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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(10): 101001, 2024 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38518313


We propose a novel experimental method for probing light dark matter candidates. We show that an electro-optical material's refractive index is modified in the presence of a coherently oscillating dark matter background. A high-precision resonant Michelson interferometer can be used to read out this signal. The proposed detection scheme allows for the exploration of an uncharted parameter space of dark matter candidates over a wide range of masses-including masses exceeding a few tens of microelectronvolts, which is a challenging parameter space for microwave cavity haloscopes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(20): 200201, 2023 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37267574


Quantum mechanics requires the time evolution of the wave function to be linear. While this feature has been associated with the preservation of causality, a consistent causal nonlinear theory was recently developed. Interestingly, this theory is unavoidably sensitive to the full physical spread of the wave function, rendering existing experimental tests for nonlinearities inapplicable. Here, using well-controlled motional superpositions of a trapped ion, we set a stringent limit of 5.4×10^{-12} on the magnitude of the unitless scaling factor ε[over ˜]_{γ} for the predicted causal nonlinear perturbation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(4): 040202, 2023 Jan 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36763446


Linear time evolution is one of the fundamental postulates of quantum theory. Past theoretical attempts to introduce nonlinearity into quantum evolution have violated causality. However, a recent theory has introduced nonlinear state-dependent terms in quantum field theory, preserving causality [D. E. Kaplan and S. Rajendran, Phys. Rev. D 105, 055002 (2022)PRVDAQ2470-001010.1103/PhysRevD.105.055002]. We report the results of an experiment that searches for such terms. Our approach, inspired by the Everett many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory, correlates a binary macroscopic classical voltage with the outcome of a projective measurement of a quantum bit, prepared in a coherent superposition state. Measurement results are recorded in a bit string, which is used to control a voltage switch. Presence of a nonzero voltage reading in cases of no applied voltage is the experimental signature of a nonlinear state-dependent shift of the electromagnetic field operator. We implement blinded measurement and data analysis with three control bit strings. Control of systematic effects is realized by producing one of the control bit strings with a classical random-bit generator. The other two bit strings are generated by measurements performed on a superconducting qubit in an IBM Quantum processor and on a ^{15}N nuclear spin in a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Our measurements find no evidence for electromagnetic quantum state-dependent nonlinearity. We set a bound on the parameter that quantifies this nonlinearity |ε_{γ}|<4.7×10^{-11}, at 90% confidence level.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(21): 211101, 2022 Nov 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461962


We study the solar emission of light dark sector particles that self-interact strongly enough to self-thermalize. The resulting outflow behaves like a fluid which accelerates under its own thermal pressure to highly relativistic bulk velocities in the solar system. Compared to the ordinary noninteracting scenario, the local outflow has at least ∼10^{3} higher number density and correspondingly at least ∼10^{3} lower average energy per particle. We show how this generic phenomenon arises in a dark sector composed of millicharged particles strongly self-interacting via a dark photon. The millicharged plasma wind emerging in this model has novel yet predictive signatures that encourages new experimental directions. This phenomenon demonstrates how a small step away from the simplest models can lead to radically different outcomes and thus motivates a broader search for dark sector particles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(14): 141802, 2021 Apr 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33891466


We report the results of an experimental search for ultralight axionlike dark matter in the mass range 162-166 neV. The detection scheme of our Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment is based on a precision measurement of ^{207}Pb solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance in a polarized ferroelectric crystal. Axionlike dark matter can exert an oscillating torque on ^{207}Pb nuclear spins via the electric dipole moment coupling g_{d} or via the gradient coupling g_{aNN}. We calibrate the detector and characterize the excitation spectrum and relaxation parameters of the nuclear spin ensemble with pulsed magnetic resonance measurements in a 4.4 T magnetic field. We sweep the magnetic field near this value and search for axionlike dark matter with Compton frequency within a 1 MHz band centered at 39.65 MHz. Our measurements place the upper bounds |g_{d}|<9.5×10^{-4} GeV^{-2} and |g_{aNN}|<2.8×10^{-1} GeV^{-1} (95% confidence level) in this frequency range. The constraint on g_{d} corresponds to an upper bound of 1.0×10^{-21} e cm on the amplitude of oscillations of the neutron electric dipole moment and 4.3×10^{-6} on the amplitude of oscillations of CP-violating θ parameter of quantum chromodynamics. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance to search for axionlike dark matter in the neV mass range.

Exp Astron (Dordr) ; 51(3): 1385-1416, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720415


Black holes are unique among astrophysical sources: they are the simplest macroscopic objects in the Universe, and they are extraordinary in terms of their ability to convert energy into electromagnetic and gravitational radiation. Our capacity to probe their nature is limited by the sensitivity of our detectors. The LIGO/Virgo interferometers are the gravitational-wave equivalent of Galileo's telescope. The first few detections represent the beginning of a long journey of exploration. At the current pace of technological progress, it is reasonable to expect that the gravitational-wave detectors available in the 2035-2050s will be formidable tools to explore these fascinating objects in the cosmos, and space-based detectors with peak sensitivities in the mHz band represent one class of such tools. These detectors have a staggering discovery potential, and they will address fundamental open questions in physics and astronomy. Are astrophysical black holes adequately described by general relativity? Do we have empirical evidence for event horizons? Can black holes provide a glimpse into quantum gravity, or reveal a classical breakdown of Einstein's gravity? How and when did black holes form, and how do they grow? Are there new long-range interactions or fields in our Universe, potentially related to dark matter and dark energy or a more fundamental description of gravitation? Precision tests of black hole spacetimes with mHz-band gravitational-wave detectors will probe general relativity and fundamental physics in previously inaccessible regimes, and allow us to address some of these fundamental issues in our current understanding of nature.

Exp Astron (Dordr) ; 51(3): 1427-1440, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720416


Since 2015 the gravitational-wave observations of LIGO and Virgo have transformed our understanding of compact-object binaries. In the years to come, ground-based gravitational-wave observatories such as LIGO, Virgo, and their successors will increase in sensitivity, discovering thousands of stellar-mass binaries. In the 2030s, the space-based LISA will provide gravitational-wave observations of massive black holes binaries. Between the ∼ 10 -103 Hz band of ground-based observatories and the ∼ 1 0 - 4 -10- 1 Hz band of LISA lies the uncharted decihertz gravitational-wave band. We propose a Decihertz Observatory to study this frequency range, and to complement observations made by other detectors. Decihertz observatories are well suited to observation of intermediate-mass ( ∼ 1 0 2 -104 M ⊙) black holes; they will be able to detect stellar-mass binaries days to years before they merge, providing early warning of nearby binary neutron star mergers and measurements of the eccentricity of binary black holes, and they will enable new tests of general relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics. Here we summarise how a Decihertz Observatory could provide unique insights into how black holes form and evolve across cosmic time, improve prospects for both multimessenger astronomy and multiband gravitational-wave astronomy, and enable new probes of gravity, particle physics and cosmology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(18): 181802, 2020 May 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32441984


Weak-scale dark matter particles, in collisions with nuclei, can mediate transitions between different nuclear energy levels. In particular, owing to sizeable momentum exchange, dark matter particles can enable de-excitation of nuclear isomers that are extremely long lived with respect to regular radioactive decays. In this Letter, we utilize data from a past experiment with ^{180}Ta^{m} to search for γ lines that would accompany dark matter induced de-excitation of this isomer. Nonobservation of such transitions above background yields the first direct constraint on the lifetime of ^{180}Ta^{m} against dark matter initiated transitions: T_{1/2}>1.3×10^{14} a at 90% credibility. Using this result, we derive novel constraints on dark matter models with strongly interacting relics and on models with inelastic dark matter particles. Existing constraints are strengthened by this independent new method. The obtained limits are also valid for the standard model γ-decay of ^{180}Ta^{m}.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(19): 191302, 2019 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144940


We report the results of a search for axionlike dark matter using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. This search is part of the multifaceted Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment program. In order to distinguish axionlike dark matter from magnetic fields, we employ a comagnetometry scheme measuring ultralow-field NMR signals involving two different nuclei (^{13}C and ^{1}H) in a liquid-state sample of acetonitrile-2-^{13}C (^{13}CH_{3}CN). No axionlike dark matter signal was detected above the background. This result constrains the parameter space describing the coupling of the gradient of the axionlike dark matter field to nucleons to be g_{aNN}<6×10^{-5} GeV^{-1} (95% confidence level) for particle masses ranging from 10^{-22} eV to 1.3×10^{-17} eV, improving over previous laboratory limits for masses below 10^{-21} eV. The result also constrains the coupling of nuclear spins to the gradient of the square of the axionlike dark matter field, improving over astrophysical limits by orders of magnitude over the entire range of particle masses probed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(14): 141803, 2016 04 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27104700


We propose a simple mechanism to suppress axion isocurvature fluctuations using hidden sector magnetic monopoles. This allows for the Peccei-Quinn scale to be of the order of the unification scale consistently with high scale inflation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(22): 221801, 2015 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26650289


A new class of solutions to the electroweak hierarchy problem is presented that does not require either weak-scale dynamics or anthropics. Dynamical evolution during the early Universe drives the Higgs boson mass to a value much smaller than the cutoff. The simplest model has the particle content of the standard model plus a QCD axion and an inflation sector. The highest cutoff achieved in any technically natural model is 10^{8} GeV.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(17): 171102, 2013 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679702


Laser frequency noise is a dominant noise background for the detection of gravitational waves using long-baseline optical interferometry. Amelioration of this noise requires near simultaneous strain measurements on more than one interferometer baseline, necessitating, for example, more than two satellites for a space-based detector or two interferometer arms for a ground-based detector. We describe a new detection strategy based on recent advances in optical atomic clocks and atom interferometry which can operate at long baselines and which is immune to laser frequency noise. Laser frequency noise is suppressed because the signal arises strictly from the light propagation time between two ensembles of atoms. This new class of sensor allows sensitive gravitational wave detection with only a single baseline. This approach also has practical applications in, for example, the development of ultrasensitive gravimeters and gravity gradiometers.

Sci Adv ; 5(10): eaax4539, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31692765


The nature of dark matter, the invisible substance making up over 80% of the matter in the universe, is one of the most fundamental mysteries of modern physics. Ultralight bosons such as axions, axion-like particles, or dark photons could make up most of the dark matter. Couplings between such bosons and nuclear spins may enable their direct detection via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: As nuclear spins move through the galactic dark-matter halo, they couple to dark matter and behave as if they were in an oscillating magnetic field, generating a dark-matter-driven NMR signal. As part of the cosmic axion spin precession experiment (CASPEr), an NMR-based dark-matter search, we use ultralow-field NMR to probe the axion-fermion "wind" coupling and dark-photon couplings to nuclear spins. No dark matter signal was detected above background, establishing new experimental bounds for dark matter bosons with masses ranging from 1.8 × 10-16 to 7.8 × 10-14 eV.