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النطاق السنوي
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558173


El profesionalismo ha tomado gran relevancia en la educación para profesionales de la salud, debido a que existe evidencia de su impacto en la calidad de atención a los pacientes. Se ha reportado que las prácticas poco profesionales incurridas por estudiantes tienden a repetirse posteriormente en su actividad profesional. El profesionalismo es un constructo que refleja valores, cultura, idioma y acuerdos sociales, por lo cual no se sugiere extrapolar una definición desde un contexto a otro. Por ello, un punto de partida es obtener una definición de profesionalismo adaptada culturalmente al contexto donde se encuentra inmersa. El objetivo de este estudio fue obtener una definición de profesionalismo en odontología, sus dimensiones y atributos consensuados por representantes de distintos programas de odontología de universidades chilenas. Se utilizó una metodología mixta en dos fases. En la fase 1 el diseño cualitativo exploratorio tuvo una aproximación por Teoría Fundamentada, donde se desarrollaron dos grupos focales (docentes y estudiantes de odontología) y se analizó la data con método de comparación constante y codificación abierta. En la fase 2 se realizó una consulta a expertos utilizando un diseño explicativo secuencial, a través de un Panel Delphi y un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas y abiertas, donde se realizó análisis de contenido. Se obtuvo una definición de profesionalismo en odontología, consensuada, transversal y adaptada al contexto nacional, con cinco dimensiones (contextual, formativa, personal, interpersonal y social) y trece atributos. El profesionalismo es un constructo complejo, por lo que se hace necesario obtener una definición común que guíe la incorporación de sus dimensiones y atributos en los procesos educacionales de las instituciones formadoras de cirujanos dentistas, de tal manera que ellos/ ellas puedan cumplir su rol social desde la excelencia contribuyendo a mejorar la calidad de atención en salud.

Professionalism has become highly relevant in health professional education since there is evidence of its impact on the quality of patient care. It has been reported that unprofessional practices incurred by students tend to be repeated later in their professional activities. Professionalism is a construct that reflects values, culture, language and social arrangements; therefore, it is not suggested to extrapolate a definition from one context to another. Thus, a starting point is to obtain a definition of professionalism culturally adapted to the context in which it is embedded. The aim of the study was to obtain a definition of professionalism in dentistry, its dimensions and attributes agreed upon by stakeholders of different dentistry programs of Chilean universities. A mixed methodology was used in two phases. In phase 1, an exploratory qualitative design with a Grounded Theory approach, two focus groups were developed (dental teachers and students), and the data was analyzed using a constant comparison method and open coding. In phase 2, an expert consultation was carried out using a sequential explanatory design through a Delphi Panel (consensus method) and a questionnaire with closed and open questions, where content analysis was conducted. A consensus definition of professionalism in dentistry was obtained, transversal and adapted to the national context, with five dimensions (contextual, formative, personal, interpersonal and social) and thirteen attributes. Professionalism is a complex construct, requiring a common definition to guide the incorporation of its dimensions and attributes in the educational processes of dental education institutions, enabling them to play their social role with excellence, contributing to improving the quality of health care.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(5): 649-658, mayo 2023. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560214


INTRODUCCIÓN: La diversidad cultural en Chile y las inequidades en el acceso y calidad de la atención requiere del desarrollo de competencias culturales en los profesionales de la salud debido a las inequidades en el acceso y calidad de la atención. A nivel internacional, se ha integrado la competencia cultural en los planes de estudio de las carreras de salud, pero en Chile está en sus etapas iniciales. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó una metodología mixta que incluyó: revisión documental (búsquedas y análisis en bases de datos y documentos oficiales), entrevistas a informantes clave y consenso de expertos. Las entrevistas se transcribieron textuales y se realizó un análisis temático utilizando el software ATLAS.ti. RESULTADOS: La revisión documental identificó dominios, objetivos e instrumentos utilizados para medir la competencia cultural en odontología. Las entrevistas revelaron cuatro categorías principales: concepciones de salud, facilitadores y barreras, y características de los profesionales de la salud. Se elaboró un listado de contenidos y resultados de aprendizaje, evaluados y consensuados por expertos. Conclusiones: La inclusión de la competencia cultural en los planes de estudio de odontología es esencial para una atención de salud más inclusiva y culturalmente segura. Se recomienda su integración longitudinal en diversos cursos, empleando metodologías efectivas de enseñanza y evaluación. Los resultados de este estudio ofrecen una guía para identificar los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes necesarios para formar a los profesionales de salud que finalmente deben entregar una apropiada atención de salud con pertinencia intercultural.

INTRODUCTION: Cultural diversity in Chile and inequities in access and quality of care require the development of cultural competencies in health professionals. Internationally, cultural competence has been integrated into the curricula of health professional programs; however, in Chile it is still in its early stages. METHODS: A mixed methodology included documentary review (searches and analysis in databases and official documents), key informant interviews and expert consensus. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and thematic analysis was carried out using ATLAS.ti software. RESULTS: The documentary review identified domains, objectives and instruments used to measure cultural competence in dentistry. The interviews revealed four main categories: conceptions of health, facilitators and barriers, and characteristics of health professionals. Experts developed, evaluated and agreed upon content and learning outcomes. Conclusion: Including cultural competence in dental curricula is essential for more inclusive and culturally safe health care. Its longitudinal integration into various courses, employing effective teaching and assessment methodologies, is recommended. The results of this study provide a guide to identifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to train health professionals who ultimately deliver appropriate health care with cultural pertinence.

Humans , Curriculum , Education, Dental/trends , Cultural Competency/education , Chile , Clinical Competence/standards , Qualitative Research
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385902


RESUMEN: Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) es un microorganismo frecuentemente aislado en pacientes con periodontitis, en los que también se incluye los de la población chilena. El modelo de "Keystone bacteria" demostró que P. gingivalis induce la disbiosis del biofilm subgingival y permite el desarrollo de algunas especies sobre otras, modulando la patogenicidad de la comunidad microbiológica completa. El tratamiento de la periodontitis es principalmente mecánico, pero en condiciones específicas es necesario el complemento con antibioterapia. Los estudios globales de antibióticos evaluados en ensayos clínicos y estudios in vitro han mostrado resultados mixtos en cuanto a eficacia y susceptibilidad. Este estudio descriptivo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el perfil de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana in vitro a metronidazol, clindamicina, amoxicilina más ácido clavulánico, moxifloxacino y azitromicina de P. gingivalis aisladas de pacientes periodontales chilenos. Se obtuvieron muestras microbiológicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de periodontitis estadíos III y IV generalizada, las que se sometieron a procesos de identificación mediante un espectrómetro de masas (MALDI-TOF MS). Posteriormente, a cada muestra positiva a P. gingivalis se aplicó el protocolo gold standard de susceptibilidad para los cinco antimicrobianos evaluados (Dilución en Agar Sangre Brucella- McFarland 0.5). Se seleccionaron 50 pacientes (25 mujeres, 25 hombres) entre 34-69 años. Finalmente, se recuperaron 25 cepas de P. gingivalis (50 %) para el análisis de susceptibilidad y todas ellas fueron sensibles a todos los antibióticos evaluados (100 % susceptibilidad). Las cepas de P. gingivalis fueron altamente sensibles a los cinco antibióticos evaluados en esta población, lo que podría implicar contar con diferentes alternativas de tratamiento farmacológico antimicrobi ano como complemento al tratamiento mecánico convencional en pacientes específicos.

ABSTRACT: Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) is a microorganism frequently isolated in patients with periodontitis, which also include those of Chilean population. The "Keystone bacteria" model demonstrated that P. gingivalis induces dysbiosis of the subgingival biofilm and allows the development of some species over others, modulating the pathogenicity of the entire microbiological community. The treatment of periodontitis is mainly mechanical; nevertheless, under specific conditions the complement with antibiotherapy is needed. Global studies of antibiotics evaluated in clinical trials and in vitro studies have shown mixed results in terms of efficacy and susceptibility. This descriptive study aimed to evaluate antimicrobial susceptibility profile in vitro to metronidazole, clindamycin, amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid, moxifloxacin and azithromycin of P. gingivalis isolated from Chilean periodontal patients. Microbiological samples were obtained from patients with a diagnosis of generalized periodontitis stages III and IV, which were exposed to identification processes by a mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF MS). Subsequently, the gold standard susceptibility protocol for the five antimicrobials evaluated was applied to each P. gingivalis- positive sample (Dilution in Brucella-McFarland Blood Agar 0.5). 50 patients (25 women, 25 men) between 34-69 years old were selected. Finally, 25 P. gingivalis strains (50 %) were recovered for susceptibility testing and all of them were susceptible to all antibiotics tested (100 % susceptibility). P. gingivalis strains were highly susceptible to the five antibiotics evaluated in this population, which could implies counting different antimicrobial pharmacological treatment alternatives as a complement to conventional mechanical treatment in specific patients.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(3): 22-28, sept. 30, 2020.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255284


Introducción: la evaluación kinesiológica contempla la realización de una rigurosa historia clínica y examen físico que orientan a establecer un diagnóstico, un pronóstico funcional, y es la base del plan de intervención. Esta competencia requiere de experiencia y razonamiento clínico para la toma de buenas decisiones terapéuticas. Los resultados históricos de las evaluaciones de aprendizajes del internado, concluyen que esta competencia tiene bajo nivel de desempeño, por lo que se deben mejorar las estrategias utilizadas para su aprendizaje durante el internado. El mini-CEX, es un instrumento de evaluación para el aprendizaje, que promueve la observación y feedback en el sitio de trabajo. Objetivo: diseñar e implementar un instrumento de evaluación para el aprendizaje de la evaluación kinesiológica durante el internado profesional de la Carrera de Kinesiología de la PUC. Método: estudio prospectivo, utilizando la me-todología de investigación acción, diseñado en 4 etapas. Resultados: se obtuvo un instrumento de evaluación para el aprendizaje, el mini-CEX, adaptado a las necesidades del internado profesional de kinesiología. El estudio piloto reportó buena aceptación entre estu-diantes y docentes. La percepción de los internos es que son más observados y que las destrezas asociadas a la evaluación kinesiológica mejoraron luego del estudio. Conclusiones: el instrumento reportó un tiempo de aplicación bajo (35 min.), lo que beneficiaría instancias de observación directa y feedback dentro de los internados. Es necesaria una aplicación a gran escala, que contribuya a determinar su validez y confiabilidad. Se requiere una capacitación formal a los docentes evaluadores y ajustar la escala.

Introduction: The physiotherapy clinical assessment competence includes the performance of a rigorous clinical history and physical examination that guides the establishment of a diagnosis and a functional prognosis, and is the basis of the intervention plan. This competence requires experience and clinical reasoning to make good therapeutic decisions. The historical global clerkship assessments conclude that this competency has a low level of performance, so the strategies used for its learning the clerkship must be improved. The mini-CEX is an assessment for learning, which promotes observation and feedback in the workplace. Objective: To design and im-plement an assessment for learning mini-CEX to the Physiotherapy PUC clerkship. Method: Prospective study, using an action research methodology, designed in 4 stages. Results: The main result was the mini-CEX, adapted to the Physiotherapy clerkship needs. The pilot study reported good acceptance among students and teachers. In addition, clerks' perception is that they feel more observed and that the skills associated with the physiotherapy assessment improved after its implementation.

Prospective Studies , Kinesiology, Applied , Evaluation Study , Internship and Residency , Learning , Students , Observation , Diagnosis , Faculty , Feedback
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(8): 1059-1066, ago. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058643


Background: Continuing education is essential for health professions and online courses can be a good way for professional development. Aim: To describe the experience with online courses for continuing education in hepatology and gastroenterology and to analyze their educational impact. Material and Methods: A three years' experience in courses on liver diseases and digestive tract is described. Their curricular design, methodology, and the educational impact was analyzed using the four levels of the Kirkpatrick's model. Results: On average, there were 321 students per course (2015-2017). 94% were Chilean and 6% from abroad (20 countries). In the educational impact analysis, in level 1 "reaction": 93% said that the course fulfilled their expectations and 92% would recommend it. In level 2 "learning": 42% approved the courses. Level 3 "behavior" was not evaluated and level 4 "organizational change" highlighted that the traditional face-to-face continuing education model of Chilean Gastroenterology Society (SChG) changed to full distance model in these three courses, with 1284 students from South America, Asia and Europe, in a 3-years-period. Additionally, these programs were included in the Medical Society of Santiago (SMS) continuing education agenda. Conclusions: The alliance between the SMS and the SChG generated on line courses that meet the educational needs of physicians and medical students, with excellent results and student perception.

Humans , Male , Female , Education, Distance/methods , Education, Medical, Continuing/methods , Gastroenterology/education , Societies, Medical , Time Factors , Program Evaluation , Chile , Reproducibility of Results , Educational Measurement , Geography
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(6): 790-798, jun. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020728


Background: A portfolio is a compilation of academic work that demonstrates student's knowledge, reflection and critical thinking. Aim: To describe the development and implementation of an undergraduate portfolio in the School of Medicine at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, its temporal evolution and its educational impact after 10 years of experience. Material and Methods: The development and implementation of a portfolio for 4th-year undergraduate medical student was analyzed. Its design, teaching and learning methodologies, results and perceptions of students and teachers were assessed. The educational impact was measured using Kirkpatrick's levels. Results: A total of 1,320 students participated between 2007 and 2017, supported by six teachers and 190 assistant-students. The portfolio included clinical cases, narrative medicine, palliative care and evidence-based medicine (EBM). The overall student's perception was positive, highlighting the development of critical analysis, clinical reasoning and professionalism. The delivery of feedback and learning assessment, allowed students to obtain excellent grades. There were only two cases of plagiarism reported. Fifteen EBM articles and two books with 52 narrative medicine essays were published. The greatest organizational impact of this teaching innovation, was that it evolved to become an established and continuous assessment instrument in 10 consecutive years. Conclusions: This portfolio is a project with a high educational impact, with a favorable perception by students and tutors, excellent results related to grades, stimulating both scientific writing and reflective practice.

Humans , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Educational Measurement/methods , Students, Medical , Time Factors , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Learning
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