically critical materials to be employed in a broad range of applications. The need to "dial-in" the mechanical properties and responses of TPEs generally requires the design and synthesis of new macromolecules. In these designs, TPEs with nonlinear macromolecular architectures outperform the mechanical properties of their linear copolymer counterparts, but the differences in the deformation mechanism providing enhanced performance are unknown. Here, in situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements during uniaxial extension reveal distinct deformation mechanisms between a commercially available linear poly(styrene)-poly(butadiene)-poly(styrene) (SBS) triblock copolymer and the grafted SBS version containing grafted poly(styrene) (PS) chains from the poly(butadiene) (PBD) midblock. The neat SBS (φSBS = 100%) sample deforms congruently with the macroscopic dimensions, with the domain spacing between spheres increasing and decreasing along and transverse to the stretch direction, respectively. At high extensions, end segment pullout from the PS-rich domains is detected, which is indicated by a disordering of SBS. Conversely, the PS-grafted SBS that is 30 vol % SBS and 70% styrene (φSBS = 30%) exhibits a lamellar morphology, and in situ SAXS measurements reveal an unexpected deformation mechanism. During deformation, there are two simultaneous processes: significant lamellar domain rearrangement to preferentially orient the lamellae planes parallel to the stretch direction and crazing. The samples whiten at high strains as expected for crazing, which corresponds with the emergence of features in the 2D SAXS pattern during stretching consistent with fibril-like structures that bridge the voids in crazes. The significant domain rearrangement in the grafted copolymers is attributed to the new junctions formed across multiple PS domains by the grafting of a single chain. The in situ SAXS measurements provide insights into the enhanced mechanical properties of grafted copolymers that arise through improved physical cross-linking that leads to nanostructure domain reorientation for self-reinforcement and craze formation where fibrils help to strengthen the polymer.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(29): 5544-5554, 2022 07 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35833757


The local environment within a hydrogel influences the properties of water, including the propensity for ice crystallization. Water-swollen amphiphilic copolymers produce tunable nanoscale environments, which are defined by hydrophobic associations, for the water molecules. Here, the antifreeze properties for equilibrium-swollen amphiphilic copolymers with a common hydrophilic component, hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA), but associated through crystalline (octadecyl acrylate, ODA) or rubbery (ethylhexyl acrylate, EHA) hydrophobic segments, are examined. Differences in the efficacy of the associations can be clearly enunciated from compositional solubility limits for the copolymers in water (<2.6 mol % ODA vs ≤14 mol % EHA), and these differences can be attributed to the strength of the association. The equilibrium-swollen HEA-ODA copolymers are viscoelastic solids, while the swollen HEA-EHA copolymers are viscoelastic liquids. Cooling these swollen copolymers to nearly 200 K induces some crystallization of the water, where the fraction of water frozen depends on the details of the nanostructure. Decreasing the mean free path of water by increasing the ODA composition from 10 to 25 mol % leads to fractionally more unfrozen water (66-87%). The swollen HEA-EHA copolymers only marginally inhibit ice (<13%) except with 45 mol % EHA, where nearly 60% of the water remains amorphous on cooling to 200 K. In general, the addition of the EHA leads to less effective ice inhibition than analogous covalently crosslinked HEA hydrogels (19.9 ± 1.8%). These results illustrate that fluidity of confining surfaces can provide pathways for critical nuclei to form and crystal growth to proceed.

Hidrogéis , Água , Acrilatos/química , Cristalização , Gelo , Polímeros/química , Água/química
Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6947, 2022 11 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36376380


Block copolymers spontaneously self-assemble into well-defined nanoscale morphologies. Yet equilibrium assembly gives rise to a limited set of structures. Non-equilibrium strategies can, in principle, expand diversity by exploiting self-assembly's responsive nature. In this vein, we developed a pathway priming strategy combining control of thin film initial configurations and ordering history. We sequentially coat distinct materials to form prescribed initial states, and use thermal annealing to evolve these manifestly non-equilibrium states through the assembly landscape, traversing normally inaccessible transient structures. We explore the enormous associated hyperspace, spanning processing (annealing temperature and time), material (composition and molecular weight), and layering (thickness and order) dimensions. We demonstrate a library of exotic non-native morphologies, including vertically-oriented perforated lamellae, aqueduct structures (vertical lamellar walls with substrate-pinned perforations), parapets (crenellated lamellae), and networks of crisscrossing lamellae. This enhanced structural control can be used to modify functional properties, including accessing regimes that surpass their equilibrium analogs.

Polímeros , Polímeros/química