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مقالة ي اليابانية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040053


The Safety Committee, Clinical Information Department, Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) held a workshop at their 72nd Annual Meeting in Kobe titled "Forgotten Needles: Present Conditions and Measures."In the workshop, the following information was offered by the three committees, and a question and answer session was conducted with the audience afterward. 1. Patient's affection for forgotten needles: analysis of a contribution to Twitter 2. The present conditions and measure plans of forgotten needles: based on the present conditions of Kansai University of Health Sciences 3. Forgotten needles at the Suzuka University of Medical Science: the real condition of prevention of outbreak We performed a thorough cross- and/or double-check to prevent forgotten needles. The reports suggested various ideas as check methods, and the results of the study helped the practice from the next day.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | AIM | ID: biblio-1537238


YouTube and Twitter have been used as a social media handles for a number of purposes; however, using same tools for research purposes among undergraduate medical students is the major reason for this study. The study investigated the utilization of YouTube and Twitter as sources of information among undergraduate's medical students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS),Nigeria. Descriptive survey was used with the population of 65,469 medicals students drawn from three (3) faculties' namely, Health sciences, Medical sciences and Laboratory sciences. A sample size of 398 undergraduates was drawn using Slovene's formula. Questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument and distributed to 398 undergraduate medical students, out of which a total of 379 copies was returned and used for analysis. Data collected were analyzed with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It was found that medical students in UDUS make use of YouTube and Twitter to a great extent and they use it majorly for academic purposes. Furthermore, information overload, epileptic power supply and Spam and false news media platforms werefound to be the most prominent challenges faced by medical students in UDUS using YouTube and Twitter as sources of information for research. The recommendations proffered include: lecturers should ensure that they engage the students in tasks that can require them to visit and search for academic information on YouTube and Twitter among others.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Media , Online Social Networking , Research , Information Sources
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536244


El análisis de sentimientos o minería de opiniones es una rama de la computación que permite analizar opiniones, sentimientos y emociones en ciertas áreas de interés social como productos, servicios, organizaciones, compañías, eventos y temas de interés actual. En tal sentido se propuso identificar los sentimientos y tópicos presentes en los tweets que hicieron mención a las vacunas cubanas Soberana 02 y Abdala en la red social Twitter. Se optó por los lenguajes de programación Python y R con sus librerías específicas para la ciencia de datos. La primera parte del estudio, que abarcó desde el web scraping hasta la cuantificación de las palabras más usadas, se realizó con Python y las siguientes librerías: tweepy, pandas, re, nltk y matplotlib. Mientras que la segunda, que fue la del análisis de sentimientos y detección de tópicos, se implementó con R y se utilizó: tokenizers, tm, syuzhet, topic modeling, tidyverse, barplot y wordcloud. Se obtuvo que entre los términos con que más se dialoga en Twitter están dosis, vacunas, eficacia, cubanos, candidatos, millones, país, personas, recibido y población. En los tweets las emociones predominantes fueron el miedo y, ligeramente por encima, la confianza; en la polaridad predominó la positiva, como expresión del contexto vivido en el cual se desarrolló la campaña de vacunación. A partir de los tópicos identificados y los términos que se relacionaron con las emociones predominantes, así como por la polaridad, se aprecia consenso en torno a las vacunas Soberana 02 y Abdala.

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is a branch of computing that allows analyzing opinions, feelings and emotions in certain areas of social interest such as products, services, organizations, companies, events and topics of current interest. In this sense, the objective of this paper was to identify the feelings and topics present in the tweets mentioning the Cuban vaccines Soberana 02 and Abdala on Twitter social network. The programming languages Python and R with their specific libraries for data science were chosen. The first part of the study, which ranged from web scraping to the quantification of the most used words, was carried out with Python and the libraries tweepy, pandas, re, nltk and matplotlib. While the second, which was the sentiment analysis and topic detection, was implemented with R and used tokenizers, tm, syuzhet, topic modeling, tidyverse, barplot, and wordcloud. It was obtained that among the terms with which there is more dialogue on Twitter are doses, vaccines, efficacy, Cubans, candidates, millions, country, people, received and population. In the tweets, the predominant emotions were fear and confidence, slightly above it; in the polarity, the positive one predominated, as an expression of the lived context in which the vaccination campaign was developed. A consensus can be perceived around the vaccines Soberana 02 and Abdala, from the identified topics and the terms that were related to the predominant emotions, as well as the polarity.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 1-11, ene.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409654


Resumen Introducción: En este estudio se evalúa la emocionalidad asociada a la vacunación contra el COVID-19 a partir de la técnica de análisis de sentimientos de los tweets en países iberoamericanos hispanohablantes. Método: En enero de 2021 se realizó un estudio mixto observacional transversal de 41023 tweets procedentes de nueve países iberoamericanos hispanohablantes (Chile, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, México, Panamá, Perú y España) con una fase cuantitativa y técnicas de análisis de sentimientos mediante algoritmos de inteligencia artificial y una fase cualitativa donde se realizó un análisis del discurso de los tweets cuya emocionalidad era en extremo positiva y negativa. Resultados: A partir del análisis de sentimiento de los tweets, se observó que los países presentan una emocionalidad negativa asociada a la vacunación contra el COVID-19, que se podría atribuir a la desconfianza hacia las autoridades y a la eficacia o seguridad de las vacunas, según el análisis del discurso en los tweets de emocionalidad en extremo negativa. Conclusiones: Las técnicas de análisis de sentimientos en combinación con el análisis del discurso de la emocionalidad extrema posibilitaron la monitorización de las opiniones negativas y sus posibles factores asociados en la vacunación contra el COVID-19 en los países iberoamericanos estudiados.

Abstract Introduction: This study evaluates the emotionality associated with vaccination against COVID-19 using the sentiment analysis technique of tweets in Spanish-speaking Ibero-American countries. Method: In January 2021 a mixed cross-sectional observational study of 41023 tweets from nine Spanish-speaking Ibero-American countries (Chile, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Spain) was carried out with a quantitative phase and analysis techniques of feelings based on artificial intelligence algorithms and a qualitative phase where an analysis of the discourse of the tweets whose emotionality was extremely positive and negative was carried out. Results: From the sentiment analysis of the tweets, it was observed that the countries present a negative emotionality associated with the vaccination against COVID-19, which could be attributed to mistrust towards the authorities and the efficacy or safety of the vaccines, according to the analysis of the discourse in the extremely negative emotionality tweets. Conclusions: Sentiment analysis techniques in combination with extreme emotionality discourse analysis made it possible to monitor negative opinions and their possible associated factors in vaccination against COVID-19 in the Ibero-American countries studied.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1773-1779
مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224319


Purpose: COVID?19?associated mucormycosis (CAM) was a serious public health problem during the second wave of COVID?19 in India. We planned to analyze public perceptions by sentiment analysis of Twitter data regarding CAM. Methods: In this observational study, the application programming interface (API) provided by the Twitter platform was used for extracting real?time conversations by using keywords related to mucormycosis (colloquially known as “black fungus”), from May 3 to August 29, 2021. Lexicon?based sentiment analysis of the tweets was done using the Vader sentiment analysis tool. To identify the overall sentiment of a user on any given topic, an algorithm to label a user “k” based on their sentiments was used. Results: A total of 4,01,037 tweets were collected between May 3 and August 29, 2021, and the peak frequency of 1,60,000 tweets was observed from May 17 to May 23, 2021. Positive sentiment tweets constituted a larger share as compared to negative sentiment tweets, with weekly variations. A temporal analysis of the demand for utilities showed that the demand was high in the initial period but decreased with time, which was associated with the availability of resources. Conclusion: Sentiment analysis using Twitter data revealed that social media platforms are gaining popularity to express one’s emotions during the ongoing COVID?19 pandemic. In our study, time?based assessment of tweets showed a reduction over time in the frequency of negative sentiment tweets. The polarization in the retweet network of users, based on sentiment polarity, showed that the users were well connected, highlighting the fact that such issues bond our society rather than segregating it.

RECIIS (Online) ; 16(1): 104-119, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366548


O presente artigo busca analisar postagens na rede social digital Twitter que contêm os termos 'HIV/aids' e 'covid-19' publicadas em abril de 2021, quando o Ministério da Saúde amplia a vacinação contra a covid-19 para pessoas com HIV/aids. Nosso objetivo foi o de comparar os dois acontecimentos epidemiológicos do país, evidenciar paralelos, subjetividades e lições a partir do corpus. Para tanto, optamos por um método quantiqualitativo de análise de redes semânticas baseada na coleta de conteúdos digitais, identificandose os pares ou o conjunto de palavras que mais se conectam, formando redes de significações análogas, denominadas clusters. Como resultado, identificamos a polarização político-partidária dos comentários sobre covid-19 e HIV/aids no Twitter, a reemergência dos estigmas associados a grupos específicos, como de homossexuais e asiáticos, o espalhamento em larga escala de desinformação sobre as duas doenças, revelando um campo de tensões e de disputas narrativas e midiáticas como ferramenta 'necropolítica'.

This article seeks to analyze posts on the digital social network Twitter containing the terms 'HIV/aids' and 'covid-19' published in April 2021, when the Ministry of Health expands vaccination against covid-19 for people with HIV/aids. Our objective was to compare the two epidemiological events in the country, highlighting parallels, subjectivities and lessons from the corpus. In order to do that, we chose a quanti-qualitative method of analysis of semantic networks based on the collection of digital content, identifying the pairs or sets of words that most connect, forming networks of analogous meanings, called clusters. As a result, we identified the political-partisan polarization of comments on covid-19 and HIV/aids on Twitter, the re-emergence of stigmas associated with specific groups, such as homosexuals and Asians, the largescale spread of misinformation about the two diseases, revealing a field of tensions and narrative and media disputes as a 'necropolitical' tool.

Este artículo busca analizar publicaciones em la red social digital Twitter que contienen los términos 'VIH/sida' y 'covid-19' publicados en abril de 2021, cuando el Ministerio de Salud amplía la vacunación contra covid-19 para personas con VIH/sida. Nuestro objetivo fue comparar los dos eventos epidemiológicos en el país, destacando paralelos, subjetividades y lecciones del corpus. Por ello, optamos por un método cuanticualitativo de análisis de redes semánticas basado en la recolección de contenido digital, identificando los pares o conjuntos de palabras que más conectan, formando redes de significados análogos, llamados clusters. Como resultado, identificamos la polarización político-partidista de los comentarios sobre el covid-19 y el VIH/sida en Twitter, el resurgimiento de estigmas asociados con grupos específicos, como los homosexuales y los asiáticos, la difusión a gran escala de información errónea sobre las dos enfermedades, revelando un campo de tensiones y disputas narrativas y mediáticas como herramienta 'necropolítica'.

Humans , HIV , Communication , Social Media , Semantic Web , COVID-19/immunology , Vaccination , Access to Information , Social Discrimination
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 33: e1764, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408110


La Asociación Nacional de Informadores de la Salud constituye una de las mayores asociaciones de prensa sectorial de España, con más de 700 miembros. Durante la crisis del COVID-19, su función en la gestión y difusión de información puede considerarse fundamental. El objetivo general de esta investigación fue analizar cómo se produce la comunicación entre los miembros de la Asociación Nacional de Informadores de la Salud en torno al COVID-19 en Twitter. Se descargaron todos los tuits e interacciones entre los asociados y se analizó la red generada por estos; se identificó a los miembros más influyentes a través de medidas de centralidad y se examinó el contenido de los tuits con mayor difusión y engagement. Tras identificar expresiones que aparecían con mayor frecuencia, se hizo un análisis semántico para extraer los temas más relevantes. Los datos mostraron una red poco cohesionada, donde los usuarios interactúan poco entre sí. Tanto la Asociación como sus miembros, se centran mayoritariamente en la difusión de mensajes fomentadores de concienciación, con información relevante relacionada con la enfermedad, la formación, la denuncia social y el humor. Un uso más coordinado e interactivo de la red social por parte de los miembros de la Asociación, sería deseable para aumentar el alcance y la difusión de sus mensajes(AU)

The National Association of Health Informants is one of the largest sectoral press associations in Spain, with more than 700 members. During the COVID-19 crisis, its role in the management and dissemination of information can be considered fundamental. The overall objective of this research was to analyze how communication occurs between members of the National Association of Health Informants regarding COVID-19 on Twitter. All tweets and interactions between associates were downloaded and the network generated by them was analyzed; the most influential members were identified through measures of centrality and the content of the tweets with the highest diffusion and engagement was examined. After identifying expressions that appeared more frequently, a semantic analysis was made to extract the most relevant topics. The data showed a poorly cohesive network, where users interact little with each other. Both the Association and its members focus mainly on the dissemination of awareness-raising messages, with relevant information related to the disease, training, social denunciation and humor. A more coordinated and interactive use of the social network by the members of the Association would be desirable to increase the reach and dissemination of their messages(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Coronavirus , Information Dissemination/methods , Social Media , Social Network Analysis , COVID-19 , Disinformation , Spain
Porto Alegre; s.n; 2022. 258 f p. il 258.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1418649


O uso de mídias sociais por pesquisadores, instituições, publicações e público em geral, assim como a adoção da altmetria para aferição de impacto de produtos científicos em diferentes plataformas online, vem ao encontro do que preconizam as novas propostas para a comunicação científica. A Enfermagem possui uma produção científica por vezes mais acessível à sociedade o que lhe permite alcançar um público mais amplo e diversificado, por vezes não acadêmico, que acessa, lê e discute temas que muitas vezes fazem parte do seu cotidiano. A tese justifica-se pela carência de estudos brasileiros sobre o uso de modelos, métodos e técnicas estatísticas para medir os efeitos da relação e da possibilidade de usar métricas de mídias sociais para prever o volume de citações de artigos científicos da Enfermagem. Estudo exploratório e de abordagem quantitativa que analisa o efeito das interações em mídias sociais nas citações de 4.776 artigos publicados em onze periódicos brasileiros do campo da Enfermagem indexados na Scopus no período de 2015 a 2019. Os dados de impacto sobre os artigos no Mendeley, Twitter e Facebook, foram fornecidos pela PlumX. Também foram coletados dados altmétricos do corpus nas contas das revistas no Facebook e no Twitter. Para predição de resultados foi utilizado o modelo de regressão Binomial Negativo devido à natureza dos dados disponíveis. Foi observado que 99% do corpus estava coberto no Mendeley, 19,6% no Facebook e 12,6% no Twitter. Foi verificada uma correlação moderada (rs = 0,591, p < 0,05) entre o volume de leitores no Mendeley e o volume de citações na Scopus Os resultados demonstraram uma correlação nula entre as interações recebidas pelos artigos no Facebook (rs = - 0,129, p < 0,05) e no Twitter (rs = 0,141, p < 0,05) com as citações recebidas pelos artigos na Scopus. O modelo de regressão demonstrou que para cada aumento no número leitores em um artigo no Mendeley, mantendo-se outros parâmetros fixos, tem-se um aumento aproximado de 0,7% no número de citações deste artigo na Scopus. Já para cada aumento na variável ano, mantendo os outros parâmetros fixos, tem-se aproximadamente 39,8% de aumento no número de citações recebidas por um artigo na Scopus. Foram postados no Facebook pelos periódicos da Enfermagem 31,3% dos artigos publicados em 2019. O modelo de regressão demonstrou que para cada aumento no número de interações em um artigo no Facebook, mantendose os outros parâmetros fixos, tem-se um aumento médio de 2,2% no número de citações na Scopus. Foram divulgados no Twitter 16,9% dos artigos publicados pelos periódicos em 2019. Ficou evidenciada a natureza díspar do tipo de impacto que é mensurado pelas métricas tradicionais, baseadas em citações, e as métricas alternativas, percebidas em mídias sociais. Reafirma-se o que já foi exposto na literatura: a altmetria pode ser utilizada para complementar, mas não para substituir, o impacto medido pelas métricas tradicionais baseadas em citações formais, permitindo observar de forma mais ampliada como se dão os processos da comunicação científica em ambientes online informais.

The use of social media by researchers, institutions, publications and the general public, as well as the adoption of altmetrics to measure the impact of scientific products on different online platforms, is in line with the new proposals for scientific communication. Nursing has a scientific production that is sometimes more accessible to society, which makes it possible to reach a broader and more varied audience, sometimes non-academic, that accesses, reads and discusses topics that are often part of their daily lives. The dissertation is justified by the lack of Brazilian studies about the use of models, methods and statistical techniques to measure the effects of the relationship and the possibility of using social media metrics to predict the amount of citations of scientific articles in Nursing. This is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach, which analyzes the effect of interactions in social media on the citations of 4,776 articles published in eleven Nursing Brazilian journals indexed in Scopus from 2015 to 2019. PlumX provided the impact of data sharing on articles on Mendeley, Twitter and Facebook. Besides, we collected altmetric data of the corpus on Facebook and Twitter accounts of the journals. To predict the results, we used the Negative Binomial regression model due to the nature of the available data. We found that Mendeley covers 99% of the corpus; Facebook, 19.6% and Twitter, 12.6%. We found a moderate correlation (rs = 0.591, p < 0.05) between the amount of Mendeley readers and the amount of Scopus citations. The results showed a null correlation between the interactions received by the articles on Facebook (rs = - 0.129, p < 0.05) and on Twitter (rs = 0.141, p < 0.05) with the citations received by the articles in Scopus. The regression model showed that for each increase in the number of readers of an article on Mendeley, other parameters remaining fixed, there is an approximate increase of 0.7% in the number of citations of this article in Scopus. For each increase in the variable 'year', other parameters remaining fixed, there is an increase of approximately 39.8% in the number of citations received by an article in Scopus. Nursing journals posted on Facebook 31.3% of the articles published in 2019. The regression model showed that for each increase in the number of interactions in an article on Facebook, other parameters remaining fixed, there is an average increase of 2.2% in the number of citations in Scopus. Twitter posted 16.9% of the articles published by journals in 2019. It is evident the unequal nature of the type of impact that is measured by traditional metrics, based on citations, and alternative metrics, noticed on social media. We reaffirm what literature has already exposed: altmetrics can be used to complement, but not to replace, the impact measured by traditional metrics based on formal citations, allowing a broader perspective of how scientific communication processes take place in informal online environments.

Periodicals as Topic , Nursing , Social Media , Publications , Communication , Information Dissemination
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(5): e4173, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352082


Introducción: La pandemia de COVID-19 modifica el ambiente info-comunicativo de los ciberusuarios. Cuba, en particular, presenta un nivel considerable de desarrollo tecnológico insertado en la plataforma social de Internet, Twitter. Este soporte desempeña un rol vertebral para el debate sobre temas relacionados a las brigadas médicas cubanas, por su enfrentamiento al virus en el ámbito internacional, que coadyuva a la conformación de una opinión global favorable. Lo planteado con anterioridad se expresa desde las conversaciones online y sus discursos en este sitio. Objetivo: Caracterizar el ambiente info-comunicativo de Twitter durante las conversaciones online sobre brigadas médicas cubanas, entre el 31 de diciembre de 2020 y el 18 de enero de 2021. Material y Métodos: Se emplea el método teórico hermenéutico, para la descripción de los resultados del procesamiento estadístico de contenido, estructura y uso en la web, correspondiente a un enfoque transdisciplinar, mediante la técnica de minería de datos y la aplicación como instrumento del algoritmo no supervisado SSA-UO para el análisis de sentimientos en Twitter. Resultados: Las características del ambiente info-comunicativo de Twitter durante las conversaciones online sobre brigadas médicas cubanas evidencian un predominio de la polaridad positiva. Conclusiones: Los retuits, las menciones y la publicación de enlaces condicionan las particularidades del debate sobre el tema en la esfera de microblogging(AU)

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic modifies the info-communicative environment of cyber users. Cuba, in particular, presents a remarkable level of technological development inserted in the Internet social platform, Twitter. This support plays a key role in the debate about issues related to the Cuban medical delegations due to their confrontation with the virus at the international level, which contributes to the formation of a favorable global opinion. The aforementioned point is expressed from the online conversations and their speeches in this site. Objective: To characterize the info-communicative environment on Twitter during the online conversations about Cuban medical brigades between December 31, 2020 and January 18, 2021. Material and Methods: The hermeneutic theoretical method is used for the description of the results of the statistical processing of content, structure and use on the Web, corresponding to a transdisciplinary approach through the application of Data Mining Technique as an instrument of the unsupervised algorithm SSA-UO for sentiment analysis on Twitter. Results: The characteristics of the info-communicative environment on Twitter during the online conversations about Cuban medical delegations evidence a predominance of positive polarity. Conclusions: Retweets, mentions and the publication of links influence the particularities of the debate on the topic in the microblogging sphere(AU)

Humans , Publications , Technological Development , Internet , COVID-19
Investig. desar. ; 29(1): 99-132, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1346390


RESUMEN El 45° presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald J. Trump, irrumpió en la sociedad americana con un discurso irreverente y haciendo un uso antagónico en las redes sociales que le sitúa como el antiparadigma de la marca Obama. Para demostrarlo, hemos realizado una comparación de la primera campaña (2016) y la precampaña a la reelección (2020) presidencial de Trump, tanto en Twitter como en Instagram, a través de un análisis de contenido (recogida de datos, análisis y valoración de los resultados) basado en tres categorías de análisis relevantes: retórica, comunicación política y nuevas tecnologías. De este análisis incluimos el uso asimétrico que hace de las redes sociales con un discurso políticamente incorrecto y con un apoyo bastante pobre de recursos extralingüísticos, pero que, sin embargo, le generan un liderazgo político muy notable.

ABSTRACT Donald trump, the 45 th president of United States, broke into American society with an irreverent speech by using social media in a very antagonist way, being this exactly the opposite of the Obama brand. In order to determinate this aspect, we have prepared a comparison between the first political campaign (2016) and the presidential pre-election (2020) of Donald J Trump, making a content analysis (data collection and an assessment of the results) of both Twitter and Instagram. This analysis is based on three relevants characteristics: rhetoric, political communication, and new technologies. From this analysis we have concluded an asymmetric use of social media with an inappropriate political speech and a very poor use of extralinguistic resources. However, these elements make him a significant political leader.

Humans , Politics , Communication , Social Networking , Leadership , Technology
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(2): 89-94, abr.-jun. 2021. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357253


RESUMEN Introducción: Las redes sociales como Twitter®, Facebook® y YouTube® se han convertido en medios de interacción y visualización de información científica. Han surgido medidas alternativas (almetrics) que evalúan la diseminación y el impacto de las revistas científicas en las redes sociales; sin embargo, se desconoce si existe correlación entre la actividad de las revistas de reumatología en redes sociales y las métricas tradicionales de impacto basadas en número de citaciones. Métodos: Se identificaron las revistas de reumatología a partir de la base de datos de SCImago de Scopus® y se extrajo la información de las métricas tradicionales basadas en el número de citaciones. Se determinaron métricas alternativas de actividad de las revistas en Facebook®, Twitter®, YouTube® e Instagram®. Se evaluó la correlación entre ellas usando el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, ajustado por el tiempo transcurrido desde la creación de la cuenta. Resultados: De un total de 60 revistas de reumatología, 14 contaban con la presencia en las redes sociales evaluadas. El SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) fue más alto en revistas con red social (90,5 vs. 21; p < 0,05). La correlación entre el SJR y las métricas de actividad del Twitter® fue excelente: con el número de seguidores (r = 0,85), seguidores/ano (r = 0,83) y número de tweets (r = 0,82). Conclusión: Nuestro estudio sugiere que las métricas tradicionales de impacto basadas en el número de citaciones, se correlacionan muy bien con las métricas de presencia en redes sociales de las revistas de reumatología, en especial en Twitter®.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The social networks like Twitter®, Facebook® and YouTube® have become interaction media with visualisation scientific information. Alternative metrics (altmetrics) have emerged that assess the dissemination and the impact of the scientific journals in the social networks. However, it is unknown if there is a correlation between the journal and the traditional measurements of impact based on the number of citations for the journal of rheumatology. Methods: The journals of rheumatology included in Scimago Country and Journal Ranking were identified, and the results of their metrics were collected based on the number of cita tions. The presence in social networks was determined using metrics, such as the number of followers and tweets. The correlation between them was evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient, adjusted for the time elapsed since the account was created. Results: Out of a total of 60 rheumatology journals, 14 had a presence in social networks. The Scimago journal ranking indicator (SJR) was higher in journals with a social network (90.5 vs. 21; p< .05). The correlation between the SJR and Twitter® activity metrics was excellent: with the number of followers (r = 0.85), followers/year (r=0.83), and number of tweets (r = 0.82). Conclusion: This study suggests that traditional impact metrics based on the number of cita tions correlate very well with the social network presence metrics of rheumatology journals, especially on Twitter®.

Social Networking , Rheumatology , Bibliometrics , Journal Impact Factor , Social Network Analysis
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 37(1): 136-141, ene.-mar. 2020.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101798


RESUMEN Hoy en día la cantidad de médicos y profesionales de salud que utilizan las redes sociales como vehículos principales para la comunicación está en aumento. Las redes sociales ofrecen nuevas formas de conec tarse, facilitan la comunicación casi instantánea sin límites geográficos y sirven de apoyo a estudiantes, médicos y profesionales de salud. Las redes sociales pueden permitir que las mujeres en el campo de la salud obtengan apoyo que de otro modo no tendrían. Este artículo describe el rol de las redes sociales para contribuir al empoderamiento de las mujeres en medicina y discute las oportunidades de utilizar las redes sociales como herramienta para acceder a mentoría y consejeros experimentados como modelos a seguir; el apoyo e interacción entre pares; y el acceso a información y educación continua.

ABSTRACT Today, the number of doctors and health professionals who use social networks as main venues for com munication is increasing. Social networks offer new ways to connect and can facilitate almost instanta neous communication without geographical boundaries and can support students, doctors and health professionals. Social networks can allow women in the health field to obtain support that they would not otherwise have. This article describes the role of social networks in contributing to the empowerment of women in medicine and discusses the opportunities to use social networks as a tool for: access to mento ring and experienced counselors as role models; peer support and interaction; and access to information and continuing education.

Female , Humans , Social Networking , Empowerment , Medicine
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 31(60): [1-21], Nov. 2019.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050514


Considerando o anúncio da extinção do Ministério do Esporte, realizado em 31 de outubro de 2018 por Jair Bolsonaro, diferentes opiniões e manifestações eclodiram no ciberespaço entre outubro de 2018 a junho de 2019. Objetivamos nesse artigo identificar as Representações Sociais sobre a extinção do Ministério do Esporte para os usuários do Twitter. Para anto, utilizamos os procedimentos teórico-metodológicos da Teoria das Representações Sociais, aliados às discussões sobre cibercultura e netnografia. Para a análise dos dados, recorremos ao software Iramuteq. Desse modo, identificamos como núcleo central da Representação Social o termo Bolsonaro. Entre as Representações Sociais, percebemos que, para os usuários do Twitter, existe uma culpabilização ao Bolsonaro e seus apoiadores, entre eles alguns atletas de alto rendimento, principalmente provenientes do Voleibol, além de uma preocupação com possíveis consequências da gestão Bolsonaro ao esporte brasileiro.

On October 31, 2018, the President Jair Bolsonaro announced of the extinction of the Ministry of Sport, leading to the emergence of different opinions and manifestations in cyberspace between October 2018 and June 2019. In this article we aim to identify the Social Representations about the extinction of the Ministry of Sports for Twitter users. For this purpose, we use the theoretical-methodological procedures of the Theory of Social Representations allied to discussions about cyberculture and netnography and for the data analysis we used the Iramuteq software. Therefore, we identified the term Bolsonaro as the central nucleus of the Social Representation. Among the social representations we realized that, for the Twitter users, there is a phenomenon of blaming of Bolsonaro and its supporters, as some of the high-performance athletes, mainly from Volleyball, besides a concern with the possible consequences of the Bolsonaro management to Brazilian sport.

Teniendo en cuenta el anuncio de la extinción del Ministerio del Deporte, celebrada el 31 de octubre de 2018 por Jair Bolsonaro, diferentes opiniones y manifestaciones estallaron en el ciberespacio entre octubre de 2018 y junio de 2019. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es identificar las representaciones sociales sobre la extinción del Ministerio del Deporte para los usuarios de Twitter. Para ello, utilizamos los procedimientos teóricos-metodológicos de la teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, aliados a las discusiones sobre cibercultura y netnografía. Para el análisis de datos, recurrimos al software Iramuteq. Así, identificamos como núcleo central de la Representación Social el término Bolsonaro. Entre las Representaciones Sociales, nos dimos cuenta de que, para los usuarios de Twitter, hay una culpa a Bolsonaro y sus seguidores, entre ellos algunos atletas de alto rendimiento, principalmente provenientes del Voleibol, además de una preocupación con posibles consecuencias de gestión Bolsonaro al deporte brasileño.

RECIIS (Online) ; 13(2): 273-286, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005599


Neste artigo, objetivamos analisar o ativismo do pastor e deputado federal brasileiro Marco Feliciano na contrariedade a propostas de lei e pautas relacionadas à sexualidade e ao gênero, a exemplo do Projeto de Lei nº 122/2006, mais conhecido como 'anti-homofobia'. Para tanto, analisamos as postagens realizadas por Feliciano em sua conta oficial no Twitter durante o ano de 2011. A metodologia utilizada é a análise discursiva, compreendendo a atuação do pastor como desencadeadora de um tensionamento entre os campos político, religioso e midiático. Conclui-se, a partir da análise, que as postagens de Marco Feliciano expressam ódio biopolítico contra os LGBT, vistos como populações a serem eliminadas e que ameaçam a ordem heterossexual cisgênero vigente.

In this article, we aim to analyze the activism of Brazilian pastor and federal deputy Marco Feliciano in order to offer opposition to legislation and guidelines related to sexuality and gender, such as bill nº 122/2006, better known as 'anti-homophobia'. In order to do so, we analyze the messages posted by Feliciano in his official account on Twitter during the year 2011. The methodology used is the discursive analysis, including the pastor acting as triggering a tension between the political, religious and media fields. It is concluded from the analysis that the posts of Marco Feliciano express biopolitical hate against the LGBT, seen as populations to be eliminated and that threaten the current cisgender heterosexual order.

En este artículo, objetivamos analizar el activismo del pastor y diputado federal brasileño Marco Feliciano para combatir propuestas de ley y pautas relacionadas a sexualidad y género, a ejemplo del proyecto de ley 122/2006, más conocido como 'anti-homofobia'. Para llevar el objetivo a cabo, analizamos las mensajes publicadas por Feliciano en su cuenta oficial en Twitter durante el año 2011. La metodología utilizada es el análisis discursivo, comprendiendo la actuación del pastor como desencadenadora de una tensión entre los campos políticos, religioso y mediático. Se concluye, a partir del análisis, que las publicaciones de Marco Feliciano expresan odio biopolítico contra los LGBT, vistos como poblaciones a eliminar y que amenazan el orden heterosexual cisgénero vigente.

Humans , Politics , Religion and Sex , Sexuality , Social Media , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Hate , Brazil , Conflict, Psychological , Gender Diversity
Aquichan ; 19(2): e1924, Jan.-June 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1038322


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate evidence on the use of social networks to collect data in scientific productions in the health area. Material and method: An integrative literature review from primary studies indexed in the SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, Scopus, and Web of Science platforms. Results: 16 scientific articles were selected, of which nine focused on the use of WhatsApp; five, on the use of Facebook; and two, on employing Twitter to collect data in scientific productions. Growth was noted on the number of investigations associated to the use of social networks, although an important paradigm still exists related to the use to generate scientific evidence, resulting in a still low number of investigations on this theme. Conclusions: The health area needs to approach evermore the development of research associated to social networks, given that this would enable a viable and rapid intervention in obtaining responses, besides being a low cost and very promising tool for data collection.

RESUMEN Objetivo: investigar las evidencias del uso de redes sociales para recolectar datos en producciones científicas en el área de salud. Material y método: una revisión integrativa de la literatura a partir de estudios primarios indexados en las plataformas SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, Scopus y Web of Science. Resultados: se seleccionaron 16 artículos científicos, de los cuales nueve se centraron en el uso de WhatsApp; cinco, en el uso de Facebook; y dos, en empleo de Twitter para recolectar datos en producciones científicas. Hubo crecimiento en el número de investigaciones asociadas al uso de redes sociales, aunque aún existe un gran paradigma relacionado a su uso para generar evidencia científica, lo que resulta en un número aún reducido de investigaciones en esta temática. Conclusiones: el área de la salud necesita acercarse cada vez más al desarrollo de investigaciones asociadas a las redes sociales, pues esto posibilitaría una intervención viable y rápida en la obtención de respuestas, además de ser una herramienta de bajo costo y bastante promisoria para la recolección de datos.

RESUMO Objetivo: investigar as evidências da utilização de redes sociais para coleta de dados em produções científicas na área da saúde. Material e método: uma revisão integrativa da literatura a partir de estudos primários indexados nas plataformas SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, Scopus e Web of Science. Resultados: foram selecionados 16 artigos científicos, dos quais nove apresentaram foco na utilização do WhatsApp; cinco, no uso do Facebook; e dois, no emprego do Twitter para coleta de dados em produções científicas. Houve um crescimento no número de pesquisas associadas à utilização de redes sociais, embora ainda exista um grande paradigma relacionado ao uso para a geração de evidências científicas, o que resulta em um número ainda reduzido de pesquisas nessa temática. Conclusões: a área da saúde precisa aproximar-se cada vez mais do desenvolvimento de pesquisas associadas às redes sociais, pois isso possibilitaria uma intervenção viável e rápida na obtenção de respostas, além de ser uma ferramenta de baixo custo e bastante promissora para a coleta de dados.

Humans , Health , Data Collection , Nursing , Online Social Networking , Statistics , PubMed , LILACS
RECIIS (Online) ; 13(1): 172-190, jan.-mar. 2019. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-987719


Para compreender a tensão entre os conceitos de líder de opinião, desde sua formulação até a noção de influenciador digital na contemporaneidade, parte-se do pressuposto que a midiatização atravessa a vida cotidiana e pode afetar, portanto, suas mediações estruturantes, atravessando pensamentos e consumos sociais, com ênfase na religião. O trabalho que fundamenta este artigo se dividiu em duas etapas: a primeira utilizou como metodologia a revisão bibliográfica, tendo como eixo teórico Lazarsfeld e Sodré, aliada à pesquisa documental; a segunda consistiu em realizar uma análise de abordagem qualitativa no Twitter do pastor Silas Malafaia com o auxílio da ferramenta online WordArt, a fim de compreender a sua atuação como líder de opinião nas mídias digitais no que concerne às questões de gênero. Como resultado, concluímos que o pastor Malafaia influenciou a opinião de seu público ao retransmitir e ressignificar conteúdos sobre as questões de gênero enquanto 'ideologia de gênero' por meio das mídias digitais.

In order to understand the tension between concepts of opinion former from its formulation to the notion of someone who has digital influence in contemporary times, we work on the assumption that the mediatization traverses our everyday life and can therefore affect its structuring mediations, crossing thoughts and social consumption, placing emphasis on religion. The study on which this paper is based was divided into two stages: at first it was developed a theoretical work, using as methodology the literature review taking the axis of Lazarsfeld and Sodré, followed by a documentary research. The second part consisted in carrying out a qualitative analysis of Pastor Silas Malafaia's Twitter helped by the online WordArt tool, in order to understand his opinion former role in digital media with regard to gender issues. The end result shows that Malafaia has influenced his public in retransmitting and re-signifying contents of gender issues as 'gender ideology' by means of digital media.

Para comprender la tensión entre los conceptos de líder de opinión, desde su formulación hasta la noción de influenciador digital en la contemporaneidad, se parte del supuesto que la mediatización atraviesa la vida cotidiana y puede afectar, por lo tanto, sus mediaciones estructurantes, atravesando pensamientos y consumos sociales, poniendo énfasis en la religión. El trabajo que fundamenta este artículo ha sido dividido en dos etapas: la primera fue teórica utilizando una metodología que conjuga la revisión literaria (en torno de Lazarsfeld y Sodré) y la investigación documental. En la segunda etapa, para comprender su actuación como líder de opinión en los medios digitales sobre las cuestiones de género, se realizó un análisis de enfoque cualitativo en el Twitter de Silas Malafaia con el auxilio de la herramienta online WordArt. Como resultado, hemos concluido que Malafaia ha influenciado a su público en la retransmisión y resignificación de contenido sobre temas de género como 'ideología de género' a través de los medios digitales.

Male , Female , Religion , Social Media , Gender Identity , Leadership , Mass Media , Public Opinion , Communication , Qualitative Research , Peer Influence
Rev. colomb. cir ; 34(3): 229-233, 20190813. fig
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016061


Introducción. Hemos ingresado en una nueva era en la forma de comunicación y en la difusión de los contenidos que se generan en las diferentes reuniones y congresos científicos de Medicina y Cirugía.Objetivo. Analizar los resultados de la difusión en Twitter™ del XLIV Congreso Nacional "Avances en Cirugía" realizado en Cartagena, Colombia, del 14 al 17 de agosto de 2018.Método. Se recopilaron los datos obtenidos por la pagina en el XLIV Congreso Nacional "Avances en Cirugía" con la etiqueta (hashtag) #CirugíaColombiana.Resultados. Se generaron 761 tuits (tweets) durante todo el tiempo que duró el congreso, con 178 participantes activos en Twitter™, los cuales representan el 10,8 % del total de asistentes al congreso, con una relación de nueve asistentes por cada participante en Twitter™. En cuanto a la media de tuits por usuario, fue de cuatro y la cantidad de impresiones fue de 1 ́250.000. A medida que el congreso fue avanzando, aumentó el número de tuits, hasta el más alto, un total de 230, el 16 de agosto.Discusión. El uso de twitter como herramienta de difusión por los cirujanos colombianos fue similar al publicado en otras series; sin embargo, son mediciones desde 2013, en las cuales la participación y actividad han aumentado progresivamente. La canalización de los contenidos por medio de una etiqueta común permite la interacción asincrónica de todos los participantes, rompiendo las barreras de comunicación entre los mismos

Introduction: We have entered a new era in the form of communication and the dissemination of the contents generated in the different meetings and scientific conferences of medicine and surgeryObjective: Analyze the results of the Twitter® broadcast of the 44th National Congress "Advances in Surgery" held in Cartagena - Colombia from August 14 to 17, 2018.Methods: The data obtained by page was compiled in the 44th National Congress "Advances in Surgery" held in Cartagena - Colombia from August 14 to 17, 2018, labeled with the Hashtag #Colombian Surgery.Results: 761 Tweets were generated during the whole time the conference lasted, with 178 active participants on Twitter which represent 10.8% of the total of attendees to the congress, with a ratio of 9 attendees for each parti-cipant on Twitter. As for the average of Tweets per user was 4 and the number of impressions was 1'250,000. As the conference progressed there was more activity in the number of Tweets being the highest point on August 16 with a total of 230 Tweets.Discussion: The use of Twitter as a dissemination tool by Colombian surgeons was similar to that published in other series, however, they are measurements since 2013, in which we have seen how participation and activity increases progressively. The channeling of the contents through a common Hashtag allows the asynchronous interaction of all the participants breaking communication barriers between them

Humans , General Surgery , Computer Communication Networks , Congress , Social Networking
Agora USB ; 18(2): 348-361, jul.-dic. 2018.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-989219


Resumen En este artículo se discuten las expectativas frente al post-acuerdo, en las expresiones de confianza y falta de confianza, sobre el Proceso de paz entre el Gobierno colombiano y las FARC-EP, en la red social Twitter. Se realizó un análisis de contenido cualitativo de 642 tweets. Los hallazgos indican que los participantes perciben actores polarizados, como ganadores y perdedores al finalizar las negociaciones; también se reconocen, por un lado, expectativas de esperanza, y por otro, percepción de falta de garantías para que lo pactado sea cumplido. El post-acuerdo, se concibe además como un proceso de construcción colectiva de paz, transformación y cambio.

Abstract This article discusses the expectations facing the post-agreement, in the expressions of trust and lack of confidence, on the peace process between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP, on social networking site Twitter. An analysis of qualitative content of 642 tweets was made. The findings indicate that participants perceive polarized actors, as being winners and losers at the end of the negotiations. On the one hand, expectations of hope are recognized, and on the other hand, the perception of lack of guarantees so that the agreement can be fulfilled. The post-agreement, is also conceived as a process of collective construction of peace, transformation, and change.

Rev. chil. anest ; 47(4): 218-223, 2018. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451174


Twitter is a social network that allows, through the construction of an academic profile, to access updated information in anesthesia, interact with world leaders in the field, participate in academic events at distance through the impressions of the attendees, follow the most important journals, be aware of local and national issues, do surveys and publish personal opinions among other utilities.OBJECTIVE: Publicize the social network Twitter as an academic tool in anesthesiology in times where information is within the reach of a mobile phone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Essay based on information from Pubmed, Google Scholar and unconventional literature. CONCLUSIONS: Twitter is a social network for digital immigrants with academic interest in anesthesia. Turns anesthesiologists into members of a global village based on networking.

Twitter es una red social que permite mediante la construcción de un perfil académico, acceder a información actualizada en anestesia, interactuar con referentes mundiales de la especialidad, participar de eventos académicos a distancia por medio de las impresiones de los asistentes, seguir revistas de impacto, estar al tanto de información gremial tanto local como nacional, hacer encuestas, publicar opiniones y experiencias personales. OBJETIVOS: Dar a conocer la red social Twitter como herramienta académica en anestesiología en tiempos en los que la información está al alcance de un teléfono móvil. METODOLOGÍA: Ensayo basado en información de bases de datos Pubmed y Google Scholar, y en literatura no convencional. CONCLUSIONES: Twitter es una red social para inmigrantes digitales con interés académico en anestesia. Convierte a los anestesiólogos en miembros de una red de trabajo, basado en el aprendizaje colaborativo.

Humans , Social Networking , Social Media , Anesthesiology/education , Anesthesiology/methods
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 51(6): 1041-1057, Dec. 2017. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-897251


Resumo Com o crescente uso da internet, diferentes apropriações estão sendo feitas por diferentes grupos sociais e econômicos. Assim, também políticos têm adotado essas novas mídias por diferentes motivações e em diversas formas. O objetivo deste trabalho é, a partir de uma classificação ideológica dos partidos políticos representados no Congresso brasileiro, avaliar se essa é uma variável que distingue a adoção e o uso do Twitter por parte dos parlamentares federais. Foram analisados os 512 perfis dos congressistas que em dezembro de 2013 utilizavam o Twitter para a postagem de conteúdo e para conexão com cidadãos e colegas de Congresso. Foi utilizada a plataforma de programação do Twitter para a coleta dos dados sobre o uso dos perfis e sobre as conexões entre eles e também com outros perfis da rede social. Esses dados foram relacionados com a classificação ideológica dos partidos dos parlamentares. Os resultados demonstram que é possível distinguir no Twitter os grupos das diferentes ideologias representadas no Congresso, porque adotaram seu uso em períodos distintos, têm diferentes taxas de popularidade, seguem colegas parlamentares com variados padrões de interesse e têm diferentes indicadores de atividade nesse meio digital.

Resumen Con el creciente uso de internet, las diferentes asignaciones se realizan por diferentes grupos sociales y económicos. Aún así, los políticos han adoptado estos nuevos medios por diferentes razones y en diferentes formas. El objetivo de este trabajo es, a partir de una clasificación ideológica de los partidos políticos representados en el Congreso de Brasil, evaluar si se trata de una variable que distingue a la adopción y el uso de Twitter por el Parlamento federal. 512 perfiles de los miembros del Congreso en diciembre de 2013 utilizaron Twitter para publicar contenido, y para conectar con los ciudadanos y se analizaron sus colegas del Congreso. Se utilizó la plataforma de programación de Twitter para la recogida de datos sobre el uso de perfiles y en las conexiones entre ellos y con otros perfiles de redes sociales. Estos datos fueron relacionados con la clasificación ideológica de los partidos parlamentarios. Los resultados demuestran que es posible distinguir grupos de Twitter de diferentes ideologías representadas en el Congreso, ya que aprobó su uso en diferentes momentos, tener diferentes cuotas de popularidad siguientes pares parlamentarios con diferentes patrones de interés y tienen diferentes indicadores de actividad en el entorno digital.

Abstract With increasing use of the Internet, different social and economic groups are appropriating its resources in various ways. As such, politicians have adopted this new media for varying reasons. From an ideological classification of political parties represented in Brazilian Congress, this paper evaluates whether it is a variable that can distinguish federal congressmen's adoption and use of Twitter. A total of 512 profiles of congressmen who use Twitter to post content and connect with citizens and colleagues from Congress were analysed in December 2013. Twitter's programming platform was used to collect data on the use of profiles and connections between them and with other social network profiles. This data was related to the ideological classification of different parties. The results show that it is possible to distinguish Twitter groups of different ideologies represented in Congress because they adopted its use at various times, have different levels of popularity, follow congressional colleagues with varying patterns of interest and have diverging activity indicators in the digital environment.

Congress , Internet , Social Networking
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