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Infant Ment Health J ; 45(2): 135-152, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38175546


This study, conducted in Germany, examines the role of maternal soothing strategies to explain the association of maternal self-efficacy with infant regulation (crying and sleeping behavior). Questionnaire data of 150 mothers, living in Germany, with mixed ethnic and educational backgrounds were collected when infants were 3 and 7 months old. Two types of maternal soothing strategies were distinguished: close soothing, involving close physical and emotional contact, and distant soothing, involving physical and emotional distancing from the infant. A cross-sectional SEM at 3 months indicated that maternal self-efficacy is associated with reported infant regulation through distant soothing strategies. Low maternal self-efficacy was associated with frequent maternal use of distant soothing, which in turn was related to reported infant regulation problems, that is, non-soothability and greater crying frequency. Frequent use of close soothing was associated with reported infant sleeping behavior, that is, frequent night-time awakenings. A longitudinal SEM further indicated that the effects of close soothing persisted at least until the infants' age of 7 months. The study showed how low maternal self-efficacy, increased use of distant soothing, and reported early infant regulation problems are intertwined and that, due to their persisting positive effect on infant soothability, close soothing better supports infant development.

Este estudio examina el papel de las estrategias calmantes maternas para explicar la asociación entre auto efectividad materna y la regulación del infante (comportamiento de llanto y de dormir). Información de cuestionario de N = 150 madres de trasfondos étnicos y educativos mixtos se recogió cuando los infantes tenían tres y siete meses de nacidos. Dos tipos de estrategias calmantes maternas se identificaron: estrategia calmante cercana, la cual trata del contacto físico y emocional cercano, y estrategia calmante distante, la cual trata del distanciamiento físico y emocional con el infante. Un estudio de Modelo de Ecuación Estructural (SEM) transversal a los tres meses indicó que la auto efectividad materna se asocia con la reportada regulación del infante a través de estrategias calmantes distantes. La baja auto efectividad materna se asoció con el frecuente uso materno de estrategias calmantes distantes, lo cual a su vez se relacionó con los reportados problemas de regulación del infante, tales como el no calmarse y la mayor frecuencia del llanto. El uso frecuente de estrategias calmante cercanas se asoció con el reportado comportamiento de dormir del infante, tal como el frecuente despertar nocturno. Un estudio de tipo SEM longitudinal indicó más allá que los efectos de las estrategias calmantes cercanas persistían por lo menos hasta que los infantes tenían siete meses de edad. El estudio mostró cómo la baja auto efectividad materna, el uso incrementado de estrategias calmantes distantes, así como los reportados tempranos problemas de regulación del infante están entremezclados y que, debido a su persistente efecto positivo en calmar al infante, las estrategias calmantes cercanas apoyan mejor el desarrollo del infante.

Cette étude examine le rôle des stratégies maternelles d'apaisement pour expliquer le lien de l'auto-efficacité maternelle avec la régulation du nourrisson (pleurs et comportement du sommeil). Des données d'une questionnaire de N = 150 mères issues de milieux ethniques et éducationnels différents ont été recueillies quand les nourrissons avaient trois et sept mois. Deux types de stratégies maternelles d'apaisement ont été distingués: l'apaisement proche, avec un contact physique et émotionnel proche, et l'apaisement distant, avec une distanciation physique et émotionnelle du nourrisson. Une coupe transversale SEM à trois mois a indiqué que l'auto-efficacité maternelle est liée à la régulation infantile signalée au travers de stratégies d'apaisement distantes. Une auto-efficacité maternelle faible était liée à l'utilisation maternelle fréquente de stratégies d'apaisement, qui à son tour était liée aux problèmes signalés de régulation du nourrisson, comme par exemple le fait de ne pas pouvoir être apaisé ou une fréquence de pleurs plus grande. L'utilisation fréquente de stratégies d'apaisement proche était liée au comportement de sommeil du nourrisson signalé, comme par exemple des réveils nocturnes fréquents. Un SEM longitudinal a de surcroit indiqué que les effets de stratégies d'apaisement proches persistaient au moins jusqu'à l'âge de sept mois des nourrissons. L'étude a montré comment l'auto-efficacité maternelle faible, une utilisation accrue de stratégies d'apaisement distant et les problèmes signalés de régulation précoce des nourrissons sont imbriqués et que, du fait de leur effet positif persistant sur l'apaisement du nourrisson, les stratégies d'apaisement proches soutiennent mieux le développement du nourrisson.

Relações Mãe-Filho , Autocontrole , Feminino , Lactente , Criança , Humanos , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia , Autoeficácia , Estudos Transversais , Mães/psicologia
Encephale ; 50(2): 185-191, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37604714


Sleep in extreme situations has been little studied. The artist Abraham Poincheval (AP) is known for his performances in confined spaces. For his show at the Perrotin Gallery in Paris, he was enclosed for 8days and 7nights in a metal sculpture of his body in a seated position, with his head facing a work by Hans Hartung at the end of a cone system placed in front of his eyes which occluded all other visual stimuli. The interior of the metal structure was not padded and there was no head support. His sleep and internal temperature were continuously recorded using polysomnography (Grael, Compumedics) and an orally swallowed temperature sensitive capsule (Bodycap) with temperature sampling every 2min. AP slept an average of 355.1min/24h, composed of light slow-wave sleep (N1: 47.1min, N2: 192.2min), deep slow-wave sleep (N3: 100.4min), and REM sleep 4,3 % (15.4min). Sleep, although mostly nocturnal, was split into periods of no more than 20min. Deep sleep was therefore remarkably resistant to the uncomfortable experimental conditions, while REM sleep was markedly impaired, lasting only a few short minutes and followed by rapid awakening. This is probably due to the head position within the sculpture which was unsupported, so REM sleep with its inherent muscle atonia led to involuntary head flexion and was impossible to sustain for long. The thermal minimum was between 5:17 a.m. and 6:35 a.m. The amplitude of the core temperature decreased by more than 30 % between the beginning and the end of the protocol. Despite the immobility induced by the confined experimental conditions, there was no desynchronization of circadian rhythms. The sleep time was surprisingly long given the conditions, and slow-wave sleep was relatively preserved with an amount typically found in normal subjects while REM sleep was markedly impaired. Slow-wave sleep is clearly preserved underlying its central role in physical and mental homeostasis. REM sleep is clearly more fragile. The reduction in REM sleep linked to position has been found in a study of sleep in the sitting position in airplanes where loss of muscle tonus in the neck fragments REM sleep. Techniques for selective REM sleep deprivation also use muscle atonia: one of the initial techniques of selective REM sleep deprivation relied on muscle atonia in REM causing a cat to fall from a small perch into water. In man, the lack of head support is clearly a source of REM fragmentation. However in the case of this study, we cannot exclude an effect of other factors, notably the meditative techniques used by the performer to maintain attention on the painting, described as a dream state punctuated by visual hallucinations. Surprisingly, despite physical isolation within the sculpture, AP's biological rhythms remained stable. However, the conditions were not those of complete isolation: noise, the presence of the public in the gallery who occasionally talked to AP through the sculpture, and variations in light during the day were all temporal cues. In addition, a heatwave during the performance raised the temperature in the room with reduced total sleep time on the hottest night. Although the phase of the circadian rhythm measured by the internal temperature did not change, the amplitude fell which is compatible with reduced physical activity. In conclusion, under physically constraining and uncomfortable sleep conditions, deep sleep is maintained while REM sleep is starkly reduced. From a homeostatic point of view, this means that over a short period of time, in a survival situation, energy recovery through deep slow-wave sleep takes priority over REM sleep.

Postura Sentada , Privação do Sono , Humanos , Masculino , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiologia , Polissonografia , Sono/fisiologia , Sono REM/fisiologia
Encephale ; 50(1): 48-53, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36907668


Sleep disorders in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are both diagnostic (nocturnal reliving) and prognostic. Poor sleep worsens the daytime symptomatology of PTSD and makes it resistant to treatment. However, no specific treatment is codified in France to treat these sleep disorders although sleep therapies (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, psychoeducation and relaxation) have proven for years to be effective in treating insomnia. Therapeutic sessions can be part of a therapeutic patient education program, which is a model for the management of chronic pathologies. It allows for an improvement in a patient's quality of life and enhanced medication compliance. We therefore carried out an inventory of sleep disorders of patients with PTSD. First, we collected data by means of sleep diaries concerning the population's sleep disorders at home. Then we assessed the population's expectations and needs regarding its management of sleep, thanks to a semi-qualitative interview. The data from sleep diaries, which was consistent with the literature, showed that our patients suffered from severe sleep disorders that strongly impact their daily lives, with 87% of patients having an increased sleep onset latency, and 88% having nightmares. We observed a strong demand from patients for specific support for these symptoms, 91% expressing an interest in a TPE program targeting sleep disorders. Thanks to the data collected, the emerging themes for a future therapeutic patient education program targeting sleep disorders of soldiers with PTSD are: sleep hygiene; management of nocturnal awakenings, including nightmares; and psychotropic drugs.

Militares , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Humanos , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/complicações , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/terapia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/complicações , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/terapia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/diagnóstico , Qualidade de Vida , Sono , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília/complicações , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília/terapia
Encephale ; 2024 Feb 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38311486


INTRODUCTION: The smartphones generalisation allows the development of attractive "real-life" monitoring tools for care and research enabling the measurement of addictive behaviours and comorbidities such as sleep disorders. The study objective was to assess the interest of a mobile app collecting such information among adolescents with addictive behaviours in order to enhance the availability of behavioural data in consultation. METHODS: An open label randomised pilot study was held along two parallel arms. The patients randomised to the intervention group (n=18) used a mobile app to provide daily data for 15 days relating to their sleep and their behaviour (addictive behaviours with or without substances). The patients in the control group (n=18) used a paper diary allowing the collection of the same data, only the medium differed. RESULTS: The patients' median age was 16 years [15.0-16.5]. A median of 67% and 10% of the expected information was completed respectively in the intervention and control groups during the 15 days of follow-up and could be used in consultation (P=0.08). The patient's knowledge, attitudes, intentions to change, behaviour change and seeking help related to the use of the diaries appeared higher in the intervention group (20.5/30) than in the control group (11/20). CONCLUSION: This study described the high patient compliance with the data collection by means of the app. The diary app seems to have been more impactful for patients than the paper diary. This app could represent an important tool to improve the therapeutic alliance and care due to a better knowledge of the behaviours on the part of the clinician but also a better awareness of the patients themselves.

Encephale ; 2024 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38755029


BACKGROUND: Nowadays, video games are very popular among teenagers. This popularity generates concerns, whether in the media, among families or among the scientific community, who wonder about their potential harmful effects. The aim of this study was to assess the association between different types of use of video games (absence of use, use of violent video games, use of non-violent video games) and mental health and aggression. METHODS: Data was drawn from a French cross-sectional study entitled "Portrait d'Adolescents" which included 15,235 adolescents using anonymous self-administered questionnaires. We defined three groups of use of video games (absence of use, use of violent video games, use of non-violent video games) and explored the association with mental health indicators among boys and girls. RESULTS: The group categorized as "non-gamers" consisted of 1288 adolescents (8.5%), while the "non-violent video gamers" group comprised 8380 adolescents (55.5%) and the "violent video gamers" group included 5430 participants (36%). Among adolescent boys, there was no observed association between responses to mental health-related questions and the type of video game playing. However, in the "violent video gamers" group, a higher percentage of boys (6.8%) reported engaging in self-harm behaviors (p=0.001). In contrast, in the "non-violent video gamers" group, a lower proportion of boys (9.4%) reported participating in dangerous games (p<0.0001). For girls, the "violent video gamers" group exhibited a higher proportion of responses indicating poorer mental health across all explored items: 22.8% reported a history of suicide attempts (p<0.0001), 22.3% reported depression (p<0.0001), 17.8% reported self harm (p<0.0001), and 11.2% reported participating in dangerous game (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Violent video games appear to be associated with varying behaviors depending on the gender of adolescents, and notably contribute to much poorer mental health among adolescent girls.

Soins Psychiatr ; 45(352): 28-31, 2024.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38719357


At a medical-psychological center, a therapeutic program based on relaxation and mindfulness meditation sessions is offered to people suffering from chronic insomnia referred by the center's psychiatrists, psychologists and advanced practice nurse. This treatment, which can be complementary to ongoing medication, is an alternative to pharmacological approaches.

Meditação , Atenção Plena , Terapia de Relaxamento , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Humanos , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/terapia , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/enfermagem , Terapia Combinada , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Colaboração Intersetorial
Rev Infirm ; 73(302): 25, 2024.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38901905


Sport and sleep are linked: practising sport favours good sleep, and sufficient sleep favours performance. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of injury and slows recovery from injury.

Sono , Humanos , Sono/fisiologia , Atletas , Privação do Sono , Esportes , Traumatismos em Atletas
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(4): 572-586, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37439103


The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent social restrictions created an unprecedented context for families raising young children. Although studies have documented detrimental effects of the pandemic on maternal well-being, less is known about how the pandemic specifically impacted low-income mothers. We examined depression, anxiety, and sleep quality among low-income mothers of one-year-olds during the early months of the pandemic using data from the Baby's First Years study. Focusing on the control group (n = 547), we compared mothers interviewed before March 14th, 2020 (n = 342) to mothers interviewed between March 14th and June 30th, 2020 (n = 205) to determine whether the pandemic was associated with differences in mental health and sleep quality. Mothers were recruited from four cities in the United States, and most of the sample identified as Hispanic (42.2%) or Black, non-Hispanic (38.6%). We found that mothers interviewed during the pandemic reported better mental health and sleep quality. While we cannot speak to longer-term impacts of the pandemic, it is possible low-income mothers experienced relief from daily stressors during the initial shelter-in-place orders, which may have led to improvements in well-being. These results have implications for understanding how complex life stressors influence mental health and sleep quality among low-income mothers raising young children.

La pandemia del COVID-19 y las subsecuentes restricciones sociales crearon un contexto sin precedentes para las familias que estaban criando niños pequeños. Aunque los estudios han documentado los efectos perjudiciales de la pandemia sobre el bienestar materno, menos se conoce acerca de cómo la pandemia específicamente tuvo un impacto sobre madres de bajos recursos económicos. Examinamos la depresión, ansiedad y calidad del sueño entre madres de bajos recursos económicos de niños de un año de edad durante los primeros meses de la pandemia usando datos del estudio Primeros Años del Bebé. Enfocándonos en el grupo de control (n = 547), comparamos las madres entrevistadas antes del 14 de marzo de 2020 (n = 342) con madres entrevistadas entre el 14 de marzo y el 30 de junio de 2020 (n = 205) para determinar si la pandemia se asociaba con diferencias en salud mental y calidad del sueño. A las madres se les reclutó en cuatro ciudades de Estados Unidos y la mayor parte del grupo muestra se identificaron como Hispanas (42.2%) o Negras no Hispanas (38.6%). Encontramos que las madres entrevistadas durante la pandemia reportaron mejor salud mental y calidad del sueño. A pesar de que no podemos hablar sobre el impacto a largo plazo de la pandemia, es posible que las madres de bajos recursos económicos experimentaran alivio en los factores diarios de estrés durante el inicial mandato de quedarse en su casa, lo cual pudiera haber llevado a mejoras en el bienestar. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para comprender cómo los complejos factores de estrés influyen en la salud mental y la calidad del sueño entre madres de bajos recursos económicos que crían a niños pequeños.

La pandémie du COVID-19 et les restrictions sociales qui en ont découlé ont créé un contexte sans précédent pour les familles élevant de jeunes enfants. Bien que des études aient documenté des effets préjudiciables de la pandémie sur le bien-être maternel, on en sait moins sur la manière dont la pandémie a spécifiquement impacté les mères de milieux défavorisés. Nous avons examiné la dépression, l'anxiété, et la qualité du sommeil chez des mères de milieux défavorisés avec un enfant d'un an durant les premiers mois de la pandémie, en utilisant des données de l'étude Baby's First Years. Nous concentrant sur le groupe de contrôle (n = 547), nous avons comparé des mères interviewées avant le 14 mars 2020 (n = 342) à des mères interviewées entre le 14 mars et le 30 juin 2020 (n = 205) afin de déterminer si la pandémie était liée à des différences en santé mentale et en qualité de sommeil. Les mères ont été recrutées dans quatre villes des Etats-Unis et la plupart de l'échantillon s'identifiait comme Hispanique (42,2%) ou Noires, non hispaniques (38,6%). Nous avons trouvé que les mères interviewées Durant la pandémie faisaient état d'une meilleure santé mentale et d'une meilleure qualité de sommeil. Bien que nous ne puissions pas parler des impacts de la pandémie à long terme, il est possible que les mères de milieux défavorisés aient fait l'expérience d'un soulagement des facteurs de stress quotidiens durant la période initiale de confinement, ce qui pourrait avoir mené à des améliorations dans le bien-être. Ces résultats ont des implications pour la compréhension de la manière dont des facteurs de stress complexes influencent la santé mentale et la qualité du sommeil chez les mères de milieux défavorisés élevant de jeunes enfants.

COVID-19 , Educação Infantil , Status Econômico , Renda , Saúde Mental , Mães , Qualidade do Sono , Saúde Mental/estatística & dados numéricos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Humanos , Feminino , Lactente , Mães/psicologia , Mães/estatística & dados numéricos , Status Econômico/estatística & dados numéricos , Renda/estatística & dados numéricos , Depressão/epidemiologia , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Entrevistas como Assunto , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Cidades/epidemiologia , Educação Infantil/psicologia , Quarentena/psicologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Estudos Prospectivos , Emprego/psicologia , Emprego/estatística & dados numéricos , Grupos Raciais/psicologia , Grupos Raciais/estatística & dados numéricos , Etnicidade/psicologia , Etnicidade/estatística & dados numéricos , Estado Civil/estatística & dados numéricos , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Análise de Mediação
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(1): 43-53, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36515372


Changes in infant night waking during the first year of life are associated with individual (e.g., prematurity) and family (e.g., caregiver psychopathology) factors. This study examined the association between infant night waking and caregiver anxious-depressive symptoms during the first year of life in preterm and term infants. We considered between-person differences and within-person changes in caregiver anxious-depressive symptoms in relation to changes in infant night waking from 2- to 9-months. Racially (30.0% Black, 60.4% White, 9.5% multiracial/other) and socioeconomically (40.0% below median household income) diverse caregivers (N = 445) of full term (n = 258) and preterm (n = 187) infants were recruited from hospitals and clinics in two midwestern states. Caregivers completed measures of anxious-depression and their infant's night waking at four sampling periods (2-, 4-, 6-, and 9-months). Infant night wakings declined from 2- to 9-months. Between-person differences were observed, such that caregivers with higher average anxious-depressive symptoms or infants born full term reported more night wakings. Within-person effects of caregiver anxious-depressive symptoms were not significant. Caregiver anxious-depression is closely associated with infant night wakings. By considering a caregiver's average severity of anxious-depression, healthcare providers can more effectively plan infant sleep interventions. If caregiver anxious-depressive symptoms are ameliorated, night wakings may also decrease.

Los cambios en el despertar nocturno del infante durante el primer año de vida se asocian con factores individuales (v.g. nacimiento prematuro) y familiares (v.g. sicopatología de quien presta el cuidado). Este estudio examinó la asociación entre el despertar nocturno del infante y los síntomas de depresión por ansiedad de quien presta el cuidado durante el primer año de vida de infantes nacidos prematuramente y de ciclo completo. Tomamos en cuenta las diferencias entre las personas y los cambios dentro de las personas en los síntomas de depresión por ansiedad de quien presta el cuidado con relación a los cambios en el despertar nocturno del infante de los 2 a los 9 meses. Se reclutaron en hospitales y clínicas de dos estados del medio oeste cuidadores (N = 445) racial (30.0% de raza negra, 60.4% blancos, 9.5% multirraciales o de otra raza) y socioeconómicamente (40.0% por debajo del promedio de ingresos caseros) diversos, de infantes de ciclo completo (n = 258) y prematuros (n = 187). Los cuidadores completaron medidas de depresión por ansiedad y el despertar nocturno de sus infantes en cuatro períodos muestra (a los 2, 4, 6 y 9 meses). El despertar nocturno del infante declinó de los 2 a los 9 meses. Se observaron las diferencias entre personas, de tal manera que los cuidadores con un promedio mayor de síntomas de depresión por ansiedad o infantes nacidos en el ciclo completo reportaron más despertar nocturno. Los efectos de dentro de las personas de los síntomas de depresión por ansiedad del cuidador no fueron significativos. La depresión por ansiedad del cuidador se asocia cercanamente con el despertar nocturno del infante. Por medio de considerar el promedio de la severidad de la depresión por ansiedad del cuidador, quienes ofrecen el cuidado de salud pueden planear más eficazmente las intervenciones en cuanto al sueño del infante. Si se mejoran los síntomas de depresión por ansiedad de quien presta el cuidado, el despertar nocturno también podría disminuir.

Les changements dans le réveil nocturne du bébé pendant la première année sont liés à des facteurs individuels (par exemple la prématurité) et familiaux (par exemple la psychopathologie de la personne prenant soin de l'enfant). Cette étude a examiné le lien entre le réveil nocturne du bébé et les symptômes anxieux-dépressifs de la personne prenant soin de l'enfant durant la première année de vie de bébés prématurés et à terme. Nous avons considéré les différences entre les personnes et les changements au sein de la personne dans les symptômes anxieux-dépressifs de la personne prenant soin de l'enfant, en lien aux changements dans le réveil nocturne du bébé de 2 à 9 mois. Des personnes (N = 445) prenant soin d'un bébé à plein terme (n = 258) et prématuré (n = 187), divers du point de vue de leur race (30,0% noirs, 60,4% blancs, 9,5% multiracial/autre) et de leur statut socioéconomique (40,0% en dessous du revenu moyen d'une famille) ont été recrutés dans des hôpitaux et des cliniques des états au centre nord des Etats-Unis. Les personnes prenant soin du bébé ont rempli des mesures de dépression anxiété et de la nuit de leur bébé à quatre périodes de prélèvement des renseignements (2-, 4-, 6-, et 9- mois). Les réveils nocturnes du bébé ont décliné de 2- à 9- mois. Des différences entre les personnes ont été observées, au point que les personnes prenant soin du bébé avec la moyenne de symptômes anxieux-dépressifs la plus élevée ou des bébé nés à terme ont fait état de plus de réveils nocturnes. Les effets au sein de la personne des personnes prenant soin du bébé avec des symptômes anxieux-dépressifs n'étaient pas importants. La personne prenant du bébé avec une dépression anxieuse est fortement liée aux réveils nocturnes du bébé. En considérant la sévérité moyenne de la dépression anxieuse de la personne prenant soin du bébé, les prestataires de santé peuvent planifier les interventions concernant le sommeil du bébé de manière plus efficace. Si les symptômes anxieux-dépressifs de la personne prenant soin du bébé sont améliorer, alors les réveils nocturnes pourraient aussi diminuer.

Cuidadores , Depressão , Lactente , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Ansiedade , Pessoal de Saúde
Encephale ; 49(1): 9-14, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34876277


OBJECTIVE: Sleep health is a major public health concern because of its correlation with physical and mental health, and it may be particularly altered in medical students. This study aims: i) to examine the sleep characteristics of French medical students and their knowledge about basic sleep hygiene rules and; ii) to examine the correlations between sleep quality and academic performances, as well as between sleep quality and sleep knowledge. METHODS: Students from 4th, 5th and 6th years of medicine, of the Faculty of Paris Diderot, voluntarily responded to an online questionnaire including PSQI and multiple-choice quizzes (MCQ) about basic sleep hygiene rules. RESULTS: From the 177 participants, 49.7% had a poor sleep (PSQI>5). Regarding sleep latency, 44.6% needed>30min to fall asleep at least once a week, 26.5% slept 6 hours or less by night, 42.4% of them qualified their sleep quality as bad or very bad. A serious lack of knowledge about basic sleep hygiene rules was observed, with an average score at the MCQ of 6.61/10, and only 31% of medical students were aware of basic good sleep habits. Significant correlations were observed between sleep efficiency and all academic mean scores (both regarding the morning, afternoon, and pooled mean scores), and between sleep disturbances and the morning mean score. CONCLUSIONS: French medical students have a poor sleep quality, correlating with academic performances, and present a poor knowledge of basic sleep rules. These findings are a call to improve medical training schedules and to develop prevention and training programs.

Desempenho Acadêmico , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Qualidade do Sono , Sono , Inquéritos e Questionários
Encephale ; 49(5): 525-531, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37005191


OBJECTIVES: Nightmares can be defined as "an unpleasant dream with anxiety and oppression". They represent a symptom possibly leading to serious psychiatric and physical consequences. It occurs to 2% to 8% of the general population. Lucid dreaming therapy (LDT) is an interesting upcoming psychotherapy for the treatment of nightmares. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of LDT in the treatment of nightmares in adults and children. METHODS: We performed a systematic review of the literature, based on the Cochrane organisation's methodology. We explored the PubMed, Cochrane library, PsycINFO via Ovid and Embase databases and clinical trial registries (CTR), namely, EU clinical trials and the WHO clinical trials registry platform. RESULTS: Four randomized controlled trials (RCT), 2 case series and 5 case reports were included. Most of the included studies found LDT effective in reducing nightmare frequency among adults with chronic and recurring nightmares. We did not identify any reports in children. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a limited internal validity for the included studies, these first results are encouraging. Nonetheless, larger and more rigorous studies would allow to better assess the utility of LDT for nightmares.

Sonhos , Transtornos Mentais , Adulto , Criança , Humanos , Sonhos/psicologia , Psicoterapia/métodos , Ansiedade
Encephale ; 49(5): 474-480, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36244838


INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of insomnia in children aged 5 to 12 years old is 20% to 31%. Currently, there is no well-validated questionnaire assessing all the components of insomnia in school-aged children. The present study aims to introduce an adaptation of the Insomnia Severity Index for this purpose. METHOD: Fifty-nine children aged 8- to 12-years-old with at least one anxiety disorder were recruited from youth mental health care settings. Their parents completed the pediatric adaptation of the Insomnia Severity Index which includes two scales used to report insomnia symptoms in children and their impact on the child (ISI-Child) and parents (ISI-Parent), My Child's Sleep Habits questionnaire, and the Child Behavior Checklist. RESULTS: Both the ISI-Child and the ISI-Parent scales presented adequate factorial structure (RMSEA ≤ 0.05) and internal consistency (ISI-Child: α=0.87; ISI-Parent: α=0.88). Furthermore, the results of the two scales were strongly correlated (r=0.91, P<0.001). The convergent validity was assessed using the Waking During the Night scale of the My Child's Sleep Habits questionnaire and was adequate for the ISI-Child (r=0.52, P<0.001) and the ISI-Parent (r=0.53, P<0.001). Finally, the Rule-Breaking Behavior (r ≤ 0.26, P ≥ 0.05) and Aggressive Behavior (r ≤ 0.19, P ≥ 0.19) scales of the Child Behavior Checklist showed small correlations with both subscales, indicating good divergent validity. CONCLUSION: The pediatric adaptation of the Insomnia Severity Index is a potentially reliable and valid measure for screening and assessing insomnia in children.

Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Adolescente , Humanos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/diagnóstico , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/epidemiologia , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Psicometria/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sono , Inquéritos e Questionários
Encephale ; 49(1): 41-49, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34865847


INTRODUCTION: Insomnia is a sleep disorder that particularly affects teenagers. Its psychic and physical consequences are major and make it a public health priority. The main purpose of the study was to provide contemporary data on adolescent sleep and to explore the intrications between insomnia and mood disorders while investigating the chronotype responsibility. METHOD: A battery of questionnaires was offered to 1,036 French teenagers, enrolled in secondary school, aged between 12 and 20 years old and living in urban areas for middle school students and in rural areas for high school students. It was mainly composed of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the - Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). The authorities responsible for ethics and professional conduct have issued a favorable opinion. RESULTS: This study demonstrated that anxiety, depression, gender and age were factors linked to insomnia, reaffirming a female predisposition and asserting a high school entry effect (especially at 15 years old). The results also indicated that a tendency to vesperality increased the risk and the level of insomnia, thus evoking the responsibility of circadian typologies in this sleep disorder. CONCLUSION: This study underlines the importance of prevention and screening for insomnia when entering high school, as well as the need, in sleep disorder clinics and in psychotherapy, to deal with individual circadian rhythms, their consequences and organizational choices in the sleep/wakefulness articulation.

Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Criança , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/complicações , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/epidemiologia , Depressão/complicações , Depressão/epidemiologia , Sono , Ritmo Circadiano , Ansiedade/complicações , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Encephale ; 49(1): 87-93, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35970642


Over the past century a dramatic decline in sleep duration among adolescents, such as more than one hour of sleep loss per night, has been reported. A debt in sleep duration could lead to sleep deprivation, a major risk factor associated with daytime sleepiness. Sleepiness refers to the inability to maintain an adequate level of alertness during the day which may result in more or less being able to control falling asleep at inappropriate times. This literature review updates on sleepiness regarding its characteristics, etiology and consequences on adolescents. Studies revealed that from 25 % to 78 % of adolescents had reported sleepiness. Its manifestations may include heavy lids, yawns, difficulties to concentrate and emotional irritability. In addition, while it is recommended that adolescents under 18 years-old should sleep from eight to ten hours a night, only 63 % of them actually do so. The etiology of sleep deprivation and sleepiness in this population can be explained by various biological and societal factors. First, the sleep-wake cycle of adolescents shows a biological shift from the beginning of pubertal maturation, described as a perfect storm. It refers to a social jetlag by going to sleep and waking up later and accumulating a sleep debt during weekdays which they try to reimburse during weekends. This phenomenon can be explained by physiological changes such as a slower accumulation of sleep pressure. In addition to this perfect storm, environmental and societal factors contribute to the social jetlag and reduce sleep duration in adolescents. Screen exposure before bedtime can delay sleep and wake onset, which is a risk factor for sleeping debt. Substance use such as caffeine, cigarettes or electronic vaporizer, ADHD or freely available medication, alcohol, cannabis use or drug consumption could further disrupt sleep-wake cycle by stimulating, depressing or otherwise disrupting the central nervous system. Early, before 8:30 am, class start times have been associated with chronic sleep deprivation, higher level of sleepiness and delayed melatonin peak secretion. Adolescents working or doing extracurricular occupations for more than 20hours a week are more at risk for reduced sleep duration and sleepiness. Parental supervision about sleep during the weekdays were associated with more appropriate bedtime. Adolescents from low socio-demographic characteristics and from minority ethnic groups have reported displaying a shorter sleep duration. Finally, sleep disorders of a physiological origin such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, may explain the sleep deprivation and sleepiness. Sleep deprivation and sleepiness in adolescents have consequences on their health. Cognitive functioning, such as problem solving, attention or memory, as well as school performance, can be compromised by sleep deprivation and sleepiness. At the psychological level, adolescents reporting sleepiness are more prone to display mental health problems: associations were found between sleepiness and subjective perception of depression, anxiety, somatic complaints as well as with antisocial behaviors. Finally, 68 % of 16 year-old adolescents reported they drove a car, and the reported sleepiness could lead to road accidents due to reduced attentional functioning, reaction time and decision-making abilities. In the United-States, from 7 % to 16.5 % of deadly accidents were related to driving while drowsy. Highlighting etiology and problems associated with sleep deprivation and sleepiness in adolescents could guide researchers and clinicians towards the development of possible interventions. Public health measures and knowledge transfer programs regarding modifiable psychosocial and societal factors associated with sleep-wake bioregulation could increase awareness in parents as well as in political and societal decision makers.

Distúrbios do Sono por Sonolência Excessiva , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Humanos , Adolescente , Privação do Sono/complicações , Privação do Sono/epidemiologia , Sonolência , Sono/fisiologia , Distúrbios do Sono por Sonolência Excessiva/epidemiologia
Encephale ; 49(2): 117-123, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36257850


OBJECTIVES: Despite international efforts to identify biomarkers of depression, none has been transferred to clinical practice, neither for diagnosis, evolution, nor therapeutic response. This led us to build a French national cohort (through the clinical and research network named SoPsy within the French biological psychiatry society (AFPBN) and sleep society (SFRMS)), to better identify markers of sleep and biological rhythms and validate more homogeneous subgroups of patients, but also to specify the manifestations and pathogeneses of depressive disorders. Before inclusions, we sought to provide a predefined, standardized, and robust set of data to be collected in all centers. METHODS: A Delphi process was performed to achieve consensus through the independent rating of invited experts, the SoPsy-depression co-investigators (n=34). The initial set open for vote included 94 questionnaires targeting adult and child psychiatry, sleep and addiction. RESULTS: Two questionnaire rounds were completed with 94% participation in the first round and 100% participation in the second round. The results of the Delphi survey incorporated the consensus opinion of the 32 members who completed both rounds. Nineteen of the 94 questionnaires achieved consensus at the first round and seventy of 75 at the second round. The five remaining questionnaires were submitted to three experts involved in the steering committee during a dedicated meeting. At the end, 24 questionnaires were retained in the mandatory and 26 in the optional questionnaire set. CONCLUSIONS: A validated data collection set of questionnaires is now available to assess psychiatry, addiction, sleep and chronobiology dimensions of depressive disorders.

Depressão , Sono , Adulto , Criança , Humanos , Técnica Delphi , Inquéritos e Questionários
Prog Urol ; 33(13): 613-623, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38012907


BACKGROUND: Since the 1970s, there has been a quantitative and qualitative decline in sperm parameters. The main hypothesis to explain such a rapid evolution is the involvement of environmental and behavioral phenomena. METHODS: A bibliographic search limited to English and French literature in men published before 7/2023 was carried out on the links between fertility and pollution, xenobiotics, tobacco, narcotics, cannabis, alcohol, weight, sport, sedentary lifestyle, sleep and anabolics. RESULTS: Profound changes in lifestyle have occurred over the past 50 years: reduced sleep time, sedentary lifestyle, dietary changes, tobacco consumption, use of narcotics and anabolics. These changes have a proven impact on spermogram parameters, and should be corrected in an effort to optimize reproductive health. Other environmental parameters: pollution, exposure to heavy metals, exposure to xenobiotics, phthalates and pesticides… will be more difficult to exclude from patients' daily lives, but deserve to be taken more into account. CONCLUSION: This review should help the urologist to assess and counsel patients in order to improve their reproductive health. These factors should be routinely investigated in infertile men.

Infertilidade Masculina , Sêmen , Humanos , Masculino , Infertilidade Masculina/induzido quimicamente , Estilo de Vida , Espermatozoides , Entorpecentes
Prog Urol ; 33(4): 155-171, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36710124


INTRODUCTION: Aging is associated with a combination of several lower urinary tract (LUT) signs and symptoms, including residual urine, overactive bladder and nocturia. One of the mechanisms of this LUT dysfunction that has not been discussed in dept so far is the role of dopamine (DA). METHODS: In this narrative review, we explore the dopaminergic hypothesis in the development of this combination of LUT signs and symptoms in older adults. RESULTS: DA is one of the neurotransmitters whose regulation and production is disrupted in aging. In synucleinopathies, altered DAergic activity is associated with the occurrence of LUTS and sleep disorders. Projections of DAergic neurons are involved in the regulation of sleep, diuresis, and bladder activity. The low dopamine hypothesis could explain the genesis of a set of LUT signs and symptoms commonly seen in this population, including elevated residual urine, Overactive bladder syndrome and Nocturia (discussed as the RON syndrome). This presentation is however also common in older patients without synucleinopathies or neurological disorders and therefore we hypothesise that altered DAergic activity because of pathological aging, and selective destruction of DAergic neurons, could underpin the presentation of this triad of LUT dysfunction in the older population. CONCLUSION: The concept of RON syndrome helps to better understand this common phenotypic presentation in clinical practice, and therefore serves as a useful platform to diagnose and treat LUTS in older adults. Besides recognizing the synucleinopathy "red flag" symptoms, this set of multi-causal LUT signs and symptoms highlights the inevitable need for combination therapy, a challenge in older people with their comorbidities and concomitant medications.

Noctúria , Sinucleinopatias , Bexiga Urinária Hiperativa , Retenção Urinária , Humanos , Idoso , Bexiga Urinária Hiperativa/tratamento farmacológico , Noctúria/etiologia , Dopamina/uso terapêutico , Sinucleinopatias/complicações , Bexiga Urinária , Retenção Urinária/complicações
Encephale ; 48(1): 3-12, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33863513


OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess sleep quality of Tunisian medical students during home confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to analyze the relationship between sleep quality and sociodemographic, clinical, confinement-related and psychological variables. METHODS: A correlational cross-sectional study was conducted from April 11th to May 3rd 2020. Medical students who have been in home confinement and who accepted to participate in an online survey were targeted. Sociodemographic data, clinical variables, and data related to home confinement were collected. Participants also completed Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and Beck Hopelessness Scale. RESULTS: Results showed a high prevalence of poor sleepers among medical students (72.5%) with poor subjective sleep quality, increased sleep latency, sleep disturbances and daytime dysfunction. Multiple regression analysis revealed that family history of suicide attempts, tobacco use, perception of home confinement and reduced physical activity during home confinement significantly contributed to poor sleep quality. Among the psychological variables, anxiety and hopelessness significantly contributed to poor sleep quality in medical students during home confinement. CONCLUSIONS: Results revealed a high prevalence of poor sleep quality in medical students who have been in home confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Except family history of suicide attempts, factors that significantly contributed to poor sleep quality were modifiable factors. Sleep quality and sleep parameters need to be assessed in this particular population and adequate measures aiming to promote quality of sleep need to be enhanced, given the crucial regenerative, homeostatic and psychological roles of sleep.

COVID-19 , Estudantes de Medicina , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , Sono , Qualidade do Sono
Encephale ; 48(5): 496-503, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34728067


A cross-sectional, survey based study was conducted in order to assess mental health outcomes among healthcare workers in a private university hospital involved in the COVID-19 response in Lebanon. The main objective was to quantify symptoms of anxiety and sleep quality using self-rating scales (the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) respectively), while identifying factors that might affect those symptoms. A total of 628 healthcare workers completed the survey; 409 (66.2%) were younger than 40 years, and 441 (71.4%) were women. Of all participants, 503 (81.4%) were nurses, 52 (8.4%) were physicians and 63 (10.2%) were residents. Registered nurses, residents, women, and younger participants presented higher scores on both scales than other categories of participants. Among factors related with COVID-19, those associated with higher scores were having relatives affected by the virus (22.2%), being excessively exposed to media (12.9%), and increasing the consumption of substances/alcohol (31.2%) during this period. Factors associated with higher risk of anxiety symptoms after multivariable logistic regression analysis were: female sex, young age, poor sleep quality, and living with elderly. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the psychological wellbeing of health care workers involved in the acute COVID-19 outbreak in Lebanon.

COVID-19 , Idoso , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Depressão/epidemiologia , Surtos de Doenças , Feminino , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Humanos , Masculino , SARS-CoV-2 , Qualidade do Sono
Encephale ; 48(3): 325-334, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34916075


INTRODUCTION: Sleep disorders are prevalent in patients with a neurocognitive disorder, and diagnosis and treatment in these patients remain challenging in clinical practice. METHODS: This narrative review offers a systematic approach to diagnose and treat sleep disorders in neurocognitive disorders. RESULTS: Alzheimer's disease is often associated with circadian rhythm disorders, chronic insomnia, and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. Alpha-synucleinopathies (e.g., Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia) are often associated with a rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, restless legs syndrome, chronic insomnia, and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. A focused history allows to diagnose most sleep disorders. Clinicians should ensure to gather the following information in all patients with a neurocognitive disorder: (1) the presence of difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep, (2) the impact of sleep disturbances on daily functioning (fatigue, sleepiness and other daytime consequences), and (3) abnormal movements in sleep. Sleep diaries and questionnaires can assist clinicians in screening for specific sleep disorders. Polysomnography is recommended if a rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder or a sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome are suspected. Sleep complaints should prompt clinicians to ensure that comorbidities interfering with sleep are properly managed. The main treatment for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome remains continuous positive airway pressure, as its efficacy has been demonstrated in patients with neurocognitive disorders. Medications should also be reviewed, and time of administration should be optimized (diuretics and stimulating medications in the morning, sedating medications in the evening). Importantly, cholinesterase inhibitors (especially donepezil) may trigger insomnia. Switching to morning dosing or to an alternative drug may help. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia is indicated to treat chronic insomnia in neurocognitive disorders. False beliefs regarding sleep should be addressed with the patient and their caregiver. The sleep environment should be optimized (decrease light exposure at night, minimize noise, avoid taking vital signs, etc.). Sleep restriction can be considered as patients with a neurocognitive disorder often spend too much time in bed. The need for naps should be assessed case by case as naps may contribute to insomnia in some patients but allow others to complete their diurnal activities. Trazodone (50mg) may also be used under certain circumstances in chronic insomnia. Recent evidence does not support a role for exogenous melatonin in patients with a neucognitive disorder and insomnia. Patients in long-term care facilities are often deprived of an adequate diurnal exposure to light. Increasing daytime exposure to light may improve sleep and mood. Patients with circadian rhythm disorders can also benefit from light therapy (morning bright light therapy in case of phase delay and evening bright light therapy in case of phase advance). Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder can lead to violent behaviors, and the sleeping environment should be secured (e.g., mattress on the floor, remove surrounding objects). Medication exacerbating this disorder should be stopped if possible. High dose melatonin (6 to 18mg) or low dose clonazepam (0.125-0.25mg) at bedtime may be used to reduce symptoms. Melatonin is preferred in first-line as it is generally well tolerated with few side effects. Patients with restless legs syndrome should be investigated for iron deficiency. Medication decreasing dopaminergic activity should be reduced or stopped if possible. Behavioral strategies such as exercise and leg massages may be beneficial. Low-dose dopamine agonists (such as pramipexole 0.125mg two hours before bedtime) can be used to treat the condition, but a prolonged treatment may paradoxically worsen the symptoms. Alpha-2-delta calcium channel ligands can also be used while monitoring for the risk of falls. CONCLUSION: Multiple and sustained nonpharmacological approaches are recommended for the treatment of sleep disturbances in patients with neurocognitive disorder. Pharmacological indications remain limited, and further randomized clinical trials integrating a multimodal approach are warranted to evaluate the treatment of sleep disorders in specific neurocognitive disorders.

Doença de Alzheimer , Transtornos Cronobiológicos , Melatonina , Transtorno do Comportamento do Sono REM , Síndrome das Pernas Inquietas , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Doença de Alzheimer/complicações , Doença de Alzheimer/terapia , Transtornos Cronobiológicos/induzido quimicamente , Transtornos Cronobiológicos/complicações , Transtornos Cronobiológicos/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Melatonina/uso terapêutico , Transtorno do Comportamento do Sono REM/induzido quimicamente , Transtorno do Comportamento do Sono REM/complicações , Transtorno do Comportamento do Sono REM/tratamento farmacológico , Síndrome das Pernas Inquietas/complicações , Síndrome das Pernas Inquietas/diagnóstico , Síndrome das Pernas Inquietas/tratamento farmacológico , Sono , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono/induzido quimicamente , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono/complicações , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono/tratamento farmacológico , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono/tratamento farmacológico , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília/tratamento farmacológico , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília/terapia