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Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): 1-22, ene.-abr. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427748


la alfabetización en salud mental (ASM) se define como el conocimiento y las creencias sobre los trastornos mentales que ayudan a su reconocimiento, manejo y prevención. Se buscó traducir, adaptar y validar el instrumento canadiense Test Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide (TMHHSCG) en estudiantes de secundaria y universitarios chilenos. Materiales y métodos: estudio de diseño instrumental en adolescentes (n = 454) y jóvenes (n = 434). Se llevó a cabo un proceso de adaptación compuesto por traducción y retrotraducción, y entrevistas cognitivas y de validación a través de análisis factorial para la validez de criterio y de constructo, análisis de validez convergente y divergente y análisis de invarianza factorial. Resultados: las dimensiones del TMHHSCGCL que conforman la ASM (conocimiento sobre trastornos mentales y salud mental, estigma hacia las personas con trastorno mental y búsqueda de ayuda) cumplieron con el requisito de un factor superior o igual 0.3. Hubo niveles de correlación moderada, positiva y significativa entre las dimensiones del test y entre este y las tres escalas utilizadas para probar la validez de criterio, tuvo buena consistencia interna y validez de constructo, convergente y discriminante. El análisis de invarianza de medición comparó modelos de manera progresiva y mostró una buena invarianza factorial. Conclusión: el TMHHSCGCL muestra adecuadas propiedades psicométricas que incorpora todos los componentes de la ASM. Ello permitirá medir el nivel de ASM para desarrollar intervenciones de prevención y promoción en salud mental en estudiantes de educación secundaria y universitaria.

Mental Health Literacy (mhl) is defined as knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders that aid in their recognition, management and prevention. We sought to translate, adapt and validate the Canadian instrument Test Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide (tmhhscg) in Chilean high school and university students. Materials and methods: Instrumental design study in adolescents (n = 454) and young adults (n = 434). An adaptation process consisting of translation and back-translation, and cognitive and validation interviews was carried out by means of factor analysis for criterion and construct validity, convergent and divergent validity analysis, and factorial invariance analysis. Results: The dimensions of the tmhhscg-cl that compose the mhl (knowledge about mental disorders and mental health, stigma towards people with mental disorders, and help-seeking) met the requirement of a factor greater than or equal to 0.3. There were moderate, positive and significant levels of correlation between the test dimensions and between the test and the three scales used to test criterion validity, had good internal consistency and construct, convergent and discriminant validity. The measurement invariance analysis compared the models progressively and showed good factorial invariance. Conclusion: The tmhhscg-cl shows adequate psychometric properties incorporating all the components of mhl. This will allow measuring the level of mhl, in order to develop prevention and promotion interventions in mental health in high school and university students.

a alfabetização em saúde mental (asm) é definida como o conhecimento e as crenças sobre perturbações mentais que ajudam no seu reconhecimento, gestão e prevenção. Procurámos traduzir, adaptar e validar o instrumento canadiano Test Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide (tmhhscg) em estudantes chilenos do ensino secundário e universitários. Materiais e métodos: estudo de concepção instrumental em adolescentes (n = 454) e jovens adultos (n = 434). Foi realizado um processo de adapta-ção que consiste na tradução e retrotradução, entrevistas cognitivas e validação através da análise de fatores para critérios e construção de validade, análise de validade convergente e divergente, e análise de invariância fatorial. Resultados: as dimensões tmhhscg-cl que compreendem o asm (conhecimento sobre perturbações mentais e saúde mental, estigma para pessoas com perturbações mentais, e procura de ajuda) cumpriram a exigência de um fator maior ou igual a 0,3. Havia níveis moderados, positivos e significativos de correlação entre as dimensões do teste e entre o teste e as três escalas utilizadas para testar a validade dos critérios, boa consistência interna e validade construtiva, convergente e discrimi-nante. A análise da invariância das medições comparou progressivamente os modelos e mostrou uma boa invariância fatorial. Conclusão: o tmhhscg-cl mostra propriedades psicométricas adequadas incorpo-rando todos os componentes da asm. Isto permitir-nos-á medir o nível de asm a fim de desenvolver inter-venções de prevenção e promoção da saúde mental em estudantes do ensino secundário e universitário.

Humans , Health , Disease Prevention , Health Literacy , Literacy , Health Promotion , Mental Disorders
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 8(3): 29054, out. 2022. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1399497


Introdução:É indispensável entender a saúde mental por meio das relações históricas e socioculturais que o indivíduo mantém com o outro, com a comunidade e com o meio em que trabalha. Percebe-se que os aspectos referentes às conceituações de saúde não estão em consonância com a realidade dos profissionais de saúde no Brasil. Como forma de promover o autocuidado, as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares apresentam-se como uma estratégia de promoção da saúde mental dos trabalhadores da saúde. Objetivo:Descrever as experiências de realização de ações de promoção da saúde mental dos trabalhadores da saúde em um hospital geral do interior do Rio Grande do Norte. Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo do tipo relato de experiência, desenvolvido a partir da realização de açõesde promoção à saúde mental dos trabalhadores no contexto do "Setembro Amarelo" e "Janeiro Branco", desenvolvidas pela equipe de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde Materno-Infantil da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Resultados e Discussão:Os profissionais foram instigados a refletir sobre a temática e relacionar com as suas vivências, discutindo estratégias de autocuidado no ambiente de trabalho. Observou-se a predominância dos profissionais de enfermagem em relação às demais categorias profissionais. Estes relataram que os momentos foram prazerosos e o sentiram como uma oportunidade de relaxamento no ambiente de trabalho, desejando que estes pudessem ocorrer com mais frequência. Conclusões:As ações desenvolvidas e descritas se mostraram como estratégias importantes para a discussão e sensibilização sobre a temática, bem como a relevância de estratégias de promoção à saúde mental nos espaços ocupacionais do Sistema Único de Saúde (AU).

Introduction:It is essential to understand mental health through the historical and sociocultural relationships that the person maintains with each other, with the community and with the place on which he works. It is noticed that the aspects referring to health concepts are not into the reality of health professionals in Brazil. As a way of promoting self-care, the integrative and complementary practices are presented as a strategy to promote the mental health of health workers. Objective:To report the experiences ofaccomplishment of actions to promote the mental health of health workers in a general hospital in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte. Methodology:This is an experience report study, developed from the implementation of actions to promote the mental health of workers in the context of "Yellow September" and "White January", performed by the Maternal Childlike Multiprofessional Residency team of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Results and Discussion:The professionals were encouraged to reflect on the theme and relate it with their experiences, discussing self-care strategies in the work environment. There was a prevalence of nursing professionals in relation to other professional categories. They reported that the moments were pleasant and felt it as an opportunity for relaxation in the work environment, wishing that these could happen more often.Conclusions:The actions developed and described proved to be important strategies for the discussion and awareness of the subject, as well as the relevance of strategies to promote mental health in the occupational spaces of the Unified Health System (AU).

Introducción: Es fundamental comprender la saludmental a través de las relaciones históricas y socioculturales que el individuo mantiene con el otro, con la comunidad y con el medio en el que se desenvuelve. Se nota que los aspectos referentes a los conceptos de salud no están en consonancia con la realidad de los profesionales de la salud en Brasil. Como una forma de promover el autocuidado, las Prácticas Integrativas y Complementarias se presentan como una estrategia para promover la salud mental de los trabajadores del área. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias de realización de acciones de promoción de la salud mental de los trabajadores de la salud en un hospital general en el interior del Rio Grande do Norte. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio de relato de experiencia, desarrollado a partir de la implementación de acciones de promoción de la salud mental de los trabajadores en el contexto de "Septiembre Amarillo" y "Enero Blanco", diseñado por el equipo de Residencia Multiprofesional en Salud Materno-Infantil de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Resultados y Discusiones: Los profesionales fueron estimulados a reflexionar sobre el tema y relacionarlo con sus experiencias, discutiendo estrategias de autocuidado en el ambiente de trabajo. Hubo predominio de los profesionales de enfermeríaen relación a las demás categorías profesionales. Ellos dijeron que los momentos fueron agradables y lo sintieron como una oportunidad de relajación en el ambiente de trabajo, deseando que estos pudieran ocurrir con mayor frecuencia. Conclusiones: Las acciones desarrolladas y descritas demostraron ser estrategias importantes para la discusión y sensibilización sobre el tema, así como la pertinencia de las estrategias de promoción de la salud mental en los espacios ocupacionales del Sistema Único de Salud (AU).

Humans , Self Care , Complementary Therapies/psychology , Mental Health , Occupational Health , Mental Health Assistance , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Health Personnel , Health Promotion
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387014


Resumen: Objetivo: caracterizar la dimensión subjetiva de los procesos de trabajo en el primer nivel de atención en contexto de pandemia, a través de la descripción y análisis de los discursos de los y las trabajadores/as producidos en el marco del dispositivo de Apoyo a los Equipos de Salud implementado en un municipio del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Metodología: investigación cualitativa, exploratoria y descriptiva. Estudio de caso único centrado en observación participante en 10 reuniones en centros de salud del Municipio de Tigre, durante los meses de abril y mayo de 2020. La sistematización del material se realizó siguiendo técnicas de análisis de contenido y generación de categorías. Resultados: el análisis permitió identificar cinco categorías emergentes: a) cambios en los escenarios de trabajo, b) emociones y actitudes frente a la tarea, c) vínculos al interior de los equipos, d) vínculos con las autoridades y e) vínculos con la comunidad. Discusión: la dimensión subjetiva contenida en las vivencias relatadas está caracterizada por sensaciones de incertidumbre, miedos, tensiones en la relación entre compañeros/as, con las instancias jerárquicas y con la población asistida, pero también por búsquedas activas de alternativas, apoyo entre compañeros/as, participación, motivación en los sentidos del trabajo, cuidados mutuos y acercamiento a la comunidad. De este modo se hacen visibles aspectos que preexistían a la situación de pandemia y aspectos que el contexto introduce. Finalmente, se arriba a algunas reflexiones sobre las implicancias de la inclusión de este dispositivo en el proceso de trabajo de equipos de salud durante la pandemia.

Abstract: Objective: characterize the subjective dimension of the work processes at the first level of care in the context of a pandemic, through the description and analysis of the speeches of the workers produced within the framework of the Health Team Support device implemented in a municipality in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. Methodology: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research. Single case study focused on participant observation in 10 meetings in health centers of the Municipality of Tigre, during the months of April and May 2020. The systematization of the material was carried out following techniques of content analysis and category generation. Results: the analysis identified five emerging categories: a) changes in work settings, b) emotions and attitudes towards the task, c) ties within teams, d) ties with authorities, and e) ties with the community. Discussion: the subjective dimension contained in the experiences reported are characterized by feelings of uncertainty, fears, tensions in the relationship between colleagues, with hierarchical instances and with the assisted population, but also by active searches for alternatives, support among colleagues, participation, motivation in the sense of work, mutual care and approach to the community. In this way, aspects that pre-existed the pandemic situation and aspects that the context introduce are made visible. Finally, we come up with some reflections on the implications of the inclusion of this device in the work process of health teams during the pandemic.

Resumo: Objetivo: caracterizar a dimensão subjetiva dos processos de trabalho em primeiro nível de atenção em contexto de pandemia, por meio da descrição e análise das falas dos trabalhadores produzidos no âmbito do dispositivo de Apoio à Equipe de Saúde implantado em município da região metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva. Estudo de caso único com foco na observação participante em 10 encontros em centros de saúde do Município de Tigre, durante os meses de abril e maio de 2020. A sistematização do material foi realizada seguindo técnicas de análise de conteúdo e geração de categorias. Resultados: a análise identificou cinco categorias emergentes: a) mudanças nos ambientes de trabalho, b) emoções e atitudes em relação à tarefa, c) vínculos dentro das equipes, d) vínculos com autoridades e e) vínculos com a comunidade. Discussão: a dimensão subjetiva contida nas vivências relatadas é caracterizada por sentimentos de incerteza, medos, tensões na relação entre colegas, com instâncias hierárquicas e com a população assistida, mas também por buscas ativas de alternativas, apoio entre colegas, participação, motivação no sentido de trabalho, cuidado mútuo e aproximação com a comunidade. Desta forma, tornam-se visíveis os aspectos prévios à situação pandémica e os que o contexto introduz. Por fim, são feitas algumas reflexões sobre as implicações da inclusão desse dispositivo no processo de trabalho das equipes de saúde durante a pandemia.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766268


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a school-based social skills training program on peer relationships in children and adolescents and to assess the plan for effective school-based mental health services. METHODS: The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Promotion Team of Bugok National Hospital conducted 7-sessioned school-based social skills training for elementary and middle school students (n=90). Changes in peer relationships were evaluated before and after application of the program using a name generator question. RESULTS: The social skills training program increased peer relations, indicating significant changes in social network indices. CONCLUSION: The social skills training program positively influenced peer relationships. The school-based social skills training program can be expected to have positive effects on school-based mental health services. Future investigation is needed to validate the long term effects of this program.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Education , Mental Health , Mental Health Services , Social Skills
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-914907


La elevada demanda asistencial aunada a la carga académica de los cursos de especialización en medicina afecta la salud mental de los médicos residentes produciendo manifestaciones que van desde el simple malestar emocional hasta el desarrollo de trastornos afectivos en personas predispuestas. El suicidio de médicos ha generado programas para su atención en algunos países. Presentamos la primera clínica de salud mental para médicos residentes de un hospital de alta especialidad en México, centrada en la prevención del suicidio y depresión, tratamiento de trastornos mentales y promoción de la salud mental. A diferencia de los reportes de baja tasa de respuesta en otros países, hemos conseguido una participación mayor al 95%, proporcionamos tratamiento oportuno y seguimiento a los residentes identificados con trastorno mental, y no se han presentado suicidios consumados. Suponemos que la utilización de diferentes estrategias (escrutinio, adaptación de modelos de prevención del suicidio como entrenamiento por pares y entrenamiento gatekeeper, sesiones informativas de desestigmatización y promoción de la salud mental, intervenciones dirigidas a individuos y grupos con conflictos) ha sido de utilidad contra las barreras que impiden que los médicos identifiquen los signos de alarma de riesgo de suicidio, busquen ayuda por la presencia de trastorno mental y procuren mejorar su salud mental

High demand of care and the academic burden of courses of specialization in medicine affect the mental health of medical residents with events ranging from simple emotional discomfort to development of affective disorders in susceptible individuals. The suicide of physicians has produced programs for their attention in some countries. We present the fi rst mental health clinic for residents of a high specialty hospital in Mexico, focused on the prevention of suicide and depression, treatment of mental disorders and mental health promotion. Unlike the reports of other countries, we get participation of more than 95%, we provide appropriate treatment and follow-up to residents with mental disorder, and there has not been a consummate suicide. We assume that the use of different strategies (scrutiny, adapting models of prevention of suicide as a peer and gatekeeper training, informative sessions of mental health promotion and stigma, interventions targeted at individuals and groups with confl icts) has been useful against barriers that do not allow doctors to identify the risk of suicide warning signs, seek help for mental disorder, and seek to improve their mental health.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Suicide , Physicians/psychology , Suicide/prevention & control , Mental Health Assistance , Medical Staff, Hospital/psychology
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-216447


OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this study are to evaluate the effect of a school-based social skills training program on the emotional regulation of children and adolescents and to assess the plan for effective school-based mental health services. METHODS: The Child and Adolescent Mental health promotion team of Bugok National Hospital conducted school-based social skills training (N=90, 7 sessions) for elementary and middle school students. Evaluations were conducted before and after the application of the program using a prosocial behavior questionnaire, a cohesiveness questionnaire, the Korean version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, a self-esteem scale, and the Novaco anger scale, in order to identify any changes. RESULTS: The social skills training program increased the prosocial behavior and cohesiveness of the children and adolescents and decreased their alexithymic tendency and degree of anger, but did not significantly change their self-esteem. CONCLUSION: The social skills training program positively influences the emotional and behavioral levels of children and adolescents. The emotional regulation program based on a social skills training program is expected to have positive results in school-based mental health services. Future investigations are needed to validate the long term effects of this program.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Affective Symptoms , Anger , Education , Mental Health , Mental Health Services , Social Skills
Safety and Health at Work ; : 295-304, 2015.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16910


BACKGROUND: While attention has been paid to physical risks in the work environment and the promotion of individual employee health, mental health protection and promotion have received much less focus. Psychosocial risk management has not yet been fully incorporated in such efforts. This paper presents good practices in promoting mental health in the workplace in line with World Health Organization (WHO) guidance by identifying barriers, opportunities, and the way forward in this area. METHODS: Semistructured interviews were conducted with 17 experts who were selected on the basis of their knowledge and expertise in relation to good practice identified tools. Interviewees were asked to evaluate the approaches on the basis of the WHO model for healthy workplaces. RESULTS: The examples of good practice for Workplace Mental Health Promotion (WMHP) are in line with the principles and the five keys of the WHO model. They support the third objective of the WHO comprehensive mental health action plan 2013e2020 for multisectoral implementation of WMHP strategies. Examples of good practice include the engagement of all stakeholders and representatives, science-driven practice, dissemination of good practice, continual improvement, and evaluation. Actions to inform policies/legislation, promote education on psychosocial risks, and provide better evidence were suggested for higher WMHP success. CONCLUSION: The study identified commonalities in good practice approaches in different countries and stressed the importance of a strong policy and enforcement framework as well as organizational responsibility for WMHP. For progress to be achieved in this area, a holistic and multidisciplinary approach was unanimously suggested as a way to successful implementation.

Education , Mental Health , Occupational Health , Risk Management , World Health Organization
Córdoba; s.n; 2015. 100 p.
أطروحة جامعية ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-971352


El presente investigación se trata del dispositivo Teatro Espontáneo (TE) en relación con lapromoción de la salud mental. Teatro Espontáneo es un dispositivo grupal con fundamentosen Psicodrama y la incorporación de representaciones dramáticas enfatizando la expresióncorporal y la comunicación, la circulación del protagonismo y la creación colectiva. Esteestudio tuvo como objetivo indagar sobre las posibilidades del dispositivo de TE de promoverla salud mental de los integrantes de un taller de lo mismo. Empleando un modelocomunitario y entendiendo la salud mental como parte de la salud integral, realizamos unestudio de enfoque cualitativo. Esto siendo un estudio de caso hecho en base al taller de TEllevado a cabo el marco de los talleres artísticos-comunitarios-terapéuticos de la AsociaciónCivil Abracadabra abiertos a la comunidad en el Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico Provincial de lacuidad de Córdoba. Se utilizaron métodos etnográficos para recopilar los datos y un abordajeanalítico basado en la teoría fundamentada para su análisis. Se concluye que el dispositivoestudiado responde a una selección de las estrategias sugeridas en la Carta de Ottawa (1986) ypresentado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para la promoción de la salud.Estas son el desarrollo de habilidades personales, la creación de ámbitos favorables y elfomento de la acción comunitario.

The current investigación deals with the modality Teatro Espontáneo (TE) and its relation tomental health promotion. Teatro Espontáneo is a modality used in working with groups whosefoundation is related to psicodrama and the incorporation of dramatic representationsemphasizing corporal expresion and comunication, the circulation of protagonism and thecollective creation. This study had the objective of investigating the posiblities offered by TEin promoting the mental health of the members of a workshop using this practice. Employinga community-based model and understanding mental health as an integral part of generalhealth, we have carried out a research study with a qualitative research focus. This being acase study based on the TE workshop carried out within the framework of the artisticcommunitary-therapeuticworshops open to the community and offered by the CivilAssociation Abracadabra in the Provincial Neuropsquiatric Hospital in the city of Córdoba.We have utilized ethnografic methods to gather the data and an analitical approach based onthe grounded theory for its analisis. The investigation concludes that the modality studiedresponds to a selection of the strategies suggested in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion(1986) which has been presented by the World Health Organization (WHO). These are thedevelopment of personal abilities, the creation of favorable environments and thestrengthening of community action.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Health Promotion/trends , Healthy Lifestyle , Mental Health/trends , Leisure Activities/psychology , Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches , Argentina
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-11970


The author would like to explore a new challenge for psychiatry in the coming the decade. Although there has been a remarkable progress in symptomatic treatment within psychiatry during the past half century, the progress has been meager in the field of mental health promotion. On the other hand, the public has gained an increasing awareness of the importance of mental health and also expresses a strong desire for mental health promotion. The current practice of psychiatry is not comprehensive enough to fulfill the public's needs, and finding a way to fulfill those needs is a new challenge for psychiatry in the future. Psychiatry must meet the growing need to survive as a beloved discipline by the public in the coming decade. Positive psychology has made a substantial progress in the field of mental health promotion and could be applied in psychiatry practice. The author proposes that psychiatry should pay a close attention to new developments in mental health promotions and make a genuine effort to apply a new strategy to mental health promotion, not only in clinical practice but also in research.

Hand , Mental Health
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-662071


El objetivo de este estudio es describir y analizar una experiencia de realización de eventos participativos de creación colectiva que utilizan arte, creatividad y juego en el espacio público llevados a cabo por instituciones que conforman una red barrial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y su posible articulación con algunos aspectos de la Atención Primaria en Salud desde una perspectiva Integral con enfoque en Salud Mental. Se trata de un estudio de caso de tipo exploratorio descriptivo, con una metodología cualitativa para el relevamiento y análisis de la información. Se incluye la perspectiva de actores intervinientes para caracterizar una práctica centrada en el trabajo intersectorial, la participación comunitaria, la ocupación del espacio público, la generación de espacios de encuentro comunitario y la conformación de vínculos solidarios para el abordaje de problemáticas psicosociales complejas. Se concluye que estas características están dentro del marco de la promoción en salud mental desde una perspectiva de APS integral.

The aim of this study is to describe and analyze an experience on the implementation of participatory events of collective creation that use art, creativity and game in public space, carried out by an institutional network in Buenos Aires City, and the possible joints with some aspects of the perspective of comprehensive Primary Health Care with a focus on mental health. This is an exploratory-descriptive case study, with a qualitative methodology for data collection and analysis. The actors' perspective is included to characterize a practice based on intersectoral work, community participation, the occupation of public space, the generation of community meeting spaces and the generation of solidarity bonds for the approach of complex psychosocial problems. It concludes that these characteristics are into the framework of mental health promotion from the perspective of comprehensive PHC.

مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-169090


Recently, the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association began trying to revise the name "Department of Psychiatry" to a more user-friendly name, from possibilities including "Department of Mental Health Medicine" and "Department of Mental Health Promotion," in the hope of increasing its public accessibility and providing more comprehensive public services. There is an ever-increasing need to extend mental health services, via a more active promotion of positive mental health, and to move toward preventive strategies rather than confining mental health service efforts to the traditional treatment of mental illnesses. However, much work is needed to define the construct of "mental health" and to detail ways of promoting it. Defining how psychiatrists can, from an organizational or an individual perspective, practice medicine that promotes mental health, is an urgent issue. In this study, we review the determinants of mental health and the historical development of mental health promotion paradigms. We also attempt to provide the current evidence-based approaches, including the cost-effectiveness of interventions, as they apply to mental health promotion concepts and principles.

Health Promotion , Mental Health , Mental Health Services , Psychiatry , Social Work
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