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Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449500


Introduction: The Clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is the most popular fish species in the marine aquarium trade; however, there is a lack of information on their digestive physiology during larval ontogeny, valuable information needed for diet design and management protocols. Objective: To characterize the early digestive enzymes of A. ocellaris larvae. Methods: We used three pools (10 larvae each) and extracted 10 samples per tank, from just before hatching to the 38th day. We analyzed the specific activity of acid and alkaline proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, leucine aminopeptidase and lipase; and did acid and alkaline protease zymograms. Results: We detected all measured enzymes at hatching. Acid proteases increased in activity until the 38th day. Alkaline proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase had the same pattern, and maximum activity on the 8th day, decreasing at the 38th day. Lipase activity peaked on the 8th and 30th day. The acid zymogram had a single band, appearing on the 8th day. A total of eight alkaline proteases were revealed (154.2, 128.1, 104.0, 59.8, 53.5, 41.9, 36.5 and 25.1 KDa), with seven bands on the 1st day and all bands from the 3rd to 8th day, decreasing at two bands (41.9 and 25.1 KDa) in the 38th day. Conclusion: A. ocellaris has a functional stomach on the 8th day, and, on the 38th day, a digestive omnivore pattern with a tendency to carnivory.

Introducción: El pez payaso (Amphiprion ocellaris) es la especie de pez más popular en el comercio de acuarios marinos; sin embargo, falta información sobre su fisiología digestiva durante la ontogenia larval, información valiosa necesaria para protocolos de diseño y manejo dietético. Objetivo: Caracterizar las enzimas digestivas tempranas de larvas de A. ocellaris. Métodos: Usamos tres homogenados (con 10 larvas cada uno) y extrajimos 10 muestras por tanque, justo antes de la eclosión hasta el día 38. Analizamos la actividad específica de proteasas ácidas y alcalinas, tripsina, quimotripsina, leucina aminopeptidasa y lipasa; e hicimos zimogramas de proteasas ácidas y alcalinas. Resultados: Detectamos todas las enzimas medidas en la eclosión. La actividad de proteasas ácidas incrementó hasta el día 38. Proteasas alcalinas, tripsina, quimotripsina, y leucina aminopeptidasa tuvieron el mismo patrón, con actividad máxima en el octavo día, decreciendo en el día 38. Hubo picos en la actividad lipasa a los ocho y 30 días. El zimograma ácido tuvo una banda única, apareciendo al octavo día. Se hallaron ocho proteasas alcalinas (154.2, 128.1, 104.0, 59.8, 53.5, 41.9, 36.5 y 25.1 KDa), con siete bandas al primer día, y todas las bandas entre el tercer y octavo día, bajando a dos bandas (41.9 y 25.1 KDa) al día 38. Conclusión: A. ocellaris tiene un estómago funcional al octavo día, y, al día 38, un patrón digestivo omnívoro con tendencias carnívoras.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449519


Introduction: The frequent use of pesticides is currently considered a cause of environmental pollution due to the high rate of entry of these substances into agroecosystems. This constitutes a risk for the species that inhabit these ecosystems, in particular anurans whose characteristics make them prone to exposure to and interaction with environmental pollutants. Objective: To report the occurrence of abnormalities in larvae of the common toad Rhinella arenarum inhabiting ponds surrounded by agroecosystems. Methods: In two consecutive springs (2015 and 2016), reproductive events of common toads were monitored in temporary pond systems in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, located near the city of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The physicochemical parameters of the ponds were measured, and the stage of each reproductive event was recorded, such as the numbers of adult toads, amplexus and clutches. In the laboratory, the larvae were measured and photographed, their stage of development was recorded, and their morphology was examined under a stereomicroscope. Representative samples (normal and abnormal) from each pond studied were processed for histopathological analysis. Results: In the field studies carried out on a population of R. arenarum collected in an agroecosystem, a lower number of reproductive adults and clutches were observed in relation to the population of a non-agricultural pond. A total of 1 910 larvae were collected: 529 and 1 381 larvae from ponds located in non-agricultural and agricultural areas, respectively. Larvae from the agroecosystem showed two types of abnormalities: severe tail flexure and abdominal bloating. In addition, five degrees of severity could be determined in relation to abdominal bloating. Conclusions: This work reports the high frequency and severity of abnormalities observed in the early stages of R. arenarum larvae living within an agroecosystem, providing evidence of the negative impact that agricultural activities cause on aquatic ecosystems surrounded by farming areas.

Introducción: El uso frecuente de plaguicidas es considerado actualmente una causa de contaminación ambiental debido a las altas tasas de ingreso de estas sustancias a los agroecosistemas. Esta situación es un riesgo para las especies que habitan en estos ecosistemas, en particular los anuros cuyas características los hacen propensos a la exposición e interacción con contaminantes ambientales. Objetivo: Informar la presencia de anormalidades en larvas del sapo común Rhinella arenarum que habitan en estanques rodeados por un agroecosistema. Métodos: En dos primaveras consecutivas (2015 y 2016), se monitorearon los eventos reproductivos del sapo común proveniente de sistemas de estanques temporales ubicados en zonas agrícolas y no agrícolas, cerca de la ciudad de La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Se midieron los parámetros fisicoquímicos de los estanques y se registraron las etapas de cada evento reproductivo como el número de sapos adultos, amplexos y nidadas. En el laboratorio, las larvas fueron medidas y fotografiadas, se registró su estado de desarrollo y se examinó la morfología de cada una bajo microscopio estereoscópico. Se procesaron muestras representativas (normales y anormales) de cada estanque estudiado para análisis histopatológico. Resultados: En la población de R. arenarum que vive dentro de un agroecosistema, se observó un menor número de adultos reproductores y puestas en relación con la del estanque en la zona no agrícola. Se recolectaron un total de 1 910 larvas: 529 y 1 381 larvas de estanques ubicados en zonas no agrícolas y agrícolas, respectivamente. Las larvas del agroecosistema mostraron dos tipos de anormalidades: severa flexión de la cola y distensión abdominal. Además, se pudo determinar cinco grados de gravedad en relación con la distensión abdominal. Conclusiones: Una alta frecuencia y severidad de anormalidades en los estadios tempranos de larvas de R. arenarum que viven dentro de un agroecosistema proporciona evidencia del impacto negativo que las actividades agrícolas causan en los ecosistemas acuáticos rodeados por áreas de cultivo.

Ludovica pediátr ; 26(2): 39-45, dic.2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531137


La palabra "miasis" proviene del griego, "myia" que significa mosca. La enfermedad corresponde a los daños causados por la invasión de larvas de moscas a tejidos del hombre u otros vertebrados

The term 'Myiasis' originates from the ancient Greek word 'myia', meaning 'fly'. This disease refers to tissue damage caused by the infestation of fly larvae in humans or other vertebrates

Screw Worm Infection , Myiasis , Child , Diagnosis
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 55(2): 3-3, jun. 2023. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449401


Abstract The high load of agrochemicals and antibiotics present in agricultural aquatic environments represents a risk for wildlife. Since enteric bacteria, which play a key role in the physiological functioning of their hosts, are sensitive to a wide variety of pollutants, their study allows to evaluate the health of organisms. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of commercial formulations of a glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) and the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP), individually and in mixture, on the bacterial diversity of the intestinal content of common toad (Rhinella arenarum) tadpoles. The diversity of cultivable fast-growing bacteria with low nutritional requirements was evaluated using classic microbiological tests and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry identification. Bacterial diversity varied among treatments. Taxa diversity increased in the GBH-treated group but decreased in the CIP-treated group. Remarkably, Yersinia spp. and Proteus spp. were only found in the GBH-treated group. The prevalence of Klebsiella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. decreased in the intestinal microbiota of the GBH-CIP-treated group. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the alteration of cultivable enteric bacteria of autochthonous tadpoles due to two pollutants of emerging concern. Our results demonstrate that R. arenarum tadpoles can be used as non-conventional model organisms for environmental pollution monitoring. Our preliminary findings would contribute to understanding how the presence of GBH and CIP in freshwaters may represent a threat to wildlife and human health by causing enteric dysbiosis of part of the bacterial community.

Resumen La alta carga de agroquímicos y antibióticos en los ambientes acuáticos y los agroe-cosistemas representa un riesgo para la vida silvestre. Dado que la microbiota intestinal juega un papel fundamental en el funcionamiento de su hospedador y es sensible a una amplia variedad de contaminantes, su estudio permite evaluar la salud de los organismos. En este trabajo estudiamos los efectos de formulaciones comerciales de un herbicida a base de glifosato (GBH) y del antibiótico ciprofloxacina (CIP), por separado y en mezcla, sobre la diversidad de bacterias intestinales de renacuajos del sapo común (Rhinella arenarum). El estudio de la diversidad de bacterias entéricas cultivables de rápido crecimiento y bajo requerimiento nutricional se llevó a cabo utilizando pruebas microbiológicas clásicas e identificación por espectrometría de masas de tiempo de vuelo por desorción/ionización láser asistida por matriz (MALDI-TOF). La microbiota entérica fue diferente según el tratamiento. El GBH indujo un aumento de la diversidad bacteriana, mientras que la CIP produjo una reducción. Entre estos cambios, destaca la presencia de Yersinia spp. y Proteus spp. solo en el tratamiento con GBH. Además, en el tratamiento GBH-CIP se encontró una disminución en la prevalencia de Klebsiella spp. y Pseudomonas spp. en la microbiota intestinal de los renacuajos. Este es el primer informe sobre la alteración del contenido bacteriano intestinal de renacuajos de R. arenarum producido por dos contaminantes emergentes de preocupación. Demostramos que el renacuajo del sapo común se puede utilizar como un organismo modelo no convencional para el monitoreo de la contaminación ambiental. Estos hallazgos constituyen el primer paso para comprender cómo la presencia de GBH y CIP en aguas dulces puede representar una amenaza para la vida silvestre y la salud humana a través de la disbiosis entérica asociada al efecto sobre la comunidad bacteriana.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535724


Bacillus thuringiensis is a worldwide known bacterium for its capacity to control insect pests thanks to the action of its parasporal crystal. The objective of this paper deals with the history, in some cases unknown, of the study of Bacillus thuringiensis that led it to be a crucial biological alternative in controlling pest insects. How the mode of action for killing insects was understood, as well as the field tests that were carried out to evaluate its effectiveness and to develop the first commercial products, are reflected in this review that presents and discusses the scientific successes and failures that marked the course of B. thuringiensis.

Bacillus thuringiensis es una bacteria conocida mundialmente por su capacidad para controlar insectos plaga, gracias a la acción de su cristal parasporal. El objetivo de esta revisión trata de la historia, en algunos casos desconocida, del estudio de Bacillus thuringiensis que la llevó a ser una importante alternativa biológica en el control de insectos plaga. Cómo se llegó a comprender el modo de acción para matar insectos, así como las pruebas de campo que se realizaron para evaluar su efectividad y lograr desarrollar los primeros productos comerciales están plasmados en esta revisión que presenta y discute los aciertos y desaciertos científicos que marcaron el rumbo de B. thuringiensis.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449494


Introduction: One of the main bottlenecks in restoration projects based on sexual reproduction is post-settlement survival, mainly due to competition for substrate with fleshy algae and predation. Therefore, substrates of different shapes and materials have been created and tested, seeking to optimize these processes with attractive surfaces for the larvae and structures where the recruits are protected from predation, and competition is reduced. Objective: To improve settlement and post-settlement survival of two important Caribbean reef-building corals, using different coatings on substrates. Methods: To determine whether substrate coatings properties are favourable to larval settlement in Orbicella annularis, and O. faveolata, collected in Puerto Morelos, Mexican Caribbean, we evaluated their settlement for three weeks on six coatings with a combination of properties. Each coating was designed to provide a combination of two out of three properties: 1) water repellence (hydrophobicity), 2) phosphorescence-based colour, and 3) mineral-enriched surface chemistry. In a separate experiment larvae settlement was tested using coatings with a single property. Finally, we determined the post-settlement survival of O. annularis and O. faveolata on the different coatings for seven weeks. Results: The combination of high hydrophobicity and light blue phosphorescent microparticles and high hydrophobicity and red-orange phosphorescent microparticles resulted in a higher settlement of O. annularis and O. faveolata when compared with other coatings (30.8 - 66.7 % higher). No significant differences were found in the number of larval settled when the water-repellence and the phosphorescence-based were evaluated independently. Post-settlement survival time on substrates was low, with a maximum of 34 days after settlement for O. annularis and 42 days for O. faveolata. Conclusions: In terms of the larval settlement, the combination of the coatings properties appears to play an essential role in the choice of microhabitat for both O. annularis and O. faveolata. But individually these properties did not generate an advantage in the larval settlement. Moreover, some chemical components associated with the coatings may be counterproductive to the survival of the polyps over time.

Introducción: Uno de los principales cuellos de botella en proyectos de restauración basada en reproducción sexual es la supervivencia de las larvas posterior al asentamiento, principalmente por la competencia por el sustrato con algas filamentosas y la depredación. Por ello, se han creado y analizado sustratos de diferentes formas y materiales, buscando optimizar estos procesos con superficies atrayentes para las larvas, y estructuras donde los reclutas se encuentran protegidos de la depredación y se disminuya la competencia. Objetivo: Mejorar el asentamiento y la supervivencia de dos importantes corales formadores de arrecifes del Caribe, utilizando diferentes recubrimientos en sustratos. Métodos: Para determinar si las propiedades de la superficie del sustrato son favorables para el asentamiento de larvas de Orbicella annularis y O. faveolata, recolectadas en Puerto Morelos, Caribe mexicano, evaluamos su asentamiento durante tres semanas en seis recubrimientos con una combinación de propiedades. Cada recubrimiento fue diseñado para proporcionar una combinación de dos de tres propiedades: 1) repelencia al agua (hidrofobicidad), 2) fosforescencia y 3) química superficial enriquecida con minerales. En un experimento separado se evaluó el asentamiento de larvas en sustratos con recubrimientos de una sola propiedad. Finalmente, se determinó la supervivencia posterior al asentamiento de O. annularis y O. faveolata sobre los diferentes recubrimientos durante siete semanas. Resultados: La combinación de alta hidrofobicidad y micropartículas fosforescentes azules y alta hidrofobicidad y micropartículas fosforescentes rojo-naranja dio como resultado un mayor asentamiento de O. annularis y O. faveolata en comparación con otros recubrimientos (30.8 - 66.7 % mayor). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el número de larvas asentadas cuando se evaluaron de forma independiente la repelencia al agua y la fosforescencia. El tiempo de supervivencia posterior al asentamiento en los sustratos fue bajo, con un máximo de 34 días después del asentamiento para O. annularis y 42 días para O. faveolata. Conclusiones: En el asentamiento de larvas, la combinación de las propiedades del recubrimiento parece desempeñar un papel importante en la elección del microhábitat tanto para O. annularis como para O. faveolata. Pero de forma individual estas propiedades no generaron una ventaja en el asentamiento larvario. Además, algunos componentes químicos asociados con los recubrimientos pueden ser contraproducentes para la supervivencia de los pólipos a lo largo del tiempo.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 30(1): 24-28, jan./mar. 2023. il.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1532122


A bovinocultura possui grande importância na economia brasileira, entretanto, enfermidades afetam a produção, ocasionando perdas econômicas, como a miíase. O agente causador da miíase é Cochliomyia hominivorax, mosca-da-bicheira. Os agentes são aptos às regiões tropicais e subtropicais no Brasil, e exibem resistência parasitária aos fármacos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ocorrência de C. hominivorax em bovinos no estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Foram escolhidas 19 propriedades de bovinos leiteiros e de corte, distribuídas em 11 municípios maranhenses. Foi indagado, por questionário, o manejo, os medicamentos utilizados e o custo de prevenção relacionado à mazela. Os bovinos foram examinados por inspeção, recolhendo-se parcialmente as larvas encontradas na superfície corporal. O número de larvas por bovino, local das lesões, a origem e complicações foram observadas e anotadas. Em seguida, os espécimes coletados foram acondicionados em frascos individuais, por hospedeiro amostrado, contendo álcool a 70°Gay-Lussac (GL). No laboratório as larvas das moscas foram examinadas em estereomicroscópio e identificadas pela sua morfologia. Verificou-se que mais de 60% (12/19) das propriedades possuíam bovinos parasitados. Dentre os 4.509 animais observados, 0,57% (26/4509) estavam parasitados com as larvas de C. hominivorax. Encontraram-se infestações no umbigo (50%), bem como na tábua do pescoço (42%), vulva (4%) e chifre (4%). Conclui-se que houve uma baixa prevalência de miíase causada por C. hominivorax em bovinos no estado do Maranhão, porém a prevenção e cuidados sanitários sempre devem ser adotados pelos pecuaristas.

Cattle breeding has great importance in the Brazilian economy, however, diseases affect production, causing economic losses, such as myiasis. The causative agent of myiasis is Cochliomyia hominivorax, the screwworm fly. The agents are suitable for tropical and subtropical regions in Brazil, and exhibit parasitic drug resistance. The objective of this work was to verify the occurrence of C. hominivorax in cattle in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. In the first stage, 19 dairy and beef cattle properties were chosen, distributed in 11 municipalities in Maranhão. Questionnaires asked about the management, the drugs used and the cost of prevention related to the disease. The cattle were examined by inspection, partially collecting the larvae found on the body surface. The number of larvae per bovine, location of lesions, origin and complications were observed and noted. Then, the collected specimens were placed in individual flasks, per sampled host, containing alcohol at 70°Gay-Lussac (GL). In the second stage, the fly larvae were identified in the laboratory, examined under a stereomicroscope and identified by their morphology and analysis of perithematics plaques and respiratory spiracles. It was found more that 60% (12/19) of the properties had parasitized cattle. Among the 4.509 animals observed, 0.57% (26/4509) were parasitized with the larvae of C. hominivorax. Infestations were found in the navel (50%), as well as in the neck plate (42%), vulva (4%) and horn (4%). It is concluded that there was a low prevalence of myiasis caused by C. hominivorax in cattle in the state of Maranhão, but prevention and health care should always be adopted by livestock farmers.

Animals , Cattle , Screw Worm Infection/veterinary , Cattle Diseases/parasitology , Prevalence , Livestock/parasitology , Parasite Load/veterinary , Larva/parasitology , Myiasis/veterinary
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 74(1): e730, ene.-abr. 2022. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408894


Introducción: Las especies de Anisakis representan uno de los grupos parasitarios patógenos transmitidos por alimentos más importantes en relación con sus capacidades zoonóticas y pueden producir una enfermedad emergente llamada anisakiosis. En Cuba, no existen reportes de la enfermedad como tampoco publicaciones sobre la detección del parásito en muestras de productos pesqueros. Objetivo: Identificar larvas de Anisakis spp. en muestras de productos pesqueros. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio para la búsqueda de larvas de Anisakis spp. en muestras de productos pesqueros en conserva recibidos en el Laboratorio de Parasitología de los alimentos del Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología de Cuba. Se recibieron 96 muestras de dos marcas diferentes. A cada marca se le asignó las letras A o B para proteger la identidad del fabricante. Las larvas recuperadas fueron previamente aclaradas con lactofenol e identificadas morfológicamente por microscopía. Se utilizaron las claves de identificación para larvas de Anisakis spp. descritas en la literatura. Resultados: El 38,5 por ciento del total de muestras de pescado en conserva analizadas estuvieron parasitadas con larvas de Anisakis spp., con una frecuencia media de 1,2 larvas por cada submuestra. Las larvas fueron clasificadas de tercer estadio y de tipo I. Conclusiones: Por primera vez se identificó en Cuba larvas de Anisakis spp. en muestras de pescado en conserva y se proporcionó datos de interés a las autoridades sanitarias para el fortalecimiento de políticas públicas relacionadas con la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos(AU)

Introduction: Anisakis species represent one of the most important foodborne pathogenic parasitic groups in relation to their zoonotic capabilities, and can produce an emerging disease called anisakiosis. In Cuba, there are no reports of the disease and there are no publications on the detection of the parasite in samples of fishery products. Objective: To identify Anisakis spp. larvae in samples of fishery products. Methods: A study was conducted to search for Anisakis spp. larvae in samples of canned fish products received at the Laboratory of Food Parasitology of the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology of Cuba. Ninety-six samples of two different brands were received. Each brand was assigned letter A or B to protect the identity of the manufacturer. The larvae recovered were previously rinsed with lactophenol and identified morphologically by microscopy. The identification keys for Anisakis spp. larvae described in the literature were used. Results: 38.5 percent of the total canned fish samples analyzed were parasitized with Anisakis spp. larvae, with a mean frequency of 1.2 larvae per subsample. The larvae were classified as third instar and type I. Conclusions: For the first time in Cuba, Anisakis spp. larvae were identified in canned fish samples and provided data of interest to health authorities to strengthen public policies related to food quality and safety(AU)

Humans , Anisakis/parasitology
Rev. medica electron ; 44(1)feb. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409699


RESUMEN Introducción: el temefos es el producto más utilizado para el tratamiento focal. Existe en diferentes formulaciones y se aplica para los depósitos de agua potable, en forma de gránulos de arena a una concentración del 1 %. Objetivo: determinar la duración de la efectividad del temefos, en su formulación costarricense Biolarv G1, en una población matancera de Culex quinquefasciatus. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un bioensayo de laboratorio, utilizando la F1 de una cepa matancera de Culex quinquefasciatus, la que se sometió a los efectos del Biolarv G1, lote 1180829. Se utilizaron tres variantes de recambio de agua potable. Resultados: la efectividad fue del 100 % de mortalidad larvaria hasta el 7º día en el recambio del 100 % de agua. Para el recambio del 50 % de agua, la mortalidad promedio del 1º al 17º día fue del 97,5 %. En el caso del recambio del 30 % de agua, la mortalidad fue del 100 % hasta el 27º día. Conclusiones: se demostró que el temefos, en su formulación Biolarv G1, puede tener mayor efectividad en recambios del 30 % de agua, con una durabilidad de alrededor de 30 días, lo que propicia la protección de los depósitos durante los ciclos de trabajo diseñados para la vigilancia y lucha antivectorial en Cuba.

ABSTRACT Introduction: temefos is the most widely used product for focal treatment. It exists in different formulations and is applied for drinking water tanks, in the form of sand-like granules at a concentration of 1 %. Objective: to determine the duration of temefos effectiveness, in its Costa Rican formulation Biolarv G1, in a Matanzas population of Culex quinquefasciatus. Materials and methods: a laboratory bioassay was performed, using the F1 of a Matanzas strain of Culex quinquefasciatus, which was subjected to the effects of Biolarv G1, lot 1180829. Three variants of drinking water replacement were used. Results: the effectiveness was 100% of larval mortality until the 7th day when 100 % of wáter was replaced. For the replacement of 50 % of water, average mortality was 97.5 % from the 1st to the 17th day. In the case of 30 % water replacement, mortality was 100 % up to the 27th day. Conclusions: it was shown that temefos, in its formulation Biolarv G1, can be more effective in replacements of 30 % of water, with a durability of about 30 days, which facilitates the protection of reservoirs during work cycles designed for surveillance and anti-vector control in Cuba.

Animals , Effectiveness , Temefos , Culex , Drinking Water/analysis , Biological Assay , Insecticides , Culicidae
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e246316, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249248


Several endemic species of Blaps occur in Tunisia, and the species Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis has been reported in Moulares (urban zone in west-central Tunisia), where it lives and reproduces in home gardens and old buildings. The aim of this work is to study the life cycle of the darkling beetle, considering both field and laboratory rearing conditions. As a result, the beetle species has different developmental stages (egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult) that last about 15 months. Each year during the same period, adults emerge (early summer) and expire (late autumn), larvae hatch (late summer) and pupate (early summer). There is only one generation per year. Females began laying eggs in late July. The eggs were ovoid, white, and about 2.7 mm in length and 1.5 mm in width. Embryogenesis took an average of nine days. The first instar larvae were at initially only 4.5 mm long and ivory white in color. A brief description of the newly egg hatched larva was provided; thus, the nerve fibers innervating the apical setae in the antennae and ligula were detected. Further light microscopic examination of the embryo before hatching from the egg pointed out that the antennal sensilla are protected during the embryogenesis stage.

Várias espécies endêmicas de Blaps ocorrem na Tunísia, e a espécie Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis foi relatada em Moulares (zona urbana no centro-oeste da Tunísia), onde vive e se reproduz em jardins domésticos e prédios antigos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o ciclo de vida do besouro escuro, considerando as condições de criação em campo e em laboratório. Como resultado, a espécie de besouro tem diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (ovo, larva, prepupa, pupa e adulto) que duram cerca de 15 meses. Todos os anos, durante o mesmo período, os adultos emergem (início do verão) e expiram (final do outono), as larvas eclodem (final do verão) e se tornam pupas (início do verão). Existe apenas uma geração por ano. As fêmeas começaram a botar ovos no final de julho. Os ovos eram ovóides, brancos, com cerca de 2,7 mm de comprimento e 1,5 mm de largura. A embriogênese demorou em média nove dias. As larvas de primeiro instar tinham inicialmente apenas 4,5 mm de comprimento e uma cor branca marfim. Foi fornecida uma breve descrição da larva recém-eclodida; assim, as fibras nervosas que inervam as cerdas apicais nas antenas e ligulas foram detectadas. Um exame microscópico de luz posterior do embrião antes da eclosão do ovo mostrou que as sensilas antenais são protegidas durante o estágio de embriogênese.

Animals , Female , Coleoptera , Pupa , Seasons , Larva
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-10, 2022. map, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468505


Several endemic species of Blaps occur in Tunisia, and the species Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis has been reported in Moulares (urban zone in west-central Tunisia), where it lives and reproduces in home gardens and old buildings. The aim of this work is to study the life cycle of the darkling beetle, considering both field and laboratory rearing conditions. As a result, the beetle species has different developmental stages (egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult) that last about 15 months. Each year during the same period, adults emerge (early summer) and expire (late autumn), larvae hatch (late summer) and pupate (early summer). There is only one generation per year. Females began laying eggs in late July. The eggs were ovoid, white, and about 2.7 mm in length and 1.5 mm in width. Embryogenesis took an average of nine days. The first instar larvae were at initially only 4.5 mm long and ivory white in color. A brief description of the newly egg hatched larva was provided; thus, the nerve fibers innervating the apical setae in the antennae and ligula were detected. Further light microscopic examination of the embryo before hatching from the egg pointed out that the antennal sensilla are protected during the embryogenesis stage.

Várias espécies endêmicas de Blaps ocorrem na Tunísia, e a espécie Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis foi relatada em Moulares (zona urbana no centro-oeste da Tunísia), onde vive e se reproduz em jardins domésticos e prédios antigos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o ciclo de vida do besouro escuro, considerando as condições de criação em campo e em laboratório. Como resultado, a espécie de besouro tem diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (ovo, larva, prepupa, pupa e adulto) que duram cerca de 15 meses. Todos os anos, durante o mesmo período, os adultos emergem (início do verão) e expiram (final do outono), as larvas eclodem (final do verão) e se tornam pupas (início do verão). Existe apenas uma geração por ano. As fêmeas começaram a botar ovos no final de julho. Os ovos eram ovóides, brancos, com cerca de 2,7 mm de comprimento e 1,5 mm de largura. A embriogênese demorou em média nove dias. As larvas de primeiro instar tinham inicialmente apenas 4,5 mm de comprimento e uma cor branca marfim. Foi fornecida uma breve descrição da larva recém-eclodida; assim, as fibras nervosas que inervam as cerdas apicais nas antenas e ligulas foram detectadas. Um exame microscópico de luz posterior do embrião antes da eclosão do ovo mostrou que as sensilas antenais são protegidas durante o estágio de embriogênese.

Animals , Coleoptera/anatomy & histology , Coleoptera/growth & development
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468692


Abstract Several endemic species of Blaps occur in Tunisia, and the species Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis has been reported in Moulares (urban zone in west-central Tunisia), where it lives and reproduces in home gardens and old buildings. The aim of this work is to study the life cycle of the darkling beetle, considering both field and laboratory rearing conditions. As a result, the beetle species has different developmental stages (egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult) that last about 15 months. Each year during the same period, adults emerge (early summer) and expire (late autumn), larvae hatch (late summer) and pupate (early summer). There is only one generation per year. Females began laying eggs in late July. The eggs were ovoid, white, and about 2.7 mm in length and 1.5 mm in width. Embryogenesis took an average of nine days. The first instar larvae were at initially only 4.5 mm long and ivory white in color. A brief description of the newly egg hatched larva was provided; thus, the nerve fibers innervating the apical setae in the antennae and ligula were detected. Further light microscopic examination of the embryo before hatching from the egg pointed out that the antennal sensilla are protected during the embryogenesis stage.

Resumo Várias espécies endêmicas de Blaps ocorrem na Tunísia, e a espécie Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis foi relatada em Moulares (zona urbana no centro-oeste da Tunísia), onde vive e se reproduz em jardins domésticos e prédios antigos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o ciclo de vida do besouro escuro, considerando as condições de criação em campo e em laboratório. Como resultado, a espécie de besouro tem diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (ovo, larva, prepupa, pupa e adulto) que duram cerca de 15 meses. Todos os anos, durante o mesmo período, os adultos emergem (início do verão) e expiram (final do outono), as larvas eclodem (final do verão) e se tornam pupas (início do verão). Existe apenas uma geração por ano. As fêmeas começaram a botar ovos no final de julho. Os ovos eram ovóides, brancos, com cerca de 2,7 mm de comprimento e 1,5 mm de largura. A embriogênese demorou em média nove dias. As larvas de primeiro instar tinham inicialmente apenas 4,5 mm de comprimento e uma cor branca marfim. Foi fornecida uma breve descrição da larva recém-eclodida; assim, as fibras nervosas que inervam as cerdas apicais nas antenas e ligulas foram detectadas. Um exame microscópico de luz posterior do embrião antes da eclosão do ovo mostrou que as sensilas antenais são protegidas durante o estágio de embriogênese.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210024, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365202


We described the early development of Myloplus asterias and M. lobatus, two fish species of the Serrasalmidae using morphological, meristic, and morphometric characteristics. These herbivores serrasalmids are heavily fished because of their commercial importance in the Amazon. The individuals were collected between 2016 and 2020 in the limnetic zone of open water and macrophyte stands in the Lower Amazon River floodplain. We tested different growth models to identify the development pattern of these species. During the initial ontogeny, these two species can be differentiated mainly by the myomeres total number, 37 to 39 in M. asterias vs. 40 to 41 in M. lobatus, the pigmentation pattern, and dorsal-fin ray numbers. These characteristics are effective in distinguishing these species from other serrasalmids. The morphometric relationships were also different between these two species, showing distinct patterns in growth between the analyzed features. An identification key for larvae of some sympatric Serrasalmidae species from the Amazon basin is presented. Our expectation is that this study will contribute to the knowledge of the initial ontogeny and the biology of fish species in the Neotropical region.(AU)

Descrevemos o desenvolvimento inicial de Myloplus asterias e M. lobatus, duas espécies de peixes da família Serrasalmidae usando características morfológicas, merísticas e morfométricas. Esses serrasalmídeos herbívoros são fortemente pescados devido à sua importância comercial na Amazônia. Os indivíduos foram coletados entre 2016 e 2020 na zona limnética de águas abertas e em bancos de macrófitas na planície de inundação do baixo rio Amazonas. Testamos diferentes modelos de crescimento para identificar o padrão de desenvolvimento dessas espécies. Durante a ontogenia inicial, essas duas espécies podem ser diferenciadas pelo número total de miômeros; 37 a 39 em M. asterias vs. 40 a 41 em M. lobatus; pelo padrão de pigmentação e número de raios da nadadeira dorsal. Essas características são eficazes para distinguir essas espécies de outros serrasalmídeos. As relações morfométricas também foram diferentes entre as duas espécies, com distintos padrões de crescimento entre as características analisadas. Uma chave de identificação para larvas de algumas espécies simpátricas de Serrasalmidae da bacia amazônica é apresentada. Nossa expectativa é que este estudo contribua para o conhecimento da ontogenia inicial e da biologia das espécies de peixes da região Neotropical.(AU)

Animals , Animal Fins , Characiformes/growth & development , Life Cycle Stages , Fisheries
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210081, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365204


Hypersaline estuaries are commonly found in the Semiarid Northeast Brazilian coast. However, the utilization of these estuaries by early life stages of fishes is less well documented. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of environmental factors on the ichthyoplankton, and to describe their spatial and temporal variation in two estuaries (Tubarão and Casqueira). The sampling were diurnally in four excursions carried out during two dry-season months (November and December 2017) and two rainy-season months (May and July 2018). A total of 423 larvae representing 30 species (14 families) and 2,762 eggs (five families) were collected. Although the community structures were similar in both estuaries, there was strong seasonal variation, with higher abundances observed during the dry season. Low rainfall was the primary environmental driver affecting ichthyoplankton in both estuaries. Other environmental factors, such as depth, water temperature, and channel width, were also predictor variables for the distribution of eggs and larvae. The ichthyoplankton was dominated by marine estuarine-dependent species in both estuaries, accounting for 76% of individuals. The presence of the early life stages of typically marine species suggests that hypersaline environments provide important nursery areas and play an essential role for some coastal fish species.(AU)

Os estuários hipersalinos são comumente encontrados na região semiárida da costa nordestina brasileira. No entanto, a utilização desses estuários pelos primeiros estágios de vida dos peixes é pouco documentada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de fatores ambientais sobre o ictioplâncton e descrever sua variação espacial e temporal em dois estuários (Tubarão e Casqueira). As amostragens foram diurnas em quatro excursões realizadas em dois meses da estação seca (novembro e dezembro de 2017) e dois meses da estação chuvosa (maio e julho de 2018). Um total de 423 larvas representando 30 espécies (14 famílias) e 2.762 ovos (cinco famílias) foram coletadas. Embora as estruturas das comunidades fossem semelhantes em ambos os estuários, houve fortes diferenças de variação sazonal, com maiores abundâncias observadas durante a estação seca. A baixa precipitação foi o principal fator ambiental que afetou o ictioplâncton em ambos os estuários. Outros fatores, como profundidade, temperatura da água e largura do canal, também foram preditoras para a distribuição de ovos e larvas. O ictioplâncton foi dominado por espécies marinhas dependentes em ambos os estuários, representando 76% dos indivíduos. A presença de estágios iniciais de espécies tipicamente marinhas sugere que ambientes hipersalinos fornecem áreas de berçário importantes e desempenham um papel essencial para algumas espécies de peixes costeiros.(AU)

Zooplankton , Biological Factors , Estuaries , Salinity
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(2): 147-159, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355526


RESUMEN Los macroinvertebrados acuáticos son bien conocidos como bioindicadores de la calidad del agua. En Colombia, los estudios sobre este tema se han hecho principalmente a nivel taxonómico de familia. En este trabajo se analizan las respuestas en abundancia, riqueza y diversidad de los dípteros identificados a nivel de género en ríos altoandinos (río Bogotá y río Fucha), en épocas de aguas bajas y aguas altas. Los especímenes se recolectaron con tres métodos: red Surber, red de mano y lavado de rocas. La temperatura promedio fue de 12,9 °C y la saturación de oxígeno estuvo cerca del 100 % o más, con excepción del tramo bajo del río Bogotá antes de Villapinzón. Se colectaron 13 690 dípteros pertenecientes a diez familias y 40 géneros. La riqueza taxonómica fue alta, con una mayor variación en los tramos bajos de las dos corrientes. Las subfamilias de Chironomidae fueron las más abundantes. El análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC) mostró que los Orthocladiinae se asociaron con la conductividad; el género Gigantodax (Simuliidae) no mostró una relación clara con ninguna variable; por el contrario, el género Simulium se vinculó con el caudal. En términos generales, la asociación entre taxones y variables ambientales fue más clara para los géneros que para las familias, pero no fue suficientemente robusta. Se sugiere que para encontrar un mayor grado de asociación biota-ambiente, es necesario realizar los análisis a nivel de especie, considerando las variaciones locales y temporales.

ABSTRACT Aquatic macroinvertebrates are recognized as bioindicators of water quality. In Colombia, the studies have mainly been addressed by the family taxonomic level. This work analyzes the responses in abundance, richness, and diversity of the Diptera at the genus level in high Andean rivers (Bogotá River and Fucha River), in periods of low and high waters. The specimens were collected with three methods: Surber net, hand net, and rock washing. The average temperature was 12.9 °C and oxygen saturation was close to 100 % or more, except for the lower section of the Bogotá River, before the Villapinzón town. 13 690 Diptera were collected from ten families and 40 genera. Taxonomic richness was high with the greatest variation in the lower sections of the two streams. The Chironomidae subfamilies were the most abundant. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that Orthocladiinae were associated with water conductivity; the Gigantodax genus (Simuliidae) did not show a clear relationship with any variable; conversely, the genus Simulium was linked to the caudal. In general terms, the association between taxa and environmental variables was clearer for genera than for families, but it was not robust enough. It is suggested that to find a higher degree of biota-environment association, it is necessary to carry out analyzes at the species level, considering local and temporal variations.

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 50(1): 48-60, Jan.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347313


SUMMARY Aim: We determined the chemical composition and larvicidal activity of the essential oil distilled from the Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck husks and the pattern of the major constituent. Materials and methods: For this, we distill the oil by hydrodistillation, identify the components by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), test the larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti and calculate the lethal concentration at 50% (LC50) by the Reed-Muench method and the confidence interval by the Pizzi method for both oil and standard. Results: It showed that the oil consists mostly of limonene and showed larvicidal activity (LC50 of 199.01 (± 2.10) μg-mL-1) greater than the lemonade standard (126.03 (± 2.09) μg-mL-1). Conclusion: Therefore, we conclude that distilled oil has the potential to replace chemical larvicides.

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinamos a composição química e a atividade larvicida do óleo essencial destilado das cascas do Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck e do padrão do constituinte majoritário. Materiais e métodos: Para isso, destilamos o óleo por hidrodestilação, identificamos os componentes por cromatografía gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM), testamos a atividade larvicida contra o Aedes aegypti e calculamos a concentração letal a 50% (CL50) pelo método Reed-Muench e o intervalo de confiança pelo método de Pizzi tanto para o óleo quanto para o padrão. Resultados: O óleo é constituído em sua maior parte por limoneno e apresentou atividade larvicida (CL50 de 199.01 (± 2,10) μg-mL-1) maior que o padrão limonento (126,03 (± 2,09) μg-mL-1). Conclusões: Portanto, concluímos que o óleo destilado tem potencial para substituir os larvicida químicos.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinamos la composición química y actividad larvicida del aceite esencial destilado de las cáscaras de Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck y el patrón del constituyente mayoritario. Materiales y métodos: Para ello destilamos el aceite por hidrodestilación, identificamos los componentes mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (CG-EM), testeamos la actividad larvicida frente a Aedes aegypti y calculamos la concentración letal al 50% (CL50) por el método Reed- Muench y el intervalo de confianza por el método de Pizzi tanto para aceite como para la muestra estándar. Resultados: El aceite consiste principalmente en limoneno y mostró actividad larvicida (CL50 de 199,01 (± 2,10) μg-mL-1) mayor que el estándar de limonada (126,03 (± 2,09) μg-mL-1). Conclusiones: Por lo tanto, concluimos que el aceite destilado tiene el potencial de reemplazar los larvicidas químicos.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(1): e942, 2021. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289538


La oftalmomiasis es una enfermedad poco frecuente, causada por artrópodos; en este caso por la mosca adulta. Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina, de 44 años de edad, con antecedentes de inmunosupresión severa secundaria a VIH, quien fue atendida en el Servicio de Oftalmología por molestia ocular. Presentaba un aumento de volumen circunscrito en conjuntiva que se extendía sobre la córnea nasal del ojo izquierdo, de aspecto blanco nacarado, deslustrado. Se le realizó exéresis de la lesión y crioterapia. Posteriormente se le aplicó colirio de mitomicina C. A los siete meses la paciente regresó a la consulta con un cuadro de complicación franca y severa de la lesión, con destrucción de los tejidos de la órbita y múltiples cavernas ocupadas por cientos de larvas de moscas(AU)

Ophthalmomiasis is a rare disease, caused by arthropods; in this case by the adult fly. We present the case of a 44-year-old female patient, with a history of severe immunosuppression secondary to HIV, who was treated at the Ophthalmology Service for ocular discomfort. She presented a circumscribed increase in volume in the conjunctiva that extended over the nasal cornea of ​​the left eye, with a pearly white, tarnished appearance. Excision of the lesion and cryotherapy were performed. Subsequently, mitomycin C eye drops were applied. Seven months later, the patient returned to the consultation with a frank and severe complication of the lesion, with destruction of the tissues of the orbit and multiple caverns occupied by hundreds of fly larvae(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mitomycin/therapeutic use , Cryotherapy/methods , Rare Diseases/therapy , Myiasis/epidemiology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 141-154, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153057


The consumption of inadequately thermally treated fish is a public health risk due to the possible propagation of Anisakis larvae and their antigenic proteins, the causative agent of the zoonotic disease anisakidosis. The present study demonstrated the physiological and histopathological changes that accompanied an oral inoculation of crude extracts from fresh and thermally treated Anisakis Type II (L3) in Wistar albino rats. Nematode worms were isolated from the marine fish Dicentrarchus labrax. They were examined and taxonomically identified using light and scanning electron microscopy. The study was performed in 6 rat groups: a control group (I), a garlic oil (GO) inoculated group (II), a fresh L3 inoculated group (III), a thermally treated L3 inoculated group (IV), a fresh L3 + GO inoculated group (V), and a thermally treated L3 + GO inoculated group (VI). It was observed that rats inoculated with fresh and thermally treated L3 crude extracts showed abnormal oxidative stress markers associated with the destruction of normal architecture of spleen and thymus. GO produced a protective effect in rat groups inoculated with L3 extracts + GO administration via the amelioration of oxidative stress markers, which was confirmed by the marked normal structure of the organs' histology. Cooking of L3 infected fish induced severe physiological and histopathological alterations compared to uncooked infected fish. The administration of garlic before and after fish eating is recommended to avoid the dangerous effect of anisakids, even if they are cooked.(AU)

O consumo de peixes tratados termicamente de forma inadequada é um risco à saúde pública devido à possível propagação das larvas de Anisakis e suas proteínas antigênicas, o agente causador da doença zoonótica anisakidose. O presente estudo demonstrou as alterações fisiológicas e histopatológicas que acompanharam a inoculação oral de extratos brutos de Anisakis Tipo II (L3) frescos e termicamente tratados em ratos Wistar albinos. Vermes nematoides foram isolados do peixe marinho Dicentrarchus labrax e foram examinados e identificados taxonomicamente usando microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. O estudo foi realizado em 6 grupos de ratos: grupo controle (I), grupo inoculado com óleo de alho (GO) (II), grupo inoculado com L3 fresco (III), grupo inoculado com L3 tratado termicamente (IV), grupo inoculado com L3 + GO fresco (V), e grupo inoculado com L3 + GO tratado termicamente (VI). Observou-se que ratos inoculados com extrato bruto L3 fresco e tratado termicamente mostraram marcadores de estresse oxidativo anormais associados à destruição da estrutura normal do baço e do timo. GO produziu um efeito protetor em grupos de ratos inoculados com extrato L3 + administração de GO através da melhoria dos marcadores de estresse oxidativo, que foi confirmada pela marcante estrutura normal da histologia dos órgãos. O cozimento de peixes infectados com L3 induziu alterações fisiológicas e histopatológicas graves quando comparado com peixes infectados não cozidos. Recomenda-se a administração de alho antes e depois da ingestão do peixe para evitar o efeito perigoso dos anisakídeos, mesmo se cozidos.(AU)

Animals , Rats , Anisakis , Anisakiasis/therapy , Anisakiasis/veterinary , Fishes/parasitology , Garlic/chemistry , Plant Oils/chemistry , Rats, Wistar
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(1): e20201095, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153208


Abstract: Tadpoles are able to perceive and discriminate signals from environment and they may use this ability in behaviors and ecological processes. Recognition mechanisms may be involved in schooling by means of attraction among individuals, characterizing a social process. By means of laboratory experiments the present study investigated the presence or absence of attraction to conspecifics in tadpoles of Rhinella icterica and R. ornata, two sympatric species from the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. We collected eggs of these two species in the field and reared them in laboratory according to two different methods (isolated or in groups of siblings). Tadpoles were submitted to experiments of choice between conspecifics, heterospecifics, and an empty compartment. Rhinella icterica tadpoles preferred to associate with conspecifics rather than R. ornata tadpoles, and we verified this is an innate behavior. Rhinella ornata tadpoles failed to discriminate between conspecifics and R. icterica tadpoles. When submitted to choice between a group of tadpoles of the other species and an empty compartment, R. icterica tadpoles presented random distribution, while R. ornata tadpoles preferred to associate with heterospecifics. Our results indicate R. icterica tadpoles have preference to associate with conspecifics, while R. ornata tadpoles may school indiscriminately. This study contributes for a better understanding of larval anuran social behavior.

Resumo: Os girinos são capazes de perceber e discriminar sinais do ambiente e podem usar essa capacidade em comportamentos e processos ecológicos. Mecanismos de reconhecimento podem estar envolvidos na agregação por meio da atração entre indivíduos, caracterizando um processo social. O presente estudo investigou, por meio de experimentos de laboratório, a presença ou ausência de atração por coespecíficos em girinos de Rhinella icterica e R. ornata, duas espécies simpátricas, da Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil. Coletamos ovos dessas duas espécies no campo e os cultivamos em laboratório de acordo com dois métodos diferentes (isolados ou em grupo de irmãos). Os girinos foram submetidos a experimentos de escolha entre coespecíficos, heteroespecíficos e compartimento vazio. Girinos de Rhinella icterica preferiram associar-se a coespecíficos do que com girinos de R. ornata, e verificamos que este é um comportamento inato. Os girinos de Rhinella ornata não conseguiram discriminar entre coespecíficos e girinos de R. icterica. Quando submetidos à escolha entre um grupo de girinos da outra espécie e um compartimento vazio, os girinos de R. icterica apresentaram distribuição aleatória, enquanto os girinos de R. ornata preferiram associar-se a girinos heteroespecíficos. Nossos resultados indicam que girinos de R. icterica preferem associar-se a coespecíficos, enquanto girinos de R. ornata podem agregar-se indiscriminadamente. Este estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão do comportamento social de larvas de anuros.

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