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Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14145, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37403804


Emerging technology has immense potential to increase the scale and efficiency of marine conservation. One such technology is large-area imaging (LAI), which relies on structure-from-motion photogrammetry to create composite products, including 3-dimensional (3-D) environmental models, that are larger in spatial extent than the individual images used to create them. Use of LAI has become widespread in certain fields of marine science, primarily to measure the 3D structure of benthic ecosystems and track change over time. However, the use of LAI in the field of marine conservation appears limited. We conducted a review of the coral reef literature on the use of LAI to identify research themes and regional trends in applications of this technology. We also surveyed 135 coral reef scientists and conservation practitioners to determine community familiarity with LAI, evaluate barriers practitioners face in using LAI, and identify applications of LAI believed to be most exciting or relevant to coral conservation. Adoption of LAI was limited primarily to researchers at institutions based in advanced economies and was applied infrequently to conservation, although conservation practitioners and survey respondents from emerging economies indicated they expect to use LAI in the future. Our results revealed disconnect between current LAI research topics and conservation priorities identified by practitioners, highlighting the need for more diverse, conservation-relevant research using LAI. We provide recommendations for how early adopters of LAI (typically Global North scientists from well-resourced institutions) can facilitate access to this conservation technology. These recommendations include developing training resources, creating partnerships for data storage and analysis, publishing standard operating procedures for LAI workflows, standardizing methods, developing tools for efficient data extraction from LAI products, and conducting conservation-relevant research using LAI.

Reducción de la brecha entre la investigación actual de imágenes de gran superficie y las necesidades de la conservación marina Resumen Las nuevas tecnologías tienen un enorme potencial para aumentar la escala y la eficiencia de la conservación marina. Una de ellas son las imágenes de gran superficie (IGS), que se basan en la fotogrametría de estructura a partir del movimiento para crear productos compuestos, incluidos modelos ambientales tridimensionales (3D), cuya extensión espacial es mayor que la de las imágenes individuales utilizadas para crearlos. El uso de las IGS se ha generalizado en determinados campos de las ciencias marinas, principalmente para medir la estructura tridimensional de los ecosistemas bentónicos y realizar un seguimiento de los cambios a lo largo del tiempo. Sin embargo, el uso de las IGS en el campo de la conservación marina parece limitado. Realizamos una revisión de la bibliografía sobre el uso de las IGS en los arrecifes de coral para identificar temas de investigación y tendencias regionales en las aplicaciones de esta tecnología. También encuestamos a 135 científicos de arrecifes de coral y profesionales de la conservación para determinar la familiaridad de la comunidad con las IGS, evaluar las barreras a las que se enfrentan los profesionales en el uso de las IGS e identificar sus aplicaciones consideradas como las más interesantes o relevantes para la conservación del coral. La adopción de las IGS se limitó principalmente a los investigadores de las instituciones con sede en las economías avanzadas y se aplicó con poca frecuencia a la conservación, aunque los profesionales de la conservación y los encuestados de las economías emergentes indicaron que esperan utilizar las IGS en el futuro. Nuestros resultados revelaron una desconexión entre los actuales temas de investigación de las IGS y las prioridades de conservación identificadas por los profesionales, lo que subraya la necesidad de una investigación más diversa y relevante para la conservación mediante el uso de las IGS.

Antozoários , Ecossistema , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Recifes de Corais
Ecol Appl ; 32(7): e2651, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35538862


Identifying relatively intact areas within ecosystems and determining the conditions favoring their existence is necessary for effective management in the context of widespread environmental degradation. In this study, we used 3766 surveys of randomly selected sites in the United States and U.S. Territories to identify the correlates of sites categorized as "oases" (defined as sites with relatively high total coral cover). We used occupancy models to evaluate the influence of 10 environmental predictors on the probability that an area (21.2-km2 cell) would harbor coral oases defined at four spatial extents: cross-basin, basin, region, and subregion. Across all four spatial extents, oases were more likely to occur in habitats with high light attenuation. The influence of the other environmental predictors on the probability of oasis occurrence were less consistent and varied with the scale of observation. Oases were most likely in areas of low human population density, but this effect was evident only at the cross-basin and subregional extents. At the regional and subregional extents oases were more likely where sea-surface temperature was more variable, whereas at the larger spatial extents the opposite was true. By identifying the correlates of oasis occurrence, the model can inform the prioritization of reef areas for management. Areas with biophysical conditions that confer corals with physiological resilience, as well as limited human impacts, likely support coral reef oases across spatial extents. Our approach is widely applicable to the development of conservation strategies to protect biodiversity and ecosystems in an era of magnified human disturbance.

Antozoários , Recifes de Corais , Animais , Antozoários/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema
PLoS One ; 19(1): e0296485, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166125


The population decline and lack of natural recovery of multiple coral species along the Florida reef tract have instigated the expanding application of coral restoration and conservation efforts. Few studies, however, have determined the optimal locations for the survival of outplanted coral colonies from restoration nurseries. This study predicts the optimal locations for Acropora palmata colonies along the Florida reef tract using a boosted-regression-tree model to examine the relationships between the occurrence of wild A. palmata and ten environmental variables. Our model results predicted A. palmata was most likely to occur in shallow reef habitats with (i) generally low mean chlorophyll-a concentrations (< 1 mg m-3), (ii) moderate fetch (3 kJ m-2), (iii) salinities between 20 and 37.5 ppt, (iv) temperatures between 20 and 32°C, (vi) low mean concentrations of total nitrogen (0.16 ppm), and (iv) irradiance between 26.5 and 53.5 mol m-2 s-1. The most suitable habitats for A. palmata were disproportionately allocated to reefs in Biscayne Bay, the Upper Keys, the western-lower Florida Keys, the Marquesas, and the Dry Tortugas. The middle Florida Keys had unfavorable environmental conditions for A. palmata habitat. Results from this study inform where A. palmata, outplanted as part of restoration and conservation efforts, would have suitable environmental conditions to persist over time. This study also provides decision-making support for management focused on the conservation and restoration of the endangered species A. palmata along the Florida reef tract.

Antozoários , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Florida/epidemiologia , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Environ Evid ; 13(1): 12, 2024 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39294693


BACKGROUND: Shallow, tropical coral reefs face compounding threats from climate change, habitat degradation due to coastal development and pollution, impacts from storms and sea-level rise, and pulse disturbances like blast fishing, mining, dredging, and ship groundings that reduce reef height and complexity. One approach toward restoring coral reef physical structure from such impacts is deploying built structures of artificial, natural, or hybrid (both artificial and natural) origin. Built structures range from designed modules and repurposed materials to underwater sculptures and intentionally placed natural rocks. Restoration practitioners and coastal managers increasingly consider incorporating - and in many cases have already begun to incorporate - built structures into coral reef-related applications, yet synthesized evidence on the ecological (coral-related; e.g., coral growth, coral survival) and physical performance of built structures in coral ecosystems across a variety of contexts (e.g., restoration, coastal protection, mitigation, tourism) is not readily available to guide decisions. To help fill this gap and inform management decisions, we systematically mapped the global distribution and abundance of published evidence on the ecological (coral-related) and physical performance of built structure interventions in shallow (≤ 30 m), tropical (35°N to 35°S) coral ecosystems. METHODS: To identify potentially relevant articles, we used predefined and tested strategies to search two indexing platforms, one bibliographic database, two open discovery citation indexes, one web-based search engine, one novel literature discovery tool, 19 organizational websites, and information requested from stakeholders. Discovered articles were screened according to preset eligibility criteria first by title and abstract and second by full text. Articles included during full text screening were coded to extract metadata following a predefined framework. We analyzed and visualized the evidence base to answer our primary and secondary research questions and to identify knowledge clusters and gaps. Findings are reported in a narrative synthesis. RESULTS: Our search discovered > 20,000 potentially relevant unique articles, of which 258 were included in the systematic map. The evidence base spans 50 countries, and the volume of evidence increased over the past five decades. Built structures were most commonly installed for coral restoration (61%) or coastal protection (12%). Structures were predominately characterized as artificial (87%), with fewer hybrid or natural interventions. Evidence clusters existed for intentionally designed artificial structures and outcomes associated with coral-related ecological performance, including coral mortality, growth, recruitment, cover, and diversity. Pronounced evidence gaps occurred at the intersection of several ecological coral-related performance outcomes (e.g., connectivity, microbiome) across all types of built structures; gaps also existed across most ecological coral-related outcomes for artwork and repurposed artificial structures. Physical performance of built structures was most frequently evaluated for outcomes related to waves (n = 14) and sediment and morphology (n = 11) with pervasive evidence gaps across other outcomes like storm surge and water level. CONCLUSIONS: While the systematic map highlighted several evidence clusters, it also revealed pronounced evidence gaps surrounding the coral-related ecological and physical performance of built structures in coral ecosystems. The compiled evidence base will help inform policy, management, and future consideration of built structures in reef-related applications, including habitat restoration, environmental mitigation, and coastal protection. Map findings also point to promising future research avenues, such as investigating seascape-scale ecological effects of and the physical performance of built structures.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 258, 2023 01 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36604530


For reef framework to persist, calcium carbonate production by corals and other calcifiers needs to outpace loss due to physical, chemical, and biological erosion. This balance is both delicate and dynamic and is currently threatened by the effects of ocean warming and acidification. Although the protection and recovery of ecosystem functions are at the center of most restoration and conservation programs, decision makers are limited by the lack of predictive tools to forecast habitat persistence under different emission scenarios. To address this, we developed a modelling approach, based on carbonate budgets, that ties species-specific responses to site-specific global change using the latest generation of climate models projections (CMIP6). We applied this model to Cheeca Rocks, an outlier in the Florida Keys in terms of high coral cover, and explored the outcomes of restoration targets scheduled in the coming 20 years at this site by the Mission: Iconic Reefs restoration initiative. Additionally, we examined the potential effects of coral thermal adaptation by increasing the bleaching threshold by 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2˚C. Regardless of coral adaptative capacity or restoration, net carbonate production at Cheeca Rocks declines heavily once the threshold for the onset of annual severe bleaching is reached. The switch from net accretion to net erosion, however, is significantly delayed by mitigation and adaptation. The maintenance of framework accretion until 2100 and beyond is possible under a decreased emission scenario coupled with thermal adaptation above 0.5˚C. Although restoration initiatives increase reef accretion estimates, Cheeca Rocks will only be able to keep pace with future sea-level rise in a world where anthropogenic CO2 emissions are reduced. Present results, however, attest to the potential of restoration interventions combined with increases in coral thermal tolerance to delay the onset of mass bleaching mortalities, possibly in time for a low-carbon economy to be implemented and complementary mitigation measures to become effective.

Antozoários , Animais , Antozoários/fisiologia , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Florida , Carbonatos , Mudança Climática
Environ Evid ; 12(1): 19, 2023 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39294770


BACKGROUND: Shallow, tropical coral reefs face compounding threats from habitat degradation due to coastal development and pollution, impacts from storms and sea-level rise, and pulse disturbances like blast fishing, mining, dredging, and ship groundings that reduce coral reefs' height and variability. One approach toward restoring coral reef structure from these threats is deploying built structures. Built structures range from engineered modules and repurposed materials to underwater sculptures and intentionally placed natural rocks. Restoration practitioners and coastal managers increasingly consider incorporating built structures, including nature-based solutions, into coral reef-related applications. Yet, synthesized evidence on the ecological and physical performance of built structure interventions across a variety of contexts (e.g., restoration, coastal protection, mitigation, tourism) is not readily available to guide decisions. To help inform management decisions, here we aim to document the global evidence base on the ecological and physical performance of built structures in shallow (≤ 30 m) tropical (35° N to 35° S latitude) coral ecosystems. The collated evidence base on use cases and associated ecological and physical outcomes of built structure interventions can help inform future consideration of built structures in reef restoration design, siting, and implementation. METHOD: To discover evidence on the performance of built structures in coral reef-related applications, such as restoration, mitigation, and coastal protection, primary literature will be searched across indexing platforms, bibliographic databases, open discovery citation indexes, a web-based search engine, a novel literature discovery tool, and organizational websites. The geographic scope of the search is global, and there is no limitation to temporal scope. Primary literature will be screened first at the level of title and abstract and then at the full text level against defined eligibility criteria for the population, intervention, study type, and outcomes of interest. Metadata will be extracted from studies that pass both screening levels. The resulting data will be analyzed to determine the distribution and abundance of evidence. Results will be made publicly available and reported in a systematic map that includes a narrative description, identifies evidence clusters and gaps, and outlines future research directions on the use of built structures in coral reef-related applications.

Environ Evid ; 12(1): 11, 2023 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39294753


BACKGROUND: Anthropogenic pressures and climate change threaten the capacity of ecosystems to deliver a variety of services, including protecting coastal communities from hazards like flooding and erosion. Human interventions aim to buffer against or overcome these threats by providing physical protection for existing coastal infrastructure and communities, along with added ecological, social, or economic co-benefits. These interventions are a type of nature-based solution (NBS), broadly defined as actions working with nature to address societal challenges while also providing benefits for human well-being, biodiversity, and resilience. Despite the increasing popularity of NBS for coastal protection, sometimes in lieu of traditional hardened shorelines (e.g., oyster reefs instead of bulkheads), gaps remain in our understanding of whether common NBS interventions for coastal protection perform as intended. To help fill these knowledge gaps, we aim to identify, collate, and map the evidence base surrounding the performance of active NBS interventions related to coastal protection across a suite of ecological, physical, social, and economic outcomes in salt marsh, seagrass, kelp, mangrove, shellfish reef, and coral reef systems. The resulting evidence base will highlight the current knowledge on NBS performance and inform future uses of NBS meant for coastal protection. METHODS: Searches for primary literature on performance of NBS for coastal protection in shallow, biogenic ecosystems will be conducted using a predefined list of indexing platforms, bibliographic databases, open discovery citation indexes, and organizational databases and websites, as well as an online search engine and novel literature discovery tool. All searches will be conducted in English and will be restricted to literature published from 1980 to present. Resulting literature will be screened against set inclusion criteria (i.e., population, intervention, outcome, study type) at the level of title and abstract followed by full text. Screening will be facilitated by a web-based active learning tool that incorporates user feedback via machine learning to prioritize articles for review. Metadata will be extracted from articles that meet inclusion criteria and summarized in a narrative report detailing the distribution and abundance of evidence surrounding NBS performance, including evidence clusters, evidence gaps, and the precision and sensitivity of the search strategy.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 19582, 2022 11 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36379970


Coral reef habitat is created when calcium carbonate production by calcifiers exceeds removal by physical and biological erosion. Carbonate budget surveys provide a means of quantifying the framework-altering actions of diverse assemblages of marine species to determine net carbonate production, a single metric that encapsulates reef habitat persistence. In this study, carbonate budgets were calculated for 723 sites across the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) using benthic cover and parrotfish demographic data from NOAA's National Coral Reef Monitoring Program, as well as high-resolution LiDAR topobathymetry. Results highlight the erosional state of the majority of the study sites, with a trend towards more vulnerable habitat in the northern FRT, especially in the Southeast Florida region (- 0.51 kg CaCO3 m-2 year-1), which is in close proximity to urban centers. Detailed comparison of reef types reveals that mid-channel reefs in the Florida Keys have the highest net carbonate production (0.84 kg CaCO3 m-2 year-1) and indicates that these reefs may be hold-outs for reef development throughout the region. This study reports that Florida reefs, specifically their physical structure, are in a net erosional state. As these reefs lose structure, the ecosystem services they provide will be diminished, signifying the importance of increased protections and management efforts to offset these trends.

Antozoários , Recifes de Corais , Animais , Ecossistema , Florida , Carbonatos