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Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 51: e20243750EDIT01, 2024. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559008


ABSTRACT Medical societies must maintain high standards of competence and quality when awarding specialist titles, defining the certification criteria, taking into account the needs and realities of the health system and medical practice.

RESUMO As Sociedades Médicas devem manter padrões elevados de competência e qualidade na concessão dos Títulos de Especialista, com definição dos critérios de certificação, considerando as necessidades e realidades do sistema de saúde e da prática médica.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(4): e20240138, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559404


ABSTRACT Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects eight to ten out of every 1,000 births, resulting in approximately 23,057 new cases in Brazil in 2022. About one in four children with CHD requires surgery or other procedures in the first year of life, and it is expected that approximately 81% of these children with CHD will survive until at least 35 years of age. Professionals choosing to specialize in CHD surgery face numerous challenges, not only related to mastering surgical techniques and the complexity of the diseases but also to the lack of recognition by medical societies as a separate subspecialty. Furthermore, families face difficulties when access to services capable of providing treatment for these children. To address these challenges, it is essential to have specialized hospitals, qualified professionals, updated technologies, sustainable industry, appropriate financing, quality assessment systems, and knowledge generation. The path to excellence involves specialization across all involved parties. As we reflect on the importance of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery and Congenital Heart Diseases establishing themselves as a subspecialty of Cardiovascular Surgery, it is essential to look beyond our borders to countries like the United States of America and United Kingdom, where this evolution is already a reality. This autonomy has led to significant advancements in research, education, and patient care outcomes, establishing a care model. By following this path in Brazil, we not only align our practice with the highest international standards but also demonstrate our maturity and the ability to meet the specific needs of patients with CHD and those with acquired childhood heart disease.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(2): 146-153, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424665


Abstract BACKGROUND Stigmatization, which emerges depending on the sexual behavior of young individuals, leads to negative health and social outcomes, such as shame, social marginalization, violence, and mental health morbidity. Objective: This study aimed to examine the correlation between the level of sexual and reproductive health stigma and gender perception in female university students. DESIGN AND SETTING: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Health Sciences of a university in Turkey. METHODS: The data of this study were collected from digital media between July and October 2020 from a study population of 385 students. The data were collected using the Personal Information Form, including the socio-demographic characteristics of students, the Sexual and Reproductive Health Stigmatization Scale in Young Women and the Perception of Gender Scale. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, analysis of variance, and Pearson's correlation test were used to assess the data. RESULTS: It was determined that there was a negative correlation between the Sexual and Reproductive Health Stigmatization Scale in Young Women and the Perception of Gender Scale (r = -0.173, P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: It was determined that as the gender perception in the young women who participated in the study increased, the sexual and reproductive health stigmatization level decreased. The sexual and reproductive health stigmatization levels of the participants were at an above average level, and gender perception was at a medium level.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-7, mar. 20, 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1425689


Objetivo: conhecer a participação política dos profissionais da enfermagem enquanto reflexo de suas entidades representativas. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem histórico-social. Dentro do recorte histórico de 1972 a 2018, entre março e setembro de 2019, entrevistaram-se 5 ex-presidentes das Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem - Seção Santa Catarina e do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem de Santa Catarina. A compreensão dos dados se deu por meio da análise de conteúdo de Bardin e interpretação através do marco conceitual de Denise Elvira Pires de Pires. Resultados: percebe-se uma significativa mudança de quadro da participação política da enfermagem através das décadas. Desde a criação da ABEn-SC a enfermagem transita de um corpo forte e unido para uma trajetória e participação em subsequente desarticulação. Conclusão: A desmobilização de uma categoria é multifatorial. Reflexo da desarticulação das entidades representativas da profissão, raízes histórico-culturais de sua fundação e do imaginário individual e social de uma profissão. (AU)

Objective: To Know the political participation of nursing professionals as a reflection of their representative entities. Methods: qualitative research of a historical-social nature in the history of 1975 to 2018, between March and September 2019. Interviewed 5 former presidents of the Brazilian Nursing Association - Santa Catarina Section and the Regional Nursing Council of Santa Catarina. The understanding of the data took place through the analysis of Bardin's content and interpretation through the conceptual framework of Denise Elvira Pires de Pires, profession, discipline and work. Results: there is a significant change in the framework of political participation in nursing over the decades. With a fragile articulation between the entities representing the category. Conclusion: The demobilization of the professional category is multifactorial. Reflection of the disarticulation of the entities representing the profession, the historical and cultural roots of its foundation and the individual and social imagery of the profession. (AU)

Objetivo: conocer la participación política de los profesionales de enfermería como reflejo de sus entidades representativas. Métodos: investigación cualitativa de carácter histórico-social en la historia de 1975 a 2018, entre marzo y septiembre de 2019. Se entrevistó a 5 ex presidentes de la Asociación Brasileña de Enfermería - Sección Santa Catarina y el Consejo Regional de Enfermería de Santa Catarina. La comprensión de los datos se llevó a cabo a través del análisis del contenido y la interpretación de Bardin a través del marco conceptual de Denise Elvira Pires de Pires, profesión, disciplina y trabajo. Resultados: hay un cambio significativo en el marco de participación política en enfermería a lo largo de las décadas. Con una articulación frágil entre las entidades que representan la categoría. Conclusión: La desmovilización de la categoría profesional es multifactorial. Reflejo de la desarticulación de los entes representativos de la profesión, las raíces históricas y culturales de su fundación y el imaginario individual y social de la profesión. (AU)

Nursing , Societies, Nursing , Organizational Policy , History of Nursing , Management Quality Circles
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(1): 26-35, mar. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553762


Los autores describen los hechos que dieron lugar al nacimiento, en 1872, de la SCA, que cumplió 150 años de existencia. Se señalan sus fundadores, sus objetivos y los principales hitos a lo largo de ese tiempo. El análisis hace hincapié en que durante la primera mitad de ese período solo un presidente fue médico: los demás fueron ingenieros, físicos, químicos, militares, abogados e investigadores naturalistas. En cambio, durante la segunda mitad 8 médicos, de distintas especialidades, ocuparon la presidencia, todos con una destacada actuación profesional, tanto nacional como internacional, y que aportaron una característica especial a la institución, propia de esta profesión. (AU)

The authors describe the events that led to the birth, in 1872, of the SCA, which celebrated 150 years of existence. Its founders, its objectives and the main milestones throughout that time are indicated. The analysis emphasizes that during the first half of that period only one president was a doctor: the others were engineers, physicists, chemists, soldiers, lawyers, and naturalistic researchers. On the other hand, during the second half, 8 doctors, from different specialties, held the presidency, all with an outstanding professional performance, both nationally and internationally, and who contributed a special characteristic to the institution, typical of this profession. (AU)

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Societies, Scientific/history , Argentina , History of Medicine , Anniversaries and Special Events
MedUNAB ; 26(2): 292-294, 20230108.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555033


La investigación científica en pregrado forma parte del desarrollo integral del estudiante de medicina; sin embargo, presenta limitaciones como las reducidas oportunidades de participar en proyectos de investigación, miedo al rechazo por la editorial, ausencia de la cultura investigativa, ausencia de asesores, desinterés de los docentes y la falta de financiamiento (1). A pesar de la baja producción científica estudiantil en América Latina (2), se evidenció un incremento significativo, atribuyendo a la creación de las sociedades científicas. En el Perú, se fundó la Sociedad Científica Peruana de Estudiantes de Medicina (SOCIPEM) el 27 de agosto de 1992 en la ciudad del Cusco, que luego cambiaría de nombre a Sociedad Científico Médico Estudiantil Peruana (SOCIMEP).

Undergraduate scientific research is part of the integral development of the medical student, but it has limitations, such as reduced opportunities to participate in research projects, fear of rejection by the editorial, absence of research culture, lack of advisors, disinterest of teachers and lack of funding (1). Despite the low student scientific production in Latin America (2), a significant increase was evident, attributing it to the creation of scientific societies. In Peru, the Peruvian Scientific Society of Medical Students (SOCIPEM) was founded on August 27, 1992 in the city of Cusco, which would later change its name to the Peruvian Medical Student Scientific Society (SOCIMEP).

Students, Medical , Peru , Schools, Medical , Societies, Scientific , Education, Medical
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(4): e20220888, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431219


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of study methodology and evaluation type on the selection of studies during the presentation of scientific events. METHODS: A prospective, observational, transversal approach was applied to a cohort of studies that were submitted for presentation at the 2021 Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium. Three forms of criteria (CR) were presented. CR1 was based on six criteria (method, ethics, design, originality, promotion, and social contribution); CR2 graded the studies from 0 to 10 for each study, and CR3 was based on five criteria (presentation, method, originality, scientific knowledge, and social contribution). To evaluate the item correlation, Cronbach's alpha and factorial analysis were performed. For the evaluation of differences between the tests, we used the Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Dunn tests. To determine the differences in the study classifications, we used the Friedman test and Namenyi's all-pairs comparisons. RESULTS: A total of 122 studies were evaluated. There was also a good correlation with the items concerning criterion 1 (α=0.730) and 3 (α=0.937). Evaluating CR1 methodology, study design and social contribution (p=0.741) represents the main factor and CR3 methodology, and the scientific contribution (p=0.994) represents the main factor. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed differences in the results (p<0.001) for all the criteria that were used [CR1-CR2 (p<0.001), CR1-CR3 (p<0.001), and CR2-CR3 (p=0.004)]. The Friedman test showed differences in the ranking of the studies (p<0.001) for all studies (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Methodologies that use multiple criteria show good correlation and should be taken into account when ranking the best studies.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(1): e20220180, 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1423169


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the professional struggles between nursing organizational entities, in Rio de Janeiro, during the Regional Nursing Council's electoral process (1990-1993 administration). Method: historical study. We used journalistic articles, normative documents, legislation and semi-structured interviews with five nursing professionals who participated in this process. Interpretation of findings was supported by Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, field, capital, and symbolic power. Results: Electoral Code changes of the aforementioned council, under the influence of administration (1987-1990), candidate for re-election, influenced the disclosure and eligibility criteria, making it difficult for broad participation, especially of Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem Rio de Janeiro Section. Final considerations: nursing, in this period, generated a field of disputes related to positions of power and gender, which was evidenced in the electoral process studied, which highlighted using limiting strategies by a group, making it difficult for the entire category to participate.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las luchas profesionales entre las organizaciones de enfermería de Río de Janeiro, durante el proceso electoral del Consejo Regional de Enfermería (gestión 1990-1993). Método: estudio histórico. Se utilizaron artículos periodísticos, documentos normativos, legislación y entrevistas semiestructuradas con cinco profesionales de enfermería que participaron de este proceso. La interpretación de los hallazgos se apoyó en los conceptos de habitus, campo, capital, y poder simbólico de Bourdieu. Resultados: cambios en el Código Electoral del mencionado consejo, bajo la influencia de la gestión (1987-1990), candidato a la reelección, influyeron en los criterios de divulgación y elegibilidad, dificultando la amplia participación, especialmente de la Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem Sección Río de Janeiro. Consideraciones finales: la enfermería, en este período, generó un campo de disputas relacionadas con posiciones de poder y de género, lo que se evidenció en el proceso electoral estudiado, que destacó el uso de estrategias limitantes por parte de un grupo, dificultando la participación del conjunto la categoría.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as lutas profissionais entre entidades organizativas da enfermagem, no Rio de Janeiro, durante o processo eleitoral do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (gestão 1990-1993). Método: estudo histórico. Utilizamos matérias jornalísticas, documentos normativos, legislações e entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco profissionais de enfermagem que participaram desse processo. A interpretação dos achados foi apoiada pelos conceitos de habitus, campo, capital, e poder simbólico de Bourdieu. Resultados: as alterações no Código Eleitoral do citado conselho, sob influência da gestão (1987-1990), candidata à reeleição, influenciaram na divulgação e nos critérios de elegibilidade, dificultando a ampla participação, especialmente, da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem Seção Rio de Janeiro. Considerações finais: a enfermagem, nesse período, gerou um campo de disputas relacionadas às posições de poder e de gênero, o que se evidenciou no processo eleitoral estudado, que ressaltou o uso de estratégias limitantes por parte de um grupo, dificultando a participação de toda a categoria.

Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 22: e61413, 2023.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1447934


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as implicações da teoria social de Antonio Gramsci para a organização político-ideológica das entidades civis da classe de Enfermagem no Brasil. Método: estudo de reflexão sobre o pensamento de Antonio Gramsci, discutindo a noção de hegemonia cultural, ideologia e Estado ampliado e suas implicações para a organização das entidades de Enfermagem. O estudo foi desenvolvido no segundo semestre de 2021 e dispensa apreciação por comitê de ética. Resultados: a preparação ideológica dos exercentes da Enfermagem foi identificada como elemento essencial para dar significado e sentido revolucionário à luta política e econômica da classe, apoiando a formação da identidade e sentimento de companheirismo entre os membros da categoria e formulação de diretrizes de ação para as entidades. Considerações finais: conclui-se pela importância dos sindicatos e associações profissionais para a organização da categoria e pela necessidade de (re)conexão entre os estudantes e trabalhadores de Enfermagem com as entidades civis, a partir de uma atuação comprometida com a mudança social e com as reais demandas da classe trabalhadora.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las implicaciones de la teoría social de Antonio Gramsci para la organización político-ideológica de las entidades civiles de la clase de Enfermería en Brasil. Método: estudio de reflexión sobre el pensamiento de Antonio Gramsci, discutiendo el concepto de hegemonía cultural, ideología y Estado ampliado y sus implicaciones para la organización de las entidades de Enfermería. El estudio fue desarrollado en el segundo semestre de 2021 y no necesita apreciación por comité de ética. Resultados: la preparación ideológica del personal de la Enfermería fue identificada como elemento esencial para dar significado y sentido revolucionario a la lucha política y económica de la clase, apoyando la formación de la identidad y el sentimiento de compañerismo entre los miembros de la categoría y formulación de directrices de acción para las entidades. Consideraciones finales: se concluye por la importancia de los sindicatos y asociaciones profesionales para la organización de la categoría y por la necesidad de (re)conexión entre los estudiantes y trabajadores de Enfermería con las entidades civiles, a partir de una actuación comprometida con el cambio social y con las reales reivindicaciones de la clase trabajadora.

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the implications of Antonio Gramsci's social theory for the political-ideological organization of civil entities of the Nursing class in Brazil. Method: study of reflection on the thought of Antonio Gramsci, discussing the notion of cultural hegemony, ideology and expanded state and its implications for the organization of nursing entities. The study was developed in the second half of 2021 and waives appreciation by ethics committee. Results: the ideological preparation of the nursing practitioners was identified as an essential element to give meaning and revolutionary sense to the political and economic struggle of the class, supporting the formation of identity and sense of fellowship among category members and formulation of action guidelines for entities. Final considerations: it is concluded by the importance of trade unions and professional associations for the organization of the category and the need for (re)connection between students and nursing workers with civil entities, committed to social change and the real demands of the working class.

Nursing , Societies, Nursing , State , Social Theory , History of Nursing
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 27: e20220194, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1421425


Resumo Objetivo Descrever o exercício conceitual de reflexão sobre as possibilidades e particularidades da participação das Escolas de Enfermagem e Faculdades de Enfermagem lusófonas na Rede de Conhecimentos em Enfermagem. Método Análise das informações obtidas em um levantamento de recursos institucionais de acordo com o marco conceitual proposto por Prug e Prusak sobre rede de conhecimentos. A ponderação de aspectos positivos e negativos - analisando o aprendizado com as informações - levou em consideração as possíveis soluções para um plano de ação. Resultados Tanto nas ações institucionais para suportar a pesquisa em Enfermagem como nos benefícios almejados com a participação na Rede existe o interesse na internacionalização da pesquisa e no trabalho colaborativo. Com a ampliação dos horizontes da ciência da Enfermagem lusófona, este trabalho visa aumentar o impacto da pesquisa e agilizar a divulgação e a utilização dos resultados, tanto na educação como na clínica. Conclusão e Implicações para a prática A participação das referidas instituições oferece inúmeras possibilidades de demonstrar originalidade, criatividade e perícia de sua prática docente e de pesquisa, favorecendo o compartilhamento de ideias e práticas. A prática de produção científica, por docentes e discentes, pode ser aprimorada pelo refinamento de modos de pensar, criar, produzir e disseminar.

Resumen Objetivo Describir el ejercicio conceptual de reflexión de las posibilidades y particularidades de la participación de facultades de Enfermería de lengua portuguesa en la Red de Conocimientos de Enfermería. Método Análisis de datos obtenidos de un sondeo de recursos institucionales bajo el marco conceptual de Prug y Prusak sobre la red de conocimiento. El planteamiento de aspectos positivos y negativos del aprendizaje abarcó soluciones para elaborar un plan de acción. Resultados En las acciones institucionales de apoyo a la investigación en Enfermería y los beneficios aspirados con la participación en la Red, existe un interés por la internacionalización de la investigación y el trabajo colaborativo -que tiene como objetivo aumentar el impacto de la investigación, estimular la divulgación y el aprovechamiento de los resultados en la enseñanza y la clínica, con la ampliación de los horizontes de la Enfermería de instituciones de habla portuguesa. Conclusión e Implicaciones en la práctica La Red ofrece numerosas posibilidades para las instituciones participantes respecto a la demostración de originalidad, creatividad y experiencia en la práctica docente y de investigación, fomentando el intercambio de ideas y prácticas. La práctica de la producción científica por profesores y estudiantes puede verse mejorada por la reflexión, creación, producción y difusión de conocimientos.

Abstract Objective To describe the conceptual exercise of reflecting on the possibilities and particularities of the participation of Lusophone schools of nursing in the Nursing Knowledge Network. Method An analysis was conducted using information obtained from an environmental scan of institutional resources following the conceptual framework by Prug and Prusak on the knowledge networks. The learnings reported in the analysis are based on the collected information and reflections on the positive and negative aspects of participation, while proposing possible solutions for an action plan. Results There is interest in the internationalization of research and collaborative work both as institutional actions to support nursing research and potential benefits due to participation in the Network. The collaborative work has potential to increase the impact of research, expedite dissemination and use of results both in education and in clinical practice, broadening the horizons of Lusophone nursing science. Conclusion and Implications for practice Participation of these institutions in the Network offers numerous possibilities to demonstrate the originality, creativity and expertise of their teaching and research practice, encouraging the sharing of ideas and practices. The practice of scientific production in all its scenarios by educators and students can be improved through refined ways of thinking, creating, producing, and disseminating knowledge.

Humans , Schools, Nursing , Societies, Nursing , Nursing Research , Nursing , Diffusion of Innovation , Portugal , Faculty, Nursing
Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(1): e20220153, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1407479


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the contributions of the Brazilian Nursing Association and the Federal and Regional Nursing Councils in the literature for the professionalization of nursing in the light of Eliot Freidson's theoretical conceptions. Methods: Integrative review of the literature, of socio-professional historical interest, carried out from June to November 2021, through the question: How did professional associations contribute to the professionalization of Brazilian nursing according to the literature from 2010 to 2020? The evidence were organized in a synoptic table, which allowed the construction of a conceptual map. Results: In the 23 selected studies, the professional associations presented scientific, social and political contributions, which shape the professional field of nursing, enabling knowledge/expertise, autonomy and self-regulation. Final considerations: The efforts of these institutions reaffirm nursing as an academic and consulting profession, capable of exerting control over the essence of nursing work. They strive to consolidate nursing as a legitimate professional field of health in Brazil.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar las contribuciones de la Asociación Brasileña de Enfermería y de los Consejos Federales y Regionales de Enfermería a la profesionalización de la enfermería bajo la luz de las concepciones teóricas de Eliot Freidson Métodos: Se trata de una revisión integradora, de interés histórico socio profesional, realizada de junio a noviembre de 2021, mediante la pregunta: ¿Cómo han contribuido las entidades de clase con la profesionalización de la enfermería brasileña según la literatura de 2010 a 2020? Las pruebas se organizaron en un cuadro sinóptico que permitió construir un mapa conceptual. Resultados: En los 23 estudios seleccionados, las entidades de clase presentaron contribuciones científicas, sociales y políticas, que forman el campo profesional de la enfermería y facilitan el conocimiento, la experticia, la autonomía y la autorregulación. Consideraciones finales: Las entidades reafirman que la enfermería es una profesión académica y de consulta, capaz de ejercer el control sobre la esencia del trabajo en sí y perseveran para consolidarla como un campo profesional legítimo en el Brasil.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar na literatura contribuições da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem e dos Conselhos Federal e Regionais de Enfermagem para a profissionalização da enfermagem à luz das concepções teóricas de Eliot Freidson. Métodos: Revisão integrativa, de interesse histórico socioprofissional, realizada de junho a novembro de 2021, mediante a questão: Como as entidades de classe contribuíram para a profissionalização da enfermagem brasileira de acordo com a literatura de 2010 a 2020? Organizaram-se as evidências em quadro sinótico, que possibilitou a construção de mapa conceitual. Resultados: Nos 23 estudos selecionados, as entidades de classe apresentaram contribuições científicas, sociais e políticas, que conformam o campo profissional da enfermagem, possibilitando conhecimento/expertise, autonomia e autorregulação. Considerações finais: Os esforços dessas entidades reafirmam a enfermagem como profissão acadêmica e de consulta, capaz de exercer controle sobre a essência do trabalho da enfermagem. Elas se empenham em consolidar a enfermagem como legítimo campo profissional da saúde no Brasil.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(6)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421792


Realizamos una reseña histórica de la Sociedad-Asociación Rioplatense de Anatomía, que fue una agrupación de anatomistas argentino-uruguaya. Se consideran sus orígenes y objetivos, estructura organizativa, congresos y publicaciones. Posteriormente con el crecimiento de la anatomía en ambos países se desdobló en la Asociación Argentina de Anatomía y la Sociedad Uruguaya de Anatomía.

SUMMARY: We carry out a historical review of the Rioplatense Society-Association of Anatomy, which was a group of Argentine-Uruguayan anatomists. Its origins and objectives, organizational structure, congresses and publications are considered. Later, with the growth of anatomy in both countries, it was divided into the Argentine Association of Anatomy and the Uruguayan Society of Anatomy.

History, 20th Century , Societies, Medical/history , Anatomy/history , Argentina , Uruguay
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 423-430, out.dez.2022. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413155


Introdução: O pioderma gangrenoso (PG) é uma doença neutrofílica, rara, porém de consequências danosas. O Capítulo de Feridas da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP) foi instado a compilar as melhores práticas, tanto diagnósticas como terapêuticas, junto às Sociedades Brasileiras de Dermatologia e Reumatologia para um melhor esclarecimento dos seus membros. Métodos: Ampla revisão de artigos publicados na literatura médica e compilação das novas diretrizes de diagnóstico e tratamento por dois membros indicados por cada uma das Sociedades Brasileiras de Cirurgia Plástica, Dermatologia e Reumatologia. Resultados: O PG deixou de ser uma doença de exclusão, tendo os critérios diagnósticos bem definidos e a orientação terapêutica delineada pelos autores, incluindo o uso de terapia biológica. Conclusão: O PG permanece desafiador, mas sistematizar a investigação e o uso dos novos medicamentos, bem como o manejo das feridas, abre novas perspectivas, interferindo na fisiopatologia de modo positivo, com maior precocidade e menos efeitos colaterais do que a terapia imunossupressora de forma isolada.

Introduction: The pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a neutrophilic disease, rare but with a poor outcome. The Capitulum of Wound treatment of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) promoted a discussion with the Brazilian societies of Dermatology and Rheumatology to extract the best procedures in diagnostic and treatment. Methods: Broad review of published articles related to the subject and compilation of guidelines of diagnostic and treatment by two advisors of each involved society, plastic surgery, dermatology and rheumatology. Results: The PG is not an exclusion disease anymore, with well defined criteria for its diagnostic and literature based treatment, refined by the authors, including the use of biological therapies. Conclusion: The PG remains challenging, but systematizing the investigation and the use of new drugs has opened a new horizon of treatments, interfering in the pathophysiology in a positive manner with fewer side effects than immunosuppressive therapy alone.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 457-462, out.dez.2022. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413208


Introdução: O estudo doravante desenvolvido propõe analisar as penalidades impostas por Sociedades de Especialidades Médicas, entidades organizadas sob a forma de associações civis, sobretudo se configuram usurpação legal de competência dos Conselhos Profissionais. Será investigada a natureza dessas punições e seus efeitos e alcances, no intuito de verificar se há efetivo prejuízo ao exercício profissional da medicina pelo galeno. Métodos: Para a referida análise, foram levantadas as normas aplicáveis dentro ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, sua sistematização e conflitos aparentes, a fim de situar as punições associativas e sua conformidade com a ordem jurídica vigente. Resultados/Conclusão: Verificou-se do estudo que não há qualquer óbice à aplicação de tal modalidade de sanções, uma vez respeitadas as garantias legais e constitucionais da ampla defesa, contraditório e devido processo legal.

Introduction: The study developed hereafter proposes to analyze the penalties imposed by Societies of Medical Specialties, entities organized in the form of civil associations, specially if they constitute legal usurpation of the competence of Professional Councils. The nature of these punishments and their effects and scope will be investigated, in order to verify whether there is effective damage to the professional practice of medicine by physicians. Methods: For this analysis, the applicable rules within the Brazilian legal system were raised, their systematization and apparent conflicts, in order to locate the associative punishments and their compliance with the current legal order. Results/Conclusion: It was verified from the study that there is no obstacle to the application of this type of sanctions, once the legal and constitutional guarantees of ample defense, contradictory and due process are respected.

Cir. Urug ; 6(1): e601, jul. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1384409


La historia de la cirugía y de las escuelas quirúrgicas está construida sobre el conocimiento médico, pero también influenciada por las grandes corrientes de pensamiento políticas, religiosas, culturales e incluso militares de las diferentes épocas. La influencia de la cirugía francesa en la formación de la escuela quirúrgica uruguaya, a lo largo de más de un siglo ha sido determinante para establecer sus bases desde la evidencia clínica, el dominio de la anatomía, la excelencia técnica, un permanente espíritu crítico para impulsar la generación de nuevos conocimientos; todo basado una ética guiada por el máximo respeto por el paciente y su sufrimiento. El presente trabajo, analiza desde la perspectiva de la cirugía general los primeros contactos quirúrgicos durante la Guerra Grande, el inicio de la formación académica de los cirujanos uruguayos en Francia, los aspectos técnicos y las publicaciones relevantes producto de esas experiencias; así como anécdotas y amistades personales e institucionales sobre las que se fue construyendo un sólido modelo de relacionamiento científico especialmente a través de la Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay.

The history of surgery and surgical schools were built on the basis of medical knowledge, but also influenced by the great currents of political, religious, cultural and even military thought of the different times. The influence of the French surgical school in the development of surgery in Uruguay, for more than a century, has been decisive in establishing its pillars: clinical evidence, expertise in anatomy, technical excellence, a permanent critical analysis for promote the generation of knowledge; based on ethics principles of respect for the patient and his suffering. The present study analyzes, from the perspective of the general surgery, the first surgical contacts during the first civil war, the beginning of the academic training of Uruguayan surgeons in France, the technical aspects and the relevant publications resulting from these experiences; as well as anecdotes and personal and institutional friendships on which a solid model of scientific relationship was built, especially through the Uruguay Society of Surgery.

A história da cirurgia e das escolas cirúrgicas é construída no saber médico, mas também influenciada pelas grandes correntes do pensamento político,religioso, cultural, e até militar das diferentes épocas.A influência da cirurgia francesa na formação da escola cirúrgica uruguaia, ao longo de mais de um século, foi decisiva para estabelecer suas bases a partir de evidências clínicas, domínio da anatomia, excelência técnica, espírito crítico permanente para promover a geração de novos conhecimentos; tudo baseado em uma ética pautada no máximo respeito pelo paciente e seu sofrimento.O presente trabalho analisa, sob a ótica da cirurgia geral, os primeiros contatos cirúrgicos durante a grande guerra, o início da formação acadêmica dos cirurgiões uruguaios na França, os aspectos técnicos e as publicações relevantes resultantes dessas experiências; assim como anedotas e amizades pessoais e institucionais sobre as quais se construiu um sólido modelo de relacionamento científico, especialmente por meio da Sociedade de Cirurgia do Uruguai

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Societies, Medical/history , General Surgery/history , Surgeons/history , Uruguay , Surgeons/education , France
Rev. medica electron ; 44(3)jun. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409737


RESUMEN En 2018 se cumplieron 45 años de labor de la Sociedad Cubana de Ciencias Morfológicas -asociación no gubernamental perteneciente al Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas de la Salud en Cuba-, creada en 1973 con un nombre representativo de las especialidades que en sus inicios la componían mayormente: la Anatomía, la Histología y la Embriología. En el propio 2018, por decisión de la dirección del Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas y la Dirección de Asociaciones del Ministerio de Justicia, esta desaparece. El presente artículo expone una síntesis histórica de la Sociedad Cubana de Ciencias Morfológicas.

ABSTRACT In 2018, the Cuban Society of Morphological Sciences-a non-governmental association belonging to the National Council of the Scientific Societies of Health in Cuba-completed 45 years of work; it was created in 1973 with a representative name of the specialties that at the beginning composed it mostly: Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. In 2018 itself, by decision of the board of the national Council of Scientific Societies and the Directorate of Associations of the Ministry of Justice, it disappears. The current article presents a historical synthesis of the Cuban Society of Morphological Sciences.

Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 55(2)abr. 2022. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402527


The Brazilian Society of Neurological Research (SBIN) was founded on December 19, 2000, by a group of neurol-ogists headed by Professor Lineu César Werneck, MD, Ph.D., to promote scientific development and cultural diver-sity in neurology and neurosciences. The criteria for members' admission have always been strict, and the group reached 80% of physicians with a Ph.D. degree. However, the conditions to become a member were modified to attract more researchers, especially the younger ones, and neuroscientists from other areas of health and biology. The scientific events were the primary goal of SBIN. Eighteen editions were performed. The board and members of the SBIN recognized that the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, and the other societies that encouraged the neuro-sciences, were working to continue the exponential increase of scientific production in the neurosciences in Brazil, realizing that their purposes were fulfilled. The society was dissolved in December 2020 (AU)

A Sociedade Brasileira de Investigação Neurológica (SBIN) foi fundada em 19 de dezembro de 2000 por um grupo de neurologistas capitaneados pelo Prof. Dr. Lineu César Werneck, com a finalidade de promover o desenvolvimento científico e cultural na neurologia e nas neurociências. Os critérios de admissão de membros sempre foram rígi-dos, tendo o grupo alcançado 80% de médicos com doutorado. Entretanto, as condições para se tornar membro foram modificadas com a intenção de atrair mais pesquisadores, principalmente os mais jovens, e neurocientistas de outras áreas da saúde e da biologia. Os eventos científicos foram o objetivo maior da SBIN. Foram realizadas 18 edições. A diretoria e os membros da SBIN reconheceram que a Academia Brasileira de Neurologia, e as outras sociedades de incentivo às neurociências, estavam trabalhando para a continuidade do aumento exponencial da produção científica em ciências neurológicas no Brasil, compreendendo que seus propósitos estavam cumpridos. A sociedade se desfez em dezembro de 202 (AU)

Societies, Medical , Societies, Scientific , Neurosciences , Essay , History of Medicine
Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 85(2): 107-116, abr.-jun 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409924


SUMMARY The migration of millions of Venezuelans to South American countries in the last two or three decades is one of the most significant social phenomena in the continent's history. This article presents a brief historical account of the process and describes a variety of dramatic aspects of the migrants' experiences throughout the long road towards Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and other countries. The main socio-demographic characteristics of the migrant population (numbers, population types, geographic location in the host country, age, gender and civil status, work and employment) in the above three countries, are described as a relevant basis of further inquiries on the repercussions of migration on the mental health of its protagonists. The information covers important aspects of the journey and the arrival as the initiation of a painful and uncertain process of acculturation and adaptation.

RESUMEN La migración de millones de venezolanos a países sudamericanos en las últimas dos o tres décadas constituye uno de los fenómenos sociales más significativos en la historia del continente. El presente artículo formula un breve recuento histórico del proceso y describe odiseas de diversa naturaleza, experimentadas por los migrantes en el extenso recorrido hacia Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y otros países. Como base relevante de futuras investigaciones en torno a repercusiones de la migración en la salud mental de sus protagonistas, se examinan las principales características socio-demográficas (cifras, tipos de población, ubicación geográfica en el país receptor, edad, género y estado civil, trabajos y empleos) de los migrantes en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. La información cubre aspectos importantes de la travesía y el arribo que generan un doloroso e incierto proceso de aculturación y adaptación.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 37(1): 99-109, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365546


ABSTRACT Introduction: The primary aim of this systematic review is to provide perioperative strategies to help restore or preserve cardiovascular services under threat from financial and personnel constraints imposed by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: The Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Excerpta Medica dataBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials/CCTR, and Google Scholar were systematically searched using the search terms "(cardiac OR cardiology OR cardiothoracic OR surgery) AND (COVID-19 or coronavirus OR SARS-CoV-2 OR 2019-nCoV OR 2019 novel coronavirus OR pandemic)". Additionally, the webpages of relevant medical societies, including the World Federation Society of Anesthesiologists, the Cardiothoracic Surgery Network, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, were screened for relevant information. Results: Whereas cardiac surgery and cardiology practices were reduced by 50-75% during the pandemic, mortality of patients with COVID-19 increased significantly. Healthcare workers are among those at high risk of infection with COVID-19. Conclusion: Hospitals must provide maximum protective equipment and training on how to use it to healthcare workers for their mutual protection. Triage management of patients — which accounts for patient's clinical status and risk-factor profile relatable to which services are available during the COVID-19 pandemic — is recommended. A strict reorganization of the hospital resources including preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative detailed protective measures is necessary to reduce probability of vector contamination, to protect patients and the cardiovascular teams, and to permit safe resumption of cardiological and cardiac surgical activity.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(1): e320109, 2022. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376001


Resumo O artigo aborda a atuação política conjunta de entidades médicas nacionais brasileiras de 1999 a 2015, destacando elementos de sua origem, trajetória e configuração institucional. Foram analisados temas, bandeiras de luta, posicionamentos e estratégias na agenda dessas organizações. O estudo envolveu revisão bibliográfica e análise documental, ancoradas no institucionalismo histórico. Os resultados indicam processos de surgimento inter-relacionados, mais evidentes entre a Associação Médica Brasileira e o Conselho Federal de Medicina, repercutindo nas trajetórias e configurações institucionais. Observaram-se conexões entre aspectos históricos, institucionais e a atuação política das entidades. A ênfase na unidade representativa contribuiu para a conformação de uma agenda conjunta influenciada pela parceria entre as entidades, com incorporação posterior da Federação Nacional dos Médicos. Sua atuação foi voltada para o Legislativo, e simultaneamente para os setores público e privado de saúde, com crescimento de posicionamentos contrários às políticas de saúde do governo federal. A ação política se desenvolveu sem alterações de arranjo representativo trino, composto por conselho, associação e sindicato, favorecendo a definição de acordos em espaços intermediários de representação. A agenda corporativa dúbia e a defesa do exercício liberal influenciam a atuação contraditória das entidades médicas brasileiras, com desdobramentos no apoio político e incorporação desses profissionais ao SUS.

Abstract The article addresses the joint political action of Brazilian national medical entities from 1999 to 2015, highlighting elements of their origin, trajectory and institutional configuration. Themes, flags of struggle, positions and strategies in the agenda of these organizations were analyzed. The study involved bibliographic review and documentary analysis, anchored in historical institutionalism. The results indicate interrelated processes of creation, more evident between the Brazilian Medical Association and the Federal Council of Medicine, reflecting on the trajectories and institutional configurations. There were connections between historical and institutional aspects and the political action. The emphasis on the representative unit contributed to a joint agenda influenced by the partnership between the entities, with subsequent incorporation of the National Federation of Physicians. Its performance was focused on the Legislature, and simultaneously to the public and private health sectors, with growth of positions contrary to the federal health policies. The political action developed without changes of trine representative arrangement, composed of council, association and union, favoring the definition of agreements in intermediate spaces. The dubious corporate agenda and the defense of the liberal practice influence the contradictory performance of Brazilian medical entities, with consequences in political support and incorporation of these professionals to the SUS.

Societies, Medical/history , Societies, Medical/organization & administration , Political Activism , Labor Unions/organization & administration , Politics , Unified Health System , Brazil
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