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Persoonia ; 46: 216-239, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35935888


The focus of this paper is the North American species of Cortinarius in subg. Leprocybe. Eighteen species, including twelve new ones, and two tentative (aff.) species, are delimited based on morphological and molecular data (DNA ITS-LSU sequences). Existing type specimens of species in subg. Leprocybe were also studied, and neo- or epitypes designated for C. cotoneus, C. melanotus, C. phrygianus and C. venetus to stabilize the nomenclature. In addition, to improve the infrasubgeneric classification of Leprocybe three new sections are proposed: sect. Fuscotomentosi, sect. Melanoti and sect. Squamiveneti. This study adds substantial information to the knowledge of subg. Leprocybe in North America against a background of European species. To date only two species, C. phrygianus and C. squamivenetus have been reported from both continents. Citation: Ammirati J, Liimatainen K, Bojantchev D, et al. 2021. Cortinarius subgenus Leprocybe, unexpected diversity and significant differences in species compositions between western and eastern North America. Persoonia 46: 216-239.

Persoonia ; 46: 272-312, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35935889


As currently delineated, Hygrophorus sect. Olivaceoumbrini is a polyphyletic assembly within subg. Colorati, encompassing glutinous and pigmented taxa. According to available literature, between a dozen and twenty species may belong in the section, mostly represented in continental and boreal forests of Europe and North America. However, the limited phylogenetic and biogeographic coverage of the genus does not presently allow for a reliable assessment of its taxonomic boundaries, nor does it provide a complete picture of species diversity within sect. Olivaceoumbrini. In an ongoing effort to confer an evolutionary backbone to Hygrophorus systematics, we assembled and analysed a dataset comprising 268 intercontinental sequences, including holotypes of 7 taxa previously not positioned phylogenetically, and enriched with collections from largely unexplored Mediterranean and Anatolian ecosystems. Overall, 30 clades are identified within 5 distinct lineages, including 11 species putatively new to science. Seven of these are formally described here as H. agathosmoides, H. albofloccosus, H. canadensis, H. limosus, H. marcocontui, H. pinophilus and H. pustulatoides spp. nov. This enriched coverage of section Olivaceoumbrini calls for a re-evaluation of its natural boundaries into a core monophyletic clade, including H. olivaceoalbus and five closely related lookalikes, as well as the assignment of the section rank to the four remaining lineages: sect. Fuscocinerei sect. nov., sect. Limacini sect. nov., sect. Nudolidi sect. nov. and sect. Tephroleuci, respectively. We also stabilize the usage of six historical names, H. glutinifer, H. hyacinthinus, H. mesotephrus, H. olivaceoalbus, H. pustulatus and H. tephroleucus, through designation of two neotypes, three lectotypes and four epitypes. Citation: Bellanger J-M, Lebeuf R, Sesli E, et al. 2021. Hygrophorus sect. Olivaceoumbrini: new boundaries, extended biogeography and unexpected diversity unravelled by transatlantic studies. Persoonia 46: 272-312.

Persoonia ; 39: 175-200, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29503475


Cortinarius is the largest genus of ectomycorrhizal fungi worldwide. Recent molecular studies have shown high levels of morphological homoplasy within the genus. Importantly, DNA phylogenies can reveal characteristics that have been either over- or underemphasized in taxonomic studies. Here we sequenced and phylogenetically analysed a large set of pan-European and North American collections taxonomically studied and placed in Cortinarius sect. Bicolores and sect. Saturnini, according to traditional morpho-anatomical criteria. Our goal was to circumscribe the evolutionary boundaries of the two sections, to stabilize both the limits and nomenclature of relevant species, and to identify described taxa which, according to our current understanding, belong to other lineages. Our analysis resolves two clades: /Bicolores, including 12 species, one of which is new to science, and /Saturnini, including 6 species. Fifteen binomials, traditionally treated in these two sections based on morphology, do not belong to the above two phylogenetic clades. Instead, six of these latter are clearly placed in other clades that represent sect. Bovini, sect. Sciophylli, sect. Duracini and sect. Brunneotincti. The presence or absence of blue pigments and the detection of specific odours emerge as clearly misleading taxonomic features, but more surprisingly, spore size and ecology can be misleading as well. A total of 63 type specimens were sequenced, 4 neotypes and 2 epitypes are proposed here, and 1 new combination is made.

Persoonia ; 33: 98-140, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25737596


Cortinarius is a species-rich and morphologically challenging genus with a cosmopolitan distribution. Many names have not been used consistently and in some instances the same species has been described two or more times under separate names. This study focuses on subg. Phlegmacium as traditionally defined and includes species from boreal and temperate areas of the northern hemisphere. Our goals for this project were to: i) study type material to determine which species already have been described; ii) stabilize the use of Friesian and other older names by choosing a neo- or epitype; iii) describe new species that were discovered during the process of studying specimens; and iv) establish an accurate ITS barcoding database for Phlegmacium species. A total of 236 types representing 154 species were studied. Of these 114 species are described only once whereas 40 species had one ore more synonyms. Of the names studied only 61 were currently represented in GenBank. Neotypes are proposed for 21 species, and epitypes are designated for three species. In addition, 20 new species are described and six new combinations made. As a consequence ITS barcodes for 175 Cortinarius species are released.