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J Exp Biol ; 226(9)2023 05 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37161774


Journal of Experimental Biology has a long history of reporting research discoveries on animal echolocation, the subject of this Centenary Review. Echolocating animals emit intense sound pulses and process echoes to localize objects in dynamic soundscapes. More than 1100 species of bats and 70 species of toothed whales rely on echolocation to operate in aerial and aquatic environments, respectively. The need to mitigate acoustic clutter and ambient noise is common to both aerial and aquatic echolocating animals, resulting in convergence of many echolocation features, such as directional sound emission and hearing, and decreased pulse intervals and sound intensity during target approach. The physics of sound transmission in air and underwater constrains the production, detection and localization of sonar signals, resulting in differences in response times to initiate prey interception by aerial and aquatic echolocating animals. Anti-predator behavioral responses of prey pursued by echolocating animals affect behavioral foraging strategies in air and underwater. For example, many insect prey can detect and react to bat echolocation sounds, whereas most fish and squid are unresponsive to toothed whale signals, but can instead sense water movements generated by an approaching predator. These differences have implications for how bats and toothed whales hunt using echolocation. Here, we consider the behaviors used by echolocating mammals to (1) track and intercept moving prey equipped with predator detectors, (2) interrogate dynamic sonar scenes and (3) exploit visual and passive acoustic stimuli. Similarities and differences in animal sonar behaviors underwater and in air point to open research questions that are ripe for exploration.

Quirópteros , Ecolocação , Animais , Adaptação Psicológica , Som , Baleias
Anim Cogn ; 22(6): 947-958, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31240504


Pinnipeds are aquatic predators feeding on a vast range of prey, and their social behaviour differs greatly between species (from extreme polygyny in some sea lions to monogamy in some true seals). It has been hypothesised that the foraging and social complexity of their lifestyle should drive the evolution of their cognitive abilities. To investigate how aware pinnipeds are of their own behaviour, a grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), two harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and four South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) were trained to repeat their own behaviour on command. Three already trained behaviours were used, and the animal was asked to repeat the behaviour twice to ensure that the animal recalled its own behaviour and not the command given for the previous behaviour. All three species could recall their own behaviour significantly better than by chance. The duration for which the animals could recall their behaviour was tested using a staircase paradigm. A delay was implemented between the completion of the behaviour and the command to repeat it. The delay was increased after correct responses and decreased after incorrect responses. The performance of all species fell towards chance level after 12-18 s, with no significant difference between species. These results indicate that sea lions and true seals are aware of their own behaviour and that true seals have similar short-term memory abilities. It also shows that pinnipeds have less developed short-term memory abilities compared to other aquatic predators, such as the bottlenose dolphin. The complexity of pinniped foraging and social behaviour does not seem to have driven the evolution of short-term memory abilities in these animals but might have contributed to their ability to recall their own behaviour.

Caniformia , Memória , Animais , Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa/psicologia , Caniformia/psicologia , Phoca/psicologia , Leões-Marinhos/psicologia
Biol Open ; 6(4): 496-502, 2017 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28288967


Many aquatic birds use sounds extensively for in-air communication. Regardless of this, we know very little about their hearing abilities. The in-air audiogram of a male adult great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) was determined using psychophysical methods (method of constants). Hearing thresholds were derived using pure tones of five different frequencies. The lowest threshold was at 2 kHz: 18 dB re 20 µPa rms. Thresholds derived using signal detection theory were within 2 dB of the ones derived using classical psychophysics. The great cormorant is more sensitive to in-air sounds than previously believed and its hearing abilities are comparable to several other species of birds of similar size. This knowledge is important for our understanding of the hearing abilities of other species of sea birds. It can also be used to develop cormorant deterrent devices for fisheries, as well as to assess the impact of increasing in-air anthropogenic noise levels on cormorants and other aquatic birds.