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النطاق السنوي
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(4)ago. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515249


Introducción: Las hernias de la pared abdominal afectan entre el 10% al 15% de la población mundial, siendo hasta el 60% de estas hernias inguinales. Las hernias inguinales gigantes son poco comunes, pero con una gran carga de enfermedad para el paciente. Caso Clínico: Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 51 años, con antecedente de diabetes mellitus tipo II, proveniente de zona rural aislada, por cuatro días de evolución consistente en quemadura escrotal por metal caliente, relacionada a una hernia inguinoescrotal derecha gigante. Es llevado a intervención quirúrgica por cirugía general y urología. Por adecuada evolución clínica se da de alta al 5° día posoperatorio. Discusión: Las hernias inguinales gigantes son raras y frecuentemente se presentan en pacientes de bajo estrato socioeconómico, procedencia rural y cierto grado de negligencia. El reto del equipo quirúrgico consiste en lidiar con los posibles efectos adversos de la reducción del contenido herniario en un abdomen con diversos grados de pérdida del dominio. Se puede requerir resección o debulking del contenido abdominal o la expansión de la cavidad abdominal mediante frenectomía, neumoperitoneo progresivo perioperatorio o la creación de hernias ventrales mediante maniobras avanzadas. La reparación con malla libre de tensión disminuye el riesgo de recurrencia. Conclusión: La hernia inguinal gigante es una patología rara. El cirujano general está llamado a conocer el abanico de opciones que existen en caso de enfrentarse a estos pacientes, lo cual ayuda a reducir la elevada morbimortalidad y altas tasas de recurrencia.

Introduction: Abdominal wall hernias affect between 10% to 15% of the world population and up to 60% of these are inguinal hernias. Giant inguinal hernias are rare, but have high burden of disease for the patients. Clinical Case: We present the case of a 51-year-old patient, with a history of type II diabetes mellitus, from an isolated rural area, with four days of a scrotal burn by hot metal, related to a giant right inguinoscrotal hernia. He is taken to surgical intervention by general surgery and urology. Due to adequate clinical evolution, he was discharged on the 5th postoperative day. Discussion: Giant inguinal hernias are rare and frequently occur in patients of low socioeconomic status, rural origin and a certain degree of neglect. The challenge for the surgical team consist in dealing with the potential adverse effects of reducing hernia contents in an abdomen with varying degrees of loss of normal capacity. Resection or debulking of the abdominal contents or expansion of the abdominal cavity by frenectomy, perioperative progressive pneumoperitoneum, or the creation of ventral hernias by advanced maneuvers may be required. Tension-free mesh repair decreases the risk of recurrence. Conclusion: Giant inguinal hernia is a rare pathology. The general surgeon is called to know the range of options that exist in the event of facing these patients, which helps to reduce the high morbidity and mortality and high rates of recurrence.

Mali Médical ; 28(3): 5-9, 30/09/2022. Figures
مقالة ي الفرنسية | AIM | ID: biblio-1397291


La bourse aiguë est une urgence médico-chirurgicale de part ses nombreuses étiologies menaçant le pronostic fonctionnel des testicules et leurs annexes. Objectifs : Identifier les causes des bourses aiguës de l'enfant et décrire leurs aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques. Matériels et méthode : Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive retroprospective allant du 1er janvier 2010 au 31 Décembre 2015 portant sur tous les enfants âgés de 0 à 15 ans reçus et traités pour bourse aiguë dans le service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique du CHU Gabriel Touré. Résultats: En 6 ans, nous avons enregistré 42 patients soit une fréquence de 1,4% des urgences chirurgicales. L'âge moyen était de 2,98 ans (24jours-14 ans). La prématurité a représenté 11,9 % des cas. La tuméfaction scrotale douloureuse était le principal motif de consultation (76,2%), Les principales étiologies étaient la HISE (90,5%), le traumatisme scrotal (4,7%), l'orchiépididymite (2,4%) et la torsion testiculaire (2,4%). Le traitement était chirurgical dans 97,6% des cas. L'évolution après 3 mois était simple dans 97,6% des cas. Conclusion: La bourse aigue de l'enfant est une pathologie peu fréquente touchant surtout les nourrissons. La hernie inguino-scrotale étranglée était la principale étiologie. Le diagnostic doit être précoce et le traitement adéquat afin de reduire la morbi-mortalité

Acute bursa is a medico-surgical emergency because of its many etiologies threatening the functional prognosis of the testes and their appendages. Objectives: Identify the causes of acute bursaries in the child and describe their clinical and therapeutic aspects. Materials and method: This were a retrospective descriptive study from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2015, on all children aged 0 to 15 years received and treated for acute scholarship in the Pediatric Surgery department at the teaching hospital Gabriel Touré. Results: In 6 years, we registered 42 patients, ie a frequency of 1.4% of surgical emergencies. The mean age was 2.98 years (24 days-14 years). Prematurity represented 11.9% of cases. Painful scrotal tumefaction was the main reason for consultation (76.2%), The main a etiologies were HISE (90.5%), scrotal trauma (4.7%), orchi epididymitis (2.4%) and testicular torsion (2.4%). The treatment was surgical in 97.6% of cases. The course after 3 months was simple in 97.6% of cases. Conclusion: Acute bursa in children is an uncommon condition, especially affecting infants. Strangulated inguino-scrotal hernia was the main aetiology. The diagnosis must be early and the treatment adequate in order to reduce morbidity and mortality

General Surgery , Infectious bursal disease virus , Abdomen, Acute , Hernia , Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Medisan ; 20(9)set. 2016. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-797492


Se describe el caso clínico de un infante de 5 años de edad, atendido en el Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital N´Gola Kimbanda, provincia Namibe en Angola, quien fue operado de urgencia por presentar dolor agudo a causa de hernias inguinoescrotal derecha y umbilical, en cuyo saco herniario inguinal el apéndice cecal se encontraba inflamado. Luego de la intervención el paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente y egresó sin complicaciones 4 días después.

The case report of a 5 years infant is described, assisted in the Emergencies Service of N´Gola Kimbanda Hospital, Namibe province, Angola who was emergently operated for presenting acute pain due to right and umbilical inguinoscrotal hernias, in which hernial inguinal sack, the cecal appendix was swollen. After the surgery the patient had a satisfactory clinical course and was discharged without complications 4 days later.

Appendix , Hernia, Inguinal
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-637654


ObjectiveTo explore the clinical value of ultrasound and MRI in diagnosis of simple fetal indirect hernia.MethodsA total of 671 558 fetuses were examined in maternal and child healthcare hospital of Hubei from February 2003 to February 2015. Once inguinal hernia or testicular tumors was suspected, MRI examination was performed after prenatal ultrasound. Final diagnosis was confirmed by postnatal follow-up. The ultrasonographic characteristics of fetal indirect hernia were compared with prenatal MR image characteristics and postnatal follow-up results.ResultsThree cases were conifrmed after birth. The simple fetal indirect hernia was uncommon clinical entity which occurred during 3rd trimester. The ultrasonic characteristics in prenatal period were: (1) Right enlarged scrotum was iflled with heterogeneous lesion; intestinal peristalsis within the scrotum was found in real-time ultrasonography. (2) The contralateral testis in left scrotum and penis could be found. MRI could display the characteristicsof indirecthernia contents and its extension from abdominal cavity intoinguinalregion, which may help diagnose fetal simple indirect hernia. One case of fetal indirect hernia was misdiagnosed as testicular tumors, which was correctly diagnosed by MRI.ConclusionsThe simple fetal indirect hernia can be prenatally diagnosed by characteristic ultrasonic features, which can present with abnormal mass ininguinalregion. Prenatal ultrasound is the primary screening method of fetal indirect hernia. MRI can serve as a supplement approach. The combination of US and MRI can further improve the diagnostic accuracy of fetal indirect hernia.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152589


The giant inguinal hernia has now become rare. Better hygienic conditions and better hernioplasty techniques, carried out with local anesthesia; usually encourage patients to undergo surgical treatment of the hernia soon after diagnosis. A case of giant inguinoscrotal hernia is being reported. Problems arise in management for both the patient and the surgeons because of the rarity of reported cases.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-171472


We report a case of giant inguinoscrotal hernia. Such hernial formations are rare (5% cases) and largely a problem of developing countries. Problems arise in the management for both the patient and the surgeon because of the rarity of the reported cases as there is no standard surgical procedure in place for their treatment. Surgical management of such giant hernias has to be individualised.

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