In this Letter, we present the α^{'}-exact background equations of motion of the bosonic chiral string (also known as Hohm-Siegel-Zwiebach model), with the spin-two ghost fields integrated out. This is the first instance of a world sheet model in which all corrections are fully determined in a generic curved spacetime. As a concrete cross-check, we find complete agreement between all three-point and a sample of four-point tree-level scattering amplitudes computed using field theory methods and the chiral string prescription. These equations of motion provide a field theoretical shortcut to compute world sheet correlators in conventional bosonic strings (with an arbitrary number of massless and mass-level-one states) and outline a new perspective on massive resonances in string theory.
In this Letter, we present a recursive method for computing one-loop off-shell integrands in colored quantum field theories. First, we generalize the perturbiner method by recasting the multiparticle currents as generators of off-shell tree-level amplitudes. After, by taking advantage of the underlying color structure, we define a consistent sewing procedure to iteratively compute the one-loop integrands. When gauge symmetries are involved, the whole procedure is extended to multiparticle solutions involving ghosts, which can then be accounted for in the full loop computation. Since the required input here is equations of motion and gauge symmetry, our framework naturally extends to one-loop computations in certain non-Lagrangian field theories.
In this Letter, we present the first multiparticle solutions to Einstein's field equations in the presence of matter. These solutions are iteratively obtained via the perturbiner method, which can circumvent gravity's infinite number of vertices with the definition of a multiparticle expansion for the inverse spacetime metric as well. Our construction provides a simple layout for the computation of tree level field theory amplitudes in D spacetime dimensions involving any number of gravitons and matter fields, with or without supersymmetry.
We propose a world sheet formula for tree-level correlation functions describing a scalar field with arbitrary mass and quartic self-interaction in de Sitter space, which is a simple model for inflationary cosmology. The correlation functions are located on the future boundary of the spacetime and are Fourier-transformed to momentum space. Our formula is supported on mass-deformed scattering equations involving conformal generators in momentum space and reduces to the CHY formula for Ï^{4} amplitudes in the flat space limit. Using the global residue theorem, we verify that it reproduces the Witten diagram expansion at four and six points, and sketch the extension to n points.
We present a new method, exact in α^{'}, to explicitly compute string tree-level amplitudes involving one massive state and any number of massless ones. This construction relies on the so-called twisted heterotic string, which admits only gauge multiplets, a gravitational multiplet, and a single massive supermultiplet in its spectrum. In this simplified model, we determine the moduli-space integrand of all amplitudes with one massive state using Berends-Giele currents of the gauge multiplet. These integrands are then straightforwardly mapped to gravitational amplitudes in the twisted heterotic string and to the corresponding massive amplitudes of the conventional type-I and type-II superstrings.