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Salud ment ; Salud ment;37(5): 423-435, sep.-oct. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-744134


Introducción Los estudios epidemiológicos en nuestro país muestran un incremento en el consumo de drogas ilegales y de alcohol. La edad de inicio también ha disminuido, especialmente en el consumo de alcohol. Por su parte, el consumo de inhalables se ha incrementado en forma importante, especialmente entre las mujeres jóvenes. Son diversos los factores asociados al consumo de drogas, pero de manera importante destacan el desarrollo de estrategias de resistencia, junto con sus habilidades sociales subyacentes, así como los estilos parentales de crianza. Método La presente es una encuesta probabilística en población escolar de secundarias y bachilleratos de la Ciudad de México que se levantó en noviembre del 2012, con representación a nivel de cada Delegación. La muestra fue de 26 503 alumnos. La información se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario estandarizado y validado en encuestas anteriores. Resultados El consumo de tabaco disminuyó significativamente (de 44.3% a 41.0%), el 32.9% de los adolescentes comenzó a utilizar tabaco antes de los 13 años. El 68.2% consumió alcohol alguna vez; en tanto que la edad de inicio promedio de consumo de esta sustancia se mantuvo en los 12.6 años. La prevalencia de consumo de drogas alguna vez aumentó de 21.5% a 24.4%. La mariguana es la droga de preferencia en la población estudiantil (15.9%). También se encontraron incrementos en la presencia de abuso sexual, mientras que el intento suicida disminuyó. Discusión Los resultados muestran el continuo crecimiento que tiene esta problemática, aunque los inhalables se mantuvieron constantes y el tabaco disminuyó de manera importante. Dado estos resultados, es una tarea preponderante dedicar más esfuerzos a la prevención con estudios e intervenciones evaluadas para preescolar y primaria, así como para los padres de familia y los maestros.

Introduction Epidemiological studies in our country show increases in the consumption of illegal drugs and alcohol. The age of onset has decreased, especially regarding alcohol use. Meanwhile, consumption of inhalants has increased significantly, especially among young women. There are several factors associated with drug use, but the development of resistance strategies, along with its underlying social skills and parenting styles, stand out in a significant way. Method Data comes from a probabilistic survey carried out in November 2012, with students from 7th to 12th school grades, in Mexico City, which was representative for each of its districts. The sample was 26 503 students. Information was obtained through a questionnaire standardized and validated in previous surveys. Results Tobacco consumption decreased significantly (44.3% to 41.0%); 32.9% of the adolescents began its use before age 13. Lifetime consumption of alcohol was 68.2%, while the average age of onset of cannabis use remained at 12.6 years. Lifetime prevalence of any drug use increased from 21.5% to 24.4%. Marijuana was the first drug of choice among students (15.9%). Increases were also found in sexual abuse rate, while suicide attempt decreased. Discussion Although inhalants use remained stable and tobacco use decreased significantly, results show the continued growth of drug use. Given this context, concentrating more efforts in prevention with studies and evaluated interventions for pre-school and elementary school students, as well as for parents and teachers, is a preponderant task.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;37(1): 15-25, ene.-feb. 2014. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-709224


There are no studies in Mexico estimating the use of psychoactive substances in the elderly (+69 yrs) and there is a lack of information about the risk factors determining the burden of disease for this age group. The goal of this study is to present prevalences of use of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs and nonmedical prescription drugs in beneficiaries of a cash supplement program sponsored by the Institute for the Care of Elderly from Federal District (Instituto para la Atención del Adulto Mayor del Distrito Federal, IAAM-DF). Furthermore, significant sociodemographic factors associated with substance use are reported. From a random sample of the 2 501 users registries of a cash supplement program of IAAM-DF, a total of 2 098 agreed to participate and were interviewed in their homes. The response rate was of 83.9%. We found that 63.5% of all participants ever used alcohol, 45.4% ever used tobacco and 3.5% ever used any drugs. Near one out of every two men and one out of every four women used alcohol during the previous 12 months, one out of every 10 older adults used tobacco and just one out of every 100 used any kind of drug in the last 12 months. Overall prevalence of substance use is higher in men, with the exception of medical drugs. Outstanding associated factors in substance use were sex and higher socioeconomic levels. This is the first study in the country on substance use in dwelling elderly, not living in institutions. Alcohol use, even risky drinking, is not uncommon, smoking tobacco habits do not disappear with age, and medical drug use can be of concern for its effects on other diseases. Therefore, it becomes necessary to establish definitions of risky use for this population and develop appropriate intervention programs for this population group.

No existen investigaciones en el país sobre uso de sustancias psico-activas en poblaciones de adultos mayores (+69 años) y se carece de información sobre los factores de riesgos que son determinantes para la carga de la enfermedad en este grupo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar las prevalencias de consumo de alcohol, tabaco, drogas ilícitas y drogas médicas usadas sin prescripción en los beneficiarios del programa de pensión alimentaria del Instituto para la Atención del Adulto Mayor del Distrito Federal (IAAM-DF). Adicionalmente, se reportaron factores sociodemográficos asociados al consumo de estas sustancias. De una muestra aleatoria del padrón de usuarios del programa del IAAM-DF de 2501 personas, un total de 2098 aceptaron participar y fueron entrevistadas en sus hogares, obteniéndose una tasa de respuesta de 83.9%. Se encontró que 65.3% de la población consumió alcohol, 45.4% tabaco y 3.5% alguna droga alguna vez en la vida. En los últimos 12 meses, casi uno de cada dos varones y una de cada cuatro mujeres consumió alcohol; uno de cada 10 adultos mayores consumió tabaco; y sólo uno de cada 100 consumió alguna droga. La prevalencia de consumo de sustancias es mayor en hombres, con excepción de las drogas médicas. Los factores asociados que destacaron fueron el sexo y los mejores niveles económicos. Éste es el primer estudio realizado en el país sobre uso de sustancias en población de adultos mayores con domicilio fijo, no institucionalizado. El consumo de alcohol, incluso el consumo riesgoso, no es infrecuente; el hábito tabáquico no ha desaparecido con la edad, y el uso de drogas médicas puede ser un motivo de preocupación por su efecto en otras patologías. Se hace necesario establecer definiciones de uso riesgoso para esta población y desarrollar programas de intervención adecuados para este grupo.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;34(2): 81-94, mar.-abr. 2011. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632791


In the course of the last three years, a wide range of epidemiological studies related to drug use has been conducted, both at a national and international level. Talking about national studies in the field of school population, surveys have been conducted in the states of Colima, Nuevo León and Jalisco, as well as surveys in university population, among others. Regarding tobacco use, several studies were made and they covered many cities of the country. About household surveys, the fifth National Addictions Survey (ENA) was carried out in 2008 and it provided data at a national and state level. The Global Survey of Smoking in Adults (GATS) was also made having nationwide coverage. In relation to tobacco use, the trend shows a decrease in the prevalence of consumption. This is shown in ENA 2008 and GATS, as well as school population studies in different states. For alcohol consumption, the situation is different; both for the prevalence and for the proportion of people who start its early consumption, significant increases have been reported throughout the country. Alcohol abuse remains constant and is similar between men and women. When considering the use of illegal drugs, there is an overall increase. As for marijuana, data indicates that its consumption has increased and that it remains as the primary drug of use. However, the main increase is for inhalants, particularly among school population and especially in women. For cocaine, data from United Nations shows a significant decrease in the supply of this substance due to the increase of seizures. Data from ENA 2008 shows that the use of this drug has doubled between 2002 and 2008. The United Nations report indicates that the increase in our country is apparent until 2005 and since then it has been decreasing. Methamphetamine use remains low and it does not increase. Only in the case of the population that goes to service centers for drug users, a high rate of consumption is found. Finally, the consumption of heroin and hallucinogens is low. Chihuahua remains as the state with the most problems in the use of heroine. Most recent surveys have allowed us to see, in general, some of the trajectories in adolescent mental health, where sexual abuse is presented first in women, followed by ADDH, then the consumption of legal drugs, antisocial behavior, use of inhalants and suicide attempt. Then drug consumption, marijuana and cocaine. In men, the sequence is similar, although they face ADDH first and then sexual abuse. In this context, the objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of drug, alcohol and tobacco use, as well as consumption trends in school population from 7th to 12th grade from Mexico City and its political delegations. Method To ensure the comparability with similar studies carried out in Mexico in school population, the methodology used in this study maintains the basic aspects of the previous measurements that have been made in students from 7th to 1 2th grade from Mexico City and other states. The project had the approval of the ethics committee from the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, and was approved by the educational authorities of Mexico City to be applied in school population. The unit of analysis from which the information was obtained were the students enrolled in 7th to 12th grade in 2008-2009 from public and private schools in Mexico City. The sampling frame was developed based on the official records of the 2008-2009 school year. A non-response rate of 20%, a confidence level of 95% and an average absolute error of 0.004 were considered. The sample design was stratified by level of education (7th to 9th grades and 10th to 12th grades) and political delegations, which gave 32 different strata. It was also clustered by scholar group which was the primary unit of selection. The sample of groups and students were weighted considering the group, educational level and the delegation. A final sample of 22 980 subjects was obtained: 49.8% were female and 50.2% were men. 56.3% of the sample attended to 7th to 9th grades and 43.7% attended to 10th to 12th grades. In addition, most of the male and female adolescents were full-time students during the year prior to the study and only 7% of men and 5.1% of women were not students. 23.3% of men and 11.9% of women worked part or full time, and additionally, most of them had both parents. The information was obtained through a standardized questionnaire, which has been applied in previous surveys and has been previously validated. Due to the extension of the instrument, four forms were used to include various sections, the main part of questionnaire was administered to all subjects and the last two pages corresponded to forms, so each form was applied to one quarter of the sample. Alcohol consumption indicators used are comparable with WHO indicators, international observatories from Europe and the ones used in <

Introducción En los últimos tres años, se ha realizado una amplia gama de estudios epidemiológicos, a nivel nacional e internacional, sobre el consumo de drogas. En cuanto a tabaco, la Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2008, la encuesta de GATS y los estudios estatales en población escolar muestran una tendencia importante a la disminución del consumo de la sustancia. Para el consumo de alcohol, tanto en la prevalencia como en la proporción de personas que inicia su consumo temprano, se han reportado incrementos. El abuso de alcohol se mantiene constante y similar entre hombres y mujeres. Al considerar el uso de drogas ilegales hay incrementos importantes. El incremento más pronunciado es el de los inhalables, especialmente en mujeres. En cuanto a la cocaína, la ENA 2008 señala que se ha duplicado el consumo y el informe de la ONU indica que al parecer el incremento se da hasta 2005 y a partir de ahí ha disminuido. Las metanfetaminas mantienen una prevalencia baja. Sólo entre quienes acuden a los centros de servicio para usuarios de drogas se encuentra un alto consumo. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar las prevalencias del uso de drogas, alcohol y tabaco, así como las tendencias de consumo en la población de estudiantes de enseñanza media y media superior de la Ciudad de México. Método El marco muestral se elaboró con base en los registros oficiales del ciclo escolar 2008-2009 de la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP). Se consideró una tasa de no respuesta de 20%, un nivel de confianza de 95%, con un error absoluto promedio de 0.004. El diseño de la muestra fue estratificado y por conglomerados; la unidad de selección fue el grupo escolar. Se obtuvo una muestra final de 22 980 sujetos y quedó conformada por 49.8% de mujeres y 50.2% de hombres. La información se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario estandarizado, que ha sido aplicado y validado en las anteriores encuestas. Los indicadores de consumo de alcohol, drogas y tabaco empleados son comparables con los indicadores de la OMS, de los observatorios internacionales de Europa y de los usados en <

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