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Nano Lett ; 24(2): 640-648, 2024 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166209


We demonstrate an important step toward on-chip integration of single-photon sources at room temperature. Excellent photon directionality is achieved with a hybrid metal-dielectric bullseye antenna, while back-excitation is permitted by placement of the emitter in a subwavelength hole positioned at its center. The unique design enables a direct back-excitation and very efficient front coupling of emission either to a low numerical aperture (NA) optics or directly to an optical fiber. To show the versatility of the concept, we fabricate devices containing either a colloidal quantum dot or a nanodiamond containing silicon-vacancy centers, which are accurately positioned using two different nanopositioning methods. Both of these back-excited devices display front collection efficiencies of ∼70% at NAs as low as 0.5. The combination of back-excitation with forward directionality enables direct coupling of the emitted photons into a proximal optical fiber without any coupling optics, thereby facilitating and simplifying future integration.

Nat Mater ; 22(11): 1311-1316, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37592028


Quantum light emitters capable of generating single photons with circular polarization and non-classical statistics could enable non-reciprocal single-photon devices and deterministic spin-photon interfaces for quantum networks. To date, the emission of such chiral quantum light relies on the application of intense external magnetic fields, electrical/optical injection of spin-polarized carriers/excitons or coupling with complex photonic metastructures. Here we report the creation of free-space chiral quantum light emitters via the nanoindentation of monolayer WSe2/NiPS3 heterostructures at zero external magnetic field. These quantum light emitters emit with a high degree of circular polarization (0.89) and single-photon purity (95%), independent of pump laser polarization. Scanning diamond nitrogen-vacancy microscopy and temperature-dependent magneto-photoluminescence studies reveal that the chiral quantum light emission arises from magnetic proximity interactions between localized excitons in the WSe2 monolayer and the out-of-plane magnetization of defects in the antiferromagnetic order of NiPS3, both of which are co-localized by strain fields associated with the nanoscale indentations.

Nano Lett ; 23(23): 11006-11012, 2023 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38038967


Interlayer excitons (IXs) formed at the interface of van der Waals materials possess various novel properties. In parallel development, strain engineering has emerged as an effective means for creating 2D quantum emitters. Exploring the intersection of these two exciting areas, we use MoS2/WSe2 heterostructure as a model system and demonstrate how strain, defects, and layering can be utilized to create defect-bound IXs capable of bright, robust, and tunable quantum light emission in the technologically important near-infrared spectral range. Our work presents defect-bound IXs as a promising platform for pushing the performance of 2D quantum emitters beyond their current limitations.

Nanotechnology ; 33(45)2022 Aug 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35853401


Akiyama atomic force microscopy probes represent a unique means of combining several of the desirable properties of tuning fork and cantilever probe designs. As a hybridized mechanical resonator, the vibrational characteristics of Akiyama probes result from a complex coupling between the intrinsic vibrational eigenmodes of its constituent tuning fork and bridging cantilever components. Through a combination of finite element analysis modeling and experimental measurements of the thermal vibrations of Akiyama probes we identify a complex series of vibrational eigenmodes and measure their frequencies, quality factors, and spring constants. We then demonstrate the viability of Akiyama probes to perform bimodal multi-frequency force sensing by performing a multimodal measurement of a surface's nanoscale photothermal response using photo-induced force microscopy imaging techniques. Further performing a parametric search over alternative Akiyama probe geometries, we propose two modified probe designs to enhance the capability of Akiyama probes to perform sensitive bimodal multifrequency force sensing measurements.

Nanotechnology ; 34(8)2022 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36395493


Atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), like MoS2with high carrier mobilities and tunable electron dispersions, are unique active material candidates for next generation opto-electronic devices. Previous studies on ion irradiation show great potential applications when applied to two-dimensional (2D) materials, yet have been limited to micron size exfoliated flakes or smaller. To demonstrate the scalability of this method for industrial applications, we report the application of relatively low power (50 keV)4He+ion irradiation towards tuning the optoelectronic properties of an epitaxially grown continuous film of MoS2at the wafer scale, and demonstrate that precise manipulation of atomistic defects can be achieved in TMD films using ion implanters. The effect of4He+ion fluence on the PL and Raman signatures of the irradiated film provides new insights into the type and concentration of defects formed in the MoS2lattice, which are quantified through ion beam analysis. PL and Raman spectroscopy indicate that point defects are generated without causing disruption to the underlying lattice structure of the 2D films and hence, this technique can prove to be an effective way to achieve defect-mediated control over the opto-electronic properties of MoS2and other 2D materials.

Small ; 17(13): e2006977, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33690965


A low-temperature polarization-resolved magneto-photoluminescence experiment is performed on individual PbS/CdS core/shell quantum dots (QDs). The experiment enables a direct measurement of the exciton Landé g factor and the anisotropic zero-field splitting of the lowest emissive bright exciton triplet in PbS/CdS QDs. While anisotropic splittings of individual QDs distribute randomly in 104-325 µeV range, the exciton Landé g factors increase from 0.95 to 2.70 as the emission energy of the QD increases from 1.0 to 1.2 eV. The tight-binding calculations allow to rationalize these trends as a direct consequence of reducing a cubic symmetry of QD via addition/removal of a few (<70) atoms from the surfaces of the PbS core. Furthermore, it is observed that while right (σ  + ) and left (σ  - ) circularly polarized photoluminescence (PL) peaks split linearly with magnetic field as expected for Zeeman effect, the energy splitting between X and Y linearly polarized PL peaks remains nearly unchanged. The theoretical study reveals rich and complex magnetic field-induced interplay of bright triplet and dark exciton states explaining this puzzling behavior. These findings fill the missing gaps in the understanding of lead salt QDs and provide foundation for development of classical and quantum light sources operating at telecommunication wavelengths.

Acc Chem Res ; 53(9): 1791-1801, 2020 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32805109


ConspectusSingle-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) show promise as light sources for modern fiber optical communications due to their emission wavelengths tunable via chirality and diameter dependency. However, the emission quantum yields are relatively low owing to the existence of low-lying dark electronic states and fast excitonic diffusion leading to carrier quenching at defects. Covalent functionalization of SWCNTs addresses this problem by brightening their infrared emission. Namely, introduction of sp3-hybridized defects makes the lowest energy transitions optically active for some defect geometries and enables further control of their optical properties. Such functionalized SWCNTs are currently the only material exhibiting room-temperature single photon emission at telecom relevant infrared wavelengths. While this fluorescence is strong and has the right wavelength, functionalization introduces a variety of emission peaks resulting in spectrally broad inhomogeneous photoluminescence that prohibits the use of SWCNTs in practical applications. Consequently, there is a strong need to control the emission diversity in order to render these materials useful for applications. Recent experimental and computational work has attributed the emissive diversity to the presence of multiple localized defect geometries each resulting in distinct emission energy. This Account outlines methods by which the morphology of the defect in functionalized SWCNTs can be controlled to reduce emissive diversity and to tune the fluorescence wavelengths. The chirality-dependent trends of emission energies with respect to individual defect morphologies are explored. It is demonstrated that defect geometries originating from functionalization of SWCNT carbon atoms along bonds with strong π-orbital mismatch are favorable. Furthermore, the effect of controlling the defect itself through use of different chemical groups is also discussed. Such tunability is enabled due to the formation of specific defect geometries in close proximity to other existing defects. This takes advantage of the changes in π-orbital mismatch enforced by existing defects and the resulting changes in reactivities toward formation of specific defect morphologies. Furthermore, the trends in emissive energies are highly dependent on the value of mod(n-m,3) for an (n,m) tube chirality. These powerful concepts allow for a targeted formation of defects that emit at desired energies based on SWCNT single chirality enriched samples. Finally, the impact of functionalization with specific types of defects that enforce certain defect geometries due to steric constraints in bond lengths and angles to the SWCNT are discussed. We further relate to a similar effect that is present in systems where high density of surface defects is formed due to high reactant concentration. The outlined strategies suggested by simulations are instrumental in guiding experimental efforts toward the generation of functionalized SWCNTs with tunable emission energies.

J Chem Phys ; 152(12): 124713, 2020 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32241141


The use of the varied chemical reactivity of precursors to drive the production of a desired nanocrystal architecture has become a common method to grow thick-shell graded alloy quantum dots (QDs) with robust optical properties. Conclusions on their behavior assume the ideal chemical gradation and uniform particle composition. Here, advanced analytical electron microscopy (high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy) is used to confirm the nature and extent of compositional gradation and these data are compared with performance behavior obtained from single-nanocrystal spectroscopy to elucidate structure, chemical-composition, and optical-property correlations. Specifically, the evolution of the chemical structure and single-nanocrystal luminescence was determined for a time-series of graded-alloy "CdZnSSe/ZnS" core/shell QDs prepared in a single-pot reaction. In a separate step, thick (∼6 monolayers) to giant (>14 monolayers) shells of ZnS were added to the alloyed QDs via a successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) process, and the impact of this shell on the optical performance was also assessed. By determining the degree of alloying for each component element on a per-particle basis, we observe that the actual product from the single-pot reaction is less "graded" in Cd and more so in Se than anticipated, with Se extending throughout the structure. The latter suggests much slower Se reaction kinetics than expected or an ability of Se to diffuse away from the initially nucleated core. It was also found that the subsequent growth of thick phase-pure ZnS shells by the SILAR method was required to significantly reduce blinking and photobleaching. However, correlated single-nanocrystal optical characterization and electron microscopy further revealed that these beneficial properties are only achieved if the thick ZnS shell is complete and without large lattice discontinuities. In this way, we identify the necessary structural design features that are required for ideal light emission properties in these green-visible emitting QDs.

Nano Lett ; 19(12): 9037-9044, 2019 12 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31682759


Indistinguishable single photon generation at telecom wavelengths from solid-state quantum emitters remains a significant challenge to scalable quantum information processing. Here we demonstrate efficient generation of "indistinguishable" single photons directly in the telecom O-band from aryl-functionalized carbon nanotubes by overcoming the emitter quantum decoherence with plasmonic nanocavities. With an unprecedented single-photon spontaneous emission time down to 10 ps (from initially 0.7 ns) generated in the coupling scheme, we show a two-photon interference visibility at 4 K reaching up to 0.79, even without applying post selection. Cavity-enhanced quantum yields up to 74% and Purcell factors up to 415 are achieved with single-photon purities up to 99%. Our results establish the capability to fabricate fiber-based photonic devices for quantum information technology with coherent properties that can enable quantum logic.

Nano Lett ; 19(12): 8503-8509, 2019 12 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31682455


Molecularly functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are potentially useful for fiber optical applications due to their room temperature single-photon emission capacity at telecommunication wavelengths. Several distinct defect geometries are generated upon covalent functionalization. While it has been shown that the defect geometry controls electron localization around the defect site, thereby changing the electronic structure and generating new optically bright red-shifted emission bands, the reasons for such localization remain unexplained. Our joint experimental and computational studies of functionalized SWCNTs with various chiralities show that the value of mod(n-m,3) in an (n,m) chiral nanotube plays a key role in the relative ordering of defect-dependent emission energies. This dependence is linked to the complex nodal characteristics of electronic wave function extending along specific bonds in the tube, which justifies the defect-geometry dependent exciton localization. This insight helps to uncover the essential structural motifs allowing tuning the redshifts of emission energies in functionalized SWCNTs.

Nano Lett ; 19(12): 8519-8525, 2019 12 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31714793


With a tunable size-dependent photoluminescence (PL) over a wide infrared wavelength range, lead chalcogenide quantum dots (QDs) have attracted significant scientific and technological interest. Nevertheless, the investigation of intrinsic exciton photophysics at the single-QD level has remained a challenge. Herein, we present a comprehensive study of PL properties for the individual core/shell PbS/CdS QDs emissive near 1.0 eV. In contrast to the sub-meV spectral line widths observed for II/VI QDs, PbS/CdS QDs are predicted to possess broad homogeneous line widths. Performing spectroscopy at cryogenic (4 K) temperatures, we provide direct evidence confirming theoretical predictions, showing that intrinsic line widths for PbS/CdS QDs are in the range of 8-25 meV, with an average of 16.4 meV. In addition, low-temperature, single-QD spectroscopy reveals a broad low-energy side emission attributable to optical as well as localized acoustic phonon-assisted transitions. By tracking single QDs from 4 to 250 K, we were able to probe temperature-dependent evolutions of emission energy, line width, and line shape. Finally, polarization-resolved PL imaging showed that PbS/CdS QDs are characterized by a 3D emission dipole, in contrast with the 2D dipole observed for CdSe QDs.

Nano Lett ; 18(6): 3873-3878, 2018 06 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29781621


Single-walled carbon nanotubes are a promising material as quantum light sources at room temperature and as nanoscale light sources for integrated photonic circuits on silicon. Here, we show that the integration of dopant states in carbon nanotubes and silicon microcavities can provide bright and high-purity single-photon emitters on a silicon photonics platform at room temperature. We perform photoluminescence spectroscopy and observe the enhancement of emission from the dopant states by a factor of ∼50, and cavity-enhanced radiative decay is confirmed using time-resolved measurements, in which a ∼30% decrease of emission lifetime is observed. The statistics of photons emitted from the cavity-coupled dopant states are investigated by photon-correlation measurements, and high-purity single photon generation is observed. The excitation power dependence of photon emission statistics shows that the degree of photon antibunching can be kept high even when the excitation power increases, while the single-photon emission rate can be increased to ∼1.7 × 107 Hz.

Nano Lett ; 18(11): 6906-6914, 2018 11 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30339762


Light-emitting sources and devices permeate every aspect of our lives and are used in lighting, communications, transportation, computing, and medicine. Advances in multifunctional and "smart lighting" would require revolutionary concepts in the control of emission spectra and directionality. Such control might be possible with new schemes and regimes of light-matter interaction paired with developments in light-emitting materials. Here we show that all-dielectric metasurfaces made from III-V semiconductors with embedded emitters have the potential to provide revolutionary lighting concepts and devices, with new functionality that goes far beyond what is available in existing technologies. Specifically, we use Mie-resonant metasurfaces made from semiconductor heterostructures containing epitaxial quantum dots. By controlling the symmetry of the resonant modes, their overlap with the emission spectra, and other structural parameters, we can enhance the brightness by 2 orders of magnitude, as well as reduce its far-field divergence significantly.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(32): 11081-11088, 2017 08 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28719199


Toward a truly photostable PbSe quantum dot (QD), we apply the thick-shell or "giant" QD structural motif to this notoriously environmentally sensitive nanocrystal system. Namely, using a sequential application of two shell-growth techniques-partial-cation exchange and successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR)-we are able to overcoat the PbSe QDs with sufficiently thick CdSe shells to impart new single-QD-level photostability, as evidenced by suppression of both photobleaching and blinking behavior. We further reveal that the crystal structure of the CdSe shell (cubic zinc-blende or hexagonal wurtzite) plays a key role in determining the photoluminescence properties of these giant QDs, with only cubic nanocrystals sufficiently bright and stable to be observed as single emitters. Moreover, we demonstrate that crystal structure and particle shape (cubic, spherical, or tetrapodal) and, thereby, emission properties can be synthetically tuned by either withholding or including the coordinating ligand, trioctylphosphine, in the SILAR component of the shell-growth process.

Small ; 13(33)2017 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28677918


A strong plasmonic enhancement of photoluminescence (PL) decay rate in quantum dots (QDs) coupled to an array of gold-coated nanocups is demonstrated. CuInS2 QDs that emit at a wavelength that overlaps with the extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) of the gold nanocup array are placed in the cups as solutions. Time-resolved PL reveals that the decay rate of the QDs in the plasmonically coupled system can be enhanced by more than an order of magnitude. Using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations, it is shown that this enhancement in PL decay rate results from an enhancement factor of ≈100 in electric field intensity provided by the plasmonic mode of the nanocup array, which is also responsible for the EOT. The simulated Purcell factor approaches 86 at the bottom of the nanocup and is ≈3-15 averaged over the nanocup cavity height, agreeing with the experimental enhancement result. This demonstration of solution-based coupling between QDs and gold nanocups opens up new possibilities for applications that would benefit from a solution environment such as biosensing.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(2): 027402, 2017 Jan 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28128601


Molecules confined inside single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) behave quite differently from their bulk analogues. In this Letter we present temperature-dependent (4.2 K up to room temperature) photoluminescence (PL) spectra of water-filled and empty single-chirality (6,5) SWCNTs. Superimposed on a linear temperature-dependent PL spectral shift of the empty SWCNTs, an additional stepwise PL spectral shift of the water-filled SWCNTs is observed at ∼150 K. With the empty SWCNTs serving as an ideal reference system, we assign this shift to temperature-induced changes occurring in the single-file chain of water molecules encapsulated in the tubes. Our molecular dynamics simulations further support the occurrence of a quasiphase transition of the orientational order of the water dipoles in the single-file chain.

Nature ; 479(7372): 203-7, 2011 Nov 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22071764


Photoluminescence blinking--random switching between states of high (ON) and low (OFF) emissivities--is a universal property of molecular emitters found in dyes, polymers, biological molecules and artificial nanostructures such as nanocrystal quantum dots, carbon nanotubes and nanowires. For the past 15 years, colloidal nanocrystals have been used as a model system to study this phenomenon. The occurrence of OFF periods in nanocrystal emission has been commonly attributed to the presence of an additional charge, which leads to photoluminescence quenching by non-radiative recombination (the Auger mechanism). However, this 'charging' model was recently challenged in several reports. Here we report time-resolved photoluminescence studies of individual nanocrystal quantum dots performed while electrochemically controlling the degree of their charging, with the goal of clarifying the role of charging in blinking. We find that two distinct types of blinking are possible: conventional (A-type) blinking due to charging and discharging of the nanocrystal core, in which lower photoluminescence intensities correlate with shorter photoluminescence lifetimes; and a second sort (B-type), in which large changes in the emission intensity are not accompanied by significant changes in emission dynamics. We attribute B-type blinking to charge fluctuations in the electron-accepting surface sites. When unoccupied, these sites intercept 'hot' electrons before they relax into emitting core states. Both blinking mechanisms can be electrochemically controlled and completely suppressed by application of an appropriate potential.

Luminescência , Pontos Quânticos , Técnicas Eletroquímicas
J Am Chem Soc ; 137(11): 3755-8, 2015 Mar 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25746140


Core/thick-shell giant quantum dots (gQDs) possessing type II electronic structures exhibit suppressed blinking and diminished nonradiative Auger recombination. We investigate CdSe/ZnSe and ZnSe/CdS as potential new gQDs. We show theoretically and experimentally that both can exhibit partial or complete spatial separation of an excited-state electron-hole pair (i.e., type II behavior). However, we reveal that thick-shell growth is challenged by competing processes: alloying and cation exchange. We demonstrate that these can be largely avoided by choice of shelling conditions (e.g., time, temperature, and QD core identity). The resulting CdSe/ZnSe gQDs exhibit unusual single-QD properties, principally emitting from dim gray states but having high two-exciton (biexciton) emission efficiencies, whereas ZnSe/CdS gQDs show characteristic gQD blinking suppression, though only if shelling is accompanied by partial cation exchange.

Small ; 11(38): 5028-34, 2015 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26140499


Small clusters of two to three silica-coated nanocrystals coupled to plasmonic gap-bar antennas can exhibit photon antibunching, a characteristic of single quantum emitters. Through a detailed analysis of their photoluminescence emissions characteristics, it is shown that the observed photon antibunching is the evidence of coupled quantum dot formation resulting from the plasmonic enhancement of dipole-dipole interaction.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(1): 017401, 2015 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26182119


Pump-dependent photoluminescence imaging and second-order photon correlation studies have been performed on individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) at room temperature. These studies enable the extraction of both the exciton diffusion constant and the Auger recombination coefficient. A linear correlation between these parameters is attributed to the effect of environmental disorder in setting the exciton mean free path and capture-limited Auger recombination at this length scale. A suppression of photon antibunching is attributed to the creation of multiple spatially nonoverlapping excitons in SWCNTs, whose diffusion length is shorter than the laser spot size. We conclude that complete antibunching at room temperature requires an enhancement of the exciton-exciton annihilation rate that may become realizable in SWCNTs allowing for strong exciton localization.