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J. bras. psiquiatr ; 73(1): e20230063, 2024.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569320


RESUMO Objetivo Identificar e mapear as evidências disponíveis sobre a composição da Microbiota Intestinal em indivíduos com Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo e seus transtornos relacionados. Métodos Resultados Espera-se encontrar uma relação entre a composição da Microbiota Intestinal, em quantidade e tipo de espécies, e os sintomas do TOC e dos seus Transtornos relacionados. Conclusão Esta será a primeira scoping review que procura investigar a relação entre a microbiota intestinal e o Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo e Transtornos relacionados. A publicação prévia deste protocolo de revisão irá colaborar para um melhor planejamento do estudo e divulgação da investigação junto da comunidade científica.

ABSTRACT Objective To identify and map the available evidence regarding Gut Microbiota composition in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder and its related Disorders. Methods Results It's hoped to find a relationship between the composition of the gut microbiota, in terms of quantity and type of species, and the symptoms of OCD and its related disorders. Conclusion This will be the first scoping review that seeks to investigate the relationship between Gut Microbiota and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and its related disorders. The previous publication of this review protocol will collaborate for a better planning of the study and dissemination of the research to the scientific community.

Coluna/Columna ; 22(3): e273380, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520790


ABSTRACT: Objective: To verify the correlation between the thoracic and lumbar Cobb angle and the type of foot, and the parameters of plantar support during gait in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Material and Methods: Sixty adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) were divided into three groups: normal foot (n=20), cavus foot (n=20), and flat foot (n=20). The Cobb angles of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis were evaluated by radiographic examination. The plantar arch was recorded the podoscope and calculated by the ratio between the midfoot and the total foot area. The adolescents performed the march on a 20-meter track, with their feet resting on the pressure platform, totaling an average of 12 steps of the foot (right and left). The variables evaluated were: contact area, peak pressure, and maximum force on the four regions of the feet: hindfoot (medial and lateral), midfoot, and forefoot. Results: There was a positive correlation between the Cobb angle of lumbar lordosis and the arch plantar cavus (r=0.40; p=0.048) and flat (0.25; p=0.004), with no significant correlations for the Cobb angle thoracic (p>0.005). The pressure peak strongly correlated with the cavus plantar arch (r=0.92, p=0.001) in the lateral hindfoot and forefoot region, while the flat foot with the midfoot region. Conclusion: The Cobb lumbar lordosis angle positively correlates with the plantar arch height and the plantar support pattern during gait in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Level of Evidence II; Observational and Cross-Sectional Study.

RESUMO: Objetivos: Verificar a correlação entre o ângulo de Cobb torácico e lombar e o tipo de pé e os parâmetros do apoio plantar durante a marcha de adolescentes com escoliose idiopática. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 60 adolescentes com escoliose idiopática (EIA), divididos em três grupos: pé normal (n= 20), pé cavo (n=20) e pé plano (n=20). Os ângulos de Cobb da cifose torácica e da lordose lombar foram avaliadas pelo exame radiográfico. O arco plantar foi registrado pelo podoscópio e calculado pela razão entre a área do mediopé e a área total do pé. Os adolescentes realizavam a marcha sobre uma pista de 20 metros, com o registo do apoio dos pés sobre a plataforma de pressão, totalizando em média 12 passos (direito e esquerdo). Foram avaliados: área de contato, pico de pressão e força máxima sobre 4 regiões dos pés: retropé (medial e lateral), mediopé e antepé. Resultados: Houve uma correlação positiva entre o ângulo de Cobb da lordose lombar e o arco plantar cavo (r=0,40; p=0,048) e plano (0,25; p=0,004), sem correlações significantes para o ângulo de Cobb torácico (p>0,005). O pico de pressão obteve uma correlação forte com o arco plantar cavo (r=0,92, p=0,001) em região de retropé lateral e antepé, enquanto que o pé plano com a região do mediopé. Conclusão: O ângulo de Cobb da lordose lombar tem correlação positiva com a altura do arco plantar e o padrão de apoio plantar durante a marcha de adolescentes com escoliose idiopática. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo Observacional e Transversal.

RESUMEN: Objetivos: Verificar la correlación entre el ángulo de Cobb torácico y lumbar y el tipo de pie y los parámetros de soporte plantar durante la marcha en adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática. Material y Métodos: Sesenta adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática (EIA) fueron divididos en tres grupos: pie normal (n=20), pie cavo (n=20) y pie plano (n=20). Los ángulos de Cobb de la cifosis torácica y la lordosis lumbar se evaluaron mediante examen radiográfico. El arco plantar fue registrado por el podoscopio y calculado por la relación entre el área del mediopié y el área total del pie. Los adolescentes realizaron la marcha sobre una pista de 20 metros, con los pies apoyados en la plataforma, totalizando un promedio de 12 pasos (derecho e izquierdo). Fueron evaluados área de contacto, pico de presión y fuerza máxima en las 4 regiones de los pies: retropié (medial y lateral), mediopié y antepié. Resultados: Hubo correlación positiva entre el ángulo de Cobb de la lordosis lumbar y el arco cavo plantar (r=0,40; p=0,048) y plano (0,25; p=0,004), no existiendo correlaciones significativas para el ángulo de Cobb torácico (p> 0,005). El pico de presión obtuvo una fuerte correlación con el arco plantar cavo (r=0,92, p=0,001) en la región lateral del retropié y antepié, mientras que el pie plano con la región del mediopié. Conclusión: El ángulo de Cobb de la lordosis lumbar tiene una correlación positiva con la altura del arco plantar y el patrón de apoyo plantar durante la marcha en adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio Observacional y Transversal.

Humans , Adolescent , Orthopedics , Adolescent
Coluna/Columna ; 22(1): e269978, 2023. tab, il. color
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430248


ABSTRACT Objectives: To evaluate the influence of the degree of severity of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) on the distribution of plantar load on the feet during gait. Material and Methods: 40 patients with AIS were evaluated and divided into severity groups: 13 with mild AIS; 13 with moderate AIS; and 14 with severe AIS. Cobb angles (degrees) were evaluated by radiography. Gait was assessed using the pressure platform at a frequency of 100 Hz. The adolescents walked on a 20-meter track, with their feet resting on the platform, totaling an average of 12 steps. The following were evaluated: contact area, peak pressure, and maximum force on the 4 regions of the feet: hindfoot (medial and lateral), midfoot, and forefoot. Results: Adolescents with moderate and severe AIS showed an increase in peak pressure and maximum force on the medial (p=0.014; p=0.045, respectively) and lateral (p=0.035; p=0.039, respectively) hindfoot and a reduction on the midfoot (p=0.024) when compared to mild AIS. The contact area showed no differences between groups. Conclusion: The moderate and severe degree of AIS severity promoted increased plantar load on the medial and lateral hindfoot (heel) during gait compared to adolescents with a mild degree of scoliotic curvature. In this way, gait training in the milder stages of disease severity can minimize the overload and the increase in force vectors on the spine, preventing the progression of severe scoliotic curvature. Level of Evidence II; Cross-sectional study.

Resumo: Objetivos: Avaliar a influência do grau de severidade da escoliose idiopática do adolescente (EIA) sobre a distribuição da carga plantar dos pés durante a marcha. Material e Métodos: 40 pacientes com EIA foram avaliados e divididos em grupos de severidade: 13 com EIA leve; 13 com EIA moderada; e 14 com EIA grave. Os ângulos de Cobb (graus) foram avaliados pela radiografia. A marcha foi avaliada pela plataforma de pressão, a uma frequência de 100 Hz. Os adolescentes caminhavam sobre uma pista de 20 metros, com o registo do apoio dos pés sobre a plataforma, totalizando em média 12 passos. Foram avaliadas área de contato, pico de pressão e força máxima sobre as 4 regiões dos pés - retropé (medial e lateral), mediopé e antepé. Resultados: Os adolescentes com EIA moderada e grave mostraram um aumento do pico de pressão e força máxima sobre o retropé medial (p=0,014; p=0,045, respectivamente) e lateral (p=0,035; p=0,039, respectivamente) e uma redução sobre o mediopé (p=0,024) quando comparados a EIA leve. Não houve diferenças quanto a área de contato entre os grupos. Conclusão: O grau de severidade moderada e grave da EIA promoveu um aumento da carga plantar sobre retropé medial e lateral (calcanhar) durante a marcha em comparação aos adolescentes com grau leve da curvatura escoliótica. Desta forma, o treino de marcha nos estágios mais leve de severidade da doença pode minimizar a sobrecarga e o aumento dos vetores de força sobre a coluna, evitando a progressão da curvatura escoliótica grave. Nível de evidência II; Estudo transversal.

Resumen: Objetivos: Evaluar la influencia del grado de severidad de la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente (EIA) sobre la distribución de la carga plantar en los pies durante la marcha. Material y Métodos: Se evaluaron 40 pacientes con EIA y se dividieron en grupos de gravedad: 13 con EIA leve; 13 con EIA moderada; y 14 con EIA grave. Los ángulos de Cobb (grados) se evaluaron mediante radiografía. La marcha se evaluó utilizando la plataforma de presión a una frecuencia de 100 Hz. Los adolescentes caminaron sobre una pista de 20 metros, con los pies apoyados en la plataforma, totalizando un promedio de 12 pasos. Se evaluaron: área de contacto, presión pico y fuerza máxima en las 4 regiones de los pies: retropié (medial y lateral), mediopié y antepié. Resultados: Los adolescentes con EIA moderado y severo mostraron un aumento en la presión pico y la fuerza máxima en el retropié medial (p=0,014; p=0,045, respectivamente) y lateral (p=0,035; p=0,039, respectivamente) y una reducción en el mediopié (p=0,024) en comparación con EIA leve. El área de contacto no mostró diferencias entre los grupos. Conclusión: El grado moderado y severo de severidad de la EIA promovió un aumento de la carga plantar en el retropié medial y lateral (talón) durante la marcha en comparación con adolescentes con un grado leve de curvatura escoliótica. De esta manera, el entrenamiento de la marcha en las etapas más leves de la gravedad de la enfermedad puede minimizar el aumento de la sobrecarga y el aumento de los vectores de fuerza en la columna, evitando la progresión de la curvatura escoliótica severa. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio transversal.

Humans , Adolescent , Spine
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 39(2)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1405587


Abstract Introduction: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common and severe spinal deformity, which affects children and adolescents in the stage of neuromotor development and skeletal maturity of the sagittal curvatures of the spine. The literature presents several radiation-free instruments to assess and monitor the progression of scoliotic curvature angles in the AIS. However, the reliability and validity of the inclinometer at different stages of growth in relation to X-ray parameters has not been understood to date. Objective: To evaluate the reliability of the inclinometer and its validity with the X-ray exam on the sagittal parameters of the spine in the early and late growth stages of adolescents with AIS. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 39 adolescents with AIS who were divided into two groups: the initial growth phase (10-13 years) and the late growth phase (14-18 years). The evaluated sagittal parameters of the spine were the angle of the thoracic kyphosis and the angle of the lumbar lordosis, both measured by the X-ray image examination and the inclinometer. Results: The inclinometer showed excellent inter- and intra-examiner reliability for the different growth phases, early and late, with a strong association with the X-ray (gold standard; r = 0.84; p = 0.308 and r = 0.75; p = 0.517). The angle of lumbar lordosis was different between the inclinometer and X-ray instruments in the early and late stages of growth (p < 0.001), with moderate reliability and a less significant correlation with the gold standard of radiography (r = 0.38; p = 0.001 and r = 0.49; p = 0.024). Conclusion: The inclinometer showed excellent reliability and validity for the sagittal parameter of thoracic kyphosis in the early and late stages of growth. The angle of lumbar lordosis measured by inclinometer proved to be of moderate reliability and weak validity when considering the phases of skeletal growth, showing it to be an inefficient instrument for monitoring the lumbar scoliotic curvature for AIS.

Resumen Introducción: La escoliosis idiopática del adolescente (EIA) es la deformidad espinal más común y severa, que afecta a niños y adolescentes en la etapa de desarrollo neuromotor y madurez esquelética de las curvaturas sagitales de la columna. La literatura presenta varios instrumentos libres de radiación para evaluar y monitorear la progresión de los ángulos de curvatura escolióticos en el AIS. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no se ha entendido la fiabilidad y validez del inclinómetro en diferentes etapas de crecimiento en relación con los parámetros de rayos X. Objectivo: Evaluar la confiabilidad del inclinómetro y su validez con el examen de rayos X sobre los parámetros sagitales de la columna vertebral en las etapas de crecimiento temprano y tardío de adolescentes con EIA. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 39 adolescentes con EIA que se dividieron en dos grupos: la fase de crecimiento inicial (10-13 años) y la fase de crecimiento tardío (14-18 años). Los parámetros sagitales de la columna evaluados fueron el ángulo de la cifosis torácica y el ángulo de la lordosis lumbar, ambos medidos por el examen de imagen de rayos X y el inclinómetro. Resultados: El inclinómetro mostró una excelente confiabilidad inter e intraexaminador para las diferentes fases de crecimiento, temprana y tardía, con una fuerte asociación con la radiografía (estándar de oro; r = 0.84; p = 0.308 y r = 0.75; p = 0,517). El ángulo de lordosis lumbar fue diferente entre el inclinómetro y los instrumentos de rayos X en las etapas tempranas y tardías del crecimiento (p < 0,001), con confiabilidad moderada y una correlación menos significativa con el estándar de oro de la radiografía (r = 0,38; p = 0,001 y r = 0,49; p = 0,024). Conclusión: El inclinómetro mostró excelente confiabilidad y validez para el parámetro sagital de cifosis torácica en etapas tempranas y tardías de crecimiento. El ángulo de lordosis lumbar medido por inclinómetro demostró ser de confiabilidad moderada y validez débil al considerar las fases de crecimiento esquelético, mostrándose como un instrumento ineficiente para monitorear la curvatura escoliótica lumbar para EIA.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Scoliosis/diagnosis , X-Rays , Growth and Development
Braz. dent. j ; 33(2): 83-90, Mar.-Apr. 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1374629


Abstract This paper aimed to assess the influence of adhesive restoration interface on the diffusion of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), indirect toxicity, and pro-inflammatory mediators expression by odontoblast-like cells, after in-office tooth whitening. Dental cavities prepared in bovine enamel/dentin discs were adhesively restored and subjected or not to hydrolytic degradation (HD). A whitening gel with 35% H2O2 (WG) was applied for 45 min onto restored and non-restored specimens adapted to artificial pulp chambers giving rise to the groups: SD- intact discs (control); SD/HP- whitened intact discs; RT/HP- restored and whitened discs; and RT/HD/HP- restored and whitened discs subjected to HD. The extracts (culture medium + WG components diffused through enamel/dentin/restoration interface) were collected and applied to odontoblast-like MDPC-23 cells. The study evaluated the amount of H2O2 in the extracts, as well as the cell viability (CV), cell morphology (CM), and gene expression of inflammatory mediators (TNF-α and COX-2) by the pulp cells exposed to the extracts (ANOVA and Tukey tests; 5% significance). All whitened groups presented lower CV than SD (control; p<0.05). The highest CV reduction and gene expression of TNF-α and COX-2 was observed in the RT/HD/HP group in comparison with SD/HP and RT/HP (control; p<0.05). CM alterations occurred in all whitened groups. The intensity of these cell side effects was directly related with the amount of H2O2 in the extracts. We concluded that adhesive restoration of dental cavity increases the H2O2 diffusion after in-office whitening, enhancing the indirect toxicity of this therapy and trigger pro-inflammatory overexpression by MDPC-23 cells.

Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da interface de uma restauração adesiva na difusão do peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2), toxicidade indireta e expressão de mediadores pró-inflamatórios por células odontoblastóides, após clareamento dental em consultório. Cavidades dentárias preparadas em discos de esmalte / dentina foram restauradas com adesivo e submetidas ou não à degradação hidrolítica (HD). Um gel clareador com 35% H2O2 (WG) foi aplicado por 45 min em discos restaurados e não restaurados adaptados às câmaras pulpares artificiais dando origem aos grupos: SD- discos intactos (controle); SD / HP - Discos intactos clareados; RT / HP - discos restaurados e clareados; e RT / HD / HP - discos restaurados, clareados e submetidos a HD. Os extratos (meio de cultura + componentes WG difundidos através da interface esmalte/dentina/restauração) foram coletados e aplicados em células odontoblastóides MDPC-23. Foi avaliada a quantidade de H2O2 nos extratos, bem como a viabilidade (CV), morfologia (CM) e expressão gênica de mediadores inflamatórios (TNF-α e COX-2) pelas células pulpares expostas aos extratos (ANOVA e testes de Tukey; 5% de significância). Todos os grupos clareados apresentaram menor CV do que SD (controle; p <0,05). A maior redução CV e expressão gênica de TNF-α e COX-2 foi observada no grupo RT / HD / HP em comparação com SD / HP e RT / HP (controle; p <0,05). Alterações na CM ocorreram em todos os grupos clareados. A intensidade desses efeitos celulares teve relação direta com a quantidade de H2O2 nos extratos. Concluímos que a presença de uma cavidade contendo restauração adesiva aumenta a difusão de H2O2 após o clareamento em consultório, o que, por sua vez, aumenta a toxicidade indireta dessa terapia e desencadeia a expressão de mediadores pró-inflamatórios pelas células pulpares MDPC-23.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 39(1)mar. 2022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386307


Abstract Introduction: Trauma is the second leading cause of mortality and the sixth leading cause of hospitalization in the country, with violence, accidents, and falls being the most prevalent. However, the country is experiencing reflexes of the COVID-19 pandemic, together with a lack of studies on trauma, as well as on clinical care. Objective: To analyze the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of trauma related to violence, accidents, and falls among the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, considered as before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: Retrospective cohort study, with adults aged 25-55 years, who suffered trauma related to violence, falls, and other accidents, in the period between March and June of 2019, 2020, and 2021, in the city of São Paulo. Data surveys were carried out using the TABNET system, of the Municipal Health Department. Within this system, the search was carried out through the Information System for the Surveillance of Accidents, of the Coordination of Health Surveillance, in which situations of violence were notified and recorded by the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Subsequently, the Information System for Surveillance of Violence and Accidents was accessed, focusing on notifications and records of falls and other accidents. Results: Trauma remained more prevalent for males, with complete primary education, and ethnicity predominantly between white or brown. When analyzing the different types of violence: physical, torture, and sexual, there was a prevalence of higher percentages during the year 2019, the pre-pandemic period of COVID-19, except for psychological/moral violence, which was higher in 2021. It should also be noted that the different mechanisms of violence were significantly more prevalent in 2019, as well as the different causes of violence, falls, and car trauma involving pedestrians, occupants, drivers, and passengers. Outpatient care confirmed the higher trend in the pre-pandemic period; however, emergency hospital care showed a greater number of requests in 2020 and 2021. Conclusión: Trauma from violence, accidents, and falls was higher pre-pandemic compared to the period during the COVID-19 pandemic; as well as the search for health care in hospitals and outpatient clinics. These findings show a possible reduction in trauma reports and lower demand for assistance during the pandemic.

Resumen Introducción: El trauma es la segunda causa de mortalidad y la sexta de hospitalización en el país, siendo la violencia, los accidentes y las caídas las más prevalentes. Sin embargo, el país está experimentando reflejos de una pandemia de COVID-19, junto a una falta de estudios sobre el trauma, así como sobre la atención clínica. Objetivo: Analizar las características clínicas y epidemiológicas del trauma junto a la violencia, accidentes y caídas entre los años 2019, 2020 y 2021, considerados antes y durante la pandemia COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, con adultos de 25 a 55 años, que sufrieron trauma relacionado con violencia, caídas y otros accidentes, en el período comprendido entre marzo y junio de 2019, 2020 y 2021, en la ciudad de São Paulo. Las encuestas de datos fueron realizadas por el sistema TABNET, por el Departamento Municipal de Salud. Dentro de este sistema, la búsqueda se realizó a través del Sistema de Información para la Vigilancia de Accidentes, de la Coordinación de Vigilancia en Salud, en el cual las situaciones de violencia fueron notificadas y registradas por el Sistema Nacional de Información de Enfermedades Notificables. Posteriormente, se accedió al Sistema de Información de Vigilancia de Violencia y Accidentes, con enfoque en notificaciones y registro de caídas y otros accidentes. Resultados: El trauma siguió siendo más prevalente para los hombres, con educación primaria completa y raza predominantemente entre blancos y morenos. Al analizar los diferentes tipos de violencia: física, tortura y sexual, hubo mayores porcentajes de prevalencia durante el año 2019, período prepandémico de COVID-19, a excepción de la violencia psicológica / moral, que fue mayor en 2021. Nótese que los diferentes mecanismos de violencia fueron significativamente más prevalentes en 2019, así como las diferentes causas de violencia, caídas y traumatismos automovilísticos que involucran a peatones, ocupantes, conductores y pasajeros. La atención ambulatoria confirmó la tendencia de superioridad en el período prepandémico, sin embargo, la atención hospitalaria de emergencia mostró un mayor número de solicitudes en 2020 y 2021. Conclusión: Los traumas de violencia, accidentes y caídas son más prepandémico en comparación con el período durante la pandemia COVID-19; así como la búsqueda de asistencia sanitaria en hospitales y clínicas. Estos hallazgos muestran una posible reducción en los informes de trauma y una menor demanda de asistencia durante la pandemia.

Humans , Violence/trends , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology , COVID-19 , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Accidents/statistics & numerical data
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1414176


Objetivo: descrever características epidemiológicas dos acidentados com linhas cortantes de pipa reportados nas mídias de notícias digitais. Método: estudo documental quantitativo, com dados de 2016 a 2020. Utilizou-se formulário, destacando-se fonte da notícia, idade da vítima, sexo, tipo de locomoção, parte do corpo lesionada, gravidade da lesão, se resultou em óbito, mês e região dos acidentes. Os dados foram analisados no Excel. Resultados: de 122 notícias, 87 (71,3%) envolveram motociclistas, 59 (48,4%) possuíam de 19 a 59 anos e 42 (71,2%) eram do gênero masculino. Destaca-se que 29 (23%) eram crianças e adolescentes (zero a 18 anos). O pescoço 97(79,5%) e face 13 (10,7%) foram as partes do corpo mais acometidas. Conclusão: constata-se um número expressivo de acidentes com o uso de linha cortante da pipa. Pela (in)visibilidade deste problema na literatura científica, recomenda-se outros estudos e ações educativas em escolas e serviços de saúde

Objective: to describe the epidemiological characteristics of accidents with kite cut lines reported in digital media news. Method:quantitative documentary study, with data from 2016 to 2020. A form was used, highlighting the source of the news, the victim's age, sex, type of locomotion, injured party, severity of the injury, cases of death, month and accident region. The data was analyzed in Excel. Results: of the 122 news items, 87 (71.3%) involved motorcyclists, 59 (48.4%) were between 19 and 59 years old, and 42 (71.2%) were male. It is noteworthy that 29 (23%) were children and adolescents (0 to 18 years old). The most affected parts were neck 97 (79.5%) and face 13 (10.7%). Conclusion: there is a significant number of accidents. Due to the (in)visibility of this problem in the scientific literature, more studies and educational actions in schools and health services are recommended

Objetivo: describir las características epidemiológicas de los accidentes con líneas de corte de cometas reportados en noticias de medios digitales. Método: estudio documental cuantitativo, con datos de 2016 a 2020. Se utilizó un formulario, destacando la fuente de la noticia, edad de la víctima, sexo, tipo de locomoción, parte lesionada, gravedad de la lesión, casos de muerte, mes y región del accidente. Los datos se analizaron en Excel. Resultados: De las 122 noticias, 87 (71,3%) involucraban a motociclistas, 59 (48,4%) tenían entre 19 y 59 años y 42 (71,2%) eran del sexo masculino. Se destaca que 29 (23%) eran niños y adolescentes (0 a 18 años). Las partes más afectadas fueron cuello 97 (79,5%) y cara 13 (10,7%). Conclusión: existe un número importante de accidentes. Debido a la (in)visibilidad de este problema en la literatura científica, se recomiendan más estudios y acciones educativas en escuelas y servicios de salud

Play and Playthings , Wounds and Injuries , Accident Prevention , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality
Odontoestomatol ; 24(39)2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386404


Resumen Caries relacionada a radiación es una complicación tardía frecuente de la radioterapia de cáncer de cabeza y cuello, ocasionada por efectos directos e indirectos de la radioterapia. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión y analizar literatura sobre el manejo de caries relacionada a radiación, materiales usados, fallas en el tratamiento y protocolo con mejores resultados; tres revisores independientes realizaron una búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos: PubMed, Lilacs y Web Of Science, determinando criterios de inclusión y exclusión para la selección. Estudios clínicos y revisiones indicaron que los materiales más usados son cemento ionómero de vidrio convencional, cemento ionómero de vidrio modificado con resina y resina compuesta con aplicaciones de flúor. Son necesarios más estudios para definir el mejor tratamiento que incluya técnica de preparación de la cavidad y material restaurador con mejores resultados. Se recomienda realizar estudios comparando diferentes sistemas adhesivos, concentraciones de flúor y restauraciones en dentina radicular.

Resumo Cárie relacionada à radiação é uma complicação tardia frequente da radioterapia de câncer de cabeça e pescoço, ocasionada por efeitos diretos e indiretos da radioterapia. O objetivo do presente trabalho é realizar uma revisão e analisar literatura sobre o tratamento de cárie relacionada à radiação, materiais usados, falhas no tratamento e manejo com melhores resultados; foi realizada uma busca em diferentes bases de dados: PubMed, Lilacs e Web Of Science, por três revisores independentes, usando critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Estudos clínicos e revisões de literatura indicam que os materiais mais usados são cimento de ionômero de vidro convencional, cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado com resina e resina composta com aplicações de flúor. Mais estudos são necessários para definir o melhor tratamento que inclua a técnica de preparo cavitário e material restaurador com melhores resultados. Recomenda-se a realização de estudos comparando diferentes sistemas adesivos, concentrações de flúor e restaurações em dentina radicular.

Abstract Radiation-related caries are a frequent late complication caused by the direct and indirect effects of head and neck cancer radiotherapy. This study aimed to review and analyze the literature on managing radiation-related caries, restorative materials, treatment failures, and treatment protocols. A search was conducted in Pubmed, Lilacs, and Web of Science by three independent reviewers, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were used for paper selection. According to clinical studies and literature reviews, the most used materials are conventional glass-ionomer cement, resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, and composite resin with fluoride applications. More studies are needed to determine the best treatment, including cavity preparation technique and restorative material with better results. We suggest conducting studies comparing various adhesive systems, fluoride concentrations, and root dentin restorations.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(supl.2): e20200699, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1347216


ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe home care practices performed by family members for maintaining the life of children with gastrostomy. Methods: qualitative research using the Sensitive Creative method, with the Criatividade e Sensibilidade Corpo Saber [Corpo Saber Creativity and Sensitivity] dynamics. The participation included ten family caregivers of children with gastrostomy. The outpatient clinic of a federal hospital in Rio de Janeiro was the setting. Lexical analysis was used through the IRaMuTeQ® software. Results: Theme 1, entitled "The care for maintaining life performed by family members of children with gastrostomy at home", was analyzed, comprising three classes: "The gastrostomy tube home care routine"; "The care with the gastrostomy/stoma"; and "Food and medication home care routine of children with gastrostomy". Final Considerations: family caregivers used strategies to maintain the device and acquired new knowledge in this field, and in nursing competence, regarding stoma care, food administration, medication, and syringes.

RESUMEN Objetivos: describir prácticas de cuidados domiciliarios realizados por familiares para manutención de la vida del niño con gastrostomía. Métodos: investigación cualitativa, método Creativo Sensible, con la dinámica de Creatividad y Sensibilidad Cuerpo Saber. Participaron diez cuidadores de niño con gastrostomía. En el ambulatorio de un hospital federal de Rio de Janeiro. Empleado el análisis léxico usándose el software IRaMuTeQ®. Resultados: analizado el Tema 1, denominado "El cuidado para manutención de la vida, realizado por los familiares de niños con gastrostomía, en domicilio", englobando tres clases: "La rutina de cuidados domiciliarios con la sonda de gastrostomía"; "El cuidado del niño con gastrostomía/estoma" y "La rutina de cuidados domiciliarios con la alimentación y medicación en niño con gastrostomía". Consideraciones Finales: los cuidadores utilizaron estrategias para manutención del dispositivo y adquirieron nuevas aprendizajes del campo y competencia de la enfermería cuanto a cuidados con el estoma, administración de la alimentación, medicación y seringa.

RESUMO Objetivos: descrever as práticas de cuidados domiciliares realizados por familiares para manutenção da vida de criança com gastrostomia. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, método Criativo Sensível, com a dinâmica de Criatividade e Sensibilidade Corpo Saber. Participaram dez familiares cuidadores de criança com gastrostomia. Foi cenário o ambulatório de um hospital federal do Rio de Janeiro. Empregou-se a análise lexical usando-se o software IRaMuTeQ®. Resultados: analisou-se o Tema 1, denominado "O cuidado para manutenção da vida realizado pelos familiares de crianças com gastrostomia no domicílio", englobando três classes: "A rotina de cuidados com a sonda de gastrostomia no domicílio"; "O cuidado com a gastrostomia/estoma" e "A rotina de cuidados referentes à alimentação e medicação em criança com gastrostomia no domicílio". Considerações Finais: os familiares cuidadores utilizaram estratégias para manutenção do dispositivo e adquiriram novos aprendizados do campo e competência da enfermagem quanto aos cuidados com o estoma, administração da alimentação, medicação e seringa.

Coluna/Columna ; 21(4): e262464, 2022. tab, il
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404410


ABSTRACT Objectives: Evaluate the surgical treatment of scoliotic curvature effects and sagittal radiographic parameters of the spine and upper limbs after surgical treatment with direct vertebral rotation (DVR) associated with type 1 osteotomy in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Material and Methods: 41 patients with AIS were evaluated and compared before and after surgery. Scoliosis was confirmed by a radiographic of the spine. The radiographic parameters evaluated were: Cobb angles (proximal and distal thoracic), segmental kyphosis (T5-T12), total kyphosis (T1-T12), cervical lordosis (C2-C7), distance from the center of gravity of the skull to C7 (Cervical VAS), measurement of T1 slope (T1), neck slope, IT slope (AP), angle of the upper chest opening and plumb line C7-S1 (SVA C7-S1). Statistical analysis compared the pre- and post-surgical effects of sagittal cervical and shoulder parameters. Results: After the surgical procedure, significant reductions were observed for the following parameters of spine measurement: proximal and distal thoracic Cobb angle, with a correction of 68% of the main thoracic curve. The measurements of the inclination of the T1 profile and the inclination of the neck also improve after surgery. Regarding the shoulders, there was a reduction in T1 AP slope and intercoracoid angle after surgery. The other radiographic parameters did not show significant differences. Conclusion: Surgical treatment with direct vertebral rotation (DVR) associated with type 1 osteotomy promoted better sagittal radiographic parameters of the thoracic Cobb angles, T1 inclination of the cervical spine, neck inclination, and better shoulder symmetry. Level of Evidence II; Prospective study.

RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar o efeito do tratamento cirúrgico da curvatura escoliótica, dos parâmetros radiográficos sagitais da coluna e membros superiores após tratamento cirúrgico com rotação vertebral direta (DVR) associada a osteotomia tipo 1 de adolescentes com escoliose idiopática (AIS). Material e Métodos: 41 pacientes com AIS foram avaliados e comparados pré e pós-cirurgia. A escoliose foi confirmada por exame de radiografia da coluna. Os parâmetros radiográficos avaliados foram: ângulos de Cobb (torácico proximal e distal), cifose segmentar (T5-T12), cifose total (T1-T12), lordose cervical (C2-C7), distância do centro de gravidade do crânio até C7 (SVA cervical), medida da inclinação de T1 (T1), inclinação do pescoço, inclinação de TI (AP), ângulo da abertura superior do tórax e linha de prumo C7-S1 (SVA C7-S1). Análise estatística comparando o efeito pré e pós-cirúrgico dos parâmetros sagitais da cervical e ombro. Resultados: Após procedimento cirúrgico observou-se reduções significativas para os seguintes parâmetros de medida da coluna: ângulo de Cobb torácico proximal e distal, com correção de 68% da curva torácica principal. As medidas da inclinação de T1 perfil e da inclinação do pescoço também melhoraram após cirurgia. Com relação aos ombros houve uma redução da inclinação de T1 AP e do ângulo intercoracóideo após cirurgia. Os demais parâmetros radiográficos não apresentaram diferenças significantes. Conclusão: O tratamento cirúrgico com rotação vertebral direta (DVR) associada a osteotomia tipo 1 promoveu melhoria nos parâmetros radiográficos sagitais dos ângulos de Cobb torácica, inclinação de T1 da coluna cervical, inclinação do pescoço e uma melhor simetria dos ombros. Nível de evidência II; Estudo prospectivo.

RESUMEN Objetivos: Evaluar el efecto del tratamiento quirúrgico de la curvatura escoliótica, parámetros radiográficos sagitales de columna y miembros superiores después del tratamiento quirúrgico con rotación vertebral directa (DVR) asociada a osteotomía tipo 1 en adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática (AIS). Material y métodos: Se evaluaron 41 AIS antes y después de la cirugía. La escoliosis se confirmó un examen radiográfico. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: ángulos de Cobb (torácico proximal y distal), cifosis segmentaria (T5-T12), cifosis total (T1-T12), lordosis cervical (C2-C7), distancia del centro de gravedad del cráneo a C7 (VAS cervical), medición de la pendiente T1 (T1), la pendiente del cuello, la pendiente IT (AP), el ángulo de la abertura superior del pecho y la plomada C7-S1 (SVA C7-S1). El análisis estadístico fue para comparar el efecto pre y posquirúrgico. Resultados: Después de cirugía, se observaron reducciones significativas para los siguientes parámetros de medición de la columna: ángulo de Cobb torácico proximal y distal, con corrección del 68% de la curva torácica principal. Las medidas de la inclinación del perfil T1 y la inclinación del cuello también mejoraron después de la cirugía. En cuanto a los hombros, hubo una reducción de la pendiente T1 AP y del ángulo intercoracoideo después de la cirugía. Los demás parámetros radiográficos no mostraron diferencias significativas. Conclusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico con rotación vertebral directa (DVR) asociado a la osteotomía tipo 1 promovió mejores parámetros radiográficos sagitales de los ángulos de Cobb torácicos, inclinación T1 de la columna cervical, inclinación del cuello y mejor simetría del hombro. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio prospectivo.

Humans , Osteotomy , Scoliosis , General Surgery , Upper Extremity
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 38(2)dic. 2021.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1386287


Abstract Introduction : Homicides are important causes of mortality in the world, especially in Brazil, which represents approximately two thirds of deaths from external causes and the third place among the causes of death in the country. Methods: Retrospective study on the occurrence of causes of violent deaths occurring in different regions of the city of São Paulo from 2000 to 2014 according to the Mortality Information System of the Municipal Health Secretariat. The standardized coefficient (CP) for the occurrence of homicides and risk rates according to population and male gender were calculated. Results: The PC showed that the south and east regions had increased homicide occurrence between 2000 and 2005 when compared to the years 2010 and 2014. Considering the sum of the PC over the 15 years can be observed the highest occurrence of homicide. in the southern and eastern regions of São Paulo, however, with a reduction in occurrence between 2010 and 2014. Regarding the relative risk rate for homicide, the northern region presented higher rates between 2000 and 2005. When considering gender male population, the western region showed an increase in the risk rate between 2000 and 2005. For 2010, the risk rate remained higher for the northern (1.14) and eastern (1.15) regions, while for the male gender. For men, the risk rate (0.91) remained high for the southern region. In 2014 the highest risk rate (1.18) moved to the western region while for males the highest risk rate was directed to the central region (0.92). Conclusions: High homicide rates have remained in the southern and eastern regions of the city of São Paulo over the past 15 years. The risk rate differs between the regions of the city of São Paulo, highlighting the northern region between 2000, 2005 and 2010 and the western region in 2014. The male gender influences the risk rates between the regions, especially the western region between 2000 and 2005, the southern region in 2010 and the central region in 2014, showing their influence on homicide.

Resumen Introducción: Los homicidios son causas importantes de mortalidad en el mundo, especialmente en Brasil, que representa aproximadamente dos tercios de las muertes por causas externas y el tercer lugar entre las causas de muerte en el país. Materiales Y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo sobre la ocurrencia de causas de muertes violentas ocurridas en diferentes regiones de Municipio de São Paulo de 2000 a 2014 según el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad de la Secretaría de Salud Municipal. Se calculó el coeficiente estandarizado (CP) para la ocurrencia de homicidios y las tasas de riesgo según la población y el sexo masculino. Resultados: De 11.981 casos, el CP mostró que las regiones sur y este mostraron un aumento en la ocurrencia de homicidios entre los años 2000 y 2005 en comparación con los años 2010 y 2014. Considerando la suma del CP en los 15 años, Es posible observar la mayor ocurrencia de homicidios en las regiones sur y oriente de la ciudad de São Paulo, sin embargo, con una reducción entre los años 2010 y 2014. En cuanto a la tasa de riesgo relativo de homicidio, la región norte tuvo tasas más altas entre 2000 y 2005. Al considerar el género masculino, la región oeste mostró un aumento en la tasa de riesgo entre 2000 y 2005. Para los años 2010 la tasa de riesgo se mantuvo elevada para las regiones: norte (1,14) y este (1,15), mientras que para los hombres la tasa de riesgo (0,91) se mantuvo alta para la región sur. En 2014, la tasa de riesgo más alta (1,18) se trasladó a la región occidental, mientras que para los hombres la tasa de riesgo más alta se dirigió a la región central (0,92). Conclusiones: Se mantuvieron altas tasas de ocurrencia de homicidios para las regiones sur y oriente de la ciudad de São Paulo durante los últimos 15 años. La tasa de riesgo difiere entre las regiones de la ciudad de São Paulo, destacando la región norte entre los años 2000, 2005 y 2010 y la región occidental en 2014. El género masculino influye en las tasas de riesgo entre regiones, especialmente la región occidental entre 2000 y 2005, la región sur en 2010 y la región central en 2014, mostrando su influencia en la ocurrencia de homicidios.

Humans , Male , Homicide/statistics & numerical data , Brazil
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e125, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1350354


Abstract: This before-after experimental study evaluated the impact of dental treatment on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children aged 6-8 years from Paranoá, DF, considering the presence or absence of cavitated dentin carious lesions pre- and post-treatment. The responsiveness and sensitivity of the questionnaires were also investigated. Caries was detected by using the Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (CAST) instrument, while the impact of oral health on the children's health-related quality of life was assessed using the Brazilian version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ8-10), which was completed by the children and the Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS), which was completed by their parents. Sociodemographic characteristics were also assessed. After the examinations, the children were categorized into two groups according to the presence (treatment/n = 34) or absence (control/n = 34) of cavitated dentin carious lesions. Restorative/curative care was provided to the treatment group, while the control group received preventive measures. OHRQoL was assessed at baseline and at four weeks post-treatment. No significant sociodemographic differences were observed between the groups. In the treatment group, the children and their families reported a greater impact of oral health on their OHRQoL in both questionnaires (p < 0.05). However, there was a significant reduction in the impact of oral health, with differences between the pre-treatment and post-treatment phases (p = 0.001). Good sensitivity and responsiveness were observed for both questionnaires. Dental treatment was found to reduce the negative impact of dental caries on OHRQoL in 6-8-year-old children, which was detected by both questionnaires (B-ECOHIS and CPQ8-10).

J. appl. oral sci ; 29: e20200890, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286911


Abstract Objective: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence of dental caries, dental fluorosis, and molar-incisor hypomineralization, and their associations in a group of Brazilian schoolchildren. Methodology: Adolescents (n=411) were evaluated by two calibrated examiners for dental caries (DC), dental fluorosis (DF), and molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) using the CAST (Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment) instrument, Thylstrup and Fejerskov (TF) index, and MIH Severity Scoring System (MIH-SSS), respectively. Descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. Results: The sample comprised 42.75% boys and 57.25% girls. The prevalence of DC in permanent dentition was 94.75%, of which 29% were represented by dentin lesions. For DF, a prevalence of 40.75% was observed, with 69.32% mild, 12.88% moderate, and 17.79% severe. A positive association between the source of water and fluorosis was detected (p=0.01). The prevalence of MIH was 18%. Thirty adolescents (41.7%) presented with severe MIH. No association was found between DF or MIH and dentin DC or between MIH and DF at the individual level. However, a significant negative relationship was detected between DF and dentin carious lesions ( p <0.005) and DF and MIH ( p <0.00001) at the tooth level, whereas a positive association was observed between MIH and dentin carious lesions ( p <0.00001). A positive association was also observed between the severity of both conditions ( p <0.00001). Mild DF was the most prevalent problem observed. Cases of teeth with mild MIH were the most predominant in MIH-affected teeth. Conclusions: No association was observed among the dentin carious lesions, MIH, and DF at the participant level. However, a positive association between MIH and dentin carious lesions was found at the tooth level, whereas MIH, DF, and DF and dentin carious lesions showed a negative relationship.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Dental Enamel Hypoplasia/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Incisor , Molar
ACM arq. catarin. med ; 49(2): 94-103, 06/07/2020.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354242


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concordância entre o uso do índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a circunferência da cintura (CC), no diagnóstico de sobrepeso e obesidade em escolares. Estudo transversal e observacional, com avaliação antropométrica de 318 escolares, entre 6 e 10 anos matriculadas no 1o ao 5o ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública municipal de São Paulo. Realizou-se comparação entre os diagnósticos antropométricos dados pelo IMC e pela CC para verificar possível concordância de acordo com o gênero separadamente. Para análise dos resultados foram aplicados o teste Kappa e o teste de McNemar.Fixou-se em ambos os testes o nível de significância (p) de 0,05 ou 5%. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade pelo IMC foi de 30,2% e 24.5% respectivamente. Por meio da CC, encontrou-se 33,3% de sobrepeso e 10,7% de obesidade. No sexo feminino, houve concordância de 89,0% entre os dois diagnósticos de IMC e CC, dado pelo Teste de Concordância de Kappa = 0,79 (p < 0,0001). Já com relação ao sexo masculino, houve concordâncias de 77,3% dada pelo mesmo Teste de Concordância de Kappa = 0,55 (p < 0,0001). Conclui-se que houve correlação significativa entre as variáveis antropométricas de IMC e CC no sexo masculino e feminino. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que é adequada a escolha do IMC como indicador-diagnóstico de sobrepeso e obesidade em escolares

This study aimed to evaluate the agreement between the use of body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), with no diagnosis of overweight and obesity in schoolchildren. Cross-sectional and observational study, with anthropometric assessment of 318 schoolchildren, aged between 6 and 10, enrolled in the 1st to 5th grade of elementary school in a municipal public school in São Paulo. A comparison was made between anthropometric data diagnoses by BMI and WC to verify possible agreement according to the gender used. For analysis of the results, the Kappa and McNemar tests were applied. It fixed in both tests or the significance level (p) of 0.05 or 5%. The prevalence of overweight and obesity by BMI was 30.2% and 24.5%, respectively. Through WC, 33.3% of obesity and 10.7% of obesity were found. In females, there was agreement of 89.0% between the two diagnoses of BMI and WC, given by the Kappa Agreement Test = 0.79 (p <0.0001). Regarding males, there were 77.3% agreement, given by the same Kappa Agreement Test = 0.55 (p <0.0001). It was concluded that there was a significant correlation between the anthropometric variables of BMI and WC in males and females. The results of this study show that it is appropriate to choose BMI as a diagnostic indicator of obesity and obesity in schoolchildren.

São Paulo med. j ; 138(3): 253-258, May-June 2020. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1139683


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for one million deaths annually. Greater understanding of the causal risk factors is needed, especially in large urban centers. OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the epidemiological profile and temporal trend of suicides over two decades and correlate prevalence with social indicators. DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive population-based longitudinal retrospective study conducted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A temporal trend series for suicide mortality in this city was constructed based on data from the Ministry of Health's mortality notification system, covering 2000-2017. It was analyzed using classic demographic variables relating to social factors. RESULTS: Suicide rates were high throughout this period, increasing from 4.6/100,000 inhabitants in the 2000s to 4.9/100,000 in 2017 (mean: 4.7/100,000). The increase in mortality was mainly due to increased male suicide, which went from 6.0/100,000 to the current 8.0/100,000. Other higher coefficients corresponded to social risk factors, such as being a young adult (25-44 years old), being more educated (eight years of schooling) and having white ethnicity (67.2%). Suicide was also twice as likely to occur at home (47.8%). CONCLUSION: High suicide rates were seen over the period 2000-2017, especially among young adults and males. High schooling levels and white ethnicity were risk factors. The home environment is the crucial arena for preventive action. One special aspect of primary prevention is the internet and especially social media, which provides a multitude of information for suicide prevention.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Suicide , Brazil/epidemiology , Ethnicity , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2020. 144 p. ilus.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1411419


As crianças com gastrostomia possuem necessidades especiais de saúde e demanda de cuidado tecnológico, e quando estão no domicílio são cuidadas por familiares que nem sempre estão aptos para prestar cuidados com segurança. Objetivos: Descrever a prática de cuidado domiciliar dos familiares de criança com gastrostomia; analisar as estratégias utilizadas pelos familiares no cuidado de manutenção da vida de suas crianças com gastrostomia no domicílio e discutir as práticas de cuidado de familiares de criança com gastrostomia no domicílio a luz dos cuidados de manutenção da vida. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida através do método criativo sensível, com a dinâmica de criatividade e sensibilidade Corpo Saber. O cenário foi o ambulatório de pediatria de um hospital federal situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os participantes foram 10 familiares de crianças (lactentes e pré-escolares) que possuem gastrostomia e estão no domicilio. A coleta de dados aconteceu de julho a dezembro de 2019. O material empírico gerado na dinâmica foi analisado utilizando-se a análise lexical, através do software Iramuteq®. A pesquisa atendeu as Resoluções 466/12 e 580/18 e foi submetida e aprovada no Comitê de Ética da proponente, parecer no 3.236884 e da co-participante, parecer no 3.399.703. Os participantes assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre Esclarecido após o devido esclarecimento sobre a natureza, objetivos, métodos, riscos e incômodos. Resultados: os resultados obtidos evidenciaram dois temas: O primeiro tema, formado pelas classes 3, 4 e 6, intitulado "O Cuidado para Manutenção da Vida realizado pelos Familiares de Crianças com gastrostomia no Domicílio", apresenta os cuidados com a sonda, estoma e alimentação e medicação da criança com gastrostomia no domicílio. O segundo tema, formado pelas classes 5, 2 e 1, intitulado "A Realidade Concreta da Criança com Gastrostomia e o Processo de Aprendizado dos Familiares para o Cuidado Domiciliar", mostra a ciência e a fé como suporte no enfrentamento dessa nova realidade, a luta cotidiana para superar as limitações e os preconceitos e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da enfermagem e do familiar cuidador. Como considerações finais o estudo apontou que os familiares cuidadores assumiram o protagonismo dos cuidados realizados com seus filhos, com dispositivo tecnológico de gastrostomia, prestando-lhes todos os cuidados em relação à manutenção e higienização do dispositivo, a administração da alimentação e medicação, assim como, confiantes na ciência e na divindade encontraram forças para vencer todas as dificuldades, todos os desafios cotidianos.

Children with gastrostomy have special health needs and demand for technological care, and when they are at home, they are cared for by family members who are not always able to provide safe care. Objectives: To describe the home care practice of family members of children with gastrostomy; analyze the strategies used by family members to care for the maintenance of the lives of their children with gastrostomy at home and discuss the care practices of family members of children with gastrostomy at home in the light of life maintenance care. Methodology: qualitative research, developed through the sensitive creative method, with the dynamics of creativity and sensitivity Corpo Saber. The scenario was the pediatric outpatient clinic of a federal hospital located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The participants were 10 family members of children (infants and preschoolers) who have gastrostomy and are at home. Data collection took place from July to December 2019. The empirical material generated in the dynamics was analyzed using lexical analysis, using the Iramuteq® software. The research complied with Resolutions 466/12 and 580/18 and was submitted to and approved by the Ethics Committee of the proposer, opinion No. 3.236884 and of the co-participant, opinion No. 3,399,703. Participants signed the Informed Consent Form after due clarification on the nature, objectives, methods, risks and inconveniences. Results: the results obtained showed two themes: The first theme, formed by classes 3, 4 and 6, entitled "The Care for the Maintenance of Life carried out by the Family Members of Children with gastrostomy at home", presents the care with the tube, stoma and feeding and medication of the child with gastrostomy at home. The second theme, formed by classes 5, 2 and 1, entitled "The Concrete Reality of the Child with Gastrostomy and the Family Learning Process for Home Care", shows science and faith as a support in facing this new reality, the daily struggle to overcome limitations and prejudices and the teaching-learning process of nursing and family caregivers. As final considerations, the study pointed out that the family caregivers assumed the role of care performed with their children, with a technological gastrostomy device, providing them with all the care in relation to the maintenance and hygiene of the device, the administration of food and medication, as well as , confident in science and divinity, found the strength to overcome all difficulties, all daily challenges.

Los niños con gastrostomía tienen necesidades de salud especiales y demandan cuidados tecnológicos, y cuando están en casa, son cuidados por familiares que no siempre pueden brindar una atención segura. Objetivos: Describir la práctica de cuidados domiciliarios de familiares de niños con gastrostomía; analizar las estrategias utilizadas por los familiares para mantener la vida de sus hijos con gastrostomía en el hogar y discutir las prácticas de cuidado de los familiares de los niños con gastrostomía en el hogar a la luz de los cuidados de mantenimiento de la vida. Metodología: investigación cualitativa, desarrollada a través del método creativo sensible, con la dinámica de creatividad y sensibilidad Corpo Saber. El escenario fue el ambulatorio pediátrico de un hospital federal ubicado en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Los participantes fueron 10 familiares de niños (infantes y preescolares) que tienen gastrostomía y están en casa. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo de julio a diciembre de 2019. El material empírico generado en la dinámica se analizó mediante análisis léxico, utilizando el software Iramuteq®. La investigación cumplió con las Resoluciones 466/12 y 580/18 y fue sometida y aprobada por el Comité de Ética del proponente, opinión No. 3.236884 y del copartícipe, opinión No. 3.399.703. Los participantes firmaron el formulario de consentimiento informado después de la debida aclaración sobre la naturaleza, objetivos, métodos, riesgos e inconvenientes. Resultados: los resultados obtenidos arrojaron dos temas: El primer tema, conformado por las clases 3, 4 y 6, titulado "El Cuidado para el Mantenimiento de la Vida que realizan los Familiares de Niños con gastrostomía en el hogar", presenta el cuidado con la sonda, estoma y alimentación y medicación del niño con gastrostomía en casa. El segundo tema, formado por las clases 5, 2 y 1, titulado "La realidad concreta de los niños con gastrostomía y el proceso de aprendizaje familiar para el cuidado en el hogar", muestra la ciencia y la fe como soporte para enfrentar esta nueva realidad, la la lucha diaria por superar las limitaciones y prejuicios y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la enfermería y del cuidador familiar. Como consideraciones finales, el estudio señaló que los cuidadores familiares asumieron el rol de cuidado realizado con sus hijos, con un dispositivo tecnológico de gastrostomía, brindándoles todos los cuidados en relación al mantenimiento e higiene del dispositivo, la administración de alimentos y medicamentos, así como , confiado en la ciencia y la divinidad, encontró la fuerza para superar todas las dificultades, todos los desafíos diarios.

Humans , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Adult , Middle Aged , Gastrostomy , Caregivers , Pediatric Nursing , Prejudice , Family , Enteral Nutrition , Spirituality , Qualitative Research , Surgical Stomas
Araçatuba; s.n; 2020. 23 p. tab, ilus.
أطروحة جامعية ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1399427


Esportes de contato podem levar a traumatismos dentários, que muitas vezes podem ser reduzidos com medidas preventivas apropriadas, como o uso de protetores bucais. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar o conhecimento dos atletas da delegação esportiva da cidade de XXXXX sobre traumatismo dentário, a prevalência e o tipo de traumatismos ocorridos durante suas atividades esportivas, a conscientização e hábitos de utilização dos dispositivos de proteção e por fim, avaliação do impacto das ações educativas e preventivas implementadas nessa comunidade. O estudo foi dividido em quatro partes: 1) Aplicação do questionário 1 (n= 94); 2) Atendimento dos atletas e confecção dos protetores bucais personalizados; 3) Palestra e entrega dos protetores e 4) Aplicação do questionário 2 (n= 41). Após responderem o questionário 1, os atletas incluídos no estudo foram moldados para fabricação dos protetores bucais. As palestras sobre trauma dentário e primeiros socorros, aconteceram com a entrega dos protetores bucais personalizados. O questionário 2 foi aplicado para avaliar o efeito da medida educacional e a adaptação aos protetores bucais. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e ao teste do qui-quadrado, com nível de significância de 5%. O conhecimento sobre trauma, demonstrado pelos participantes foi inadequado. A prevalência de trauma foi maior no gênero masculino (49%) e o trauma mais relatado foi a fratura dentária (12,8%) (p>0,05). 76,6% dos atletas disseram nunca ter utilizado protetor bucal anteriormente. Após as palestras, os participantes mostraram uma melhora significativa no conhecimento sobre trauma e 73,2% dos atletas disseram estar utilizando o dispositivo de proteção personalizado. Esses resultados evidenciam a importância dos trabalhos educacionais e confirmam o impacto positivo dos trabalhos realizados nessa comunidade de atletas(AU)

Contact sports can lead to dental trauma, which can often be reduced with appropriate preventive measures, such as the use of mouthguards. The objectives of this study were to verify the knowledge of athletes from the sports delegation in the city of XXXXX about dental trauma, the prevalence and type of trauma that occurred during their sports activities, awareness and habits of using protective devices and, finally, assessment of impact of educational and preventive actions implemented in this community. T he study was divided into four parts: 1) Application of questionnaire 1 (n = 94); 2) Attending athletes and making personalized mouthguards; 3) Lecture and delivery of protectors and 4) Application of questionnaire 2 (n = 41). After answering questionnaire 1, the athletes included in the study were molded to manufacture mouthguards. The lectures on dental trauma and first aid took place with the delivery of personalized mouth guards. Questionnaire 2 was applied to assess the effect of the educational measur e and the adaptation to mouthguards. The collected data were submitted to descriptive analysis and chisquare test, with a 5% significance level. The knowledge about trauma, demonstrated by the participants, was inadequate. The prevalence of trauma was hig her in males (49%) and the most reported trauma was dental fracture (12.8%) (p> 0.05). 76.6% of athletes said they had never used mouthguards before. After the lectures, the participants showed a significant improvement in knowledge about trauma and 73.2% of the athletes said they were using the personalized protection device. These results highlight the importance of educational work and confirm the positive impact of the work carried out in this community of athletes(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Athletic Injuries , Health Education , Tooth Injuries , Mouth Protectors , Protective Devices , Awareness , Wounds and Injuries , Fractures, Bone
Clinics ; 75: e1731, 2020. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133382


OBJECTIVES: Although child mortality has declined significantly in recent decades, the reduction of neonatal mortality remains a major challenge as neonatal mortality represents 2/3 of the mortality rate in this population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension II (SNAP-PE II) score for evaluating the survival prognosis of newborns admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). METHODS: The study design involved an observational cross-sectional retrospective collection, as well as a prospective component. The sample included all newborns admitted to the NICU validated by the SNAP-PE II tool from January 1 to December 31, 2014. RESULTS: A predominance of young mothers (25.4 years), underwent prenatal care (86.2%), however a considerable percentage (49.4%) of mothers received insufficient medical consultation (less than six consults during their pregnancy). A prevalence of male admissions (62.4%) were noted in the NICU. Premature (61.7%) and underweight (weight <2,500 grams) newborns were also prevalent. The SNAP-PE II score showed an association between the infants who were discharged from the neonatal unit and the non-survivors. An increased prevalence of low birth weight and hypothermia was noted in the group of non-survivors. The mean arterial pressure appears to be a significant risk factor in the newborn group that progressed to death. Hypothermia, mean arterial pressure, and birth weight were the most significant variables associated with death. CONCLUSION: The SNAP-PE II was a beneficial indicator of neonatal mortality. The prevention of prematurity and hypothermia by improving maternity care and newborn care can decisively influence neonatal mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child , Maternal Health Services , Prognosis , Severity of Illness Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
RECIIS (Online) ; 13(4): 935-951, out.-dez. 2019. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047680


Este artigo é resultado do trabalho de pesquisa sobre a produção das campanhas antitabagistas de governo e sobre a forma com que foram apropriados pela população. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar como essas campanhas foram pensadas em relação aos princípios de comunicação e saúde pressupostos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. A expectativa foi problematizar a questão numa perspectiva interdisciplinar. Analisamos documentos a partir dos preceitos teóricos e metodológicos da Semiologia dos Discursos Sociais. Concluiu-se que foram criadas campanhas alarmistas, pautadas na imputação do medo e na vigília moral, que acabaram por se distanciar da ideia de uma comunicação em saúde pública dialógica, informativa e participativa.

This article is the result of a research on the use of the concept of aversion in the production of government anti-smoking campaigns and how they were appropriated by the population. Our objective was to evaluate how these campaigns were conceived in relation to the principles of communication and health presupposed by the Unified Health System. The expectation was to problematize the issue from an interdisciplinary perspective. We analyze documents from the theoretical and methodological precepts of Semiology of Social Discourses. It was concluded that alarmist campaigns were created, based on the imputation of fear and on moral vigilance, which eventually distanced these actions from the principles of communication in dialogic, informative and participatory public health.

Este artículo es el resultado del trabajo de investigación sobre la utilización del concepto de aversión en la producción de las campañas antitabaco de gobierno y sobre la forma en que fueron apropiados por la población. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar cómo estas campañas fueron pensadas en relación a los principios de comunicación y salud presupuestados por el Sistema Único de Salud. La expectativa fue problematizar la cuestión desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria. Analizamos documentos a partir de los preceptos teóricos y metodológicos de la Semiología de los Discursos Sociales. Se concluyó que se crearon campañas alarmistas, pautadas en la imputación del miedo y en la vigilia moral, que acabaron por distanciarse de la idea de una comunicación en salud pública dialógica, informativa y participativa.

Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco Use Disorder/prevention & control , Communications Media , Advertising , Healthy Lifestyle , Smoking Prevention/methods , Propaganda , Unified Health System , Tobacco-Derived Products Commerce , Cigarette Smoking , Smoking Prevention/history , Health Promotion , Neoplasms/prevention & control
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