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Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 20(1): 1-17, ene.-abr. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367561


Introduction: There has been growing interest in recent years in the cross-cultural adaptation of mea-suring instruments for various conditions treated by physiotherapy. Validation of an instrument within a target language and culture creates a final version that is conceptually and linguistically adapted to the context but remains valid and reliable. This paper describes the process of translation and cross-cul-tural adaptation of the Test of Infant Motor Performance (timp) from us English to Colombian Spanish. This was performed in accordance with international methodological guidelines. Materials and meth-ods: A group of trained translators and field experts participated in the five stages presented herein. These stages were translation and adaptation of the instrument to Colombian Spanish, validation of its content and appearance, back-translation, revision by the original author, and, finally, a pilot test.Results: The existence of two intralingual translated and revised versions of this instrument led to a more appropriate preliminary version from conceptual, discursive, and terminological perspectives. Therefore, the adjustments made in the first stage were primarily semantic. During the second stage, field experts positively assessed the translated version and suggested adjustments to grammar, spell-ing, and word choices. There were no significant discursive problems during the back-translation stage so conceptual and terminological adjustments were minor. The revision stage and the pilot test were satisfactory. Conclusion: This translation and cross-cultural adaptation was successful. The Colombian Spanish version of the measure was culturally relevant and used appropriate language, yet remained a valid and reliable tool

Introducción: la adaptación transcultural de distintos instrumentos de medición, y para diferentes tipos de condiciones en el campo de la fisioterapia, ha sido un tema de interés en los últimos años. La validación lingüística de un instrumento a una lengua y cultura meta implica que la versión final es adaptada conceptual y lingüísticamente al contexto meta. El objetivo de este artículo es describir el proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural al español de Colombia del Test of Infant Motor Performace(timp) siguiendo los lineamientos metodológicos internacionales. Materiales y método: se conformó un grupo de traductores calificados y de expertos que participaron en cinco fases: traducción y adaptación al español de Colombia, validez de contenido y apariencia, retrotraducción, revisión por autora original y prueba piloto. Resultados: la posibilidad de contar con dos versiones intralinguales revisadas llevó a una versión preliminar más adecuada desde las perspectivas conceptual, discursiva y terminológica. Por lo tanto, los ajustes en esta fase se realizaron principalmente desde una perspectiva semántica. En cuanto a la segunda fase, los expertos validaron positivamente dicha versión y sugirieron cambiar algunas palabras y cuestiones ortográficas. La fase de retrotraducción y la validación no presentaron problemas discursivos, así que las adecuaciones conceptuales y terminológicas fueron mínimas. La fase de revisión y la prueba piloto fueron satisfactorias. Conclusión: este proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural fue exitoso. La versión al español de Colombia fue apropiada culturalmente, además de ser una herramienta válida y confiable

Introdução: a adaptação transcultural de diferentes instrumentos de medida e para diferentes tipos de condições no campo da fisioterapia tem sido um tema de interesse nos últimos anos. A validação linguís-tica de um instrumento para uma língua e cultura alvo implica que a versão final seja conceitual e lin-guisticamente adaptada ao contexto alvo. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o processo de tradução e adaptação transcultural para o espanhol colombiano do Test of Infant Motor Performace (timp) de acordo com as diretrizes metodológicas internacionais. Materiais e métodos: foi conformado um grupo de tradu-tores qualificados e especialistas que participaram em cinco fases: tradução e adaptação para o espanhol colombiano, validade de conteúdo e aparência, retrotradução, revisão pelo autor original e teste piloto. Resultados: a possibilidade de haver duas versões intralinguais revisadas levou a uma versão preliminar mais adequada do ponto de vista conceitual, discursivo e terminológico, portanto, os ajustes nesta fase foram feitos principalmente do ponto de vista semântico. Já na segunda fase, os especialistas validaram positivamente essa versão e sugeriram alterações em algumas palavras e problemas ortográficos. A fase de retrotradução e a validação não apresentaram problemas discursivos, portanto as adaptações conceituais e terminológicas foram mínimas. A fase de revisão e o teste pilotoforam bem-sucedidos. Conclusão: este processo de tradução e adaptação transcultural foi favorável do ponto de vista de validade e aparência para o contexto colombiano

Humans , Adaptation to Disasters , Translating , Reproducibility of Results , Motor Skills
Acta méd. peru ; 35(3): 174-179, jul.-set. 2018. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010908


Objetivos: Valorar las propiedades psicométricas del test de Fagerström de dependencia a la nicotina en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Arequipa. Materiales y métodos: Se trabajó con una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de una universidad privada de Arequipa. Todos participaron de manera voluntaria y fueron seleccionados mediante la técnica de muestreo por cuotas. El tamaño de la muestra fue se calculó mediante métodos probabilísticos con un nivel de confianza de 95%, de manera estratificada. Se aplicó el test de Fagerström de dependencia a la nicotina en su versión de seis ítems. Resultados: Participaron 464 estudiantes, el 59,48% eran mujeres y la edad media fue de 20 ±2,29 años. Se pudo determinar la estructura unidimensional del instrumento con índices de bondad de ajuste adecuados a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio. La confiabilidad de la prueba fue 0,86 con la prueba Alfa de Cronbach y de 0,65 con la prueba Omega de McDonald. Conclusión: Se concluye que la prueba cumple con criterios aceptables de validez y confiabilidad y permite identificar a los estudiantes dependientes a la nicotina con puntuaciones iguales o superiores a 2,5.

Objectives: To assess the psychometric capability of the Fagerström test for nicotine dependence in a sample comprising college students in Arequipa. Materials and methods: We worked using a sample comprising students enrolled in a private college in Arequipa. All subjects participated in a voluntary fashion, and they were selected using a quota sampling technique. The sample size was calculated using probabilistic methods and a 95% confidence level. The six-item version of the Fagerström test for nicotine dependence was administered. Results: Four-hundred and sixty-four students participated, 59.48% wee female, and the mean age was 20 ± 2.29 years. The one-dimensional nature of the instrument was determined using adjusted goodness of fit indexes which were set in place with a confirmatory factorial analysis. Reliability of the test was 0.86 according to Cronbach's alpha test, and it was 0.65 using Mc Donald's Omega test. Conclusion: The test complies with acceptable validity and reliability criteria, and it allows to identify students with dependence to nicotine, particularly those who achieved 2.5 or higher scores.

Acta ortop. bras ; 26(1): 11-15, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-886514


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the reliability of two classification methods for wound hematoma after total hip replacement. Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted on patients who underwent total hip replacement for hip osteoarthritis between May 2014 and April 2015. Epidemiological, surgical, and functional data were assessed. Two experienced hip surgeons evaluated 75 pictures of wounds taken 24 hours after surgery. Both evaluators performed the analysis twice, with a 6-week interval between the two analyses. The subjective classification was divided into four different categories describing the hematoma: absent, mild, moderate, and severe. The objective classification was derived from mathematical calculation of the area of the hematoma using a grid superimposed on a picture of the wound. Results: The subjective classification demonstrated an intra-rater agreement of more than 70%, while kappa values showed poor to moderate inter-rater reliability. The objective classification based on mathematical measurements of the hematoma area was more reliable, with good to excellent intra- and inter-rater reliability. Conclusion: The objective classification demonstrated higher intra- and inter-rater reliability. The classification methods used in this study could serve as a useful instrument for orthopedic surgeons, researchers, and health care providers when assessing wound hematomas after total hip replacement. Level of Evidence II; Development of diagnostic criteria on consecutive patients (with universally applied reference ''gold'' standard).

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a confiabilidade de dois métodos de classificação dos hematomas de ferida cirúrgica após artroplastia total do quadril. Métodos: Este estudo prospectivo de coorte foi conduzido em pacientes com osteoartrose do quadril submetidos à artroplastia total do quadril entre maio de 2014 e abril de 2015. Foram analisados dados epidemiológicos, cirúrgicos e funcionais. Dois experientes cirurgiões de quadril avaliaram 75 fotografias de feridas obtidas 24 horas após a cirurgia. Ambos os avaliadores analisaram as fotografias duas vezes, em intervalo de seis semanas. A classificação subjetiva consistiu em quatro categorias descrevendo o hematoma: ausente, leve, moderado e grave. A classificação objetiva foi obtida pelo cálculo matemático da área do hematoma, sobrepondo-se uma retícula a cada fotografia de ferida. Resultados: A classificação subjetiva mostrou concordância intra-avaliador de mais de 70%, enquanto que os valores de kappa mostraram concordância inter-avaliador baixa a moderada. A classificação objetiva baseada em cálculo matemático da área do hematoma foi mais confiável, com excelente concordância intra e inter- avaliador. Conclusão: A classificação objetiva demonstrou melhor concordância intra e inter-avaliador. Os métodos de classificação usados neste estudo podem ser um instrumento útil para cirurgiões ortopedistas, pesquisadores e profissionais de saúde para avaliar hematomas de feridas cirúrgicas após artroplastia total de quadril. Nível de Evidência II; Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos (com padrão de referência "ouro" aplicado).

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717833


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), and the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) in persons with late effects of polio (LEoP). More specifically, we explored the data completeness, scaling assumptions, targeting, reliability, and convergent validity. METHODS: A postal survey including FSS, FIS, and MFI-20 was administered to 77 persons with LEoP. Responders received a second survey after 3 weeks to enable test-retest reliability analyses. RESULTS: Sixty-one persons (mean age, 68 years; 54% women) responded to the survey (response rate 79%). Data quality of the rating scales was high (with 0%–0.5% missing item responses), the corrected item-total correlations exceeded 0.4 and the scales showed very little floor or ceiling effects (0%–6.6%). All scales had an acceptable reliability (Cronbach’s α≥0.95) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ≥0.80). The standard error of measurement and the smallest detectable difference were 7%–10% and 20%–28% of the possible scoring range. All three scales were highly correlated (Spearman’s correlation coefficient r(s)=0.79–0.80; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The FSS, FIS, and MFI-20 exhibit sound psychometric properties in terms of data completeness, scaling assumptions, targeting, reliability, and convergent validity, suggesting that these three rating scales can be used to assess fatigue in persons with LEoP. As FSS has fewer items and therefore is less time consuming it may be the preferred scale. However, the choice of scale depends on the research question and the study design.

Humans , Data Accuracy , Fatigue , Poliomyelitis , Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome , Psychometrics , Rehabilitation , Reproducibility of Results , Weights and Measures
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 14(3): 329-338, sept.-dic. 2016. graf, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-959649


Introducción: La presión inspiratoria máxima (Pimáx) es un índice representativo de la fuerza global de los músculos inspiratorios. La medición de la Pimáx es un procedimiento sencillo, rápido y no invasivo, ampliamente utilizado en la práctica clínica. No existen estudios en el ámbito local que evalúen la confiabilidad de la medición de la Pimáx. Objetivo: determinar la confiabilidad intra e inter evaluador de la medición de la Pimáx. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, realizado en el marco de una prueba piloto del ensayo clínico controlado: Efectos del Entrenamiento Muscular Respiratorio en pacientes adultos en Ventilación Mecánica NCT02469064. De esta manera, 4 evaluadores realizaron 3 mediciones repetidas de Pimáx en 30 sujetos sanos. Para la evaluación de la confiabilidad intra e inter evaluador se calculó el índice de correlación intraclase (ICC) general y por cada evaluador, la concordancia entre los pares de mediciones se realizó por medio del gráfico Bland Altmant. Resultados: El ICC general fue de 0,83 (IC95% 0,835 - 0,939). Los valores de los ICC fueron 0,95 (IC95% 0,91-0,97), 0,97 (IC95% 0,95-0,98), 0,95 (IC95% 0,91-0,97), 0,91 (IC95% 0,85-0,97) para los evaluadores 1, 2, 3 y 4, respectivamente. El gráfico Bland Almant mostró adecuada concordancia entre las parejas de mediciones de Pimáx (p>0,05). Conclusión: La Pimáx mostró ser una medida de alta confiabilidad, las mediciones no se vieron afectadas por el orden en que fueron realizadas en cada sujeto, fundamentándose así su uso en la práctica clínica.

Introduction: The maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) is a representative of the overall strength of the inspiratory muscles index. Measuring the MIP is a simple, fast and non-invasive procedure widely used in clinical practice. No studies locally to assess the reliability of the measurement of the MIP. Objective: Determining the intra and inter-rater reliability of the measurement of MIP in 30 subjects Materials and methods: Descriptive study, conducted in the framework of a pilot-controlled clinical trial: Effects of Respiratory Muscle Training in adult patients on mechanical ventilation NCT02469064. Four evaluators made 3 PImax repeated measurements in 30 healthy subjects. For the evaluation of intra and inter rater reliability index intraclass correlation (ICC) general and each evaluator was calculated, the correlation between pairs of measurements were performed using Bland graphic Altmant. Results: The general ICC was 0.83 (95% CI 0.835 to 0.939). ICC values were 0.95 (95% CI .91-.97), 097 (95% CI 0.95 to 0.98), 0.95 (95% CI from 0.91 to 0.97), 0.91 (95% CI from 0.85 to 0.97) for evaluators 1.2, 3 and 4 respectively. The Bland Almant Figure showed adequate correlation between pairs of measurements MIP (p > 0.05). Conclusion: MIP proved to be a highly reliable measure, measurements were not affected by the order in which they were made for each subject, and basing its use in clinical practice.

Introdução: a pressão inspiratória máxima (Pimáx) é um índice representativo da força global dos músculos inspiratórios. A medição da Pimáx é um procedimento simples, rápido e não invasivo, amplamente utilizado na prática clínica. Não existem estudos ao nível local que avaliem a confiabilidade da medição da Pimáx. Objetivo: determinar a confiabilidade intra e inter avaliador da medição da Pimáx. Materiais e métodos: estudo descritivo, de corte transversal realizado no marco de uma prova piloto do ensaio clínico controlado: Efeitos do Treinamento Muscular Respiratório em pacientes adultos em Ventilação Mecânica NCT02469064. Quatro avaliadores realizaram 3 medições repetidas de Pimáx em 30 sujeitos sãos. Para a avaliação da confiabilidade intra e inter avaliador secalculou o índice de correlação intraclasse (ICC) geral e por cada avaliador, a concordância entre os pares de medições se realizoy através do gráfico Bland Altmant. Resultados: o ICC geral foi de 0,83 (IC 95% 0,835 - 0,939). Os valores dos ICC foram 0.95 (IC 95% 0.91-0.97), 0.97 (IC 95% 0.95-0.98), 0.95 (IC 95% 0.91-0.97), 0.91 (IC 95% 0.85-0.97) para os avaliadores 1, 2, 3 y 4 respetivamente. O gráfico Bland Almant mostrou adequada concordância entre os pares de medições de Pimáx (p>0.05). Conclusões: a Pimáx mostrou ser uma medida de alta confiabilidade, as medições não se viram afetadas pela ordem em que foram realizadas em cada sujeito, fundamentando-se assim o seu uso na prática clínica.

Humans , Maximal Respiratory Pressures , Respiratory Muscles , Reproducibility of Results , Colombia , Muscle Strength
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-218582


We aimed to validate the Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG)-Korean version among 1,138 Korean adolescents, representing a response rate of 57% of 1,997 students. Participants completed a set of questionnaires including demographic variables (age, sex, years of education, experience of grief), the ICG, the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and the Lifetime Incidence of Traumatic Events-Child (LITE-C). Exploratory factor analysis was performed to determine whether the ICG items indicated complicated grief in Korean adolescents. The internal consistency of the ICG-Korean version was Cronbach's alpha=0.87. The test-retest reliability for a randomly selected sample of 314 participants in 2 weeks was r=0.75 (P<0.001). Concurrent validity was assessed using a correlation between the ICG total scores and the CDI total scores (r=0.75, P<0.001). The criterion-related validity based on the comparison of ICG total scores between adolescents without complicated grief (1.2±3.7) and adolescent with complicated grief (3.2±6.6) groups was relatively high (t=5.71, P<0.001). The data acquired from the 1,138 students was acceptable for a factor analysis (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy=0.911; Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, chi2=13,144.7, P<0.001). After omission of 3 items, the value of Cronbach's alpha increased from 0.87 for the 19-item ICG-Korean version to 0.93 for the 16-item ICG-Korean version. These results suggest that the ICG is a useful tool in assessing for complicated grief in Korean adolescents. However, the 16-item version of the ICG appeared to be more valid compared to the 19-item version of the ICG. We suggest that the 16-item version of the ICG be used to screen for complicated grief in Korean adolescents.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Grief , Psychometrics/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Republic of Korea , Surveys and Questionnaires
Biosalud ; 13(1): 9-20, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-734959


Objetivo: determinar la confiabilidad inter-evaluador test-retest de una metodología aplicable para la medición de cinemática simple del pie (MCSP) en adultos mayores (AM) de la comunidad. Material y método: 72 AM autovalentes (EFAM-Chile >42 puntos), 56 mujeres (edad=69±4,9 años) y 16 hombres (edad=71±7,0 años), ejecutaron marcha confortable (MC) durante tres minutos en una pista de 40 metros. Por cada participante, se registraron cinco zancadas en video las que posteriormente se transformaron a fotogramas y se analizaron mediante un programa de libre acceso (TRACKER v4.8 para Windows). Los parámetros analizados fueron el mínimo despeje del pie (MPD) y máximo despeje del pie (MaxDP) para trayectoria, y en el caso de distancia, la longitud de zancada (LZ). Cada análisis involucró un protocolo propuesto por el autor. Resultados: el protocolo del MDP presenta un coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI) de 0,77 (CCI95%IC=0,55-0,89) con un error estándar de la medición (EEM) de 0,8 milímetros (mm), asociado a un error cercano al 50 % de la magnitud del resultado (MR). El MaxDP tiene un CCI=0,99 (CCI95%IC=0,98-0,99) con un EEM=0,3 mm y un error menor al 5 % de la MR. Por su parte, la LZ obtuvo un CCI=0,98 (CCI95%IC=0,96-0,99) con un EEM=10,5 mm y un error cercano al 10% de la MR, siendo las diferencias del test-retest dependientes de ella. Conclusiones: se recomienda este protocolo para MCSP de MC, sin embargo, la calidad de la imagen y el número de fotogramas por segundo condicionan su ejecución para contextos de movimiento humano a altas velocidades.

Objective: To determine the test-retest inter-rater reliability of an applicable methodology for simple foot kinematic measuring (SFKM) in senior citizens in the community. Material and method: 72 self-reliant senior citizens (EFAM-Chile >42 points), 56 women (age =69±4.9 years) and 16 men (age =71±7,0 years), executed comfortable gait (CG) for three minutes on a 40 meters track. For each participant, five strides were recorded in video which subsequently were transformed into frames and analyzed through a free access program (TRACKER v4.8 for Windows). The parameters analyzed were the minimum foot clearance (MFC) and maximum foot clearance (MaxFC) per path, and in the case of distance, stride length (SL). Each analysis involved a protocol proposed by the author. Results: The MDP protocol presents an intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0,77 (CCI95%IC=0,55-0,89) with a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 0,8 millimeters (mm), associated with nearly 50% of the result magnitude error (RME). The MaxDP has an ICC =0,99 (CCI95%IC=0,98-0,99) with a SEM =0,3 mm and less than 5% of the RME. Meanwhile, the LZ obtained an ICC =0,98 (CCI95%IC=0,96-0,99) with a SEM =10,5 mm and a near 10% of the RME, the differences being test-retest dependent on it. Conclusions: This protocol for CG SFKM is recommended. However, the image quality and the number of frames per second determine its execution in high speed human movement contexts.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-120545


PURPOSE: This study was performed to evaluate the reproducibility of panoramic radiographs of dentulous and edentulous patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The reproducibility of panoramic radiographs was evaluated using the panoramic radiographs acquired from 30 anterior dentulous patients by using a common biting positioning device (dentulous group) and 30 anterior edentulous patients by using chin-support devices to take a panoramic radiograph (edentulous group), respectively; these patients had undergone 3 or more panoramic radiographs. The widths and angles between the designated landmarks were measured on the panoramic radiographs, and the reproducibility was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the coefficient of variation. RESULTS: In the dentulous and edentulous groups, the ICCs of the mandibular ramus and mandibular angle areas were higher than the condylar head and zygomatic areas. The mandibular ramus and angle areas showed statistically lower mean coefficients of variation than the condylar head and zygomatic areas in the dentulous group. The mandibular angle area showed a significantly lower mean coefficient of variation than the zygomatic area in the edentulous group. By comparing the two groups, each ICC of the edentulous group was lower than that of the dentulous group, and the mean coefficients of variation of the mandibular ramus area, zygomatic area, left condylar inclination, and ramus ratio between the right and the left in the edentulous group were significantly higher than those in the dentulous group. CONCLUSION: Biting positioning for dentulous patients provided better positioning reproducibility than chin-support positioning when performing panoramic radiography for edentulous patients.

Humans , Head , Radiography, Panoramic , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 19(5): 359-362, set.-out. 2013. graf, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-696053


OBJETIVO: Propor um método de familiarização individualizado para saltos verticais e verificar o seu efeito na variabilidade intrassujeito. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e três homes (média ± DP; idade 23,5 ± 3,3 anos; estatura 1,76 ± 0,08 m; massa 72,8 ± 8,6 kg; percentual de gordura 12,9 ± 5,2%) realizaram sucessivos saltos até atingir o nível de estabilidade proposto. Após 48 h este processo era repetido e a estabilidade entre dias era verificada, se necessário, mais sessões eram realizadas. O nível de estabilidade foi determinado por um teste z, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Após o processo de familiarização, duas sessões experimentais adicionais foram realizadas para determinar a confiabilidade do desempenho no salto agachado (SA) e no salto com contramovimento (SCM). O coeficiente de variação e o erro padrão de medida foram determinados individualmente (CVi e EPMi). Um teste t pareado foi realizado para verificar diferenças no CVi e EPMi antes e depois do processo de familiarização. RESULTADOS: O CVi apresentou uma redução significativa após o processo de familiarização (p < 0,001), alterando de 5,01 ± 2,40% para 2,95 ± 0,89% no SA e de 4,50 ± 2,19% para 2,58 ± 0,81% no SCM. O mesmo ocorreu para o EPMi variando de 1,29± 0,53 cm para 0,83 ± 0,25 cm no SA e de 1,35 ± 0,51 cm para 0,83 ± 0,26 cm no SCM. CONCLUSÃO: o método de familiarização individualizado proposto reduziu significativamente a variação intrassujeito, permitindo maior poder estatístico em estudos experimentais e maior sensibilidade para ferramentas de monitoramento do desempenho.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to propose an individualized familiarization method for vertical jumps and to verify its effect on intra-subject variability. METHODS: Fifty three men (mean ± S.D.; age 23.5 ± 3.3; height 1.76 ± 0.08 m; mass 72.8 ± 8.6 Kg; body fat 12.9 ± 5.2%) performed successive jumps to reach the proposed stability level. After 48 hours, this process was repeated and the stability between the days was verified; if necessary, more sessions were performed. The stability level was determined by a Z-Test with a confidence interval of 95%. After the familiarization process, two additional experimental sessions were performed in order to determine the reliability of the performance in the Squat Jump (SJ) and the Countermovement Jump (CMJ). The coefficient of variation and standard error of measurement were determined individually (CVi and SEMi). A paired T-Test was performed to verify differences in the CVi and SEMi before and after the familiarization process. RESULTS: The CVi presented a significant reduction after the familiarization process (p < 0.001), changing from 5.01 ± 2.40% to 2.95 ± 0.89% in the SJ. The CVi also changed in the CMJ (from 4.50 ± 2.19% to 2.58 ± 0.81%). The same also occurred with the SEMi in both the SJ and the CMJ, changing from 1.29 ± 0.53 cm to 0.83 ± 0.25 cm in the SJ and from 1.35 ± 0.51cm to 0.83 ± 0.26 cm in the CMJ. CONCLUSION: The proposed individualized familiarization method significantly decreased intra-subject variability, which allows for a higher statistical power in the laboratorial setting and a greater sensitivity for performance monitoring tools.

مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-60913


BACKGROUND: Semiology of epileptic seizure is very important for diagnosis and treatment. However, little is known about the reliability of the observers' description. This study aims to determine the description reliability of seizures in the aspects of classification and lateralization. METHODS: We recorded 72 patients with habitual seizures during video-EEG monitorings. We, then, compared the ictal behaviors described by frequency observers and those recorded on the videotape to compare the accuracy of the observers' descriptions. Finally, we reviewed which aspects of the informants affected the reliability of the data. RESULTS: The classification of seizures based only on the observer-description was somewhat discordant from the videotape (correct classification: 82%) especially in dividing simple partial from complex partial seizures. Description of many ictal behaviors in presumed complex partial seizure such as oroalimentary automatism, motionless staring, tonic/clonic posture and version was accurate except for the hand automatism. A specified direction by the observer has a very high true positive rate. The accuracy of the description was related to the educational status of the observer. CONCLUSIONS: Semiology description by well-educated observers is may be reliable, but every physician should keep its limitation in mind and judge accordingly.

Humans , Automatism , Classification , Diagnosis , Educational Status , Epilepsy , Hand , Medical History Taking , Posture , Reproducibility of Results , Seizures , Videotape Recording
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