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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36969732


We tested a digital impedance bridge in a hybrid structure for comparison of a capacitor with a resistor where the impedance ratio was measured in two separate parts. The modulus of the impedance ratio was matched arbitrarily close to the input-to-output ratio, in magnitude, of a two-stage inductive voltage divider by adjusting the operating frequency of the bridge; the residual deviation between the two together with the phase factor of the impedance ratio was measured using a custom detection system based on a four-channel 24-bit digitizer. The ratio of the inductive voltage divider was calibrated, in situ, using a conventional four-arm bridge with two known capacitors. Fluctuations of the source voltages were largely removed through postprocessing of the digitized data, and the measurement results were limited by the digitizer error. We have achieved an overall bridge resolution and stability of 0.02 µF/F in 2 h for measuring a 100-pF capacitor relative to a 12 906-Ω resistor at 1233 Hz. The relative combined standard uncertainty (k = 1) is 0.13 µF/F, dominated by the digitizer error.

J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol ; 125: 125012, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35465390


Calibration services for resistance metrology have continued to advance their capabilities and establish new and improved methods for maintaining standard resistors. Despite the high quality of these methods, there still exist inherent limitations to the number of simultaneous, measurable resistors and the temperature stability of their air environment. In that context, we report progress on the design, development, and initial testing of a precise temperature-control chamber for standard resistors that can provide a constant-temperature environment with a stability of ± 6 m°C. Achieving this stability involved customizing the chamber design based on air-flow simulations. Moreover, microprocessor programming allowed the air flow to be optimized within an unsealed chamber configuration to reduce chamber temperature recovery times. Further tests were conducted to improve the stability of the control system and the efficiency of the chamber.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335332


This work presents one solution for long-term storage of epitaxial graphene (EG) in air, namely through the functionalization of millimeter-scale devices with chromium tricarbonyl - Cr(CO)3. The carrier density may be tuned reproducibly by annealing below 400 K due to the presence of Cr(CO)3. All tuning is easily reversible with exposure to air, with the idle, in-air, carrier density always being close to the Dirac point. Precision measurements in the quantum Hall regime indicate no detrimental effects from the treatment, validating the pursuit of developing air-stable EG-based QHR devices.

IEEE Trans Instrum Meas ; 1.633481E62020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335333


Precision quantum Hall resistance measurements can be greatly improved when implementing new electrical contact geometries made from superconducting NbTiN. The sample designs described here minimize undesired resistances at contacts and interconnections, enabling further enhancement of device size and complexity when pursuing next-generation quantized Hall resistance devices.

IEEE Trans Instrum Meas ; 69: 9374-9380, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335334


A graphene quantized Hall resistance (QHR) device fabricated at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was measured alongside a GaAs QHR device fabricated by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) by comparing them to a 1 kΩ standard resistor using a cryogenic current comparator. The two devices were mounted in a custom developed dual probe that was then assessed for its viability as a suitable apparatus for precision measurements. The charge carrier density of the graphene device exhibited controllable tunability when annealed after Cr(CO)3 functionalization. These initial measurement results suggest that making resistance comparisons is possible with a single probe wired for two types of quantum standards - GaAs, the established material, and graphene, the newer material that may promote the development of more user-friendly equipment.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116348


Capabilities for high resistance determinations are essential for calibration of currents below 1 pA, as typically requested in several applications, including semiconductor device characterization, single electron transport, and ion beam technologies. This need to calibrate low currents warrants the expansion of accessible values of high resistance. We present several methods for measuring resistances on the PΩ scale, namely potentiometry, dual source bridge measurements, and teraohmmeter usage, all of which are subsequently compared to theoretical calculations. These methods were used to measure four 1 PΩ resistances, one 10 PΩ resistance, and one 100 PΩ resistance, all generated by wye-delta networks containing three resistance elements. The differences between the experimentally obtained values and the theoretical values typically agree within 1 % for 1 PΩ, 10 PΩ and 100 PΩ resistances and the measurement uncertainties for the three techniques were estimated to be between 0.4 % to 4.8 % for 1 PΩ, 2.8 % to 5.6 % for 10 PΩ, and 4.4 % to 10.2 % for 100 PΩ.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33132410


The simulation and construction of a direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) resistor, based on a silicon wafer, has been described and demonstrated. By applying the van der Pauw method and the Thompson-Lampard theorem, to within approximations accommodating the conditions of the resistor's construction, a constant resistance ratio, (π/ln2)2, was derived that is independent of the sample resistivity and thickness. The constant ratio, valued at approximately 20.5, can theoretically be used as a basis of comparison between two distinct calibration chains, one based on the traceability from a calculable capacitor and the other based on the quantum Hall effect. To support the calculated ratio, several sets of simulations were performed for both DC and AC cases. The DC simulation results agreed with the ratio value to within 0.035 % when using a wafer thickness of 0.53 mm. Additionally, the experimental DC and AC (1 kHz) results agreed with the calculated ratio value to within 0.23 %, with at most a 0.06 % standard uncertainty before point contact errors from device fabrication.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116347


Several graphene quantized Hall resistance (QHR) devices manufactured at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were compared to GaAs QHR devices and a 100 Ω standard resistor at the National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Measurements of the 100 Ω resistor with the graphene QHR devices agreed within 5 nΩ/Ω of the values for the 100 Ω resistor obtained through GaAs measurements. The electron density of the graphene devices was adjusted at AIST to restore device properties such that operation was possible at low magnetic flux densities of 4 T to 6 T. This adjustment was accomplished with a functionalization method utilized at NIST, allowing for consistent tunability of the graphene QHR devices with simple annealing. Such a method replaces older and less predictable methods for adjusting graphene for metrological suitability. The milestone results demonstrate the ease with which graphene can be used to make resistance comparison measurements among many National Metrology Institutes.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274879


We report the performance of a quantum Hall resistance standard based on epitaxial graphene maintained in a 5-T tabletop cryocooler system. This quantum resistance standard requires no liquid helium and can operate continuously, allowing year-round accessibility to quantized Hall resistance measurements. The ν = 2 plateau, with a value of R K/2, also seen as R H, is used to scale to 1 kΩ using a binary cryogenic current comparator (BCCC) bridge and a direct current comparator (DCC) bridge. The uncertainties achieved with the BCCC are such as those obtained in the state-of-the-art measurements using GaAs-based devices. BCCC scaling methods can achieve large resistance ratios of 100 or more, and while room temperature DCC bridges have smaller ratios and lower current sensitivity, they can still provide alternate resistance scaling paths without the need for cryogens and superconducting electronics. Estimates of the relative uncertainties of the possible scaling methods are provided in this report, along with a discussion of the advantages of several scaling paths. The tabletop system limits are addressed as are potential solutions for using graphene standards at higher currents.

Phys Rev B ; 104(8)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36875776


We report on nonreciprocity observations in several configurations of graphene-based quantum Hall devices. Two distinct measurement configurations were adopted to verify the universality of the observations (i.e., two-terminal arrays and four-terminal devices). Our findings determine the extent to which epitaxial graphene anisotropies contribute to the observed asymmetric Hall responses. The presence of backscattering induces a device-dependent asymmetry rendering the Onsager-Casimir relations limited in their capacity to describe the behavior of such devices, except in the low-field classical regime and the fully quantized Hall state. The improved understanding of this quantum electrical process broadly limits the applicability of the reciprocity principle in the presence of quantum phase transitions and for anisotropic two-dimensional materials.

Phys Rev B ; 103(7)2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34263094


As first recognized in 2010, epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) provides a platform for quantized Hall resistance (QHR) metrology unmatched by other two-dimensional structures and materials. Here we report graphene parallel QHR arrays, with metrologically precise quantization near 1000 Ω. These arrays have tunable carrier densities, due to uniform epitaxial growth and chemical functionalization, allowing quantization at the robust ν = 2 filling factor in array devices at relative precision better than 10-8. Broad tunability of the carrier density also enables investigation of the ν = 6 plateau. Optimized networks of QHR devices described in this work suppress Ohmic contact resistance error using branched contacts and avoid crossover leakage with interconnections that are superconducting for quantizing magnetic fields up to 13.5 T. Our work enables more direct scaling of resistance for quantized values in arrays of arbitrary network geometry.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 15018, 2018 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30301948


We report the fabrication and measurement of top gated epitaxial graphene p-n junctions where exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is used as the gate dielectric. The four-terminal longitudinal resistance across a single junction is well quantized at the von Klitzing constant [Formula: see text] with a relative uncertainty of 10-7. After the exploration of numerous parameter spaces, we summarize the conditions upon which these devices could function as potential resistance standards. Furthermore, we offer designs of programmable electrical resistance standards over six orders of magnitude by using external gating.