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النطاق السنوي
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536585


Introducción: Durante la pandemia por COVID-19 las medidas de contención implementadas a nivel mundial han transformado la vida familiar y la forma de trabajar de las mujeres, profundizando desigualdades preexistentes tanto en el trabajo como en la familia. Método: Mediante ecuaciones estructurales se exploraron las relaciones entre el conflicto trabajo-familia, los síntomas emocionales negativos y la satisfacción familiar en mujeres de familias con doble ingreso. Se administraron cuestionarios a 430 mujeres que trabajaban de forma remunerada con al menos un hijo adolescente en Rancagua, Chile, quienes respondieron las dimensiones conflicto del trabajo a la familia y conflicto de la familia al trabajo de la Escala Interfaz Trabajo Familia; la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS-21); y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida Familiar. Resultados: El conflicto trabajo-familia, en ambas direcciones, se asoció positivamente con síntomas emocionales negativos, los cuales, a su vez, se relacionaron negativamente con la satisfacción familiar. El conflicto de la familia al trabajo se relacionó negativamente de forma directa con la satisfacción familiar, mientras que los síntomas emocionales negativos mostraron un rol mediador entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y la satisfacción familiar. Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que, para mejorar la satisfacción familiar en situaciones de crisis, son necesarias intervenciones para mitigar las demandas laborales y familiares, así como reducir emociones negativas como depresión, ansiedad y estrés en mujeres madres que trabajan con remuneración.

Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, containment measures implemented worldwide have transformed family life and women's way of working, deepening pre-existing inequalities both at work and in the family. Method: Structural Equations were used to explore the relationships between work-family conflict, negative emotional symptoms and family satisfaction in women from dual-income families. Questionnaires were administered to 430 women with paid work with at least one adolescent child in Rancagua, Chile, who responded to the work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict dimensions of the Work-Family Interface Scale; the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21); and the Satisfaction with Family Life Scale. Results: The work-family conflict, in both directions, was positively associated with negative emotional symptoms, which, in turn, were negatively related to family satisfaction. Family-to-work conflict was directly negatively related to family satisfaction, while negative emotional symptoms showed a mediating role between work-family conflict and family satisfaction. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, to improve family satisfaction in crisis situations, interventions are needed to mitigate work and family demands, as well as to ameliorate negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and stress in women with paid work.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jul; 71(7): 2827-2834
مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225138


Purpose: Data on social?emotional aspects among children with strabismus in India are scanty. We compared the emotional symptoms (ES), loneliness and social dissatisfaction (LSD), and self?esteem (SE) and their associated risk factors among children with and without strabismus in India. Methods: A cross?sectional case–control study design was used to recruit 101 children with strabismus aged 8 to 18 years and a control group of 101 children that were age? and gender?matched. Interviews were performed using standardized scales to assess ES, LSD, and SE. Variations in the intensity of ES, LSD, and SE were assessed using multiple classification analysis (MCA). Results: A total of 202 children participated in the study. The mean ES, LSD, and SE scores were 3.4 (standard deviation [SD] 1.9), 48.4 (SD 3.2), and 22.1 (SD 3.8) for the strabismus group and 1.8 (SD 1.5), 33.3 (SD 3), and 31.3 (SD 2) for the non?strabismus group, respectively. Among the strabismus group, the highest levels of mean ES, LSD, and SE scores were observed among children facing problems in performing daily tasks. Amongst the non?strabismus group, children studying at the primary level and those facing neglect had the highest mean scores. In MCA, being affected with strabismus had the highest effect on the intensity of ES, LSD, and SE with a beta (?) value of 0.223 (P = 0.016), 0.922 (P < 0.001), and 0.853 (P < 0.001). Conclusion: A significantly high proportion of children with strabismus deal with elevated levels of ES, LSD problems, and low SE as compared with non?strabismus children, highlighting the need to address the poor social?emotional health of children

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 151-161, ene.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424060


Abstract Introduction/objective: Worries regarding COVID-19 and its economic, social, and psychological consequences, together with the strict measures implemented to control this health crisis, have threatened the mental health of adolescents. The aim of this study was to test the mediating role of resilience and life satisfaction in the association between COVID-19 related worries and mental health among adolescents and young adults. Method: A total of 3485 participants between 14-29 years of age (Medad = 19.68, DT = 3.36) completed an online survey regarding pandemic-related worries, resilience, life satisfaction, and emotional symptoms (depression, anxiety, and stress). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed to test multi-group invariance. Results: Resilience and life satisfaction partly mediated the relationship between pandemic-related worries and emotional symptoms. Pandemic-related worries were positively associated with emotional symptoms. Resilience and life satisfaction mediated the impact of pandemic-related worries on emotional symptoms. The tested model was invariant according to gender and age. Conclusions: Our findings go beyond the context of the current pandemic, highlighting how young people's worries regarding extraordinary circumstances may negatively impact on their mental health. This study highlights the mediating role of life satisfaction and resilience, thus emphasising the need for promoting these aspects to improve the mental health of young people during this global health crisis.

Resumen Introducción/objetivo: La preocupación por la COVID-19 y sus consecuencias económicas, sociales y psicológicas, junto con las estrictas medidas aplicadas para combatir esta crisis sanitaria, han supuesto una amenaza para la salud mental de los jóvenes. El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar el papel mediador de la resiliencia y la satisfacción con la vida en la asociación entre las preocupaciones relacionadas con la COVID-19 y la salud mental de los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Método: Un total de 3485 participantes con edades comprendidas entre los 14 a 29 años (Medad = 19.68, DT = 3.36) completaron una encuesta online sobre las preocupaciones relacionadas con la pandemia, la resiliencia, la satisfacción vital y los síntomas emocionales (depresión, ansiedad y estrés). Se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para examinar la invarianza multigrupo. Resultados: La resiliencia y la satisfacción con la vida mediaron parcialmente la relación entre las preocupaciones relacionadas con la pandemia y los síntomas emocionales. En concreto, las preocupaciones relacionadas con la pandemia se relacionaron positivamente con los síntomas emocionales. La resiliencia y la satisfacción con la vida mediaban el impacto de las preocupaciones relacionadas con la pandemia y los síntomas emocionales. El modelo demostró invarianza en cuanto a género y edad. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados van más allá del contexto de la pandemia, revelando que las preocupaciones de los jóvenes por circunstancias extraordinarias afectan de manera negativa su salud mental. Este estudio pone de relieve el papel mediador de la satisfacción vital y la resiliencia, enfatizando así la necesidad de promover estos aspectos para mejorar la salud mental de los jóvenes durante esta crisis sanitaria mundial.

مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1382202


Diversos estudios han demostrado que los malos tratos en el noviazgo son un problema de alta prevalencia que afecta a adolescentes de diferentes edades y diversos contextos socioculturales, comprometiendo su desarrollo integral y bienestar. El objetivo general de este estudio fue conocer los síntomas psicopatológicos y emocionales asociados a los malos tratos por parte de la pareja entre adolescentes de Floridablanca, Colombia. Los participantes fueron 261 estudiantes de dos colegios de Floridablanca con edades entre los 13 y 19 años (M = 15; DT = 1.80). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Conflict in Adolescent Dating Re-lationships Inventory (CADRI), versión española, y la Lista de Síntomas SCL-90-R. Se encontró, teniendo en cuenta la direccionalidad en la violencia de género en el noviazgo, una prevalencia general de un 94.2 % de los participantes. En cuanto al género, el 41 % de los hombres participó en alguno de estos roles (perpetración, victimización y violencia mutua), sin encontrarse diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Además, se hallaron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la puntuación global de victimización y violencia mutua y las escalas del SCL90-R, además de los tres indicadores que reflejan aspectos diferenciales de los síntomas. Los hallazgos se discuten en relación con los desafíos de desarrollo que enfrentan los adolescentes

Several studies have shown that dating abuse is a highly prevalent problem that affects adolescents of different ages and diverse sociocultural contexts, compromising their comprehensive development and well-being. The general objective was to know the psychopathological and emotional symptoms associated with abuse by the couple among adolescents from Floridablanca, Colombia. The participants were 261 students from two Floridablanca schools aged between 13 and 19 years old (M = 15; SD = 1.80). The instruments used were the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI), Spanish version, and the List of Symptoms SCL-90-R. Taking into account the directionality in gender violence in courtship, a general prevalence of 94.2 % of the participants was found. Regarding gender, 41 % of the men participated in one of these roles (perpetration, victimization and mutual violence), with no statistically significant differences being found. In addition, statistically significant correlations were found between the global victimization and mutual violence score and the SCL90-R scales, in addition to the three indicators that reflect differential aspects of the symptoms. Findings are discussed in relation to developmental challenges faced by adolescents

Humans , Adolescent , Psychology, Adolescent , Psychopathology , Aggression/psychology , Gender-Based Violence/psychology , Interpersonal Relations
Interaçao psicol ; 25(1): 35-44, jan.-abr. 2021.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512098


Escola de Pais do Brasil (EPB) é uma associação voluntária, sem fins lucrativos, filantrópica e educacional. Círculo de Debates, sua principal ação, consiste em uma ação parental de caráter preventivo, realizado em encontros que discutem temas educativos sugeridos pela EPB. A pesquisa pretendeu traçar um perfil dos pais/mães que participaram dos Círculos de Debates no primeiro semestre de 2018 em diferentes cidades gaúchas, e avaliar o impacto dessa participação na rede de apoio, nas práticas parentais, na percepção das capacidades e dificuldades dos/as filhos/as e nos níveis de estresse parental. Realizou-se um estudo quasi-experimental que aplicou um questionário sociodemográfico e instrumentos para investigar as variáveis em participantes dos Círculos de cinco municípios, tomados como população da amostra. Foram feitas análises descritivas e análises de medidas repetidas. A maioria dos participantes foi composta de mulheres, de escolaridade superior, com um filho entre 7 e 12 anos. Concluída a ação, verificou-se que aumentou significativamente a participação comunitária e o envolvimento em questões relacionadas à disciplina. Também diminuíram a percepção de sintomas emocionais, problemas de comportamento e hiperatividade. As análises possibilitaram inferir que o trabalho do Círculo de Debates tem um impacto positivo no exercício da parentalidade.

Escola de Pais do Brasil (EPB) is a voluntary, non-profit, philanthropic, and educational association. Círculo de Debates, its main action, consists of parental action of a preventive nature, held in meetings that discuss educational topics suggested by the EPB. This research aims to draw a profile of parents who participated in these Círculo de Debates in the first semester of 2018 in different cities in Rio Grande do Sul, and to evaluate the impact of this participation on the support network, parental practices, perception of abilities and difficulties of children, and levels of parental stress. A quasi-experimental study was conducted that applied a sociodemographic questionnaire and instruments to investigate the variables in Circle participants from five municipalities, taken as the sample population. Descriptive analyses and repeated measures analyses were performed. The majority of participants were women, with higher education, and with one child between 7 and 12 years old. At the conclusion of the action, it was found that community participation and involvement in discipline-related issues increased significantly. They also decreased the perception of emotional symptoms, behavior problems, and hyperactivity. The analysis made it possible to infer that the work of the Debate Circle has a positive impact on the exercise of parenting.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 51(3): 191-198, sep.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1094046


Abstract Cross-sectional research has shown that clinical psychology trainees usually face a wide range of stressors related to the clinical practice and tend to present higher distress than other psychology students. However, to our knowledge, no longitudinal study has been conducted analyzing this fact. Specifically, this study analyses the evolution of emotional symptoms among a group of novice clinical psychology trainees compared with a control cohort. We recruited 575 Colombian Psychology undergraduates: 52.9% were in the semester in which they began their clinical practice, and 47.1% were attending a regular semester. At the beginning of the semester (T1), participants responded to measures of emotional symptoms (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale - 21, DASS-21; General Health Questionnaire - 12, GHQ-12). Approximately two months later (T2), participants responded to the DASS-21 and GHQ-12. The two groups did not differ in their scores on the DASS-21 and the GHQ-12 at T1. Bayesian repeated-measures ANOVA showed that clinical psychology trainees showed higher increases in scores on the DASS-Total, DASS-Depression, and DASS-Stress than participants attending a regular semester. This is the first study that shows clinical psychology trainees experiencing a higher increase in emotional symptoms compared with a control cohort.

Resumen La investigación transversal ha mostrado que los practicantes de psicología clínica suelen enfrentar un amplio rango de estresores relacionados con la práctica clínica y tienden a presentar mayor grado de malestar emocional que otros estudiantes de psicología. Sin embargo, ningún estudio longitudinal ha analizado este hecho. Este artículo analiza la evolución de los síntomas emocionales entre un grupo de practicantes en psicología clínica novatos comparados con una cohorte control. Se reclutaron 575 estudiantes de Psicología colombianos: 52.9% comenzaban su práctica clínica y 47.1% cursaban un semestre normal. Al inicio del semestre (T1), los participantes respondieron a medidas de síntomas emocionales (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21, DASS-21; General Health Questionnaire-12, GHQ-12). Aproximadamente dos meses después (T2), respondieron al DASS-21 y GHQ-12. Los dos grupos no difirieron en las puntuaciones del DASS-21 y GHQ-12 en el T1. Los ANOVA de medidas repetidas Bayesianos mostraron que los practicantes incrementaron sus puntuaciones en el DASS-Total, DASS-Depresión y DASS-Estrés más que los participantes que asistían a un semestre normal. Este es el primer estudio que muestra que los practicantes de psicología clínica experimentan un mayor incremento de síntomas emocionales que los de una cohorte control.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Psychology, Clinical , Emotions , Students , Depression , Psychological Distress
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800501


Objective@#To evaluate the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) combined with mirtazapine for patients with functional dyspepsia (FD).@*Methods@#Totally 121 patients with FD who met Rome Ⅳ diagnostic criteria in clinic of clinical psychiatry of a general hospital were collected.They were randomly divided into combined treatment group(n=61) and single drug group(n=60). The treatment period was 8 weeks.All patients with FD were given mirtazapine.The combined treatment group received 8 times systemic CBT treatments at the same time.Symptom checklist-90 (SCL-90) and gastrointestinal integral scale (GIS) were evaluated in all patients before and after 8-week intervention.@*Results@#After 8 weeks of intervention, the total score of SCL-90 scale, somatization, compulsion, depression, paranoia and other factors in the combined treatment group were lower than those in the single group(130.26±36.18 vs 147.95±45.55, 1.34±0.44 vs 1.51±0.5, 1.66±0.50 vs 1.90±0.66, 1.47±0.52 vs 1.69±0.63, 1.48±0.49 vs 1.70±0.61, 1.47±0.50 vs 1.73±0.68, respectively)(all P<0.05). After 8 weeks of intervention, the total score of the GIS scale in the combined treatment group (6.77±5.05 vs 9.49±5.24), vomiting (0.57±0.77 vs 0.88±0.91), spastic upper abdominal pain (0.43±0.74 vs 0.90±1.08) and post-sternal discomfort (0.57±0.89 vs 1.05±1.19) were significantly lower than that of the simple drug group after intervention(6.77±5.05 vs 9.49±5.24, 0.57±0.77 vs 0.88 ±0.91, 0.43±0.74 vs 0.90±1.08 and 0.57±0.89 vs 1.05±1.19, respectively), and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#CBT combined with mirtazapine in the treatment of FD is superior to drug therapy alone.CBT combined with mirtazapine can improve the emotional problems in the treatment of FD and further improving the digestive function.

Ciudad de México; s.n; 20170430. 67 p.
أطروحة جامعية ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1343657


Introducción: Actualmente la función de la telefonía celular conecta al usuario con el mundo a través del internet dándole acceso a un cúmulo de información. A pesar de todos los beneficios, existen problemas en salud a consecuencia del uso prolongado, se manifiestan en ansiedad, irritabilidad, inquietud y malestar general; alteraciones de la sensibilidad, lesiones cervicales, problemas visuales y cefalea. Objetivos: Analizar la existencia de problemas de salud asociados al uso del teléfono celular en estudiantes de enfermería universitarios. Analizar la relación entre el uso del teléfono celular y los problemas de salud físicos y psicoemocionales de estudiantes de enfermería universitarios. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo no experimental, de corte transversal, descriptivo, prolectivo y correlacional. Se aplicó la encuesta "Escala de Uso Problemático del Teléfono Celular Modificada" a 265 estudiantes de enfermería de FES Iztacala. Resultados: El 57% de la población usa su teléfono celular para redes sociales. En los problemas físicos, 32% de estudiantes inician con problemas leves, 5% moderados y 1% graves. En los problemas psicoemocionales, 25% inician con problemas leves, 4% moderados y 2% graves. Hay asociación entre el uso y problemas de salud psicoemocionales (rp=0.659, p=0.000), al igual que con problemas de salud físicos (rp=0.541, p=0.000). Discusión: De acuerdo con Alonso-Fernández los síntomas se desarrollan más profundamente en la mente que en el cuerpo pues el tiempo de exposición afecta órganos y sistemas, principalmente el sistema nervioso implicando la psique. Conclusiones: El uso frecuente del teléfono celular está vinculado al acceso a internet, haciendo que el usuario pase más tiempo utilizando el dispositivo. Aunque son pocos los casos que presentan problemas, es indispensable que enfermería se involucre en estos tópicos, para el desarrollo de estrategias preventivas en la aparición de los problemas de salud asociados.

Introduction: Currently cellphones connect the users with the world through internet, giving them access to lots of information. In spite of all the benefits, there are health problems caused by the prolonged usage of it, they're manifested as anxiety, irritability, restlessness and physical discomfort; sensibility alterations, cervical injuries, visual problems and headache. Objectives: To analyze the existence of health problems associated to the cellphone usage among college nursing students. To analyze the relationship between the cellphone usage and physical and phycho-emotional health issues among college nursing students. Methodology: Prolective, correlational, descriptive, cross-sectional and non-experimental quantitative study. The survey "Escala de Uso Problemático del Teléfono Celular Modificada" was applied to 265 nursing students from FES Iztacala. Results: 57% of the population uses its phone for social networks. About physical problems, 32% of students are beginning to experience subtle problems, 5% moderate problems and 1% severe problems. About psycho-emotional issues, 25% are beginning to experience subtle issues, 4% moderate issues, and 2% severe issues. There's an association between cellphone usage and psycho-emotional health issues (rp=0.659, p=0.000) as well as with physical problems (rp=0.541, p=0.000). Discussion: According to Alonso-Fernández the symptoms are developed deeper on the mind than on the body due to exposition time the affects organs and systems, mainly the nervous system implying the psyche. Conclusions: The frequent usage of mobile phones is linked to the internet access, so the user spends more time using the device. Although the cases that present problems are few, it is essential for nursing to get involved in these topics in order to develop precautionary strategies in the appearance of related health issues.

Humans , Adult , Behavior , Signs and Symptoms , Students, Nursing , Affective Symptoms , Cell Phone , Mexico
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