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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e54500, ene.-dic. 2024. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559314


Resumen Introducción: La melina (Gmelina arborea), es una especie de gran interés por su madera y propiedades medicinales. En Costa Rica, existen clones genéticamente superiores que se propagan sin el conocimiento de la edad ontogénica y fisiológica de los materiales. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación del contenido de fenoles y ligninas en hojas, peciolos, tallos y raíces de plantas con diferentes edades. Métodos: Los contenidos de fenoles y ligninas totales se determinaron mediante el método colorimétrico de Folin-Ciocalteu y el método de extracción alcalina, respectivamente. Para la investigación se eligieron plantas in vitro "año cero" y árboles de año y medio, cuatro, siete y 20 años. El muestreo se realizó en marzo y abril del 2021. Resultados: Se demostró que todas las partes de la planta analizadas contienen compuestos fenólicos y ligninas, independientemente de su edad. No hubo una correlación positiva entre la edad con el contenido de fenoles y ligninas para ninguna condición de desarrollo, pues los valores más altos no se obtuvieron en los árboles más longevos. Los extractos de hojas de las plantas in vitro y los árboles de siete años mostraron, respectivamente, los contenidos más altos de fenoles y ligninas para todas las condiciones (P < 0.05). Los valores promedio más bajos de compuestos fenólicos para todas las condiciones se obtuvieron en los árboles de cuatro años. Respecto a las ligninas, el contenido más bajo se presentó en las raíces más longevas, aunque la tendencia no se mantuvo para el resto de las partes de la planta. Conclusiones: La investigación muestra los primeros resultados del contenido de compuestos fenólicos y ligninas presentes en diferentes tejidos de una especie forestal de edades diferentes. Por lo tanto, son los primeros valores de referencia acerca del compromiso bioquímico para la síntesis fenólica según la edad y el estado de desarrollo específico de una planta leñosa.

Abstract Introduction: Melina (Gmelina arborea) is a tree species of great interest for its wood and medicinal properties. In Costa Rica, there are genetically superior clones that are propagated without knowledge of the ontogenic and physiological age of the materials. Objective: To evaluate how age influences the content of phenols and lignins in leaves, petioles, stems, and roots of melina plants. Methods: The total phenolic and lignins contents were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method and alkaline extraction method, respectively. Plants of five different ages were chosen for the investigation (in vitro plants "year 0" and trees of a year and a half, four, seven and 20 years). Sampling was done in March and April 2021. Results: All parts of the plant analyzed contain phenolic compounds and lignins, regardless of their age. There was no positive correlation between age and phenol and lignin content for any development condition, since the highest values were not obtained in the oldest trees. Leaf extracts from in vitro plants and seven-year-old trees showed, respectively, the highest phenol and lignin contents for all conditions (P < 0.05). The lowest average values of phenolic compounds for all conditions were obtained in four-year-old trees. Regarding lignins, the lowest content occurred in the oldest roots, although the trend was not maintained for the rest of the plant parts. Conclusions: This study provides the first results of the content of phenolic compounds and lignins present in different tissues of a forest species of different ages. Therefore, they are the first reference values about the biochemical commitment for phenolic synthesis according to the age and the specific developmental stage of a woody plant.

Phenols/analysis , Trees , Lignin/analysis , Sampling Studies , Lamiaceae , Phytochemicals/analysis
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449500


Introduction: The Clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is the most popular fish species in the marine aquarium trade; however, there is a lack of information on their digestive physiology during larval ontogeny, valuable information needed for diet design and management protocols. Objective: To characterize the early digestive enzymes of A. ocellaris larvae. Methods: We used three pools (10 larvae each) and extracted 10 samples per tank, from just before hatching to the 38th day. We analyzed the specific activity of acid and alkaline proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, leucine aminopeptidase and lipase; and did acid and alkaline protease zymograms. Results: We detected all measured enzymes at hatching. Acid proteases increased in activity until the 38th day. Alkaline proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase had the same pattern, and maximum activity on the 8th day, decreasing at the 38th day. Lipase activity peaked on the 8th and 30th day. The acid zymogram had a single band, appearing on the 8th day. A total of eight alkaline proteases were revealed (154.2, 128.1, 104.0, 59.8, 53.5, 41.9, 36.5 and 25.1 KDa), with seven bands on the 1st day and all bands from the 3rd to 8th day, decreasing at two bands (41.9 and 25.1 KDa) in the 38th day. Conclusion: A. ocellaris has a functional stomach on the 8th day, and, on the 38th day, a digestive omnivore pattern with a tendency to carnivory.

Introducción: El pez payaso (Amphiprion ocellaris) es la especie de pez más popular en el comercio de acuarios marinos; sin embargo, falta información sobre su fisiología digestiva durante la ontogenia larval, información valiosa necesaria para protocolos de diseño y manejo dietético. Objetivo: Caracterizar las enzimas digestivas tempranas de larvas de A. ocellaris. Métodos: Usamos tres homogenados (con 10 larvas cada uno) y extrajimos 10 muestras por tanque, justo antes de la eclosión hasta el día 38. Analizamos la actividad específica de proteasas ácidas y alcalinas, tripsina, quimotripsina, leucina aminopeptidasa y lipasa; e hicimos zimogramas de proteasas ácidas y alcalinas. Resultados: Detectamos todas las enzimas medidas en la eclosión. La actividad de proteasas ácidas incrementó hasta el día 38. Proteasas alcalinas, tripsina, quimotripsina, y leucina aminopeptidasa tuvieron el mismo patrón, con actividad máxima en el octavo día, decreciendo en el día 38. Hubo picos en la actividad lipasa a los ocho y 30 días. El zimograma ácido tuvo una banda única, apareciendo al octavo día. Se hallaron ocho proteasas alcalinas (154.2, 128.1, 104.0, 59.8, 53.5, 41.9, 36.5 y 25.1 KDa), con siete bandas al primer día, y todas las bandas entre el tercer y octavo día, bajando a dos bandas (41.9 y 25.1 KDa) al día 38. Conclusión: A. ocellaris tiene un estómago funcional al octavo día, y, al día 38, un patrón digestivo omnívoro con tendencias carnívoras.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449501


Introducción: No conocemos estudios sobre la microsporogénesis de la planta de cacao, y poco se sabe sobre la ultraestructura de sus granos de polen. Objetivo: Describir la microsporogénesis y ultraestructura de los granos de polen en T. cacao. Métodos: Procesamos más de 30 flores para cada etapa floral, teñidas con Safranina-Azul Alcian, PAS-Amidoblack y Lacmoid. Para la microscopía de transmisión procesamos las muestras en resina y las teñimos con azul de toluidina. Para microscopía electrónica de barrido, fijamos y deshidratamos en 2.2-dimetoxipropano, secamos hasta un punto crítico y recubrimos con oro. Resultados: Anteras diferenciadas por una masa celular en los extremos distales a los filamentos estaminales. Durante el desarrollo la pared de las anteras presenta varios estratos celulares y al madurar se reducen a la epidermis y al endotecio. Las células madre de microsporas se dividen por meiosis para formar tétradas. El tapete es secretor e intacto hasta que se liberan los granos, para luego degenerar. Los granos de polen son isopolares, esferoidales, pequeños, tricolpados. La ultraestructura presenta una esporodermis semitectada, con ornamentación reticulada, y un retículo heterobrochado con el muri sin ornamentación. La exina se deposita antes que la intina. Los orbículos son individuales, lisos y de tamaño variado. Hay abundante polenkit en el tectum y entre las columelas. La intina es delgada, pero se desarrolla ampliamente en las áreas del colpo, formando una intina interna compacta y una intina externa inusual con una apariencia columelada. Conclusión: La estructura y el desarrollo de las anteras siguen el patrón de las angiospermas. La microsporogénesis simultánea y la deposición centrípeta de la esporodermis se conocen de Malvaceae, pero los caracteres de la intina son nuevos para la familia.

Introduction: We know of no studies on the microsporogenesis of the cocoa plant, and little is known about the ultrastructure of its pollen grains. Objective: To describe microsporogenesis and ultrastructure of pollen grains in T. cacao. Methods: We processed over 30 flowers for each floral stage and stained with Safranin-Alcian Blue, PAS-Amidoblack and Lacmoid. For transmission microscopy we processed samples on resin and stained with toluidine blue. For scanning electron microscopy, we fixed and dehydrated in 2.2-dimethoxypropane, critically dried and coated with gold. Results: Anthers differentiated by a cellular mass at the ends distal to the staminal filaments. During development, the anther wall has several cellular layers reduced, at maturity, to the epidermis and endothecium. Microspore mother cells divide by meiosis to form tetrads. The tapetum is secretory and intact until the grains are released, to later degenerate. Pollen grains are isopolar, spheroidal, small, tricolpate. Ultrastructure has a semi-tectate sporodermis, with reticulate ornamentation, and heterobrochated reticulum with the muri without ornamentation. Exine is deposited before intine. The orbicles are individual, smooth, and varied in size. There is abundant pollenkitt on the tectum and between the columellae. The intine is thin, but develops widely in the colpus areas, forming a compact internal intine and an unusual external intine with a columellated appearance. Conclusion: Anther structure and development follows the angiosperm pattern. Simultaneous microsporogenesis and centripetal deposition of the sporodermis are known from Malvaceae, but intine characters are novel for the family.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 46(4): 251-255, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536638


Resumen: El dolor es el principal síntoma reportado a nivel mundial, es la principal causa de sufrimiento humano. Se considera que para que un individuo sienta dolor deben estar presentes: nociceptores, neurotransmisores del dolor, vías que llevan el estímulo al cerebro, el tálamo y conexión con la corteza. Por un tiempo se consideró que en esta etapa no se contaba con la madurez suficiente del sistema nervioso para sentir dolor; sin embargo, en la actualidad hay evidencia de que el feto presenta dolor; y su presencia altera el desarrollo del sistema nervioso. La presente revisión proporciona una visión actualizada de la ontogenia del dolor fetal y neonatal.

Abstract: Pain is the main symptom reported worldwide, it is the main cause of human suffering. It is considered that for an individual to feel pain, the following must be present: nociceptors, pain neurotransmitters, pathways that carry the stimulus to the brain, the thalamus and connection with the cortex. For a time it was considered that at this stage the nervous system was not mature enough to feel pain, however, there is currently evidence that the fetus has pain; and its presence alters the development of the nervous system. This review provides an updated view of the ontogeny of fetal and neonatal pain.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(2): 1-8, 2023-05-16.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436878


To characterize the diet composition of Moenkhausia bonita and its temporal and ontogenetic variations in streams in the Formoso River basin (MS). The collections were carried out in seven sampling points in two periods throughout the year (dry and rainy). The food items were analyzed according to the volumetric and occurrence frequency methods and the diet was characterized through the Food Index (IAi%). To determine ontogeny, the specimens were divided into five size classes in the dry (D1 to D5) and rainy (R1 to R5) periods. To verify the difference between the species' diet between the size classes and the periods of the year, the Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance ­ PERMANOVA analysis was performed. Moenkhausia bonita was classified as an invertivore when it consumed basically both aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates (99.5% of the diet), with higher consumption of aquatic invertebrates. There was a significant difference in the diet of between the dry and rainy periods, and although the species basically consumed the same items in the two studied periods, the proportions were different and there was no difference in the diet between size classes. M. bonita diet is based on autochthonous resources regardless of the size class, but that there were different consumption patterns when comparing the different periods of the year. The present study provided the first information on the feeding of M. bonita in a lotic environment and diet spectrum in the developmental phases, (ontogeny) and periods of the year, enabling a better understanding of the species, the importance of invertebrates in its diet, and the need for future studies on the biology, autoecology, and behavior of this species.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(1): 1-8, 2023-03-02.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436858


To characterize the diet composition of Moenkhausia bonita and its temporal and ontogenetic variations in streams in the Formoso River basin (MS). The collections were carried out in seven sampling points in two periods throughout the year (dry and rainy). The food items were analyzed according to the volumetric and occurrence frequency methods and the diet was characterized through the Food Index (IAi%). To determine ontogeny, the specimens were divided into five size classes in the dry (D1 to D5) and rainy (R1 to R5) periods. To verify the difference between the species' diet between the size classes and the periods of the year, the Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance ­ PERMANOVA analysis was performed. Moenkhausia bonita was classified as an invertivore when it consumed basically both aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates (99.5% of the diet), with higher consumption of aquatic invertebrates. There was a significant difference in the diet of between the dry and rainy periods, and although the species basically consumed the same items in the two studied periods, the proportions were different and there was no difference in the diet between size classes. M. bonita diet is based on autochthonous resources regardless of the size class, but that there were different consumption patterns when comparing the different periods of the year. The present study provided the first information on the feeding of M. bonita in a lotic environment and diet spectrum in the developmental phases, (ontogeny) and periods of the year, enabling a better understanding of the species, the importance of invertebrates in its diet, and the need for future studies on the biology, autoecology, and behavior of this species.

: Caracterizar a composição alimentar de Moenkhausia bonita e as variações temporais e ontogenéticas na dieta desta espécie em riachos da bacia do rio Formoso (MS). As coletas foram realizadas em sete pontos amostrais em dois períodos do ano (seco e chuvoso). Os itens alimentares foram analisados de acordo com os métodos volumétrico e de frequência de ocorrência e a dieta foi caracterizada através do Índice Alimentar (IAi%). Para determinar a ontogenia, os espécimes foram divididos em cinco classes de tamanho nos períodos seco (D1 a D5) e chuvoso (R1 a R5). Para verificar a diferença entre a dieta da espécie entre as classes de tamanho e os períodos do ano foi realizado a Análise de Variância Multivariada Permutacional ­ PERMANOVA. M. bonita foi classificada como invertívora ao consumir basicamente invertebrados tanto aquáticos quanto terrestres (99,5% da dieta), com consumo maior de invertebrados aquáticos. Houve diferença significativa na dieta entre os períodos seco e chuvoso, apesar da espécie consumir basicamente os mesmos itens nos dois períodos estudados, as proporções foram distintas e não houve diferença na dieta entre as classes de tamanho. A dieta de M. bonita é baseada em recursos autóctones independente da classe de tamanho, mas que houve consumo diferente entre os períodos do ano. O presente estudo forneceu as primeiras informações sobre a alimentação de M. bonita em ambiente lótico e seu espectro alimentar nas fases de desenvolvimento(ontogenia)e períodos do ano, possibilitando melhor conhecimento da espécie, a importância dos invertebrados em sua dieta e a necessidade de estudos futuros sobre a biologia, autoecologia e comportamento desta espécie.

Multimed (Granma) ; 26(1)feb. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406079


RESUMEN Introducción: con la apertura a las Tecnologías de la Informática y las Comunicaciones en el país y principalmente en el sistema educacional se han desarrollado estrategias para mejorar la calidad de las clases en las aulas cubanas. Los objetos de aprendizaje constituyen actualmente una poderosa herramienta de apoyo a la docencia por lo que es necesario profundizar en su estudio desde la perspectiva pedagógica. Con el objetivo de argumentar sobre los referentes teóricos de los objetos de aprendizaje para el estudio de la Ontogenia Humana se realizó esta revisión bibliográfica. Desarrollo: la asignatura Ontogenia Humana y SOMA es nueva dentro del plan de estudio, por ello está en pleno desarrollo la creación de medios para el aprendizaje, que se sustenten en la didáctica especial como elemento de la creatividad pedagógica de los profesores, siendo necesario argumentar los referentes teóricos de los objetos de aprendizaje, su evolución en el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje en las Ciencias Médicas. Caracterización, ventajas y desventajas. Conclusiones: los objetos de aprendizaje brindan la posibilidad a los estudiantes de interactuar y dinamizar los procesos, potenciando las actividades educativas, lo que resulta de gran utilidad para fortalecer los contenidos de Ontogenia Humana.

ABSTRACT Introduction: with the opening to Information Technology and Communications in the country and mainly in the educational system, strategies have been developed to improve the quality of classes in Cuban classrooms. Learning objects are currently a powerful tool to support teaching, so it is necessary to deepen their study from a pedagogical perspective. With the aim of arguing about the theoretical references of learning objects for the study of Human Ontogeny, this bibliographic review was carried out. Development: the subject Human Ontogeny and SOMA is new within the study plan, for this reason the creation of means for learning is in full development, which are based on special didactics as an element of the pedagogical creativity of teachers, being necessary to argue the theoretical references of learning objects, their evolution in the teaching-learning process in Medical Sciences. Characterization, advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions: the learning objects provided the possibility for students to interact and streamline the processes, enhancing educational activities, which is very useful to strengthen the contents of Human Ontogeny.

RESUMO Introdução: com a abertura à Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações no país e principalmente no sistema educacional, foram desenvolvidas estratégias para melhorar a qualidade das aulas nas salas de aula cubanas. Os objetos de aprendizagem são atualmente uma poderosa ferramenta de apoio ao ensino, pelo que é necessário aprofundar o seu estudo numa perspetiva pedagógica. Como objetivo de discutir os referenciais teóricos dos objetos de aprendizagem para o estudo da Ontogenia Humana, foi realizada esta revisão bibliográfica. Desenvolvimento: a disciplina Ontogenia Humana e SOMA é nova dentro do plano de estudos, por isso a criação de meios de aprendizagem está em pleno desenvolvimento, os quais se baseiam na didática especial como elemento da criatividade pedagógica dos professores, sendo necessário discutir a referenciais teóricos dos objetos de aprendizagem, suaevolução no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Ciências Médicas. Caracterização, vantagens e desvantagens. Conclusões: os objetos de aprendizagem possibilitaram aos alunos interagir e agilizar os processos, potencializando as atividades educativas, o que é muito útil para fortalecer os conteúdos de Ontogenia Humana.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 479-487, 2022.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015301


[Abstract] Objective To investigate whether levosimendan (Lev) affects hypoxia / reoxygenation (H / R) - induced cardiomyocyte proliferation, apoptosis and fibrosis by regulating the molecular axis of long chain noncoding RNA (LncRNA) eosinophil granule ontogeny transcript (EGOT) / microRNA (miR) -641. Methods Rat cardiomyocytes H9C2 were cultured in vitro, and H / R-treated cells were used to establish cell damage models, which were randomly divided into control group, H / R group, H / R + Lev 1 μmol / L (H / R + Lev-L) group, H / R + Lev 5 μmol / L (H / R + Lev-M) group, and H / R + Lev 10 μmol / L (H / R + Lev-H) group, 9 samples per group. MTT method was used to detect cell proliferation. Flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptosis rate. Real-time P CR was used to detect the expression levels of EGOT and miR-641 mRNA. P cDNA-EGOT and EGOT small interfering RNA (si-EGOT) were transfected into H9 C2 cells respectively, and the cell proliferation and apoptosis rates were detected by the above method. The dual luciferase report experiment verified the targeting relationship between EGOT and miR-641. Western blotting was used to detect the expression levels of Bax, Bcl-2, collagen I (colI), collagen Ⅲ (col Ⅲ), tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP 2), matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP -2) . Results Compared with the control group, the cell survival rate of the H / R group reduced significantly (P < 0. 05), the apoptosis rate increased significantly (P < 0. 05), and the protein levels of Bax, c I, col Ⅲ, TIMP 2, and MMP -2 increased significantly (P < 0. 05), the level of Bcl-2 protein reduced significantly (P < 0. 05), the expression level of EGOT reduced significantly (P < 0. 05), the expression level of miR-641 increased significantly (P < 0. 05) . Compared with the H / R group, the cell survival rate of the H / R + Lev-L group, H / R + Lev-M group, and H / R + Lev-H group increased significantly (P < 0. 05), and the apoptosis rate decreased significant (P < 0. 05), the protein levels of Bax, colI, colⅢ, TIMP 2, MMP -2 reduced significantly (P < 0. 05), the level of Bcl-2 protein increased significantly (P < 0. 05), the expression level of EGOT increased significantly (P < 0. 05), the expression level of miR-641 reduced significantly (P < 0. 05), and each index of H / R + Lev-L group, H / R + Lev-M group, H / R + Lev-H group, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0. 05) . The dual luciferase report experiment confirmed that EGOT ccould target and bind to miR-641. The effect of transfecting pcDNA-EGOT and Lev was similar. Transfection of si-EGOT could reduce the effect of Lev on H / R-induced proliferation, apoptosis and fibrosis of H9 C2 cells. Conclusion Levosimendan may promote H / R-induced H9 C2 cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis and fibrosis by up-regulating EGOT expression and down-regulating miR-641 expression.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210024, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365202


We described the early development of Myloplus asterias and M. lobatus, two fish species of the Serrasalmidae using morphological, meristic, and morphometric characteristics. These herbivores serrasalmids are heavily fished because of their commercial importance in the Amazon. The individuals were collected between 2016 and 2020 in the limnetic zone of open water and macrophyte stands in the Lower Amazon River floodplain. We tested different growth models to identify the development pattern of these species. During the initial ontogeny, these two species can be differentiated mainly by the myomeres total number, 37 to 39 in M. asterias vs. 40 to 41 in M. lobatus, the pigmentation pattern, and dorsal-fin ray numbers. These characteristics are effective in distinguishing these species from other serrasalmids. The morphometric relationships were also different between these two species, showing distinct patterns in growth between the analyzed features. An identification key for larvae of some sympatric Serrasalmidae species from the Amazon basin is presented. Our expectation is that this study will contribute to the knowledge of the initial ontogeny and the biology of fish species in the Neotropical region.(AU)

Descrevemos o desenvolvimento inicial de Myloplus asterias e M. lobatus, duas espécies de peixes da família Serrasalmidae usando características morfológicas, merísticas e morfométricas. Esses serrasalmídeos herbívoros são fortemente pescados devido à sua importância comercial na Amazônia. Os indivíduos foram coletados entre 2016 e 2020 na zona limnética de águas abertas e em bancos de macrófitas na planície de inundação do baixo rio Amazonas. Testamos diferentes modelos de crescimento para identificar o padrão de desenvolvimento dessas espécies. Durante a ontogenia inicial, essas duas espécies podem ser diferenciadas pelo número total de miômeros; 37 a 39 em M. asterias vs. 40 a 41 em M. lobatus; pelo padrão de pigmentação e número de raios da nadadeira dorsal. Essas características são eficazes para distinguir essas espécies de outros serrasalmídeos. As relações morfométricas também foram diferentes entre as duas espécies, com distintos padrões de crescimento entre as características analisadas. Uma chave de identificação para larvas de algumas espécies simpátricas de Serrasalmidae da bacia amazônica é apresentada. Nossa expectativa é que este estudo contribua para o conhecimento da ontogenia inicial e da biologia das espécies de peixes da região Neotropical.(AU)

Animals , Animal Fins , Characiformes/growth & development , Life Cycle Stages , Fisheries
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 71(2): 138-148, jun. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1290912


Reflex-ontogeny and intestinal morphometrics were evaluated in Wistar rats whose mothers were fed on a high-fat diet during the perinatal period. Male pups (n=52) formed four experimental groups: NN (pups from mothers with lab chow diet during gestation and lactation); NH (pups from mothers with lab chow diet during pregnancy and high-fat in lactation); HH (pups from mothers with high-fat diet during gestation and lactation); HN (pups from mothers with high-fat diet during pregnancy and lab chow in lactation). The reflex ontogeny, the maturation of physical characteristics and parameters of somatic growth were evaluated during lactation. In addition, the body mass index (BMI), the specific rate of weight gain (SRWG), the Lee index, the weight of the brain and intestinal parameters were analyzed after weaning. High-fat diet during pregnancy (HH and HN groups) delayed the maturation of reflexes and physical characteristics. The high-fat diet affected somatic growth differently, reducing somatic growth parameters in the groups NH and HH and increasing in the HN group. The highest SRWG was found in group HN. SRWG and BMI were reduced in the groups NH and HH. The relative intestinal weight was reduced in the groups NH, HH and HN. The relative length of small intestine was longer in group HN than in group NN. The total height of the mucosa and size of the villous were lower in group HH than in group NN. In conclusion, high-fat diet promoted negative consequences for the development of the nervous and enteric systems of the offspring(AU)

Ontogenia refleja y morfometría intestinal fueron evaluados en crías de ratas Wistar que fueron alimentadas con una dieta alta en grasas durante el período perinatal. Los descendientes machos (n = 52) formaron cuatro grupos experimentales: NN (hijos de madres que utilizaron alimentos de laboratorio durante la gestación y la lactancia); NH (hijos de madres que comieron dieta de laboratorio durante el embarazo y dieta con un alto contenido de grasas en la lactancia); HH (hijos de madres con una dieta alta en grasas durante el embarazo y la lactancia); HN (hijos de madres que comieron una dieta alta en grasas durante el embarazo y comida de laboratorio durante la lactancia). La ontogenia refleja, la maduración de las características físicas y los parámetros de crecimiento somático durante la lactancia fueron evaluados. Además, el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la tasa específica de aumento de peso (SRWG), el índice de Lee, el peso cerebral y los parámetros intestinales fueron analizados después del destete. La dieta alta en grasas durante el embarazo (grupos HH y HN) retrasó la maduración de reflejos y características físicas. La dieta alta en grasas afectó el crecimiento somático de manera diferente, reduciendo los parámetros de crecimiento somático en los grupos NH y HH y aumentando en el grupo HN. El SRWG más grande se encontró en el grupo HN. El SRWG y el IMC se redujeron en los grupos NH y HH. El peso relativo intestinal se redujo en los grupos NH, HH y HN. La longitud relativa del intestino delgado fue mayor en el grupo HN que en el grupo NN. La altura total de la mucosa y el tamaño de las vellosidades fueron menores en el grupo HH que en el grupo NN. En conclusión, la dieta alta en grasas tuvo consecuencias negativas para el desarrollo de los sistemas nervioso y entérico de la prole(AU)

Rats , Breast Feeding , Dietary Fats , Gene Ontology , Dietary Sugars , Chronic Disease , Obesity
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(2): e200139, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279494


Diet and morphology of Serrapinnus notomelas and Serrapinnus sp.1 were investigated across ontogeny, as a way to elucidate the key elements linked to the resource partitioning (a main driver for species coexistence). Fish sampling was conducted monthly between October 2010 and March 2012. Individuals were captured, identified, and classified into juvenile or adult. Our results show ontogenetic and interspecific differences in feeding abilities and morphological traits. Differences in body shape (relative area of the dorsal fin, length of head, height of the caudal peduncle, the aspect ratio of the pectoral and pelvic fin) favored divergent swimming performances (more maneuverability in S. notomelas and continuous swimming to Serrapinnus sp.1). We also observed divergences in trophic apparatus traits and correlations with different diets. In this context, it is highlighted that understanding the relationship between morphology and diet can assist in elucidating the processes that permeate the coexistence between sympatric species, and between ontogenetic periods. Besides, the relevant contribution of the measures of the trophic apparatus (gill raker length, the number of teeth cuspids, and intestinal coefficient) in trophic segregation seems to be a strong evidence in favor of the proposed discriminatory and predictive capacities of these traits.(AU)

Dieta e morfologia de Serrapinnus notomelas e Serrapinnus sp.1 foram investigadas ao longo da ontogenia, como forma de elucidar os principais elementos ligados à partição de recursos (principal fator para a coexistência entre espécies). Foram realizadas coletas de peixes mensalmente entre outubro de 2010 e março de 2012. Os indivíduos foram capturados, identificados e classificados em juvenis ou adultos. Nossos resultados mostram diferenças ontogenéticas e interespecíficas na alimentação e características morfológicas. Diferenças na forma corporal (área da nadadeira dorsal, comprimento da cabeça, altura do pedúnculo caudal, proporção das nadadeiras peitorais e pélvicas) favoreceram desempenhos de natação divergentes (maior manobrabilidade para S. notomelas e natação contínua para Serrapinnus sp.1). Também observamos divergências nas características do aparato trófico e correlações com diferentes dietas. Nesse contexto, destaca-se que compreender a relação entre morfologia e dieta pode auxiliar na elucidação dos processos que permeiam a coexistência entre espécies simpátricas e entre períodos ontogenéticos. Além disso, a relevante contribuição das medidas do aparato trófico (número de cúspide nos dentes, rastros branquiais e coeficiente intestinal) na segregação trófica parece ser uma forte evidência a favor das propostas de capacidades discriminatórias e preditivas dessas características.(AU)

Animals , Macrophytes , Characidae , Biological Variation, Population , Weights and Measures
Braz. j. biol ; 80(1): 147-157, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089287


Abstract The genus Dirphia Hübner, [1819] presents Neotropical distribution. This genus, besides causing accidents of interest in public health, is a potential defoliator pest of cultivated plants, among them the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale L.), a crop of great economic importance. This study describes the biology, external morphology of the immature stages of Dirphia moderata Bouvier, 1929 including the first instar larva chaetotaxy. The egg stage had an average duration of 15 days, larval stage 45 days and pupa 60 days, totaling 120 days in average temperature of 28.8 °C and 59.5% relative humidity. Six instars were confirmed by the Dyar rule, with a growth rate of cephalic capsule K = 1.4 times per ínstar. The results found in the first ínstar chaetotaxy follow the general pattern known for Hemileucinae.

Resumo O gênero Dirphia Hübner, [1819] apresenta distribuição Neotropical. Esse gênero, além de causar acidentes de interesse na saúde pública, é uma potencial praga desfolhadora de plantas cultivadas, entre elas o cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale L.), cultura de grande importância econômica. Esse estudo descreve a biologia e morfologia externa dos estágios imaturos de Dirphia moderata Bouvier, 1929 incluindo a quetotaxia da larva de primeiro instar. O estágio de ovo teve duração média de 15 dias, estágio larval de 45 dias e pupa de 60 dias, totalizando 120 dias em temperatura média de 28,8 °C e 59,5% de umidade relativa. Seis ínstares foram confirmados pela regra de Dyar, com razão de crescimento da cápsula cefálica K = 1,4 vezes a cada ínstar. Os resultados encontrados na quetotaxia do primeiro instar segue o padrão geral conhecido para Hemileucinae.

Animals , Anacardium , Lepidoptera , Pupa , Temperature , Larva
Humanidad. med ; 20(2): 441-462, 2020.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124852


RESUMEN El artículo expone los fundamentos teóricos que sustentan el tratamiento en la formación inicial del maestro logopeda, de una temática necesaria para este especialista, la comunicación extraverbal kinésica, pero insuficientemente abordada en los planes de estudio. Es resultado de la tesis doctoral de la primera autora y responde al proyecto de investigación La atención logopédica integral a la primera infancia, que se ejecuta durante el período 2019 - 2021 en el departamento Educación Especial de la Universidad de Camagüey. Para la construcción de los fundamentos referidos se emplearon métodos de investigación empíricos y teóricos. Mediante la revisión documental, se realiza un examen crítico acerca de la comunicación extraverbal kinésica y su valor para la atención logopédica.

ABSTRACT The article exposes the theoretical foundations that support the treatment in the initial training of the speech therapist teacher, of a theme necessary for this specialist, kinesic extraverbal communication, but insufficiently addressed in the study plans. It is the result of the first author's doctoral thesis and responds to the research project Comprehensive speech therapy for early childhood, which is carried out during the period 2019-2021 in the Department of Special Education of the University of Camagüey. Empirical and theoretical research methods were used to build the mentioned foundations. Through the documentary review, a critical examination is made about extraverbal kinesic communication and its value for speech therapy care.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(6)dic. 2019.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507598


Introducción: Las investigaciones sobre la ontogenia de los esporangios y más aún, de la estructura y función de las escamas receptaculares presentes en los soros de algunas especies de helechos, son escasos en la literatura científica. Objetivos: Describir y analizar la ontogenia de los esporangios y las escamas receptaculares de Pleopeltis macrocarpa. Metodología: Durante marzo y mayo de 2017 se recolectaron frondas fértiles de esta especie en los troncos de árboles en el vivero El Edén de las Flores en el municipio de Rionegro, Antioquia-Colombia. Las muestras se fijaron y procesaron de acuerdo a protocolos estándar para la inclusión y corte en parafina y resina. Las secciones obtenidas en resina (0.5 µm) se tiñeron con azul de Toluidina. Para descripciones adicionales sobre la anatomía e histoquímica se aplicaron reactivos específicos para determinar paredes primarias, secundarias, núcleos, lignina, polifenoles, polisacáridos, sustancias pécticas y celulosa. Las observaciones y registro fotográfico se efectuaron con microscopio fotónico y microscopía de epifluorescencia. Para observaciones con microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB), los soros se deshidrataron con 2,2 dimetoxipropano, se desecaron a punto crítico y se metalizaron con oro. Resultados: Los soros son superficiales, vascularizados y de desarrollo mixto y están cubiertos por escamas receptaculares que se desprenden con la maduración de los esporangios. El esporangio de tipo leptosporangio tiene pedicelos largos de paredes primarias, anillos de los esporangios muestran paredes secundarias con engrosamientos en forma de "U" ricos en lignina. Las células epidérmicas de los receptáculos originan a los esporangios y las escamas receptaculares. Los eventos de división mitótica de estas dos estructuras son inicialmente similares, pero luego divergen para la diferenciación reproductiva y vegetativa de estos dos órganos. La meiosis es simultánea y las tétradas de esporas se disponen de forma decusada o tetragonal. El tapete celular es inicialmente uniestratificado pero por una división mitótica se torna biestratificado. Las células del estrato interno del tapete se rompen dando origen a un tapete plasmodial. En el desarrollo del esporodermo, primero se forma el exosporio, compuesto por esporopolenina, luego el endosporio compuesto de celulosa, pectina y polisacáridos carboxilados y finalmente el perisporio. Los resultados histoquímicos y de epifluorescencia indican que las paredes celulares tanto de los esporangios como las escamas receptaculares inmaduras son de naturaleza celulósica. Al madurar, estas estructuras, así como las células de la pared del esporangio mantienen esta composición. En tanto que las células epidérmicas de los escudos de las escamas receptaculares maduras se caracterizan por mostrar cutícula engrosada. Los polifenoles están presentes durante todas las etapas de desarrollo de los esporangios y escamas receptaculares. Los almidones son abundantes en etapas tempranas del desarrollo en las células del receptáculo y primordios de los esporangios. Conclusiones: La ontogenia de los esporangios de P. macrocarpa es similar al descrito para helechos leptosporangidos. Las escamas receptaculares son estructuras principalmente de protección, su morfología y composición de las paredes celulares evitan la desecación o perdida de humedad en los esporangios durante las etapas lábiles de su desarrollo. Estos resultados concuerdan con la función de protección atribuida a las escamas peltadas pluricelulares presentes en las estructuras vegetativas de algunas especies de helechos y angiospermas tolerantes a la sequía.

Introduction: The ontogeny of sporangia and furthermore the structure and function of the receptacle scales showed by the sori of some fern species are topics scarcely represented in the scientific literature. Objectives: To describe and analyze the ontogeny of sporangia and receptacle scales of Pleopeltis macrocarpa. Methods: During March and April of 2017, fertile fronds of P. macrocarpa were collected from tree stems located in the plant nursery "El Edén de las flores", municipality of Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia. The samples were fixed and processed according to the standard protocols for embedding and sectioning in paraffin and resin. Sections obtained in resin (0.5 µm) were stained with Toluidine blue. The additional descriptions of the anatomy and histochemistry required specific reagents, applied for the determination of primary walls, secondary walls, nuclei, lignin, polyphenols, polysaccharides, pectic substances and cellulose. The observations and photographic records were performed by photonic and epifluorescence microscopy. For the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique, the sori were dehydrated with 2,2- Dimethoxypropane, dried to critical point and coated with gold. Results: The sori are superficial, vascularized and have mixed development, covered by receptacle scales that detach as the sporangia reaches maturity. The leptosporangiate type sporangium have long stalks of primary walls, the annulus of the sporangia shows secondary walls with "U" shaped thickenings rich in lignin. The epidermal cells of the receptacle originate the sporangia and receptacle scales. The mitotic division events of these two structures are initially similar, but then diverge for the reproductive and vegetative differentiation of these two organs. Meiosis is simultaneous and the spore tetrads are arranged in a decussate or tetragonal shape. The cellular tapetum is initially unstratified but becomes bistratified by mitotic division. The inner layer of the tapetum cells break originating a plasmodial tapetum. During the sporoderm development, the first structure formed is the exospore, composed of sporopolenin, followed by the endospore composed of cellulose, pectin and carboxilated polysaccharides, and finally the perispore. The histochemistry and epifluorescence results indicate that both the sporangia and immature receptacle scales have cell walls of cellulosic. These structures as well as those of the sporangium wall cells maintain its composition during maturation. Whereas, the epidermal wall cells of the shields from the mature receptacle scales are characterized by thickened cuticle. The polyphenols are present during all the development stages of the sporangia and receptacle scales. Starch is abundant in the early stages of development of the receptacle cells and sporangial primordia. Conclusions: The ontogeny of the sporangia of P. macrocarpa is similar to the described for leptosporangiate ferns. The receptacle scales are mainly protective structures, its morphology and cell wall composition prevent desiccation or humidity loss of the sporangia during the labile stages of development. These results agree with the protective function attributed to the peltated pluricellular scales present in the vegetative structures of drought tolerant species of ferns and angiosperms.

Rev. medica electron ; 41(4): 959-978, jul.-ago. 2019.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1094101


RESUMEN La ontogenia humana está basada en fundamentos genéticos y epigenéticos. Con el objetivo de estructurar los referentes teóricos sobre el papel relevante de la epigenética en la ontogenianormal y defectuosa que contribuyan a la promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedad, se realizó la revisión de 37 referencias bibliográficas. La epigenética es el conjunto de procesos químicos dependientes del ambiente que modifican la expresión del ácido desoxirribonucleico, sin alterar su secuencia. Su acción está presente durante toda la vida, especialmente en la prenatal cuando, por modificaciones ambientales intraútero ocurre la programación epigenética que hace al humano susceptible a defectos en la ontogenia, incluso a padecer ulteriormente de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Se han reportado factores ambientales inductores de marcas epigenéticas, entre ellos: alimentación, hábitos tóxicos, estrés, consumo inadecuado de ácido fólico y técnicas de reproducción asistida, todos modificables; su conocimiento constituye un baluarte inestimable en la promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedad.

ABSTRACT Human ontogeny is based in genetic and epigenetic fundaments. 37 bibliographic references were reviewed with the objective of structuring the theoretical referents on the relevant role of epigenetics in normal and defective ontogeny to contribute to health promotion and disease prevention. Epigenetics is the whole of chemical processes depending from the environment that modify the deoxyribonucleic acid expression without modifying its sequence. Its action is present during all lifetime, especially at pre-natal times; when due to intrauterine environmental modifications the epigenetic programming takes place, making humans susceptible to defects in ontogeny, even to subsequently suffer non-communicable chronic diseases. Environmental factors inducing epigenetic marks have been reported: food, toxic habits, stress, folic acid inadequate intake and assisted reproduction techniques, all modifiable. Its knowledge is an invaluable bulkward in health promotion and disease prevention.

Humans , Preventive Health Services , Fetal Development/genetics , Disease Prevention , Epigenomics , Human Genetics , Genetics, Medical , Health Promotion , Impacts of Polution on Health , Environmental Hazards , Genetic Code
J Environ Biol ; 2019 Mar; 40(2): 151-157
مقالة | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214574


Aim: Immunostimulation, before the fish is able to mount an effective immune response, can induce tolerance. Therefore, present study was carried out to investigate the structural development of lymphoid organs, namely thymus, kidney and spleen of Indian major carp, Catla (Catla catla), which will help in deciding the appropriate age, when immunocompetence is established. Methodology: In this study, ontogeny of the lymphoid organs of catla was studied from hatching up to 54 days post hatch (dph). For this, whole fish were fixed, processed and embedded in paraffin wax. Further, serial sections were cut, stained and observed under microscope. Results: The thymus anlage appeared in the dorso-anterior part of the gill cavity at 1 dph. At 5 dph, an undifferentiated mass of stem cells was observed and by 8 dph, it appeared lymphoid. At 11 dph, clear dark and light zones of cells were observed. At 26 dph, Hassall’s corpuscles were observed and no further changes were observed except increase in number of lymphoid cells till end of the sampling period. Kidney was observed as an undifferentiated mass of stem cells at 1 dph with few renal tubules. At 5 dph, undifferentiated stem cells increased in number, and by 8 dph, few erythropoietic cells were observed. At 11 dph, lymphoid cells were present and by 17 dph, renal tubules started degenerating. At 26 dph, anterior kidney completely lacked excretory tissue and appeared lymphoid. Spleen was observed at 3 dph as an undifferentiated mass of stem cells, and at 8 dph, erythrocytes were seen. At 11 dph, spleen was heavily packed with erythrocytes, whereas at 20 dph, the number of erythrocytes decreased and lymphocytes were observed. Fully developed spleen was observed at 33 dph with presence of red and white pulp.

Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 766-772, 2019.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-857997


The change of human cytochrome P450 1A2 ontogeny and the effect of its gene polymorphism on clinical medication were reviewed. The relevant literatures from various databases were searched, collected, analyzed and summarized. CYP1A2 is one of the major subfamilies in human liver enzyme. It is involved in metabolism of about 8%-10% of drugs in clinic, which has important pharmacological and toxicological implications.The expression and activity of CYP1A2 enzymes were different during development, which had a significant effect on clinical medication in human. Studies can see clearance rates and elimination half-lives differences by using caffeine as a probe substrate.Gene polymorphisms cause activity differences of CYP1A2. Gene polymorphisms of CYP1A2*1C and CYP1A2*1F, have been extensively studied show significant effects on clinical medication in adults.There are very few studies on medication between CYP1A2 gene polymorphism and enzyme activity in premature infants, infants and children. The effect of CYP1A2 enzyme activity is unknown between gene polymorphism and ontogeny interaction during human development.It is very necessary to further study the ontogeny changes of CYP1A2 and its gene polymorphism on drug metabolism for improving the safety and efficacy medication in children.

Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 56(1): e150704, jun. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1007816


Organisms can develop different kinds of asymmetry when deviations from expected perfect symmetry occur. Among others are fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and directional asymmetry (DA). FA represents small random differences between corresponding parts on the left and right sides of an individual in bilaterally paired structures. It is thought that FA reflects an organism's ability to cope with genetic and environmental stress during growth. DA occurs whenever one side on the plane of symmetry develops more than the other side, and has a genetic component. In this research, we examined the expression of morphological symmetry in 38 skulls of different age groups of wild boar (Sus scrofa), on their ventral aspect, using two-dimensional coordinates of 27 landmarks. Analyses showed the presence of significant FA and DA in the entire sample, detecting also distinctive differences between age groups. The obtained results show that the shape differences in different age groups could reasonably be a consequence of a response to environmental factors for FA and a masticatory lateralization for DA.(AU)

Os organismos podem desenvolver diferentes tipos de assimetria quando ocorrem desvios da pefeita simetria esperada. Entre os diversos tipos de assimetria existentes duas merecem especial destaque: a flutuante (AF) e a directional (AD). A AF é representada por pequenas diferenças casuais entre as partes correspondents das laterais direita e esquerda de um indivíduo em estruturas pareadas bilateralmente; acredita-se que elas reflitam a habilidade de um organismo adaptar-se a fatores estressantes genéticos e ambientais observados durante o seu crescimentos. A AD ocorre quando um lado da assimetria plana desenvolve-se mais do que o outro e há um componente genético. No presente trabalho foi analisada a expresssão da simetria morfológica de 38 crânios de diferentes grupos etários de javalis (Sus scrofa), nos seus aspectos ventrais, com o emprego de duas coordenadas dimensionais de 27 pontos anatômicos homólogos. As análises efetuadas revelaram a existência de valores significantes de AF e AD em toda a amostra trabalhada, detectando inclusive diferenças entre os grupos etários. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as diferentes formas observadas nos diferentes grupos etários podem ser consequência de uma resposta a fatores ambientais para a AF e a lateralização da mastigação para a AD.(AU)

Animals , Sus scrofa/anatomy & histology , Sus scrofa/abnormalities , Facial Asymmetry/diagnosis , Mastication
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(3): e190030, 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1040663


Brycon orbignyanus is an endemic species from La Plata basin whose stocks have been presenting significant reductions throughout the Paraná River. Brycon orbignyanus is categorized as an endangered species. This study evaluated aspects of the bio-ecology of this species that may be related to this threat, highlighting its distribution, abundance, and diet as well as the corresponding relationships between its recruitment and flood regimes. Data were obtained from different parts of the upper Paraná River (stretches free and regulated by dams) from 1986 to 2010 with more detailed data collected from the free remnant of this basin. The results indicate that no records for species exist at more than half of the sampling points located in dam-regulated sections of the Paraná River, whereas specimens were collected from 75% sites in the free plain remnant. We observed a remarkable effect of the hydrological regime on recruitment as well as distinct food demands during ontogenetic development, with adults almost exclusively consuming fruits and seeds, revealing that these individuals are supported by riparian vegetation. Thus, it is concluded that changes in the natural flood regime as well as riparian vegetation removal threaten B. orbignyanus populations in the Paraná River basin.(AU)

Brycon orbignyanus é uma espécie endêmica da bacia do rio da Prata, cujos estoques vêm apresentando redução relevante em todo o rio Paraná, e está classificada como espécie ameaçada. Este estudo avaliou aspectos da bio-ecologia da espécie, relacionados a essa ameaça, destacando sua distribuição, abundância, dieta e relação entre o recrutamento e o regime de inundação. Os dados foram obtidos em diferentes partes da bacia do alto rio Paraná (trechos regulados por barragens e trechos livres) de 1986 a 2010, com detalhes no remanescente livre desse segmento (planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná). Os resultados indicam que não existem registros da espécie em mais da metade dos pontos de amostragem localizados nos trechos da bacia do rio Paraná reguladas por barragens, enquanto a espécie foi capturada em 75% dos locais amostrados na planície (remanescente livre de barragem). Foi observado um efeito marcante do regime hidrológico sobre o recrutamento de B. orbignyanus, bem como o uso de diferentes alimentos durante seu desenvolvimento ontogenético, com adultos consumindo quase exclusivamente frutos e sementes, revelando que esses indivíduos são sustentados pela vegetação ripária. Assim, conclui-se que mudanças no regime natural de inundação, bem como a remoção da vegetação ripária, ambas decorrentes de ações antropogênicas, ameaçam B. orbignyanus na bacia do rio Paraná.(AU)

Animals , Characiformes/genetics , Characiformes/microbiology , Conservation of Natural Resources/trends
Rev. lasallista investig ; 15(1): 180-194, ene.-jun. 2018. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093975


Resumen Una clasificación de larvas de peces considera dos tipos: altriciales y precociales, asociadas al desarrollo temprano en relación con la cantidad de yema disponible en el saco vitelínico. La etapa larval tiene como principal objetivo la obtención de nutrientes para su ontogénesis. Para su comprensión, estudios morfológicos, asociados a respuestas enzimáticas, deben ser realizados. Teniendo en cuenta que la larvicultura es el cuello de botella de los sistemas de producción en acuicultura, se pretende abordar esta revisión con el fin de comprender las relaciones entre el ambiente y los cambios que ocurren en la transformación de larvas a juveniles, con el fin de asegurar el éxito en la fase más compleja en la vida de los peces.

Abstract A classification of fish larvae considers two types, altricial and precocial; associated with early development in relation to the amount of yolk available in the vitellinic sac. The main objective of the larval stage is to obtain nutrients for their ontogenesis; for their understanding morphological studies, associated with enzymatic responses, must be carried out. Given that the larviculture is the bottleneck of production systems in aquaculture is intended to address this revision in order to understand the relationships between the environment and the changes occurring in the transformation of larvae to juveniles, in order to ensure success in the most complex phase in the life of the fish.

Resumo Uma classificação de larvas de peixes considera dos tipos: altricial e precocial, associados ao desenvolvimento inicial em relação com a quantidade de gema disponível no saco vitelínico. O estágio larvário tem como objetivo principal a obtenção de nutrientes para sua ontogênese. Para a sua compreensão, estudos morfológicos, associados a respostas enzimáticas, devem ser realizados. Tendo em conta que a larvicultura é o gargalo dos sistemas de produção e, a aquicultura, pretende-se abordar este artigo com o fim de compreender as relações entre o ambiente e as mudanças que ocorrem na transformação de larvas para juvenis, assim assegurar o sucesso na fase mais complexa na vida dos peixes.

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