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Conserv Biol ; : e14262, 2024 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578131


Trade restrictions are often advocated and implemented as measures to protect wild species threatened by overexploitation. However, in some instances, their efficacy has been questioned, notably by governments in the southern African (SADC) region, which tend to favor a sustainable use approach to wildlife management. We conducted a systematic review of published literature guided by the PRISMA process to examine the effectiveness of trade restrictions and directly related control measures in addressing threats to species conservation in the SADC region, with a focus on elephants (Loxodonta sp.), rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum, Diceros bicornis), lions (Panthera leo), and pangolins (Manis sp.). We focused in particular on the direct conservation impact of trade restrictions at species or population level, indirect conservation impact at human behavior or attitude level, and socioeconomic impact on rural livelihoods and well-being and on national economies. Research on these topics was uneven and focused strongly on the effects of trade restrictions and law enforcement on crime-related behavior. Research gaps include socioeconomic impacts of trade restrictions, including effects of international restrictions on local livelihoods and consequent secondary conservation impacts, and evaluations of attempts to disrupt criminal networks. Based on the reviewed impact evidence, the effectiveness of international trade restrictions depends on a range of fully aligned measures in countries of origin, transit, and consumption. For example, our results suggest positive ecological short-term but negative or unknown long-term socioeconomic impacts of domestic restrictions. Based on these findings, key policy requirements include more nuanced approaches to incorporate a range of appropriate measures in range, transit, and consumer countries, that focus on capacity development for early detection and apprehension of incursions inside protected areas; measures for constructive engagement with relevant local communities outside protected areas; and future research to improve understanding of the socioeconomic contribution of wildlife.

Revisión sistemática del impacto de las medidas restrictivas de comercio de vida silvestres sobre la conservación de especies icónicas en el sur de África Resumen Las restricciones comerciales a menudo se promueven e implementan como medidas para proteger a las especies silvestres amenazadas por la sobreexplotación. Sin embargo, en algunas instancias, su eficacia ha sido cuestionada, en particular por gobiernos de la región del sur de África (SADC), que tienden a favorecer un enfoque de uso sustentable para el manejo de la vida silvestre. Realizamos una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada guiada por el proceso PRISMA para examinar la efectividad de las restricciones comerciales y las medidas de control directamente relacionadas para enfrentar las amenazas a la conservación de especies en la región de la SADC, con un enfoque en elefantes (Loxodonta sp.), rinocerontes (Ceratotherium simum, Diceros bicornis), leones (Panthera leo) y pangolines (Manis sp.). Nos centramos en particular en el impacto directo sobre la conservación de las restricciones comerciales a nivel de especie o población, el impacto indirecto sobre la conservación a nivel de comportamiento o actitud humana, y el impacto socioeconómico en los medios de vida y el bienestar rurales y en las economías nacionales. La investigación sobre estos temas fue desigual y se centró principalmente en los efectos de las restricciones comerciales y la aplicación de la ley en el comportamiento relacionado con el delito. Los vacíos a investigar incluyen los efectos de las restricciones internacionales sobre los medios de vida locales y los consiguientes impactos secundarios en la conservación, y evaluación de los intentos de desarticular las redes criminales. Con base en la revisión de la evidencia del impacto, la efectividad de las restricciones de comercio internacional depende de una gama de medidas totalmente alineadas en los países de origen, tránsito y consumo. Por ejemplo, nuestros resultados sugieren impactos socioeconómicos ecológicos positivos a corto plazo, pero negativos o desconocidos a largo plazo, de las restricciones nacionales. Con base en estos hallazgos, los requisitos clave para la definición de políticas incluyen enfoques más matizados para incorporar una variedad de medidas apropiadas ­ en los países de origen, tránsito y consumidores ­ que se centren en el desarrollo de capacidades para la detección temprana y la detención de incursiones dentro de áreas protegidas; medidas para un compromiso constructivo con las comunidades locales relevantes fuera de las áreas protegidas; e investigaciones futuras para mejorar la comprensión de la contribución socioeconómica de la vida silvestre.

Conserv Biol ; 37(6): e14164, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551765


Science-based decision-making is the ideal. However, scientific knowledge is incomplete, and sometimes wrong. Responsible science-based policy, planning, and action must exploit knowledge while managing uncertainty. I considered the info-gap method to manage deep uncertainty surrounding knowledge that is used for decision-making in conservation. A central concept is satisficing, which means satisfying a critical requirement. Alternative decisions are prioritized based on their robustness to uncertainty, and critical outcome requirements are satisficed. Robustness is optimized; outcome is satisficed. This is called robust satisficing. A decision with a suboptimal outcome may be preferred over a decision with a putatively optimal outcome if the former can more robustly achieve an acceptable outcome. Many biodiversity conservation applications employ info-gap theory, under which parameter uncertainty but not uncertainty in functional relations is considered. I considered info-gap models of functional uncertainty, widely used outside of conservation science, as applied to conservation of a generic endangered species by translocation to a new region. I focused on 2 uncertainties: the future temperature is uncertain due to climate change, and the shape of the reproductive output function is uncertain due to translocation to an unfamiliar region. The value of new information is demonstrated based on the robustness function, and the info-gap opportuneness function demonstrates the potential for better-than-anticipated outcomes.

Gestión de la incertidumbre en las decisiones para las ciencias de la conservación Resumen Lo ideal es tomar decisiones con base en la ciencia. Sin embargo, el conocimiento científico está incompleto y a veces es incorrecto. Las políticas, planeaciones y acciones responsables basadas en la ciencia deben explotar el conocimiento mientras que gestionan la incertidumbre. Consideré el método de vacío de información para gestionar la incertidumbre profunda en torno al conocimiento usado para las decisiones de conservación. Un concepto central es satisfacción que significa cumplir con un requerimiento crítico. Las decisiones alternativas se priorizan con base en su solidez respecto a la incertidumbre y se cumplen los requerimientos críticos de los resultados. La solidez mejora, el resultado se cumple. A esto se le llama satisfacción sólida. Puede que se prefiera una decisión con un resultado subóptimo por encima de una decisión con un resultado óptimo posible si la primera puede lograr con mayor solidez un resultado aceptable. Muchas aplicaciones de conservación de la biodiversidad usan la teoría del vacío de información, la cual considera la incertidumbre del parámetro, pero no la incertidumbre en las relaciones funcionales. Consideré los modelos de vacío de información en la incertidumbre funcional, usados de forma extensa fuera de las ciencias de la conservación, aplicados a la conservación de una especie genérica amenazada mediante la reubicación a una nueva región. Me enfoqué en dos incertidumbres: la temperatura en el futuro es incierta debido al cambio climático y la forma de la función del rendimiento reproductivo es incierta debido a la reubicación a una región desconocida. El valor de la nueva información queda demostrado con base en la función de la solidez y la función de la conveniencia demuestra el potencial para resultados mejores a lo esperado.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Incerteza , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 46 Suppl 1: S1-S56, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36731724


INTRODUCTION: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory disease that compromises the colon, affecting the quality of life of individuals of any age. In practice, there is a wide spectrum of clinical situations. The advances made in the physio pathogenesis of UC have allowed the development of new, more effective and safer therapeutic agents. OBJECTIVES: To update and expand the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of relevant treatments for remission induction and maintenance after a mild, moderate or severe flare of UC. RECIPIENTS: Gastroenterologists, coloproctologists, general practitioners, family physicians and others health professionals, interested in the treatment of UC. METHODOLOGY: GADECCU authorities obtained authorization from GETECCU to adapt and update the GETECCU 2020 Guide for the treatment of UC. Prepared with GRADE methodology. A team was formed that included authors, a panel of experts, a nurse and a patient, methodological experts, and external reviewers. GRADE methodology was used with the new information. RESULTS: A 118-page document was prepared with the 44 GADECCU 2022 recommendations, for different clinical situations and therapeutic options, according to levels of evidence. A section was added with the new molecules that are about to be available. CONCLUSIONS: This guideline has been made in order to facilitate decision-making regarding the treatment of UC, adapting and updating the guide prepared by GETECCU in the year 2020.

Colite Ulcerativa , Humanos , Colite Ulcerativa/tratamento farmacológico , Qualidade de Vida , Indução de Remissão
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(4): 526-540, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37256727


Facilitating parent-child interactions is a key component of evidence-based early childhood home visiting programs. Several observational measures have been created to effectively capture home visiting activities from an operationalized perspective. While the field has a reasonable understanding of what home visitors can do to facilitate developmentally supportive interactions, and why, the how remains elusive for many home visitors. This qualitative study used a modified grounded theory approach to examine the facilitation of caregiver-child interactions during home visits. Home visit video recordings previously coded using the Home Visit Rating Scale (HOVRS) A+ were selected based on facilitation quality. Sixteen home visits (8 lower- and 8 higher-quality facilitation scores) were examined for differences in home visitor behaviors that support parent-child interactions during visits. We identified contextual and specific behaviors that home visitors used to actively engage caregivers and children together in developmentally supportive interactions. Results revealed 11 home visitor behaviors that discriminated higher quality facilitation. These behaviors were categorized into four domains: environmental conditions, executing the activity, strengths-based focus, and caregiver responses. This qualitative study highlights specific behaviors and professional development areas to support more effective home visiting services for a diverse population of families with young children.

Facilitar las interacciones progenitor-niño es un componente clave de los programas de visita a casa en la temprana niñez con base en la evidencia. Varias medidas de observación se han creado para captar eficazmente las actividades de visita a casa desde una perspectiva operacional. A pesar de que el campo tiene una comprensión razonable de lo que los visitantes a casa pueden hacer para facilitar las interacciones de apoyo al desarrollo, y el por qué, el cómo permanece aún esquivo para muchos visitantes a casa. Este estudio cualitativo usó un bien fundado acercamiento teórico modificado para examinar la manera de facilitar las interacciones cuidador-niño durante las visitas a casa. Con base en la calidad del proceso facilitador, se seleccionaron grabaciones en video de visitas a casa previamente codificadas usando la Escala de Puntuación de Visitas a Casa (HOVRS) A+. Dieciséis visitas a casa (8 con puntajes del proceso facilitador de más baja calidad y 8 de más alta calidad) se examinaron en cuanto a las diferencias en el comportamiento del visitador a casa que apoya las interacciones progenitor-niño durante las visitas. Identificamos comportamientos contextuales y específicos que los visitadores a casa usaron para hacer que los cuidadores y los niños participaran juntos activamente en las interacciones de apoyo al desarrollo. Los resultados revelaron 11 comportamientos del visitador a casa en que se comprometía la más alta calidad del proceso facilitador. Se categorizaron estos comportamientos en cuatro dominios: condiciones ambientales, ejecución de la actividad, enfoque con base en los puntos fuertes, así como las respuestas del cuidador. Este estudio cualitativo resalta comportamientos específicos y áreas de desarrollo profesional para apoyar servicios de visita a casa más eficaces para un diverso grupo de población de familias con niños pequeños.

La facilitation des interactions parent-enfant est une composante clé des programmes de visite à domicile de le petite enfance, fondés sur des données probantes. Plusieurs mesures d'observation ont été créées afin de capturer efficacement les activités de visite à domicile du point de vue de l'opération. Le domaine a une compréhension raisonnable de ce que les visiteurs à domicile peuvent faire pour facilité des interactions qui soutiennent le développement mais le pourquoi et le comment demeurent insaisissables pour bien des visiteurs à domicile. Cette étude qualitative a utilisé une approche théorique fondée modifiée pour faciliter les interactions personne prenant soin de l'enfant - enfant durant les visites à domicile. Des enregistrements vidéo de visite à domicile, préalablement codés en utilisant l'Echelle d'Evaluation de Visite à Domicile (HOVRS en anglais), A+ ont été sélectionnées basé sur la qualité de la facilitation. Seize visites à domicile (8 de scores de plus faible qualité et 8 de scores de la meilleure qualité de facilitation) ont été examinées pour leurs différences dans les comportements du visiteur à domicile qui soutiennent les interactions parent-enfant durant ces visites. Nous avons identifié des comportements contextuels et spécifiques que les visiteurs à domicile ont utilisés afin d'engager activement les personnes prenant soin des enfants et les enfants ensemble dans des interactions soutenant le développement. Les résultats ont révélé 11 comportements de visiteur à domicile qui dans la facilitation distinguant la facilitation de haute qualité. Ces comportements ont été catégorisés en quatre domaines: conditions environnementales, exécuter l'activité, attention mise sur les forces, et réponses de la personne prenant soin de l'enfant. Cette étude qualitative met en lumière des comportements spécifiques et des domaines de développement professionnel pour soutenir des services efficaces de visite à domicile pour une population diverse de familles avec de jeunes enfants.

Cuidadores , Visita Domiciliar , Feminino , Gravidez , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Lactente , Cuidado Pós-Natal , Relações Pais-Filho , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Infant Ment Health J ; 43(1): 185-197, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34932823


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted research activities globally. Researchers need safe and creative procedures to resume data collection, particularly for projects evaluating infant mental health interventions. Remote research is uniquely challenging for psychophysiological data collection, which typically requires close contact between researchers and participants as well as technical equipment frequently located in laboratory settings. In accordance with public health guidance, we adapted procedures and developed novel protocols for a "virtual assessment" in which women and infants provided behavioral and psychophysiological data from their own homes while researchers coordinated remotely. Data collected at virtual visits included video-recorded parent-child interactions and autonomic nervous system data. Adaptations were designed to optimize safety and data quality while minimizing participant burden. In the current paper, we describe these adaptations and present data evaluating their success across two sites in the United States (University of Delaware and University of Utah), focusing specifically on autonomic nervous system data collected during the well-validated Still-Face Paradigm (SFP). We also discuss advantages and challenges of translating traditional lab procedures into the virtual assessment model. Ultimately, we hope that disseminating these procedures will help other researchers resume safe data collection related to infant mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

La pandemia del COVID-19 ha interrumpido significativamente las actividades de investigación globalmente. Los investigadores necesitan procedimientos seguros y creativos para reasumir la recolección de información, particularmente para proyectos con los que se evalúan intervenciones de salud mental infantil. La investigación remota es particularmente desafiante para recoger información psicofisiológica, lo cual típicamente requiere contacto cercano entre investigadores y participantes, así como también equipo técnico frecuentemente localizado en centros de laboratorio. De acuerdo con las directrices de salud pública, adaptamos procedimientos y desarrollamos protocolos novedosos para una "evaluación virtual," en la cual mujeres e infantes aportaron datos de conducta y psicofisiológicos desde sus propias casas mientras que los investigadores coordinaban remotamente. La información recogida en las visitas virtuales incluyó interacciones progenitor-niño grabadas en video e información del sistema nervioso autónomo. Se diseñaron las adaptaciones para optimizar la seguridad y la calidad de la información mientras que se reducía al mínimo la carga que conlleva la participación. En el presente estudio, describimos estas adaptaciones y presentamos información evaluativa del éxito en dos lugares de Estados Unidos (la Universidad de Delaware y la Universidad de Utah), con enfoque específico en la información obtenida acerca del sistema nervioso autónomo durante el ya bien validado Paradigma del Rostro Inmóvil. Discutimos también las ventajas y retos para transferir los procedimientos tradicionales de laboratorio al modelo de evaluación virtual. En última instancia, esperamos que al diseminar estos procedimientos ayudaremos a otros investigadores a reasumir la segura recolección de información relacionada con la salud mental infantil durante la pandemia del COVID-19 y posteriormente.

La pandémie du COVID-19 a perturbé de manière importante les activités de recherche au niveau global. Les chercheurs ont besoin de procédures sûres et créatives pour reprendre la collecte de données, particulièrement pour des projets évaluant des interventions en santé mentale du nourrisson. Les recherches à distance présentent un défi unique pour la collecte de données psychophysiologiques, qui typiquement exige un contact proche entre les chercheurs et les participants ainsi qu'un équipement technique fréquemment situé en contextes de laboratoire. En accord avec les directives de santé publique nous avons adapté les procédures et développés de nouveaux protocoles pour une « évaluation virtuelle ¼ durant laquelle les femmes et les bébés ont présenté des données comportementales et psychophysiologiques depuis leurs propres domiciles alors que les chercheurs coordonnaient le tout à distance. Les données recueillies durant les visites virtuelles ont inclus des interactions parent-enfant enregistrées à la vidéo et des données liées au système nerveux autonome. Les adaptations ont été conçues afin d'optimiser la sécurité et la qualité des données tout en minimisant le fardeau pour les participants. Dans cet article nous décrivons ces adaptations et présentons les données évaluant leur succès au travers de deux sites aux Etats-Unis (University of Delaware et University of Utah), en s'attachant plus spécifiquement aux données sur le système nerveux autonome obtenues durant le Paradigme de Visage Inexpressif, qui est bien validé. Nous discutons également les avantages et des défis qu'il y a à traduire des procédures traditionnelles de laboratoire en un modèle d'évaluation virtuel. Finalement nous espérons que le fait de disséminer ces procédures aidera d'autres chercheurs à reprendre de manière sûre la collecte de données liées à la santé mentale du nourrisson durant la pandémie du COVID-19 et plus loin.

COVID-19 , Coleta de Dados , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Saúde Mental , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , Estados Unidos
Aten Primaria ; 54(12): 102492, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36272223


OBJECTIVE: To collect perspectives and explore consensus for expert recommendations related to asthma control and the use of telemedicine among professionals who manage patients with asthma. DESIGN: A Delphi-like questionnaire was designed to analyse the level of agreement about several recommendations formulated by an expert scientific committee about asthma control and the use of telemedicine with this purpose. A dedicated scientific committee validated the questionnaire, which included questions about the participants' profile and the use of technological tools at a personal level or in clinical practice. The experts expressed their agreement with a Likert-scale of 9 values: 1-3 was considered no agreement, 4-6 neutral, and 7-9 agreement. A rate ≥70% with the same answer was considered consensus. SITE: The questionnaire was programmed and distributed as an internet-based survey. PARTICIPANTS: A pre-selected sample of 75 experts with experience in telemedicine (pulmonology, allergology, family medicine, nursing and community pharmacy) responded to a Delphi-like questionnaire composed by six questions and 52 items. INTERVENTIONS: Consultation was performed in two consecutive waves: the first wave was carried out from 12th of July to 8th of September of 2021; the second wave, from 25th of October to 12th of November of 2021. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Three questions about asthma control (actions for achieving or maintaining control of asthma at every visit, current problems that affect asthma control, and potential solutions to offset such problems), and three questions about the impact of telemedicine in asthma control (potential benefits of telemedicine, and potential reticence about telemedicine among both patients and healthcare professionals) were included. RESULTS: From the 52 items inquired, 35 were agreed by consensus. The actions for achieving or maintaining control of asthma, the problems that affect asthma control, and their potential solutions were agreed by consensus. The potential benefits of telemedicine were validated by consensus. None of the potential reservations of patients about telemedicine were validated, while five out of 14 potential reservations of healthcare professionals were agreed by consensus. CONCLUSIONS: The COMETA consensus provides a current picture of the main problems for achieving asthma control, the benefits and the reservations about the use of telemedicine in the Spanish setting, and offers solutions. A wide interest in implementing telemedicine has been observed, although current limitations need to be overcome.

Asma , Humanos , Técnica Delphi , Consenso , Asma/prevenção & controle , Asma/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Prova Pericial
Conserv Biol ; 35(3): 784-793, 2021 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33044026


Although coexistence with wildlife is a key goal of conservation, little is known about it or how to study it. By coexistence we mean a sustainable though dynamic state in which humans and wildlife coadapt to sharing landscapes, where human interactions with wildlife are effectively governed to ensure wildlife populations persist in socially legitimate ways that ensure tolerable risk levels. Problems that arise from current conflict-oriented framing of human-wildlife interactions include reinforcing a human-nature dichotomy as fundamentally oppositional, suggesting coexistence requires the absence of conflict, and skewing research and management toward direct negative impacts over indirect impacts and positive aspects of living with wildlife. Human behavior toward wildlife is framed as rational calculus of costs and benefits, sidelining emotional and cultural dimensions of these interactions. Coexistence is less studied due to unfamiliarity with relevant methodologies, including qualitative methods, self-reflexivity and ethical rigor, and constraints on funding and time. These challenges are illustrated with examples from fieldwork in India and Africa. We recommend a basic approach to case studies aimed at expanding the scope of inquiries into human-wildlife relations beyond studies of rational behavior and quantification of costs and benefits of wildlife to humans.

Replanteamiento del Estudio de la Coexistencia Humano-Fauna Resumen A pesar de que la coexistencia con la fauna es una meta de suma importancia para la conservación, todavía se conoce muy poco sobre ella y cómo estudiarla. Cuando hablamos de coexistencia nos referimos a un estado sustentable, pero a la vez dinámico en el cual los humanos y la fauna están coadaptados a compartir paisajes en los que las interacciones entre humanos y animales están regidas de manera efectiva para asegurar que las poblaciones de fauna persistan de maneras socialmente legítimas que aseguren niveles tolerables de riesgo. Los problemas que surgen de las actuales estructuraciones orientadas hacia la resolución de conflictos en las interacciones humano-fauna incluyen el reforzamiento de una dicotomía humano-naturaleza como fundamentalmente opositora, lo que sugiere que la coexistencia requiere de una ausencia del conflicto y la desviación de la investigación y el manejo hacia los impactos negativos directos por encima de los impactos indirectos y los aspectos positivos de la convivencia con la fauna. El comportamiento humano hacia la fauna está conceptualizado como un cálculo racional de costos y beneficios, haciendo a un lado las dimensiones emocionales y culturales de estas interacciones. La coexistencia está poco estudiada debido a la poca familiarización con las metodologías relevantes, incluyendo los métodos cualitativos, el rigor ético y autorreflexivo y las restricciones al financiamiento y al tiempo. Estos retos se encuentran ilustrados mediante ejemplos tomados del trabajo de campo en la India y en África. Recomendamos un enfoque básico para los estudios de caso centrado en la expansión del espectro de las indagaciones en las relaciones humano-fauna más allá de los estudios del comportamiento racional y la cuantificación de los costos y beneficios de la fauna para los humanos.

Animais Selvagens , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , África , Animais , Humanos , Índia , Motivação
Rev Argent Microbiol ; 53(1): 48-58, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32693928


The mycotoxin Ochratoxin A (OTA) causes serious health risks and is found in food products throughout the world. The most promising method to detoxify this compound is biodegradation. In this study, Aspergillus oryzae strain M30011 was isolated and characterized based on its considerable capacity to degrade OTA. The degradation product (compound I) of A. oryzae-treated OTA was isolated, and its toxicity response was also evaluated. Furthermore, the relationships between three key cultivation condition factors affecting the OTA degradation rate were examined using the response surface methodology (RSM). Compound I was identified as ochratoxin α (C11H9O5Cl), and the toxicity response experiments indicated that A. oryzae detoxified OTA to a great extent. A maximum degradation rate of 94% was observed after 72h. This study demonstrates the potential for using A. oryzae to detoxify OTA and suggests that it could be applied in the food industry to improve food safety and quality.

Aspergillus oryzae , Micotoxinas , Ocratoxinas , Biodegradação Ambiental , Contaminação de Alimentos
Aten Primaria ; 53(6): 102045, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33930846


OBJECTIVE: Identify improvement proposals for approaching violence against women through the evaluation of 2009s Protocol for approaching Violence Against Women in Health Care in Cataluña (PAVIM). DESIGN: Qualitative ethnographic study, 2019. SETTING: Public Health Care in Catalonia. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred eighty one participants, of which: 104 health care professionals, 43 women's associations and/or experts in violence against women and 34 experts on health and violence against women. METHOD: Intentional sampling. Eighteen focus groups and 34 semi-structured interviews. Evaluation with a gender and intersectional perspective. RESULTS: Results are structured along PAVIM's phases. PREVENTION: mandatory and institutionally recognized training for the whole professional team, with a gender and intersectional perspective. Detection: diagnostic code standardization for violence against women and improve coordination between primary care, emergency service, pediatrics and Assistance to Sexual and Reproductive Health. Care and recovery: territorial equity in the applied resources on cases of violence against women care (in the 9 sanitary regions of Catalonia) and improves communication between health and associative fields. CONCLUSIONS: The improvement proposals identified are those that have generated a greater consensus among participants and are the most interesting to primary care. As limitations, stand out the temporality and heterogeneity of the Catalan territory.

Atenção Primária à Saúde , Violência , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Criança , Feminino , Pessoal de Saúde , Humanos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Violência/prevenção & controle
Fam Process ; 59(1): 111-126, 2020 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30339277


Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT) is an innovative treatment used with troubled adolescents and their parents to improve family relationships and reduce adolescents' problematic behavior. It integrates the principles of family therapy, psychodrama, and multiple-family group methodology. This research is a pilot study to obtain empirical evidence on the SB-PFT therapeutic process by gauging the perception of change of troubled adolescents and their parents, and assess the perceived helpfulness of its methodology and techniques. Ten multiple-family intervention groups were drawn up, with 110 participants (63 adolescents and 47 parents), and we adopted a qualitative methodology with focus groups, using an inductive analysis of 290 active constructions of participant narratives. Concerning perception of change, the adolescents reported mainly gaining in social support, prosocial attitudes, keys to problem solving, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. The parents perceived improvement in social support, keys for educational practices, emotional well-being, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. Regarding the perceived helpfulness of methodology and techniques, both adolescents and parents highlighted the usefulness of the group methodology for gaining social support, relativizing the problem, and expressing emotions. Additionally, participants referred to role-playing and mirror techniques as the most useful techniques. In conclusion, this first study on SB-PFT presents and describes its treatment for troubled adolescents and their parents. The participants' positive perception of their personal and relational change after treatment should serve to promote further studies with quantitative methodology in order to verify the effectiveness of SB-PFT treatment.

La terapia familiar psicodramática basada en escenas (SB-PFT, por sus siglas en inglés) es un tratamiento innovador usado con adolescentes conflictivos y sus padres para mejorar las relaciones familiares y disminuir el comportamiento problemático de los adolescentes. Integra los principios de la terapia familiar, del psicodrama y de la metodología grupal multifamiliar. Esta investigación es un estudio piloto para obtener conocimiento empírico sobre el proceso terapéutico de la SB-PFT mediante la medición de la percepción de cambio de los adolescentes conflictivos y sus padres, y para evaluar la utilidad percibida de esta metodología y técnica. Se formaron diez grupos multifamiliares de intervención con 110 participantes (63 adolescentes y 47 padres), y adoptamos una metodología cualitativa con grupos focales utilizando un análisis inductivo de 290 construcciones activas de historias de los participantes. Con respecto a la percepción de cambio, los adolescentes informaron un aumento pricipalmente del apoyo social, de las actitudes prosociales, de las claves para resolver problemas y de la expresión de emociones debido al tratamiento. Los padres percibieron una mejora del apoyo social, de las claves para las prácticas educativas, del bienestar emocional y de la expresión de emociones debido al tratamiento. Con respecto a la utilidad percibida de la metodología y las técnicas, tanto los adolescentes como los padres destacaron la utilidad de la metodología de grupo para obtener apoyo social, relativizar el problema y expresar emociones. Además, los participantes se refirieron al juego de roles y a las técnicas del espejo como las más útiles. En resumen, este primer estudio sobre la SB-PFT presenta y describe su tratamiento para adolescentes conflictivos y sus padres. La percepción positiva de los participantes de su cambio personal y relacional después del tratamiento debería servir para promover más estudios con una metodología cuantitativa a fin de verificar la eficacia del tratamiento con la SB-PFT.

Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Terapia Familiar/métodos , Comportamento Problema/psicologia , Psicodrama/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pais/psicologia , Projetos Piloto , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Modelo Transteórico , Resultado do Tratamento
Fam Process ; 59(2): 681-694, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31237687


In the last decade, an increasing number of qualitative studies sought to investigate the dynamics of various dyads by conducting in-depth, multiple family member interviews. The emphasis in the methodological literature dealing with this type of research is primarily on the data collection process, and much less on the development of methods suitable for the analysis of the data thus derived, especially with regard to dyads consisting of family members belonging to different systems: families of origin or nuclear families. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model for dyadic analysis based on examining the dynamics of the evolving relationships between key caregivers of a family member with brain injury. The model includes inductive and abductive phases of analysis, and it is based on an ecological-systemic perspective. The benefits of this model are highlighted, and its potential contribution is further discussed.

En la última década, un número cada vez mayor de estudios cualitativos tuvo como finalidad investigar la dinámica de varias díadas realizando entrevistas detalladas a numerosas familias. El énfasis en la bibliografía metodológica que trata de este tipo de investigación se pone principalmente en el proceso de recopilación de datos, pero mucho menos en el desarrollo de métodos adecuados para el análisis de datos así derivados, especialmente con respecto a las díadas que consisten en familiares pertenecientes a diferentes sistemas: familias de origen o familias nucleares. El propósito de este artículo es proponer un modelo para el análisis diádico sobre la base de la dinámica de las relaciones que surgen entre los principales cuidadores de un miembro de la familia con daño cerebral. El modelo incluye fases inductivas y abductivas de análisis y está basado en una perspectiva ecológico-sistémica. Se destacan los beneficios de este modelo y se debate además su posible aporte.

Cuidadores/psicologia , Análise de Dados , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Família/psicologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Lesões Encefálicas , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Conserv Biol ; 33(3): 634-644, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30178894


Social marketing campaigns use marketing techniques to influence human behavior for the greater social good. In the conservation sector, social marketing campaigns have been used to influence behavior for the benefit of biodiversity as well as society. However, there are few evaluations of their effectiveness. We devised an approach for evaluating the influences of social marketing campaigns on human behavior and conservation outcomes. We used general elimination methodology, a theory-driven qualitative evaluation method, to assess the long-term impacts of a 1998 Rare Pride campaign on the island of Bonaire that was designed to increase the population of the Lora (Amazona barbadensis), a threatened parrot. We interviewed stakeholder groups to determine their perceptions of the drivers of the changes in the Lora population over time. We used these data to develop an overall theory of change to explain changes in the Lora population by looking at the overlap in hypotheses within and between stakeholder groups. We then triangulated that theory of change with evidence from government reports, peer-reviewed literature, and newspapers. The increase in the Lora population was largely attributed to a decrease in illegal poaching of Loras and an associated decrease in local demand for pet Loras. Decreases in poaching and demand were likely driven by a combination of law enforcement, social marketing (including the Rare campaign), and environmental education in schools. General elimination methodology helped show how multiple interventions influenced a conservation outcome over time. There is a need for evidence-based evaluations of social marketing interventions to ensure that limited resources are spent wisely.

Evaluación del Impacto Cualitativo de una Campaña de Mercadotecnia Social para la Conservación Resumen Las campañas de mercadotecnia social usan técnicas de mercadotecnia para influenciar al comportamiento humano para el mayor beneficio social. En el sector de conservación, las campañas sociales se han usado para influenciar al comportamiento para el beneficio de la biodiversidad y de la sociedad. Sin embargo, existen pocas evaluaciones sobre su efectividad. Diseñamos una estrategia para evaluar la influencia de las campañas de mercadotecnia social sobre el comportamiento humano y los resultados de conservación. Usamos la metodología de eliminación general, un método de evaluación cualitativa llevada por la teoría, para evaluar los impactos a largo plazo de una campaña de Rare Pride de 1998 en la isla de Bonaire, la cual fue diseñada para incrementar la población de la lora (Amazona barbadensis), un psitácido amenazado. Entrevistamos a grupos de accionistas para determinar sus percepciones de los causantes del cambio en la población de loras con el tiempo. Usamos estos datos para desarrollar una teoría general de cambio para explicar los cambios en la población de loras al observar el traslape en las hipótesis dentro y entre los grupos de accionistas. Después triangulamos esa teoría de cambio con evidencia tomada de los reportes gubernamentales, la literatura revisada por pares, y los periódicos. El incremento poblacional de loras se atribuyó en su mayoría a una disminución en la demanda local de las loras como mascota. La disminución de la caza furtiva y de la demanda estuvo probablemente causada por una combinación de la aplicación de la ley, la mercadotecnia social (incluyendo a la campaña de Rare), y la educación ambiental en las escuelas. La metodología de eliminación general ayudó a mostrar cómo las múltiples intervenciones influyeron sobre un resultado de conservación con el tiempo. Existe una necesidad por tener evaluaciones basadas en evidencias de las intervenciones de mercadotecnia social para asegurar que los recursos limitados se usen racionalmente.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Marketing Social , Biodiversidade , Humanos , Marketing
Psychother Res ; 29(7): 947-958, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29722613


Objective: Routine outcome monitoring benefits treatment by identifying potential no change and deterioration. The present study compared two methods of identifying early change and their ability to predict negative outcomes on self-report symptom and wellbeing measures. Method: 1467 voluntary day patients participated in a 10-day group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) program and completed the symptom and wellbeing measures daily. Early change, as defined by (a) the clinical significance method and (b) longitudinal modelling, was compared on each measure. Results: Early change, as defined by the simpler clinical significance method, was superior at predicting negative outcomes than longitudinal modelling. The longitudinal modelling method failed to detect a group of deteriorated patients, and agreement between the early change methods and the final unchanged outcome was higher for the clinical significance method. Conclusions: Therapists could use the clinical significance early change method during treatment to alert them of patients at risk for negative outcomes, which in turn could allow therapists to prevent those negative outcomes from occurring.

Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Avaliação de Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde/métodos , Satisfação Pessoal , Autorrelato , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Modelos Teóricos
Rev Argent Microbiol ; 51(3): 208-213, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30665746


The ability to form biofilms of pathogenic microorganisms in a wide variety of environments, surfaces and conditions constitute an important risk, both for the food industry and for public health. The aim of this work was to evaluate and to compare the effects of the methodology applied and the culture medium used on the ability of a non-O157 verotoxigenic Escherichia coli strain and an enteropathogenic strain to form biofilm on polystyrene surface. Two methodological variants were tested in static culture and culture mediums with different composition were used. The results showed that both strains were able to form a greater biofilm under culture in LB supplemented with glucose, with medium replacement at 24h and the quantification of the biofilm carried out at 48h of incubation. These conditions could be used in future studies on biofilm formation.

Biofilmes/efeitos dos fármacos , Meios de Cultura/farmacologia , Escherichia coli Enteropatogênica/efeitos dos fármacos , Escherichia coli Shiga Toxigênica/efeitos dos fármacos , Técnicas Bacteriológicas , Biofilmes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Escherichia coli Enteropatogênica/patogenicidade , Escherichia coli Enteropatogênica/fisiologia , Glucose/farmacologia , Poliestirenos , Escherichia coli Shiga Toxigênica/patogenicidade , Escherichia coli Shiga Toxigênica/fisiologia , Especificidade da Espécie
Conserv Biol ; 31(1): 48-55, 2017 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27162163


Conservation biology is a uniquely interdisciplinary science with strong roots in ecology, but it also embraces a value-laden and mission-oriented framework. This combination of science and values causes conservation biology to be at the center of critique regarding the discipline's scientific credibility-especially the division between the realms of theory and practice. We identify this dichotomy between seemingly objective (fact-based) and subjective (value-laden) practices as the measure-value dichotomy, whereby measure refers to methods and analyses used in conservation biology (i.e., measuring biodiversity) and value refers to nonepistemic values. We reviewed and evaluated several landmark articles central to the foundation of conservation biology and concepts of biodiversity with respect to their attempts to separate measures and values. We argue that the measure-value dichotomy is false and that conservation biology can make progress in ways unavailable to other disciplines because its practitioners are tasked with engaging in both the realm of theory and the realm of practice. The entanglement of measures and values is by no means a weakness of conservation biology. Because central concepts such as biodiversity contain both factual and evaluative aspects, conservation biologists can make theoretical progress by examining, reviewing, and forming the values that are an integral part of those concepts. We suggest that values should be included and analyzed with respect to the methods, results, and conclusions of scientific work in conservation biology.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Biologia , Ecologia , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 31(2): 353-363, 2017 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27558699


A vibrant debate about the future direction of biodiversity conservation centers on the merits of the so-called new conservation. Proponents of the new conservation advocate a series of positions on key conservation ideas, such as the importance of human-dominated landscapes and conservation's engagement with capitalism. These have been fiercely contested in a debate dominated by a few high-profile individuals, and so far there has been no empirical exploration of existing perspectives on these issues among a wider community of conservationists. We used Q methodology to examine empirically perspectives on the new conservation held by attendees at the 2015 International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB). Although we identified a consensus on several key issues, 3 distinct positions emerged: in favor of conservation to benefit people but opposed to links with capitalism and corporations, in favor of biocentric approaches but with less emphasis on wilderness protection than prominent opponents of new conservation, and in favor of the published new conservation perspective but with less emphasis on increasing human well-being as a goal of conservation. Our results revealed differences between the debate on the new conservation in the literature and views held within a wider, but still limited, conservation community and demonstrated the existence of at least one viewpoint (in favor of conservation to benefit people but opposed to links with capitalism and corporations) that is almost absent from the published debate. We hope the fuller understanding we present of the variety of views that exist but have not yet been heard, will improve the quality and tone of debates on the subject.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Meio Selvagem , Biologia , Humanos , Organizações
Infant Ment Health J ; 38(4): 499-513, 2017 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28658506


This article presents the findings of a qualitative study of maternal perceptions of parenting following participation in Legacy for ChildrenTM (Legacy), an evidence-based parenting program for low-income mothers of young children and infants. To further examine previous findings and better understand participant experiences, we analyzed semistructured focus-group discussions with predominantly Hispanic and Black, non-Hispanic Legacy mothers at two sites (n = 166) using thematic analysis and grounded theory techniques. The qualitative study presented here investigated how mothers view their parenting following participation in Legacy, allowing participants to describe their experience with the program in their own words, thus capturing an "insider" perspective. Mothers at both sites communicated knowledge and use of positive parenting practices targeted by the goals of Legacy; some site-specific differences emerged related to these parenting practices. These findings align with the interpretation of quantitative results from the randomized controlled trials and further demonstrate the significance of the Legacy program in promoting positive parenting for mothers living in poverty. This study emphasizes the importance of understanding real-world context regarding program efficacy and the benefit of using qualitative research to understand participant experiences.

Educação não Profissionalizante/métodos , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia , Mães/educação , Mães/psicologia , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Florida , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Los Angeles , Modelos Psicológicos , Percepção , Pobreza , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Aten Primaria ; 49(4): 214-223, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27566906


OBJECTIVE: To explore the main psychosocial aspects which have influence on the coping with the disease in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and their family carers. DESIGN: An exploratory qualitative study which constitutes the second phase of a mixed-methods project. SETTING: Multicenter study carried out in Navarre in 2014 in collaboration with Primary Care of Navarre Service of Health-Osasunbidea, Clínica Universidad de Navarra and Navarre Association of Parkinson's patients. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 21 participants: 9 people with PD, 7 family carers and 5 healthcare professionals. METHOD: Participants were selected through purposive sampling. Focus groups were conducted until a suitable saturation data was achieved. Transcriptions were analysed by 2 researchers through a content analysis. RESULTS: Three aspects that affected how patients and family carers coped with PD were identified: features of the clinical practice; family environment, and disease's acceptance. Taking account of these findings, some strategies which could foster these aspects from primary healthcare are suggested in order to improve the adjustment to the disease in patients and family carers. CONCLUSIONS: The healthcare in people with PD should have an integral approach that tackle the symptoms control in patients and also deal with psychosocial aspects that influence on the coping with the disease, in patients and family carers.

Adaptação Psicológica , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Atitude Frente a Saúde , Cuidadores/psicologia , Doença de Parkinson , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doença de Parkinson/terapia
Fam Process ; 55(2): 338-53, 2016 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25619113


In this study, an ambiguous loss framework as described by Boss (1999, Ambiguous loss: Learning to live with unresolved grief, First Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA) was used to examine and understand the family experiences of Mexican immigrant agricultural workers in Minnesota. Transcripts from interviews with 17 workers in Minnesota and 17 family members in Mexico were analyzed using qualitative methodology to identify experiences of ambiguous loss in the participants' narratives. Key dimensions of ambiguous loss identified in the transcripts include: psychological family, feelings of chronic/recurring loss, finding support, and meaning making. In the category of psychological family, participants in both Mexico and the United States mourned the physical absence of their family members and experienced ambiguity regarding family responsibilities, but worked to maintain their psychological roles within the family. In the category of chronic/recurring loss, participants in both countries experienced chronic worry from not knowing if family members were safe, ambiguity regarding when the immigrant would return, and chronic stressors that compounded these feelings of loss. Participants in both countries coped with both real and ambiguous losses by accessing family support and by using ambiguous communication to minimize worry. Participants in Mexico also accessed work and community-based support. Participants in both countries made meaning of the ambiguous loss by identifying ways their lives were improved and goals were met as a result of the immigration for agricultural work in Minnesota.

Emigrantes e Imigrantes/psicologia , Família/psicologia , Fazendeiros/psicologia , Pesar , Americanos Mexicanos/psicologia , Adaptação Psicológica , Adulto , Ansiedade/etnologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , México/etnologia , Minnesota , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Estresse Psicológico/etnologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia
Neurologia ; 31(1): 24-32, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25124671


OBJECTIVES: Socioeconomic status is a factor that influences health-related behaviour in individuals as well as health conditions in entire populations. The objective of the present study was to analyse the sociodemographic factors that may influence knowledge of stroke. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. A representative sample was selected by double randomisation. Face-to-face interviews were carried out by previously trained medical students using a structured questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions. Adequate knowledge was previously defined. The Mantel-Haenszel test and adjusted logistic regression analysis were used to assess the association between knowledge of stroke and the study variables. RESULTS: 2411 subjects were interviewed (59.9% women; mean age 49.0 [SD 17.3] years) Seventy-three per cent were residents of urban areas, 24.7% had a university education, and 15.2% had a low level of schooling. Only 2.1% reported earning more than 40 000 euros/year, with 29.9% earning less than 10 000. Nearly 74% reported having an excellent or good state of health. The unemployment rate was 17.0%. Prevalence of "adequate knowledge" was 39.7% (95% CI: 37.7%-41.6%). Trend analysis showed an association between knowledge of stroke and income (z=10.14, P<0.0001); educational level (z=15.95, P<0.0001); state of health (z=7.92, P<0.0001); and employment status (z=8.98, P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Educational level, income, employment status, and state of health are independent factors for adequate knowledge of stroke. Public awareness campaigns should present material using simple language and efforts should be directed toward the most disadvantaged social strata in particular.

Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Escolaridade , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Espanha , Inquéritos e Questionários