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Medisan ; 28(2)abr. 2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558518


Introducción: Los dientes anteriores tienen una función predominante en el sistema estomatognático, esencial para la estética, la fonación y la masticación. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los adultos con guía anterior de la oclusión dentaria disfuncional según variables clínicas y epidemiológicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, desde octubre de 2021 hasta abril de 2022, en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente 3 de Octubre de Las Tunas. El universo estuvo conformado por 825 historias clínicas que contenían el diagnóstico de pacientes con bruxismo, oclusión traumática y trastornos temporomandibulares, quienes presentaban disfunción de la guía anterior de la oclusión dentaria. Mediante el muestreo no probabilístico intencional, fue seleccionada una muestra de 615 con fórmula dentaria íntegra o desdentamiento parcial de clase III de Kennedy y atención estomatológica concluida o inactivación de los procesos de caries e inflamatorios agudos. Resultados: Primaron el sexo femenino (54,8 %) y las edades de 40-49 años (33,5 %). El bruxismo prevaleció como diagnóstico clínico (41,9 %) con predominio del correspondiente al sueño (39,1 %), el secundario (51,2 %), el probable (59,7 %) y el moderado (69,4 %); entre sus clasificaciones más relevantes se destacó el sistema estomatognático disfuncional (84,4 %). Las manifestaciones clínicas dentarias predominantes fueron las facetas de desgaste (87,5 %). Conclusiones: La caracterización de los pacientes con guía anterior de la oclusión dentaria disfuncional permite establecer una panorámica actualizada de esta problemática de salud para un mejor seguimiento y tratamiento a dichos pacientes.

Introduction: Anterior teeth have a predominant function in the stomatognatic system, essential for the aesthetics, phonation and mastication. Objective: To characterize adults with anterior guide of dysfunctional dental occlusion according to clinical and epidemiological variables. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study, was carried out from October, 2021 to April, 2022, in the 3 de Octubre Teaching Stomatological Clinic from Las Tunas. The universe was formed by 825 medical records that contained the diagnosis of patients with bruxism, traumatic occlusion and temporomandibular disorders who presented anterior guide of the dysfunctional dental occlusion. By means of the intentional non probabilistic sampling, a sample of 615 with entire dental formula or class III partial toothlessness of Kennedy and concluded stomatologic care or inactivation of the cavity and acute inflammatory processes was selected. Results: There was a prevalence of the female sex (54.8%) and the 40-49 age group (33.5%). Bruxism prevailed as clinical diagnosis (41.9%) with prevalence of the corresponding to sleep (39.1%), secondary (51.2%), probable (59.7%) and moderate (69.4%); among the most outstanding classifications was the dysfunctional stomatognatic system (84.4%). The predominant dental clinical manifestations were the wear facets (87.5%). Conclusions: The characterization of patients with anterior guide of the dysfunctional dental occlusion allows to establish an up-to-date panoramic of this health problem, for a better follow-up and treatment to these patients.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e2423285, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1534313


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to evaluate occlusion development after premature loss or extraction of deciduous anterior teeth, by means of a prospective cohort study. Methods: Fifteen infants and children aged 1 to 5 years old were longitudinally assessed (with loss or extraction of deciduous anterior teeth [n = 9], and without tooth losses [n = 6]). Photographs and dental casts at the baseline and after 24 months of follow-up were performed. Dental casts were scanned, and linear measurements were made on the digitalized models (missing tooth space, arch perimeter, arch length, arch width, intercanine length and intercanine width). The t-test was used for groups comparisons (α = 0.05). Results: Individuals' mean age at baseline was 2.93 (± 1.18) years. No statistically significant differences were observed in the missing tooth space in the group with tooth loss during the 24 months of follow-up (p > 0.05). Arch perimeter, arch length, arch width, intercanine length and intercanine width did not show differences between the groups (p > 0.05). Qualitative photographic evaluation revealed other changes in the dental arches and occlusion, such as exfoliation and eruption of deciduous teeth, eruption of permanent teeth, self-correction or establishment of malocclusion, among others. Conclusion: The results suggest that the premature loss of deciduous anterior teeth does not affect the perimeter, length and width of the dental arches; however, other alterations that lead to malocclusion could be established.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento da oclusão após perda prematura ou extração de dentes decíduos anteriores, por meio de um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Métodos: Quinze bebês e crianças de 1 a 5 anos foram avaliados longitudinalmente (com perda ou extração de dentes anteriores decíduos [n = 9] e sem perdas dentárias [n = 6]). Foram realizadas fotografias e modelos dentais no início e após 24 meses de acompanhamento. Os modelos dentários foram escaneados e medidas lineares foram feitas nos modelos digitalizados (espaço dentário perdido, perímetro da arcada, comprimento da arcada, largura da arcada, comprimento intercaninos e largura intercaninos). O teste t foi utilizado para comparações entre grupos (α = 0,05). Resultados: A média de idade dos indivíduos no início do estudo foi de 2,93 (± 1,18) anos. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas no espaço dentário perdido no grupo com perda dentária durante os 24 meses de acompanhamento (p > 0,05). O perímetro da arcada, comprimento da arcada, largura da arcada, comprimento intercaninos e largura intercaninos não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos (p> 0,05). A avaliação fotográfica qualitativa revelou alterações nas arcadas dentárias e na oclusão, como: esfoliação e erupção de dentes decíduos, erupção de dentes permanentes, autocorreção ou estabelecimento de má oclusão, entre outras. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que a perda prematura de dentes anteriores decíduos não afeta o perímetro, comprimento e largura das arcadas dentárias; entretanto, outras alterações que levam à má oclusão poderiam ser estabelecidas.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 142-154, jun. 2023. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440352


The present study proposed to describe, through a literature review, the use of new therapeutic management which allows for offering a better quality of life to individuals affected by these pathologies. A bibliographic search was conducted in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which studies published from 1987 to 2023 were collected. In the first stage, the list of retrieved articles was examined by reading the titles and abstracts. In the second stage, the studies were selected by reading the full contents. Two authors (JDMM and DAQ) performed stages 1 and 2. Experimental, clinical, case-control, randomized controlled, and laboratory cohort studies, case reports, systematic reviews, and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals, were included. Therefore, articles that did not deal with the subject in question, letters to the editor, opinion articles, duplicated literature in databases, and literature that did not address the variables under study, we re excluded. Contemporary dentistry uses alternative treatments capable of improving the patient's condition since a cure is not always possible. Therefore, the possibility of improving the quality of life becomes an important point to be reached. Evidence-based healthcare has made great advances in recent decades, especially in the areas of orofacial pain, TMD, and occlusion, especially related to orthodontic, prosthetic, and restorative care.

En el presente estudio se propuso describir, a través de una revisión bibliográfica, el uso de nuevos manejos terapéuticos que permitan brindar una mejor calidad de vida a los individuos afectados por estas patologías. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos de salud PUBMED ( y Scholar Google (, en las que se recopilaron estudios publicados entre 1987 y 2023. En la primera etapa, se examinó la lista de artículos recuperados mediante la lectura de los títulos y resúmenes. En la segunda etapa, los estudios fueron seleccionados mediante la lectura del contenido completo. Dos autores (JDMM y DAQ) realizaron las etapas 1 y 2. Se incluyeron estudios de cohortes experimentales, clínicos, de casos y controles, controlados aleatorios y de laboratorio, informes de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y revisiones de la literatura, que se desarrollaron en individuos vivos. Por lo tanto, se excluyeron artículos que no trataran el tema en cuestión, cartas al editor, artículos de opinión, literatura duplicada en bases de datos y literatura que no abordara las variables en estudio. La odontología contemporánea utiliza tratamientos alternativos capaces de mejorar el estado del paciente, ya que no siempre es posible la curación. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de mejorar la calidad de vida se convierte en un objetivo importante. La atención médica basada en la evidencia ha logrado grandes avances en las últimas décadas, especialmente en las áreas de dolor orofacial, TMD y oclusión, especialmente en relación con la atención de ortodoncia, prótesis y restauración.

Humans , Facial Pain/therapy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , Acupuncture Therapy/methods , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation/methods
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(2): 121-129, abr.-jun. 2023. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560003


RESUMEN Objetivo : El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la frecuencia y distribución de los diagnósticos de los desórdenes funcionales oclusales en los pacientes atendidos en pregrado y posgrado de Rehabilitación Oral de la Clínica Dental Docente de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, durante los años 2016 y 2017. Material y métodos : La investigación es descriptiva, retrospectiva, observacional y transversal. Las variables son los diagnósticos de los desórdenes funcionales oclusales, clasificados por género, edad, nivel de estudio y sede. Se empleó la base de datos de todas las historias clínicas digitalizadas con presentación de caso planificada y aceptada por el docente tutor y acta de compromiso aceptada por el paciente. Resultados : Se encontró que el diagnóstico con mayor porcentaje fue el de oclusión colapsada con 38,69 % (n = 166); en segundo lugar, se diagnosticó la desarmonía oclusal con 36,13 % (n = 155); luego sigue el diagnóstico de colapso posterior de mordida con 10,72 % (n = 46); el diagnóstico de edéntulo total superior e inferior alcanzó 7,69 % (n = 33); oclusión traumática, 5,83 % (n = 25); y la menor frecuencia la tiene el síndrome de combinación con 0,93 % (n = 4). Conclusiones : Del total de pacientes (n = 429), el género con mayor frecuencia fue el sexo femenino. La edad promedio fue de 56,79 años, encontrándose el mayor porcentaje de pacientes evaluados entre los 60 y 69 años de edad. Los estudiantes de pregrado fueron los que asignaron la mayor cantidad de diagnósticos. La sede de San Martín de Porres fue donde se realizaron la mayor cantidad de diagnósticos de pacientes.

ABSTRACT Objective : The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency and distribution of diagnoses of functional occlusal disorders among patients treated in undergraduate and postgraduate oral rehabilitation at the Teaching Dental Clinic of the Peruvian Cayetano Heredia University between 2016 and 2017. Material and methods : The research was descriptive, retrospective, observational, and cross-sectional. The variables considered were the diagnoses of functional occlusal disorders, classifying them by gender, age, educational level, and location. A database comprising all digitized medical records was used with a case presentation planned and accepted by the tutoring teacher and a certificate of commitment accepted by the patient. Results : It was found that the most common diagnosis was collapsed occlusion (38.69% of diagnoses, n = 166), followed by occlusal disharmony (36.13%, n = 155), posterior bite collapse (10.72%, n = 46), upper and lower total edentulous (7.69%, n = 33), traumatic occlusion (5.83%, n = 25), and the combination syndrome (0.93%, n = 4). Conclusions : Most of the patients analyzed (n = 429) were women. The average age was 56.79 years, with most patients analyzed aged between 60 and 69. Undergraduate students made the highest number of diagnoses. Most diagnoses were made at the San Martín de Porres center.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996792


@#The aim of this review was to provide an update on the current status of digital occlusal force measurement devices, as well as clinical and research applications in complete arch maximum occlusal force measurement. SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, and PubMed databases were used to conduct a literature search from January 2001 to January 2021. Identification and screening of literature were done independently according to published guidelines and selection criteria. The electronic searches turned up 394 articles, 16 of which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were selected for study analysis. All of these studies used T-scan and Dental Prescale digital occlusal analysis system with pressure-sensitive foils as occlusal force measurement devices. The devices showed a promising potential for identifying and comprehending maximum occlusal forces objectively. According to the current review, maximum occlusal force measured with digital occlusal force devices can be used as a prosthodontic adjunct to address issues that arise during the treatment of occlusal disorders, temporomandibular disorders, and complete dentures. It is also useful in predicting cognitive and functional decline in the elderly.

CoDAS ; 35(6): e20220053, 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514015


RESUMO Objetivo correlacionar os achados da avaliação clínica miofuncional orofacial, pressão de língua e da eletromiografia de superfície (EMGs) da deglutição de grupos de pacientes com diferentes alterações da motricidade orofacial. Método 44 pacientes (20 homens e 24 mulheres com idades entre 17 e 63 anos), com diferentes alterações miofuncionais orofaciais foram avaliados por meio da Avaliação Miofuncional Orofacial com Escores Expandido (AMIOFE-E), avaliação da amplitude mandibular e antropometria facial, mensuração da pressão de língua (ponta e dorso) e exame de Eletromiografia de Superfície (EMGs) em região supra hioidea na tarefa de deglutição de saliva e diferentes volumes de água. Resultados a análise estatística encontrou algumas correlações fracas que envolvem a pressão do dorso de língua e sugerem que quanto maior for a medida do terço inferior, menor será a pressão do dorso da língua; quanto maior for a medida dos trespasses (vertical e horizontal) maior será a pressão do dorso da língua; quanto maior for a pontuação da avaliação de postura e funções orofaciais, maior será a pressão do dorso de língua e quanto maior for a pressão do dorso de língua, maior será a pressão da ponta da língua. Conclusão os resultados sugerem que as alterações miofuncionais orofaciais encontradas nos diferentes grupos de pacientes estão mais relacionadas às discrepâncias maxilomandibulares do que às patologias pesquisadas no presente estudo.

ABSTRACT Purpose To correlate the findings regarding the myofunctional orofacial examination, tongue pressure and surface electromyography (sEMG) of deglutition in individuals with different orofacial myofunctional disorders. Methods 44 patients (20 males and 24 females, aged between 17 and 63 years old) with different orofacial myofunctional changes were clinically assessed using the Expanded Protocol of Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation with Scores (OMES-E). In addition, the range of mandibular movements and facial anthropometry were measured, along with the assessment of the tongue pressure (tip and dorsum) and of the electrical activity of the suprahyoid muscles during deglutition, using surface electromyography (sEMG). Results The statistical analysis found weak correlations between tongue dorsum pressure values, suggesting that the greater the measurement of the lower third of the face, the lower the pressure of the tongue dorsum; the greater the measurement of the overlaps (vertical and horizontal), the higher the pressure of the tongue dorsum; the higher the score from the orofacial evaluation and orofacial functions assessment, the higher the pressure of the tongue dorsum; and the higher the pressure of the tongue dorsum, the higher the pressure of the tongue tip. Conclusion The present study results indicate that the orofacial myofunctional changes found in different groups of patients are more related to the maxillomandibular discrepancies than to the pathologies investigated herein.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e045, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1439755


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of pairs of antagonist teeth (epidemiological criterion) for defining pairs of teeth in occlusal contact (clinical criterion) and to estimate the agreement between the prevalence of "shortened dental arch" (SDA) and "functional dentition" (FD) when occlusal units (OUs) or posterior occluding pairs (POPs) are defined by the epidemiological or clinical criterion. Data were collected in an epidemiological oral health survey conducted in a municipality in Minas Gerais, Brazil. OUs and POPs were defined by the epidemiological criterion (dental crown status) or clinical criterion "gold standard" (carbon paper record of occlusal contacts during habitual maximum intercuspation). SDA corresponded to the presence of an intact anterior region and three to five OUs. FD was based on the concomitant presence of ≥ 1 tooth in each arch, 10 teeth in each arch, 12 anterior teeth, ≥ 3 premolar POPs, and ≥ 1 molar POP bilaterally. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of the epidemiological criterion were calculated. The study included 197 adults. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were 88.5, 87.9, 92.5, and 81.9%, respectively, and accuracy was 88.3%. The epidemiological criterion proved to be valid and could be used in epidemiological studies to calculate the prevalence of reduced dental configurations that consider POPs. The assessment of oral functionality is an aspect that should be included in the diagnosis of the clinical condition of patients, contributing to a more effective individual and collective oral health care plan.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e033, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1430044


Abstract This study aimed to assess the potential association between perception malocclusion and school performance in children and adolescents. An electronic search was performed in ten databases. Based on the PECO acronym (Population, Exposition, Comparator, and Outcome), the eligibility criteria included observational studies that compared the school performance of children and adolescents with and without the perception of malocclusion. There were no restrictions on the language or year of publication. Two reviewers selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the risk of bias by using the Joanna Briggs Institute tool for cross-sectional studies. School performance was measured by analyzing student grades; levels of absenteeism; and child or adolescent self-perception and/or the perception of parents, guardians, close friends, and teachers regarding the impact of malocclusion on school performance. The data were described narratively/descriptively. The search resulted in 3,581 registers, of which eight were included in the qualitative synthesis. These studies were published between 2007 and 2021. Two studies concluded that there was no significant association between school performance and perception of malocclusion, five studies found that only some of the children with malocclusion had their school performance affected, and one study concluded that there was a significant association between perception of malocclusion and low school performance. Considering all variables and the very low certainty of evidence, the perception of malocclusion seems to negatively impact school performance when associated with external and subjective factors. Further studies using additional measurement standards are required.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226343, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393030


Aim: to evaluate the surgical effects of two rehabilitation protocols on dental arch occlusion of 5-year-old children with or without cleft lip and palate. Methods: this is a retrospective longitudinal study the sample comprised 45 digitized dental casts divided into followed groups: Group 1 (G1) ­ children who underwent to cheiloplasty (Millard technique) at 3 months and to one-stage palatoplasty (von Langenbeck technique) at 12 months; Group 2 (G2) ­ children who underwent to cheiloplasty (Millard technique) and two-stage palatoplasty (Hans Pichler technique for hard palate closure) at 3 months and at 12 months to soft palate closure (Sommerlad technique); and Group 3 (G3) ­ children without craniofacial anomalies. Linear measurements, area, and occlusion were evaluated by stereophotogrammetry software. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify normality. ANOVA followed by posthoc Tukey test and Kruskal-Wallis followed by posthoc Dunn tests were used to compared groups. Results: For the measures intercanine distance (C-C'), anterior length of dental arch (I-CC'), and total length of the dental arch (I­MM'), there were statistical differences between G1x G3 and G2xG3, the mean was smaller for G1 and G2. No statistically significant differences occurred in the intermolar distance and in the dental arch area among groups. The occlusion analysis revealed significant difference in the comparison of the three groups (p=0.0004). Conclusion: The surgical effects of two rehabilitation protocols affected the occlusion and the development of the anterior region of the maxilla of children with oral clefts when compared to children without oral clefts.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Surgery, Oral , Clinical Protocols , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Dental Arch , Dental Occlusion
Braz. dent. j ; 33(3): 74-81, July-Sept. 2022. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1384031


Abstract The aim of study was to evaluate periodontal conditions of upper canines and second premolars with and without proximal contact of individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment associated to extractions of the upper first premolars. The study selected upper canines and premolars of individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment without extractions (30 hemiarches - control group), or with extraction of the upper first premolars and whose canines and second premolars had interproximal contact (16 hemiarches - group 1) or diastema (17 hemiarches - group 2). Clinical (plaque index, probing depth, gingival bleeding index, height of the gingival margin, clinical attachment loss and gingival clefts) and radiographic (crest height, bone height and bone-crest discrepancy) parameters of the distal surfaces of canines and mesial surfaces of premolars were evaluated. Group 1 had worse results when compared to the control group for the levels of plaque in canines and premolars and for probing depth in canines (distal and mean) and in premolars (lingual and mean), as well as increasing tendency of clinical attachment loss (lingual and mean) in premolars. Plaque level in canines in group 1 was also significantly higher than in group 2. There was no difference between group 2 and the control group. The lack of proximal contact between canines and second premolars did not significantly affect their periodontal characteristics.

Resumo A extração de dentes para obtenção de espaço nos arcos dentários é uma estratégia rotineiramente utilizada em Ortodontia, porém a movimentação de dentes para os locais de extrações pode estar associada à falhas na estabilidade dos dentes e abertura do ponto de contato, gerando prejuízo aos tecidos periodontais. Objetivo: Avaliar a condição periodontal de caninos e segundos pré-molares superiores com e sem ponto de contato entre si de indivíduos submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico associado à extração dos primeiros pré-molares superiores. Foram selecionados caninos, primeiros e segundos pré-molares superiores de indivíduos submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico sem extração (30 hemiarcos - grupo controle) ou com extração dos primeiros pré-molares superiores cujos caninos e os segundos pré-molares apresentavam contato interproximal (16 hemiarcos - grupo 1) ou diastema (17 hemiarcos - grupo 2). Nas superfícies distal dos caninos e mesial dos pré-molares foram avaliados parâmetros clínicos e radiográficos para determinar o efeito da movimentação dos dentes para o local de extração e da ausência de ponto de contato interproximal nos tecidos periodontais. Os grupos não apresentaram diferença significativa para a idade e o tempo de pós-tratamento. O grupo 1 apresentou valores mais desfavoráveis em relação ao grupo controle para o índice de placa em caninos e pré-molares e para a profundidade de sondagem em caninos (distal e média) e em pré-molares (lingual e média), além de uma tendência de maior perda de inserção clínica (lingual e média) nos pré-molares. O índice de placa nos caninos do grupo 1 também foi significativamente maior do que no grupo 2. Os grupos 2 e controle não apresentaram diferença significativa. A ausência de ponto de contato entre os caninos e os segundos pré-molares superiores não afetou significativamente a situação periodontal desses dentes.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-10, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427082


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) and various facial measurements in a sample of Sudanese adults. Material and Methods: A total of 113 dental students (33 males and 80 females) with a mean age of 21.7±1.26 years were enrolled in this study. Different facial measurements including (Eye-Mouth, Eye-Eye, Eye-Ear, and Ear Height) were compared with two different measurements of VDO: N-Gn (from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin), and Sn-Me (from the base of the nose to the bottom of the chin). Pearson's correlation coefficient test was utilized for the correlation between the measured parameters. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant for all analyses. Results: A significant positive correlation was shown between all measured facial distances and both measured VDO distances. Though, the strongest correlation was seen for the eye-mouth distance (r= 0.725, p<0.001), while the weakest was for ear height (r= 0.254, p= 0.007). A paired t-test revealed a significant longer N-Gn distance than Sn-Me distance. Also, it has been shown that there were no significant differences between right and left sides of the face. Conclusion: The distance measured from the outer canthus of the eye to the angle of the mouth can be used to predict Subnasale-Menton (Sn-Me) distance.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la correlación entre dimensión vertical oclusal (DVO) y varias medidas faciales en una muestra de adultos sudaneses. Material y Métodos: Un total de 113 estudiantes de odontología (33 hombres y 80 mujeres) con una edad media de 21,7 ± 1,26 años se inscribieron en este estudio. Se compararon diferentes medidas faciales que incluyen (ojo- boca, ojo-ojo, ojo-oído y altura de la oreja) con dos medidas diferentes de DVO: N-Gn (desde la punta de la nariz hasta la punta del mentón) y Sn -Yo (desde la base de la nariz hasta la parte inferior del mentón). Se utilizó la prueba del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para la correlación entre los parámetros medidos. Un valor de p inferior a 0,05 se consideró significativo para todos los análisis. Resultados: Se mostró una correlación positiva significativa entre todas las distancias faciales medidas y ambas distancias DVO medidas. Sin embargo, la correlación más fuerte se observó para la distancia ojo-boca (r=0,725, p<0,001), mientras que la más débil fue para la altura de las orejas (r=0,254, p=0,007). Una prueba de t pareada reveló una distancia N-Gn significativamente más larga que la distancia subnasal-mentón. Además, se ha demostrado que no hubo diferencias significativas entre los lados derecho e izquierdo de la cara. Conclusión: La distancia medida desde el canto externo del ojo hasta el ángulo de la boca puede utilizarse para predecir la distancia subnasal-mentón.

Humans , Male , Female , Vertical Dimension , Face/anatomy & histology , Prosthodontics , Sudan/epidemiology , Anthropometry , Nose/anatomy & histology , Chin/anatomy & histology , Dental Occlusion , Eye/anatomy & histology , Maxillofacial Development , Mouth/anatomy & histology
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 32(3): 295-304, jul.-sep. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559977


RESUMEN La presente investigación surge de una inquietud ante la falta de consenso sobre el concepto del colapso posterior de mordida, sobre el cual en la actualidad existe limitada literatura. El Objetivo fue Identificar los factores clínicos relevantes en el diagnóstico de colapso posterior de mordida. Es una revisión sistemática basada en reportes y series de caso. Se consideraron como dimensiones al tejido dentario, oclusión dentaria, tejido muscular, articulación temporomandibular, tejido periodontal y examen radiográfico. De 82 artículos seleccionados inicialmente, se realizó la revisión con 6 artículos, Con los artículos se ordenó la información describiendo cada uno de ellos, siendo las publicaciones entre 1987 y 2020. Podemos concluir que se identificaron los factores clínicos relevantes: pérdida de piezas dentarias, alteración de la dimensión vertical, periodontitis, desviación en la apertura y cierre del ATM, y reabsorción ósea como los más predominantes según las dimensiones de diagnóstico.

ABSTRACT The present research arises from a concern regarding the lack of consensus on the concept of posterior bite collapse on which there is currently very little literature. The Objective was identify the relevant clinical factors in the diagnosis of a posterior bite collapse. Is a systematic review based on reports and case series. Was considered as dimensions: dental occlusion, muscle tissue, temporomandibular joint, periodontal tissue and radiographic examination. Of 82 initially selected articles, the review was carried out with 6 articles. The information was ordered describing each one of them, being the publications between 1987 and 2020. We can Conclude that Relevant clinical factors for the correct diagnosis of a posterior bite collapse were identified according to the study dimensions: loss of teeth, alteration of the vertical dimension, periodontitis, deviation in the opening and closing of the TMJ, and bone resorption, as the most predominant according to the diagnostic dimensions.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(1)mar. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408374


Introducción: Los principios biomecánicos de cabeza y cuello cobran un interés especial en el campo de la ortodoncia y la ortopedia dentomaxilofacial. Cualquier anomalía debe ser analizada y tratada dentro del sistema cráneo-cérvico-mandibular con un enfoque integral. Objetivo: Describir la relación entre el patrón esquelético maxilomandibular sagital, la postura corporal y la posición cráneo-cervical en adolescentes. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, desarrollado entre marzo del 2018 a junio del 2019. La muestra estuvo conformada por 105 adolescentes del séptimo grado de la ESBU "Eduardo Anoceto Rega", de Santa Clara. Se determinó el patrón esquelético maxilomandibular de clase I, II y III midiendo la convexidad facial del cefalogramas de Ricketts; la posición cráneo-cervical de extensión, normoinclinación y flexión con el cefalograma de Rocabado; el tipo de postura con el método de Bricot. Se siguieron las normas éticas y fueron aplicados los estadígrafos chi cuadrado, F de Fisher y estadístico de Welch. Resultados: La postura D (espalda plana y plano escapular anterior) predominó en todas las clases esqueléticas 64,76 por ciento de los adolescentes, seguido de la postura C (plano escapular posterior). En la clase II, después de la postura D siguió la postura B (plano escapular y glúteo alineados con aumento de las curvas anteriores) con un 6,22 por ciento. Predominó la normoinclinación cráneo-cervical 46,67 por ciento y la flexión 42,86 por ciento. En la clase III predominó la flexión y el ángulo posteroinferior de Rocabado mayor respecto a las otras clases esqueléticas de 107º. Conclusiones: La posición del cráneo respecto a las estructuras cervicales, asociada a las características de cada clase esquelética, puede ser un indicador importante en el diagnóstico morfológico. A pesar de las muchas investigaciones en este campo, aún no se puede hablar de consenso en cuanto al grado de relación entre la postura craneocervical y las maloclusiones(AU)

Introduction: Head and neck biomechanical principles are particularly relevant in the fields of orthodontics and dentomaxillofacial orthopedics. Any anomaly should be analyzed and treated within the cranio-cervical-mandibular system applying a comprehensive approach. Objective: Describe the relationship between the sagittal maxillomandibular skeletal pattern, body posture and craniocervical position in adolescents. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2018 to June 2019. The study sample was 105 adolescents attending seventh grade at Eduardo Anoceto Rega junior high school in Santa Clara. Determination was made of maxillomandibular skeletal patterns Classes I, II and III, measuring the facial convexity in Ricketts' cephalograms, craniocervical extension, normal inclination and flexion positions with Rocabado's cephalogram, and posture type with Bricot's method. Ethical standards were complied with. Use was made of the statistical tests chi-square, Fisher's F and Welch's. Results: Posture D (flat back and anterior scapular plane) prevailed in all skeletal classes: 64.76 percent of the adolescents, followed by posture C (posterior scapular plane). In Class II, posture D was followed by posture B (scapular and gluteal plane aligned with increased anterior curves): 6.22 percent. A predominance was observed of craniocervical normal inclination: 46.67 percent and flexion: 42.86 percent. In Class III, Rocabado's flexion and posteroinferior angle were more common than the remaining 107º skeletal classes. Conclusions: Cranial position with respect to cervical structures, according to the characteristics of each skeletal class, may be an important indicator in morphological diagnosis. Despite the large number of studies conducted in this field, consensus has not been achieved about the degree of relationship between craniocervical posture and malocclusions(AU)

Humans , Posture , Dental Occlusion , Malocclusion/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38072, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397074


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different bone attachment levels and occlusal loads on the stress distribution pattern of maxillary premolars with or without non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL), before and after restoration with composite resin by three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis. From the healthy model, NCCL models were produced and the cavity was restored with composite resin. Models with vertical and horizontal bone loss were also made. For each model, three types of occlusal loads were simulated (100 N): vertical load (VL), buccal load (BL), and palatal load (PL). After processing the models, the data were obtained in MPa for the criteria of Maximum Principal Stress (for all structures) and Minimum Principal Stress (for cortical and medullary bones). Stress values were collected for a node on the cervical buccal surface (Maximum Principal Stress) and the buccal crestal bone (Minimum Principal Stress). As a result, the different bone attachment levels did not affect stress distribution at the amelodentinal junction. The buccal load promoted a higher concentration of compressive stress on the buccal bone surface and the palatal load resulted in greater tensile stress in the buccal cervical third of the tooth. The concentration of tensile stress in the buccal cervical third was exacerbated by the presence of NCCL and it was similar to the healthy and restored models. It can be concluded that stress concentration at the bone level does not depend on the presence or absence of NCCL and the restoration procedure but it is related to the type of occlusal load. However, the presence of NCCL promoted a higher stress concentration in the cervical region, especially when combined with oblique occlusal loads.

Dental Occlusion , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Tooth Wear , Gingival Recession
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 27(6): e22spe6, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1421346


ABSTRACT Introduction: An increase in life expectancy was observed in the past years. Consequently, the knowledge of the maturational changes in the occlusion is highly important to guide clinicians during treatment planning. Objective: In this article, the occlusal and facial aging changes occurred during almost 50 years of follow-up are described. A normal occlusion sample from Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, Brazil, was evaluated at 13 (T1), 17 (T2) and 60 (T3) years of age. The maturational changes observed in digital dental models and cephalometric radiographs were presented. A revision of the aging process, under the gerontology and psychology perspectives, was also explored. Discussion: Maturational changes in non-treated individuals were very delicate. Mandibular crowding, decrease in the overbite, changes in the maxillary second molar position, increase in the clinical crown length, dental wear and discoloration were observed. Conclusion: Compared to the remarkable facial and skin changes during aging, the occlusion seems to be the most stable feature of the face during the aging process. Final considerations: An adequate oral care throughout lifetime makes the smile the best memory of youth at mature ages.

RESUMO Introdução: Nos últimos anos, observou-se um aumento considerável na expectativa de vida. Consequentemente, o conhecimento das alterações na oclusão com o envelhecimento é de extrema importância para orientar os cirurgiões-dentistas e ortodontistas durante o planejamento do tratamento. Objetivo: Neste artigo, serão apresentadas as alterações maturacionais da oclusão e da face observadas durante um acompanhamento de quase 50 anos. Uma amostra com oclusão normal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da Universidade de São Paulo foi avaliada aos 13 (T1), 17 (T2) e 60 (T3) anos de idade. As alterações maturacionais observadas nos modelos de estudo e telerradiografias serão apresentadas, após uma breve revisão sobre o processo de envelhecimento, sob as perspectivas da Gerontologia e da Psicologia. Discussão: As alterações oclusais com o envelhecimento nesses indivíduos não tratados foram discretas, observando-se: suave apinhamento dos incisivos inferiores, diminuição da sobremordida, mudanças na posição do segundo molar superior, aumento na altura da coroa clínica, desgaste e alteração de cor dos dentes. Conclusão: Em comparação às notáveis mudanças da face e da pele durante o envelhecimento, a oclusão parece ser a parte mais estável da face durante o processo de envelhecimento. Considerações Finais: Um adequado cuidado da saúde bucal ao longo da vida pode fazer do sorriso, em idades mais maduras, a melhor lembrança da juventude.

HU rev ; 48: 1-6, 2022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370799


Introduction: The opening of the contact point can happen after orthodontic closure of the site of dental extraction and opened interproximal contacts are considered potential factors for periodontal diseases. Objective: To evaluate the condition of the alveolar bone crest of the interdental site between canines and upper premolars with or without contact points in individuals submitted to orthodontics associated with the extraction of the first premolars. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional observational study selected upper canines and premolars of individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment without extractions (12 hemiarches ­ control group), or with extraction of the upper first premolars and whose canines and second premolars had interproximal contact (11 hemiarches ­ group 1) or diastema (15 hemiarches ­ group 2). The height and the presence of lamina dura in the interproximal bone crest of the distal surfaces of canines and mesial surfaces of premolars were evaluated. Results: Groups 1 and 2 demonstrated the higher and smallest prevailing of the presence of lamina dura, respectively. The control group presented the bone crest positioned more crownly in relation to the others groups. Experimental groups did not present significant differences to the height of bone crest. Conclusion: The orthodontic allocation of teeth to extraction sites was associated with the significant reduction of the height of the marginal bone crest, regardless of the presence or absence of contact point between the teeth. The lack of contact point resulted in a minor prevalence of the continuity of the lamina dura of the alveolar bone crest in these regions.

Introdução: A abertura do ponto de contato pode ocorrer após o fechamento ortodôntico do sítio de extração dentária e os contatos interproximais abertos são considerados fatores potenciais para as doenças periodontais. Objetivo: Avaliar a condição da crista óssea alveolar do espaço interdentário entre caninos e pré-molares superiores com ou sem pontos de contato em indivíduos submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico associado à exodontia dos primeiros pré-molares. Material e Métodos: Este estudo transversal observacional selecionou caninos e pré-molares superiores de indivíduos submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico sem extrações (12 hemiarcos ­ grupo controle), ou com exodontia dos primeiros pré-molares superiores e cujos caninos e segundos pré-molares tiveram contato interproximal (11 hemiarcos ­ grupo 1) ou diastemas (15 hemiarcos ­ grupo 2). Foram avaliadas a altura e a presença da lâmina dura na crista óssea interproximal das superfícies distais dos caninos e mesiais dos pré-molares. Resultados: Os grupos 1 e 2 demonstraram a maior e a menor prevalência da presença de lâmina dura, respectivamente. O grupo controle apresentou a crista óssea posicionada mais coronalmente em relação aos demais grupos. Entre os grupos experimentais, não houve diferença significativa para a altura da crista óssea. Conclusão: Neste estudo preliminar, a movimentação ortodôntica dos dentes para os locais de exodontia foi associada à redução significativa da altura da crista óssea marginal, independentemente da presença ou ausência de ponto de contato entre os dentes. A falta de ponto de contato resultou em menor prevalência de continuidade da lâmina dura da crista óssea alveolar nessas regiões.

Periodontics , Orthodontics , Periodontal Diseases , Surgery, Oral , Tooth Extraction , Bicuspid , Bone and Bones , Orthodontic Space Closure , Dental Occlusion
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220048, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1406498


ABSTRACT Numerous pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, can remain viable on surfaces over days, which favors cross-contamination. Preventive measures are essential to prevent infections and control the spread of COVID-19. Fox ruler is an essential device in the clinical planning of complete dentures and the contact with the patient's oral fluids during handling is unavoidable. Despite its importance, the conventional polycarbonate Fox ruler is easily damaged in the sterilization process. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to propose the use of a disposable Fox ruler. The confection is carried out in a simple way with wooden toothpicks joined by cyanoacrylate glue, following the same shape as the conventional one, but with the additional advantage of being made in an individual size according to the upper edge. The proposed disposable Fox ruler makes it possible to obtain the parallelism of the upper wax roller with the bipupillary line and with the Camper plane. Therefore, the disposable device described in this article was able to perform the same functions as the conventional one, in a practical way, without risks of cross contamination and with low cost.

RESUMO Vários patógenos, incluindo SARS-CoV-2, são capazes de permanecer viáveis em superfícies durante dias, o que favorece a contaminação cruzada. Medidas preventivas são essenciais para prevenir infecções e controlar a propagação da COVID- 19. A régua de Fox é um dispositivo essencial no planejamento clínico de próteses totais e é inevitável o contato com os fluidos orais do paciente, durante seu manejo. Apesar de sua importância, a régua de Fox convencional de policarbonato é facilmente danificada com o processo de esterilização. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo é propor a utilização de uma régua Fox descartável. A confecção é feita de forma simples com palitos de madeira unidos por cola de cianoacrilato, seguindo o mesmo formato do convencional, mas com a vantagem adicional de ser produzida em tamanho individualizado de acordo com o rebordo superior. A régua Fox descartável proposta permite obter o paralelismo do rolete de cera superior com a linha bipupilar e com o plano de Camper. Portanto, o dispositivo descartável descrito neste artigo foi capaz de desempenhar as mesmas funções do convencional, de forma prática, sem riscos de contaminação cruzada e com baixo custo.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 27(1): e2219388, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1364782


ABSTRACT Introduction: Currently, no method is considered effective for the evaluation of digital models in the Certification Examination of the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics (BBO), considering the parameters of the currently used manual method. Objective: Thus, the aim of this study is to verify the reliability of an evaluation method for digital models that could be used in the BBO exam, compared to the gold standard. Methods: Measurements were performed by five previously calibrated examiners. Samples of ten sets of plaster models of the final phase of orthodontic treatment were measured using a manual method (Objective Grading System, OGS). These models were digitized using a 3D scanner and exported to Geomagic Qualify software, in which the measurements were made with the proposed digital method. These measurements were repeated using five models, after fifteen days. The intra-examiner performance with this method was analyzed with a paired t-test, whereas the inter-examiner analysis was carried out with analysis of variance and Tukey's test. To compare the manual and digital methods, a paired t-test and Pearson's correlation analysis were performed. Results: A statistically significant difference was found. The results showed that, when compared to the manual method, the digital method was effective in measuring the OGS in four of the seven variables studied: Marginal Ridge, Overjet, Occlusal Contact, and Interproximal Contact. The variables Alignment, BL inclination, and Occlusal Relationship showed a great amount of dispersion in the findings. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to develop an adequate digital methodology that can be used for all OGS variables.

RESUMO Introdução: Ainda não há um método considerado eficaz para análise dos modelos digitais no exame do Board Brasileiro de Ortodontia (BBO), considerando-se os parâmetros do método manual atual. Objetivo: Assim, o presente estudo objetiva verificar a confiabilidade de um método de avaliação em modelos digitais para o exame do BBO, comparando com o padrão-ouro. Métodos: As medições foram realizadas por 5 examinadores, previamente calibrados. A amostra de 10 pares de modelos de gesso da fase final do tratamento ortodôntico foi medida no método manual (Sistema Objetivo de Avaliação, SOA). Os modelos foram digitalizados por meio de um scanner 3D e exportados para o software Geomagic Qualify, onde foram feitas as medidas no método digital proposto. As medidas foram refeitas em 5 modelos após 15 dias. A análise intraexaminador desse método foi realizada por meio do teste t pareado; já a interexaminadores, feita com ANOVA e teste de Tukey, sendo encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa. Para a comparação dos métodos manual e digital, foram utilizados o teste t pareado e a correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Uma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi encontrada. Os resultados mostraram que, comparada ao método manual, a metodologia digital mostrou-se eficaz para medição do SOA em quatro das sete variáveis estudadas: Margem interproximal, Sobressaliência, Contato oclusal e Contato interproximal. As variáveis Alinhamento, Inclinação V-L e Relação oclusal mostraram muita dispersão nos achados. Conclusão: Mais estudos são necessários para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia digital adequada em todas as variáveis do SOA.

Orthodontics , Software , Pilot Projects , Reproducibility of Results , Models, Dental
CES odontol ; 34(2): 93-106, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374782


Resumen Introducción y objetivo: La posición condilar, como el biotipo facial es importante para mantener una oclusión y un sistema estomatognático equilibrado. El objetivo del presente artículo es relacionar el biotipo facial con la posición condílea en tomografía de haz de cono, en pacientes sin reporte de trastornos temporomandibulares. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron 59 tomografías de pacientes 23 de sexo masculino y 36 femenino, con edades entre 14 y 59 años, se clasificaron en dolicofacial, mesofacial y braquifacial. Con el fin de evaluar la posición condilar se estudió la dimensión de los espacios articulares. Las tomografías fueron medidas con I-Cat vision y para el análisis estadístico se utilizó STATA 14, fue avalado por el comité de ética de la Universidad del Valle. Resultados: Se realizó correlación interobservador obteniendo un Kappa promedio de 0,85. 45 pacientes corresponden al biotipo braquifacial, 8 dolicofacial y 6 mesofacial. En todos los espacios articulares, los braquifaciales presentaron valores de mayor dimensión y el dolicofacial menor dimensión. Se encontró que los espacios mediales (CMS) presentaron valores similares en cuanto a lateralidad dentro de cada biotipo, teniendo diferencias de 0,02 a 0,09 sin embargo, para los espacios articulares centrales (CCS) y laterales (CLS) se observaron mayores diferencias entre un lado y otro, teniendo diferencias 0,15 hasta 0,62 lo cual es estadísticamente significativo. CLS fue el espacio articular de menor dimensión en todos los biotipos. Evaluando los espacios articulares por cada biotipo se encontraron diferencias significativas (P < 0,05) en CMS derecho, CCS derecho y muy cercano a la significancia CLS izquierdo. En todos los espacios articulares se observaron valores mayores en el sexo masculino de los cuales todos son braquifaciales siendo estadísticamente significativa (P < 0,05) para el espacio articular en CCS derecho, CLS Derecho y CLS Izquierdo. Conclusiones: Las dimensiones de los espacios articulares están relacionados con el biotipo facial, las medidas tomográficas de corte coronal son un insumo necesario como parte del análisis y diagnóstico anidado al biotipo facial.

Abstract Introduction and objective: The condylar position, as well as the facial biotype, are important to maintain an occlusion and a balanced stomatognathic system. The objective of this article is to relate the facial biotype with the condylar position in cone beam tomography in patients without temporomandibular disorders. Materials and methods: 59 Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT) of 23 male and 36 female patients, with age between 14 and 59 years, were classified into dolichofacial, mesofacial and braquifacial biotypes. In order to evaluate the condylar position, the dimension of the joint spaces is evaluated. CBCT were measured with I-Cat vision and STATA 14 was used for statistical analysis, it was endorsed by the ethics committee of the Universidad del Valle. Results: The interobserver correlation was performed, obtaining a Kappa of 0.85. 45 patients correspond to the braquifacial biotype, 8 dolichofacial and 6 mesofacial. In all the joint spaces, the braquifacial ones presented values ​​of greater dimension and the dolichofacial smaller dimension. It was found that the medial spaces (CMS) present similar values ​​in terms of laterality within each biotype, having differences of 0.02 to 0.09, however, for the central (CCS) and lateral (CLS) joint spaces greater differences between one side and the other, having differences 0.15 to 0.62 which is significant. CLS was the joint space with the smallest dimension in all biotypes. Evaluating the joint spaces for each biotype, significant differences (P <0.05) were found in right CMS, right CCS and very close to the left CLS significance. Higher values ​​were observed in all the joint spaces in males, all of which are braquifacial, being statistically significant (P <0.05) for the joint space in the right CCS, Right CLS and Left CLS. Conclusions: The dimensions of the joint spaces are related to the facial biotype, the coronal section tomographic measurements are a necessary input as part of the analysis and diagnosis related to the facial biotype.

Resumo Introdução e objetivo: A posição condilar, assim como o biótipo facial, são importantes para manter uma oclusão e um sistema estomatognático equilibrado. O objetivo deste artigo é relacionar o biótipo facial com a posição condilar na tomografia de feixe cônico em pacientes sem disfunção temporomandibular. Materiais e métodos: 59 tomografias de pacientes 23 do sexo masculino e 36 do feminino, com idades entre 14 e 59 anos, foram classificadas em dolicofacial, mesofacial e braquifacial. Para avaliar a posição condilar, a dimensão dos espaços articulares foi é estudada. As tomografias foram medidas com o I-Cat Vision e o STATA 14 foi usado para a análise estatística, endossada pelo comitê de ética da Universidad del Valle. Resultados: Foi realizada a correlação interobservador, obtendo-se o Kappa de 0,85. 45 pacientes correspondem ao biótipo braquifacial, 8 dolicofaciais e 6 mesofaciais. Em todos os espaços articulares, os braquifaciais apresentaram valores de maior dimensão e os dolicofaciais de menor dimensão. Verificou-se que os espaços mediais (CMS) apresentam valores semelhantes em termos de lateralidade dentro de cada biótipo, havendo diferenças de 0,02 a 0,09, porém, para os espaços articulares central (CCS) e lateral (CLS) maiores. diferenças entre um lado e o outro, tendo diferenças de 0,15 a 0,62 o que é significativo. CLS foi o espaço comum com a menor dimensão em todos os biótipos. Avaliando os espaços articulares para cada biótipo, foram encontradas diferenças significativas (P <0,05) no CMS direito, CCS direito e muito próximas à significância do CLS esquerdo. Valores mais elevados foram observados em todos os espaços articulares do sexo masculino, todos braquifaciais, sendo estatisticamente significantes (P <0,05) para o espaço articular do CCS direito, CLS direito e CLS esquerdo. Conclusões: As dimensões dos espaços articulares estão relacionadas ao biótipo facial, as medidas tomográficas em corte coronal são um insumo necessário como parte da análise e diagnóstico relacionado ao biótipo facial.

CES odontol ; 34(2): 159-172, jul.-dic. 2021. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374786


Resumen En los últimos años, la tecnología y la medicina han podido complementarse para la optimización de tiempo, conocimientos y recursos, aumentando la posibilidad de tratamientos personalizados en más pacientes. A nivel maxilofacial, la reconstrucción de defectos mandibulares se ha visto en la necesidad de progresar sus técnicas debido a la serie de orígenes que afectan el hueso mandibular de manera drástica, como lesiones traumáticas, cáncer, infecciones, enfermedad congénita u otros, y las innumerables consecuencias tanto estéticas como funcionales, restringiendo significativamente la calidad de vida. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar conceptos básicos del uso de tecnologías de impresión 3D en la reconstrucción mandibular. La impresión 3D ha aparecido en diversos ámbitos, siendo en el área de la medicina, un aporte fundamental para la creación de formas anatómicas de alta precisión con el que se pueden diseñar objetos con reproducción de detalles de manera rápida, luego de una serie de pasos que incluyen la obtención de una imagen radiográfica, uso de software y reparación de archivos, y la obtención de un modelo tridimensional. Los últimos estudios han validado el uso de impresiones 3D para una reconstrucción mandibular, con claros beneficios de costos y calidad de detalles. Es necesario crear un enfoque en las técnicas quirúrgicas utilizadas con un objeto impreso tridimensionalmente y un análisis post operatorio de los pacientes sometidos a estos procedimientos más allá de los detalles técnicos.

Abstract In recent years, technology and medicine have been able to complement each other to optimize time, knowledge and resources, increasing the possibility of personalized treatments in more patients. At the maxillofacial level, the reconstruction of mandibular defects has seen the need to progress its techniques due to the series of origins that drastically affect the mandibular bone, such as traumatic injuries, cancer, infections, congenital disease or others, and the innumerable both aesthetic and functional consequences, significantly restricting the quality of life. The objective of this article is to review basic concepts of the use of 3D printing technologies in mandibular reconstruction. 3D printing has appeared in various fields, being in the area of medicine, a fundamental contribution to the creation of high-precision anatomical shapes with which objects with reproduction of details can be designed quickly, after a series of steps which include obtaining a radiographic image, use of software and file repair, and obtaining a three-dimensional model. The latest studies have validated the use of 3D impressions for mandibular reconstruction, with clear benefits in cost and quality of details. It is necessary to create a focus on the surgical techniques used with a three-dimensional printed object and a post-operative analysis of the patients undergoing these procedures beyond the technical details.

Resumo Nos últimos anos, tecnologia e medicina têm se complementado para otimizar tempo, conhecimento e recursos, aumentando a possibilidade de tratamentos personalizados em mais pacientes. No nível maxilofacial, a reconstrução dos defeitos mandibulares tem visto a necessidade de progredir em suas técnicas devido à série de origens que afetam drasticamente o osso mandibular, como lesões traumáticas, câncer, infecções, doenças congênitas ou outras, e as inúmeras ambas estéticas. e consequências funcionais, restringindo significativamente a qualidade de vida. O objetivo deste artigo é revisar os conceitos básicos do uso das tecnologias de impressão 3D na reconstrução mandibular. A impressão 3D tem surgido em vários campos, sendo na área da medicina uma contribuição fundamental para a criação de formas anatômicas de alta precisão com as quais objetos com reprodução de detalhes podem ser desenhados rapidamente, após uma série de etapas que incluem a obtenção de uma imagem radiográfica, uso de software e reparo de arquivos e obtenção de um modelo tridimensional. Os estudos mais recentes têm validado o uso de impressões 3D para reconstruções mandibulares, com claros benefícios em custo e qualidade de detalhes. É necessário criar um foco nas técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas com um objeto impresso tridimensional e uma análise pós-operatória dos pacientes submetidos a esses procedimentos para além dos detalhes técnicos.

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