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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 191-203, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570767


Com as universidades fechadas e a implementação do Ensino Remoto Emergencial, as atividades curriculares ocorreram através de plataformas digitais. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a percepção de aprendizagem on-line na disciplina de Biomateriais da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense no período da pandemia. O questionário COLLES (Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey) foi enviado individualmente por e-mail aos cinquenta alunos, apresentando 24 declarações divididas em seis quesitos: relevância, reflexão crítica, interatividade, apoio dos tutores, apoio entre os colegas e compreensão; e para cada declaração cinco opções de resposta: quase sempre, frequentemente, algumas vezes, raramente e quase nunca. Quarenta e um alunos responderam. A soma das médias obtidas em quase sempre e frequentemente foi de 87,2% para relevância, 70% para reflexão crítica, 33,9% para interatividade, 47,6% para apoio dos tutores, 44,2% para apoio dos colegas e 89,5% para compreensão. Concluiu-se que a relevância, a reflexão crítica e a compreensão apresentaram melhores resultados, enquanto a interatividade, o apoio entre os colegas e o apoio dos tutores demonstraram necessidade de aprimoramento. E apesar das limitações do ERE, a avaliação positiva dos alunos evidenciou esta modalidade de educação on-line como uma solução plausível.

With universities closed and the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching, curricular activities took place through digital platforms. The objective of this study was to assess the perception of online learning in the Biomaterials course at the Dental School of the Federal Fluminense University during the pandemic. The COLLES questionnaire (Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey) was individually sent via email to fifty students, presenting 24 statements divided into six aspects: relevance, critical reflection, interactivity, tutor support, peer support, and comprehension. For each statement, there were five response options: almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, and almost never. Forty-one students responded. The sum of the averages obtained for almost always and often was 87.2% for relevance, 70% for critical reflection, 33.9% for interactivity, 47.6% for tutor support, 44.2% for peer support, and 89.5% for comprehension. It was concluded that relevance, critical reflection, and comprehension showed better results, while interactivity, peer support, and tutor support demonstrated a need for improvement. Despite the limitations of Emergency Remote Teaching, the positive evaluation from the students highlighted this mode of online education as a plausible solution.

Humans , Male , Female , Perception , Biocompatible Materials , Education, Distance , Education, Dental , Learning , Surveys and Questionnaires
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569241


Objetivo: Comparar el rendimiento clínico odontológico de dos años de pandemia COVID-19 con dos años prepandemia y certificar los procesos de seguridad sanitaria en la prevención de COVID-19, en un centro docente asistencial. Método: Se estudió retrospectiva y descriptivamente (años 2018-2021); A: El rendimiento clínico comparativo entre dos años de pandemia versus dos años prepandemia, incluyendo: pacientes que solicitaron atención, pacientes citados, tratamientos efectuados, horas de actividad clínica y edad pacientes; B:Acreditación externa del cumplimiento de las medidas preventivas COVID-19. Resultados: A: Comparado con el promedio histórico, durante la pandemia la cantidad de pacientes que solicitó atención aumentó 64,46%; los pacientes citados disminuyeron -13,89%; el total de tratamientos se redujo -2,4%; la cantidad tratamientos el año 2020 se redujeron -41,28% y el año 2021 se incrementaron en 47,33%, la edad media no presentó diferencias significativas(p=0,0001). Los datos presentaron alta confiabilidad (Alfa=0,939) B: La Mutual de Seguridad acreditó el centro con 97% de cumplimiento. Conclusiones: Durante la pandemia se incrementó la solicitud por atención odontológica. El primer año, la pandemia redujo severamente la atención, la que se incrementó significativamente al segundo año. El total de tratamientos efectuados se redujo levemente en el período de pandemia comparado con los dos años previos.

Objective: To compare the clinical dental performance of two years of COVID-19 pandemic with two years pre-pandemic and to certify the health safety processes in the prevention of COVID-19 in a teaching health care center. Method: We studied retrospectively and descriptively (years 2018-2021); A: The comparative clinical performance between two pandemic years and two pre-pandemic years, including patients who requested care, patients cited, treatments performed, hours of clinical activity and patient age; B: External accreditation of the compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures. Results: A: Compared to the historical average, during the pandemic, the number of patients requesting care increased by 64.46%; the number of patients cited decreased by -13.89%; the total number of treatments decreased by -2.4%; the number of treatments in 2020 decreased by -41.28% and in 2021 increased by 47.33%; the mean age did not show significant differences (p=0.0001). The data presented high reliability (Alpha=0.939) B: The Chilean Safety Association accredited the center with 97% of compliance. Conclusions: During COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for dental care increased. In the first year, the pandemic severely reduced care, which increased significantly in the second year. The total number of treatments performed was slightly reduced in the pandemic period compared to previous years.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 11(1): 7-18, 20240601.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556117


Introdução: O ChatGPT® é uma ferramenta pública desenvolvida pela OpenAI que utiliza a tecnologia do modelo de linguagem GPT. Este chatbot é capaz de atender a variadas solicitações de texto. Objetivo: avaliar se o ChatGPT® é capaz de ser a única fonte de informação para resolução de provas de Odontologia. Material e métodos: consiste em um estudo transversal quantitativo analítico. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborada uma prova fictícia constituída por questões do ENADE e de outros concursos públicos. Os participantes responderam a prova em dois momentos: T1, sem o ChatGPT® e, após 15 dias (T2), utilizando-o. A amostra foi de 30 discentes de graduação em Odontologia, divididos igualmente entre 3 grupos: 1º ao 4º semestre, 5º ao 6º semestre e 7º ao 10º semestre. Para análise de dados foram aplicadas análises estatísticas descritiva e inferencial, por meio do software SPSS, com os testes de Wilcoxon e de McNemar. Resultados: revelaram uma eficácia notável do ChatGPT® na resolução de questões discursivas, com 83,3% de taxa de acerto, enquanto os discentes deram mais respostas incorretas ou incompletas. Porém, foram observadas limitações da base de dados do ChatGPT® quanto às questões objetivas. É crucial ressaltar que, apesar de resultados promissores, a aplicação do Chat levanta questões éticas e pedagógicas. Assim, a introdução do ChatGPT® na educação preocupa quanto à validade e equidade nas avaliações, destacando a importância de encontrar equilíbrio entre a inovação tecnológica e a preservação da integridade acadêmica

Introduction: ChatGPT® is a public tool developed by OpenAI that employs the language model technology of GPT. This chatbot is capable of addressing various text-based requests. Objective: To assess whether ChatGPT® can be the sole source of information for resolving Dentistry exams. Materials and Methods: This is an analytical quantitative cross-sectional study. For data collection, a fictitious exam was created, consisting of questions from the National Student Performance Exam (ENADE) and other public competitions. Participants answered the exam at two different times: T1, without ChatGPT®, and, after 15 days (T2), using it. The sample included 30 undergraduate Dentistry students, equally divided into three groups: 1st to 4th semester, 5th to 6th semester, and 7th to 10th semester. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were applied using SPSS software, including the Wilcoxon and McNemar tests. Results: They revealed a notable effectiveness of ChatGPT® in resolving essay questions, with an 83.3% accuracy rate, while students provided more incorrect or incomplete answers. However, limitations of the ChatGPT® database were observed regarding objective questions. It is crucial to emphasize that, despite promising results, the application of Chat raises ethical and pedagogical questions. Therefore, the introduction of ChatGPT® in education raises concerns about the validity and fairness of assessments, underscoring the importance of finding a balance between technological innovation and the preservation of academic integrity

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 308-316, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558118


En la asignatura de anatomía aún existen estudiantes que no se encuentran motivados con su propio proceso de aprendizaje. El rol del docente es un factor extrínseco clave que contribuye a dicha vinculación afectiva. El Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) es un modelo educativo que propone una serie de pautas de aplicación docente para poder activar en los alumnos sus redes neuronales afectivas, asociadas con la formación de estudiantes decididos y motivados. El objetivo de este estudio es crear una propuesta de intervención, basada en el uso selectivo de las pautas de compromiso afectivo del DUA, para mejorar la práctica docente y la motivación de los estudiantes en anatomía. Es una investigación acción que utiliza el modelo de Whitehead, implicando el cruce conceptual y metodológico entre las pautas de compromiso afectivo del DUA y las fases y factores que determinan la motivación. Corresponde a la programación de seis sesiones de laboratorio de anatomía, los instrumentos para la recopilación de la información y las técnicas de análisis de la misma. La propuesta de intervención presenta un valor teórico ya que fue diseñada a partir de un análisis exhaustivo del DUA y de las publicaciones existentes sobre la motivación, y un valor práctico que se sustenta en su aplicabilidad directa y recursiva en los laboratorios de anatomía y en la incorporación del DUA en el currículum de una asignatura de educación superior. La motivación es el motor de la educación, ya que impulsa y mantiene el quehacer académico tanto a nivel estudiantil como docente. El DUA permite que los docentes aborden la desmotivación de los estudiantes de una forma accesible, precisa y confiable, lo que llevó a considerarlo como uno de los pilares de la propuesta de intervención.

SUMMARY: In anatomy courses there are still students who are not motivated by their own learning process. The teacher´s role is a key extrinsic factor that contributes to this bonding process. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational model that proposes a series of teaching application guidelines to activate students' affective neural networks, associated with the formation of motivated students. The objective of this study is to create an intervention proposal, based on the selective use of the UDL affective commitment guidelines, to improve teaching practice and student motivation in anatomy. It is an action research that uses Whitehead's model, involving the conceptual and methodological intersection between the UDL's affective commitment guidelines and the phases and factors that determine motivation. It corresponds to the programming of six anatomy laboratory sessions, the instruments for collecting information and the techniques for analyzing it. The intervention proposal has a theoretical value since it was designed based on an exhaustive analysis of the UDL and existing publications on motivation, and a practical value that is based on its direct and recursive applicability in anatomy laboratories and in the incorporation of the UDL in the curriculum of a higher education subject. Motivation is the driving force of education, since it drives and maintains academic work at both the student and teacher level. The UDL allows teachers to address student lack of motivation in an accessible, precise and reliable way, considering this one of the pillars of the intervention proposal.

Humans , Students, Dental/psychology , Anatomy/education , Learning , Motivation , Universal Design
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558167


El anclaje es el proceso que permite insertar lo nuevo en el entramado de esquemas preexistentes. Posibilita instrumentalizar el contenido en la comunicación. En formación de especialistas, anclamos contenidos con un diagnóstico situacional. El propósito de este ensayo fue, anclar contenidos de masticación y dinámica mandibular en profesionales, estudiantes del programa de especialización en Periodoncia, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Chile. El programa posee la unidad de rehabilitación en periodonto reducido (un crédito, 5 sesiones). Esta se imparte con diagnóstico situacional y metodologías activas: aula reversa y discusión de grupo pequeño. Los contenidos masticación y dinámicamandibular se anclaron mediante estas metodologías con videos, para estimular la identificación de patrones; contenido anclado es identificado. Se incentivó la reflexión individual y colectiva y se compararon los estudiantes de las promociones 2020 (telemática) y 2022 (presencial). Los estudiantes fueron codificados del 1 al 14. Caracterización de la cohorte 2020: 4 hombres, 4 mujeres; 5.75 años de egreso promedio, 2 U. Desarrollo, 1 U. de Concepción, 2 U. de Talca, 2 U. de Chile y 1 U de los Andes. Caracterización cohorte 2022: 3 mujeres, 3 hombres; 6 años de egreso promedio, 5 U. de Chile y 1 U. de La Frontera. La cohorte 2020 identificó patrones en la segunda sesión, a excepción de los estudiantes 5 y 7 que lo hicieron en la quinta sesión. Durante la reflexión colectiva, predominaron liderazgos transformacionales. De la cohorte 2022, solo el estudiante 14 identificó patrones en la segunda sesión y todos sus compañeros lo hicieron en la quinta sesión. Durante la reflexión colectiva, predominaron liderazgos transaccionales. En educación de profesionales, iguales metodologías, aplicadas telemáticamente o de manera presencial para anclar nuevos contenidos, se vieron influenciadas por los estilos de liderazgos de los estudiantes, que favorecieron o retardaron la identificación de patrones.

Anchoring is the process that allows new information to be inserted into the framework of pre-existing schemes. Allows to instrumentalize the content in communication. In During the training of specialists, we anchor contents with a situational diagnosis. The purpose of this essay was to anchor contents of mastication and mandibular dynamics in professionals, students in the specialization program in Periodontics, of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile. The program has a rehabilitation unit in reduced periodontium (one credit, 5 sessions). This is taught with situational diagnosis and active methodologies: Reverse classroom and small group discussion. The chewing and mandibular dynamics contents were anchored through these methodologies with videos, to stimulate the identification of patterns; pinned content is identified. Individual and collective reflection was encouraged and students from the 2020 (telematic) and 2022 (in-person) classes were compared. Students were coded from 1 to 14. Characterization of the 2020 cohort: 4 men, 4 women; 5.75 years of average graduation, 2 from U. del Desarrollo, 1 U. de Concepción, 2 U. de Talca, 2 U. de Chile and 1 U. de Los Andes. Cohort characterization 2022: 3 women, 3 men; 6 years of average graduation, 5 U. de Chile and 1 U. de La Frontera. The 2020 cohort identified patterns in the second session, except for students 5 and 7 who did so in the fifth session. During the collective reflection, transformational leadership predominated. Of the 2022 cohort, only student 14, was able to identify patterns in the second session, while all of her classmates did so in the fifth session. During the collective reflection, transactional leadership predominated. In teaching professionals, the same methodologies, applied telematically or in person to anchor new content, were influenced by the leadership styles of the students, which favored or delayed the identification of the patterns.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 34(1): 103-107, ene.-mar. 2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565551


RESUMEN Las estrategias para comunicar la información han experimentado muchos cambios, los cuales se han evidenciado en la pandemia. La idea es lograr que se pueda conectar con el estudiante y que la información la reciba de manera clara, oportuna y pertinente, de modo que tendrá los saberes previos para lograr integrar la información de la teoría y la práctica, con el fin de enfrentar con éxito la actividad simulada, así como cuando interactúe con el paciente. En ese contexto, el aula invertida es una estrategia didáctica que brinda videos, podcast, entre otros, para que sean revisados con anticipación, de tal forma que cuando el estudiante realice la actividad presencial o virtual se profundice y se hagan precisiones sobre los conceptos más importantes, usando metodologías activas de participación para lograr el siguiente propósito: El aprendizaje invertido busca un cambio en la dinámica del aprendizaje que apunte como eje del mismo al estudiante. El objetivo de la presente contribución docente es compartir las bondades de esta estrategia usada en estudiantes de la carrera de Odontología dentro del marco del curso de Clínica Estomatológica del Adulto I, dictado en 2023 y que pertenece al quinto ciclo de la carrera de Estomatología en la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

ABSTRACT Strategies for communicating information have undergone many changes, which have been evidenced in the pandemic. The idea is to be able to connect with the student and that the information is received in a clear, timely and relevant manner, so that he/she will have the prior knowledge to integrate information from theory and practice, in order to successfully face the simulated activity, as well as when interacting with the patient. In this context, the inverted classroom is a didactic strategy that provides videos, podcasts, among others, to be reviewed in advance, so that when the student performs the face-to-face or virtual activity, the most important concepts are deepened and clarified, using active participation methodologies to achieve the following objective: flipped learning seeks a change in the dynamics of learning that points to the student as its axis. The objective of this teaching contribution is to share the benefits of this strategy used with students of the Dentistry degree program within the framework of the Adult Stomatology Clinic I course, taught in 2023 and which belongs to the fifth semester of the Stomatology degree program at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

RESUMO As estratégias de comunicação de informação sofreram muitas alterações, que são evidentes na pandemia. A ideia é conseguir conectar-se com o aluno e que a informação seja recebida de forma clara, oportuna e relevante, para que ele tenha o conhecimento prévio para poder integrar informações da teoria e da prática, a fim de enfrentar com sucesso a atividade simulada, bem como ao interagir com o paciente. Neste contexto, a sala de aula invertida é uma estratégia didática que disponibiliza vídeos, podcasts, entre outros, para serem revistos previamente, de modo a que, quando o aluno realiza a atividade presencial ou virtual, os conceitos mais importantes sejam aprofundados e clarificados, utilizando metodologias de participação ativa para atingir o seguinte objetivo: A aprendizagem investida procura uma mudança na dinâmica da aprendizagem que aponta para o aluno como eixo da mesma. O objetivo desta contribuição didática é partilhar os benefícios desta estratégia utilizada com os alunos da disciplina de Medicina Dentária no âmbito do curso de Clínica de Estomatologia de Adultos I, ministrada em 2023 e que pertence ao quinto semestre da disciplina de Estomatologia da Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e241300, 2024. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532509


Aim: Burnout syndrome describes the state of long-term physical, emotional and mental exhaustion related to work. This syndrome can cause health problems related to stress, insomnia, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases, including an increase in alcohol consumption and drug use. It is important to recognize the presence of the initial signs of this syndrome, therefore this study aimed to determine the prevalence of the burnout syndrome in peruvian dental students. Methods: The study was observational, cross-sectional, and descriptive. It was carried out from September to November 2018, and it included a total of 154 dental students of four universities of La Libertad region, surveyed by census method. Three were private universities and one was public. Burnout was evaluated through the Maslach Burnout Student Survey Questionnaire (MBI-SS). The results were presented in absolute and percentage frequencies, as well as confidence intervals, using double-entry tables. Results: It was found that 24.68% of the students (24.71% in male students and 24.64% in female students) presented burnout syndrome. The public university of Trujillo presented the highest percentage of affected students (47.37%). A prevalence of 53,90% of emotional exhaustion was also found among the students under evaluation. Conclusions: Almost a quarter of the students surveyed presented burnout. It was also observed that the public University of Trujillo had a higher percentage of burnout than the three private ones. The percentage of prevalence of the burnout syndrome according to sex was similar. However according to dimensions, emotional exhaustion presented the highest percentage

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Stress, Psychological , Students, Dental , Education, Dental , Burnout, Psychological/epidemiology
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 23(2): 81-95, July-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576445


Resumen: Objetivo: comprender la percepción del principio de beneficencia construida por pacientes de una clínica integral del adulto, de la Facultad de Odontología en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Metodología: investigación cualitativa; se utilizaron tres herramientas de recolección de datos: la observación participante, el diario de campo y diez entrevistas semiestructuradas, grabadas y transcritas. Se realizó un análisis de contenido a la información obtenida. Resultados: se establecieron cinco categorías sobre las cuales gira la percepción y construcción del sentido común respecto al principio bioético de beneficencia en los participantes: vivencia durante la atención, valoración de la calidad del tratamiento, necesidades en salud oral, comunicación y balanza riesgos/ beneficios, y beneficios obtenidos. Conclusiones: la percepción y construcción del sentido común respecto al principio bioético de beneficencia, según los participantes, más allá de beneficios técnicos y terapéuticos, está mediada por la experiencia objetiva del proceso de atención y se valora mediante la resolución de sus necesidades y de los beneficios obtenidos en términos terapéuticos, de estética y autocuidado, así como económicos, de accesibilidad, profesionalismo e intersubjetividad, en la triada docente-estudiante-paciente, por la consolidación de la confianza.

Abstract: Objective: To understand the perception of the principle of beneficence constructed by patients in an adult comprehensive clinic at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Colombia. Methodology: Qualitative research; three data collection tools were used: participant observation, field diary, and ten semi-structured interviews, recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was performed on the collected information. Results: Five categories were established around which the perception and construction of the common sense regarding the bioethical principle of beneficence revolve among the participants: experience during care, assessment of treatment quality, oral health needs, communication and risk/benefit balance, and benefits obtained. Conclusions: Participants' perception and construction of the common sense regarding the bioethical principle of beneficence, beyond technical and therapeutic benefits, are mediated by the objective experience of the care process and are evaluated through the resolution of their needs and the benefits obtained in terms of therapy, aesthetics, self-care, as well as economic, accessibility, professionalism, and intersubjectivity factors within the teacher-student-patient triad, contributing to the establishment of trust.

Resumo: Objetivo: compreender a percepção do princípio da beneficência construída por pacientes de uma clínica abrangente de adultos da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Nacional da Colômbia. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa; foram utilizadas três ferramentas de coleta de dados: observação participante, diário de campo e dez entrevistas semiestruturadas, gravadas e transcritas. Foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo das informações obtidas. Resultados: foram estabelecidas cinco categorias que fundamentam a percepção e construção do senso comum em relação ao princípio bioético da beneficência nos participantes: experiência durante o atendimento, avaliação da qualidade do tratamento, necessidades em saúde bucal, comunicação e balanço riscos/benefícios, e benefícios obtidos. Conclusões: a percepção e construção do senso comum em relação ao princípio bioético da beneficência, segundo os participantes, vai além dos benefícios técnicos e terapêuticos, sendo mediada pela experiência objetiva do processo de atendimento e se valoriza por meio da resolução de suas necessidades e dos benefícios obtidos em termos terapêuticos, estéticos e de autocuidado, bem como econômicos, de acessibilidade, profissionalismo e intersubjetividade, na tríade docente-estudante-paciente, por meio da consolidação da confiança.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536289


Introducción: La asignatura Introducción a la Metodología de la Investigación, para la Enseñanza Técnica Superior de Prótesis Estomatológica, de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, se incorporó a la educación a distancia, durante el curso 2021-2022. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en la ejecución de la asignatura con el uso del aula virtual de la Institución. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, retrospectiva, acerca de las experiencias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, durante los cursos 2021-2022 y 2022-2023. Resultados: Se cumplieron los objetivos metodológicos de la asignatura, se debatieron los temas propuestos en los foros, se aclararon las dudas utilizando las herramientas interactivas de la plataforma y la atención al alumno fue personalizada. Conclusiones: Se logró impartir por primera vez con éxito, la asignatura, se digitalizaron los objetos de aprendizaje por temas, se diseñaron actividades para la evaluación del aprendizaje, y se obtuvieron calificaciones satisfactorias.

Introduction: The subject Introduction to Research Methodology, for the Higher Technical Education of Stomatological Prosthetics, of the Faculty of Stomatology of Havana, was incorporated into distance education, during the 2021-2022 academic year. Objective: Describe the experience in the execution of the subject with the use of the Institution's virtual classroom. Material and Methods: A descriptive, retrospective research was carried out on the experiences in the teaching-learning process, during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. Results: The methodological objectives of the subject were met, the topics proposed in the forums were debated, doubts were clarified using the platform's interactive tools, and student attention was personalized. Conclusions: The subject was successfully taught for the first time, the learning objects were digitized by topic, activities were designed for the evaluation of learning, and satisfactory grades were obtained.

مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535457


Introducción: El aprovechamiento de los cursos de ciencias básicas puede depender de las percepciones estudiantiles sobre la importancia de estos en su vida profesional, por lo que se hace necesario determinar el grado de importancia que los estudiantes le confieren a este tipo de cursos. Materiales y métodos: Se presentó un cuestionario con 9 declaraciones a 54 estudiantes de odontología y medicina. Las respuestas se pasaron a una escala numérica para su análisis. Se usó una prueba de U de Mann-Whitney con el fin de evaluar diferencias entre estudiantes de ambas facultades. Resultados: Los estudiantes en conjunto mostraron tener una buena opinión de la importancia de las ciencias básicas en la práctica clínica. Se observó también que es mayor la proporción de estudiantes de odontología que consideran que la investigación básica no es útil para su práctica clínica. Conclusión: Los estudiantes consideran las ciencias básicas necesarias para un buen desempeño profesional.

Introduction: The benefit of basic science courses may depend on students' perceptions of the importance of these courses in their professional life, therefore, it's necessary to determine the degree of importance that students give to this type of courses. Materials and methods: A questionnaire with 9 statements was presented to 54 dental and medical students. The responses were converted to a numerical scale for analysis. Using a Mann-Whitney U test, differences between students from both faculties were evaluated. Results: The students showed a good opinion of the importance of basic sciences in clinical practice. It was also observed that the proportion of dental students who consider that basic research is not useful for their clinical practice is higher. Conclusion: Students consider the basic sciences necessary for good professional performance.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Natural Science Disciplines , Dental Research , Education, Dental , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Science , Students , Knowledge , Biomedical Research
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(4): 372-376, oct.-dic. 2023. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560038


RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se describe la percepción del estudiante y del docente sobre el proceso de introducción de la tecnología CAD-CAM en la educación dental. Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo; para el recojo de datos se utilizó dos cuestionarios validados por juicio de expertos y se aplicaron estadísticas descriptivas. Se obtuvo que el 57,9 % de los estudiantes y el 37,5 % de los docentes consideraron que la enseñanza de la tecnología CAD-CAM debería empezar en el tercer año de estudios; las capacitaciones fueron de utilidad tanto para estudiantes como para docentes; y esta tecnología sería un procedimiento de elección para el tratamiento con prótesis fija si lo tuvieran disponible. Se concluye que los estudiantes y los docentes tienen una percepción positiva sobre la introducción de la tecnología CAD-CAM en los cursos clínicos de la carrera de Odontología y sería un recurso de elección para el tratamiento con prótesis fija.

ABSTRACT This paper describes the student and teacher's perceptions of the process of introducing CAD-CAM technology in dental education. A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out; two questionnaires validated by expert judgment were used for data collection, and descriptive statistics were applied. It was obtained that 57.9 % of the students and 37.5 % of the teachers considered that the teaching of CAD-CAM technology should begin in the third year of studies; the training was helpful for both students and teachers, and this technology would be a procedure of choice for treatment with fixed prosthesis if they had it available. It is concluded that students and teachers positively perceive the introduction of CAD-CAM technology in the clinical courses of the dental career, and it would be a resource of choice for fixed prosthesis treatment.

RESUMO Este artigo descreve as percepções dos estudantes e dos professores sobre o processo de introdução da tecnologia CAD-CAM no ensino da medicina dentária. Foi efetuado um estudo transversal e descritivo; para a recolha de dados foram utilizados dois questionários validados por avaliação de peritos e foi aplicada estatística descritiva. Verificou-se que 57,9% dos estudantes e 37,5% dos professores consideravam que o ensino da tecnologia CAD-CAM deveria começar no terceiro ano de estudos; as formações foram úteis tanto para os estudantes como para os professores; e esta tecnologia seria um procedimento de eleição para o tratamento protético fixo, se disponível. Conclui-se que os estudantes e professores têm uma percepção positiva sobre a introdução da tecnologia CAD-CAM nos cursos clínicos de medicina dentária e que esta seria um recurso de eleição para o tratamento protético fixo.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 35(1): 62-75, jun. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535292


La implementación de herramientas tecnológicas en la educación odontológica a lo largo de los años ha permitido al estudiante mejorar su desempeño en el ámbito preclínico de su formación, desarrollando habilidades motoras finas; en la actualidad este tema cobra relevancia debido a la coyuntura de salubridad del COVID-19. El objetivo de esta revisión fue describir la digitalización en la formación odontológica, las herramientas tecnológicas que se emplean y la percepción de estudiantes frente a la educación digital en Odontología. Se realizó una revisión electrónica en las bases de datos PubMed, SciELO, LILACS y ScienceDirect, en búsqueda de artículos publicados en inglés y español en el periodo 2015 al 2022. Se revisaron 156 artículos seleccionándose 50 directamente relacionados al tema de estudio. Se concluye que existen diversas herramientas digitales que pueden utilizarse en la formación de profesionales en Odontología; además, el aprendizaje mixto genera mejores resultados que el aprendizaje tradicional, y el aprendizaje en on-line, que fue utilizado durante el confinamiento por la pandemia de la COVID-19, demostró un alto grado de insatisfacción en los estudiantes.

The implementation of technological tools in dental education over the years has allowed the student to improve their performance in the preclinical field of their training, developing fine motor skills, currently this issue has become relevant due to the health situation of COVID-19. The objective was to describe digitalization in dental training, the technological tools used and the students´ perception of digital education in dentistry. An electronic review of the PubMed, SciELO, LILACS and ScienceDirect databases was carry out in search of articles published in English and Spanish in the period 2015 to 2022. One hundred fifty-six articles were reviewed, selecting 50 directly related to the subject of study. It is concluded that there are various digital tools that can be used in the training of professionals in dentistry; furthermore, exclusive online learning generates better results than traditional learning; and exclusive online learning, which was used during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, demonstrated a high degree of student dissatisfaction.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(1): 19-29, 2023-06-26.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525531


A Odontologia Legal é uma área de conhecimento importante para a formação de profissionais mais conscientes e pautados em princípios éticos e legais. O presente estudo objetivou verificar se as escolas de Odontologia do Estado de Santa Catarina se adequaram às diretrizes sugeridas pela ABOL, por meio de análise documental do projeto pedagógico de curso (PPC), matriz curricular e/ou ementa de disciplinas. Das 18 IES com graduação em odontologia de Santa Catarina, 14 disponibilizaram a documentação de interesse do estudo. Todas as 14 ofertam disciplinas que abordam conteúdo de Deontologia e Diceologia e Orientação Profissional e 13 ofertam a disciplina de Odontologia Legal em seus currículos. Na maioria das IES as disciplinas têm carga horária abaixo das 60h recomendadas. As disciplinas que tratam de Deontologia e Diceologia e Orientação Profissional são ofertadas, antes das práticas clínicas em 36% das IES. Em 79% das IES a disciplina de Odontologia Legal é ofertada nos períodos finais da graduação. O estudo mostra que nenhuma IES de SC conseguiu adequar completamente seus currículos às diretrizes propostas pela ABOL e ABENO

Forensic Dentistry is an important area of knowledge for training professionals who are more aware and based on ethical and legal principles. The present study aimed to verifies whether the schools of Dentistry in the State of Santa Catarina have complied with the guidelines suggested by ABOL, through documental analysis of the pedagogical project of the course (PPC), curricular matrix and/or course syllabus. Of the 18 HEIs with a degree in dentistry in Santa Catarina, 14 provided documentation of interest to the study. All 14 institutions offer courses that address the content of Deontology and Professional Ethics and 13 offers the discipline of Forensic Dentistry in their curricula. In most HEIs, subjects have a workload below the recommended 60 hours. Disciplines dealing with Deontology and Diceology and Professional Guidance are offered before clinical practices in 36% of HEIs. In 79% of the HEIs, the discipline of Forensic Dentistry is offered in the final periods of graduation. The study shows that none of the HEIs in SC managed to completely adapt their curricula to the guidelines proposed by ABOL and ABENO

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;34(3): 101-110, May-June 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1447600


Abstract This study analyzed the prevalence of lectures involving esthetics in the scientific program of Brazilian dental conferences and the gender distribution of speakers. All lectures presented in three dental conferences (Bahia, São Paulo, and Goiás states) held from 2016 to 2020 were evaluated. Three investigators individually divided the lectures according to the specialties recognized by the Brazilian Federal Council of Dentistry (FCD) based on their titles. The lectures were also classified as involving or not esthetics, and the speaker`s gender was recorded. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed, and Chi-square tests assessed possible associations between factors. The words most cited in the titles of the lectures were "esthetic" (13.6%), "dentistry" (9.9%), and "treatment" (8.1%). Oral diseases were barely mentioned in the titles (up to 1.3%). The highest number of lectures was observed for the specialty of Restorative Dentistry (22.3%), followed by Prosthodontics (18.5%). Approximately one-third of lectures involved some aesthetic aspect, but this percentage ranged from 71.9 to 78.6% for the two specialties with more lectures. Regarding the speaker`s gender, the inequity was higher for lectures involving esthetics (81.6% of males) than for topics unrelated to esthetics (66.7%). More male speakers than females were observed for all specialties. The highest gender gap was observed for Pediatric Dentistry with 62.4% male speakers, although only 10.6% of FCD registered specialists were men. In conclusion, the Brazilian dental conferences analyzed seemed to favor offering lectures dealing with esthetic topics and male speakers.

Resumo Este estudo analisou a prevalência de palestras envolvendo estética na programação científica de congressos de Odontologia brasileiros, e a distribuição do gênero dos palestrantes. Todas as palestras apresentadas em três congressos de Odontologia (CIOBA, CIOGO, and CIOSP) entre 2016 e 2020 foram avaliadas. Três avaliadores utilizaram os títulos das palestras para dividi-las entre as especialidades reconhecidas pelo Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO) do Brasil. As palestras foram também classificadas como envolvendo ou não estética, e o gênero do palestrante foi registrado. Análises estatísticas descritivas foram realizadas, e testes de Qui-quadrado avaliaram possíveis interações entre fatores. A palavra mais citada nos títulos das palestras foi "estética" (13,6%), seguido por "odontologia" (9,9%) e "tratamento" (8,1%). Doenças orais foram raramente mencionadas nos títulos (até 1,3%). O maior número de palestras foi observado para a especialidade de Dentística (22,3%), seguido por Prótese Dental (18,3%). Aproximadamente um terço das palestras envolviam algum aspecto estético, com porcentagens entre 71,9 a 78,6% para as duas especialidades com mais palestras. Em relação ao gênero do palestrante, a inequidade foi maior para palestras envolvendo estética (81,6% de homens) que para tópicos não relacionadas à estética (66,7%). Mais palestrantes do sexo masculino que feminino foram observados para todas as especialidades. A maior discrepância entre os gêneros foi observada para Odontopediatria, uma especialidade com 62,4% dos palestrantes do sexo masculino, embora apenas 10,6% dos especialistas registrados no CFO eram homens. Como conclusão, os congressos de Odontologia Brasileiros parecem preferir palestras abordando tópicos de estética e palestrantes do sexo masculino.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(2): 176-181, abr.-jun. 2023. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560009


RESUMEN El aula invertida es una estrategia didáctica en la cual se brinda a los estudiantes videos, podcast, entre otros, para que sean revisados con anticipación, de modo que cuando se realice la actividad presencial o virtual se profundicen y aclaren los conceptos pertenecientes a la información brindada previamente. El aprendizaje invertido busca generar una oportunidad de cambio en la dinámica de la enseñanza; promueve el aprendizaje activo dentro del ambiente de clase; y busca que el aprendizaje se focalice en el estudiante. En el presente documento, se hace una revisión de los aspectos más notables del aula invertida y sus diferencias con el método del aula magistral; asimismo, se revisa su impacto en la odontología y se plantean los retos, los compromisos y las dificultades que puede tener su implementación.

Abstract The flipped classroom is a pedagogical approach in which students are provided with videos, podcasts, and other resources to review in advance. This allows for a deeper understanding and clarification of the concepts during in-person or virtual activities. The flipped learning approach aims to bring about a change in the dynamics of teaching, promoting active learning within the classroom environment and placing the focus on the student. This document provides a review of the notable aspects of the flipped classroom and highlights its differences from the traditional lecture-based teaching method. Additionally, the impact of this approach in dentistry is examined, along with the challenges, commitments, and difficulties that may arise during its implementation.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991314


Chinese dental doctoral education has developed multiple lengths of schooling, including eight-year programme, five-year direct doctoral programme, five-year master-doctor combined programme and three-year doctoral programme. The review summarizes the development of the lengths of schooling of Chinese dental doctoral education, compares and analyzes different modes of education and their outcomes. In order to further construct the Chinese dental doctoral education, it's strongly suggested to set a medical-scientist training programme, to promote the double-track system and to deepen the collaborative reform of medical and educational cooperation to train more outstanding talents for the future development of stomatology in China.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997065


@#Introduction: Continuing Education skills will be accomplished when the student is able to direct their own learning needs, by exposing themselves to the art of unswerving assessment of their own learning methods. The aim of this study was to investigate whether self-assessment of student led seminar presentation in a clinical oral medicine topic by undergraduate dental students could be related with faculty assessment. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done among year four undergraduate dental students. The students and the faculty assessed the student`s seminar presentation based on structured rubrics, that were analysed and discussed together. Results: The paired differences with regards to both the assessments were analysed, the p- value was less than 0.05, suggesting that there was significant difference in the marks between student`s and faculty`s assessments and that the students gave more grades to themselves when compared with the faculty. There was no statistical difference in assessment among male and female students. There was considerable difference between the two assessment mean scores among the low achiever group of students. Conclusion: Dental students generally overrated themselves and there was a definite gap between faculty and student assessment which could be bridged through organised and thoughtful training.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997760


@#Introduction: This study aims to explore the dental students’ educational experience, the protocol consideration after school reopening and their physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Secondly, to evaluate the anxiety level of dental students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A cross-sectional survey was distributed with a hyperlink, reported as frequencies and percentages. A univariate analysis was used to explore the significant associations between demographic variables and anxiety levels. The risk factor was also identified using regression analysis. A two-tailed p<0.25 was considered significant. Results: A total of 333 respondents participated in the survey. Half of the respondents (42.3%) were comfortable with distance learning but worried about passing their examination and completing their clinical requirements. The transitioning to the online course by the lecturer was documented as effective. Despite missing academic sessions, only 15.3% were willing to replace the loss of educational experience. The majority of students (85.9%) believed that masks should be worn in school, but varied perceptions on wearing gloves and frequent COVID-19 testing. For physical health, mostly concerned about contracting the virus after the school reopens. For their anxiety level, nearly half have mild (n=99), moderate (n=55), and severe (n=36) levels. The factors were mainly associated with gender, household income, type of university, and respondent’s accommodation. Conclusion: As positive feedback was recorded towards online learning, constant improvement is needed to ensure the possibility of hybrid learning, even after the pandemic. The physical and psychological health of dental students should be a priority, to ensure a smooth transition during these unprecedented circumstances.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997938


@#Introduction: A thorough medical history ensures safe dental practice. A good medical history guides clinicians in risk stratification to avoid medical emergencies and improve preparedness to prevent patient morbidity and mortality. This clinical audit aims to analyse the medical history taken by the dental students in patients with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus (DM) and subsequently, recommend improvements in history-taking components in the dental practice. Methods: Hundred and two patients’ folders from the Faculty of Dentistry were examined by two independent auditors using a validated history-taking evaluation form. Six components of the medical history were classified as good or bad practices. Sociodemographic factors and distribution of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA status) were described. The level of completeness of medical history records with years of study was assessed using the Chi-square test. Results: None of the students met 100% of the components required in medical history taking. Year three undergraduates performed poorly in the completeness of diagnosis and control of the medical condition whereby none of them had a good level of practice. The completeness of records did not differ between years of study except for diagnosis (p=0.026), control (p<0.001) and updating medical history (p=0.009) whereby the postgraduates had the best practice. Conclusion: This study highlighted marked deficiencies in taking a thorough medical history. Adaptation of the European Medical Risk Related History (EMRRH) form is recommended to be implemented in dental schools.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016736


@#Dental Practicality Index (DPI) and American Association of Endodontists Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment (AAECDA) form potentially can guide clinicians in making clinical decisions and triaging in large practices and academic settings. Nonetheless, the reliability and validity should be evaluated before institution-wide implementation. This study aimed to evaluate the inter-rater reliability of the DPI and AAECDA forms. Ten randomly selected, trained students rated 25 cases with both forms. The itemby- item inter-rater and overall reliability were estimated with Gwet’s agreement coefficient (AC2) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), respectively. The association between clinical decisions and the scores was analysed with the Generalised Estimating Equation. The inter-rater reliability of DPI was generally very good (AC2 = 0.81–1.00), except context (good; AC2 = 0.718; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.575–0.861). The inter-rater reliability of AAECDA was generally very good (AC2 = 0.81–1.00) and good (AC2 = 0.61–0.80), except the radiographic appearance of the canal(s) (fair; AC2 = 0.424, 95% CI = 0.263–0.585). Moderate overall inter-rater reliability of AAECDA (ICC = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.38–0.70) and DPI (ICC = 0.62, 95% CI = 0.48–0.77) was observed. Referral to an endodontist was positively associated with AAECDA score (odds ratio [OR] = 1.323, 95% CI = 1.145–1.52, p < 0.001). The decision of tooth extraction was positively associated with the DPI score (OR = 1.983, 95% CI = 1.539–2.555; p < 0.001). In conclusion, DPI and AAECDA are methods with moderate inter-rater reliability when used among dental students.

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