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Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(1): e64083, 17/06/2024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556334


Introdução: Pacientes hospitalizados, por causas diversas, podem apresentar comprometimentos de fala e linguagem que os coloquem em situação de vulnerabilidade comunicativa, influenciando sua funcionalidade. Adota-se a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) para análise, sob esta perspectiva. Objetivo: Analisar a linguagem e funcionalidade de pessoas em vulnerabilidade comunicativa, em cuidados intensivo e semi-intensivo no hospital, pela CIF, como base conceitual. Método: Estudodescritivo e transversal, constituído por 18 participantes. Para a coleta de dados realizou-se: (i) levantamento dos prontuários, para caracterização do perfil sociodemográfico e das condições clínicas dos participantes; (ii) aplicação do protocolo ICUCS (Intensive Care Unit Communication Screening Protocol);(iii) introdução da Comunicação Suplementar e/ou Alternativa (CSA) e (iv) diário de campo (registro dos relatos). Os resultados foram analisados pela CIF e realizada análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes estava alerta e compreendia comandos simples, sendo que 39% apresentaram problema grave de expressão de linguagem. Quanto à atividade e participação, 50% apresentaram dificuldade grave no falar, 33%, em iniciar e em manter conversas. Quanto aos fatores ambientais, familiares e profissionais de Saúde foram apontados tanto como facilitadores quanto como barreiras para a comunicação. A CSA foi vista como facilitadora da comunicação. Conclusão: Os participantes apresentaram alteração de expressão da linguagem oral, com compreensão preservada e dificuldades de atividade e participação, com impacto nos fatores ambientais, sendo a CSA uma facilitadora da comunicação. Reafirma-se a aplicabilidade da CIF no contexto hospitalar, para pessoas em vulnerabilidade comunicativa, para cuidado ampliado e humanizado.

Introduction: Hospitalized patients, due to various causes, may present impairment of speech and language which may lead them to a situation of communicative vulnerability, influencing its functioning. The ICF - International Classification of functioning, Disability and Health is adopted to perform this analysis, under this perspective. Purpose: To analyze the language and functioning of people in communicative vulnerability, under intensive or semi-intensive care at the hospital, according to ICF, as a concept basis. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study, composed by 18 participants. Data collected through: (i) hospital chart survey analysis, in order to characterize sociodemographic profile and clinical conditions of the participants; (ii) application of ICUCS - Intensive Care Unit Communication Screening Protocol; (iii) introduction of AAC - Augmentative and Alternative Communication and (iv) field journal (entries of reports). The results were analyzed by ICF and then performed descriptive statistic analyses. Results: Most participants were alert and could comprehend simple commands, from which 39% presented severe problems regarding language expression. Regarding activity and participation, 50% presented severe difficulty of speaking and 33% of starting and keeping conversations. Regarding environmental, family and health professionals factors, they have all been appointed both as facilitators and barriers to communication. AAC was seen as a communication facilitator. Conclusion: Participants presented alteration of oral language expression, preserved comprehension and difficulties in activity and participation with impact in environmental factors, being AAC a communication facilitator. Reassurance of applicability of ICF in hospital context, directed to people in communicative vulnerability, regarding ample and humanized treatment.

Los pacientes hospitalizados, por las causas diversas, pueden presentar deterioro de la funcionalidad del habla y del lenguaje que se sitúa en el discurso comunicativo, lo que influye en su funcionalidad. Se utiliza la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF) para análisis desde esta perspectiva. Objetivo: Analizar el lenguaje y la funcionalidad de personas en vulnerabilidad comunicativa, en cuidados intensivos y semiintensivos hospitalarios, utilizando la CIF, como fundamento conceptual. Método: Estudiodescriptivo y transversal, con 18 participantes. La recogida de datos incluyó: (i) estudios de las historias clínicas, para caracterizar el perfil sociodemográfico y las condiciones clínicas de los participantes; (ii) la aplicación del protocolo ICUCS (Intensive Care Unit Communication Screening Protocol);(iii) la introducción de la Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa (CAA) y (iv) un diario de campo (registro de informes). Los resultados se analizaron por la CIF y se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes estaban alerta y entendían órdenes sencillas, el 39% presentaron graves problemas para expresarse en el lenguaje. Em cuanto, a la actividad y la participación, el 50% tenía graves dificultades para hablar, y el 33%, para iniciar y mantener conversaciones. Los factores ambientales, los miembros de la familia y los profesionales sanitarios fueron identificados tanto como facilitadores como obstáculo para la comunicación. Se consideró que el CAA facilitaba la comunicación. Conclusión: Los participantes presentaban alteración en la expresión del lenguaje oral, con entendimiento resguardado y dificultades en la actividad y la participación, con impacto en los factores ambientales, siendo la CAA facilitadora de la comunicación. Se reafirma la aplicabilidad de la CIF en el contexto hospitalario, para personas en vulnerabilidad comunicativa, para la atención ampliada y humanizada.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health , Hospital Communication Systems , Speech Disorders , Cross-Sectional Studies , Communication Aids for Disabled , Critical Care , Nervous System Diseases
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563616


Introducción: la rehabilitación respiratoria (RR) se recomienda en pacientes con fibrosis quística (FQ). Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 los programas de RR debieron cerrarse o migrar a modalidades de telerehabilitación, imponiendo nuevos desafíos a pacientes y equipos de salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las percepciones de pacientes, padres y profesionales sobre la transición a la telerehabilitación respiratoria durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: estudio cualitativo. Se consideraron pacientes con FQ mayores de 8 años. También a padres y equipos de salud. El tamaño muestral se determinó mediante saturación teórica. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales vía Zoom. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante los métodos de codificación abierta y axial. El análisis se realizó utilizando el software Atlas. Ti 7.5.7. Resultados: se incluyó a 4 pacientes adultos, 1 pediátrico y 2 padres, además de 4 profesionales de equipos de salud. Existió una percepción general positiva respecto a la RR y la telerehabilitación. Entre las barreras destacó la falta de equipamiento para la telerehabilitación en domicilio y la organización diaria de los pacientes. Entre los facilitadores destacó la disponibilidad de equipos y redes que permitieran la conectividad y el apoyo familiar. Existió una valoración positiva hacia la continuidad de la telerehabilitación en la etapa post pandémica. Conclusiones: la telerehabilitación fue percibida como una alternativa viable y efectiva, sin embargo, aspectos de la conectividad, disponibilidad de equipamiento y la rutina diaria de los pacientes debe ser considerada a la hora de implementar modalidades telemáticas de atención.

Introduction: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is recommended in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). During the COVID-19 pandemic, PR programs had to migrate to telerehabilitation modalities, imposing new challenges for patients and health teams. The objective of this study was to explore the perceptions of patients, parents, and professionals regarding the transition to respiratory telerehabilitation experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Qualitative study. Parents and health teams were included in the case of patients with CF over eight years old. Theoretical saturation determined the sample size. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted using the Zoom platform. Data analysis was carried out using open and axial coding methods. The analysis was performed using Atlas Ti software 7.5.7. Results: Four adult patients, one pediatric patient, two parents, and four health team professionals entered the study. There was a positive perception regarding PR and telerehabilitation. Among the barriers, the lack of equipment for telerehabilitation at home and the daily organization of patients stood out. Among the facilitators, the availability of equipment and networks that allowed connectivity and family support stood out. Patients rated the continuity of telerehabilitation in the post-pandemic stage positively. Conclusions: Telerehabilitation was perceived as a viable and effective alternative; however, aspects related to connectivity, availability of equipment, and the daily routine of patients must be considered when implementing telematics care modalities.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(2): 168-177, jun. 2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568537


Objetivo: Analizar las barreras de acceso a la atención de la salud según la nacionalidad peruana ­ venezolana, en puérperas de un Hospital Público del Perú, 2022 - 2023. Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico, prospectivo y transversal; incluyó una muestra de 284 puérperas de nacionalidad peruana y venezolana, del Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, seleccionadas por muestreo estratificado. La técnica de recolección de datos fue una encuesta y el instrumento un cuestionario válido y confiable. La prueba chi cuadrado de Pearson o exacta de Fisher se usó para determinar la diferencia. La asociación se evaluó con la prueba de regresión de Poisson y el sentido de esta mediante la razón de prevalencia cruda y ajustada. Resultados: El 87,3 % de puérperas fueron peruanas y 12,7 % venezolanas. Las barreras de acceso a la atención de salud más frecuentes en peruanas fueron de disponibilidad: el no contar con todos los servicios necesarios para una atención (p < 0,001) y el de aceptabilidad: sentir que sus creencias o costumbres fueron afectadas (p < 0,001). Las puérperas venezolanas reportaron como barreras de aceptabilidad: haber recibido un trato diferente por ser migrante (p < 0,001) y haber sentido discriminación durante la atención (p = 0,007). Conclusión. Existe diferencia significativa en las barreras de acceso a la atención de la salud en puérperas, presentándose barreras de disponibilidad y aceptabilidad en peruanas y la última en venezolanas(AU)

Objective: Analyze the barriers to access to health care according to Peruvian - Venezuelan nationality in postpartum women in a Public Hospital of Peru 2022 ­ 2023. Methods: Observational, analytical, prospective and cross-sectional study; included a sample of 284 postpartum women of Peruvian and Venezuelan nationality, from the San Juan de Lurigancho Hospital, selected by stratified sampling. The data collection technique was a survey and the instrument was a valid and reliable questionnaire. Pearson's chi-square or Fisher's exact test was used to determine the difference. The association was assessed using the Poisson regression test and the sense of regression using the crude and adjusted prevalence ratio. Results: 87,3 % of postpartum women were Peruvian and 12,7 % Venezuelan. The most frequent barriers to access to health care in Peruvians were availability: not having all the services necessary for care (p < 0,001) and acceptability: feeling that their beliefs or customs were affected (p < 0,001). Venezuelan postpartum women reported as barriers to acceptability: having received different treatment for being a migrant (p < 0,001) and having felt discrimination during care (p = 0,007). Conclusions: There is a significant difference in the barriers to access to health care in postpartum women, with availability and acceptability barriers occurring in Peruvian women and the latter in Venezuelan women(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnant Women , Peru , Venezuela , Health Law
Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 152-157, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566737


Introducción: el hecho de que una persona no puede acceder a un servicio de salud puede favorecer la automedicación, que es la administración de fármacos según la autopercepción del individuo sobre su posible diagnóstico y solución. Aunque es una situación considerada como problema de salud pública, por medio de la educación o futuras investigaciones que generen propuestas, se podrá erradicar las barreras al acceso de la salud oral. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de la automedicación en odontología en adultos de Macas, Ecuador, durante el año 2021. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, documental, comunicacional y transversal actual, donde se trabajó sobre la población de edad adulta de Macas, Ecuador; los datos se recolectaron mediante una encuesta online, para luego ser analizados en prevalencia, frecuencia y chi cuadrado. Resultados: 49% de los encuestados respondió que se automedican, los analgésicos fueron el tipo de medicamento más consumido (44.2%); 27% de los individuos respondió que el dolor dental era una causa para tomar medicamentos sin receta, el principal motivo para automedicarse y no acudir al odontólogo fue por indicación del técnico de farmacia (26%). Conclusiones: los datos epidemiológicos obtenidos en esta investigación demuestran la marcada tendencia de las personas a consumir medicinas sin receta médica, por lo que, se deduce que existe una barrera para acceder a los servicios de salud oral; por ello, debería darse la importancia y atención oportuna (AU)

Introduction: the fact that a person cannot access a health service, may favor self-medication, which is the administration of drugs according to the individual's self-perception about their possible diagnosis and solution. Although, it is a situation considered as a public health problem, through education or future research that generates proposals, it will be possible to eradicate the barriers to oral health access. Objective: to determine the prevalence of self-medication in dentistry in adults in Macas, Ecuador, during the year 2021. Material and methods: a descriptive, quantitative, documentary, communicational and current cross-sectional study was carried out on the adult population of Macas, Ecuador; data were collected by means of an online survey and then analyzed in terms of prevalence, frequency and chi-square. Results: 49% of those surveyed responded that they self-medicate, analgesics were the most consumed type of medicine (44.2%), 27% of the individuals responded that dental pain was a cause for taking medicines without prescription, the main reason for self-medicating and not going to the dentist was because of the indication of the pharmacy technician (26%). Conclusions: the epidemiological data obtained in this investigation show us the marked tendency of people to take medicines without a medical prescription; therefore, it can be deduced that there is a barrier to accessing oral health services, and for this reason it should be given importance and timely attention (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Drug Prescriptions , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Surveys and Questionnaires , Nonprescription Drugs/therapeutic use , Ecuador/epidemiology , Effective Access to Health Services , Mouth Diseases/drug therapy
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310204, jun. 2024. tab, gráf
مقالة ي الانجليزية, الأسبانية | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554934


Introducción. El descenso de las coberturas de vacunación fue muy significativo en la última década. Los pediatras son una pieza fundamental para recuperar coberturas y aumentar la confianza en la vacunación. Objetivos. Describir la percepción de los pediatras acerca del conocimiento y prácticas sobre vacunas, e identificar barreras en el acceso. Métodos. Estudio analítico observacional, mediante encuesta en línea. Se incluyeron variables del perfil del profesional, capacitación y barreras en inmunizaciones. Resultados. Participaron 1696 pediatras (tasa de respuesta: 10,7 %), media de 50,4 años. El 78,7 % fueron mujeres. El 78,2 % contaba con ≥10 años de ejercicio profesional. El 78,4 % realizaba atención ambulatoria y el 56,0 % en el subsector privado. El 72,5 % realizó una capacitación en los últimos 2 años. Se manifestaron "capacitados" para transmitir a sus pacientes los beneficios de las vacunas: 97,2 %; objetivos de campañas: 87,7 %; contraindicaciones: 82,4 %; efectos adversos: 78,9 %; recupero de esquemas: 71,2 %; notificación de ESAVI: 59,5 %. La proporción fue estadísticamente superior, en todos los aspectos, en pediatras con ≥10 años de ejercicio y en aquellos con capacitación reciente (p ≤ 0,01). Barreras identificadas en el acceso a la vacunación: falsas contraindicaciones (62,3 %); falta temporaria de vacunas (46,4 %); motivos culturales (41,4 %); horario restringido del vacunatorio (40,6 %). Conclusiones. La percepción del grado de capacitación fue variable según el aspecto de la vacunación. Aquellos con mayor tiempo de ejercicio profesional y con actualización reciente se manifestaron con mayor grado de capacidad. Se identificaron múltiples barreras frecuentes asociadas al acceso en la vacunación.

Introduction. The decline in vaccination coverage has been very significant in the past decade. Pediatriciansplay a key role in catching-up coverage and increasing confidence in vaccination. Objectives. To describe pediatricians' perceptions of vaccine knowledge and practices and to identify barriers to access. Methods. Observational, analytical study using an online survey. Variables related to professional profile, training and barriers to vaccination were included. Results. A total of 1696 pediatricians participated (response rate: 10.7%). Their mean age was 50.4 years; 78.7% were women; 78.2% had ≥ 10 years of experience; 78.4% provided outpatient care and 56.0%, in the private subsector; and 72.5% received training in the past 2 years. Respondents described themselves as "trained" in convey the following aspects to their patients: benefits of vaccines: 97.2%; campaign objectives: 87.7%; contraindications: 82.4%; adverse effects: 78.9%; catchup vaccination: 71.2%; reporting of events supposedly attributable to vaccination or immunization: 59.5%. The proportion was statistically higher in all aspects, among pediatricians with ≥ 10 years of experience and those who received training recently (p ≤ 0.01). The barriers identified in access to vaccination were false contraindications (62.3%), temporary vaccine shortage (46.4%), cultural reasons (41.4%), and restricted vaccination center hours (40.6%). Conclusions. The perception of the level of training varied depending on the vaccination-related aspect. Pediatricians with more years of professional experience and those who received recent updates perceivedthemselves as more trained. Multiple barriers associated with access to vaccination were identified.

Humans , Middle Aged , Vaccines , Vaccination , Perception , Argentina , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pediatricians
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(2): 1-17, 20240531.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555036


Introducción: la información en cáncer en poblaciones indígenas colombianas es escasa; de ahí que el objetivo de este estudio sea conocer las perspectivas comunitarias y de los prestadores de servicios de salud acerca del cáncer de cuello uterino (CaCU) en mujeres indígenas del Amazonas colombiano. Materiales y métodos: estudio cualitativo, derivado de una investigación de métodos mixtos de triangula-ción convergente. Se realizaron 40 entrevistas semiestructuradas que incluían profesionales de la salud y actores clave comunitarios representados en curacas, médicos tradicionales o chamanes, parteras, pro-motores de salud, auxiliares de salud pública, líderes y lideresas, abuelos, abuelas y mujeres indígenas en general. Para el análisis se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: emergieron cuatro categorías:1) concepciones y factores de riesgo alrededor del cáncer en general y el CaCU, 2) prácticas de cuidado y de atención occidentales y ancestrales para el CaCU, 3) dificultades socioculturales y del sistema de salud para la prevención y atención del CaCU y 4) recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de la de prevención del CaCU. Conclusión: los participantes reconocen la citología cervicouterina como una forma de prevenir el cáncer y aunque los participantes mencionaron algunos aspectos culturales y personales que podrían constituirse en una barrera para la prevención y control del CaCU, se hizo hinca-pié en los problemas estructurales del sistema de salud, la falta de integración cultural y las dificultades de acceso al tamizaje, diagnóstico y tratamiento.

Introduction: Information on cancer in Colombian indigenous populations is scarce, the objective of this study was to know the community and health care providers' perspectives on cervical cancer (CaCU) in indigenous women of the Colombian Amazon. Materials and methods: Qualitative study, derived from a mixed methods research of convergent triangulation, 40 semi-structured interviews were conducted, including health professionals and key community actors represented by curacas, traditional doctors or shamans, midwives, health promoters, public health assistants, leaders, grandfathers, grandmothers, and indigenous women in general. The content analysis technique was used for the analysis. Results:Four categories emerged: (a) conceptions and risk factors surrounding cancer in general and CaCU; (b) western and ancestral care and attention practices for CaCU; (c) sociocultural and health system diffi-culties for the prevention and attention of CaCU, and (d) recommendations for strengthening CaCU pre-vention. Conclusion: Participants recognize cervical cytology as a way to prevent cancer and although participants mentioned some cultural and personal aspects that could constitute a barrier to cervical cancer prevention and control, the greatest emphasis was given to structural problems of the health system, lack of cultural integration and difficulties of access to screening, diagnosis and treatment.

Introdução: a informação sobre o câncer nas populações indígenas colombianas são escassas, o objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as perspectivas da comunidade e dos prestadores de serviços de saúde sobre o câncer do colo do útero (CaCU), em mulheres indígenas da Amazônia colombiana. Materiais e méto-dos: estudo qualitativo, derivado de uma investigação de métodos mistos de triangulação convergente. Foram realizadas 40 entrevistas semiestruturadas que incluíram profissionais de saúde e principais atores comunitários representados em curacas, médicos tradicionais ou xamãs, parteiras, promotores de saúde, assistentes de saúde pública, lideranças, avôs, avós e mulheres indígenas em geral. Para a análise foi uti-lizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: emergiram quatro categorias, a) concepções e fatores de risco em torno do câncer em geral e do CaCU; b) cuidados e práticas de cuidado ocidentais e ancestrais para CaCU; c) dificuldades socioculturais e do sistema de saúde para a prevenção e cuidado do CaCU, e d) recomendações para fortalecer a prevenção de CaCU. Conclusão: as participantes reconhecem a citolo-gia cervical como forma de prevenção do câncer e embora as participantes tenham mencionado alguns aspectos culturais e pessoais que poderiam constituir uma barreira para a prevenção e controle do câncer do colo do útero, a maior ênfase foi dada aos problemas estruturais do sistema de saúde, a falta de integra-ção cultural e as dificuldades de acesso ao rastreio, ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento

Humans , Colombia
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550533


Introducción: Las barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud primario conforman estructuras sociales que agravan la situación de salud de los adolescentes, impactando negativamente en el ejercicio pleno de la salud sexual reproductiva, situando a los adolescentes en una población de riesgo social. Objetivo: Determinar las barreras en el acceso a los servicios primarios de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de atención diferenciada a los adolescentes del Centro de Salud I - 4 Pampa Grande Tumbes 2018. Metodología: Estudio analítico de caso control, se entrevistaron a 288 adolescentes del tercero, cuarto y quinto de secundaria de la institución educativa pública Túpac Amaru del centro poblado Pampa Grande de Tumbes en el año 2019, entre experimento y control con una razón de 1 a 1. Se aplicaron cuestionarios anónimos para evaluar las barreras de accesibilidad a los servicios primarios de salud. Se recogieron variables: características sociodemográficas y culturales que son consideradas, como barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo e inferencial con el programa SPSS® v.23. Resultados: La edad, sexo e ingreso económico están directa y significativamente relacionadas con la accesibilidad a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (p<0.01 IC 95 %); La disposición de recursos económicos para asumir los costos de traslado al centro de salud (OR = 4,23); la utilización del transporte público (OR = 1,58), el conocimiento de los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (OR = 1,15) incrementan la probabilidad de acceder a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes. Discusión: Las barreras socioeconómicas a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes son modificables y dependen de la gestión en salud pública.

Introduction: The barriers to access to primary health services make up social structures that aggravate the health situation of adolescents, negatively impacting the full exercise of reproductive sexual health, placing adolescents in a population at social risk. Objective: To determine the barriers in the access to the primary services of Sexual and Reproductive Health of differentiated attention to the adolescents of the Health Center I - 4 Pampa Grande Tumbes 2018. Methods: Analytical case control study, 288 adolescents from the third, fourth and fifth grade of secondary school of the public educational institution Túpac Amaru in the Pampa Grande de Tumbes town center were interviewed in 2019, between experiment and control with a ratio of 1 to 1. Anonymous questionnaires were applied to assess accessibility barriers to primary health services. Variables were collected: sociodemographic and cultural characteristics that are considered as barriers to access to health services. A descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out with the SPSS® v.23 program. Results: Age, sex and economic income are directly and significantly related to accessibility to sexual and reproductive health services (p<0.01 95% CI); The availability of economic resources to assume the costs of transportation to the health center (OR = 4.23); the use of public transport (OR = 1.58), knowledge of sexual and reproductive health services (OR = 1.15) increase the probability of accessing sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents. Discussion: Socioeconomic barriers to sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents are modifiable and depend on public health management.

Medisan ; 28(1)feb. 2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558502


Introducción: Perfeccionar las habilidades de comunicación y comprensión del inglés en los momentos actuales es una necesidad indispensable para aquellos que realizan estudios de maestría y doctorado, pues les permite divulgar los resultados de sus investigaciones con mayor precisión, así como asimilar claramente la literatura especializada que consulten. Objetivo: Analizar algunas de las principales estrategias de traducción empleadas por los participantes en el curso de comprensión y comunicación de los resultados de investigación. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación educativa en el periodo 2021-2022 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos, para lo cual se seleccionó una muestra de 42 profesionales, matriculados en los programas de formación doctoral en ciencias biomédicas, estomatológicas y psicológicas. A tal efecto, se empleó la observación como método para describir el proceso de entrenamiento en traducción de textos médicos del inglés al español. Resultados: La estrategia más empleada por los doctorandos fue la traducción literal, que se halló en los 107 fragmentos analizados y en 86,9 % de estos fue la única aplicada; a esta le siguió la transposición (70,0 %). Los calcos léxicos constituyeron la estrategia menos usada, pues solo figuraron en 11,2 % de los textos médicos traducidos del inglés al español. Conclusiones: Las estrategias más utilizadas fueron la traducción literal y la transposición, lo cual se debe a que las estructuras léxicas y sintácticas sirven de base para establecer analogías entre los idiomas español e inglés y, por tanto, facilitan la reexpresión que conlleva el proceso de traducción.

Introduction: Improving communication and understanding skills in English at present is an indispensable necessity for those who conduct masters and doctorate studies, since they allow them to disclose the results of research with more precision, as well as to clearly assimilate the specialized literature. Objective: To analyze some of the main translation strategies used by the participants in the course about understanding and communication research results. Methods: An educational study was carried out in the period 2021-2022 at the University of Medical Sciences in Cienfuegos, with a sample of 42 professionals enrolled in doctoral training programs of biomedical, stomatological and psychological sciences. For this purpose, observation was used as a method to describe the training process in translation of medical texts from English to Spanish. Results: The most used strategy by doctorate students was literal translation, which was found in the 107 fragments analyzed, and it was the only one applied in 86.9% of the cases; followed by transposition (70.0%). Lexical calque was the least used strategy, as it only appeared in 11.2% of the medical texts translated from English to Spanish. Conclusions: The most used strategies were literal translation and transposition, which is due to the fact that lexical and syntactic structures serve as a basis for establishing analogies between Spanish and English languages and, therefore, facilitate the re-expression involved in translation process.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020446


Objective:To explore the factors leading to communication disorders in ICU patients during mechanical ventilation from the perspective of both patients and medical staff, and to use the theoretical framework of acceptability to identify the barriers that can be improved by intervention.Methods:Using the method of descriptive phenomenology from July to August 2022, 11 patients with mechanical ventilation and 8 medical staff in the comprehensive ICU of a Yuhuangding Hospital in Yantai were selected for interviews by the purpose sampling method, combined with participatory observation. The interviews of patients were conducted off ventilator. With Nvivo12.0 Plus software, the seven-step analysis method of Colaizzi phenomenology was adopted to summarize the theme and the theoretical framework of acceptability was used to identify the obstacle factors that could be improved by intervention.Results:The age of 11 patients was 18-46 years old, the duration of mechanical ventilation was 9.5-312.3 h. The age of 8 medical staff was 26-54 years old, the length of service in ICU was 2-30 years. A total of 14 themes were extracted. For patients: defensive mood, difficulty in presenting information, introverted personality, communication tools are hard to use, emergency treatment conflict, deny the ability to communicate, thought slowness. For medical staff: defensive mood, cognitive load, high time cost, lack of humane communication strategies, poor training, other priorities, loss of confidence in effective communication, awareness of the importance of communication was not enough.Conclusions:There are many factors that can be improved for patients with mechanical ventilation in ICU. It is suggested to speed up the research and development of high-tech and personalized alternative communication tools in China, reduce negative communication between doctors and patients and nurses and patients, and implement evidence-based multi-mode and progressive communication intervention strategies.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020470


Objective:To explore the barrier factors in the implementation of advance care planning for critically ill and end-life patients in China. Provide reference for the implementation of advance care planning in critically ill and end-life patients in China.Methods:The literature from CNKI, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, Wanfang database, VIP, PubMed and Web of Science database on the implementation of advance care planning for critically ill and end-life patients in China were searched. The search deadline was from database establishment to January 15, 2023. To analyze the literature meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results:A total of 18 literatures were included, and the barrier factors to the implementation of advance care planning for critically ill and end-life patients in China included six categories (27 types): social and cultural factors (4 types), patient factors (4 types), family factors (5 types), medical staff factors (8 types), interpersonal interaction factors (4 types), policy and legal factors (2 types).Conclusions:The implementation of advance care planning for critically ill and end-life patients in China is affected by a variety of barrier factors. The improvement measures should be formulated according to the modifiable barrier factors to promote the implementation of advance medical care plan for critically ill and end-life patients in China.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020512


Objective:To explore the current status of barriers to participation in phaseⅡcoronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients and the factors influencing them, and to provide new ideas for reducing barriers to participation in rehabilitation and improving the participation rate in cardiac rehabilitation.Methods:For this study, a cross-sectional survey research method was utilized. The study included 334 patients who underwent CABG and were admitted to the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University between June 2022 and May 2023. These patients were selected using the convenience sampling method. A General Information Questionnaire, the Cardiac Rehabilitation Barriers Scale (CRBS-C/M), and a Questionnaire on the Knowledge of Information Related to Cardiac Rehabilitation were used to conduct the survey. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the independent influencing factors on barriers to participation in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation in post-CABG patients.Results:Out of 334 patients, 248 were males and 86 were females with age (54.74 ± 7.61) years old. The total average score of CRBS-C/M in patients after CABG surgery was 3.20 ± 0.43, with the highest external logistic factors score of 3.42 ± 0.58. The knowledge status score of information related to cardiac rehabilitation was 42.11 ± 7.94. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the following factors independently influenced post-CABG patients′ barriers to participating in phaseⅡcardiac rehabilitation: marital status, whether or not they had completed phase I cardiac rehabilitation,number of other comorbidities, knowledge of cardiac rehabilitation information. All of these differences were statistically significant ( t values were -4.87-3.35, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The barriers to participation in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation in post-CABG patients are at an intermediate to high level, and healthcare professionals should emphasize the assessment of barrier factors in these patients, and target the development and implementation of phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation in terms of the influencing factors.

International Eye Science ; (12): 835-841, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030806


AIM: To evaluate medication adherence among patients taking topical intraocular pressure(IOP)lowering treatment and ascertain if there are differences in medication adherence between patients treated by a glaucoma specialist and those who are followed up by a general ophthalmologist. Furthermore, to identify multiple obstacles contributing to poor adherence.METHODS: Cross-sectional survey study was conducted among a total of 54 patients, recruited from October 2020 to February 2021, who were using topical ocular hypotensive medication. Subjects completed a personalized questionnaire which was developed to evaluate medication adherence and its barriers.RESULTS: Approximately 60% of our subject population were not completely adherent to topical treatment. Pearson's Chi-squared test demonstrated that there was no significant association between adherence and being followed up by a glaucoma specialist or not(χ2=1.2468, P=0.5361). Furthermore, 43% of participants expressed having problems with eyedrop instillation and Logistic regression analysis revealed that those subjects were significantly more likely to be low adherent to treatment(β&#x0026;#xEE;=3.168, P=0.0367).CONCLUSION: The questionnaire was effective to evaluate medication adherence to topical IOP lowering treatment and its barriers. The medication adherence rate found in this study was remarkably low, so several strategies must be put into practice to deal with the most common obstacles related to poor adherence.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 579-601, 2024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011271


Lipid nanovehicles are currently the most advanced vehicles used for RNA delivery, as demonstrated by the approval of patisiran for amyloidosis therapy in 2018. To illuminate the unique superiority of lipid nanovehicles in RNA delivery, in this review, we first introduce various RNA therapeutics, describe systemic delivery barriers, and explain the lipid components and methods used for lipid nanovehicle preparation. Then, we emphasize crucial advances in lipid nanovehicle design for overcoming barriers to systemic RNA delivery. Finally, the current status and challenges of lipid nanovehicle-based RNA therapeutics in clinical applications are also discussed. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive overview showing how to utilize lipid nanovehicles to overcome multiple barriers to systemic RNA delivery, inspiring the development of more high-performance RNA lipid nanovesicles in the future.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012527


@#Introduction: Malaysia has not legalized CPR teaching in the national curriculum, leaving it to school principals to implement the teaching of CPR who may have limited knowledge. This study aims to investigate Malaysian secondary school principals’ level of readiness, defined as knowledge, attitude, willingness to teach CPR, and barriers to implementation. Methods: Malaysian secondary school principals were invited to complete a survey that consisted of five parts: (1) demographics, (2) CPR knowledge, (3) attitude towards CPR, (4) willingness to teach CPR, and (5) barriers to implementing CPR teaching. Results: A total of 54 secondary school principals responded to the survey. Three (5.6%) principals passed the CPR test. More than 80% agreed CPR course is important for students, mandatory to be taken before graduation and best taught by certified teachers. Principals are willing to qualify themselves and teachers with CPR certification and to provide funding to support and hire an outsider to teach CPR courses. Funding, teachers’ readiness for skills and knowledge proficiency, and curriculum burden are perceived as potential barriers to successful CPR teaching. One-way MANOVA analysis showed that gender (p = .257), age (p = .108), qualifications (p = .321), teaching experience (p = .194), and administrative experience (p = .193) did not have a significant effect on the combined dependent variables. Conclusion: Malaysian secondary school principals are aware of the importance of CPR and were willing to acquire the knowledge, skills, funds, equipment, and support in ensuring its implementation in the national curriculum.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 755-763, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012974


To explore the barriers and facilitators of shared decision making, 23 clinicians were selected for semi-structured interviews by purpose sampling and convenience sampling with phenomenological methods in qualitative research, and 7-step of Colaizzi was used to analyze the interview data. Three themes and twelve subthemes were extracted, included: individual factors of doctors (role cognition, perceived outcomes, communication skills, clinical expertise, cognitive bias) , individual factors of patients (general information, lack of disease knowledge, willingness to participate in decision making) and environmental factors (clinical situation, social environment, resources and social influence) . There were many barriers and facilitators in the implementation of doctor-patient shared decision making. It is necessary to scientifically analyze and actively deal with the influence of each factor, and find reasonable countermeasures to promote the clinical implementation of shared decision making.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007138


Objective: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is common worldwide, and lifestyle modifications are key to its treatment. This study aimed to identify the barriers to lifestyle modifications in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and to organize the results using the Capability Opportunity Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) model.Materials and Methods: The framework of Arksey and O’ Malley was used in this scoping review. We searched PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library without language restrictions for reports published up to September 11, 2022, including peer-reviewed literature reporting barriers to lifestyle modifications in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Patient-reported barriers were analyzed inductively and organized into the components (capability, opportunity, and motivation) of the COM-B model.Results: The literature search yielded 583 articles, of which seven qualitative studies, four quantitative studies, and one mixed-methods study met the inclusion criteria. Lack of time, lack of information on the diagnosis and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, negative perceptions of the prescribed exercise and diet, physical symptoms interfering with the behavior, presence of comorbidities, and lack of family cooperation were frequently reported as barriers.Conclusion: The results of this study may contribute to the development of appropriate care and education strategies to promote behavioral changes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 45: e20230151, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560058


ABSTRACT Objective: To understand nursing team perceptions about the barriers in pain management in the care of hospitalized children. Method: Descriptive-exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, conducted with eight nurses and seven nursing technicians. Data were collected at the Universidade de São Paulo University Hospital, between June and September 2022, through individual interviews, analyzed from the perspective of thematic content analysis and in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. Results: The following categories emerged: 1) Knowledge translation: is pain management actuallyperformed? and 2) Reflecting changes: how to achieve the potential of pain management? Professionals have theoretical knowledge about pain management, however, they listed numerous barriers at each stage, mainly related to institutional routine, and, when reflecting on this context, they indicated the need for an institutional protocol. Final considerations: Barriers stand out from theoretical knowledge and make pain management for hospitalized children disregarded. Knowing this context is relevant forimplementing change strategies.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprender las percepciones del equipo de enfermería sobre las barreras en el manejo del dolor en el cuidado de niños hospitalizados. Método: Estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, con abordaje cualitativo, realizado con ocho enfermeros y siete técnicos de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados en el Hospital Universitario de la Universidade de São Paulo, entre junio y septiembre de 2022, a través de entrevistas individuales, analizados en la perspectiva del análisis de contenido temático y a la luz del Interaccionismo Simbólico. Resultados: Emergieron las siguientes categorías: 1) Traducción del conocimiento: ¿Se realiza realmente el manejo del dolor? y 2) Reflejar cambios: ¿Cómo alcanzar la potencialidad del manejo del dolor? Los profesionales tienen conocimientos teóricos sobre el manejo del dolor, pero enumeraron numerosas barreras en cada etapa, principalmente relacionadas con el cotidiano institucional, y, al reflejar ese contexto, señalaron la necesidad de un protocolo institucional. Consideraciones finales: las barreras se destacan del conocimiento teórico y hacen que se desestime el manejo del dolor en niños hospitalizados. Conocer este contexto se vuelve relevante para aplicar las estrategias de cambio.

RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender as percepções da equipe de enfermagem sobre as barreiras no manejo da dor na assistência às crianças hospitalizadas. Método: Estudo descritivo-exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado com oito enfermeiras e sete técnicas de enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, entre junho e setembro de 2022, por meio de entrevistas individuais, analisados sob a ótica da análise temática de conteúdo e à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Resultados: Emergiram as seguintes categorias: 1) Tradução de conhecimento: o manejo da dor de fato é realizado? e 2)Refletir mudanças:como atingir a potencialidade do manejo da dor? Os profissionais possuem conhecimento teórico sobre o manejo da dor, porém listaram inúmeras barreiras frente a cada etapa, principalmente relacionadas à rotina institucional, e, ao refletirem sobre esse contexto, indicaram a necessidade de um protocolo institucional. Considerações finais: As barreiras se sobressaem ao conhecimento teórico, e tornam o manejo da dor às crianças hospitalizadas desconsiderado. Conhecer esse contexto é relevante para aplicar estratégias de mudanças.

Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 16: 13016, jan.-dez. 2024. tab.
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1561007


Objetivo: associar a adesão e as barreiras da terapêutica medicamentosa com o apoio social em idosos. Método: estudo transversal e analítico, realizado em um ambulatório na cidade de São Paulo ­ SP, com 117 idosos, no período de março a novembro de 2019. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados o teste de Morisky Green (TMG) e a escala Brief Medical Questionnaire, e a Medical Outcomes Study. A correlação entre as variáveis foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de Mann-Whitney. Em todas as análises comparativas foi utilizado um nível de significância de 5% e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: idosos que possuem apoio social na dimensão emocional e de informações apresentaram menores barreiras na adesão dos medicamentos (p=0,0216). Conclusões:esses resultados têm implicações importantes para a prática clínica, pois, os idosos mais vulneráveis com baixo apoio social possuem maiores barreiras ao uso da medicação

Objective: to associate adherence and barriers to medication therapy with social support in the elderly. Method: cross-sectional and analytical study, carried out in an outpatient clinic in the city of São Paulo ­ SP, with 117 elderly people, from March to November 2019. The Morisky Green test (TMG) and the Brief scale were used to collect data Medical Questionnaire, and the Medical Outcomes Study. The correlation between variables was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney test. In all comparative analyzes a significance level of 5% and a confidence interval of 95% were used. Results: elderly people who have social support in the emotional and informational dimensions presented lower barriers to medication adherence (p=0.0216). Conclusions: these results have important implications for clinical practice, as the most vulnerable elderly people with low social support have greater barriers to using medication

Objetivos: asociar la adherencia y barreras a la terapia con medicamentos con el apoyo social en ancianos. Método: estudio transversal y analítico, realizado en un ambulatorio de la ciudad de São Paulo ­ SP, con 117 ancianos, de marzo a noviembre de 2019. Se utilizó la prueba de Morisky Green (TMG) y la escala Brief para recolectar datos del Cuestionario Médico y el Estudio de Resultados Médicos. La correlación entre variables se realizó mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y la prueba de Mann-Whitney. En todos los análisis comparativos se utilizó un nivel de significancia del 5% y un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: los ancianos que cuentan con apoyo social en las dimensiones emocional e informacional presentaron menores barreras para la adherencia a la medicación (p=0,0216). Conclusiones: estos resultados tienen implicaciones importantes para la práctica clínica, ya que las personas mayores más vulnerables y con bajo apoyo social tienen mayores barreras para el uso de medicamentos

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Medication Adherence , Barriers to Access of Health Services , Social Support , Aging
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(1): e007, 2024. graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535564


Resumo: Introdução: Como um componente substancial na relação médico-paciente, a comunicação pode ser determinante na construção da hipótese diagnóstica e na adesão ao tratamento por parte do paciente, e, por isso, há a necessidade de compreender os fatores que influenciam no processo comunicativo e descrever a efetividade dele. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os impactos da comunicação inadequada na relação médico-paciente. Método: Vinte e três pacientes voluntários com a maioridade atingida preencheram questionários de informações socioeconômicas, uso da linguagem e impressões da consulta médica. O médico preencheu um questionário sobre a experiência da consulta. Resultado: Os resultados indicaram que os pacientes apresentaram alguma dificuldade em comunicar ao médico o que sentiam, e, de modo complementar, os médicos, em 20% dos casos, tiveram algum grau de dificuldade de chegar à hipótese diagnóstica a partir do relato do paciente, o que se relaciona com a linguagem pouco descritiva utilizada pela maior parte dos pacientes. Conclusão: Dada a necessidade da qualidade da comunicação entre o médico e o paciente, conhecer os fatores que impactam o processo comunicativo é o primeiro passo para a garantia de um atendimento eficaz com autonomia do paciente e maior adesão ao plano terapêutico.

Abstract: Introduction: As a substantial component of the doctor-patient relationship, communication can be crucial in the construction of a diagnostic hypothesis and patient adherence to treatment. It is therefore necessary to understand the factors that influence the communicative process and describe the effectiveness of the communication. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of inadequate communication in the doctor-patient relationship. Method: Twenty-three voluntary patients of legal age completed questionnaires on socioeconomic information, language use, and impressions of the medical consultation. The doctor filled out a questionnaire regarding their experience of the consultation. Result: The results indicated that patients experienced some difficulty in communicating their feelings to the doctor, and furthermore, in 20% of cases, doctors encountered some degree of difficulty in reaching a diagnostic hypothesis based on the patient's report, which is related to the predominantly non-descriptive language used by most patients. Conclusion: Given the need for high quality communication between the doctor and the patient, understanding the factors that impact the communicative process is the first step towards ensuring effective care with patient autonomy and improved adherence to the treatment plan.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(1): e00097323, 2024. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528212


This study aimed to describe the beliefs and perceptions of pregnant women and healthcare providers about physical activity during pregnancy. Using a qualitative approach, 30 pregnant women and the 14 healthcare providers caring for them were interviewed in the second trimester of pregnancy. We included women who maintained, decreased, or stopped physical activity since becoming pregnant. They were divided into low (≤ 8 years) and high schooling (> 8 years). Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted and guided by three key questions: (1) When does physical activity during pregnancy start to be considered a wrong behavior?; (2) What are the main barriers (biological or others) to physical activity?; and (3) Do the actions of healthcare providers and people close to pregnant women reinforce barriers? Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed based on recurring themes. All women changed their physical activity behavior (decreased or stopped) when they discovered their pregnancy. Fear of miscarriage, contractions, bleeding, and of causing malformations in the baby were the most reported reasons for decreasing or stopping physical activity. Participants also lacked access to consistent information and healthcare providers' support on the benefits of physical activity. Despite the current international recommendations to regular physical activity during pregnancy, uncertainty regarding its benefits remains. Interventions to promote physical activity during this period should include the training of healthcare providers so they can advise and discard ideas contrary to mother-child health benefits.

Este estudo objetivou descrever as crenças e percepções de gestantes e profissionais de saúde em relação a prática de atividade física durante a gestação. Usando uma abordagem qualitativa, 30 gestantes e 14 profissionais de saúde que atendiam essas mulheres foram entrevistados durante o segundo trimestre de gravidez. Foram incluídas mulheres que mantiveram, diminuíram ou pararam de praticar atividade física desde o início gravidez. Elas foram divididas em baixa (≤ 8 anos) e alta escolaridade (> 8 anos). Foram conduzidas entrevistas semiestruturadas e aprofundadas, orientadas por três perguntas-chave: (1) Quando a atividade física durante a gestação passa a ser considerada um comportamento errado? (2) Quais as principais barreiras (biológicas ou outras) para a prática de atividade física? (3) Estas barreiras são reforçadas pelas ações dos profissionais de saúde e das pessoas próximas à gestante? As entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio, transcritas e analisadas a partir de temas recorrentes. Todas as mulheres mudaram a prática de atividade física (diminuíram ou pararam) quando souberam da gravidez. O medo de aborto espontâneo, contrações e/ou sangramento e o medo de causar malformações no bebê foram os motivos mais relatados para diminuir ou parar a atividade física. Os participantes também não tiveram acesso a informações confiáveis e apoio dos profissionais de saúde sobre os benefícios da atividade física. Apesar das recomendações internacionais atuais para a prática regular de atividade física durante a gestação, a incerteza quanto aos seus benefícios continua sendo comum. As intervenções para promover a atividade física durante esse período devem incluir o treinamento de profissionais de saúde para que eles possam aconselhar e descartar ideias contrárias aos benefícios para a saúde materna e infantil.

El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las creencias y percepciones de mujeres embarazadas y profesionales de la salud con respecto a la práctica de actividad física durante el embarazo. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo, se entrevistaron 30 mujeres embarazadas y 14 profesionales de salud que cuidaban a estas mujeres durante el segundo trimestre del embarazo. Se incluyeron mujeres que mantuvieron, redujeron o dejaron de practicar actividad física desde el inicio del embarazo. Ellas se dividieron en baja (≤ 8 años) y alta escolaridad (> 8 años). Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad, guiadas por tres preguntas clave: (1) ¿Cuándo se considera que la actividad física durante el embarazo es un comportamiento incorrecto? (2) ¿Cuáles son las barreras (biológicas u otras) principales para la práctica de actividad física? (3) ¿Estas barreras se refuerzan por las acciones de los profesionales de salud y de las personas cercanas a la mujer embarazada? Las entrevistas fueron grabadas en audio, transcritas y analizadas a partir de temas recurrentes. Todas las mujeres cambiaron la práctica de actividad física (redujeron o dejaron de practicarla) cuando descubrieron el embarazo. El miedo a sufrir un aborto espontáneo, contracciones y/o sangrado y el miedo a provocar malformaciones en el bebé fueron los motivos más relatados para reducir o dejar de practicar la actividad física. Los participantes también no han tenido acceso a informaciones confiables ni apoyo de los profesionales de salud sobre los beneficios de la actividad física. A pesar de las recomendaciones internacionales actuales para la práctica regular de actividad física durante el embarazo, la incertidumbre cuanto a sus beneficios sigue siendo común. Las intervenciones para promover la actividad física durante este periodo deben incluir la capacitación de profesionales de salud para que puedan aconsejar y descartar ideas contrarias a los beneficios para la salud materna e infantil.

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