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مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561515


La Economía Circular (EC) se ha posicionado como una alternativa viable ante la insostenibilidad del modelo económico lineal. Hoy este constituye una temática que está en el centro del debate y de todas las agendas de gobierno y Cuba no puede ser la excepción. El presente artículo persigue como objetivo principal diagnosticar el estado de la economía circular en Cuba desde la perspectiva de las empresas estatales. En este sentido se parte de sistematizar las ventajas de la aplicación de modelos circulares en el país. Se particulariza en el estudio por sectores que han avanzado en la aplicación del paradigma circular y se concluye con una propuesta de acciones estratégicas a seguir para expandir las prácticas circulares en el país, las cuales son validadas según criterio de los principales usuarios responsables de su implementación a través de la técnica de IADOV

The Circular Economy (CE) has positioned itself as aviable alternative to the unsustainability of the linear economic model. Today this is an issue that is at the center of the debate and of all government agendas, and Cuba cannot be the exception. The main objective of this article is to diagnose the state of the circular economy in Cuba from the perspective of public enterprises. e study is particularized to analyze separately the advance of the different sectors in the application of the circular paradigm. It concludes with a proposal of strategic actions to be followed to expand circular practices in the country, which are validated according to the criteria of the main users responsible for their implementation through the IADOV technique

J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 16(1): 65-69, Abril/2024.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1555252


Objetivo: A tecnologia assistiva (TA) busca suprir ou reduzir o impacto das deficiências na execução de tarefas da vida cotidiana. Embora muitas pessoas necessitem de TA, em 2021, a OMS estimou que apenas uma em cada dez pessoas tinha acesso a ela. Com a oferta retraída e a demanda em alta, observou-se um movimento mundial crescente de inovações em TA e a abertura de um cenário de oportunidades para esse mercado. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar o mercado de TA no Brasil e as projeções futuras, no cenário mundial. Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas. Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico do Livro Branco da Tecnologia Assistiva no Brasil (2017), para reconhecimento dos desafios do mercado brasileiro. Em seguida, foi realizado um estudo sobre o cenário de crédito nacional, com foco em financiamento de TA. Para compreensão do mercado mundial, foi realizada uma pesquisa nos sites de análise de mercado de TA. Resultados: Há escassez de TA no Brasil. Os principais fornecedores são pequenas e médias empresas, e são escassos os incentivos fiscais e de crédito, assim como os investimentos em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação. Em escala mundial, o mercado de TA foi avaliado em US$ 21,95 bilhões de dólares em 2022, devendo atingir o valor de US$ 31,22 bilhões de dólares até o ano de 2030. Conclusão: O mercado mundial de TA está em franca expansão e apresenta grande potencial de abertura para novos mercados. Esse cenário reflete um momento de oportunidades de negócio para as empresas nacionais.

Objective: Assistive Technology (AT) seeks to overcome or reduce the impact of deficiencies when performing everyday tasks. Although many people needed AT, in 2021, the WHO estimated that only one in ten people had access. With reduced supply and rising demand, a growing global movement of AT innovations was inspired, opening up a scenario of opportunities for this market. The objective of this study is to evaluate the AT market in Brazil and future projections on the global stage. Methods: The research was carried out in three stages. Firstly, a bibliographical study of the "White Book of Assistive Technology in Brazil" was carried out to recognize the challenges of the Brazilian market. Next, a study was carried out on the national credit scenario, focusing on TA financing. To understand the global market, research was carried out on TA market analysis websites. Results: There is a shortage of AT in Brazil. The main suppliers are small and medium-sized companies, and tax and credit incentives, as well as investments in Research, Development and Innovation, are scarce. On a global scale, the AT market was valued at US$ 21.95 billion in 2022, and is expected to reach a value of US$ 31.22 billion by the year 2030. Conclusion: The global AT market is in rapid expansion and presents great potential for opening up new markets. This scenario reflects a moment of business opportunities for national companies.

Self-Help Devices , Motivation
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(1)mar. 2024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535712


The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by "surprise" due to the lack of regulation over this technological innovation which, while promising application opportunities in different fields of knowledge, including education, simultaneously generates concern, rejection and even fear. In the field of Health Sciences Education, clinical simulation has transformed educational practice; however, its formal insertion is still heterogeneous, and we are now facing a new technological revolution where AI has the potential to transform the way we conceive its application.

El rápido avance de la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha tomado al mundo por "sorpresa" debido a la falta de regulación sobre esta innovación tecnológica, que si bien promete oportunidades de aplicación en diferentes campos del conocimiento, incluido el educativo, también genera preocupación e incluso miedo y rechazo. En el campo de la Educación en Ciencias de la Salud la Simulación Clínica ha transformado la práctica educativa; sin embargo, aún es heterogénea su inserción formal, y ahora nos enfrentamos a una nueva revolución tecnológica, en la que las IA tienen el potencial de transformar la manera en que concebimos su aplicación.

Medisan ; 28(1)feb. 2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558507


Un programa de ciencia, tecnología e innovación es un conjunto de actividades organizadas en proyectos que se relacionan entre sí, cuyo objetivo es resolver un problema identificado según las prioridades y dirigido a lograr resultados de impactos específicos. En la provincia Santiago de Cuba está en acción, desde el año 2020, el Programa Territorial "Desarrollo de productos y servicios de salud", que ha ejecutado 12 proyectos de investigación. En el presente artículo se identifican sus resultados científico-técnicos y, además, se plantea que estos responden a prioridades sectoriales y territoriales y se encuentran en correspondencia con las políticas del sector sanitario y de la educación superior en Cuba. Su introducción contribuye a resolver las problemáticas de salud en el territorio mediante la aplicación de la ciencia y la innovación tecnológica para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la rehabilitación de pobladores con enfermedades.

A science, technology and innovation program is a group of activities organized in projects that are related to each other, which objective is to solve a problem identified according to the priorities and directed to achieve results of specific impacts. In Santiago de Cuba province the Territorial Program "Development of products and health services" is in action since 2020, which has implemented 12 investigation projects. In this work the scientific-technical results are identified; also, it is considered that they respond to sectoral and territorial priorities and are in correspondence with the policy of the health sector and higher education in Cuba. Their introduction contributes to solve the health problems in the territory by means of the implementation of science and technological innovation for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with diseases.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023420


Chongqing Medical University attaches great importance to innovation ability training in undergraduates and cultivates the innovation ability of students by strengthening the combination of basic medical theory and practice. In recent years, "Dachuang Project", "Dachuang Platform", and excellent medical undergraduate tutorial research projects have helped to deepen the innovation ability training in medical undergraduates and make good achievements in the publication of scientific research articles, various scientific competitions, and patent applications. However, there are several problems in cultivating the innovation ability of medical undergraduates, such as the weak medical background knowledge of junior students, the single professional of tutors, and the lack of platform instruments and equipment, and therefore, it is necessary to reform innovation ability training in medical undergraduates. On this basis, the research group proposes targeted improvement countermeasures from the three aspects of students, supervisors, and management mechanism after extensive investigation and research, in order to provide new clues for deepening the reform of innovation ability training in medical undergraduates.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 317-320,封3, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023716


Objective To provide a reference for biopharmaceutical enterprises in China to improve innovation efficiency and the government to formulate relevant policies.Methods Research and development-related data and regional environmental data of 32 listed biopharmaceutical companies from 2015 to 2021 were selected to measure the innovation efficiency of listed biopharmaceutical companies with the three-stage data envelopment analysis(DEA)model,excluding the impact of environmental factors and random disturbances.Results After excluding the impact of environmental factors and random disturbances,the average innovation efficiency of listed biopharmaceutical enterprises was 0.46.The average pure technology efficiency and scale efficiency were 0.99 and 0.46,respectively.The regression coefficients among economic development level,government support intensity,degree of competition,opening-up level,and the slack value of R & D personnel were 185.97(P<0.05),105.67(P>0.10),385.81(P<0.01),-121.64(P<0.05),respectively.The regression coefficients between economic development level,government support,degree of competition,opening-up level,and the slack value of R & D investment were 136.13(P>0.10),258.61(P<0.01),285.33(P<0.01),-30.52(P>0.10),respectively.Conclusion The innovation efficiency of listed biopharmaceutical enterprises in China is at a relatively low level.Scale efficiency is the main factor restricting the improvement of innovation efficiency.The regional opening-up level contributes to the improvement of innovation efficiency of listed biopharmaceutical companies,while the level of competition,government support and economic development level constrain improvements in innovation efficiency.The external environment hinders the improvement of the concentration degree of the biopharmaceutical industry,which hurts exerting the scale effect for enterprises.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 654-660, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023763


Objective By analyzing the anti-tumor innovative drug policies text in China,this study aimed to explore the focus and shortcomings of policies related to anti-tumor innovative drugs,and provide the reference for future policy formula-tion and optimization in the field of anti-tumor innovative drug.Methods By accessing the official websites of relevant minis-tries and subordinate institutions such as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,the State Council of the People's Republic of China,the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China,and National Medical Products Administra-tion,and using the keywords"cancer","tumor","anti-tumor drug",and"innovative drug",etc,the national level policies related to the anti-tumor innovative drugs from January 1,2005,to December 31,2022,were collected.Based on a two-dimensional analy-sis framework of policy tools and stakeholders,the collected policy texts were classified,encoded,and statistically analyzed.Results A total of 30 policy texts were involved,and a total of 90 policy codes were generated.There were 24,43,and 23 codes for demand-based policy tools,environmental policy tools,and supply-based policy tools,accounting for 26.67%,47.78%,and 25.56%,respectively.Based on policy tools and stakeholders,a total of 183 codes were generated,with government departments,pharmaceutical enterprises,medical institutions,and patients having 70,36,54,and 23 codes respectively,accounting for 38.25%,19.67%,29.51%,and 12.57%.Conclusions China had the highest proportion of environmental policy tools in the application of innovative anti-tumor drug policies,while supply-oriented and demand-oriented policy tools were underutilized,resulting in an overall imbalance in application;The distribution pattern of stakeholders was not coordinated,with government departments and medical institutions having higher attention than pharmaceutical enterprises and patients..It was necessary to reasonably promote the collaborative application of anti-tumor innovative drug policy tools,scientifically plan the layout of anti-tumor innovative drug policy sub-tools,and balance the interests of all stakeholders to ensure the efficient implementation of the policies.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 20-25, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025259


It reviewed the policies related to the standardized management of medical service price items,analyzed the current difficulties in the implementation of medical service price regulations:the technical specifications of national medical service price item are heavy and cannot be dynamically adjusted with technological innovation;provincial level item access control is not strict,and the elements of the same price item are not completely unified,affecting the horizontal comparison.The policy suggestions to speed up the improvement of the medical service price item specifications include:medical services that are allowed to be applied and have clear technical specifications are accepted as the scope of new price item declaration;promote the separation of technology and consumption,except for consumables and reagents,which are priced separately according to service items+special consum-ables;priority should be given to responding to the legitimate demand for medical technology improvement innovations through cur-rent price item compatibility;contrast technical specifications and item guidelines,integrating current price items,improving item standardization and compatibility;complete the innovation and economic evaluation of the newly declared item price,check the quality,and reasonably determine the increment.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 44-48, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025264


Objective:To examine the impact of Developmental Human Resource Management Practices(D-HRMPs)on innova-tive performance of health professionals from the public hospitals.Methods:A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from health professionals in the public hospitals in Beijing,including D-HRMPs scale,innovation performance scale,inclusive lead-ership scale and team innovation atmosphere scale.Descriptive statistics and structural equation model were used for the analysis.Results:D-HRMPs had a direct effect on the innovation performance of public hospital health professionals.Inclusive leadership can positive-ly affect the implementation of D-HRMPs and the formation of team innovation atmosphere.Meanwhile,team innovation atmo-sphere plays a mediating effect,that is,D-HRMPs can actively promote the formation of team innovation climate,and further indi-rectly affect the innovation performance of employees.Conclusion:The directors of public hospitals can further explore the im-plementation of D-HRMPs,and pay attention to adopting inclusive leadership to deepen the reform of personnel management system,and promote high-quality development of public hospitals.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025320


Objective:To analyze the key points and shortcomings of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)science and technology innovation policy in China,and to provide reference for the subsequent policy optimization.Methods:Searching for TCM science and technology innovation policy texts released at the national level since 2007,and use the two-dimensional analysis framework for quantitative analysis.Results:Among 27 policies,In the X dimension,supply-based,environmental and demand-based policy tools respectively accounted for 48.98%,39.29%and 11.73%.In the Y dimension,the proportion of scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation was the highest(29.03%);Promoting the development of integrated Chinese and Western medicine was the least used(1.08%).Conclusion:There is a structural imbalance in the application of policy tools,the distribution difference of policy objectives is significant,and the internal policy tools'usage is imbalanced regarding policy objectives.Suggestions:Optimize the internal structure of policy tools.Meanwhile,enhance the structure of policy objectives,and facilitate the dynamic integration and application of policy tools to achieve the policy objectives of scientific and technological innovation in TCM.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029674


Microsurgery is not only a technology, but also a science. Microsurgery was enlisted as a tier-three discipline in the Classification of National Clinical Medicine Disciplines (Discipline code 320.2715) in 1992. In the new era, the discipline development of microsurgery should be inherited, innovated, realistic and pragmatic, and it also relies on the other surgical specialties to expand the applications of microsurgery. Microsurgery technology should firmly adhere to its core competitiveness and hold high the banner of microsurgical characteristics by offering the best possible serves to all the clinical surgical disciplines; Pay equal attention to medicine, teaching and scientific researches; Unite, collaborate and strengthen academic exchanges at home and abroad; Focus on talent training (i.e. exports of great country, leading figures, etc.) and support the development of private hospitals specialised in microsurgery. The supportive roles of the Chinese Journal of Microsurgery shall be further enforced to facilitate the discipline development of microsurgery and promoting high-quality development of microsurgery.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029885


Great progress has been achieved in the aspects of national laboratory testing technology and equipments, quality management abilities, personnel training, and academic level et al, which basically realized the automation of clinical testing, the standardization of department management and academic development of talent cultivation. In the new era of big data, digitalization, and intelligent testing in the future, important topics for laboratory medicine staffs to face are how to integrate high and new technology and frontier concepts to inherit and innovate, to open up and cooperate for the purpose of empowerment the construction of laboratory medicine disciplines.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 513-518+526, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030869


@#Good Engineering Practice(GEP)is an engineering practice specifically designed for pharmaceutical engineering projects,aimed at ensuring product quality,patient safety,and Good Manufacturing Practice of Medical Products(GMP).Based on the existing management system,biopharmaceutical engineering,and international engineering project management models of Changchun Institute of Biological Products Co.,Ltd.(referred to as CCIBP),as well as combined with the characteristics of GEP technology,this paper summarizes the construction of GEP system of CCIBP and its application in rabies vaccine engineering projects starting with the key control points such as User Requirement Specification(URS),plan,design,change,quality,and handover,so as to provide technical support and theoretical references for vaccine engineering projects in risk management,organization and control,cost management,innovation and continuous improvement.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 377-383, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031312


The Measures for Ethical Review of Life Sciences and Medical Research Involving Humans responded to the new issues faced by ethical review arising from the development of science and technology, society, and ethics, as well as the requirements of laws and regulations for ethical review. It adapted to the continuous increase of investment in scientific and technological innovation research and the development of biotechnology in China, and expanded the applicable institutions and research types of the ethical review system. Facing the ethical review of life sciences and medical research involving humans is one of the practical forms of responsible research and innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and improve the ethical review system, implement the “subject responsibility” of life sciences and medical research involving humans, carry out classified and hierarchical bioethics education, and enhance the consciousness of researchers, research managers, and students in responsible research and innovation.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 332-338, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031343


With the process of China’s aging population intensifying, palliative care, as an important guarantee for improving the quality of life of terminally ill patients, is receiving more and more social attention, and the demand is constantly increasing. Palliative care needs versatile professionals, and general education can enhance people’s awareness and understanding of it, enabling more people to understand, accept, and participate in palliative care. With the advancement of knowledge and technology in palliative care, the traditional cramming education models are no longer able to meet the actual needs. Therefore, there is an urgent need to innovate palliative care education strategies. By analyzing the current problems in the general education of palliative care in China, this paper proposed thoughts and suggestions for general and innovative education of palliative care in several aspects, such as establishing general and innovative education systems and evaluation systems of palliative care, diversifying educational contents and methods, strengthening medical staffs training, promoting diversified student groups, and strengthening the popularization of palliative care knowledge among the public.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020598


Objective:To analyze the application effect of PAD teaching mode in Epidemiology teaching,and to investigate students'suggestions for improving PAD class,so as to provide some thoughts and basis for improving teaching reform.Methods:PAD class was introduced into Epidemiology teaching.Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted after class,and questionnaires about PAD learning interests and suggestions for improvement were anonymously collected.The teaching effect was analyzed and suggestions for rectification were put forward.Results:Among the 134 students majoring in medical laboratory science,the score rate of each learning interest survey item of PAD teaching mode was more than 80% .And 57.46% of the students thought that discussion sessions should be added.The scores of chapter test in PAD mode class was higher than that in traditional mode class(t=2.938,P<0.01).Conclusions:PAD class can enhance learning interest and knowledge mastery.The time schedule of teaching and discussion should be adjusted in time according to students'wishes,and after-school exercises and counseling should be appropriately increased to promote the application of PAD class in Epidemiology teaching.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 219-221, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022242


Objective To investigate the internal and external factors of scientific and technological innovations in pro-vincial maternal and child health care institutions and propose effective strategies for facilitating the innovations.Methods The PEST-SWOT model was used to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses,external opportunities,and threats of the scientific and technological innovations in a provincial maternal and child health care institution from the perspectives of political,econom-ic,social,and technical environment.Results The institution has advantages and opportunities in policy support,scientific re-search management and investment,and disciplinary characteristics.However,it faces some threats and has disadvantages in tal-ent team,information-oriented level,and industrial competition.Conclusion The development of scientific and technological in-novation in provincial maternal and child health care institutions is affected by internal and external factors.It is necessary to firmly seize opportunities and comprehensively promote scientific and technological innovations from the aspects of medical treat-ment,teaching and research collaboration,discipline layout,talent team,and information-oriented construction.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 351-352,383, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022276


This article aims to explore the significant influence of the Communist Party of China(CPC)on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).The article reviews the historical development of TCM in modern times and the impact of the CPC,combined with the achievements of the TCM department of comprehensive hospitals,to explore the approach of building pioneer branches with distinctive TCM national cultural characteristics,and to consider how to inherit and innovate the development of TCM cultural essence.The article emphasizes the significant contribution of the CPC to the modernization of TCM and the cause of human health.Through this research,it will contribute to a better understanding of the important role of the CPC in the protec-tion and inheritance of TCM culture and explore cultivation programs for party branches with TCM characteristics to better inherit,innovate and develop traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 542-549, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036466


Nowadays, both international and domestic scientific and technological innovation activities are facing different types and degrees of ethical risks, which bring many negative impacts to human society and even threaten the safety of individuals’ lives and properties. To further standardize the ethics review of science and technology, strengthen risk prevention and control, and promote responsible innovation, ten ministries and commissions jointly issued the Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) in September 2023. The Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) required that ethical review should be implemented for science and technology innovation activities in many fields, ethical review should be more practicable. It strengthened emergency management of major public emergencies, proposed that research institutions should establish risk assessment methods, new unorganized personnel can apply for entrusted ethical review, and an ethics committee certification system should be established. The Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) had outstanding highlights and distinctive features, clarified the responsible parties for scientific and technological innovation activities, strengthened their responsibilities and management of ethical review, introduced a management system for the list of scientific and technological activities, and created an expert review model for addressing the challenges of greater ethical risks. The interpretation and implementation reflection on the Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) can provide a reference for the implementation of it, with a view to promoting the ethical review of science and technology as a normative force, as well as facilitating the upward and positive development of scientific and technological innovation activities for the benefit of humanity.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 465-469, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012922


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an indispensable carrier of traditional culture for China to embrace the world. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the state proposed to "comprehensively promote the building of a healthy China, attach equal importance to TCM and western medicine, and vigorously develop the cultural industry of TCM". Promoting the development of TCM cultural industry needs scientific and innovative approaches. This paper explored how to realize the communication path of TCM culture from the perspective of "Industry-University-Research". Based on the analysis of the current situation of TCM culture communication, taking Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an example, this paper integrated technology, human resources, resources, environment and information and other collaborative innovation elements to effectively gather, and explored a new way for the collaborative development of TCM communication with enterprises, schools, scientific research institutions and et al, aiming to further help TCM culture go abroad.

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