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Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 265-270, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025522


Objective:To evaluate the relationship among future self-continuity,family support and meaning in life in college students.Methods:A total of 912 college students(448 males and 464 females)were selected and assessed with the Future Self-Continuity Questionnaire(FSCQ),Family Support Scale(PSS-Fa)and Meaning in Life Questionnaire(MLQ).Results:The average score of FSCQ was(3.3±1.1),and those who were female,25 years old,senior,nonlocal census register,only child had lower FSCQ scores(P<0.001).Regression analysis results showed that the scores of PSS-Fa and the MLQ scores of search for life meaning and presence for life mean-ing were positively correlated with the FSCQ scores(β=0.80,0.69,0.74).Conclusion:The study shows that the future self-continuity is at a medium level and improving family support and meaning in life may help to enhance their future self-continuity in college students.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990314


Objective:To construct a narrative nursing intervention program for patients with advanced lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy based on the meaning in life theory, so as to alleviate the negative psychology of patients and improve the meaning in life of patients.Methods:Using a mixed research design, based on the literature study and qualitative interview, the first draft of narrative nursing intervention program for patients with advanced lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy was constructed based on the theory of meaning in life. From June to September 2021, the Delphi method was used to conduct 2 rounds experts consultations among 15 experts from 8 hospitals, and the items were revised according to the expert′s advice.Results:The experts positive coefficients of the 2 rounds consultations were 83.33% and 100.00%, the expert authority coefficient was 0.88, and the Kendall coefficients of importance were 0.183 and 0.215, and the operational Kendall coefficients were 0.234 and 0.363. Finally, a narrative nursing intervention program for lung cancer patients based on the theory of meaning in life was formed. It included four modules: narrative theme, narrative content, narrative interview outline and homework assignment/auxiliary measures. It was performed 7 times in each chemotherapy cycle.Conclusions:The construction process of narrative nursing intervention program for patients with advanced lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy based on the theory of meaning in life is rigorous, scientific and practical and can be used to guide clinical psychological nursing intervention for patients with advanced diseases and enrich the way to seek the meaning in life of patients

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 670-678, 2023.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005688


【Objective:】 To explore the network structure characteristics and core items of meaning in life and coping styles among college students, and provide a basis for understanding their relationships and related interventions. 【Methods:】 A survey was conducted among college students using the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire and Meaning in Life Questionnaire . The network analysis method was used to construct a network of college students’ meaning in life and coping styles, and R software was used for statistical analysis and visualization. 【Results:】 In the network of college students’ meaning in life and coping styles, "believing that time will change the status quo, and the only thing to do is to wait" and "trying to forget the whole thing" had the closest connection. "Learning from others to handle similar difficult situations" had the highest expected impact. "Seeking the meaning in life" and "pursuing hobbies and actively participating in cultural and sports activities" had the highest bridge expected influence. The average predictability value of all nodes was 0.775. 【Conclusions:】 Interventions aimed at "learning from others to handle similar difficult situations", "changing one’s own ideas and rediscovering what is important in life" and "changing some of the original practices or problems" may maximize the coping effect of college students. "Seeking the meaning in life" can furthest influence the coping styles, and "pursuing hobbies and actively participating in cultural and sports activities" can maximize the improvement of meaning in life.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39306, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1507095


ABSTRACT The feeling that life has meaning or purpose is essential for human beings. Absence of meaning can lead to an existential vacuum. Purpose in life, akin to meaning in life, derives from the humanistic psychology theory of Frankl, and they are considered synonymous. Other scholars, however, regard the two constructs as distinct. The objective of the review was to map both concepts in the gerontological literature, examining how they manifest in aging. The review of the databases was carried out between January 2019 and March 2020. Thirty articles were included. In the context of aging, results were conflicting. The literature review yielded evidence to affirm that meaning and purpose in life are distinct concepts, despite sharing the same existential-philosophical roots.

RESUMO O sentimento de que a vida tem sentido ou propósito é essencial ao ser humano. A ausência de sentido pode levar a um vácuo existencial. Propósito de vida, a exemplo de sentido, também deriva da psicologia humanística de Frankl, sendo considerados sinônimos. No entanto, há estudos que propõem distinção entre os dois construtos. A revisão tem por objetivos mapear ambos os conceitos na literatura gerontológica, examinando-os à luz do envelhecimento. O levantamento nas bases de dados foi realizado de janeiro de 2019 a março de 2020. Foram incluídos 30 artigos. No contexto do envelhecimento, os resultados foram controversos. A literatura revista apresentou evidências para afirmar que sentido de vida e propósito são conceitos distintos, apesar da origem filosófico-existencialista comum.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 355-368, ago. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385935


Resumen El sentido de vida se ha convertido en una importante variable salutogénica en las poblaciones más jóvenes. La investigación ha evidenciado que el sentido de vida está relacionado con la disminución de comportamientos de riesgo, como el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, y es un factor protector frente a diferentes problemáticas de salud, que van desde los eventos cardiovasculares hasta la disminución de la aparición de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar cómo esta variable se asocia con la ansiedad y la depresión en un grupo de adolescentes y jóvenes. Se analizaron los datos de 596 participantes colombianos cuyas edades oscilaron entre 18 y 24 años (M = 21; DE = 1.74; 68 % mujeres y 32 % hombres). Se utilizaron la Escala Dimensional de Sentido de Vida y la Escala para la Depresión, la Ansiedad y el Estrés (DASS-21). En primer lugar, se encontraron diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones de sentido de vida en las siguientes variables: los participantes que reportaron algún diagnóstico de enfermedad, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y estrato socioeconómico. Se presenta un modelo resultante de un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales basado en cuadrados mínimos parciales. El modelo tuvo índices de ajuste adecuado (NFI = .84; SRMR = .06). El sentido de vida se asoció negativa y significativamente con la ansiedad y la depresión. Los resultados encontrados presentan implicaciones para la investigación al tiempo que se constituyen en sustento empírico para incluir la variable en programas de intervención y prevención, de tal forma que puedan evaluarse objetivamente y consigan disminuir las puntuaciones de ansiedad y depresión en jóvenes.

Abstract Around 300 million people in the world suffer from depression and anxiety. Both have become, according to the main organizations, one of the first causes of disability and lost work years on the planet. Not to mention that depression is one of the main antecedents of deaths by suicide. Both have a special impact on young populations and adolescents. In Colombia the data is not more encouraging, around 53 % of the young people has at least one symptom of anxiety and 80 % have at least one symptom of depression. Given this data, anxiety and depression constitute important health problems that require sufficient attention. On the other hand, the meaning in life has become an important salutogenic variable in younger populations. Recent research has shown that the meaning in life is related to the reduction of risk behaviors, such as the consumption of psychoactive substances, and is a protective factor against different health problems, ranging from cardiovascular events to the reduction of the appearance of anxious and depressive symptoms. Based on the above, the objective of this study was to identify how the meaning in life is associated with anxiety and depression in adolescents and young people. The data of 596 Colombian participants whose ages ranged between 18 and 24 years (M = 21; SD = 1.74; 68 % women and 32 % men) were analyzed, the only condition to participate was knowing how to read and write. The Dimensional Meaning Life Scale and the Scale for Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21) were used. Firstly, significant differences were found in the meaning in life scores in the participants who reported a diagnosis of disease, consumption of psychoactive substances and socioeconomic condition. The highest meaning scores were obtained by people who did not have a diagnosis of medical or psychological illness, who did not consume any psychoactive substances, and people in the highest socioeconomic status. Likewise, there were differences for anxiety and depression, people with a diagnosis of disease and who consume psychoactive substances had higher scores for both anxiety and depression. Women had higher anxiety scores, and people from the lowest socioeconomic conditions had the highest scores for depression. A model resulting from an analysis of structural equations based on partial least squares is presented. The model had adequate fit indices (NFI = .84; SRMR = .06). The meaning in life was negatively and significantly associated with anxiety and depression. The path coefficients of the latent variable meaning in life show an impact of -.49 on anxiety and -.71 on depression. According to the R squared values, the meaning of life explains 24 % of the presence of anxiety symptoms and around 51 % of depression. Regarding the measurement model, both the Dimensional Meaning in Life Scale and the Scale for Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21) showed excellent adjustments in the measurement and operationalization of the latent variables. The results found present implications for research, and they also constitute empirical support to include the variable in intervention and prevention programs that can be objectively evaluated and reduce anxiety and depression scores in adolescents and young people, which would also allow to reduce all the negative consequences associated with both pathologies. Other projections and limitations associated with what was found in this research are discussed.

Rev. SPAGESP ; 23(1): 131-145, jan.-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1356775


RESUMO A presente revisão integrativa da literatura tem por objetivo investigar a relação entre sentido de vida (SV) e saúde mental em professores. As bases de dados acessadas para a busca das evidências foram: Web of Science - Coleção Principal, ERIC (ProQuest), PsycINFO, Scopus, SciELO e PePSIC. O período de publicação dos artigos abrangidos foi de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2020 para responder à questão norteadora: Como a relação entre sentido de vida e a saúde mental em professores é abordada na literatura científica? Dos sete artigos recuperados, verificou-se que o sentido de vida está associado negativamente com síndrome de burnout e estresse percebido e proporciona melhores índices de funcionamento psicológico e de satisfação vital em docentes.

ABSTRACT This integrative literature review aimed to investigate the relationship between the meaning of life and mental health in teachers. The database accessed for the search for evidence was: Web of Science - Main Collection, ERIC (ProQuest), PsycINFO, SciELO, and PePSIC. The articles covered were from January 2000 to December 2020 to answer the following guiding question: How is the relationship between the meaning of life and mental health in teachers addressed in the scientific literature? Of the seven selected articles, we found that the meaning of life is negatively associated with burnout syndrome and perceived stress and provides better rates of psychological functioning and vital satisfaction at teachers.

RESUMEN La presente revisión de literatura integradora tuvo como objetivo investigar la relación entre el sentido de la vida y la salud mental en los docentes. Las bases de datos a los que se accedió para buscar evidencia fueron: Web of Science - Main Collection, ERIC (ProQuest), PsycINFO, Scopus, SciELO y PePSIC. El período de publicación de los artículos fue de enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2020 para dar respuesta a la pregunta orientadora: ¿Cómo se aborda en la literatura científica la relación entre el sentido de la vida y la salud mental en los docentes? De los siete artículos seleccionados, se encontró que el sentido de la vida está asociado negativamente con el síndrome de quemarse y el estrés percibido y proporciona mejores índices de funcionamiento psicológico y satisfacción vital en profesores.

Personal Satisfaction , Mental Health , Life , Faculty , Burnout, Psychological , Logotherapy
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 40(1): 1-17, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367252


El riesgo suicida es definido como la posibilidad de que una persona atente deliberadamente contra su vida y se considera una conducta autodestructiva de causas multifactoriales. El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar los factores psicológicos aso-ciados al riesgo suicida en estudiantes universitarios. Esto se realizó por medio de un enfoque cuantitativo no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1696 estudiantes de pregrado, 54.7 % correspondiente al sexo femenino y 43.6 % al masculino. Se aplicaron escalas para evaluar sentido de la vida, depresión, esperanza, soledad, apoyo interpersonal y riesgo suicida. Los resultados indicaron que el 50 % de la muestra reportó nunca haber tenido pensamientos suicidas. Sin embargo, el 26.8 % tuvo un pensamiento pasajero al respecto; el 9.9 % planeó quitarse la vida, pero no lo intentó; el 5.8 % realizó un intento suicida sin intención real de concretar el acto, el 5 % hizo planes para quitarse la vida con intención real de concretar el acto; y el 2.4 % efectuó intentos suicidas con deseos de morir. Se evidenció que existe una relación inversa significativa entre el riesgo suicida y la esperanza, presencia y búsqueda de sentido de la vida y apoyo interpersonal. No obstante, los individuos con mayor riesgo suicida poseen puntajes más altos en soledad y depresión. Estos resultados se discuten desde sus implicaciones en el ejercicio clínico

Suicide risk is defined as the possibility of a person deliberately taking his/her own life; this is considered a self-destructive behavior with multifactorial causes. This research aimed to determine the psychological fac-tors associated with suicide risk in university students. This was done through a quantitative, non-experimental approach. The sample consisted of 1.696 undergraduate students, 54.7 % female and 43.6 % male students. Ques-tionnaires were applied to evaluate meaning in life, depression, hope, loneliness, interpersonal support, and suicide risk. The results indicated that 50 % of the parti-cipants reported never having suicidal thoughts. However, 26.8 % had had a passing thought about committing suicide, 9.9 % had thought of a specific (but unexecuted) plan to commit suicide, 5.8 % reported a previous suicide attempt without the intention of actually committing suicide, 5 % had made plans to take their own life with a real intention to commit the act, and 2.4 % had made at least one suicide attempt with a desire to die. Results indicate that there is a significant inverse relation be-tween suicide risk and hope, the presence and search for a meaning in life, and interpersonal support. However, a higher suicide risk is positively correlated with loneliness and depression. These results are discussed according to their implications in clinical practice

O risco de suicídio é definido como a possibilidade de uma pessoa deliberadamente atentar contra sua vida, considerando-o como um comportamento autodestrutivo com causas multifatoriais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar os fatores psicológicos associados ao risco de suicídio em estudantes universitários. Isso foi feito por meio de uma abordagem quantitativa, não experimental. A amostra foi composta por 1696 alunos de graduação, sendo 54.7 % do sexo feminino e 43.6 % do sexo mascu-lino. Foram aplicadas escalas para avaliar o sentido de vida, depressão, esperança, solidão, apoio interpessoal e risco de suicídio. Os resultados indicaram que 50 % da amostra relatou nunca ter tido pensamentos suicidas. No entanto, 26.8 % tiveram um pensamento passageiro sobre isso, 9.9 % planejaram se matar, mas não tentaram; 5.8 % fizeram uma tentativa de suicídio sem real intenção de realizar o ato, 5 % fizeram planos para tirar a própria vida com real intenção de realizar o ato e 2.4 % fizeram ten-tativas de suicídio com desejo de morrer. Evidenciou-se que existe uma relação inversa significativa entre risco de suicídio e esperança, presença e busca de sentido na vida e apoio interpessoal. No entanto, indivíduos com maior risco de suicídio apresentam pontuações mais altas em solidão e depressão. Esses resultados são discutidos a partir de suas implicações na prática clínica

Humans , Suicide , Students , Mental Health , Risk Factors , Depression , Psychosocial Support Systems , Honduras
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954970


Objective:To examine the relationship between meaning in life (MIF) and social support in Chinese hospitalized patients with advanced lung cancer (ALC).Methods:Totally, 231 ALC patients from Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University were recruited to complete the Meaning in life Questionnaire (MIFQ) and Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) from December 2018 to December 2019.Results:The total score of MIFQ in ALC patients was (97.81 ± 15.74), and the total score of SSRS was (27.47 ± 6.37), with the former and its each dimension positively correlated to the latter ( r = 0.275-0.417, P<0.01), genders (female), marital status (married), ocupational status and total score of social support were the important factors of the life meaning ( F = 9.82, P<0.001), which accounted for 23.6% of the changes of life meaning. Conclusion:ALC patients sensed the middle level of social support and MIF. Patients who were females, married, the higher the degree of social support, tended to have higher level of MIF. Medical workers need to value the social support system of ALC patients, in an effort to improve MIF of patients.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956153


Objective:To examine the roles of the threat to self-moderator (intolerance of uncertainty) and the motivational moderator (meaning in life) in the relationship between triggering variables (thwarted belongingness and fear of negative evaluation) and outcome variables (suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior) based on the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior.Methods:A total of 1 325 university freshmen were investigated with the thwarted belongingness questionnaire, the brief fear of negative evaluation scale, the intolerance of uncertainty scale, the meaning in life questionnaire, the positive and negative suicide ideation inventory and the suicidal behaviors questionnaire-revised.SPSS 24.0 software was used for descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, and moderating effect analysis. AMOS 20.0 software was used for mediating effect analysis. Results:(1) Female students had more fear of negative evaluation than males ((41.89±9.96), (40.31±10.68), t=2.03, P<0.05). Students from rural areas experienced more thwarted belongingness than students from urban areas ((23.83±8.87), (22.49±9.17), t=2.51, P<0.05). (2) Thwarted belongingness, fear of negative evaluation, and intolerance of uncertainty were positively related to suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior ( r=0.24-0.59, all P<0.001), while meaning in life was negatively related to suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior ( r=-0.43, r=-0.22, both P<0.001). (3) Suicidal ideation mediated the relationship between thwarted belongingness and suicidal behavior ( β=0.34, P<0.001) and mediated the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and suicidal behavior ( β=0.11, P<0.001). (4) Compared to the students with lower levels of intolerance of uncertainty, for those who had higher levels of intolerance of uncertainty, thwarted belongingness had a stronger predictive power on suicidal ideation ( β=0.27, P<0.001; β=0.41, P<0.001) and fear of negative evaluation also had a stronger predictive power on suicidal ideation ( β=0.08, P<0.001; β=0.14, P<0.001). Compared to the students with lower levels of meaning in life, for those who had higher levels of meaning in life, fear of negative evaluation had a weaker predictive power on suicidal ideation ( β=0.20, P<0.001; β=0.12, P<0.001). Conclusion:This study provides empirical evidence to the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior. Results indicate that effects of perceived stress from interpersonal relations on suicidal ideation are moderated by meaning in life and intolerance of uncertainty. Reducing the perceived stress from interpersonal relations, lessening the level of intolerable of uncertainty, and carrying out intervention programs aiming at meaning in life are potential intervention ways to reduce the suicide risks of university freshmen.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956199


Objective:To explore the mediating effect of meaning in life between family care and subjective well-being of family caregivers of community disabled elderly, and provide reference for improving caregivers' mental health.Methods:From August 2019 to August 2020, A total of 526 family caregivers of disabled elderly from several communities in Guangzhou were household surveyed by general information questionnaire, family APGRA index, Chinese meaning in life questionnaire and general well-being schedule.SPSS 22.0 software was used for descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and mediating effect analysis.AMOS 22.0 software was used for structural equation model construction, and Bootstrap method was used for mediation effect test.Results:The score of subjective well-being, family care, meaning in life of family caregivers of disabled elderly were (69.41±19.17), (6.42±2.56), (42.96±7.61), respectively.The family care was positively correlated with meaning in life and subjective well-being ( r=0.275, 0.289, both P<0.01) and a positive correlation was found between meaning in life and subjective well-being ( r=0.345, P<0.01). Meaning in life had a partial mediating effect between family care and subjective well-being.The mediating effect value was 4.304, accounting for 30.6% of the total effect value. Conclusion:The family care can directly or indirectly affect caregivers' subjective well-being through meaning in life.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 454-458, 2021.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987489


ObjectiveTo explore the relationship among the perception of interparental conflict, meaning in life and suicidal ideation in patients with borderline personality disorder. MethodsA total of 90 borderline personality disorder patients who visited the Psychiatry or Psychological Counseling Department of the Fourth People’s Hospital of Linyi from June 2017 to December 2020 were enrolled as study group. All patients met diagnostic criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, (DSM-5). Meantime, another 90 freshmen, sophomores and juniors from a university were set as control group. All selected individuals were assessed using Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC) and Meaning in Life Questionnaire Chinese Version (MLQ-C), then Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale (SIOSS) was utilized in study group to evaluate the suicidal ideation. ResultsCompared with control group, study group had significantly higher total score and each dimension score of CPIC (t=-2.863~4.728, P<0.05 or 0.01) and lower total score and each dimension score of MLQ-C (t=-2.981~3.197, P<0.05 or 0.01). The total score and each dimension score of CPIC in study group were positively correlated with the total score and each dimension score of SIOSS (r=0.513~0.972, P<0.01), and total score and each dimension score of MLQ-C were negatively correlated with total score and each dimension score of SIOSS (r=-0.594~-0.237, P<0.05 or 0.01). The conflict properties and threat items in CPIC and presence of meaning in MLQ-C had predictive value for suicidal ideation (P<0.05), which accounted for 59.0% of the total variance altogether. Meaning in life played a partial mediating role between perception of interparental conflict and suicidal ideation(β=0.124, P<0.01), accounting for 25.11% of the total effect. ConclusionPerception of interparental conflict and meaning in life are predictors of suicidal ideation in patients with borderline personality disorder, and the perception of interparental conflict may indirectly affect suicidal ideation through meaning in life.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909498


Objective:To explore the mediating role of boredom tendency in anxiety, depression and meaning in life in college students.Methods:Totally 590 college students in Shijiazhuang were selected to carry out a questionnaire survey, including general questionnaire, boredom proneness questionnaire (BPQ), meaning in life questionnaire (MLQ), patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9) and general anxiety disorder-7(GAD-7). Spearman correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data by using SPSS 20.0, and Amos 24.0 was used to analyze the mediating effect of boredom tendency on anxiety, depression and sense of life meaning in college students.Results:Correlation analysis found that the total score of boredom tendency was negatively correlated with meaning in life ( r=-0.260, P<0.05) and education ( r=-0.110, P<0.05). The total score of boredom tendency was positively correlated with depression ( r=0.649, P<0.05) and anxiety ( r=0.555, P<0.05). The mediating effect model fit well(χ 2/ df=0.582, GFI=1.000, AGFI=0.994, RMSEA=0.000). Boredom tendency played a partial mediating role between anxiety meaning in life(standard effect size=-0.054), a complete mediating role between depression and meaning in life(standard effect size=-0.175), and a complete mediating role between educational background and meaning in life(standard effect size=0.025). Conclusion:Boredom tendency plays a mediating role in the model between related factors and meaning in life, and attentions should be paid to the psychological development of college students.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909547


Objective:To explore the relationship between moral sense of life and prosocial behavior among medical students, and the multiple mediating effects of meaning in life and empathy.Methods:A total of 721 medical students from Weifang Medical University were tested with moral sense of life scale (MSLS), meaning in life questionnaire (MLQ), interpersonal reactivity index-C (IRI-C) and prosocial behavior tendency scale (PBTS). Common method bias test, Spearman correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 22.0 software, and PROCESS macro program was used to test the mediating effect of meaning in life and empathy between moral sense of life and prosocial behavior.Results:Moral sense of life, meaning in life, empathy and prosocial behavior were significantly positively correlated with each other( r=0.24-0.56, all P<0.01). Analysis of mediating effects revealed that moral sense of life affected prosocial behavior through three indirect pathways: the separate meditating effects of both meaning in life and empathy (the effect size=0.11, 0.06), accounting for 57.89% and 31.58% of the total indirect effect respectively), the chain mediating effect of meaning in life and empathy (the effect size=0.02), accounting for 10.53% of the total indirect effect. Meaning in life and empathy play a full mediating role in the relationship between moral sense of life and prosocial behavior. Conclusion:Moral sense of life can indirectly increase medical students′ prosocial behavior through meaning in life and empathy. Meaning in life and empathy exert a chain-mediating effect between moral sense of life and prosocial behavior.

Psicol. USP ; 32: e200149, 2021.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287644


Resumo Sentido de vida é uma variável que tem sido considerada central para compreensão do bem-estar humano nas últimas décadas. Entretanto, o estudo desse conceito é muito mais antigo e ele já recebeu contribuições da filosofia, da psicologia humanista, da logoterapia e, recentemente, da psicologia positiva e da psicometria, o que possibilitou que tal construto fosse mensurado. Este artigo explora os caminhos de sentido de vida enquanto construto ao longo do tempo, discutindo as contribuições que o conceito recebeu de diversas teorias psicológicas, incluindo o recente modelo tripartite de sentido de vida. Por fim, são discutidos os desafios enfrentados por pesquisadores e clínicos que buscam trabalhar com essa variável.

Résumé Le sens de la vie est une variable qui a été considérée comme essentielle pour comprendre le bien-être humain au cours des dernières décennies. Cependant, son étude est beaucoup plus ancienne, en ayant reçu des contributions de la philosophie, de la psychologie humaniste, de la logothérapie et récemment, de la psychologie positive et de la psychométrie, rendant ce concept mesurable. Cet article discute les voies de sens de la vie en tant que concept construit au fil du temps, en examinant les contributions qu'il a reçues de diverses théories psychologiques, y compris le récent modèle tripartite de sens de la vie. Enfin, on discute les défis auxquels sont confrontés les chercheurs et les cliniciens qui cherchent à travailler avec cette variable.

Resumen El sentido de la vida es una variable que se ha considerado fundamental para comprender el bienestar humano en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, el estudio de este concepto es mucho más antiguo y ya ha recibido aportes de la filosofía, la psicología humanística, la logoterapia y, recientemente, de la psicología positiva y la psicometría, haciéndolo medible. Este artículo explora las trayectorias del sentido de la vida como un constructo a lo largo del tiempo, discutiendo las contribuciones que el concepto ha recibido de varias teorías psicológicas, incluido el reciente modelo tripartito de sentido de la vida. Finalmente, se discuten los desafíos que enfrentan los investigadores y clínicos que buscan trabajar con esta variable.

Abstract Meaning in life has been considered a key variable to the understanding of human well-being in the last decades. However, the study of this concept is much older and has received contributions from Philosophy, Logotherapy and, recently, Positive Psychology and psychometric studies, thus becoming measurable. This article explores the paths of meaning in life as a construct over time and discusses the contributions of some psychology theories to the concept, including the tripartite view of meaning in life. Finally, we discuss the challenges faced by researchers and clinical psychologists to work with this construct.

Psychometrics , Life , Psychology, Positive , Logotherapy , Personal Satisfaction
Subj. procesos cogn ; 25(1): 73-83, ene.-jun. 2021.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1283640


En este artículo teórico se revisan tres constructos implicados en una perspectiva salutogénica del ser humano y en la relación particular que mantiene con su propia vida: propósito o sentido en la vida, satisfacción con la vida y proyecto de vida. En primer lugar, se presenta una breve descripción de cada variable, para luego llegar a una articulación e integración entre ellas. Asimismo, se destaca el impacto que estos tres constructos psicológicos tienen en el desarrollo y devenir de la vida de cada persona, ya sea desde una perspectiva retrospectiva, presente o prospectiva(AU)

In this theoretical article, three constructs implied in a salutogenic perspective of the human being and in the particular relationship that it maintains with its own life are reviewed: purpose or meaning in life, life satisfaction and life project. Firstly, a brief description of each variable is presented, to later arrive at an articulation and integration between them. Likewise, the impact that these three psychological constructs have on the development and becoming of the life of each person is highlighted, whether from a retrospective, present or prospective perspective(AU)

Humans , Personal Satisfaction , Mental Health , Life
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-772073


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the relationship between materialistic values and depression in medical students.@*METHODS@#A random sample of 1158 college students from a medical university in Guangdong Province was investigated using the materialism tendency scale (MTS), the simplified version of purpose in life test (PIL-SF) and the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9).@*RESULTS@#The survey showed that 17.33% of the students had obvious depressive symptoms. A negative correlation was found between the materialistic values and the meaning in life (=-0.229, < 0.01) in these students; materialistic values were positively correlated with depression (=0.246, < 0.01), and the meaning in life was negatively correlated with depression (=-0.476, < 0.01). Meaning in life mediated the relationship between materialistic values and depression, which accounted for 41.2% of the total effects.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Meaning in life partially mediates the relationship between materialistic values and depression.

Humans , Depression , Students, Medical , Surveys and Questionnaires
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-803606


Objective@#To investigate the sources of meaning in life of the elderly in the community.@*Methods@#The phenomenological approach was conducted in Guangzhou Yuexiu Liurong community health service center and Shouxing nursing home in Baiyun District, a total of 21 elderly were interviewed by semi-structured in-depth interviews. Interviews data were analyzed by Nvivo11.@*Results@#The elderly in the community were less concerned about the meaning in life. The level of meaning in life ranges from nothing to high, and some elderly had not explored it yet. Sources of meaning in life for elderly were quite different from when he was young: one valued work, earn money and self-improvement more when young, but as the growth of age, one would pay more attention to family and health. The sources of meaning in life included suffering, autonomy, family, make contributions and faith.@*Conclusion@#In the future, the sense of meaning in life of the elderly can be enhanced from the perspective of individuals, families and society by identifying the sources of meaning of the elderly.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-823782


Objective To investigate the sources of meaning in life of the elderly in the community. Methods The phenomenological approach was conducted in Guangzhou Yuexiu Liurong community health service center and Shouxing nursing home in Baiyun District, a total of 21 elderly were interviewed by semi-structured in-depth interviews. Interviews data were analyzed by Nvivo11. Results The elderly in the community were less concerned about the meaning in life. The level of meaning in life ranges from nothing to high, and some elderly had not explored it yet. Sources of meaning in life for elderly were quite different from when he was young: one valued work, earn money and self-improvement more when young, but as the growth of age, one would pay more attention to family and health. The sources of meaning in life included suffering, autonomy, family, make contributions and faith. Conclusion In the future, the sense of meaning in life of the elderly can be enhanced from the perspective of individuals, families and society by identifying the sources of meaning of the elderly.

Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 38(3): 96-104, sept. 2018. tab.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022741


Introducción: el síndrome de burnout (BO) suele afectar a médicos residentes, debido al estrés laboral crónico. Desde un marco logoterapéutico, la pérdida de un sentido de la vida (SV) es el denominador más común de todas las formas de perturbación emocional, y el BO podría enmarcarse dentro de un proyecto de vida laboral (PVL) con enrolamiento enajenante. El objetivo principal del trabajo es evaluar la relación entre el BO, el SV y el PVL, en los programas de residencia del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Población y métodos: se evaluaron residentes de 6 programas de residencia del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, a través de un cuestionario. El BO se midió con el "Maslach Burnout Inventory" (MBI). El SV se midió con el "Purpose in Life Test" (PIL Test). El PVL se midió con la Escala de PVL de la Dra. Isabel Pérez Jáuregui. Resultados: participaron 104 residentes. El 28,8% de los evaluados mostraron BO, el 18,3% falta de SV y el 30,8% un PVL inauténtico con sobreadaptación. Tanto la falta de SV como el PVL inauténtico con sobreadaptación se asociaron en forma estadísticamente significativa con BO (p < 0,01), y la presencia de cualquiera de estas alteraciones aumentó en casi 18 veces (odds ratio [OR] crudo) la probabilidad de presentar el síndrome. Los OR ajustados de falta de SV (6,28) y PVL inauténtico (9,57) para la presencia de BO continuaron siendo estadísticamente significativos. Por último, en esta investigación pudimos determinar que las subescalas del MBI agotamiento y despersonalización se correlacionaron negativamente con el PIL Test (r=-0,41 y r=-0,53, respectivamente) y la Escala de PVL (r=-0,45 y r=-0,42, respectivamente), mientras que la subescala de realización se correlacionó positivamente en forma significativa con estas dos últimas (r=0,63 y r=0,61, respectivamente). Conclusiones: se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre BO, falta de SV y PVL inauténtico, en la residencia. (AU)

Introduction: The Burnout Syndrome (BO) usually affects medical residents because they are exposed to chronic labour stress. From a logotherapeutic view, the loss of meaning and purpose in life (ML) is the common denominator of all types of emotional distress, and the BO could belong to an altered labour life project (LLP) with overadaptation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the BO, the ML, and the LLP, in residency programs at a university hospital. Population and methods: residents from six programs at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires were evaluated. The BO was measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The ML was measured with the Purpose in Life Test (Pil Test). The LLP was measured with the LLP Scale created by Doctor Isabel Pérez Jáuregui. Results: one hundred and four residents participated. Out of the evaluated residentes, 28.8% showed BO. The loss of ML was observed in 18.3%, and an altered LLP with overadaptation affected the 30.8% of the sample. Loss of ML and altered LLP with overadaptation were associated in a statistically significant way with BO (p<0.01), and the presence of any of this alterations increased the odds ratio almost 18 times to suffer BO. The adjusted odds ratio of loss of ML (6.28) and altered LLP (9.57) to suffer BO, were also statistically significant. Finally, a negative correlation was observed between exhaustion and despersonalization (MBI) and the Pil Test (r=-0.41 and r=-0.53, respectively) and the LLP Scale (r=-0.45 and r=-0.42, respectively), while a positive significant correlation was observed between the personal accomplishment (MBI) and the Pil Test and LLP Scale (r=0.63 and r=0.61, respectively). Conclusions: in the residency, we found a statistically significant relationship between BO, loss of ML and altered LLP. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life/psychology , Burnout, Professional/therapy , Occupational Stress/therapy , Internship and Residency , Self-Help Groups/trends , Speech Therapy/psychology , Speech Therapy/trends , Burnout, Professional/classification , Burnout, Professional/etiology , Burnout, Professional/prevention & control , Burnout, Professional/psychology , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Odds Ratio , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Depersonalization/prevention & control , Depersonalization/therapy , Education, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Work-Life Balance/trends , Occupational Stress/prevention & control
Acta colomb. psicol ; 21(1): 196-216, Jan.-June 2018. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-886325


Abstract Experiencing meaning in life (MiL) and psychological well-being (PWB) is an important developmental task in emerging adulthood, perhaps more than in any other period in life due to its transitional character and to the nature of its features, in Western societies. This study analyzes the relationship between MiL and PWB, as well as the differences in PWB according to the level of MiL (lack of meaning, indefinite meaning, and presence of meaning), in a sample of 333 Spanish emerging adults (224 women, 109 men), age ranged from 17 to 26 years, M = 21.06, SD = 2.23. Both Spanish versions of the Purpose-In-Life Test and the Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being were used. The Spearman's coefficient of correlation showed a positive, significant relationship between MiL and PWB (global and dimensions). The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences in PWB between lack of meaning, indefinite meaning, and presence of meaning groups, except in Autonomy, in which only the difference between the presence of meaning group and the indefinite meaning group was significant. MiL is associated to the cognitive, emotional, and motivational aspects that directly point to PWB: positive self-worth and self-acceptance, perception and experience of freedom, responsibility and self-determination, positive view of both life as a whole and future, purpose and commitment of significant existential goals, self-trascendence and opening up to the others, integrative but not resigned coping of the adversity, life satisfaction, and self-realization.

Resumo Sentir que a vida tem sentido e experimentar bem-estar psicológico são uma importante tarefa evolutiva na idade adulta emergente, talvez mais que em qualquer outra etapa evolutiva, devido a seu caráter transicional e a suas características nas sociedades ocidentais. Neste estudo, analisam-se as relações entre sentido de vida e bem-estar psicológico, bem como as diferenças em bem-estar psicológico em função do nível de sentido de vida (vazio existencial, indefinição de sentido e experiência de sentido) numa amostra de 333 adultos emergentes espanhóis (224 mulheres e 109 homens) com idade entre 17 e 26 anos (M=21.06, DT=2.23). Como instrumentos, foram utilizadas versões espanholas do teste Purpose-In-Life e das Escalas de Bem-estar Psicológico de Ryff. Como resultado, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman mostrou uma relação positiva e significativa entre sentido de vida e bem-estar psicológico (global e dimensões), enquanto o teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou diferenças significativas em bem-estar psicológico entre os grupos de vazio existencial, indefinição de sentido e experiência de sentido, exceto na dimensão de Autonomia, na qual somente foi significativa a diferença entre experiência de sentido e indefinição de sentido. O sentido de vida se relacionou com os aspectos cognitivos, emocionais e motivacionais que apontam diretamente ao bem-estar subjetivo, isto é: autovalorização positiva e autoaceitação, percepção e experiência de liberdade, responsabilidade e autodeterminação, visão positiva da vida como um todo e do futuro, propósito e compromisso com metas existenciais importantes, autotranscedência e abertura aos demais, enfrentamento integrador, mas não resignado, da adversidade, satisfação vital e autorrealização.

Resumen Sentir que la vida tiene sentido y experimentar bienestar psicológico son una importante tarea evolutiva en la adultez emergente, quizá más que en cualquier otra etapa evolutiva, debido a su carácter transicional y a sus características en las sociedades occidentales. En este estudio se analizan las relaciones entre sentido de la vida y bienestar psicológico, así como las diferencias en bienestar psicológico en función del nivel de sentido de vida (vacío existencial, indefinición de sentido y experiencia de sentido) en una muestra de 333 adultos emergentes españoles (224 mujeres y 109 hombres) con edades entre 17 y 26 años, M = 21.06, DT = 2.23. Como instrumentos, se utilizaron versiones españolas del test Purpose-In-Life y de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff. Como resultado, el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman mostró una relación positiva y significativa entre sentido de vida y bienestar psicológico (global y dimensiones), mientras que el test de Kruskal-Wallis mostró diferencias significativas en bienestar psicológico entre los grupos de vacío existencial, indefinición de sentido y experiencia de sentido, excepto en la dimensión de Autonomía, en la cual solo fue significativa la diferencia entre experiencia de sentido e indefinición de sentido. El sentido de vida se relacionó con los aspectos cognitivos, emocionales y motivacionales que apuntan directamente al bienestar subjetivo, es decir: autovaloración positiva y autoaceptación, percepción y experiencia de libertad, responsabilidad y autodeterminación, visión positiva de la vida como un todo y del futuro, propósito y compromiso con metas existenciales importantes, autotrascendencia y apertura a los demás, afrontamiento integrativo pero no resignado de la adversidad, y satisfacción vital y autorrealización.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Proprioception , Social Welfare , Existentialism
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