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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(8): e05172024, ago. 2024.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569048


Resumo Este estudo analisa as histórias de vida de oito jovens vivendo com HIV por transmissão vertical, visando compreender suas percepções marcadas pelo segredo e silêncio sobre suas vivências com o vírus. Realizado em ambulatório especializado no Rio de Janeiro, o estudo adotou como ferramenta de cuidado a dança circular, considerada uma Prática Integrativa e Complementar em Saúde. Utilizando abordagem qualitativa e a História de Vida como método de coleta, o foco foi compreender as experiências dos jovens, não apenas relacionadas à doença, mas também a aspectos cruciais de suas vidas. Participaram do estudo três meninas e cinco meninos, todos cientes de seu diagnóstico. Os principais temas emergentes incluíram dinâmica familiar, conexão com o ambiente escolar, desafios na adesão ao tratamento, idade no momento da revelação do diagnóstico e tempo decorrido desde então. A análise das narrativas desses jovens, permitiu explorar aspectos individuais e sociais da experiência, revelando similaridades e diferenças entre eles. As oficinas de dança circular ofereceram um espaço lúdico para a expressão de emoções e sentimentos por meio dos movimentos corporais, ampliando as perspectivas dos jovens em relação ao futuro.

Abstract This study analyzes the life stories of eight young people living with vertically transmitted HIV in order to understand their perceptions marked by secrecy and silence regarding their experiences with the virus. Conducted at a specialized outpatient clinic in Rio de Janeiro, the study adopted circle dance, a Complementary and Integrative Health Practice, as a care tool. Using a qualitative approach and Life History as a data collection method, the focus was to understand the youth's experiences related to the disease and the crucial aspects of their lives. Three girls and five boys participated in the study, all aware of their diagnosis. The principal emerging themes included family dynamics, school environment connection, challenges in treatment adherence, age at the time of diagnosis disclosure, and time elapsed since then. Analyzing these young people's narratives allowed us to explore individual and social aspects of their experiences, revealing their similarities and differences. The circle dance workshops provided a playful space for expressing emotions and feelings through body movements, expanding young people's perspectives on the future.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556636


While the Internet has brought convenience and speed to human life, it has also led to frequent privacy violations. In the context of epidemiological investigations and information disclosure regarding confirmed Covid-19 patients, many individuals have utilized the Internet as a means to disseminate information and engage in cyber manhunts, resulting in breaches of privacy for those involved. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent within the realm of the Internet, where the boundaries of privacy invasion become blurred. Various types of privacy infringements, both active and passive negligence, are evident on social networking platforms. The juxtaposition of the virtual world of the Internet with real-life scenarios presents novel challenges in the realm of privacy violations. The Internet era, coupled with the widespread use and integration of big data, has diminished the absolute right to privacy on the Internet. This paper examines the challenge of safeguarding the identity information of infectious patients through the lens of two theoretical frameworks -Kantianism and Utilitarianism- in an effort to address this ethical dilemma.

Aunque Internet ha aportado comodidad y rapidez a la vida humana, también ha dado lugar a frecuentes violaciones de la intimidad. En el contexto de las investigaciones epidemiológicas y la divulgación de información relativa a pacientes confirmados de covid-19, muchas personas han utilizado Internet como medio para difundir información y participar en cibercacerías, lo que ha dado lugar a violaciones en la intimidad de los implicados. Este fenómeno prevalece en el ámbito de Internet, donde los límites de la invasión de la intimidad se vuelven vagos. En las redes sociales, se manifiestan diversos tipos de violaciones de la intimidad, tanto por negligencia activa como pasiva. La yuxtaposición entre el mundo virtual de Internet con escenarios de la vida real plantea nuevos retos en el ámbito de las violaciones de la intimidad. La era de Internet, junto con el uso generalizado y la integración del bigdata, han mermado el derecho absoluto a la privacidad. Este artículo examina el reto de salvaguardar la información sobre la identidad de los pacientes infecciosos a través de la lente de dos marcos teóricos -el kantianismo y el utilitarismo- en un esfuerzo por abordar este dilema ético.

Enquanto a Internet trouxe conveniência e velocidade à vida humana, ela também levou a frequentes violações da privacidade. No contexto de investigações epidemiológicas e divulgação de informações em relação a pacientes confirmados de Covid-19, muitos indivíduos utilizaram a Internet como um meio para disseminar informação e participar de uma caçada cibernética, resultando em violações da privacidade para aqueles envolvidos. Esse fenômeno é particularmente prevalente no âmbito da Internet, onde os limites de invasão da privacidade se tornaram borrados. Vários tipos de infrações da privacidade, tanto negligências ativa como passiva, são evidentes em plataformas de redes sociais. A justaposição do mundo virtual da Internet com cenários da vida real apresenta novos desafios no âmbito das violações da privacidade. A era da Internet, juntamente com o amplo uso e integração de megadados (big data), diminuiu o direito absoluto à privacidade na Internet. Esse artigo examina o desafio de proteger a informação de identidade de pacientes infectantes através das lentes de dois enquadres teóricos -Kantianismo e Utilitarismo- em um esforço para abordar esse dilema ético.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 325-330, abr.jun.2024. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552680


Neste artigo de opinião, apresento uma breve história do desenvolvimento de vacinas, comentando sobre as formas clássicas de produção de vacinas utilizando o próprio agente infeccioso. Em seguida, abordo as vacinas virais, discutindo seus benefícios e dificuldades e a questão dos sorotipos virais, bem como as vacinas bacterianas e seu relativo sucesso. Apresento nossos estudos sobre doença cardíaca reumática e o desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra infecções estreptocócicas. Também discuto plataformas vacinais, especialmente os sucessos alcançados com vacinas de vetores virais não replicantes e, acima de tudo, o grande êxito das vacinas de RNA mensageiro (mRNA). As vacinas de mRNA tornaram-se possíveis somente após os avanços obtidos com a substituição de nucleotídeos que reduziam a ação da imunidade inata. Serão todas as vacinas desenvolvidas a partir de mRNA no futuro? Em seguida, abordo a questão das vias de administração de vacinas, seja por via subcutânea, intradérmica, intramuscular ou nasal. Exponho dados do meu laboratório sobre o desenvolvimento de uma vacina de instilação nasal que induziu uma resposta de proteção da mucosa, prevenindo a infecção e, consequentemente, a transmissão do SARS-CoV-2. Posteriormente, discuto quais vacinas futuras poderiam ser desenvolvidas para além das doenças infecciosas agudas. Por fim, discuto as vantagens do desenvolvimento de vacinas seguras, eficazes e de uso múltiplo, bem como a forma de torná-las acessíveis à população mundial, promovendo a equidade em saúde.

In this opinion article, I provide a brief history of vaccine development, commenting on the classic ways of producing vaccines using the infectious agent itself. I address viral vaccines, discussing their benefits and challenges and the issue of viral serotypes, as well as bacterial vaccines and their relative success. I present our studies on rheumatic heart disease and the development of a vaccine against streptococcal infection. I also discuss vaccine platforms, highlighting the success achieved with non-replicating viral vector-based vaccines and, especially, with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. mRNA vaccines only became possible after the advances provided by the replacement of nucleotides that reduced the action of the innate immune system. Will all vaccines be made from mRNA in the future? Then, I address the issue of vaccine administration routes, whether subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly, or intranasal. I present data from my laboratory on the development of an intranasal vaccine that induced a protective mucosal response, preventing infection and, consequently, the transmission of SARSCoV- 2. I discuss which future vaccines could be developed beyond acute infectious diseases. Finally, I discuss the advantages of developing safe, effective, multiple-use vaccines and how to make them accessible worldwide by promoting health equity.

Humans , History, 21st Century
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000097, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566373


The progressive increase in HIV infection among older adults requires constant research and monitoring, given that geriatric syndromes associated with HIV comorbidities have become an important public health problem. We reported this systematic review according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), and it has a central question: Is the incidence of cognitive impairment higher in older patients living with HIV than in their seronegative peers? The following databases were searched for this review: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, Web of Science, and Scopus. The inclusion criteria were studies whose samples were ≥ 50% patients aged ≥ 50 years, with and without HIV, and a main outcome related to the incidence of cognitive impairment. Only cohort studies with follow-up lasting ≥ 24 months were considered. Three reviewers independently screened the documents for eligibility criteria, extracted the data, assessed the risk of bias (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale), and evaluated the quality of evidence. A narrative synthesis was prepared. In total, 10 798 trials were screened, 8884 were excluded, 14 were analyzed, and 5 were included in this review. Only 1 applied cognitive assessment tests; the rest used secondary data from the medical records. Most found that the incidence of cognitive disorders was higher among older people living with HIV, which highlights the need for public policies aimed at primary and secondary prevention strategies. Further research from other countries is still required. PROSPERO register (CRD42022321914). (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , HIV , Cognitive Dysfunction
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 1-7, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567035


Background and Objective: To understand the main forms of transmission of HIV in order to foster the containment of the transmission chain, early diagnosis and the epidemiological profile of patients. In this sense, it will enable the analysis of the epidemiological profile and the transmissibility variables of patients with HIV/Aids from the municipality of Imperatriz-MA.. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. Data collection was performed from the analysis of patients' records registered in the Center for Testing and Counseling (CTA) from 2017 to 2020. For data collection, a questionnaire with transmission variables and epidemiological characteristics of patients was used. Results: From January 2017 to December 2020, 211 medical records were filed. Of these, 71.6% were male, 55.5% of the participants were between 21 and 40 years, and 66.4% from Imperatriz-MA. The most prevalent type of exposure was sexual intercourse without a condom. Among the participants, 83.9% (n=177) were positive only for HIV. About 140 people with HIV had an undetectable viral load (VL) (< 50 copies/ml) after 6 months of using antiretroviral therapy, making it low transmissibility. Conclusion: The study was able to characterize the epidemiological profile of patients from the Specialized Assistance Service (SAE) in Imperatriz between 2017 and 2020. Despite the increase in the number of cases among women, the most affected public remains young men, from 21 to 40 years of age, with 8 to 11 years of education, single and brown. Sexual intercourse without a condom is the main type of exposure.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivo: Buscando proporcionar a la contención de la cadena de transmisión del VIH, el diagnóstico precoz y el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes para conocer las principales formas de transmisión del VIH. En este sentido, el estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el perfil epidemiológico y las variables de transmisibilidad de los usuarios con VIH/sida del municipio de Imperatriz-MA. Método: Se trata de un estudio observacional de carácter transversal, la recolección de datos fue realizada a partir del análisis de registros de usuarios registrados en el CTA en el período de 2017 a 2020. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario con variables de transmisión y características epidemiológicas de los pacientes. Resultados: Se registraron 211 registros y enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2020. De estos, 71,6% del sexo masculino, 55,5% de los participantes tenían entre 21 y 40 años y 66,4% de Imperatriz - MA. El tipo de exposición más prevalente fue la relación sexual sin condón. Entre los participantes, 83,9% (n=177) fueron positivos solo para el VIH. Cerca de 140 personas con VIH tenían carga viral indetectable (< 50 copias/ml) después de 6 meses usando terapia antirretroviral, haciéndola de baja transmisibilidad. Conclusión: El público más afectado sigue siendo hombres jóvenes, de 21 a 40 años, con 8 a 11 años de educación, solteros y de piel morena. Las relaciones sexuales sin preservativo son el principal tipo de exposición.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivo: Conhecer as principais formas de transmissão do HIV para proporcionar a contenção da cadeia de transmissão do HIV, o diagnóstico precoce e o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes. Nesse sentido, será possível analisar o perfil epidemiológico e as variáveis de transmissibilidade dos usuários com HIV/Aids do município de Imperatriz-MA. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional de caráter transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir da análise de registros de usuários cadastrados no CTA no período de 2017 a 2020. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário com variáveis de transmissão e características epidemiológicas dos pacientes. Resultados: Foram registrados 211 prontuários de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2020. Destes, 71,6% do sexo masculino, 55,5% dos participantes tinham entre 21 e 40 anos e 66,4% de Imperatriz-MA. O tipo de exposição mais prevalente foi a relação sexual sem preservativo. Entre os participantes, 83,9% (n=177) foram positivos apenas para HIV. Cerca de 140 pessoas com HIV tinham carga viral indetectável (< 50 cópias/ml) após 6 meses usando terapia antirretroviral, tornando-a de baixa transmissibilidade. Conclusões: O estudo conseguiu caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos usuários de SAE em Imperatriz entre 2017 e 2020. Apesar do aumento no número de casos em mulheres, o público mais afetado continua sendo homens jovens, de 21 a 40 anos, com 8 a 11 anos de educação, solteiros e pardos. A relação sexual sem preservativo é o principal tipo de exposição.(AU)

Health Profile , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , HIV , Disease Transmission, Infectious
Med. infant ; 31(1): 8-15, Marzo 2024. Ilus, Tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552669


Introducción: La diarrea aguda es una entidad frecuente en pediatría, constituyendo una de las principales causas de mortalidad en países en desarrollo y en niños menores de cinco años. Si bien la alimentación representa uno de los pilares fundamentales en el tratamiento de la misma, no existe consenso entre los profesionales en cuanto a la indicación de leche deslactosada durante el curso del cuadro. Objetivos: Realizar una revisión sistemática para estudiar el impacto del consumo de leche deslactosada vs leche regular en la duración de la diarrea aguda infecciosa en niños. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática incluyendo artículos publicados desde el año 2008 al 2023, utilizando para la búsqueda las bases de datos PubMed, Lillacs, Cochrane Library y literatura gris. Se incluyeron estudios experimentales, observacionales, revisiones, guías de atención y metaanálisis, realizados en pacientes pediátricos sin patologías de base, cursando cuadro de diarrea aguda infecciosa, que compararan el uso de leche deslactosada frente a leche regular. Resultados: Se seleccionaron doce artículos. En 9 de ellos se constató una disminución en la duración de la diarrea en los pacientes que recibieron leche deslactosada con una diferencia de medias de 18 horas (en un rango entre 4 y 32.6 horas). No se reportaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la mortalidad entre el uso de una u otra fórmula láctea. En relación al uso de una u otra fórmula no se objetivaron variaciones en el peso estadísticamente significativas. La necesidad de hospitalización fue similar entre ambos grupos. Solo un artículo analizó la frecuencia o volumen de deposiciones sin encontrar diferencias significativas (AU)

Introduction:Acute diarrhea is frequent in pediatrics, and constitutes one of the main causes of mortality in developing countries and in children under five years of age. Although feeding is one of the fundamental pillars in the treatment of diarrhea, there is no consensus among professionals regarding the indication of lactose-free milk during the course of the symptoms. Objectives: To conduct a systematic review to study the impact of lactose-free milk vs. regular milk consumption on the duration of acute infectious diarrhea in children. Materials and methods: A systematic review was conducted including articles published between 2008 and 2023, using PubMed, Lillacs, Cochrane Library databases, and gray literature for the search. Experimental and observational studies, reviews, care guidelines and meta-analysis were included, conducted in pediatric patients without underlying diseases, with acute infectious diarrhea, comparing the use of lactose-free milk versus regular milk. Results: Twelve articles were selected. Nine of them showed a decrease in the duration of diarrhea in patients who received lactose-free milk with a mean difference of 18 hours (ranging from 4 to 32.6 hours). No statistically significant differences in mortality were reported between the use of one or the other milk formula. Regarding the use of one or the other formula, there were no statistically significant variations in weight. The need for hospital admission was similar between the two groups. Only one article analyzed stool frequency or volume with no significant differences (AU)

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Acute Disease , Treatment Outcome , Milk/chemistry , Diarrhea, Infantile/therapy , Lactose/administration & dosage , Lactose/adverse effects
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553376


Introduction: Toxoplasmosis persists as a neglected disease and poses a challenge to public health, especially due to the risk of vertical transmission, which can lead to countless biological complications for the newborn and to psychological and emotional repercussions for the mother. Objective: To understand the perceptions and feelings of pregnant women affected by toxoplasmosis undergoing outpatient follow-up. Materials and Methods: A qualitative and exploratory study developed with 12 women with gestational toxoplasmosis undergoing specialized outpatient follow-up in a municipality from the state of Paraná, Brazil. The data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews and subjected to content analysis, supported by descending hierarchical classification. Results: The pregnant women experienced situations ranging from diagnosis and treatment to preventing the disease in the child and family. These experiences generated fear, distress and uncertainty about the disease, which were not adequately addressed during prenatal assistance in primary care. However, the pregnant women emphasized the importance of the multiprofessional team at the secondary level in monitoring and health education. Discussion: Although the pregnant women felt confident about the treatment and its implications for the child's health, discovering the diagnosis impacted their everyday lives and those of their families, especially due to lack of reliable information about toxoplasmosis and to the absence of emotional support at the primary level. Conclusions: There was a temporary scenario of disinformation among these women, who were not properly guided and supported. However, the guidelines offered in secondary health care were essential for improving knowledge and practices in health.

Pregnancy , Toxoplasmosis , Toxoplasmosis, Congenital , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Delivery of Health Care
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 175-189, 20240131.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537771


Esta é uma revisão integrativa que busca compreender os fatores associados à propagação e controle de mpox, seguindo as recomendações estabelecidas pela declaração Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A consulta foi feita nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs e Cochrane Library. Foram selecionados quinze artigos, com amostra majoritária de homens que fazem sexo sem proteção com homens e homens que viajaram para locais com surto da doença ou tiveram contato com pessoas infectadas. Os principais fatores associados à infecção e à propagação da doença foram históricos de viagem, sexo desprotegido, ingestão de carne possivelmente contaminada, aglomerados e contato próximo com pessoa sintomática. Quanto aos fatores relacionados à prevenção, estão principalmente associados à triagem de casos suspeitos, hábitos de higiene pessoal, uso de equipamentos de proteção individual e isolamento do doente.

This integrative review examines the factors associated with mpox spread and control, following the recommendations established by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Bibliographic search was conducted on the PubMed, Lilacs and Cochrane Library databases. The final sample included 15 articles, mostly composed of men who have unprotected sex with men and men who traveled to places with a mpox outbreak or had contact with infected people. Travel history, unprotected sex, eating potentially contaminated meat, crowding and close contact with a symptomatic person were the main factors associated with mpox infection and spread. Prevention is mainly associated with the screening of suspected cases, personal hygiene habits, use of personal protective equipment and patient isolation.

Este estudio realiza una revisión integradora para comprender los factores asociados con la propagación y el control de la viruela del mono, siguiendo las recomendaciones establecidas por Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs y Cochrane Library. Se seleccionaron quince artículos, con una muestra mayoritaria de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres sin protección y hombres que viajaron a lugares con brote de la enfermedad o que tuvieron contacto con personas infectadas. Los principales factores asociados con la infección y la propagación de la enfermedad fueron el historial de viajes, las relaciones sexuales sin protección, el consumo de carne potencialmente contaminada, el hacinamiento y el contacto cercano con una persona sintomática. Los factores relacionados con la prevención están asociados principalmente con el tamizaje de casos sospechosos, los hábitos de higiene personal, el uso de equipos de protección personal y el aislamiento del paciente.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024131


Intestinal flora plays an important role in the process of resisting infectious diseases.Fecal microbiota transplantation(FMT)is an important method for reconstructing intestinal microbiota,mainly includes washed mi-crobiota transplantation,transendoscopic enteral tubing,and spore group transplantation.In 2022,the Standardiza-tion Administration of China released the technical standards for Quality control of fecal microbiota washing and grading of fecal microbiota specimens,aiming to reduce adverse events related to FMT and improve the acceptance of FMT by patients and medical personnel.After the success of FMT in the treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection,its application in the treatment of other infectious diseases has also become a global research hotspot.This paper reviews the development of FMT and its application in various infectious diseases.

Chinese Journal of Zoonoses ; (12): 56-61, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024889


This study was aimed at analyzing the molecular characteristics of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli(E.coli)strains isolated from domestic animals at a surveillance site in Jiangsu province and evaluating their potential pathogenicity,to provide evidence supporting the surveillance,prevention,and control of infectious diarrhea.Thirty-seven EPEC strains isolated from domestic animals at this surveillance site were characterized by whole genome sequencing.All EPEC strains isolated from local livestock were aEPEC,which has a variety of serotypes and carries a variety of virulence genes associated with diarrhea.Nine ST types with regional epidemic characteristics were identified.Five eae gene subtypes were found,among which β1 was dominant and was also the most common strain in patients with diarrhea.According to analysis of the characteristics of 37 EPEC strains,all EPEC strains from local livestock were aEPEC,thus posing a potential threat to public health.Monitoring of livestock feces and the breeding environment must be strengthened in the surveillance of infectious diarrhea.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 195-201, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025373


The COVID-19 epidemic has spread to the whole world for three years and has had a serious impact on human life, health and economic activities. China's epidemic prevention and control has gone through the following stages: emergency unconventional stage, emergency normalization stage, and the transitional stage from the emergency normalization to the "Category B infectious disease treated as Category B" normalization, and achieved a major and decisive victory. The designated hospitals for prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Tianjin has successfully completed its tasks in all stages of epidemic prevention and control, and has accumulated valuable experience. This article summarizes the experience of constructing a hospital infection prevention and control system during the "Category B infectious disease treated as Category A" period in designated hospital. The experience is summarized as the "Cluster" hospital infection prevention and control system, namely "three rings" outside, middle and inside, "three districts" of green, orange and red, "three things" before, during and after the event, "two-day pre-purification" and "two-director system", and "one zone" management. In emergency situations, we adopt a simplified version of the cluster hospital infection prevention and control system. In emergency situations, a simplified version of the "Cluster" hospital infection prevention and control system can be adopted. This system has the following characteristics: firstly, the system emphasizes the characteristics of "cluster" and the overall management of key measures to avoid any shortcomings. The second, it emphasizes the transformation of infection control concepts to maximize the safety of medical services through infection control. The third, it emphasizes the optimization of the process. The prevention and control measures should be comprehensive and focused, while also preventing excessive use. The measures emphasize the use of the least resources to achieve the best infection control effect. The fourth, it emphasizes the quality control work of infection control, pays attention to the importance of the process, and advocates the concept of "system slimming, process fattening". Fifthly, it emphasizes that the future development depends on artificial intelligence, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of prevention and control to the greatest extent. Sixth, hospitals need to strengthen continuous training and retraining. We utilize diverse training methods, including artificial intelligence, to ensure that infection control policies and procedures are simple. We have established an evaluation and feedback mechanism to ensure that medical personnel are in an emergency state at all times.

Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 250-256, 2024.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027031


Objective:To compare the efficacy of Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) and the conventional care in the improvement of the prognosis and mental state of patients with chronic bone infection.Methods:A retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of 219 patients with chronic bone infection who were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University from January 2018 to February 2019, including 172 males and 47 females, aged 15-65 years [(42.1±3.8)years]. Infection sites were the tibia in 144 patients and the femur in 75 patients. According to the classification of Cierny-Mader bone infection, there were 44 patients with type I (intramedullary bone infection), 57 with type II (superficial bone infection), 79 with type III (local bone infection), and 39 with type IV (diffuse bone infection). The patients were divided into conventional care group (admitted from January to July 2018, n=106) and SFBT group (admitted from August 2018 to February 2019, n=113) according to their admission time. The conventional care group received the conventional care, while the SFBT group underwent SFBT on the basis of the conventional care, with an intervention period of 6 months. The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) knee score, 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) for somatic, emotional, role and social function, Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) were compared between the two groups before surgery, at discharge and at 6 months after surgery. The rates of satisfaction with the nursing care and bone healing were collected at the last follow-up. Results:All the patients were followed up for 12-36 months [(24.5±6.3)months]. The differences in HSS knee score, SF-36 for somatic, emotional, role, and social function scores, SAS score, and SDS score between the two groups were not statistically significant before surgery ( P>0.05). At discharge, the HSS knee score and SF-36 for somatic, emotional, role, and social function scores of the SFBT group were (68.6±6.9)points, (23.0±1.8)points, (23.2±1.6)points, (23.4±1.5)points, and (23.1±1.8)points respectively, which were all significantly higher than those of the conventional care group [(66.3±7.2)points, (19.7±3.3)points, (20.0±2.7)points, (19.8±3.2)points, and (20.5±2.7)points respectively] ( P<0.05); The SAS and SDS scores in the SFBT group were (40.9±6.2)points and (41.1±6.2)points respectively, which were both significantly lower than those in the conventional care group [(46.4±6.3)points and (47.3±6.4)points] ( P<0.05). At 6 months after surgery, the HSS knee score and SF-36 for somatic, emotional, role, and social function scores in the SFBT group were (81.6±6.7)points, (26.3±1.6)points, (27.9±1.4)points, (26.6±1.4)points, and (27.9±1.6)points respectively, which were all significantly higher than those in the conventional care group [(78.5±7.2)points, (17.4±2.9)points, (18.7±2.5)points, (18.3±3.0)points, and (20.0±2.5)points respectively] ( P<0.05 or 0.01); the SAS and SDS scores in the SFBT group were (32.8±4.8)points and (30.8±5.5)points respectively, which were significantly lower than those in the conventional care group [(44.2±5.5)points and (42.5±6.2)points] ( P<0.05). At the last follow-up in the conventional care group and the SFBT group, the rates of satisfaction with the nursing care were 66.0% (70/106) and 88.5% (100/113) respectively ( P<0.01), and the bone healing rates were 96.2% (102/106) and 94.7% (107/113) respectively ( P>0.05). Conclusion:Compared with the conventional care, SFBT for intervention to patients with chronic bone infection is a safe and effective mental nursing model which can improve the recovery of the function and the quality of the patients′ life, reduce their anxiety and depression, and enhance their satisfaction rate.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028020


In 2023,World Health Organization(WHO)announced that the pandemic of COVID-19 is over;while there was an epidemic of multi-pathogenic infections in the respiratory tract by the end of the year in China,indicating that high attention still need to be paid to infectious diseases. In the past one year,some breakthroughs for infectious diseases have been achieved.This article reviews the major events and research progress in the diagnosis,prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in 2023.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029540


Infectious diarrhea is a gastrointestinal infectious disease caused by a wide range of pathogens and found throughout the world. It is one of the most important public health problems in the world and the second leading cause of death among children under five years of age. The pathogens of infectious diarrhea include viral diarrhea pathogens, bacterial diarrhea pathogens, and parasites. Viruses are the most frequent pathogens, mainly including norovirus, rotavirus, astrovirus and sapovirus. The most frequently identified organisms causing bacterial diarrhea are diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Campylobacter. This paper provides an overview of the epidemiological trends and changes in the pathogen spectrum of infectious diarrhea for better understanding the distribution and epidemiological features of infectious diarrhea in China, and hopes to provide reference for developing prevention and control strategies and reducing the disease burden.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029801


As a new treatment option after conventional corticosteroids and immunomodulatory drugs, biologics have been widely used in the clinical management of non-infectious uveitis in many countries due to their approved efficacy and safety. Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha monoclonal antibody is the most commonly used one. However, the guidance on its standardized application is lacking. The Ocular Immunology Group of Immunology and Rheumatology Academy in Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association compiled the Chinese expert consensus on treatment of non-infectious uveitis with anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha monoclonal antibody. This evidence-based consensus is made according to the principle of consensus building and combines the clinical experience of the experts. Twelve recommendations are formatted on the application of Adalimumab and Infliximab. The interpretation of this consensus point will help improve the normative and effective application of anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha monoclonal antibody in ophthalmologists, rheumatologists and immunologists.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030211


[Objective]To provide insights into the clinical diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in summer through probing into the theory of heat epidemic and its characteristics formulated by famous doctors in the past dynasties.[Methods]The etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of heat epidemic were analyzed by summarizing the discussions of various doctors from different angles and at different levels,and the differentiation and treatment rules of several common summer infectious diseases were explored on the basis of the application of heat epidemic theory.[Results]The etiology and pathogenesis of heat epidemic can be classified as excessive main Qi,evil abundance and Yin deficiency,transpiration of summer heat and diffuse ptomaine.Its treatment can be roughly divided into interior-clearing and exterior-harmonizing,blood-cooling and orifice-unblocking.On the basis,the article explored the etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of summer infectious diseases,such as hand-foot-and-mouth disease,dengue and Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19),which have certain similarities with heat epidemic.[Conclusion]The theory of heat epidemic,closely related to the syndrome and treatment rules of three types of summer infectious diseases,can be the tentative basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of summer infectious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030468


Objective This paper summarizes and evaluates the existing animal models of Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome(PI-IBS)based on the clinical diagnostic criteria and symptom characteristics of PI-IBS in Chinese and western medicine.The goal of this study is to seek out animal models with a high degree of clinical agreement between Chinese and western medicine,and to provide an accurate animal model for the prevention and treatment of PI-IBS in traditional Chinese medicine.Methods The animal strains,modelling methods,and mechanisms of the existing PI-IBS animal models were summarized based on the clinical diagnostic features and symptomatology of PI-IBS,as well as the degree of match was evaluated and the strengths and weaknesses of the preparation of animal models were analyzed,by reviewing the articles related to PI-IBS animal experiments and the preparation of animal models.Results A thorough analysis discovered that Campylobacter jejuni infection model,Trichinella infection model,and liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome in models of disease and symptom combination showed a comparatively high level of clinical agreement between Chinese and western medicine.Conclusion The existing PI-IBS models had the high degree of coincidence with western medicine,Chinese medicine four diagnoses and syndrome are generally less embodied and collected in the modeling process.The primary symptoms in Chinese medicine diagnosis are primarily based on the observation of animal apparent behaviors,while the observation of the sub-syndrome manifestations is relatively less,which results in failure of judgment of TCM syndrome types.Therefore,it is still necessary to further standardize the criteria for evaluating symptoms and the techniques for identifying disease-syndrome combination animal models.PI-IBS model with the syndrome-clinical characteristics in Chinese and western medicine has significant application value and prospects in the future.The multifactorial composite method of western medicine pathological injury+Chinese medicine etiological stimulation can establish a PI-IBS model with a higher degree of coincidence,which can provide theoretical support for the study of the pathogenesis of PI-IBS,the difference of syndrome,and the prevention and treatment with integrative Chinese and western medicine.It is crucial to guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment of PI-IBS.

مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030552


@#This paper provides a comprehensive review of the antibacterial properties of three different types of Malaysian honey, namely kelulut, tualang and acacia, in preventing wound infecting bacteria. The antibacterial activity of these honey is mainly attributed to the physicochemical and phytochemical, which have been shown to be effective against a broad range of bacterial pathogens. This review discusses the effectiveness of honey in inhibiting the growth of various wound-infecting bacteria, factors that contributed to the antibacterial properties of the honey, mechanisms of action of honey in inhibiting bacterial growth and their potential for future use in clinical practice. The findings of this review suggest that Malaysian honey has the potential to be used as an alternative and complementary therapy to conventional antibiotics in the prevention and treatment of wound infections.

مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017643


Nucleic acid-based molecular diagnostic methods are considered the gold standard for detecting infectious pathogens.However,when applied to portable or on-site rapid diagnostics,they still face various limitations and challenges,such as poor specificity,cumbersome operation,and portability difficulties.The CRISPR(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/CRISPR-associated protein(Cas)-fluorescence detection method holds the potential to significantly enhance the specificity and signal-to-noise ratio of nucleic acid detection.In this study,we developed a portable grayscale reader detection system based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)-CRISPR/Cas.On one hand,in the presence of CRISPR RNA(crRNA),the CRISPR/Cas12a system was employed to achieve precise fluorescent detection of self-designed LAMP amplification reactions for influenza A and influenza B viruses.This further validated the high selectivity and versatility of the CRISPR/Cas system.On the other hand,the accompanying independently developed portable grayscale reader allowed for low-cost collection of fluorescence signals and high-reliability visual interpretation.At the end of the detection process,it directly provided positive or negative results.Practical sample analyses using this detection system have verified its reliability and utility,demonstrating that this system can achieve highly sensitive and highly specific portable analysis of influenza viruses.

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