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مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039905


Background Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] exposure can cause structural disruption of intestinal flora and functional impairment. Vitamin C (VC) is one of the essential micronutrients, which plays an important role in promoting the growth of intestinal probiotics, improving the intestinal barrier, and maintaining the homeostasis of intestinal flora. However, the regulatory effect of VC on the intestinal flora disorders caused by Cr(VI) exposure remains to be investigated. Objective To investigate the effect of VC on intestinal flora disruption in mice due to Cr(VI) exposure. Methods Thirty-two SPF-grade C57BL/6 mice were acclimatized and fed for 3 d and randomly divided into control (Con), VC, potassium dichromate [K2Cr2O7, Cr(VI)], and VC+K2Cr2O7 [VC+Cr(VI)] groups. At 8:00 a.m. on day 4, the Con group (double-distilled water given by gavage and injected intraperitoneally), the VC group (VC given by gavage and double-distilled water injected intraperitoneally), the Cr(VI) group (double-distilled water given by gavage and K2Cr2O7 solution injected intraperitoneally), and the VC+Cr(VI) group (VC given by gavage and K2Cr2O7 solution injected intraperitoneally) were treated. The dose of VC was 200 mg·kg−1, and the dose of K2Cr2O7 was 1.25 mg·kg−1. The mice were treated for 45 consecutive days and then executed, the contents of the colon were sampled in sterile freezing tubes, and three replicates were collected from each group. After labeling, the samples were immediately put into liquid nitrogen for rapid freezing. After all the samples were collected, they were transferred to a -80 ℃ ultra-low temperature refrigerator for storage. Samples of colon contents were analyzed for intestinal flora structure by high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics software. Results The Cr(VI) exposure resulted in reduced body weight gain values in mice compared to the Con group. Pathological changes occurred in the ileal tissue of mice, with significant inflammatory cell infiltration in the Cr(VI) group and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration in the VC+Cr(VI) group. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of intestinal flora was altered in the Cr(VI) group of mice. In the α diversity analysis, the mean Sobs index in the Cr(VI) group was 240.333±67.796, the Chao index was 258.173±64.813, and the Ace index was 259.481±66.891, which were significantly lower than those in the Con group (P<0.05), the PD whole tree index in the Cr(VI) group was 27.863±2.399, which was significantly higher than that in the Con group (P<0.05), and the VC intervention significantly reversed the changes of the above indexes due to Cr(VI) exposure (P<0.05). In the β diversity analysis, the principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) results showed a significant separation between the Cr(VI) group and the Con group, and after the VC intervention, there was a retraction of the separation trend and the difference was reduced. The multi-sample similarity dendrogram results showed that the control and the VC groups clustered together first, then with the VC+Cr(VI) group, and finally with the Cr(VI) group. The abundances of Bacteroidetes, Saccharibacteria, and Tenericutes in the intestine of mice in the Cr(VI) group were decreased, and the abundance of Firmicutes was increased; the abundances of Lactobacillus, Alistipes, Bacteroides, and Ruminiclostridium were also increased. Included among these, Bacteroides showed a significantly higher abundance compared to the control mice (P<0.05). Changes in the abundances of phyla and genera of the above mentioned gut microorganisms were reversed after the VC intervention. Conclusion Cr(VI) exposure can lead to intestinal damage and disorganization of the intestinal flora structure in mice, while VC intervention can ameliorate the above changes to a certain extent and normalize the intestinal flora structure.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469299


Abstract Indices are used to help on decision-making. This study aims to develop and test an index, which can determine the loss (e.g., herbivorous insects) and solution (e.g., natural enemies) sources. They will be classified according to their importance regarding the ability to damage or to reduce the source of damage to the system when the final production is unknown. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), a non-native pioneer species in Brazil with fast growth and rusticity, is used in restoration programs, and it is adequate to evaluate a new index. The formula was: Percentage of the Importance Indice-Production Unknown (% I.I.-PU) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. The loss sources Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Tettigoniidae, and solution sources Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae), and Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) showed the highest % I.I.-PU on leaves of A. auriculiformis saplings. The number of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was reduced per number of Salticidae; that of A. reticulatum that of Uspachus sp.; and that of Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) that of P. termitarius on A. auriculiformis saplings. However, the number of Aleyrodidae was increased per number of Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and that of A. reticulatum that of Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on A. auriculiformis saplings. The A. reticulatum damage was reduced per number of Uspachus sp., but the Aleyrodidae damage was increased per number of Cephalotes sp., totaling 23.81% of increase by insect damages on A. auriculiformis saplings. Here I show and test the % I.I.-PU. It is an new index that can detect the loss or solution sources on a system when production is unknown. It can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Resumo Índices são usados para ajudar na tomada de decisões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar um índice capaz de determinar fontes de perda (ex.: insetos herbívoros) e de solução (ex.: inimigos naturais). Eles serão classificados de acordo com sua importância quanto a habilidade de danificar ou reduzir danos no sistema, quando a produção final é desconhecida. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), uma espécie pioneira não nativa do Brasil com rápido crescimento e rusticidade, usada em programas de restauração, é adequada para avaliar um novo índice. A fórmula foi: Porcentagem de Índice de Importância-Produção Desconhecida (% I.I.-PD) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. As fontes de perda Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e Tettigoniidae, e as fontes de solução Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae) e Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) apresentaram maiores % I.I.-PD nas folhas das mudas de A. auriculiformis. O número de Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) foi reduzido pelo número de Salticidae; o de A. reticulatum pelo de Uspachus sp.; e o de Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) pelo de P. termitarius em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Entretanto, o número de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) e o de A. reticulatum pelo de Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em mudas de A. auriculiformis. O dano de A. reticulatum foi reduzido pelo número de Uspachus sp., mas o dano de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp., totalizando 23,81% de aumento de danos em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Aqui eu apresento e testo o % I.I.-PD. Ele é um novo índice capaz de detectar fontes de perda e de solução no sistema quando não se conhece a produção final. Ele pode ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469346


Abstract Frequencies, magnitudes, and distributions of occurrence can affect the events. The problem can be worse or the solution better if greater frequencies and magnitudes are presented with aggregated distribution in the production system. Indices, hence, are used to assist in decision-making on certain issues. The system formed by Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae), a typical and economically important Brazilian Cerrado tree species, and its several arthropods are adequate to evaluate a new index. This study aimed to test an index to identify the loss and solution sources and their importance in the system's loss or income gain. The index is: Percentage of Importance Indice % I . I . = k s 1 × c 1 × d s 1 / k s 1 × c 1 × d s 1 + k s 2 × c 2 × d s 2 + k s n × c n × d s n x 100. T h e % I . I . separated the loss sources [e.g., Edessa rufomarginata De Geer, 1773 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on fruits = 41.90%)] on the percentage of reduction of fruit production (e.g., 0.13%), calculated the attention level (e.g., 0.10/fruit), with a total lost production of 1.35% ( 307 total lost fruits). The % I.I. also separated the solution sources [e.g., Zelus armillatus (Lep. and Servi., 1825) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) = 55.48%), the non-attention level (e.g., Z. armillatus: 0.394 for E. rufomarginata on fruit), with total income gain of 0.56% ( 128 total saved fruits) on the natural system (e.g., C. brasiliense trees). This index can calculate losses or the effectiveness of the solutions monetarily. Here I test the % I.I., an index that can detect the key loss and solution sources on the system, which can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Resumo Frequências, magnitudes e distribuição de ocorrência pode afetar os eventos. O problema pode ser pior ou a solução melhor se maiores frequências e magnitudes forem apresentadas com distribuição agregada no sistema de produção. Índices, então, são usados para assistir na decisão de certas questões. O sistema formado pelo Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae), uma espécie arbórea típica e economicamente importante do Cerrado brasileiro, e seus diversos artrópodes são adequados para avaliar um novo índice. A motivação deste trabalho foi testar um índice capaz de identificar as fontes de perda e de soluções, e suas importâncias em termos de perdas ou ganhos no sistema. O índice é: percentagem de importância % I . I . = k s 1 × c 1 × d s 1 / k s 1 × c 1 × d s 1 + k s 2 × c 2 × d s 2 + k s n × c n × d s n x 100. O % I . I . separou as fontes de perda [ex., Edessa rufomarginata De Geer, 1773 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) em frutos = 41,90%)] na percentagem de redução na produção de frutos (ex., 0,13%), calculando o nível de atenção (ex., 0,10/fruto), com um total de perda de produção de 1,35% ( 307 frutos totais perdidos). O % I.I. também separou as fontes de solução [ex., Zelus armillatus (Lep. and Servi., 1825) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) = 55,48%)], o nível de não atenção (ex., Z. armillatus: 0,394 para E. rufomarginata em fruto), com total de ganho de 0,56% ( 128 total de frutos salvos) no sistema natural (ex., árvores de C. brasiliense). Esse índice pode calcular essas perdas ou a eficácia das soluções monetariamente. Aqui eu testo o % I.I., um índice capaz de detectar fatores chaves de perda e de soluções no sistema, capaz de ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253218, 2024. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355863


Abstract Indices are used to help on decision-making. This study aims to develop and test an index, which can determine the loss (e.g., herbivorous insects) and solution (e.g., natural enemies) sources. They will be classified according to their importance regarding the ability to damage or to reduce the source of damage to the system when the final production is unknown. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), a non-native pioneer species in Brazil with fast growth and rusticity, is used in restoration programs, and it is adequate to evaluate a new index. The formula was: Percentage of the Importance Indice-Production Unknown (% I.I.-PU) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. The loss sources Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Tettigoniidae, and solution sources Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae), and Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) showed the highest % I.I.-PU on leaves of A. auriculiformis saplings. The number of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was reduced per number of Salticidae; that of A. reticulatum that of Uspachus sp.; and that of Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) that of P. termitarius on A. auriculiformis saplings. However, the number of Aleyrodidae was increased per number of Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and that of A. reticulatum that of Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on A. auriculiformis saplings. The A. reticulatum damage was reduced per number of Uspachus sp., but the Aleyrodidae damage was increased per number of Cephalotes sp., totaling 23.81% of increase by insect damages on A. auriculiformis saplings. Here I show and test the % I.I.-PU. It is an new index that can detect the loss or solution sources on a system when production is unknown. It can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Resumo Índices são usados para ajudar na tomada de decisões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar um índice capaz de determinar fontes de perda (ex.: insetos herbívoros) e de solução (ex.: inimigos naturais). Eles serão classificados de acordo com sua importância quanto a habilidade de danificar ou reduzir danos no sistema, quando a produção final é desconhecida. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), uma espécie pioneira não nativa do Brasil com rápido crescimento e rusticidade, usada em programas de restauração, é adequada para avaliar um novo índice. A fórmula foi: Porcentagem de Índice de Importância-Produção Desconhecida (% I.I.-PD) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. As fontes de perda Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e Tettigoniidae, e as fontes de solução Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae) e Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) apresentaram maiores % I.I.-PD nas folhas das mudas de A. auriculiformis. O número de Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) foi reduzido pelo número de Salticidae; o de A. reticulatum pelo de Uspachus sp.; e o de Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) pelo de P. termitarius em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Entretanto, o número de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) e o de A. reticulatum pelo de Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em mudas de A. auriculiformis. O dano de A. reticulatum foi reduzido pelo número de Uspachus sp., mas o dano de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp., totalizando 23,81% de aumento de danos em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Aqui eu apresento e testo o % I.I.-PD. Ele é um novo índice capaz de detectar fontes de perda e de solução no sistema quando não se conhece a produção final. Ele pode ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Animals , Ants , Coleoptera , Acacia , Hemiptera , Insecta
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253215, 2024. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360216


Frequencies, magnitudes, and distributions of occurrence can affect the events. The problem can be worse or the solution better if greater frequencies and magnitudes are presented with aggregated distribution in the production system. Indices, hence, are used to assist in decision-making on certain issues. The system formed by Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae), a typical and economically important Brazilian Cerrado tree species, and its several arthropods are adequate to evaluate a new index. This study aimed to test an index to identify the loss and solution sources and their importance in the system's loss or income gain. The index is: Percentage of Importance Indice [...] separated the loss sources [e.g., Edessa rufomarginata De Geer, 1773 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on fruits = 41.90%)] on the percentage of reduction of fruit production (e.g., 0.13%), calculated the attention level (e.g., 0.10/fruit), with a total lost production of 1.35% (≈ 307 total lost fruits). The % I.I. also separated the solution sources [e.g., Zelus armillatus (Lep. and Servi., 1825) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) = 55.48%), the non-attention level (e.g., Z. armillatus: 0.394 for E. rufomarginata on fruit), with total income gain of 0.56% (≈ 128 total saved fruits) on the natural system (e.g., C. brasiliense trees). This index can calculate losses or the effectiveness of the solutions monetarily. Here I test the % I.I., an index that can detect the key loss and solution sources on the system, which can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Frequências, magnitudes e distribuição de ocorrência pode afetar os eventos. O problema pode ser pior ou a solução melhor se maiores frequências e magnitudes forem apresentadas com distribuição agregada no sistema de produção. Índices, então, são usados para assistir na decisão de certas questões. O sistema formado pelo Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae), uma espécie arbórea típica e economicamente importante do Cerrado brasileiro, e seus diversos artrópodes são adequados para avaliar um novo índice. A motivação deste trabalho foi testar um índice capaz de identificar as fontes de perda e de soluções, e suas importâncias em termos de perdas ou ganhos no sistema. O índice é: percentagem de importância [...] separou as fontes de perda [ex., Edessa rufomarginata De Geer, 1773 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) em frutos = 41,90%)] na percentagem de redução na produção de frutos (ex., 0,13%), calculando o nível de atenção (ex., 0,10/fruto), com um total de perda de produção de 1,35% (≈ 307 frutos totais perdidos). O % I.I. também separou as fontes de solução [ex., Zelus armillatus (Lep. and Servi., 1825) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) = 55,48%)], o nível de não atenção (ex., Z. armillatus: 0,394 para E. rufomarginata em fruto), com total de ganho de 0,56% (≈ 128 total de frutos salvos) no sistema natural (ex., árvores de C. brasiliense). Esse índice pode calcular essas perdas ou a eficácia das soluções monetariamente. Aqui eu testo o % I.I., um índice capaz de detectar fatores chaves de perda e de soluções no sistema, capaz de ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Arthropods , Brazil , Grassland , Economics , Malpighiales
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449512


Introduction: Pollution by microplastics is a global problem in marine environments, which impacts microorganisms and ecosystems at several spatial levels. Sandy beaches are depositional environments where microplastics tend to accumulate in large quantities. The co-occurrence of interstitial meiofauna and microplastics in sand grains raises the question on whether the accumulation of microplastics in the sediments affects the abundance and composition of the meiofaunal communities. Objective: To test the hypothesis that microplastics affect the meiofauna of urban sandy beaches. Methods: We studied the three main urban sandy beaches of Santa Marta, Colombia: El Rodadero, Santa Marta Bay, and Taganga. All are similar in morphology and external pressures, and differ from other beaches in the region. In April 2019 we collected 81 sand samples, equally distributed in the intertidal zone (upper, mid, and lower intertidal levels). We applied generalized linear models to abundance, and multivariate permutational tests to community composition. Results: We identified 17 taxonomic groups of meiofauna, and microplastic particles (mainly 45-500 micron fibres) evenly distributed across beaches and intertidal levels. There was more meiofauna at the mid intertidal level, and in fine and medium grain sediment. At the lower intertidal level, sites with more microplastics had less meiofauna. Abundance of microplastics explained 39 % of the variation in meiofaunal community composition at lower intertidal levels. Conclusions: The accumulation of microplastics might have a negative impact on these meiofaunal interstitial communities. This is not surprising: if microplastics occupy the same physical space as these animals, they might presumably modify the structure of sediments and the composition of interstitial water.

Introducción: La contaminación por microplásticos es un problema global en los ecosistemas marinos, con impacto sobre microorganismos y ecosistemas en varios niveles espaciales. Las playas arenosas son ambientes de deposición donde se tiende a acumular gran cantidad de microplásticos. La co-ocurrencia de meiofauna intersticial y microplásticos en granos de arena plantea la pregunta de que si la acumulación de microplásticos en sedimentos afecta la abundancia y composición de comunidades de meiofauna. Objetivo: Probar la hipótesis de que microplásticos afectan la meiofauna de playas arenosas urbanas. Métodos: Estudiamos las tres principales playas arenosas urbanas de Santa Marta, Colombia: El Rodadero, Bahía Santa Marta y Taganga. Estas son similares en morfología y presiones externas, y difieren de las otras playas de la región. En abril 2019 recolectamos 81 muestras de arena, distribuidas de manera equidistante en la zona intermareal (nivel intermareal superior, medio y bajo). Aplicamos modelos lineales generalizados de abundancia, y pruebas permutacionales multivariantes a la composición de comunidades. Resultados: Identificamos 17 grupos taxonómicos de meiofauna, y partículas de microplástico (principalmente fibras de 45-500 micras) distribuidos equitativamente a lo largo de las playas y niveles intermareales. Hubo más meiofauna en el nivel intermareal medio, y en sedimentos de grano mediano y fino. A niveles intermareales más bajos, sitios con más microplásticos tuvieron menos meiofauna. La abundancia de los microplásticos explicó el 39 % de la variación en comunidades de meiofauna a niveles intermareales bajos. Conclusión: La acumulación de microplásticos podría tener un impacto negativo sobre las comunidades de meiofauna intersticial. Esto no es de sorprender: si los microplásticos ocupan el mismo volumen físico que estos animales, estos podrían presuntamente modificar la estructura de sedimentos y la composición del agua intersticial.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1): e52432, dic. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550722


Resumen Introducción: El humedal costero Poza de La Arenilla (HCPA), Callao, Perú, es un hábitat importante para el descanso y reposo de aves acuáticas, entre ellas la familia Laridae. Sin embargo, el humedal está sufriendo una degradación crítica debido al desarrollo de actividades antropogénicas. Objetivo: Evaluar la distribución espacio-temporal de las aves acuáticas de la familia Laridae reportadas en HCPA según la temporada del año entre 2013 y 2018. Métodos: Se realizaron muestreos quincenales en 11 zonas delimitadas de HCPA de enero 2013 a diciembre 2018, durante la mañana y la tarde, mediante el método de recuento total. Resultados: Se registraron 12 especies de la familia Laridae. Leucophaeus pipixcan fue la especie de mayor dominancia en la mayoría de las zonas estudiadas y su presencia se destaca en verano y primavera. Las especies con mayor distribución en el humedal son L. pipixcan, Larus dominicanus y Larus belcheri, que se registraron en todas las zonas estudiadas. La mayor abundancia total promedio de especies se registró en verano y la menor en invierno. Se observó un aumento gradual de la abundancia promedio de aves, siendo estos aumentos notables entre primavera y verano de un año a otro. Además, se observó una disminución de la riqueza global de los láridos durante el periodo evaluado. Se observó un patrón de variación estacional del índice de diversidad de Shannon-Weaver (H') similar de un año a otro, debido a que los láridos son aves migratorias, y una tendencia a la disminución del índice con el paso del tiempo. Conclusiones: El HCPA desempeña un papel fundamental para la avifauna acuática de la región. Se ha registrado la presencia de cinco especies migratorias y siete residentes de esta familia, las cuales muestran preferencias espaciales en diferentes zonas del humedal. A pesar de que se observa una disminución en la riqueza global de las especies en el tiempo, la abundancia promedio de aves aumenta.

Abstract Introduction: The coastal wetland Poza de La Arenilla (HCPA), located in Callao (Peru), is an important resting and roosting habitat for aquatic birds, including the family Laridae. However, the wetland is suffering critical degradation due to the development of anthropogenic activities. Objective: To evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of aquatic birds of the family Laridae reported at HCPA seasonally during the period 2013-2018. Methods: Biweekly sampling was carried out in 11 delimited zones in HCPA between January 2013 and December 2018, during morning and afternoon hours using the total count method. Results: A total of 12 species of Laridae birds were recorded. Leucophaeus pipixcan is the most dominant species in most of the studied zones and its presence is highlighted in summer and spring. The species with the greatest distribution in the wetland was L. pipixcan, Larus dominicanus, and Larus belcheri, which were reported in all the zones studied. The highest average total abundance of species was recorded in summer, while the lowest in winter. A gradual increase in the average abundance of aquatic birds was observed, with these increases being noticeable between the springs and summers from one year to the following. Also, overall richness of the larids was observed to decrease throughout the period evaluated. A similar seasonal variation pattern of the Shannon diversity index (H') was observed from one year to the following, due the fact that Laridae are migratory, and a tendency for the index to decrease with the passage of time. Conclusions: The HCPA plays a key role for the aquatic birds of the region. The presence of five migratory and seven resident species of Laridae has been recorded, which show spatial preferences in different areas of the wetland. Despite a decrease in overall species richness over time, the average abundance of Laridae birds is increasing.

Animals , Animal Migration/classification , Charadriiformes/classification , Wetlands , Peru
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 488-499, 2023.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970387


Microplastics pollution has attracted worldwide attention. Compared with the status quo of microplastics pollution in marine environment and other major rivers and lakes, the relevant data of the Yellow River basin is relatively inadequate. The abundance, types, and spatial distribution characteristics of microplastic pollution in the sediments and surface water of the Yellow River basin were reviewed. Meanwhile, the status of microplastic pollution in the national central city and Yellow River Delta wetland was discussed, and the corresponding prevention and control measures were put forward. The results showed that the spatial distribution of microplastics pollution in sediments and surface water of the Yellow River basin increased from upstream to downstream, especially in the Yellow River Delta wetland. There are obvious differences between the types of microplastics in sediment and surface water in the Yellow River basin, which is mainly related to the materials of microplastics. Compared with similar regions in China, the microplastics pollution levels in national key cities and national wetland parks in the Yellow River basin are in the medium to high degree, which should be taken seriously. Plastics exposure through various ways will cause serious impact on aquaculture and human health in the Yellow River beach area. To control microplastic pollution in the Yellow River basin, it is necessary to improve the relevant production standards, laws and regulations, and improve the capacity of biodegradable microplastics and the degradation capacity of plastic wastes.

Humans , Microplastics , Plastics , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Water , China
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991161


Proteomic characterization of plasma is critical for the development of novel pharmacodynamic bio-markers.However,the vast dynamic range renders the profiling of proteomes extremely challenging.Here,we synthesized zeolite NaY and developed a simple and rapid method to achieve comprehensive and deep profiling of the plasma proteome using the plasma protein corona formed on zeolite NaY.Specifically,zeolite NaY and plasma were co-incubated to form plasma protein corona on zeolite NaY(NaY-PPC),followed by conventional protein identification using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.NaY was able to significantly enhance the detection of low-abundance plasma proteins,minimizing the"masking"effect caused by high-abundance proteins.The relative abundance of middle-and low-abundance proteins increased substantially from 2.54%to 54.41%,and the top 20 high-abundance proteins decreased from 83.63%to 25.77%.Notably,our method can quantify approxi-mately 4000 plasma proteins with sensitivity up to pg/mL,compared to only about 600 proteins iden-tified from untreated plasma samples.A pilot study based on plasma samples from 30 lung adenocarcinoma patients and 15 healthy subjects demonstrated that our method could successfully distinguish between healthy and disease states.In summary,this work provides an advantageous tool for the exploration of plasma proteomics and its translational applications.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030756


Objective To analyze the microflora structure and abundance of ileum and colon of SPF male SD rats by high-throughput sequencing technique. MethodsThe ileal and colonic lumen contents of 30 SPF male SD rats were collected, the total bacterial DNA in the contents was extracted and amplified by PCR. The V3-V4 region of bacterial 16S rRNA in the samples was sequenced using Illumina NovaSeq sequencing platform. Then the species structure and abundance of the intestinal flora were analyzed at the phylum and genus level based on validated data. The diversity and differences between ileal and colonic flora were analyzed using the QIIME software (amplicon) analysis tool. The Tax4Fun program was applied to predict the dominant gene enrichment pathways of ileal and colonic flora. ResultsAt the phylum level, the dominant microflora in the ileum of male SD rats were Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, accounting for more than 98%. The dominant colonic microbial community were mainly Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, accounting for more than 95%. At the genus level, Lactobacillus and Alistipes were the predominant bacteria in the ileum. The colon was dominated by Lactobacillus and Romboutsia. In terms of flora diversity, the alpha diversity of colonic flora including richness index (Chao1 index) and diversity index (Shannon index) were significantly higher than those of ileum (P < 0.01), and the structural variability of the composition of its flora species was smaller than that of ileum; the ileal flora with significant structural variability were mainly of the phylum Firmicutes, Romboutsia, Peptostreptococcaceae, while the colonic flora had significant structural differences in Bacteroidales. In terms of flora function, the ileal flora dominant genes were significantly enriched in lipid-like metabolism, polyketide metabolism, membrane transport, biodegradation and other pathways, while the colonic flora dominant genes were significantly enriched in glycan biosynthesis metabolism, energy metabolism, biosynthesis of cofactor and vitamins and other products, and other pathways. ConclusionThere are significant differences in structure and abundance between the ileal and colonic flora of SPF male SD rats, and the abundance and diversity of colonic flora are higher than those of ileal flora.

Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1690-1700, 2023.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010024


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the correlation between 18Fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) metabolic parameters and peripheral blood circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and the prognostic value of these two types of parameters in predicting progression-free survival (PFS).@*METHODS@#Clinical, PET/CT and ctDNA data of DLBCL patients who underwent peripheral blood ctDNA testing and corresponding PET/CT scans during the same period were retrospectively analyzed. At the time of ctDNA sampling and PET scan, patients were divided into baseline and relapsed/refractory (R/R) groups according to different disease conditions. CtDNA mutation abundance was expressed as variant allele frequency (VAF), including maximum VAF (maxVAF) and mean VAF (meanVAF). Total metabolic tumour volume (TMTV) and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) were obtained by the 41% maximum normalized uptake value method, and the distance between the two farthest lesions (Dmax) was used to assess the correlation between PET parameters and ctDNA mutation abundance using Spearman correlation analysis. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to obtain the optical cut-off values of those parameters in predicting PFS in the baseline and R/R groups, respectively. Survival curves were outlined using the Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test was performed to compare survival differences.@*RESULTS@#A total of 67 DLBCL patients [28 males and 39 females, median age 56.0(46.0, 67.0) years] were included and divided into baseline group (29 cases) and R/R group (38 cases). Among these PET parameters, baseline TMTV, TLG, and Dmax were significantly correlated with baseline ctDNA mutation abundance, except for maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) (maxVAF vs TMTV: r=0.711; maxVAF vs TLG: r=0.709; maxVAF vs Dmax: r=0.672; meanVAF vs TMTV: r=0.682; meanVAF vs TLG: r=0.677; meanVAF vs Dmax: r=0.646). While in all patients, these correlations became weaker significantly. Among R/R patients, only TMTV had a weak correlation with meanVAF (r=0.376). ROC analysis showed that, the specificity of TMTV, TLG and Dmax in predicting PFS was better than mutation abundance, while the sensitivity of ctDNA mutation abundance was better. Except R/R patients, TMTV, TLG, Dmax, and VAF were significantly different at normal/elevated lactate dehydrogenase in baseline group and all patients (all P<0.05). Survival curves indicated that high TMTV (>109.5 cm3), high TLG (>2 141.3), high Dmax (>33.1 cm) and high VAF (maxVAF>7.74%, meanVAF>4.39%) were risk factors for poor PFS in baseline patients, while only high VAF in R/R patients (both maxVAF and meanVAF >0.61%) was a risk factor for PFS.@*CONCLUSION@#PET-derived parameters correlate well with ctDNA mutation abundance, especially in baseline patients. VAF of ctDNA predicts PFS more sensitively than PET metabolic parameters, while PET metabolic tumour burden with better specificity. TMTV, TLG and VAF all have good prognostic value for PFS. PET/CT combined with ctDNA has potential for further studies in prognostic assessment and personalized treatment.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 , Circulating Tumor DNA/genetics , Retrospective Studies , Positron-Emission Tomography , Survival Analysis , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/metabolism , Prognosis
Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(3): e20230023, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449674


ABSTRACT Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762 are major livestock pests in the tropics and are common in diverse habitats. This study aims to conduct a survey on the Stomoxys fauna of Cameroon. From 2015 to 2017, entomological studies using standard traps (n=204) were conducted in eight administrative regions found in five agro-ecological zones (AEZs) of Cameroon with 606 trap-points over 22,032 traps days. A total of 77,804 Stomoxys specimens were collected, with eight taxa consisting of six species (S. calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758), S. omega Newstead, Dutton & Todd, 1907, S. xanthomelas Roubaud, 1937, S. inornatus Grunberg, 1906, S. transvittatus Villeneuve, 1916, and S. sitiens (Rondani, 1873)) and two subspecies (Stomoxys niger niger Macquart, 1851 and S. niger bilineatus Grunberg, 1906) identified. Among all the recorded taxa, S. calcitrans and S. n. niger were present in five and seven of the eight regions respectively, but S. sitiens was rare and only found in the North. Furthermore, the highest species number (seven out of eight) was recorded in the Guinee savanna of the Adamawa region. The highest apparent density range of 101 to 200 Stomoxys/ trap/ day (s/t/d) was recorded in the Sudan savanna AEZ of the Far North region. Stomoxys occurred in all the AEZs in eight regions, some of which are major cattle rearing regions. This represents risk for the mechanically transmission of dangerous pathogens in those regions.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e249211, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345523


Abstract This study was conducted to estimate the diversity and the occurrence of commercially important finfish species collected by twenty fish sampling site of Sindh and Baluchistan coasts of the Arabian Sea in Pakistan from January to December 2019. Additionally, physicochemical characteristics of seawater were analyzed from these selected sites and found to be within suitable ranges required for fish growth and survive. A total of 81287 fish individuals were collected and identified as 49 species belonging to 26 families in our study. The most diversified family was Sparidae (13 species) followed by Carangidae and Lutjanidae (4 species), Mullidae, Serranidae, Ariidae (3 species), and Sciaenidae (2 species). The remaining 20 families were represented by only one species. The values of Shannon diversity index calculated for the four selected habitats revealed that high fish diversity was reported at Sonmiani Coast (H'=1.81), while less at Ormara Coast (H'=0.23). Likewise, Evenness index (E) was high at Sonmiani Coast (E=0.50) and less fish diversity was reported at Ormara Coast (E=0.06). Reducing risks to threatened marine species in coastal habitats also requires conservation actions at multiple scales. Thus, it was concluded that our study could be valuable in providing the more information's regarding to the diversity of finfish species and their occurrence along the Pakistan Coast. Further, to better understand the effects, regular monitoring and conservation measures should be taken to mitigate the influence of anthropogenic activities and protect finfish diversity from further decline

Resumo Este estudo foi conduzido para estimar a diversidade e a ocorrência de espécies de peixes comercialmente importantes coletadas por vinte locais de amostragem de peixes nas costas de Sindh e Baluchistão do mar da Arábia, no Paquistão, de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Além disso, as características físico-químicas da água do mar foram analisadas a partir desses peixes locais selecionados e considerados dentro dos intervalos adequados necessários para o crescimento e sobrevivência dos peixes. Um total de 8.1287 indivíduos de peixes foi coletado e identificado como 49 espécies pertencentes a 26 famílias em nosso estudo. A família mais diversificada foi Sparidae (13 espécies), seguida por Carangidae e Lutjanidae (4 espécies), Mullidae, Serranidae, Ariidae (3 espécies) e Sciaenidae (2 espécies). As 20 famílias restantes foram representadas por apenas uma espécie. Os valores do índice de diversidade de Shannon calculados para os quatro habitats selecionados revelaram que uma alta diversidade de peixes foi relatada na costa Sonmiani (H' = 1,81), enquanto menos na costa Ormara (H' = 0,23). Da mesma forma, o índice de regularidade (E) foi alto na costa de Sonmiani (E = 0,50) e menos diversidade de peixes foi relatada na costa de Ormara (E = 0,06). A redução dos riscos para as espécies marinhas ameaçadas em habitats costeiros também requer ações de conservação em várias escalas. Assim, concluiu-se que nosso estudo pode ser valioso para fornecer mais informações sobre a diversidade de espécies de peixes finos e sua ocorrência ao longo da costa do Paquistão. Além disso, para compreender melhor os efeitos, medidas regulares de monitoramento e conservação devem ser tomadas para mitigar a influência das atividades antropogênicas e proteger a diversidade de peixes finos de um declínio maior.

Humans , Animals , Water , Biodiversity , Seawater , Ecosystem , Fishes
Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(3): e20220111, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521736


ABSTRACT Tropical forests are three-dimensional with the presence of numerous micro-environments formed by horizontal and vertical gradients. Such micro-environments can affect the nesting preference of organisms, including the trap-nesting Hymenoptera. Bees and wasps are key elements in ecosystems and are considered as sensitive to environmental changes, and trap-nests sampling methodology is widely used in their ecological and conservation studies. However, many uncertainties remain about nesting site preferences. From this perspective, our aim is to assess the diversity descriptors of trap-nesting Hymenoptera in different micro-environments. The sampling was conducted on three micro-environments (canopy, understory and treefall gaps) replicated on ten permanent plots within a Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot. In each micro-environment, we installed trap-nest stations made by a set of twenty bamboo artificial nests. We found 762 brood cells from ten wasp and five bee species. The rarefaction curves indicate the lower species richness in understory stations, while treefall gaps and canopy stations were not significantly different. We analyzed abundance, mortality and parasitism rates using generalized linear models, but only abundance varies significantly among micro-environments. Our data indicates that trap-nesting Hymenoptera prefer to nest in micro-environments with higher exposure of sunlight. Canopy and treefall gap assemblages are consistently more abundant and diverse than understory probably due the higher temperature and lower humidity. On the other hand, mortality, parasitism rates, and the species composition were similar among environments. Our hypothesis is that the species composition was not affected as these species have a foraging range that encompasses nearby micro-environments.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39088, 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567164


The biodiversity of the agroecosystem leads to changes in the Floristic composition, diversity, and abundance of weed species in crop and orchard farms. The present study is considered the first attempt to categorize, evaluate, and document the diversity of weed populations among different grape farms in Tayma, Tabuk region, Saudi Arabia. The results of ANOVA showed that the number of weed species varied significantly across the six grape farms. During six grape farms under study, 30 weed species belonging to thirteen families and 28 genera were recorded. In total, twelve weed species belong to the Poaceae family with a rate of 40%. While the other families are represented either by one or two species with rates of 3.3% and 6.7%, respectively. Biogeographic origins analysis showed that the Tropical area represented 23.3% of total weed flora, followed by Saharo Arabian (16.7%), Mediterannean-Euro Siberian-Irano-Turanian (13.3%) and American (10.0%). Therophytes were the dominant life forms with a rate of 66.7%, followed by Hemicryptophyte (20.0%), Geophyte (6.7%), and Chamaephyte (6.7%). A total of 16 and 14 weed species belong to the annual and perennial life span, respectively. Also, the grass and herb habits represented 40% and 60% of 30 weed species, respectively. According to the abundance score, the most common weed species of those grape farms in the region study are Cynodon dactylon, Desmostachya bipinnata, and Setaria verticillata, they belong to the Poaceae family. Based on the presence and absence of weed species in grape farms, the Principal Component Analyses (PCA) show that the grape farms and weed species (into two groups) are distinguished mainly along the first two components. Also, positive correlations were observed among most grape farms, according to PCA. Generally, more studies on the ecological aspects and floristic composition of weed species in grape farms are also needed.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(11): e20220333, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427320


Pest insects are one of the major factors affecting the productivity of sugarcane, and especially those associated with the soil, which damage the crop if not controlled. There is little information on the insect associated with the soil in the sugarcane crop in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This study evaluated the occurrence, abundance and population variation of soil-associated insects in sugarcane crops in four counties in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul during a period from September 2009 to August 2010. For the capture of insects, deep in the soil trenches were (50 x 50 x 30 width x length x depth). It was observed that county of Maracaju has a high incidence of soil insects in sugarcane crop. Specimens of the family Scarabaeidae are abundant in sugarcane fields of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, being Liogenys suturalis the predominant species. Soil insects of the Chrysomelidae family were found with greater abundance in Dourados and Naviraí while Noctuidae, represented only by the Hyponeuma taltula, occurred mainly in Dourados. Insects of the family Termitidae occur in sugarcane fields in the counties of Maracaju and Naviraí but not in Nova Alvorada do Sul and Dourados. Sphenophorus levis and Metamasius hemipterus were alsoreported in the sugarcane fields from Maracaju, being the occurrence these species the first record in the Mato Grosso do Sul State. The determined occurrence of different soil insects in the sugarcane fields may help in their management in the four counties studied.

Os insetos-praga são um dos principais fatores que afetam a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar e, principalmente, aqueles associados ao solo, que prejudicam a cultura se não forem controlados. Existem poucas informações sobre a fauna de insetos associada ao solo na cultura da cana-de-açúcar no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência, abundância e variação populacional de insetos associados ao solo em lavouras de cana-de-açúcar em quatro municípios do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul durante o período de setembro de 2009 a agosto de 2010. Para a captura de insetos, foram feitas trincheiras (50 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm - largura x comprimento x profundidade) no solo. Observou-se que o município de Maracaju apresenta alta incidência de insetos de solo na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Exemplares da família Scarabaeidae são abundantes nos canaviais do MS, sendo Liogenys suturalis a espécie predominante. Insetos de solo da família Chrysomelidae foram encontrados com maior abundância em Dourados e Naviraí enquanto Noctuidae, representado apenas por Hyponeuma taltula, ocorreu principalmente em Dourados. Insetos da família Termitidae ocorrem em canaviais nos municípios de Maracaju e Naviraí, mas não em Nova Alvorada do Sul e Dourados. Sphenophorus levis e Metamasius hemipterus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) também foram encontrados nos canaviais de Maracaju, sendo a ocorrência dessas espécies o primeiro registro no MS. A ocorrência determinada de diferentes insetos de solo nos canaviais auxiliará o manejo nos quatro municípios estudados.

Soil Analysis , Agricultural Pests , Saccharum/parasitology , Insecta
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-18, 2023. map, ilus, tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468988


This study was conducted to estimate the diversity and the occurrence of commercially important finfish species collected by twenty fish sampling site of Sindh and Baluchistan coasts of the Arabian Sea in Pakistan from January to December 2019. Additionally, physicochemical characteristics of seawater were analyzed from these selected sites and found to be within suitable ranges required for fish growth and survive. A total of 81287 fish individuals were collected and identified as 49 species belonging to 26 families in our study. The most diversified family was Sparidae (13 species) followed by Carangidae and Lutjanidae (4 species), Mullidae, Serranidae, Ariidae (3 species), and Sciaenidae (2 species). The remaining 20 families were represented by only one species. The values of Shannon diversity index calculated for the four selected habitats revealed that high fish diversity was reported at Sonmiani Coast (H’=1.81), while less at Ormara Coast (H’=0.23). Likewise, Evenness index (E) was high at Sonmiani Coast (E=0.50) and less fish diversity was reported at Ormara Coast (E=0.06). Reducing risks to threatened marine species in coastal habitats also requires conservation actions at multiple scales. Thus, it was concluded that our study could be valuable in providing the more information’s regarding to the diversity of finfish species and their occurrence along the Pakistan Coast. Further, to better understand the effects, regular monitoring and conservation measures should be taken to mitigate the influence of anthropogenic activities and protect finfish diversity from further decline.

Este estudo foi conduzido para estimar a diversidade e a ocorrência de espécies de peixes comercialmente importantes coletadas por vinte locais de amostragem de peixes nas costas de Sindh e Baluchistão do mar da Arábia, no Paquistão, de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Além disso, as características físico-químicas da água do mar foram analisadas a partir desses peixes locais selecionados e considerados dentro dos intervalos adequados necessários para o crescimento e sobrevivência dos peixes. Um total de 8.1287 indivíduos de peixes foi coletado e identificado como 49 espécies pertencentes a 26 famílias em nosso estudo. A família mais diversificada foi Sparidae (13 espécies), seguida por Carangidae e Lutjanidae (4 espécies), Mullidae, Serranidae, Ariidae (3 espécies) e Sciaenidae (2 espécies). As 20 famílias restantes foram representadas por apenas uma espécie. Os valores do índice de diversidade de Shannon calculados para os quatro habitats selecionados revelaram que uma alta diversidade de peixes foi relatada na costa Sonmiani (H’ = 1,81), enquanto menos na costa Ormara (H’ = 0,23). Da mesma forma, o índice de regularidade (E) foi alto na costa de Sonmiani (E = 0,50) e menos diversidade de peixes foi relatada na costa de Ormara (E = 0,06). A redução dos riscos para as espécies marinhas ameaçadas em habitats costeiros também requer ações de conservação em várias escalas. Assim, concluiu-se que nosso estudo pode ser valioso para fornecer mais informações sobre a diversidade de espécies de peixes finos e sua ocorrência ao longo da costa do Paquistão. Além disso, para compreender melhor os efeitos, medidas regulares de monitoramento e conservação devem ser tomadas para mitigar a influência das atividades antropogênicas e proteger a diversidade de peixes finos de um declínio maior.

Animals , Biodiversity , Chemical Phenomena , Fishes/classification , Fishes/growth & development , Seawater/chemistry
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469204


Abstract This study was conducted to estimate the diversity and the occurrence of commercially important finfish species collected by twenty fish sampling site of Sindh and Baluchistan coasts of the Arabian Sea in Pakistan from January to December 2019. Additionally, physicochemical characteristics of seawater were analyzed from these selected sites and found to be within suitable ranges required for fish growth and survive. A total of 81287 fish individuals were collected and identified as 49 species belonging to 26 families in our study. The most diversified family was Sparidae (13 species) followed by Carangidae and Lutjanidae (4 species), Mullidae, Serranidae, Ariidae (3 species), and Sciaenidae (2 species). The remaining 20 families were represented by only one species. The values of Shannon diversity index calculated for the four selected habitats revealed that high fish diversity was reported at Sonmiani Coast (H'=1.81), while less at Ormara Coast (H'=0.23). Likewise, Evenness index (E) was high at Sonmiani Coast (E=0.50) and less fish diversity was reported at Ormara Coast (E=0.06). Reducing risks to threatened marine species in coastal habitats also requires conservation actions at multiple scales. Thus, it was concluded that our study could be valuable in providing the more informations regarding to the diversity of finfish species and their occurrence along the Pakistan Coast. Further, to better understand the effects, regular monitoring and conservation measures should be taken to mitigate the influence of anthropogenic activities and protect finfish diversity from further decline

Resumo Este estudo foi conduzido para estimar a diversidade e a ocorrência de espécies de peixes comercialmente importantes coletadas por vinte locais de amostragem de peixes nas costas de Sindh e Baluchistão do mar da Arábia, no Paquistão, de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Além disso, as características físico-químicas da água do mar foram analisadas a partir desses peixes locais selecionados e considerados dentro dos intervalos adequados necessários para o crescimento e sobrevivência dos peixes. Um total de 8.1287 indivíduos de peixes foi coletado e identificado como 49 espécies pertencentes a 26 famílias em nosso estudo. A família mais diversificada foi Sparidae (13 espécies), seguida por Carangidae e Lutjanidae (4 espécies), Mullidae, Serranidae, Ariidae (3 espécies) e Sciaenidae (2 espécies). As 20 famílias restantes foram representadas por apenas uma espécie. Os valores do índice de diversidade de Shannon calculados para os quatro habitats selecionados revelaram que uma alta diversidade de peixes foi relatada na costa Sonmiani (H' = 1,81), enquanto menos na costa Ormara (H' = 0,23). Da mesma forma, o índice de regularidade (E) foi alto na costa de Sonmiani (E = 0,50) e menos diversidade de peixes foi relatada na costa de Ormara (E = 0,06). A redução dos riscos para as espécies marinhas ameaçadas em habitats costeiros também requer ações de conservação em várias escalas. Assim, concluiu-se que nosso estudo pode ser valioso para fornecer mais informações sobre a diversidade de espécies de peixes finos e sua ocorrência ao longo da costa do Paquistão. Além disso, para compreender melhor os efeitos, medidas regulares de monitoramento e conservação devem ser tomadas para mitigar a influência das atividades antropogênicas e proteger a diversidade de peixes finos de um declínio maior.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387709


Abstract Introduction: Video techniques are used worldwide to study marine communities. As elsewhere, the use of remote underwater videos has recently increased in Brazil and there is a need for information about their advantages, disadvantages, and reliability in tropical habitats. Objective: To evaluate the use of baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS) in fish diversity research in a tropical habitat. Methods: We used baited video stations to record the fishes and their relationship with habitat type, underwater visibility and depth, in 79 random sites in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Northeastern Brazil (11 days in November 2017). Results: We recorded 3 286 individuals (65 taxa, 29 families) along a 25 km section of the shoreline, 10.2 to 28.6 m depth. The Clupeidae dominated numerically, followed by Haemulidae, Carangidae, and Lutjanidae; by species, Haemulon aurolineatum, Opisthonema oglinum, Haemulon steindachneri, Lutjanus synagris and Caranx crysos. The highest mean number of species was detected over sediment close to shipwrecks, but we found no differences among the mean number of individuals between habitat types. More species and individuals were observed at a depth of 20-25 m depth. The highest mean number of species was in 2-3 m of visibility, and the highest number of individuals within 4-5 m. Conclusions: Video recording seemed to be a valid method, and indicated that -besides being relatively diverse- the local fish community is dominated by a few species of small and medium-sized mesopredators, and a few top predators.

Resumen Introducción: Las técnicas de video se utilizan en todo el mundo para estudiar las comunidades marinas. Como en otros lugares, el uso de videos submarinos remotos ha aumentado recientemente en Brasil y existe la necesidad de información sobre sus ventajas, desventajas y confiabilidad en los hábitats tropicales. Objetivo: Evaluar el uso de estaciones de video subacuáticas remotas cebadas en la investigación de la diversidad de peces en un hábitat tropical. Métodos: Utilizamos estaciones de video cebadas para registrar los peces y su relación con el tipo de hábitat, la visibilidad submarina y la profundidad, en 79 sitios aleatorios en la Región Metropolitana de Recife, noreste de Brasil (11 días en noviembre de 2017). Resultados: Registramos 3 286 individuos (65 taxones, 29 familias) a lo largo de una sección de 25 km de la costa, de 10.2 a 28.6 m de profundidad. Los Clupeidae dominaron numéricamente, seguidos de Haemulidae, Carangidae y Lutjanidae; por especies, Haemulon aurolineatum, Opisthonema oglinum, Haemulon steindachneri, Lutjanus synagris y Caranx crysos. El mayor número medio de especies se detectó sobre sedimentos cerca de naufragios, pero no encontramos diferencias entre el número medio de individuos entre tipos de hábitat. Se observaron más especies e individuos a una profundidad de 20-25 m. El mayor número medio de especies se registró en 2-3 m de visibilidad, y el mayor número de individuos en 4-5 m. Conclusiones: La grabación en video pareció ser un método válido e indicó que, además de ser relativamente diversa, la comunidad local de peces está dominada por unas pocas especies de mesodepredadores de tamaño pequeño y mediano, y pocos depredadores superiores.

Animals , Audiovisual Aids , Biodiversity , Fishes , Brazil , Coral Reefs
J Vector Borne Dis ; 2022 Jul; 59(3): 265-274
مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216882


Background & objectives: This study focuses on modulating dexterity of some ecological variables of Aedes vittatus classically breeding in rocky habitats. The study provides a useful insight into ecological variables that underpin or hinder profuse breeding of Ae. vittatus in rock pools and its probable role in disease transmission. Methods: HANNA HI98129 pH/EC/TDS/TEMP meter was used in situ while standard protocols were used to determine other hydro-chemical variables. Aedes vittatus larvae were obtained with soup ladle and modified ladle dippers. D-frame net was used to capture macroinvertebrates while plankton net was used to obtain samples of microalgae. Tadpoles and water turtles were collected with fine mesh invertebrate net. Macrophytes were uprooted and identified at the Herbarium Unit, Department of Botany, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The influence of physicochemical variables was correlated with distribution of Ae. vittatus using Principal Component Analysis. Regression and ANOVA were used to test for association between predictor variables and mosquito abundance and for the difference amongst inselbergs. Results: Linear larval density of Ae. vittatus in rock pools which tapered across Guinea savanna were obtained from twenty-one sites with average density of 139.6 in Sudan savanna. Guinea savanna had an average larval density of 75.5 with lower subsets of moving average densities compared to Sudan savanna. One hundred and sixty-one aquatic insects belonging to four insect orders cohabited rock pools with Ae. vittatus. Toads and frogs’ tadpoles were of Bufonidae and Pyxicephalidae families while water turtles belong to Emydidae. pH, TDS (ppm), EC (µs/cm) and alkalinity (mg/l) differed significantly (p<0.05) with the abundance of Ae. vittatus in rock pools. Temperature, depth, water hardness and total suspended solid had direct influence on the distribution of Ae. vittatus in rock pools across sites. Significant positive correlation exists between aquatic insects and abundance of Ae. vittatus. Hydroperiod length, concentration of nitrate and pH were determinants that leverage profuse breeding of Ae. vittatus and survival of rock pool biota. Interpretation & conclusion: Results revealed that the bearing influence of rock pool variables is inevitable for breeding of Ae. vittatus. A well defined measure of efficacy incorporating indigenous communities for sustained vector control on inselbergs will go a long way in decimating population of Ae. vittatus and limit the risk of spread of yellow fever hitherto areas not thriving.

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