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Opt Lett ; 40(10): 2165-8, 2015 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26393690


The optimal enhancement of broadband optical pulses in a passive resonator requires a seeding pulse train with a specific carrier-envelope-offset frequency. Here, we control the phase of the cavity mirrors to tune the offset frequency for which a given comb is optimally enhanced. This enables the enhancement of a zero-offset-frequency train of sub-30-fs pulses to multi-kW average powers. The combination of pulse duration, power, and zero phase slip constitutes a crucial step toward the generation of attosecond pulses at multi-10-MHz repetition rates. In addition, this control affords the enhancement of pulses generated by difference-frequency mixing, e.g., for mid-infrared spectroscopy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(2): 023902, 2015 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26207470


We combine high-finesse optical resonators and spatial-spectral interferometry to a highly phase-sensitive investigation technique for nonlinear light-matter interactions. We experimentally validate an ab initio model for the nonlinear response of a resonator housing a gas target, permitting the global optimization of intracavity conversion processes like high-order harmonic generation. We predict the feasibility of driving intracavity high-order harmonic generation far beyond intensity limitations observed in state-of-the-art systems by exploiting the intracavity nonlinearity to compress the pulses in time.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6988, 2015 May 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25939968


Waveform-stabilized laser pulses have revolutionized the exploration of the electronic structure and dynamics of matter by serving as the technological basis for frequency-comb and attosecond spectroscopy. Their primary sources, mode-locked titanium-doped sapphire lasers and erbium/ytterbium-doped fibre lasers, deliver pulses with several nanojoules energy, which is insufficient for many important applications. Here we present the waveform-stabilized light source that is scalable to microjoule energy levels at the full (megahertz) repetition rate of the laser oscillator. A diode-pumped Kerr-lens-mode-locked Yb:YAG thin-disk laser combined with extracavity pulse compression yields waveform-stabilized few-cycle pulses (7.7 fs, 2.2 cycles) with a pulse energy of 0.15 µJ and an average power of 6 W. The demonstrated concept is scalable to pulse energies of several microjoules and near-gigawatt peak powers. The generation of attosecond pulses at the full repetition rate of the oscillator comes into reach. The presented system could serve as a primary source for frequency combs in the mid infrared and vacuum UV with unprecedented high power levels.