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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565919


Romantic love myths refer to culturally shared beliefs about love, falling in love and relationships. Their study and evaluation are of utmost importance, given that they have been recognized as a risk factor in dating violence with serious implications for the well-being and mental health of young people. The aim of the present study was therefore to develop a scale to evaluate beliefs about romantic love, establishing evidence of reliability and validity for the interpretation of the scores obtained. An instrumental cross-sectional design was carried out, applying the Multidimensional Romantic Love Myths Scale (MRL-MS) to a sample of 1001 Chilean young people between 18 and 25 years of age. As a result, a scale composed of 40 items assessing 8 interrelated dimensions was obtained, with evidence of validity based on internal structure, adequate levels of reliability, and evidence of metric and scalar invariance between sexes. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed and possible applications and guidelines for future research are proposed.

Los mitos del amor romántico refieren a creencias culturalmente compartidas sobre el amor, el enamoramiento y las relaciones de pareja. Su estudio y evaluación son de suma importancia, dado que se han reconocido como un factor de riesgo en la violencia en el noviazgo con graves implicancia en el bienestar y salud mental de los jóvenes. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio es desarrollar una escala que permita evaluar las creencias sobre el amor romántico, estableciendo evidencias de fiabilidad y validez para la interpretación de las puntuaciones obtenidas. Se llevó a cabo un diseño transversal de tipo instrumental, aplicando la Escala Multidimensional Mitos del Amor Romántico (MRL-MS) a una muestra de 1001 jóvenes chilenos entre 18 y 25 años. Como resultado, se obtuvo una escala compuesta por 40 ítems que evalúan 8 dimensiones interrelacionadas, con evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, adecuados niveles de fiabilidad, y evidencias de invarianza métrica y escalar entre sexos. Finalmente, se discuten las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen posibles aplicaciones y directrices para futuras investigaciones.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 13, 2024. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558771


Abstract Background Violent behaviors in romantic relationships among adolescents and young people are pressing social matter as they have an effect on both victims and aggressors. Moreover, in the last decades, new forms of harassment, control, and abuse through social networks and mobile phones have arisen. Therefore, now forms of online and offline dating violence coexist. Objectives The aim was to analyze the prevalence rates by sex and age and the co-occurrence of online and offline dating violence. Moreover, the roles of online and offline dating violence aggressors and victims for their self-esteem, hostility, general psychological state, and emotional intelligence were investigated. Method Three hundred forty-one university students from the Basque Country, Spain, participated in the study. They completed six validated instruments related to the mentioned variables. Results Results highlight the high prevalence of online and offline dating violence in the sample and the co-occurrence of both types. No gender nor sex differences were found for online and offline dating violence perpetration and victimization. The correlation between online and offline dating violence was confirmed, and the reciprocity of violence is greater for offline violence. In relation to the role, both types of victims (online and offline) showed higher levels of hostility and psychological symptomatology than non-victims, but differences in self-esteem and emotional regulation were found in these modalities. Online and offline perpetrators shared hostility and some psychological symptoms as characteristics compared to non-victims, but differed in other symptoms and emotional intelligence. Conclusion There is a continuum between offline and online victimization perpetration albeit differences in the characteristics such as self-esteem, emotional intelligence, and general functioning exist.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Internet , Intimate Partner Violence/statistics & numerical data , Spain , Universities , Interpersonal Relations
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1): e54971, dic. 2023. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550734


Resumen Introducción: Poco se conoce del potencial dendrocronológico de las Podocarpáceas en el trópico. Objetivo: Explorar el potencial dendrocronológico de tres especies de podocarpáceas: Retrophyllum rospigliosii, Podocarpus oleifolius y Prumnopitys harmsiana. Métodos: De plantaciones no manejadas localizadas en los Andes colombianos, se muestrearon y analizaron 88 árboles: 30 muestras de R. rospigliosii provenientes de secciones transversales, 30 y 28 muestras de P. oleifolius y P. harmsiana, respectivamente, provenientes de núcleos de madera extraídos con barreno de incrementos. Las muestras se procesaron siguiendo las técnicas dendrocronológicas estándar. Resultados: En general, las características anatómicas de los anillos de crecimiento son similares para las tres especies, con una anatomía simple de traqueidas alineadas radialmente por tratarse de coníferas. Dado que la edad conocida de la plantación coincide con el número de anillos se considera una fuerte evidencia de la frecuencia anual de su formación en R. rospigliosii y P. oleifolius, las cuales presentaron buena sincronización (cofechado) con una inter-correlación promedio de 0.55 (r-Pearson). Para P. harmsiana no fue posible concretar series de ancho de anillos de las muestras recolectadas. Las series estandarizadas de R. rospigliosii y P. oleifolius mostraron una relación con los registros instrumentales de precipitación y temperatura, indicando que estas especies pueden ser promisorias para estudios adicionales. Conclusión: La investigación dendrocronología con especies de Podocarpáceas podría realizarse exitosamente con R. rospigliosii y P. oleifolius, pero no con P. harmsiana.

Abstract Introduction: Little is known about the dendrochronological potential of Podocarpaceaes in the tropics. Objective: To explore the dendrochronological potential of three Podocarpaceae species: Retrophyllum rospigliosii, Podocarpus oleifolius, and Prumnopitys harmsiana. Methods: From a non-managed plantation in the Andean cordillera in Colombia, a total of 88 trees were analyzed: 30 samples of cross-sections of R. rospigliosii, and 30 and 28 samples of P. oleifolius and P. harmsiana, respectively, obtained with an increment borer. Samples were processed according to standard dendrochronological methods. Results: The anatomical characteristics of the growth rings of the three species are similar, with a simple conifer anatomy with radially oriented tracheids. Since the known age of the plantation coincides with the number of tree rings this is strong evidence of annual tree-ring frequency of R. rospigliosii and P. oleifolius which also showed a satisfactory cross-dating with an average inter-correlation of 0.55 (r-Pearson). For P. harmsiana, it was not possible to build a tree-ring series from the collected samples. R. rospigliosii and P. oleifolius standardized ring-width chronologies showed a relationship with the instrumental records of rainfall and temperature, indicating these species may be promising further studies. Conclusions: Dendrochronological research with Podocarpaceae species could be carried out successfully with R. rospigliosii and P. oleifolius but not with P. harmsiana.

Plant Development/physiology , Tracheophyta/growth & development , Plant Senescence/physiology , Trees/growth & development , Colombia , Growth and Development
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(2): 205-224, jul.-dic. 2023. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559039


Resumen En la actualidad, la violencia psicológica (VP) en las relaciones de noviazgo es un fenómeno prevalente. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comprender las redes de significados acerca de la VP en el noviazgo según los estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad del Aconcagua a través del software ATLAS.ti. Es una investigación cualitativa, estudio descriptivo, con un diseño fenomenológico en una muestra intencional de estudiantes universitarios argentinos. Participaron un total de 153 estudiantes de 1º y 4º año, de ambos sexos, con una edad promedio de 22 años (rango de 18 a 25) que hubieran mantenido alguna relación de noviazgo. La técnica utilizada fue el grupo focal y se usó el software ATLAS.ti para el análisis de los datos. Se obtuvieron cuatro líneas temáticas: Diferencias entre VP y violencia física, Emociones de la VP en el noviazgo, Conductas en la VP en el noviazgo y Consecuencias en futuras relaciones. Se concluye que la VP es considerada como más dañina, que pasa desapercibida y se naturaliza. Angustia, culpa y miedo son algunas de las emociones que provoca la VP, y la manipulación, el maltrato y el control algunas de las conductas que manifiestan VP en el noviazgo. Como consecuencias en futuras relaciones, destacan el miedo y el establecimiento de nuevas relaciones de pareja similares. Urge diseñar programas de prevención temprana para minimizar el impacto de sus consecuencias, fomentando el amor y el respeto en las relaciones entre jóvenes.

Abstract Introduction: Psychological violence (PSV) in dating relationships is currently prevalent. Objective: Analyze and understand the networks of meanings of PSV in the dating of students from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Aconcagua by means of the ATLAS.ti software. Method: Qualitative research, descriptive study, with a phenomenological design in an intentional sample of university students from Argentina. A total of 153 students from 1st and 4th year, of both sexes, with an average age of 22 years (range of 18 to 25) who would have had some relationship. The instrument used was the focus group and the ATLAS.ti software was used to analyze the data. Results: Four thematic lines were obtained: Differences between PSV and physical violence, Emotions of PSV in courtship, PSV behaviors in in courtship and Consequences in future relationships. Conclusions: PSV was considered more harmful, unnoticed, and naturalized. Distress, guilt, and fear are some of the emotions that PSV provokes; and manipulation, abuse, and control are some of its behaviors. As consequences in future relationships the fear of the establishing new relationships with a similar partner stands out. There is an urgent need to design early prevention programs to minimize the impact of their consequences, fostering love and respect in relationships between young people.

Humans , Intimate Partner Violence/psychology , Argentina , Social Behavior , Students , Emotions
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(11): 3259-3272, nov. 2023. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520641


Abstract Technology plays a key role in young people's relationships. While its benefits are well known, less is known about its negative impacts and experiences, such as digital dating abuse. Most studies originate from North American and European countries and have not framed digital dating abuse as a multidimensional phenomenon. Exploring this social and public health issue in the Global-South is necessary because it significantly impacts youths' lives. I use Brown and Hegarty's framework of digital dating abuse as a wide range of harmful behaviours and a gender perspective to review the extant literature on adolescent victimisation in digital dating abuse in heterosexual relationships from a southern perspective. This perspective is demonstrated by drawing primarily from the scholarship of two countries in the Global-South, Brasil and Australia. I argue that digital dating abuse is a multifaceted and gendered phenomenon and suggest a qualitative approach across multiple southern countries aids researchers to compile and study adolescent digital dating abuse experiences, contexts and impacts. This contemporary phenomenon of adolescent digital dating abuse merits scholarly attention as a social and public health problem.

Resumo A tecnologia desempenha papel fundamental nas relações entre jovens. Embora seus benefícios sejam bem conhecidos, menos se sabe sobre seus impactos e experiências negativas, como o abuso digital no namoro. A maioria dos estudos vem de países norte-americanos e europeus e não enquadram o abuso digital no namoro como um fenômeno multidimensional. É necessário explorar esta questão social e de saúde pública no Sul Global que impacta significativamente a vida de jovens. Uso a concepção de abuso digital no namoro de Brown e Hegarty como uma ampla gama de comportamentos nocivos e uma perspectiva de gênero para revisar a literatura existente sobre vitimização de adolescentes por abuso digital no namoro em relacionamentos heterossexuais de uma perspectiva do Sul. Essa perspectiva é demonstrada na revisão que destaca estudos de dois países do Sul Global: Brasil e Austrália. Argumento que o abuso digital no namoro é um fenômeno multifacetado e de gênero e sugiro que uma abordagem qualitativa em vários países do Sul pode ajudar pesquisadoras a estudar experiências, contextos e impactos de abuso digital no namoro entre adolescentes. Esse fenômeno contemporâneo merece atenção acadêmica como um problema social e de saúde pública.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(2): 64-75, May.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519901


Resumen Las investigaciones en torno a una ruptura de pareja plantean medir las estrategias y conductas que las personas llevan a cabo para terminar sus relaciones románticas. Se propone entender la separación de pareja a partir del Modelo de Inversión de Rusbult (1979). Resulta relevante probar el modelo incluyendo elementos psicométricos que permitan comprender su validez al evaluar las conductas de separación. De esta forma el propósito de este estudio fue someter a prueba, un análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio de una escala que mida las conductas que las personas realizan para terminar su relación de pareja. Para ello se creó una escala de Conductas ante la separación de pareja a partir de un estudio exploratorio. La escala en su versión inicial contó con 50 reactivos en escala tipo Likert, aplicados en línea a 230 adultos de la Ciudad de México y Área Metropolitana. Al inicio del Análisis Factorial Exploratorio se obtuvo una escala final de 18 reactivos distribuidos en 4 factores (alejamiento, confrontación, depresión por separación e infidelidad) que explican el 68,47% de la varianza explicada con una confiabilidad de α = .871. Esta estructura fue corroborada por un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. Se encuentra una escala robusta y confiable, y se concluye que las conductas de separación evaluadas a partir del alejamiento con la expareja, que puede ser por medio de la comunicación o de ejercer conductas que transgreden como una infidelidad, afectan principalmente el estado emocional de las personas que lo viven.

Abstract Research on a couple's breakup aims to measure the strategies and behaviors that people carry out to end their romantic relationships. We propose to understand couple separation based on Rusbult's Reversal Model (1979). It is revealing to test the model including psychometric elements that allow us to understand its validity. Thus, the purpose of this study was to test an exploratory and confirmatory analysis of a scale that measures the behaviors that people perform to end their relationship. The initial version of the scale had 50 items on a Likert scale, applied online to 230 adults in Mexico City and Metropolitan Area. At the beginning of the exploratory factor analysis, a final scale of 18 items distributed in 4 factors (distancing, confrontation, depression due to separation and infidelity) was obtained, explaining 68.47% of the variance explained with a reliability of α = .871. This structure was corroborated by a Confirmatory Factor Analysis. A robust and reliable scale is found, and it is concluded that the separation behaviors evaluated from the distance with the ex-partner, which can be through communication or exercising behaviors that transgress such as infidelity, mainly affect the emotional state of the people who live it.

Suma psicol ; 30(1)jun. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536898


Introducción: los estudios sobre resiliencia y violencia psicológica en parejas adolescentes en Colombia son escasos, pues se ha explorado con mayor frecuencia la violencia en parejas adultas; además, la disposición de óptimos instrumentos de medida de la violencia psicológica en el cortejo adolescente es limitada. Objetivos: analizar la influencia de la resiliencia en la violencia psicológica en parejas adolescentes; para ello, inicialmente se validó el Cuestionario de Violencia Psicológica en el Cortejo (PDV-Q). Método: el estudio es explicativo-predictivo y de tipo instrumental. La muestra incidental estuvo conformada por 700 adolescentes colombianos, con edades entre 15 a 20 años (M = 18.40; DT = 1.56; 29.3 % hombres). Se reconoció la confiabilidad, la validez de contenido y de constructo con análisis factoriales; posteriormente, se analizaron los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Resultados: se reconocieron evidencias adecuadas de validez y valores óptimos de confiabilidad del PDV-Q. El modelo SEM sugiere influencias inversas de la competencia personal sobre el rol de agresión y victimización; así como una influencia directa de la aceptación de uno mismo y la vida sobre la victimización. Conclusiones: los bajos niveles de aceptación de sí mismo y de la vida podrían ser un factor de riesgo de victimización; mientras que un alto desarrollo de competencias personales sería un factor de protección ante la victimización y la agresión en el cortejo adolescente. El PDV-Q posee óptimas propiedades psicométricas y es adecuado para medir la violencia psicológica en parejas de adolescentes colombianos.

Introduction: Studies on resilience and psychological violence in adolescent couples in Colombia are scarce, since violence in adult couples has been explored more frequently; in addition, the availability of optimal instruments for measuring psychological violence in adolescent courtship is limited. Objectives: Analyze the influence of resilience on psychological violence in adolescent couples; for this, the Psychological Violence Questionnaire in Partners (PVD-Q) was initially validated. Method: The study is explanatory-predictive and instrumental. The incidental sample consisted of 700 Colombian adolescents, aged 15 to 20 years (M = 18.40; SD = 1.56; 29.3 % men). Reliability, content and construct validity were recognized with factor analysis; Subsequently, structural equation models (SEM) were analyzed. Results: Adequate evidence of validity and optimal reliability values of the PVD-Q were recognized. The SEM model suggests inverse influences of personal competence on the role of aggression and victimization; as well as a direct influence of the acceptance of oneself and life on victimization. Conclusions: Low levels of acceptance of oneself and of life could be a risk factor for victimization; while a high development of personal skills would be a protective factor against victimization and aggression in adolescent courtship. The PVD-Q has optimal psychometric properties and is suitable for measuring psychological violence in couples of Colombian adolescents.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(6): 1675-1684, jun. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439843


Resumen Estudios sugieren la presencia de patrones de violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo durante la adolescencia. En la población adolescente mexicana se conoce poco sobre los patrones de abuso cara a cara y digital en el noviazgo y cómo pueden ser explicados por el consumo de alcohol. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar los patrones de victimización por abuso en las relaciones de noviazgo y determinar si el consumo de alcohol predice los patrones encontrados. Fue un estudio transversal con alcance explicativo. Participaron 398 adolescentes estudiantes (62.8% mujeres) de 15 a 18 años de edad (M = 16.1 años; DT = 1). Se usó un análisis de clases latentes y se encontraron tres clases: 1) violencia generalizada baja (45%), 2) violencia psicológica moderada y control digital alto (38%) y 3) violencia generalizada alta (17%). Se encontró que el consumo de alcohol se asoció con la pertenencia a la clase de violencia psicológica moderada y control digital alto (β = 0.48, p = .022) y con la pertenencia a la clase de violencia generalizada alta (β = 0.66, p = .004). Es importante considerar, en la generación de intervenciones, la existencia de patrones de violencia en el noviazgo en adolescentes y la influencia que tiene el consumo de alcohol sobre estos.

Abstract Studies suggest the existence of patterns of dating violence during adolescence. In the adolescent Mexican population, little is known about the patterns of face-to-face and cyber dating abuse and to what extent they can be explained by alcohol consumption. The aim of this research was to identify patterns of dating abuse victimization and to determine whether alcohol use predicts the patterns found. It was a cross-sectional study with an explanatory scope. A total of 398 adolescent students (62.8% women) from 15 to 18 years of age (M = 16.1 years; SD = 1) participated in the study. Latent class analysis was used, and three classes were found: 1) low generalized violence (45%); 2) moderate psychological violence and high digital control (38%); and 3) high generalized violence (17%). Alcohol consumption was found to be associated with the membership in the moderate psychological violence and high digital control (β = 0.48, p = .022) and were included in the high generalized violence class (β = 0.66, p = .004). It is important to consider, in the generation of interventions, the existence of patterns of violence in dating relationships among adolescents and the influence that alcohol consumption has on them.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 56-77, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419870


Resumen Un grupo creciente de investigaciones ha sugerido la existencia de diferentes patrones de violencia en las relaciones de pareja durante la adolescencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar y sintetizar la evidencia científica respecto a patrones de violencia en las relaciones de pareja en adolescentes, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, SCIELO, EBSCO, Web of Science, Sage Journals, Taylor and Francis Journals, Wiley, y el motor de búsqueda Google Académico; no hubo restricciones en el año de publicación. Se incluyeron investigaciones que analizaron la violencia desde una perspectiva centrada en la persona (e.g., uso de análisis de clases latentes). Para evaluar la calidad de los estudios transversales se usó la herramienta Axis de 20 ítems, y para los estudios longitudinales, la lista de verificación de Tooth et al. (2005) de 33 ítems. Se identificaron 212 estudios y después de elegir por criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron 27. Los patrones de violencia con mayor frecuencia fueron: violencia multiforme (34%), victimización o perpetración por violencia psicológica y física (26%), violencia bidireccional psicológica/verbal (26 °/o), baja violencia (26 °%) y alta violencia (23 °/o). Los patrones de violencia se relacionaron con diferentes variables tales como experiencias adversas en la infancia, variables sociodemográficas, relación familiar e indicadores de salud mental. Estos patrones evidencian que la violencia en las relaciones de pareja durante la adolescencia son un fenómeno complejo y multifactorial.

Abstract A growing body of research has suggested different patterns of teen dating violence. The aim of this study was to review and synthesize the scientific evidence on patterns of teen dating violence, through a systematic review of the literature. The search was conducted in the databases Pubmed, Scopus, SCIELO, EBSCO, Web of Science, Sage Journals, Taylor and Francis Journals, Wiley, and the Google Scholar search engine; there were no restrictions on the year of publication. Studies that indicate analyzing violence from a person-centered perspective (e.g., use of latent class analysis) were included. The 20-item Axis tool was used to assess the quality of the cross-sectional studies, and the 33-itemTooth et al. (2005) Checklist was used for longitudinal studies. Two hundred and twelve studies were identified and after screening for eligibility criteria, 27 studies were included. The most frequent patterns of violence were multiform violence (34%), victimization or perpetration by psychological and physical violence (26%), bidirectional psychological/verbal violence (26%), low violence (26%) and high violence (23%). Violence patterns were related to different variables such as adverse childhood experiences, sociodemographic variables, family relationship, and mental health indicators. These patterns show that teen dating violence is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 37(134): 68-84, Jan.-Jun. 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556769


Resumo. Objetivo. Analisar em que medida a qualidade da vinculação amorosa, a presença de sintomatologia psicopatológica e os conflitos interparentais predizem os conflitos no namoro em jovens adultos. Método. A amostra foi constituída por 505 indivíduos, 366 (72.5%) do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos (M = 20.59; DP = 1.78). Resultados. Os resultados apontam que conflitos interparentais, a sintomatologia psicopatológica e a ambivalência na vinculação amorosa predizem negativamente estratégias de resolução não abusivas no namoro. As estratégias de resolução abusivas e os comportamentos violentos no namoro são preditos positivamente pela sintomatologia psicopatológica, conflitos interparentais e a ambivalência na vinculação amorosa. O sexo feminino associou-se às resoluções não abusivas, enquanto o sexo masculino se associou à resolução de conflitos abusivos e comportamentos violentos.

Abstract. Objective. This study aims to analyze to what extent the quality of the romantic attachment, the presence of psychopathological symptoms, and the inter-parental conflicts predict dating conflicts in young adults. Method. The sample comprised 505 individuals, 366 (72.5%) females, aged between 18 and 25 (M = 20.59; SD = 1.78). Results. The results indicate that interparental conflict, psychopathological symptomatology, and ambivalence in romantic attachment negatively predict non-abusive resolution strategies in dating. Abusive coping strategies and dating violence were positively predicted by psychopathological symptoms, inter-parental conflicts, and dating attachment ambivalence. These were also negatively predicted by interpersonal sensitivity and trust in the romantic attachment. Females were associated with non-abusive conflict resolution strategies, whereas males were associated with abusive conflict resolution strategies and violent behaviors.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Psychopathology , Conflict, Psychological , Interpersonal Relations , Portugal
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535255


Objetivo: Revisar los estudios sobre violencia en el noviazgo (VN) de jóvenes, desarrollados en Colombia y América Latina (2016-2020), para dar cuenta de sus características metodológicas y principales hallazgos. Metodología: La búsqueda de artículos sobre VN se realizó en siete bases de datos y aquellos debían cumplir los siguientes criterios de inclusión: 1) muestra de jóvenes, 2) estudio realizado en Colombia o en otro país latinoamericano, y 3) publicados entre 2016 y 2020. Se clasifican los estudios teniendo en cuenta su metodología. Resultados: Se incluyeron 38 artículos, de los cuales 23 cumplieron con los criterios de análisis: 13 de Colombia, 4 de México, 4 de Brasil, 2 de Chile y 1 en Argentina. Solo 3 de 23 artículos utilizaron metodología mixta, dos en Brasil y uno en Colombia; el resto utilizó metodología cuantitativa. Se describe cómo se ha conceptualizado la VN y se clasifican los estudios en hallazgos epidemiológicos, estudios instrumentales y estudios sobre las creencias de los/as jóvenes sobre VN, clasificación dada por el objetivo de la investigación. Conclusiones: Conocer cómo se conceptualiza la VN y las prevalencias de la VN en jóvenes para entenderla en el contexto Latinoamericano resulta fundamental para prevenir este problema. Los hallazgos presentados en este artículo pueden servir de insumo para las instituciones y organizaciones sociales, para comprender la violencia en el noviazgo y generar herramientas para su prevención.

Objective: To review the studies on dating violence (dv) of young people, developed in Colombia and Latin America (2016-2020), to account for their methodological characteristics and main findings. Methodology: The search for articles on vn was carried out in seven databases and those had to meet the following inclusion criteria: 1) sample of young people, 2) study carried out in Colombia or in another Latin American country, and 3) published between 2016 and 2020. Studies are classified taking into account their methodology. Results: 38 articles were included, of which 23 met the analysis criteria: 13 from Colombia, 4 from Mexico, 4 from Brazil, 2 from Chile, and 1 from Argentina. Only 3 of 23 articles used mixed methodology, two in Brazil and one in Colombia; the rest used quantitative methodology. It describes how vn has been conceptualized and studies are classified into epidemiological findings, instrumental studies, and studies on young people's beliefs about vn, classification given by the objective of the research. Conclusions: Knowing how vn is conceptualized and the prevalence of vn in young people to understand it in the Latin American context is essential to prevent this problem. The findings presented in this article can serve as an input for social institutions and organizations to understand dating violence and generate tools for its prevention.

Objetivo: Revisar os estudos sobre violência no namoro (dv) de jovens, desenvolvidos na Colômbia e na América Latina (2016-2020), para dar conta de suas características metodológicas e principais achados. Metodologia: A busca de artigos sobre vn foi realizada em sete bases de dados e os mesmos deveriam atender aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: 1) amostra de jovens, 2) estudo realizado na Colômbia ou em outro país latino-americano e 3) publicado entre 2016 e 2020. Os estudos são classificados de acordo com sua metodologia. Resultados: foram incluídos 38 artigos, dos quais 23 atenderam aos critérios de análise: 13 da Colômbia, 4 do México, 4 do Brasil, 2 do Chile e 1 da Argentina. Apenas 3 dos 23 artigos utilizaram metodologia mista, dois no Brasil e um na Colômbia; o restante utilizou metodologia quantitativa. Descreve como o vn foi conceituado e os estudos são classificados em achados epidemiológicos, estudos instrumentais e estudos sobre as crenças dos jovens sobre o vn, classificação dada pelo objetivo da pesquisa. Conclusões: Saber como vn é conceituado e a prevalência de vn em jovens para entendê-lo no contexto latino-americano é essencial para prevenir esse problema. Os achados apresentados neste artigo podem servir de subsídio para que instituições e organizações sociais compreendam a violência no namoro e gerem ferramentas para sua prevenção.Palavras-chave: América Latina, Colômbia, violência de gênero, violência por parceiro íntimo, violência no namoro.

Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 23: e20230049, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521528


Abstract Objectives: to investigate digital dating violence among adolescents. Methods: qualitative research, applying the ecological engagement methodology, carried out in a non-governmental organization. The final sample consisted of eight male and female adolescents, aged between 16 and 19 years old. Data were analysed according to Content Analysis technique, with triangulation of instruments and technique: biosociodemographic questionnaire; field notes; semi-structured interview; questionnaire "Knowing Dating Relationships". Results: digital violence was frequent and naturalized in dating; despite mutual violence, bidirectionality in dating violence did not mean gender symmetry; the pandemic was linked to the daily increase in Internet use via mobile phones, but it did not increase dating violence. Impulsivity was used in attempts to resolve conflicts in dating, associated not only with adolescence, but also with the increasing digitization and acceleration of relationships within our society. Adolescents were direct and/or indirect victims of violence in their main development microsystems (family, school and neighborhood), simultaneously exposed to different types of violence, since childhood. Conclusions: the digital microsystem can be seen as another context for the perpetration and victimization of violence. Preventive actions should consider the various expressions of violence (physical, psychological, sexual and digital) and their repercussions for physical and mental health.

Resumo Objetivos: investigar a violência digital no namoro entre adolescentes. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o método da Inserção Ecológica, realizada numa Organização não Governamental, com amostra final de oito adolescentes dos gêneros masculino e feminino (16 e 19 anos). Os dados foram analisados segundo a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, com triangulação de instrumentos e técnica: questionário biosociodemográfico; diário de campo; entrevista individual semiestruturada; questionário "Conhecendo as Relações de Namoro". Resultados: a violência digital foi frequente e naturalizada no namoro; apesar da violência mútua, a bidirecionalidade na violência no namoro não significou simetria de gênero; a pandemia esteve ligada ao aumento diário do uso da Internet via celular, mas não potencializou a violência no namoro. A impulsividade marcou as tentativas de resolução de conflitos no namoro, associada não só à adolescência, mas também à crescente digitalização e aceleração das relações no âmbito da nossa sociedade. Os adolescentes foram vítimas diretas e/ou indiretas de violência nos principais microssistemas de desenvolvimento (familiar, escolar e bairro), expostos simultaneamente a diferentes tipos de violência, desde a infância. Conclusões: o microssistema digital pode ser visto como mais um contexto de perpetração e vitimização de violência. Recomenda-se que ações preventivas considerem as várias expressões da violência (física, psicológica, sexual e digital) e seus desdobramentos à saúde física e mental.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Violence , Internet , Adolescent Health , Ecological Studies , Sociodemographic Factors
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; maio 2023. 141 p.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567534


Na contemporaneidade, a violência é tema prioritário de atenção, por ser apontada e reconhecida como um problema social, relacional e de saúde, e se faz presente nas relações de intimidade entre os adolescentes e jovens. O fenômeno é mais grave para os que se identificam com orientações dissidentes/não heteronormativas, por já vivenciarem outras formas de violência da sociedade, que os colocam em lugar de vulnerabilidade ainda maior. O presente trabalho visa analisar a violência nas relações de intimidade vivida por bissexuais durante a pandemia por Covid-19, sob a perspectiva do Paradigma da Complexidade. Este estudo foi delineado em uma abordagem qualitativa e teve como participantes 27 adolescentes e jovens, de ambos os sexos, que se autodeclaram bissexuais e sejam residentes do estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados através de formulário online pelo Google docs, entrevista semiestruturada e o diário de campo, no período entre junho de 2021 até junho de 2022, e analisados à luz do referido Paradigma. Os resultados indicaram (i) a pandemia tanto fragilizou o estado emocional dos participantes quanto foi usada como justificativas para os autores dos comportamentos violentos; (ii) a existência de mitos e de imaginário social sobre a bissexualidade que influenciam diretamente nas ações violentas e nas dinâmicas das relações íntimas vivida pelos bissexuais; (iii) a reprodução de violência e questões estigmatizantes resultantes das experiências vividas pelos gêneros e identidades dos/as parceiros/as, e; (iv) a prevalência de violência psicológica entre os adolescentes e jovens bissexuais, além da violência figurada bidirecional. Conclui-se que a invisibilidade da orientação sexual bissexual reflete na invisibilidade da violência íntima vivida por eles. Há emergência na criação de políticas públicas de saúde e segurança específicas para a população bissexual e para o fenômeno da violência íntima vivida por bissexuais, assim como ações promocionais da saúde com atuação de profissionais capazes de empoderar os sujeitos para o processo de transformação de fatores vulnerabilizantes. Em suma, o Paradigma da Complexidade contribuiu de forma imprescindível para o desenvolvimento de um olhar integral sobre a temática, proporcionando maior clareza sobre os elementos que compõem o fenômeno, e principalmente, sobre a interdependência e interconectividade entre eles, de modo articulado e contextualizado.

In contemporary times, violence is a topic that deserves priority attention, as it is pointed out and recognized as a social, relational and health problem and is present in intimate relationships between adolescents and young people. The phenomenon is more severe for those who identify themselves with dissident/non-heteronormative sexual orientations, as they had already experienced other types of violence from society, which places them in a situation of even greater vulnerability. This paper aims at analyzing violence in intimate relationships experienced by bisexual individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic, from perspective of the Paradigm of Complexity. This study was designed with a qualitative approach of the strategic social research type and its participants were 27 adolescents and young individuals of both genders, who self-declared as bisexuals and lived in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected by means of a Google Docs online form, semi-structured interviews and a field diary, in the period from June 2021 to June 2022, and they were analyzed in the light of the aforementioned Paradigm. The results indicated that (i) the pandemic weakened the participants' emotional state when, in the authors' opinion, it was used as a justification for the violent behaviors; (ii) there are myths and a social imaginary about bisexuality that exert direct influences on the violent actions and on the dynamics of the intimate relationships experienced by bisexual people; (iii) there is reproduction of violence and stigmatizing issues resulting from the experiences underwent due to the partners' genders and identities; and (iv) psychological violence is prevalent among bisexual adolescents and young people, in addition to two-way figurative violence. It is concluded that the invisibility of bisexual sexual orientation reflects on the invisibility of intimate violence experienced by them. There is an emergency in the creation of specific public health and safety policies for the bisexual population and for the phenomenon of intimate violence experienced by bisexuals, as well as health promotion actions with the work of professionals capable of empowering subjects to transform vulnerable factors. In synthesis, the Paradigm of Complexity contributed in an indispensable way to developing a comprehensive perspective on the theme, providing greater clarity about the elements that make up the phenomenon and, mainly, about their interdependence and interconnectivity, in an articulated and contextualized way.

Humans , Adolescent , Bisexuality , Domestic Violence , COVID-19
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; maio. 2023. 141 p.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1561540


Na contemporaneidade, a violência é tema prioritário de atenção, por ser apontada e reconhecida como um problema social, relacional e de saúde, e se faz presente nas relações de intimidade entre os adolescentes e jovens. O fenômeno é mais grave para os que se identificam com orientações dissidentes/não heteronormativas, por já vivenciarem outras formas de violência da sociedade, que os colocam em lugar de vulnerabilidade ainda maior. O presente trabalho visa analisar a violência nas relações de intimidade vivida por bissexuais durante a pandemia por Covid-19, sob a perspectiva do Paradigma da Complexidade. Este estudo foi delineado em uma abordagem qualitativa e teve como participantes 27 adolescentes e jovens, de ambos os sexos, que se autodeclaram bissexuais e sejam residentes do estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados através de formulário online pelo Google docs, entrevista semiestruturada e o diário de campo, no período entre junho de 2021 até junho de 2022, e analisados à luz do referido Paradigma. Os resultados indicaram (i) a pandemia tanto fragilizou o estado emocional dos participantes quanto foi usada como justificativas para os autores dos comportamentos violentos; (ii) a existência de mitos e de imaginário social sobre a bissexualidade que influenciam diretamente nas ações violentas e nas dinâmicas das relações íntimas vivida pelos bissexuais; (iii) a reprodução de violência e questões estigmatizantes resultantes das experiências vividas pelos gêneros e identidades dos/as parceiros/as, e; (iv) a prevalência de violência psicológica entre os adolescentes e jovens bissexuais, além da violência figurada bidirecional. Conclui-se que a invisibilidade da orientação sexual bissexual reflete na invisibilidade da violência íntima vivida por eles. Há emergência na criação de políticas públicas de saúde e segurança específicas para a população bissexual e para o fenômeno da violência íntima vivida por bissexuais, assim como ações promocionais da saúde com atuação de profissionais capazes de empoderar os sujeitos para o processo de transformação de fatores vulnerabilizantes. Em suma, o Paradigma da Complexidade contribuiu de forma imprescindível para o desenvolvimento de um olhar integral sobre a temática, proporcionando maior clareza sobre os elementos que compõem o fenômeno, e principalmente, sobre a interdependência e interconectividade entre eles, de modo articulado e contextualizado.

In contemporary times, violence is a topic that deserves priority attention, as it is pointed out and recognized as a social, relational and health problem and is present in intimate relationships between adolescents and young people. The phenomenon is more severe for those who identify themselves with dissident/non-heteronormative sexual orientations, as they had already experienced other types of violence from society, which places them in a situation of even greater vulnerability. This paper aims at analyzing violence in intimate relationships experienced by bisexual individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic, from perspective of the Paradigm of Complexity. This study was designed with a qualitative approach of the strategic social research type and its participants were 27 adolescents and young individuals of both genders, who self-declared as bisexuals and lived in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected by means of a Google Docs online form, semi-structured interviews and a field diary, in the period from June 2021 to June 2022, and they were analyzed in the light of the aforementioned Paradigm. The results indicated that (i) the pandemic weakened the participants' emotional state when, in the authors' opinion, it was used as a justification for the violent behaviors; (ii) there are myths and a social imaginary about bisexuality that exert direct influences on the violent actions and on the dynamics of the intimate relationships experienced by bisexual people; (iii) there is reproduction of violence and stigmatizing issues resulting from the experiences underwent due to the partners' genders and identities; and (iv) psychological violence is prevalent among bisexual adolescents and young people, in addition to two-way figurative violence. It is concluded that the invisibility of bisexual sexual orientation reflects on the invisibility of intimate violence experienced by them. There is an emergency in the creation of specific public health and safety policies for the bisexual population and for the phenomenon of intimate violence experienced by bisexuals, as well as health promotion actions with the work of professionals capable of empowering subjects to transform vulnerable factors. In synthesis, the Paradigm of Complexity contributed in an indispensable way to developing a comprehensive perspective on the theme, providing greater clarity about the elements that make up the phenomenon and, mainly, about their interdependence and interconnectivity, in an articulated and contextualized way.

Humans , Adolescent , Violence , Bisexuality , COVID-19
Suma psicol ; 29(2)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536890


Introducción: La violencia digital en las relaciones de pareja es un problema de salud pública que requiere de evaluaciones válidas y confiables. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue adaptar transculturalmente y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ) para jóvenes mexicanos. Método: Participaron 1158 jóvenes de 18 a 24 años, 62.9 % fueron mujeres. En la fase de verificación de la equivalencia lingüística, se adecuaron cuatro palabras de la versión original en castellano. Resultados: Se encontraron índices de ajuste aceptables en el análisis factorial confirmatorio, además se encontró validez convergente y discriminante de los factores, excepto entre los factores de victimización y perpetración de Agresión Directa. Se encontró evidencia de validez divergente con la calidad de vida y convergente con comportamientos de riesgo. La fiabilidad total fue superior a .87. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos sugieren que el CDAQ puede ser un cuestionario útil para evaluar el abuso digital en las relaciones de pareja en jóvenes mexicanos.

Introduction: Cyber dating abuse is a public health problem that requires valid and reliable evaluations. The objective of this study was to cross-culturally adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ) for Mexican youth. Method: 1158 young students from 18 to 24 years old participated, 62.9 % were women. In the verification of the linguistic equivalence phase, four words from the original version in Spanish were adapted. Results: Acceptable fit indices were found in the confirmatory factor analysis, in addition, convergent and discriminant validity of the factors was found, except between the factors of victimization and perpetration of Direct Aggression. Evidence of divergent validity was found with quality of life and convergence with risk behaviors. Total reliability was greater than .87. Conclusions: The findings suggest that CDAQ could be a useful questionnaire to assess cyber dating abuse among young Mexicans.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 39(2)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1405586


Resumen La proteína precursora del β- Amiloide (β-APP) es una glicoproteína de membrana y un componente habitual de las neuronas. Tiene funciones en el crecimiento y la adhesión celular tras un traumatismo. Es transportada mediante transporte rápido axonal anterógrado y se acumula dentro de las neuronas cuando se daña citoesqueleto. Este proceso es activo, es decir consume energía. El β-APP no es específico de los traumatismos. Se acumula en cualquier circunstancia en la que se dañen los axones, tal como la hipoxia, alteraciones metabólicas, y cualquier otra causa de edema cerebral y aumento de la presión intracraneal que puedan conducir a un daño axonal difuso (DAI) En el presente estudio estudiamos la expresión de esta proteína en casos de traumatismo cráneo-encefálico con diferente evolución cronológica El daño del citoesqueleto producido por la proteólisis, junto con la alteración de las quinasas y las fosfatasas, aumentan la permeabilidad de la membrana, lo que provoca la entrada de calcio en la célula que, a su vez, activa la calmodulina que hace que los neurofilamentos se compacten, los microtúbulos desaparezcan y se rompa la espectrina. Esta disrupción del citoesqueleto tiene como consecuencia que las sustancias que se transportan a su través, se acumulen, sobre todo en las zonas afectadas por el DAI. Al final de todo este proceso, los axones se rompen, lo que se conoce como axotomía secundaria. El estudio de la acumulación del β-APP es útil para valorar la extensión del DAI y para determinar el tiempo de supervivencia tras el traumatismo o cualquier otro daño cerebral.

Abstract β-Amyloid Precursor Protein (β-APP) is a membrane glycoprotein and a common component of neurons. It is involved in adhesion and cell growth processes after traumatic events. It is carried by anterograde fast axonal transport, and it accumulates inside neurons when the cytoskeleton is damaged. This is a vital biochemical process that consumes energy. β-APP is not specific of traumatic events. It accumulates in any case of axonal damage, whatever its cause may be, like hypoxia, metabolic disorders, and any other circumstances that lead to brain swelling and intracranial pressure rising and in consequence to Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). In this study we review the expression of this protein in cases of traumatic brain injury with different chronological evolution. The damage of cytoskeleton due to proteolysis in addition to the disturbance of kinases and phosphatases increase the permeability of the membrane. Calcium gets into the cell and activates calmodulin, thus neurofilaments compact, microtubules disappear and spectrin breaks. This disruption of the cytoskeleton has as consequence that the transported substances accumulate in the most affected areas by DAI. At the end of this process axon breaks, which is known as secondary axotomy. The study of the accumulation of β-APP is useful to assess the extent of DAI and to determine the time elapsed after trauma or another insult to CNS.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Amyloid beta-Peptides/chemistry , Diffuse Axonal Injury , Craniocerebral Trauma , Forensic Medicine
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 31(1): 93-107, Jan.-June 2022. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388964


Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and frequency of perpetration and victimization of different types of dating violence (DV), among adolescents from 13 to 19 years old in five capital cities of Colombia (Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Ibagué, Tunja, and Yopal), making comparisons by sex. The Spanish version of the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory was used and various statistical analyses, including the one-way MANOVA, were performed. The results show a high prevalence of DV, particularly verbal/emotional and bi-directional (almost 90 % of the participants), pointing out that sex could have a statistically significant effect on the prevalence of the different types of DV, being higher the proportion of men who perpetrated sexual violence and higher the proportion of women who perpetrated verbal/emotional and physical violence. These results indicate the need to continue investigating the phenomenon in Colombia, to carry out different prevention campaigns that are sensitive to differences by sex in prevalence.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la prevalencia y la frecuencia de la perpetración y la victimización de diferentes tipos de violencia en el noviazgo (VN), entre adolescentes de 13 a 19 anos de cinco ciudades capitales de Colombia (Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Ibagué, Tunja y Yopal), efec-tuándose comparaciones por sexo. Se utilizò la versión en espanol del Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory, implementándose varios análisis estadísticos, incluyendo el MANOVA unidireccional. Los resultados evidencian una alta prevalencia de VN, particularmente verbal/ emocional y bi-direccional (casi el 90 % de los participantes), senalando que el sexo podría tener un efecto estadísticamente significativo en las prevalencias de los diferentes tipos de VN, siendo mayor la proporciòn de hombres que ejercieron violencia sexual y mayor el de mujeres que ejercieron violencia verbal/emocional y física. Estos resultados evidencian la necesidad de seguir investigando el fenòmeno en Colombia, para así adelantar diferentes campanas de prevenciòn que sean sensibles a las diferencias por sexo en las prevalencias.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 41-56, jun. 2022. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360479


Resumen La violencia en las parejas adolescentes es un tema de especial importancia por la implicación en la salud y en las relaciones afectivas de los adolescentes. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la influencia del género y de la religión en la violencia física, de comunicación/relación y psicológica, recibidas por los adolescentes, y en la satisfacción con la vida que estos presentan, además, del papel que juegan las conductas sexistas en esta violencia. Los participantes han sido 1 036 adolescentes pertenecientes a siete centros de educación secundaria del sudeste español, de edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años, de los que el 48.1 % eran hombres y el 51.9 %, mujeres. Para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación, junto con los datos demográficos y personales, se aplicó la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS), la Escala de Violencia en la pareja desarrollada y validada para este estudio que recoge tres subescalas: violencia psicológica, violencia física, y violencia en la comunicación y relación con otros. Finalmente, el cuestionario sobre conductas sexistas da información sobre creencias falsas y conductas sexistas. Los resultados muestran niveles más altos de violencia física, psicológica y de comunicación/relación sufrida por los hombres. Aunque son los hombres los que se sienten más satisfechos con la vida y los que manifiestan más conductas sexistas. La creencia religiosa no interviene en la violencia ejercida, pero son los adolescentes practicantes los que se muestran más satisfechos con la vida.

Abstract Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psycho-emotional violence that occurs within couple relationships during adolescence. These are relationships that threaten the well-being, health or integrity of the couple and that use mechanisms of control or domination of the couple through coactive or coercive tactics. With this research we have tried to find out about life satisfaction, the physical, psychological and communicative violence suffered by adolescent men and women who are religious or not. In addition, detect sexist behaviours in young people of both sexes and assess behaviours based on religious practice. A descriptive, cross-sectional and predictive study was carried out. Cluster random sampling was carried out when selecting secondary schools in South-eastern Spain. The study included 1 036 adolescents with ages between 14 and 19 years old, of whom 48.1 % were men and 51.9 % women. To fulfill the objectives together with demographic and personal data, the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is applied, which assesses the cognitive aspects of well-being. The Psychological Violence Scale is applied with the objective of assessing the psychological and emotional violence. To know the physical violence and authoritarian behaviour, the Physical Violence Scale is applied. Finally, the Violence in Communication and Relationship with Others Scale is introduced for studying online violence and relationship violence. The three violence scales have been adapted, developed and validated by Soriano and Aguilera (2017). Finally, the questionnaire on sexist behaviours collects information on false beliefs and sexist behaviours. The data collection procedure followed the standards set out in the Helsinki Convention (2013) for scientific research involving human participants. Regarding the results, in the first of the logistic regression models, it is good for boys to go out with many girls, but not the other way around (Wald = 14.461; p = .000; OR = 4.047), it is observed to be that boys are 4.047 times more likely to agree with this attitude than girls. Also, it is statistically significant that sometimes you have to threaten others to know who is in charge, (Wald = 8.107; p = .004; OR = 2.173), which indicates that the boys are 2.173 times more likely in accordance with that conduct that the girls. It is also statistically significant that when a woman is assaulted by her partner she will have done something to provoke him, (Wald = 16.315; p = .000; OR = 3.538), making it 3.538 times more likely that boys support this attitude than girls. At the same time, it is statistically significant that the violence that occurs within the home is a family matter and should not leave there, (Wald = 4.132; p = .042; OR = 1.694), which also indicates that boys are 1.694 times more likely to adopt this behaviour than girls. Regarding the perception of violence, it is observed that men perceive more violence than women, being significant for the three types of violence studied (p < .05): Communication, psychological and physical. Personal satisfaction also shows significant results (Z = -2.61; p = .009). In this case, men perceive greatersatisfaction with their life than women. For students with religious beliefs and practices, statistically significant results were evident only in personal satisfaction (Z = -3.42; p = .001), showing that students who practice a religion have more satisfaction with life. The results show higher levels of physical, psychological and communication / relationship violence suffered by men. However, men feel more satisfation with life and show more sexist behaviour. Religious belief does not intervene in violence, but the practicing adolescents are those most satisfied with life.

Rev. polis psique ; 12(1): 211-238, 2022/04/30. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517491


A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender como se manifesta a violência em relacionamentos amorosos de adolescentes do sexo feminino no contexto de internação socioeducativa. A pesquisa foi realizada tendo a inserção ecológica como método. O pesquisador realizou 32 visitas a uma unidade de internação mista, com média de 3h por visita. Considerou-se participante da pesquisa 25 pessoas (14 adolescentes e 11 servidoras). Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise temática e apontaram para a presença da violência em relacionamentos amorosos das adolescentes, tanto atuais como pregressos. A violência cumpre várias funções no relacionamento amoroso e afeta o desenvolvimento de competências psicossociais. A unidade não dispunha de intervenção que abordasse prevenção à violência no namoro, apesar de relacionamentos amorosos aparecerem como um componente do projeto de vida. É fundamental a compreensão das múltiplas violências às quais o público feminino está submetido para qualificação do atendimento socioeducativo. (AU)

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo entender como se manifiesta la violencia en relaciones románticas de las adolescentes en el contexto de lo encarcelamiento socioeducativo. La investigación se realizó utilizandoinserción ecológica como método. El investigador realizó 32 visitas a una unidad mixta de detención, con un promedio de 3 horas por visita. Se consideró participante del estudio a 25 personas (14 adolescentes y 11 sirvientes). Los datos se analizaron mediante análisis temático y señalaron la presencia de violencia en las relaciones sentimentales, tanto actuales como pasadas. La violencia cumple varias funciones en la relación sentimental y afecta el desarrollo dehabilidades psicosociales. La unidad no contó conintervención que abordara la prevención de la violencia en el noviazgo, aunque las relaciones amorosas aparecen como un componente del proyecto de vida. Comprender la violencia múltiple a la que está sometido el público femenino es fundamental para calificar la asistencia socioeducativa. (AU)

The present article aims to comprehend how is manifested the violence in amorous relationships of female adolescents in the context of socio-educative confinement. The research was carried out with the use of ecological insertion as a method.The researcher undertook 32 visits to the facility, with an average of 3 hours per visit. Were considered as participants in the research 25 people (14 adolescents and 11 servants). The data were analyzed through thematic analysis and point to the presence ofviolence in both current and previous amorous relationships. Violence fulfills several functions in the relationship and affects the development of psychosocial skills. The facility did not haveintervention that approached prevention to violence in dating, although amorous relationships appear as a component to the project of life. These can contribute to the visibility of the female public that fulfills socio-educative confinementand to the qualification of the care provided.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent, Institutionalized/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Intimate Partner Violence/psychology , Socio-Educational Measure
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(1)mar. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408776


RESUMEN Introducción: Siete de cada diez mujeres peruanas entre 15 a 49 años reportan que fueron víctimas de violencia por su pareja alguna vez. Los estudios en Perú acerca de la violencia en el enamoramiento, son escasos; muchos no incluyen ambos sexos o a la población universitaria. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de los tipos de violencia, así como las conductas reportadas durante el enamoramiento en estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo en 71 estudiantes de una universidad en Perú; se usó un instrumento elaborado por el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables del país, para medir los tipos de violencia (física, psicológica y sexual) y las conductas asociadas y ejercidas por la pareja. Resultados: Del total, el 85,5 % reportó padecer de algún tipo de violencia. El 57,7 % de la muestra reportó violencia psicológica, mientras que el 7 % mencionó ser víctima de violencia física, psicológica y sexual. El 11,3 % reportó recibir palabras insinuantes al sexo por parte de su pareja. Entre quienes recibieron simultáneamente violencia física, psicológica y sexual, el 80 % fueron mujeres. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes sufren algún tipo de violencia y la mitad es violentada psicológicamente. Una mayor frecuencia de violencia se reporta en estudiantes mujeres.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Seven out of ten Peruvian women between the ages of 15 and 49 reported that they were victims of intimate partner violence at some time. Studies on dating violence in Peru are scarce, and many do not include both sexes and the university population. Objective: To identify the frequency of the types of violence, as well as the behaviors reported during dating in university students. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 71 students from a university in Peru, using an instrument created by the Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations to measure the types of violence (physical, psychological, and sexual) and associated behaviors by partners. Results: Of all participants, 85,5 % reported suffering from some type of violence. Also, 57,7 % reported psychological violence, while 7 % indicated to be a victim of physical, psychological, and sexual violence. Receiving words suggestive of sex from their partner was reported in 11,3 %. Among those who received simultaneous physical, psychological, and sexual violence, 80 % were women. Conclusions: Students suffer some type of violence and half of them are psychologically abused. A higher frequency of violence is reported in female students. Effective mental health counseling is recommended to help relevant institutions to better address dating violence.

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