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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 498-502, 2024-04-24. fig
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554190


Introducción. La perforación del recto por trauma cerrado es poco frecuente y se asocia a fracturas pélvicas. En pacientes con perforaciones de recto no traumáticas se ha reportado fascitis necrosante en miembros inferiores, en la mayoría de los casos asociada a alta mortalidad. Caso clínico. Hombre de 36 años con trauma cerrado abdomino-pélvico y perforación de recto inferior, quien recibió manejo quirúrgico mediante derivación intestinal y fijación pélvica. Evolucionó con hematoma escrotal sobreinfectado, inestabilidad hemodinámica, signos de fascitis necrosante y choque séptico 4 días posterior a su ingreso. Resultados. Se tomó muestra para cultivo del hematoma escrotal que reportó E. coli. La patología del desbridamiento escrotal informó necrosis de coagulación en toda la muestra. Conclusión. El tacto rectal debe realizarse siempre ante la presencia de enfisema subcutáneo al examen físico o en la tomografía, para un diagnóstico temprano y manejo quirúrgico multidisciplinario oportuno, según el caso. La presencia de enfisema subcutáneo debe aumentar la sospecha de perforación de recto. Hay pocos reportes de fascitis secundaria a perforación de recto por trauma cerrado, por lo que no se conoce con precisión la mortalidad asociada.

Introduction. Rectal perforation due to blunt trauma is rare and associated with pelvic fractures. Signs of necrotizing fasciitis in lower limbs have been reported in non-traumatic rectal perforations, in most cases associated with high mortality. Case report. A 36-year-old man presents blunt abdomino-pelvic trauma and perforation of the lower rectum. Surgical management by intestinal diversion and pelvic fixation is performed. 4 days after admission, evolves with over-infected scrotal hematoma, hemodynamic instability, signs of necrotizing fasciitis and septic shock. Results. A sample for culture was taken from a scrotal hematoma that reported E. coli. Pathology of scrotal debridement reported coagulation necrosis in the entire specimen. Discussion. Digital rectal examination should always be performed in the presence of subcutaneous emphysema on physical examination or CT scan for early and multidisciplinary diagnosis and surgical management as appropriate. Conclusion. The presence of subcutaneous emphysema should raise the suspicion of rectal perforation. There are few reports of rectal perforation due to blunt trauma and fasciitis, so the associated mortality is not precisely known.

Humans , Rectum , Fournier Gangrene , Fasciitis , Wounds and Injuries , Intestinal Perforation
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 430-440, 2024-04-24. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554114


Introducción. El intestino primitivo rota durante la vida embrionaria. Cuando ocurre de forma inadecuada aparece la malrotación intestinal que puede llevar a la obstrucción o al vólvulo del intestino medio. La incidencia disminuye con el aumento de la edad. La malrotación intestinal es una de las principales causas de complicaciones del tracto gastrointestinal en la edad pediátrica. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, transversal y analítico, de la experiencia durante 10 años en pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico de malrotación intestinal, tratados en el Hospital Infantil de San Vicente Fundación, en Medellín, Colombia. Se buscó la asociación entre variables demográficas, clínicas e imagenológicas con los desenlaces. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 58 pacientes con malrotación intestinal, 65 % menores de 1 año. En 29,3 % de los pacientes se hizo el diagnóstico con la presentación clínica; los síntomas predominantes fueron distensión abdominal y emesis. En el 24,1 % se confirmó el diagnóstico con imágenes. Las variables con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa a favor de encontrar una malrotación complicada fueron choque séptico (OR=11,7), síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (OR=8,4) y deshidratación (OR=5,18). Conclusiones. La malrotación intestinal tiene complicaciones como perforación, peritonitis, vólvulo e intestino corto. El vólvulo se acompaña de shock y sepsis, con mortalidad hasta del 50 %. Las imágenes diagnósticas son una ayuda, pero no se puede basar la conducta médica en estas porque ninguna imagen garantiza el diagnóstico definitivo. Los signos de alarma son poco específicos. En menores de un año con emesis, distensión y dolor abdominal se debe sospechar malrotación intestinal.

Introduction. The primitive intestine rotates during embryonic life. When it occurs inappropriately, intestinal malrotation appears, which can lead to obstruction or midgut volvulus. The incidence decreases when age increases. Intestinal malrotation is one of the main causes of complications of the gastrointestinal tract in pediatric age. Method. Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional and analytical study of the experience over 10 years in patients under 15 years of age with a diagnosis of intestinal malrotation, treated at Hospital Infantil of San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, Colombia. The association between demographic, clinical and imaging variables with the outcomes was sought. Results. There were 58 patients with intestinal malrotation, 65% under one year of age. In 29.3% of patients, intestinal malrotation was diagnosed clinically. The predominant symptoms were abdominal distension and emesis. In 24.1% the diagnosis was confirmed with imaging. The variables with a statistically significant difference in favor of finding a complicated malrotation were septic shock (OR=11.7), systemic inflammatory response syndrome (OR-8.4), and dehydration (OR=5.18). Conclusions. Malrotation has complications such as perforation, peritonitis, volvulus, and short bowel. Volvulus is accompanied by shock and sepsis, with mortality of up to 50%. Diagnostic images are helpful, but medical conduct cannot be based on them because no image guarantees a definitive diagnosis. The warning signs are not very specific. In children under one year of age with emesis, distension and abdominal pain, intestinal malrotation should be suspected.

Humans , Gastrointestinal Tract , Intestinal Volvulus , Intestinal Diseases , Short Bowel Syndrome , Intestinal Obstruction , Intestinal Perforation
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 85-93, 20240102. tab, fig
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526823


Introduction. Perforated peptic ulcer remains one of the critical abdominal conditions that requires early surgical intervention. Leakage after omental patch repair represents one of the devastating complications that increase morbidity and mortality. Our study aimed to assess risk factors and early predictors for incidence of leakage. Methods. Retrospective analysis of data of the patients who underwent omental patch repair for perforated peptic ulcer in the period between January 2019 and January 2022 in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. Pre, intra and postoperative variables were collected and statistically analyzed. Incriminated risk factors for leakage incidence were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. Results. This study included 123 patients who met inclusion criteria. Leakage was detected in seven (5.7%) patients. Although associated comorbidities (p=0.01), postoperative intensive care unit admission (p=0.03), and postoperative hypotension (p=0.02) were significant risk factors in univariate analysis, septic shock (p=0.001), delayed intervention (p=0.04), preoperative hypoalbuminemia (p=0.017), and perforation size >5mm (p= 0.04) were found as independent risk factors for leakage upon multivariate analysis. Conclusion. Delayed presentation in septic shock, preoperative hypoalbuminemia, prolonged perforation, operation interval, and large perforation size > 5mm were detected as independent risk factors for leakage. Postoperative tachypnea and tachycardia with increased levels of C-reactive protein and total leucocytic count are alarming signs for incidence of leakage

Introducción. La úlcera péptica perforada es una de las afecciones abdominales críticas que requiere una intervención quirúrgica temprana. La fuga después de la reparación con parche de epiplón representa una de las complicaciones más devastadoras, que aumentan la morbilidad y la mortalidad. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los factores de riesgo y los predictores tempranos de fugas. Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo de los datos de los pacientes sometidos a reparación con parche de epiplón por úlcera péptica perforada, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2019 y enero de 2022, en el Hospital Universitario de Mansoura, Egipto. Se recogieron y analizaron estadísticamente variables pre, intra y postoperatorias. Los factores de riesgo asociados a la incidencia de fugas se analizaron mediante análisis univariado y multivariado. Resultados. Este estudio incluyó 123 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se detectó fuga en siete (5,7 %) pacientes. Aunque las comorbilidades asociadas (p=0,01), el ingreso postoperatorio a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (p=0,03) y la hipotensión postoperatoria (p=0,02) fueron factores de riesgo en el análisis univariado, el shock séptico (p=0,001), el retraso en la intervención (p=0,04), la hipoalbuminemia preoperatoria (p=0,017) y el tamaño de la perforación mayor de 5 mm (p=0,04) se encontraron como factores de riesgo de fuga independientes en el análisis multivariado. Conclusión. Se detectaron como factores de riesgo independientes de fuga la presentación tardía en shock séptico, la hipoalbuminemia preoperatoria, la perforación prolongada, el intervalo operatorio y el tamaño de la perforación mayor de 5 mm. La taquipnea posoperatoria y la taquicardia con niveles elevados de proteína C reactiva y recuento leucocitario total son signos de alarma sobre la presencia de fuga.

Humans , Peptic Ulcer Perforation , Postoperative Complications , Omentum , Risk Factors
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 168-172, 20240102. fig
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526869


Introducción. La colocación de endoprótesis biliares es cada día más frecuente por ser actualmente una de las mejores opciones para el tratamiento de patologías de la vía biliar. La migración de las endoprótesis es una de las complicaciones que puede ocurrir en hasta un 10,8 % de los pacientes, pero en muy raras ocasiones llegan a causar una perforación intestinal. Caso clínico. Se trata de una paciente de 61 años, a quien cinco años atrás se le realizó una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica por coledocolitiasis. Consultó por presentar dolor abdominal, y al examen físico se encontraron abdomen agudo y plastrón en fosa ilíaca izquierda a la palpación. La tomografía computarizada informó un cuerpo extraño a nivel del colon descendente, con perforación del mismo. Se realizó laparotomía exploratoria y colostomía por perforación del colon sigmoides secundaria a prótesis biliar migrada. Resultados. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente y a los seis meses se realizó el cierre de la colostomía, sin complicaciones. Conclusión. Los pacientes a quienes se les colocan prótesis biliares requieren un seguimiento adecuado para evitar complicaciones que, aunque raras, pueden ocurrir, como la migración intestinal con perforación. El tratamiento de dichas complicaciones se hace por vía endoscópica, laparoscópica o laparotomía en caso de complicación severa.

Introduction. Endoscopic placement of biliary stents is becoming more common every day, as it is currently one of the best options for the treatment of bile duct pathologies. One of the complications that can occur is the migration of the endoprostheses in up to 10.8% of patients, which in very rare cases can cause intestinal perforation. Clinical case. This is a 61-year-old female patient, who underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography five years ago for choledocholithiasis. She consulted due to abdominal pain, with a physical examination that upon palpation documented an acute abdomen and a palpable plastron in the left iliac fossa. The computed tomography revealed a foreign body at the level of the descending colon, with perforation. Exploratory laparotomy and colostomy were performed due to perforation of the sigmoid colon secondary to migrated biliary prosthesis. Results. The patient progressed favorably and six months later the colostomy was closed without complications. Conclusions. Patients who receive biliary stents require adequate follow-up to avoid complications that, although rare, may occur, such as intestinal migration with intestinal perforation. The treatment of these complications can be endoscopic, laparoscopic or laparotomy in case of severe complication.

Humans , Prostheses and Implants , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Intestinal Perforation , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Choledocholithiasis
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006352


@#The plasma matrix is a kind of autologous blood conduct. It has been widely used in maxillofacial tissue regeneration, skin cosmetology and some other fields. Recently, to preserve the dental pulp as well as the teeth, pulp regeneration therapy and apical surgery have become increasingly important as well as the applications of bioactive materials. As a kind of autologous bioactive material, the plasma matrix has some natural advantages as it is easy to obtain and malleable. The plasma matrix can be used in the following cases: ①pulp revascularization of young permanent teeth with open apical foramina that cannot stimulate apical bleeding; ② apical barrier surgery with bone defects and large area perforation repair with bone defects or root sidewall repair surgery; ③ apical surgeries of teeth with large area of apical lesions, with or without periodontal diseases. The plasma matrix is a product derived from our blood, and there are no obvious contraindications for its use. Several systematic reviews have shown that the plasma matrix can effectively promote the regenerative repair of dental pulp in patients with periapical diseases. However, the applications of plasma matrix are different because its characteristics are affected by different preparation methods. In addition, there is still a lack of long-term clinical researches on the plasma matrix, and the histological evidences are difficult to obtain, so a large number of in vitro and in vivo experimental studies are still needed. This article will describe the applications of different kinds of plasma matrix for dental pulp regeneration and bone tissue regeneration in apical surgeries to provide references for clinicians in indication selection and prognosis evaluation.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021552


BACKGROUND:In recent years,there have been many novel tympanic membrane repair materials,including patches and 3D-printed scaffolds.However,the tympanic membrane repaired by these materials is different from the natural tympanic membrane in terms of thickness and internal structure. OBJECTIVE:To explore the efficacy of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells-loaded high-porosity polycaprolactone/collagen nanofiber membrane scaffolds in repairing chronic tympanic membrane perforation. METHODS:Polycaprolactone,polycaprolactone-collagen,and high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membranes were prepared by electrospinning technology,and the surface morphology,porosity and cell compatibility of the scaffolds were characterized.The tympanic membrane perforation model of 50 male SD rats was established by puncturing the posterior lower part of both eardrums with a sterile 23-measure needle combined with mitomycin C and hydrocortisone.After 12 weeks of modeling,the rats were divided into five groups by the random number table method.The blank control group did not receive any treatment.In the other four groups,polycaprolactone nanofiber membrane(polycaprolactone group),polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membrane(polycaprolactone-collagen group),high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membrane(high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen group)and high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membrane containing bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen group)were implanted at the perforation of the tympanic membrane,respectively.Each group consisted of 10 animals.The healing of the tympanic membrane was examined by otoendoscopy after 1,2,3 and 4 weeks of stent implantation.Hematoxylin-eosin staining,Masson staining,and Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining were performed on the tympanic membrane after 4 weeks of implantation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Scaffold characterization:Scanning electron microscopy showed that compared with other nanofiber membranes,the high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membranes had more orderly nanofiber structure,larger surface pore size,and higher porosity(P<0.001).Live/dead staining showed that bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells adhered well on the three scaffolds,and the number of living cells on the high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membrane was more than that on the other two scaffolds.Almarin staining showed that the proliferation rate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on the high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membrane was higher than that of the other two fiber membranes.(2)Animal experiments:Except for the blank control group,the tympanic membrane of the other four groups healed gradually with the extension of the time of fibrous membrane implantation,among which the healing speed of the cell-loaded high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen group was the fastest.Hematoxylin-eosin staining,Masson staining,and Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining showed that the tympanic membrane of rats in the cell-carrying high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen group was moderate in thickness and a three-layer structure with uniform collagen fiber layers,similar to the normal tympanic membrane,and the repair quality of tympanic membrane was better than that of other fiber membrane groups.(3)The results showed that the high-porosity polycaprolactone-collagen nanofiber membrane containing bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells could not only rapidly repair the perforation of the tympanic membrane,but also the newly healed tympanic membrane was similar to normal tympanic membrane in structure and thickness.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022366


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP)and related technologies are gradually being developed in pediatric biliary and pancreatic diseases.Clinicians should pay more attention to the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications.This review started with the operational methods of ERCP and its related technologies,elaborated on the possible complications,summarized the prevention and treatment methods,and aimed to provide reference for clinical doctors.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022482


The process of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is inva-sive, and its related treatments have a potential risk of complications, which poses certain obstacles to its safe promotion. Therefore, it is very important to standardize the management of ERCP compli-cations and promote the widespread development of ERCP in China. The authors interpret the back-ground, significance, and key issues that need to be paid attention to in the Guidelines for the management of complications of duodenal perforation associated with ERCP in China ( 2023 edition), in order to facilitate ERCP physicians to better grasp and apply the guidelines, provide guidance and reference for the standardized management of ERCP related complications of duodenal perforation, and promote the popularization and widespread development of ERCP in China.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022545


Objective:To study the clinical features and risk factors of prognosis of neonatal appendicitis.Methods:From January 2014 to December 2022, all infants with neonatal appendicitis and received surgery in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed.Results:A total of 6 cases were enrolled, including 1 boy and 5 girls, with gestational age 36-40 weeks, birth weight 1 990~3 300 g, age of admission 5-11 d and time from illness onset to admission 0.5-4 d. All infants had abdominal distension, combined with vomiting in 4 cases, fever in 3 cases and blood in stool in 1 case. Gastrointestinal perforation was found on preoperative abdominal X-ray in 5 cases. All 6 cases received surgery and confirmed the diagnosis of appendicitis with perforation during the surgery. Appendectomy was performed without mortality. 1 case had Amyand hernia and received high ligation of the hernia sac during operation. 1 case had meningitis and was cured after 3 weeks of antibiotic treatment. 1 case developed adhesive intestinal obstruction 3 months after surgery and underwent intestinal adhesiolysis. One case developed colonic stenosis one month after surgery. The stenotic segment of the colon was resected and primary intestinal anastomosis was performed.Conclusions:Neonatal appendicitis progresses rapidly and is difficult to diagnose. The possibility of appendicitis with perforation should be considered when preoperative abdominal X-ray suggesting pneumoperitoneum. Intraoperatively, it is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between appendiceal perforation and other lesions for comprehensive treatment, and change the surgical approach accordingly.

Journal of Modern Urology ; (12): 37-40, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031566


【Objective】 To explore the diagnosis and management of liver injury caused by percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL), so as to provide reference for the diagnoise and treatment of similar patients. 【Methods】 The clinical data of 926 patients who underwent PCNL during Oct.2017 and Oct.2022 were searched, and the data of those complicated with liver injury were analyzed. 【Results】 A total of 11 cases were collected, including 6 males and 5 females, average age (55.00±13.25)years.All injuries were confirmed with CT.The average decrease of hemoglobin after operation was (14.00±11.97)g/L.One patient needed blood transfusion due to pyonephrosis and multiple operations, and all patients were cured and discharged after delaying the removal of nephrostomy tube [an average of (6.73±1.27)days] . 【Conclusion】 In the absence of obvious signs of peritonitis and hemodynamic stability, conservative treatment of liver injury caused by PCNL is safe and effective.

مقالة ي اليابانية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040100


A 71-year-old woman underwent repair of a ventricular septal perforation due to myocardial infarction by the extended sandwich patch technique 5 years ago. She was discharged from the hospital without complications. During the follow-up period, a ventricular apical aneurysm was found on contrast-enhanced computed tomography and transthoracic echocardiography. Since the aneurysm had enlarged gradually and a thrombus was found in it, repairing surgery was indicated. The patient was initiated on cardiopulmonary bypass after dissection of the adhesions of the previous surgery, and a longitudinal incision was made on the left side of the left anterior descending artery under cardiac arrest to remove the aneurysm. A large amount of thrombus was found inside the aneurysm. The thrombus was removed, Dor surgery was performed with a circular Hemashield patch. Reports of ventricular apical aneurysm after myocardial infarction in a remote period are rare. It is necessary to perform surgical intervention as soon as possible to prevent free wall rupture as well as cerebral infarction.

Chinese Circulation Journal ; (12): 273-278, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025462


Objectives:To explore the association between the r'wave amplitude in lead V1 and impedance changes with left bundle branch pacing electrode implantation depth. Methods:A total of 78 patients with normal heart structure and underwent left bundle branch area pacing(LBBAP)in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University from January 1,2019 to December 31,2021 were included in this retrospective analysis.Baseline data,intraoperative and imaging data,and 3,6,9 and 12 months of follow-up results were collected.Correlation and regression analysis were performed to define the feasibility using the r'wave in lead V1 during pacing and impedance changes to estimate the electrode depth. Results:r'waves at the end of the QRS complex in lead V1 during pacing were found in 70 cases(89.7%),and 8 cases(10.3%)showed rS,RS type QRS waves,or no r'wave at the end.Correlation analysis showed that r'wave amplitude was positively correlated with electrode depth(r=0.424,P<0.01),negatively correlated with impedance(r=-0.256,P=0.03).There was no significant statistical correlation between electrode implantation depth and impedance(r=-0.132,P=0.27).Regression analysis found that electrode depth was an important factor affecting r'wave amplitude(regression coefficient=0.056,P=0.000).Combined with the established regression model and impedance,it was found that the amplitude of the r'wave in lead V1 is at the range of 0.24-0.69 mV,and the impedance ranges from 648.30 to 828.90 Ω,and the electrode implantation depth is 6-11 mm,which is most suitable.The risk of perforation is low,and the left bundle branch can be successfully captured with a high probability.The pacing parameters are satisfactory,and the pacing QRS wave duration is narrow.During the intraoperative,postoperative 48 hours,and 12-month follow-up period,the patient did not experience complications such as electrode perforation,thromboembolism,cardiac tamponade,infection,or wire dislocation. Conclusions:Left bundle branch region pacing is a safe and feasible pacing method.During LBBAP,the amplitude of the r'wave in lead V1 at the range of 0.24-0.69 mV,and the impedance ranges from 648.30 to 828.90 Ω can be used to guide the pacing in the left bundle branch region and reduce the risk of electrode perforation.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(2): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533790


ABSTRACT Purpose: Wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging combined with transplantation is a novel option that combined amniotic membrane plugging with amniotic membrane transplantation for the treatment of small corneal perforations. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging in the treatment of small corneal perforations and compared it with that of the penetrating keratoplasty procedure. Methods: Forty patients (41 eyes) with small corneal perforations <3 mm in diameter treated at our hospital between July 2018 and January 2021 were retrospectively included. Among them, 21 eyes were treated with wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging (wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging group), and 20 eyes were treated with penetrating keratoplasty procedure (penetrating keratoplasty procedure group). The best-corrected visual acuity, anterior chamber formation, corneal thickness, primary disease control, postoperative complications, and graft survival rate were assessed. Results: No significant difference in baseline characteristics was found between the wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging and penetrating keratoplasty procedure groups (p>0.05). The postoperative control rates of primary diseases in the wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging and penetrating keratoplasty procedure groups were 95.2% and 90.0%, respectively (p=0.481). Visual acuity was improved 6 months after the operation in the wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging group and was improved at postoperative 1 month in the penetrating keratoplasty procedure group. The formation time of the anterior chamber in the wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging group was significantly shorter than that in the penetrating keratoplasty procedure group (p=0.023). The corneal thickness of the two groups significantly increased 12 months after the operation; however, the degree of thickening in the penetrating keratoplasty procedure group was higher than that in the wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging group (p<0.001). During the follow-up, postoperative complications were not different between the two groups (p>0.999). Conclusion: The results suggest that wet bio-amniotic membrane plugging is effective and safe in the treatment of small corneal perforations. Thus, it can be used as an emergency treatment alternative to penetrating keratoplasty procedure for small corneal perforations.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 90(1): 101336, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534093


Abstract Objective The video otoscope has already proven to be useful for the diagnosis of several pathologies, so the objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the video otoscope in cases of tympanic membrane perforation. Methods This is a diagnostic accuracy study performed at the hearing health division of a tertiary-level referral hospital. Patients older than 8 years of age who had any symptom that could be related to perforation (otalgia, otorrhea, tinnitus, and/or hypoacusis) were invited to participate in the study. Participants were evaluated by three different diagnostic methods (otomicroscope, conventional otoscope, and video otoscope) performed by three different evaluators in a blind fashion. The microscope was considered the reference standard. Results 176 patients were evaluated, totaling 352 tympanic membranes. Twenty-seven tympanic membrane perforations were diagnosed by the microscope, a prevalence of 7.7%. The video otoscope showed a sensitivity of 85.2% (95% CI 81.5%‒88.9%), specificity of 98.1% (95% CI 96.7%‒99.5%) and accuracy of 97.1% (95% CI 95.4 %-98.8 %). The conventional otoscope showed a sensitivity of 96.3% (95% CI 94.3-98.3), specificity of 98.8% (95% CI 97.7-99.9) and accuracy of 98.6% (95% CI 97.4-99.8). The Kappa value between the microscope and the video otoscope was 0.8 and between the microscope and the conventional otoscope was 0.9. Regarding the participants' perception, 53.4% (p < 0.001) considered the video otoscope as the best method for understanding the tympanic membrane condition presented by them. Conclusions The video otoscope showed relevant sensitivity and specificity for clinical practice in the diagnosis of tympanic membrane perforation. Moreover, this is an equipment that can facilitate the patient's understanding of the otologic pathology presented by him/her. In this regard, this method may be important for better patient compliance, requiring further studies to evaluate this hypothesis. Level of evidence Is this diagnostic or monitoring test accurate? (Diagnosis)—Level 2 (Individual cross-sectional studies with consistently applied reference standard and blinding).

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(6): e20231559, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565035


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Intraoperative complications of hysteroscopy, such as the creation of a false passage, cervix dilatation failure, and uterine perforation, may require suspension of the procedure. Some patients refuse a new procedure, which delays the diagnosis of a possible serious uterine pathology. For this reason, it is essential to develop strategies to increase the success rate of hysteroscopy. Some authors suggest preoperative use of topical estrogen for postmenopausal patients. This strategy is common in clinical practice, but studies demonstrating its effectiveness are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cervical preparation with promestriene on the incidence of complications in postmenopausal women undergoing surgical hysteroscopy. METHODS: This is a double-blind clinical trial involving 37 postmenopausal patients undergoing surgical hysteroscopy. Participants used promestriene or placebo vaginally daily for 2 weeks and then twice a week for another 2 weeks until surgery. RESULTS: There were 2 out of 14 (14.3%) participants with complications in the promestriene group and 4 out of 23 (17.4%) participants in the placebo group (p=0.593). The complications were difficult cervical dilation, cervical laceration, and vaginal laceration. CONCLUSION: Cervical preparation with promestriene did not reduce intraoperative complications in postmenopausal patients undergoing surgical hysteroscopy.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(3): 35-40, set.-dez. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553121


As perfurações endodônticas podem ocorrer patologicamente por lesão cariosa profunda, bem como durante o acesso ou na instrumentação dos canais radiculares, que em sua grande maioria estão relacionadas com a negligência ou desconhecimento das variações anatômicas internas do dente. O presente trabalho descreve um caso clínico de perfuração de furca, onde o tratamento inicial foi baseado na descontaminação e selamento da comunicação com uma técnica de inserção modificada do MTA. Após a anestesia, foi realizado o isolamento absoluto e remoção de tecido infectado presente na câmara pulpar. Feita a limpeza da perfuração utilizando soro fisiológico e modelagem do canal com o instrumento reciprocante, a obturação foi concebida com cone de guta percha e cimento biocerâmico. Em seguida, o MTA foi manipulado, de acordo com recomendações do fabricante usando água destilada na proporção 1:1 e inserido na canaleta de uma régua endodôntica com a espátula de inserção nº1. O material foi removido da canaleta e inserido na perfuração, finalizando o vedamento da mesma. Portanto, concluiu-se que o selamento da perfuração apresentou um resultado satisfatório, tanto clínico como radiográfico, destacado pela proservação de 5 meses, evidenciando discreta formação de trabeculado ósseo na região de furca(AU)

Endodontic perforations can occur pathologically due to a deep carious lesion, as well as during access or instrumentation of root canals, which are mostly related to negligence or ignorance of the internal anatomical variations of the tooth. The present work describes a clinical case of furcation perforation, where the initial treatment was based on decontamination and sealing of the communication with a modified MTA insertion technique. After anesthesia, absolute isolation and removal of infected tissue present in the pulp chamber was performed. After cleaning the perforation using saline solution and modeling the canal with the reciprocating instrument, the filling was designed with a gutta-percha cone and bioceramic cement. Then, the MTA was manipulated, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using distilled water in a 1:1 ratio and inserted into the groove of an endodontic ruler with the #1 insertion spatula. The material was removed from the channel and inserted into the perforation, finishing its sealing. Therefore, it was concluded that the sealing of the perforation presented a satisfactory result, both clinical and radiographic, highlighted by the 5-month followup, evidencing a slight formation of bone trabeculate in the furcation region(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Root Canal Obturation , Biocompatible Materials , Furcation Defects , Dental Cements , Root Canal Therapy , Dental Pulp , Gutta-Percha
مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221028


Ocular injuries are one of the major factors for mono-ocular blindness in adult population. Majority of mechanical ocular injuries occurs in factories. Our patient had injury with grinder blade. On examination, vision was no perception of light in right eye, corneoscleral tear along with lens and vitreous in the wound. Ocular trauma score was 1 with chances of visual recovery nil. After primary treatment, when we had taken patient under general anaesthesia, we found whole retina lying over cornea which was a rare event. We excised that tissue and tear repair was done. None of the factors which can lead to expulsive haemorrhage was observed in patient. We have seen many patients with extensive corneoscleral tear but never seen retina coming out of the wound. We recommend to use all protective equipments for workers to prevent industrial ocular injuries.

مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219119


Histoplasmosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by H. capsulatum usually in immunocompromised individuals such as those with HIV-AIDS. Though oral manifestations are rare, they could be the only and initial manifestation of HIV-AIDS. We report the case of a 23-year-old female who presented with oral ulcer and palatal perforation and detected to be suffering from disseminated histoplasmosis. She also turned out to be HIV positive. Her CD4+ count was undetectable. She responded well to intravenous liposomal Amphotericin B, oral itraconazole and antiretroviral therapy. To the best of our knowledge, histoplasmosis presenting as palatal perforation as the first manifestation of HIV-AIDS has not been reported from South India previously. A high index of suspicion is needed in such cases of exaggerated oral lesions even in states like Kerala to avoid delay in diagnosis and therapy.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 568-573, Mayo 8, 2023. fig
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438592


Introducción. Los tricobezoares ocurren de forma frecuente en niñas y adolescentes, y se asocian a trastornos psicológicos como depresión, tricotilomanía o tricofagia. Caso clínico. Se presenta una paciente adolescente con síndrome de Rapunzel, con hallazgo adicional de perforación yeyunal debido al tricobezoar. Discusión. Dentro de las complicaciones de los tricobezoares se reporta invaginación intestinal (principalmente de yeyuno), apendicitis, obstrucción biliar, neumonía, pancreatitis secundaria y perforación, esta última como ocurrió en nuestra paciente. Conclusión. En pacientes mujeres adolescentes con dolor abdominal o abdomen agudo, se debe tener en cuenta el diagnóstico de síndrome de Rapunzel, así como sus probables complicaciones

Introduction. Trichobezoars occur frequently in young and adolescent girls, and are associated with psychological disorders such as depression, trichotillomania, or trichophagia. Clinical case. An adolescent patient with Rapunzel syndrome is presented, with an additional finding of jejunal perforation due to the trichobezoar. Discussion. Among the complications of trichobezoars, intussusception is reported (mainly of the jejunum), appendicitis, biliary obstruction, pneumonia, secondary pancreatitis, and perforation, the latter as occurred in our patient. Conclusion. In adolescent female patients with abdominal pain or acute abdomen, the diagnosis of Rapunzel syndrome should be taken into account, as well as its probable complications

Humans , Trichotillomania , Bezoars , Intestinal Perforation , Syndrome , Abdomen, Acute , Laparotomy
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Apr; 71(4): 1373-1381
مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224990


Corneal perforations in eyes with dry eye disease (DED) are difficult to manage due to the interplay of several factors such as the unstable tear film, surface inflammation, and the underlying systemic disease affecting the wound healing process, and the eventual outcome. A careful preoperative examination is required to identify the underlying pathology, and status of ocular surface and adnexa, rule out microbial keratitis, and order appropriate systemic workup in addition to assessing the perforation itself. Several surgical options are available, which include tissue adhesives, multilayered amniotic membrane grafting (AMT), tenon patch graft (TPG), corneal patch graft (CPG), and penetrating keratoplasty (PK). The choice of procedure depends upon the size, location, and configuration of the perforation. In eyes with smaller perforations, tissue adhesives are effective treatment modalities, whereas AMT, TPG, and CPG are viable options in moderate-sized perforations. AMT and TPG are also preferable in cases where the placement of a bandage contact lens may be a challenge. Large perforations require a PK, with additional procedures such as tarsorrhaphy to protect the eyes from the associated epithelial healing issues. Conjunctival flaps are considered in eyes with poor visual potential. The management of the acute condition is carried out in conjunction with measures to improve the tear volume bearing in mind the chances of delayed epithelialization and re-perforation in these cases. Administration of topical and systemic immunosuppression, when indicated, helps improve the outcome. This review aims to facilitate clinicians in instituting a synchronized multifaceted therapy for the successful management of corneal perforations in the setting of DED.

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