We extend the well-known analogy between the problems of paraxial diffraction in space and dispersion in time to optical pulse compression and propose a time-domain analog to spatial imaging that allows for the distortionless expansion or compression of optical power waveforms. We call this new concept temporal imaging and derive equivalent expressions for the focal length and the f-number of a time lens and the magnification of an imaging system. It should now become possible, with a temporal microscope, to expand ultrafast optical phenomena to a time scale that is accessible to conventional high-speed photodiodes.
Optical nonlinear interactions may be made broadband while maintaining a high conversion efficiency by applying spread-spectrum pseudorandom spatial modulation.
Single-mode operation of a monolithic semiconductor-laser-pumped unidirectional ring Nd:YAG laser has been demonstrated at 1319 and 1338 nm. The ring design optimizes the polarization eigenvalue difference between counterpropagating modes of the ring. The laser threshold is 4.5 mW, and the magnetic-field requirement for unidirectional operation is approximately 100 G.