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النطاق السنوي
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-618881


Objective To investigate the concentration on clinical service of both medical workers and patients,for the purposes of better quality of care and concentration of medical workers,and better mental feelings of the patients′ and doctor-patient relationship.Methods 1 000 medical workers and patients were sampled from 8 hospitals of four regions in Jiangsu province by stratified randomization for questionnaire survey.The purpose is to study the clinical concentration of medical workers in terms of interpretation,listening,emotion and empathy,and compare the differences between doctors and patients regarding clinical concentration.Results 48.5% of the medical workers and 44.8% of the patients said that medical workers would interrupt the patients within 2 minutes.Time constraints of clinical consultation contribute to poor disease information collection,medical explanation and informing.The investigation found the difference between doctors and patients in clinical concentration is significant statistically(χ2=104.329,P=0.000),while medical workers were unaware of their lack of concentration to patients.18.2% of the patients complained that medical workers could hardly or refuse to understand their feelings.Conclusions Medical workers are advised to respect their patients by offering total concentration on diagnosis and treatment;to respect their career with sufficient concentration on diagnosis and treatment;and to respect medical science to offer medical humanistic care.

RBM rev. bras. med ; 70(supl.4)dez. 2013.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-740555


Historicamente, seguindo uma tradição de ensino no modelo mestre-discípulo, a avaliação da personalidade sempre teve destaque no processo seletivo dos futuros médicos. Com a chegada das Universidades e, consequentemente, do desenvolvimento do conhecimento, acrescentou-se ao atributo da personalidade a capacidade de aprender e as habilidades próprias da arte médica, de modo cada vez mais científico. O modelo cartesiano, reforçado pelo progresso técnico, priorizou o conhecimento científico necessário para desenvolver uma prática médica competente, relegando a personalidade e a formação cultural mais ampla a um segundo plano. A vocação passa a ser um detalhe, de difícil avaliação nos processos seletivos, em disputas acirradas pelos candidatos. Ingressam os que mais sabem e não necessariamente os melhores, entendendo por tais os portadores de uma verdadeira vocação médica, mais compatível com a desejada medicina humanizada. Os processos de seleção de candidatos às escolas médicas têm gerado uma discussão que, sendo interessante, apresenta-se como complexa, longa, de não fácil resolução. Cabe, pois, trabalhar com os alunos que ingressam e tentar resgatar o componente vocacional em muitos deles através da formação humanística. As humanidades seriam o remédio para, de algum modo, sanar o possível "erro" de admissão, promover a veia humanística que muitos podem ter, inculcá-la em outros e lembrar a todos que o homem é o centro do esforço por tornar-se médico.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438343


Course of Medical Students' Career Planning can help medical students to establish occupation view and make occupation career planning better. Medical humanism should be demonstrated during the whole process of medical education. Medical humanism meets the moral requirements for the doctor occupation and the development of medical science should be based on it. Therefore , the design of this course should emphasize on the principles of medical humanism and adopt appropriate teaching methods and means to ensure the deep involvement of students in the curriculum and the teaching effect.

CES med ; 26(1): 121-129, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-652812


William Osler es uno de los médicos con más influencia e importancia en la historia de la medicina. Su influencia abarca varios campos: el clínico, el educativo, el literario, elinvestigativo, e incluso el filosófico. Muchos de sus métodos de estudio son aun utilizados en muchasescuelas de medicina, y también sus enseñanzas son aplicables a la práctica de la medicina actual.Biólogo, patólogo, internista, profesor, observador clínico, autor, bibliófilo, historiador y amante de su profesión, Sir William Osler revolucionó el sistema de enseñanza de la medicina y creó el primer hospital universitarioen Estados Unidos hace más de 100 años. La grandeza del pensamiento de Osler, su reverencia por losestudiantes y los pacientes, lo convierte en un personajedigno del recuerdo. Osler, a pesar de los pocos tratamientosefectivos que poseía (lo que su época tenía), creía que los médicos podían encontrar satisfacción en su practicade la medicina y podían ayudar a los pacientes a curar, oal menos a tener una mejor calidad de vida, teniendo la mente abierta, siendo creativos y artistas científicos, másque intercambiadores de servicios.

William Osler is one of the most influent and important physicians in the history of medicine.His influence covers many fields, as clinical practice, education, literature, research, even philosophy. Many of his teachings are still used in many medical schools over the world, as theyare still practiced in actual medicine. Biologist, pathologist, internist, teacher, clinical observer,author, bibliophile, historian, and a lover of his profession, Sir William Osler revolved the teachingof medicine in the United States, and createdthe first university hospital more than 100 years ago. The greatness of his thoughts, his reverencefor the students and patients, convertshim in a person worth remembering. Besides the few effective treatments of time, Osler believedthat physicians could find satisfaction in their practice, and that they could cure patients, and helps them have a better quality of life, by beingopen minded, creative and scientific artists, more than exchangers of services.

Humans , History of Medicine , Hospitals, University , Teaching
Acta bioeth ; 15(2): 151-156, nov. 2009.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-581952


El perfil que en términos éticos ha ido adquiriendo el rol del médico en la sociedad actual no ha sido considerado suficientemente como objeto de análisis ni entre el mismo cuerpo médico ni por otras instancias de reflexión, aun cuando los efectos de este insensible pero significativo cambio se dejan ver en múltiples aspectos del ejercicio de la profesión médica. Por de pronto, en la "legalización" de la actividad médica, en el cambio de la relación médico-paciente a otra del tipo médico-cliente, en la presión que ejerce la medicina administrada sobre la temporalidad del acto médico, etc., situaciones en las cuales se pueden notar de manera palmaria manifestaciones de lo señalado. Este artículo pretende presentar ciertas bases para una reflexión sobre el tema, desde la perspectiva del "estar en el mundo" que eventualmente correspondería al rol del médico.

In ethical terms the profile that the doctor's rôle has acquired in todayÆs society has not been sufficiently considered as an analysis' object neither among the medical corps nor in other reflection instances, even though the effects of this insensible but significant change can be noticed in multiple aspects of the medical professional practice. To begin with, in the "legalization" of the medical activity, in the path from a doctor-patient relationship to another one of the type doctor-client, in the pressure that the administrated medicine puts on the temporality of the medical act, etc., situations through which you can clearly see manifestations of what has just been pointed out. This paper pretends to set certain basis that would lead to consider the subject from the "to be in the world" perspective that, eventually, corresponds to the doctor's role.

O perfil ético que vem adquirindo o papel do médico na sociedade atual não tem sido considerado suficientemente objeto de análise, sequer pelo próprio corpo médico, além de outras instâncias de reflexão, ainda quando os efeitos desta insensível, porém significativa mudança, tornam-se visíveis nos múltiplos aspectos do exercício da profissão médica. Uma, de imediato, na "legalização" da atividade médica, na mudança da relação médico-paciente; a outra, do tipo médico-cliente, na pressão que exerce a medicina administrada sobre a temporalidade do ato médico etc., situações nas quais se pode notar, de modo palmar, manifestações do que foi assinalado. Este artigo pretende apresentar certas bases para uma reflexão sobre o tema, a partir da perspectiva do "estar no mundo" que eventualmente corresponde ao papel do médico

Humans , Bioethics , Ethics, Medical , Humanism , Physician's Role
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623082


The nature of medicine is the unity of natural science and humanities.Due to historical and current causes,humanism spirit is lost seriously in medicine.This article aims to analyze the reason of humanism spirit loss and put forward some ways to rebuild humanism spirit in medicine.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531329


As the main ethical principle that guides medical practice,medical humanism is showing a vacant manifestation,which is due to the current generalization of economic rational impulse.This paper points out that new basis of medical humanism lies in regaining the lofty of medical humanism,recognizing and constructing ethics-community.

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