BACKGROUND: Apart from the workplace, drawing support from family and religion is critical to maintaining the well-being of high-technology employees. Relying on the job demands-resources model and the positive affective spillover effect, the aim of this study was to investigate the mediated relationship of family support, work engagement and subjective well-being, and the moderating effect of religious attendance on the mediated relationship. METHODS: A cross-sectional research design was adopted. Mediation and moderated mediation were tested using the PROCESS macro v3.5 for the SPSS supplement. Purposive sampling was used for the distribution of questionnaires to high-technology employees in Taiwan. RESULTS: Results from the data of 603 high-technology employees indicated that family support, work engagement, and subjective well-being exhibited a significant mediated relationship, and the mediated relationship was stronger among individuals with religious attendance experience. CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasizes the driving effect of family support on high-technology employee well-being and the moderating effect of religious attendance as a situational strength. We recommend closely attending to employee well-being because doing so is conducive to both the personal quality of life of employees and the sustainable development of organizations.
Increasing patient loyalty through improved health care quality and patient-provider relationships becomes the key factor in medical providers' successes. This study explored the mediated relationship of patients' perceived value, patient commitment, and patient loyalty and the moderating effect of patient trust on the mediated relationship. A cross-sectional research design was adopted. Mediation and moderated mediation were tested using the PROCESS macro v3.5 for the SPSS supplement. Convenience sampling was used for the distribution of questionnaires to members of the public with experience of seeking medical attention in Taiwan. Among the 254 valid questionnaires recovered, 59.4% of the respondents were male, 38.6% were married, 90.2% were in the 20 to 49 year age range, and 54.7% had a bachelor's degree or above. This study indicated a significant mediated relationship among patients' perceived value of medical services, commitment to the patient-provider relationship, and patient loyalty. Furthermore, when the patient demonstrated higher levels of trust in a healthcare provider, the relationship of perceived value, commitment, and patient loyalty was also enhanced. This study discussed and demonstrated the effect of perceived value, trust, and commitment on patient loyalty. The research suggests that improving patient loyalty benefits sustainable operation of medical providers and the treatment effects for patients.