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Interdisciplinaria ; 34(2): 327-349, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-975777


La exposición a ruido no ocupacional y a la música a alto nivel sonoro, constituye un creciente factor de riesgo de pérdida auditiva en adolescentes. Estudios internacionales postulan que una función importante del Sistema Eferente Medial (SEM) es proteger el oído interno frente al ruido mediante un mecanismo reflejo y que puede ser evaluado a través de la Supresión Contralateral (SC) de las otoemisiones acústicas transitorias (TEOAEs). El mecanismo subyacente de este fenómeno no se conoce en su totalidad y los antecedentes sobre el tema son escasos. En esta investigación se analizó la relación entre la Exposición General a Música (EGM), el estado de la función auditiva y el mecanismo de protección coclear. Participaron 91 adolescentes con edades entre 14 y 15 años. Se evaluaron dos dimensiones (a) Psicosocial: se examinó la EGM con un cuestionario de actividades extraescolares y (b) auditiva o sea el funcionamiento del SEM mediante SC de las TEOAEs y los perfiles audiométricos con audiometrías. Los resultados mostraron que la SC no influyó estadísticamente en los perfiles audiométricos y categorías de exposición. Sin embargo, los resultados de la SC se orientan hacia la menor magnitud de efecto supresor, disminución en la respuesta total en relación al descenso de los umbrales auditivos y en relación con las categorías alta y baja de EGM. Es necesario promover trabajos destinados al comportamiento de riesgo auditivo conjuntamente con el mecanismo protector del SEM. De esta manera se podrá contribuir en la identificación temprana de la sensibilidad auditiva en adolescentes expuestos a ruido no ocupacional.

Non-occupational exposure to noise, such as loud music sound level is an increasing risk factor for hearing loss in adolescents. International studies propose that an important function of the medial efferent system (MES) is protect the inner ear against noise by a reflex mechanism and can be evaluated through Contralateral Suppression (CS) of transient otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) to analyzing the presence or absence of suppressive effect. The absence of suppressive effect is considered a possible alteration of the MES and the role it exerts on the regulation of the outer hair cells. The underlying mechanism of this phenomenon is not known totality and the background about this topic are limited. However, researches suggests that MES would have an important role in protection against acoustic overstimulation under the hypothesis that a hearing with the presence of suppressive effect would tend to be more protected against exposure to high noise levels while ears with no effect suppressor may be more vulnerable to noise exposure. In this research the relationship between the General Exposure to Music (MGE), the state of hearing function and cochlear protection mechanism were analyzed in 91 adolescents with 14/15 years old, with male predominance, of two technical schools of the city of Córdoba (Argentina). Were evaluated the following dimensions: (a) Psychosocial: MGE through an Out of School Activities Questionnaire to know in detail the participation in five recreational activities to finally analyze the MGE and (b) Audiological: assessment of audiometric profiles, as a subjective method, by audiometry in the conventional frequency ranges (250-8000) Hz and an extended high frequency audiometry (8000-16000) Hz; function of MES assessment, objective method, through CS of TEOAEs to determine the presence or absence of suppressive effect. The study CS of TEOAEs consisted of two steps: Step 1, application of TEOAEs of an ear in form ipsilateral without acoustic stimulation in the contralateral ear (CAS) and Step 2, application of TEOAEs in the ear ipsilateral while applying CAS. Was considered presence of suppressive effect when there was a reduction in the response after the CAS that is to say when the difference of values obtained in the total response with and without CAS was positive. At the same time, was considered absence of suppressive effect in cases of maintained or increased the response after the CAS, obtaining a value of zero or negative. The results of the research showed that in the group with presence of suppressive effect the most of ears is among moderate and high categories of MGE with a lower average magnitude of suppressive effect and a decreased amplitude of the total response in the high category of MGE than the media category. Regarding audiometry the ears with presence of suppressive effect showed higher magnitude in the group of normal hearing thresholds compared with the group of descended hearing thresholds. The results related to CS of the TEOAEs statistically did not influence in the audiometric profiles and the exposure categories. However the results of the CS were oriented towards the smaller magnitude of suppressive effect, decreased total response related with the descended hearing thresholds and high and low categories of MGE. It is necessary to promote and intensify researches in relation to the auditory risk behaviors together with the protection mechanism of MES. In this way, more researches can contribute to the early identification of hearing sensitivity in adolescents exposed to non-occupational noise. It is important to implement a Psycho-Auditory Screening to collaborate in the prevention and promotion of hearing health.

مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-908157


Introducción: los implantes cocleares permiten seleccionar diferentes entornos sonoros para facilitar la escucha en distintos ambientes auditivos. El objetivo fue analizar el reconocimiento de palabras y oraciones en los entornos sonoros Cotidiano, Ruido y Focalizado en usuarios de implante coclear y; relacionar el reconocimiento con el entorno sonoro más utilizado. Material y método: Es un estudio transversal, en el cual se entrevistó, mediante un cuestionario, a 20 usuarios de procesador Freedom o CP810, de entre 15 y 76 años. Se evaluó el reconocimiento del habla mediante palabras y oraciones en los entornos Cotidiano, Ruido y Focalizado en ambientes simulados según las características acústicas para las cuales fue creada cada opción; y se clasificó en Muy bueno, Bueno, Regular y Malo. Resultados: En todos los entornos el reconocimiento fue en general Muy bueno. La mayoría de pacientes obtuvo reconocimiento Muy bueno en Cotidiano. Sin embargo, con ruido de fondo, Focalizado incluyó al mayor número de pacientes con reconocimiento Muy bueno. La totalidad de pacientes manifestó preferencia por algún entorno, siendo Cotidiano el más elegido. El 70% de pacientes utiliza el entorno que le permite la mejor performance de escucha, mientras que el 30% elige una opción diferente a la que le permite alcanzar el mayor reconocimiento del habla tanto de palabras como de oraciones. Conclusiones: Se sugiere que el especialista evalúe el rendimiento en cada entorno para asesorar a los pacientes sobre los beneficios de las diferentes opciones de escucha. Simultáneamente, impulsar investigaciones en nuestra población acerca de esta temática.

Introduction: cochlear implants allow choose between diferents “sound environments” to make listening easier in different auditory environments. The aim was to analyze words and sentences recognition in Everyday, Noise and Focus in cochlear implants users. Relate the recognition with the most “sound environment” used. Material and method: Cross-sectional study. Twenty cochlear implants users were interviewed through a questionnaire. They were using Freedom or CP810 processors. The age range was between 15 and 76 years. Words and sentences perception with Everyday, Noise and Focus was evaluated in simulated environments according to the acoustic characteristics for which each option was created. Recognition was classified in Very Good, Good, Regular and Bad. Results: Mostly, speech recognition was very good in all “sound environments ”. The majority of patients obtained very good recognition in Everyday. However, with background noise, Focus was better. All patients preferred some “sound environment”. Everyday was the most chosen. 70% of patients used the “sound environment” that give them the best listening performance but 30% choose a wrong option. Conclusions: It is suggested that the specialist assess the speech recognition in each “sound environment” to advise patients about the benefits of different listening options. Simultaneously, to promote research in our population on this topic.

Introducão: implantes cocleares permitem selecionar diferentes ambientes sonoros para facilitar a audição em diferentes situações de escuta. O objetivo foi analisar o reconhecimento de palavras e frases em ambientes sonoros Cotidiano, Ruído e Focalizado nos usuários de implante coclear; relacionar reconhecimento com o ambiente sonoro mais utilizado. Material e método: É um estudo transversal em que foram entrevistados por questionário 20 usuários de Freedom ou processador CP810, entre 15 e 76 anos. Reconhecimento da fala foi avaliada usando palavras e frases em Cotidiano, Ruído e Focalizado em ambientes simulados de acordo as características acusticas de cada opção; e ele se classificou em Muito bom, Bom, Regular e Mau. Resultados: Em todos os ambientes o reconhecimento foi geralmente Muito bom. A maioria dos pacientes obteve reconhecimento Muito bom em Cotidiano. No entanto, com o ruído de fundo, Focalizado inclui-o o maior número de pacientes com reconhecimento Muito bom. Todos os pacientes manifestaram preferência por algum ambiente, sendo Cotidiano o mais escolhido. Em 70% dos pacientes, utiliza o ambiente preferido que oferece o maior reconhecimento da fala, enquanto 30% preferem uma opção diferente que lhe permite alcançar o maior reconhecimento da fala em palavras e frases. Conclusões: Sugere-se que o especialista avaliar o desempenho de cada ambiente para aconselhar os pacientes sobre os benefícios de opções de escuta. Simultaneamente impulsionar pesquisa em nossa população sobre este assunto.

Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Cochlear Implantation/rehabilitation , Cochlear Implantation , Hearing Loss/diagnosis , Speech Intelligibility , Speech Perception , Speech Production Measurement , Speech Recognition Software
Córdoba; s.n; 2013. 155 p. ilus, 29 cm, CD texto completo.
أطروحة جامعية ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-695470


Introducción: Algunas personas presentan una vulnerabilidad especial frente a la exposición excesiva a ruido, provocando una pérdida auditiva inducida por tal estímulo. En la actualidad aún no se conoce en su totalidad el mecanismo subyacente de tal fenómeno y se considera de importancia, dentro del campo de la audiología, indagar sobre el mismo. Una de las formas es profundizar el conocimiento sobre el sistema eferente medial (SEM) y su función protectora ante tales situaciones. El SEM se evalúa de manera indirecta y no invasiva mediante la Supresión Contralateral (SC) de las Otoemisiones AcústicasTransitorias (TEOAEs), constituyendo un estudio relativamente nuevo. Actualmente, tanto su metodología de trabajo como las utilidades y aplicaciones clínicas continúan siendo investigadas y carecen de un consenso de criterios a nivel internacional. La finalidad de esta Tesis Doctoral es conocer las posibles implicancias y aplicaciones clínicas de la SC de las TEOAEs en relación a las pruebas audiológicas subjetivas y el comportamiento de los adolescentes con respecto a la participación enactividades recreativas que suponen exposición a música. Material y Método: La investigación se desarrolló dentro deun Programa de Conservación y Promoción de la Audición en adolescentes implementado en el Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica (CINTRA), UnidadAsociada del CONICET, de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Regional Córdoba. El estudio se llevó a cabo con un diseño longitudinal, iniciándose en el año 2006 y finalizando en el año 2011.

SUMMARY: Introduction: Some people show a special vulnerability to excessive exposition to noise, which causes a hearing loss induced by such stimulus. At present, the underlying mechanism of such phenomenon is not completely known and to investigate about this is considered important within the field of audiology. One of the ways to enquire into this problem is to study in depth the medial efferent system (MES) and its protective function in such situations. MES is tested indirectly and in a non-invasive way by means of the Contralateral Suppression (CS) of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAEs), a relatively new study. Currently, its methodologies as well as its clinical applications are being investigated and there is a lack ofconsensus of criteria at the international level. The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to get to know the possible implications and clinical applications for CS of the TEOAEs related to the subjective hearing tests and the behavior ofadolescents in recreational activities that involve music exposure. Material and Method: The research wasconducted within a Conservation and Promotion of Hearing in Adolescents Program implemented at the Centro deInvestigación y Transferencia en Acústica, CINTRA, an Associated Unit of CONICET of Universidad TecnológicaNacional - Regional Córdoba.

Humans , Adolescent , Adolescent , Adolescent Health , Hearing Loss , Hearing Tests/methods , Recruitment Detection, Audiologic , Suppression
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