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مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536343


Introducción: El hemangioma cavernoso es una de las neoplasias benignas más frecuentes en la infancia. Objetivo: Describir el caso de un hemangioma cavernoso en edad pediátrica. Caso clínico: Lactante femenina de 6 meses de edad, de procedencia urbana, cuyo nacimiento tuvo lugar en el Hospital Materno Fe del Valle Ramos, del municipio Manzanillo. Al nacer se observa una lesión en forma placa eritematosa violácea infiltrada de ± 10 cm, de borde definido, de superficie liza, con aumento de temperatura al tacto, que se extendía desde la parte medial anterior y posterior hasta la superior de la pierna del miembro inferior izquierdo. Se decidió interconsultar con el Servicio de Angiología, el cual diagnostica la lesión como hemangioma cavernoso. Conclusiones: Se corroboró que el hemangioma cavernoso es una entidad frecuente en la infancia, su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos son altamente beneficiosos para la mejoría y la cura, por lo que se impone la realización de un correcto y exhaustivo examen físico, de lo que se deriva también la prevención de complicaciones a corto, mediano y largo plazo(AU)

Introduction: Cavernous hemangioma is one of the most frequent benign neoplasms in childhood. Objective: To describe the case of a cavernous hemangioma at pediatric age. Clinical case: A 6-month-old female infant of urban origin was born at Hospital Materno Fe del Valle Ramos, Manzanillo Municipality, Granma Province. At birth, a violaceous erythematous plaque-like infiltrated lesion was observed, of approximately 10 cm, with a defined border, smooth surface, increased temperature at hand contact, extending from the anterior and posterior medial part to the upper leg of the left lower limb. It was decided to do an interconsultation with the angiology service, which diagnosed the lesion as a cavernous hemangioma. Conclusions: Cavernous hemangioma was corroborated to be a frequent entity in childhood, whose timely diagnosis and treatment are highly beneficial for improvement and cure, so it extremely necessary to carry out a correct and exhaustive physical examination, also deriving the prevention of complications in the short, medium and long terms(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Hemangioma, Cavernous/epidemiology , Neoplasms/diagnosis
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 335-345, sept. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514373


La sialoadenitis crónica esclerosante puede extenderse desde una sialoadenitis focal hasta una cirrosis completa de la glándula. Aparece entre los 40 y 70 años de edad y afecta principalmente a la glándula submandibular. Se asocia con sialolitos y agentes infecciosos inespecíficos. La causa más frecuente de sialolitiasis es la formación de cálculos macroscópicamente visibles en una glándula salival o en su conducto excretor, de los cuales el 80 % al 90 % provienen de la glándula submandibular. Esta predilección probablemente se deba a que su conducto excretor es más largo, más ancho y tiene un ángulo casi vertical contra la gravedad, contribuyendo así a la estasis salival. Además, la secreción semimucosa de la misma es más viscosa. El sitio principal de ubicación de los litos en el conducto submandibular es la región hiliar con un 57 %. La sintomatología típica de la sialolitiasis es el cólico con tumefacción de la glándula y los dolores posprandiales. Reportamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 55 años, quien ingresa al servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital General Balbuena de la Ciudad de México por presentar un aumento de volumen en la región submandibular izquierda de consistencia dura y dolorosa a la palpación de 15 días de evolución, acompañada de aumento de temperatura en la zona compatible con un absceso. Los estudios de imagen reportan un sialolito en la región hiliar del conducto submandibular de 2,0 x 1,7 x 1,0 cm. Debido a su localización y tamaño, el tratamiento ideal en estos casos es la escisión de la glándula junto con el lito previo drenaje del absceso e inicio de terapia antibiótica doble.

Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis can range from focal sialadenitis to complete cirrhosis of the gland. It appears between 40 and 70 years of age and mainly affects the submandibular gland. It is associated with sialoliths and nonspecific infectious agents. The most common cause of sialolithiasis is the formation of macroscopically visible stones in a salivary gland or its excretory duct, of which 80 % to 90 % come from the submandibular gland. This predilection isprobably due to the fact that their excretory duct is longer, wider and has an almost vertical angle against gravity, thus contributing to salivary stasis. In addition, the semimucous secretion of it is more viscous. The main location of the stones in the submandibular duct is the hilar region with 57 %. The typical symptomatology of sialolithiasis is colic with swelling of the gland and postprandial pain. We report the case of a 55-year-old male patient, who was admitted to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the Hospital General Balbuena in Mexico City due to an increase in volumen in the left submandibular region that was hard and painful on palpation of 15 days of evolution, accompanied by increased temperature in the area compatible with an abscess. Imaging studies report a 2.0 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm sialolith in the submandibular duct hilar region. Due to its location and size, the ideal treatment in these cases is excision of the gland together with the stone previous drainage of the abscess and initiation of dual antibiotic therapy.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Sialadenitis/diagnostic imaging , Submandibular Gland/surgery , Tuberculosis, Oral/diagnostic imaging , Sialadenitis/drug therapy , Tuberculosis, Oral/drug therapy , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Clindamycin/therapeutic use , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Drainage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 31(112): 17-26, 20230000. fig, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1451654


Objetivo: Evaluar prevalencia y adecuación de ceftriaxona tras una intervención educativa en un servicio de urgencias.Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental que incluyó un mues-treo consecutivo de consultas no programadas de pacien-tes adultos, durante dos meses preintervención y posin-tervención. Dicha intervención consistió en capacitación a médicos para limitar su indicación sólo a situaciones clínicas específicas (meningitis, enfermedad pélvica infla-matoria y abdomen agudo). Se utilizaron datos retrospecti-vos, con adicional revisión manual de historias, para validar adecuación de inicio antibiótico y apropiabilidad de droga. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y analítica.Resultados: De un total de 28.570 consultas, 512 recibie-ron ceftriaxona (1,79%; IC95% 1,64-1,95), y sólo 60,54% se hospitalizaron. En cuanto a la comparación antes-después, se observó una reducción en la tasa de uso (de 3,66% a 0,63%; p<0,001), la adecuación en el inicio de un antimicro-biano se mantuvo (de 84,52% a 86,21%; p=0,778), aunque la adecuación de ceftriaxona aumentó en forma significativa (de 41,78% a 84,00% respectivamente; p<0,001). Adicional-mente, se redujo el tiempo de estadía hospitalaria (media-na de 6 a 5 días; p=0,014), sin diferencias en la mortalidad intrahospitalaria (19,44% vs 17,24%; p=0,691), ni en la mor-talidad a los 30 días (23,41% vs 18,96%; p=0,464).Conclusiones: Esta intervención resultó eficaz. Los hallaz-gos representan un paso fundamental en los programas de optimización del uso de antimicrobianos hospitalarios, que apuntan a reducir su sobreutilización y la consecuente resistencia.

Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and appropriateness of ceftriaxone after an educational intervention in an emergency department.Methods: Quasi-experimental study, which included a consecutive sampling of unscheduled consultations of adult patients, during 2 months pre-intervention and post-intervention. The intervention consisted of training physicians to limit its indication only to specific clinical situations (meningitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and acute abdomen). Retrospective data were used, with additional manual chart review, to validate appropriateness of antibiotic initiation and drug appropriateness. Descriptive and analytical statistics were used.Results: Among 28570 visits, 512 received ceftriaxone (1.79%; 95%CI 1.64-1.95), and only 60.54% were hospitalized. Regarding the before-after comparison, we observed a reduction in the rate of use (from 3.66% to 0.63%; p<0.001), the appropriateness in starting an antimicrobial was maintained (from 84.52% to 86.21%; p=0.778), and the appropriateness of ceftriaxone increased significantly (from 41.78% to 84.00% respectively; p<0.001). Additionally, hospital length of stay was reduced (median 6 to 5 days; p=0.014), with no difference in in-hospital mortality (19.44% vs 17.24%; p=0.691), nor in 30-day mortality (23.41% vs 18.96%; p=0.464)

Humans , Male , Female , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Emergency Medical Services , Professional Training , Antimicrobial Stewardship
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(1): 60-65, mar. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431954


El tumor de Pott es una entidad rara, definida como un absceso subperióstico asociado a osteomielitis del hueso frontal. Suele presentarse como complicación de sinusitis aguda o crónica del seno frontal, y se describe con mayor incidencia en población pediátrica, siendo una complicación grave por su alta morbimortalidad. Se presenta a un paciente pediátrico con tumor de Pott y absceso cerebral posterior a una sinusitis aguda de foco odontogénico, en la que los pilares de tratamiento son drenaje quirúrgico precoz y antibioticoterapia prolongada. Se describe la clínica, manejo médico-quirúrgico y seguimiento posterior, ya que, en ausencia de antecedentes, se debe buscar dirigida- mente enfermedad periodontal y realizar un estudio de inmunodeficiencia primaria.

Pott's tumor is a rare entity, defined as a subperiosteal abscess associated with osteomyelitis of the frontal bone. It usually presents as a complication of acute or chronic sinusitis of the frontal sinus and it is described with a higher incidence in the pediatric population, being a serious complication due to its high morbidity and mortality. We present a pediatric patient with Pott's tumor and brain abscess after acute sinusitis of odontogenic focus, in which the pillars of treatment are an early surgical drainage and prolonged antibiotic therapy. The clinic, medical-surgical management and subsequent follow-up are described, since in the absence of antecedents, periodontal disease should be sought directly and a study of primary immunodeficiency performed.

Humans , Male , Child , Frontal Sinusitis/diagnostic imaging , Pott Puffy Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Frontal Sinusitis/drug therapy , Pott Puffy Tumor/drug therapy , Metronidazole/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 685-689, 2023.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013155


Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics, serogroups and antimicrobial resistance of invasive non-typhoid Salmonella infection in children at Xiamen. Methods: Retrospective cohort study. The clinical manifestations, treatment, prognosis, serogroups and antimicrobial resistance of 29 hospitalized children with invasive non-typhoid Salmonella infection confirmed by blood, cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow and other sterile body fluids or deep pus culture at the Department of Infectious Diseases, the Department of Orthopedics and the Department of General Surgery in Xiamen Children's Hospital from January 2016 to December 2021 were analyzed. According to the clinical diagnosis criteria, the patients were divided into sepsis group and non-sepsis group (bacteremia and local suppurative infection). The inflammatory markers, serogroups distribution and drug resistance were compared between the two groups. Comparison between groups using Mann-Whitney U test and χ2 test. Results: Among the 29 cases, there were 17 males and 12 females, with an onset age of 14 (9, 25) months, and 10 cases (34%) of patients were younger than 1 year old, 15 cases (52%) under 1 to 3 years old, and 4 cases (14%) greater than or equal 3 years old. The onset time of 25 cases (86%) was from April to September. The diseases included 19 cases (66%) septicemia (2 of which were combined with suppurative meningitis), 10 cases (34%) non-sepsis group, including 7 cases bacteremia and 3 cases local suppurative infection (2 cases of osteomyelitis, 1 case of appendicitis with peritonitis). The clinical manifestations were fever in 29 cases (100%), diarrhea and abdominal pain in 18 cases (62%), cough and runny nose in 10 cases (34%). Eighteen cases (62%) were cured and 11 cases (38%) were improved by effective antibiotics treatment. C-reactive protein in sepsis group was significantly higher than that in non-sepsis group (25.2 (16.1, 56.4) vs. 3.4 (0.5, 7.5) mg/L, Z=-3.81, P<0.001).The serogroups of C, B and E were the most prevalent among non-typhoid Salmonella isolates, accounting for 10 cases (34%), 9 cases (31%) and 7 cases (24%) respectively. Antibacterial drug sensitivity test showed that the sensitivity rates of imipenem, ertapenem and piperaciratazobactam were all 100% (31/31), those of ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, and cefepime were 94% (29/31), 94% (29/31) and 97% (30/31) respectively. The drug resistance rates of ampicillin, ampicillin-sulbactam and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were 51% (16/31), 48% (15/31) and 48% (15/31) respectively, those of cefazolin, cefotetan, tobramycin, gentamicin and amikacinwere all 100% (31/31). There were no significant differences in the drug resistance rates of ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, aztreonam, ampicillin-sulbactam, ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin between the sepsis group and the non-sepsis group (χ2=0.31,0.31,0.00,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.26, all P>0.05). Conclusions: Invasive non-typhoid Salmonella infection in children at Xiamen mainly occurred in infants younger than 3 years old.The main clinical manifestations are fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea. C-reactive protein can be served as the laboratory indicators for indicating sepsis. The third generation of cephalosporins is recommended as the first choice for treatment.

Infant , Male , Female , Child , Humans , Child, Preschool , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole Drug Combination/therapeutic use , Ceftazidime/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , C-Reactive Protein , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Salmonella Infections/microbiology , Ampicillin/therapeutic use , Salmonella , Diarrhea/drug therapy , Bacteremia , Abdominal Pain , Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 1024-1030, 2023.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013217


Objective: To explore the clinical characteristics, common pathogens in children with vulvovaginitis. Methods: This was a retrospective cases study. A total of 3 268 children with vulvovaginitis were enrolled, who visited the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine from January 2009 to December 2019. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to the age of <7, 7-<10 and 10-18 years. Patients were also divided in to 4 groups according to the season of first visit. The pathogen distribution characteristics of infective vulvovaginitis were compared between the groups. Their clinical data were collected and then analyzed by χ2 test. Results: The were 3 268 girls aged (6.2±2.5) years. There were 1 728 cases (52.9%) aged <7 years, 875 cases (26.8%) aged 7-<10 years, and 665 cases (20.3%) aged 10-18 years. Of these cases, 2 253 cases (68.9%) were bacterial vulvovaginitis, 715 cases (21.9%) were fungal vulvovaginitis and 300 cases (9.2%) were vulvovaginitis infected with other pathogens. Bacterial culture of vaginal secretions was performed in 2 287 cases, and 2 287 strains (70.0%) of pathogens were detected, of which the top 5 pathogens were Streptococcus pyogenes (745 strains, 32.6%), Haemophilus influenzae (717 strains, 31.4%), Escherichia coli (292 strains, 12.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (222 strains, 9.7%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (67 strains, 2.9%). Regarding different age groups, H.influenzae was the most common in children under 7 years of age (40.3%, 509/1 263), S.pyogenes (41.9%, 356/849) was predominantly in children aged 7 to 10 years, and E.coli was predominant in children aged 10 to 18 years (26.3%, 46/175). Susceptibility results showed that S.pyogenes was susceptible to penicillin G (610/610, 100.0%), ceftriaxone (525/525, 100.0%), and vancomycin (610/610, 100.0%); the resistance rates to erythromycin and clindamycin were 91.9% (501/545)and 90.7% (495/546), respectively. For H.influenzae, 32.5% (161/496) produced β-elactamase, and all strains were sensitive to meropenem (489/489, 100.0%) and levofloxacin (388/388, 100.0%), while 40.5% (202/499) were resistant to ampicillin. Among E.coli, all strains were sensitive to imipenem(100%, 175/175). The resistance rates of E.coli to levofloxacin and ceftriaxone were 29.1% (43/148) and 35.1% (59/168), respectively. A total of 48 strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were isolated with a proportion of 28.3% (45/159) in 3 268 patients. The results of drug susceptibility test showed that all MRSA strains were sensitive to linezolid 100.0% (40/40), vancomycin (45/45, 100.0%), and tigecycline (36/36, 100.0%); the resistance rates of MRSA to penicillin G, erythromycin and clindamycin were 100% (45/45), 95.6% (43/45) and 88.9% (40/45), respectively. All methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) strains were sensitive to oxacillin (114/114, 100.0%), linezolid (94/94, 100.0%), vancomycin (114/114, 100.0%), and tigecycline (84/84, 100.0%); it's resistance rates to penicillin G, erythromycin and clindamycin were 78.1% (89/114), 59.7% (68/114) and 46.5% (53/114), respectively. The drug resistance rate of MSSA to penicillin G, erythromycin and clindamycin were lower than those of MRSA (χ²=11.71,19.74,23.95, respectively, all P<0.001). Conclusions: The age of consultation for pediatric infectious vulvovaginitis is mainly around 6 years. The most common pathogens are S.pyogenes, H.influenzae and Escherichia coli. Third generation cephalosporins can be used as the first choice of empirical anti-infection drugs. However, the results of drug susceptibility should be considered for targeted treatment.

Female , Adolescent , Child , Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Clindamycin/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Tigecycline/therapeutic use , Linezolid/therapeutic use , Levofloxacin/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Erythromycin/therapeutic use , Methicillin , Penicillin G/therapeutic use , Escherichia coli , Drug Resistance, Bacterial
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515294


Introducción: La insuficiencia adrenal hipotálamo hipofisaria usualmente se manifiesta secundaria a tumores y, cuando resulta congénita se asocia, con frecuencia, con otras deficiencias hormonales. La crisis adrenal suele presentarse en su debut y puede resultar potencialmente mortal. Objetivo: Examinar el caso de una paciente con insuficiencia adrenal central que debutó con una crisis adrenal congénita. Presentación del caso: Recién nacida a término, padres no consanguíneos, hospitalizada a los 9 días de vida por clínica de una semana con múltiples episodios eméticos y apnea. Ingresó con deshidratación severa, hipotensa y estuporosa. Además, se encontró acidosis metabólica severa, hipoglucemia persistente, hiponatremia e insuficiencia prerrenal. Ante la no mejoría de su estado hemodinámico, a pesar del uso de cristaloides y vasopresores, finalmente mejoró con la administración de dosis altas de hidrocortisona. El diagnóstico de deficiencia de cortisol de origen central se realizó con un test dinámico de insulina y la resonancia magnética nuclear hipofisaria. Conclusiones: La crisis adrenal se debe tener presente como diagnóstico diferencial en episodios agudos con inestabilidad hemodinámica persistente e hipoglucemia de difícil manejo. Adicionalmente, hay que considerar que existen otras causas menos comunes de insuficiencia adrenal en neonatos como la hipoplasia hipofisaria(AU)

Introduction: Hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal insufficiency usually manifests secondary to tumors and, when congenital, is often associated with other hormonal deficiencies. Adrenal crisis usually occurs at its onset and can be life threatening. Objective: To review the case of a patient with central adrenal insufficiency who had an onset with a congenital adrenal crisis. Case presentation: Term newborn, non-consanguineous parents, hospitalized at 9 days of life for a week-long clinical presentation with multiple emetic episodes and apnea. She was admitted with severe dehydration, hypotensive and stuporous. In addition, severe metabolic acidosis, persistent hypoglycemia, hyponatremia and prerenal failure were found. Given the lack of improvement of her hemodynamic status, despite the use of crystalloids and vasopressors, she finally improved with the administration of high doses of hydrocortisone. The diagnosis of cortisol deficiency of central origin was made with a dynamic insulin test and pituitary nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusions: Adrenal crisis should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis in acute episodes with persistent hemodynamic instability and difficult-to-manage hypoglycemia. Additionally, other less common causes of adrenal insufficiency in neonates, such as pituitary hypoplasia, should be considered(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Hydrocortisone/therapeutic use , Adrenal Insufficiency/etiology , Milrinone/therapeutic use , Dobutamine/therapeutic use , Vasoconstrictor Agents/therapeutic use , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515283


Introducción: Los neumatoceles y las bulas pulmonares son lesiones que se observan en los niños casi siempre asociadas a neumonías infecciosas, aunque sus causas pueden ser diversas. La importancia clínica de estos procesos radica en el peligro de crecimiento progresivo, que puede comprometer las funciones respiratoria y cardiovascular. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias derivadas del proceso de diagnóstico por imágenes y del tratamiento invasivo de casos atendidos. Presentación de los casos: Desde finales de 2021 y durante un período de un año, se atendieron, en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario de Cienfuegos, cinco niños con neumonías extensas, que desarrollaron bulas de gran tamaño varios días después del tratamiento antimicrobiano adecuado. Estas necesitaron drenaje y aspiración percutáneos debido a su magnitud y a la presencia de síntomas cardiovasculares. Conclusiones: Las bulas que aparecieron como complicación de la neumonía en el niño pueden presentarse con una frecuencia no despreciable, y hay que mantenerse atentos a su evolución, porque, a diferencia de los neumatoceles, pueden crecer progresivamente y comprometer las funciones respiratoria y cardiovascular. El drenaje percutáneo y aspiración continua por cinco días resultó un método seguro y eficaz para tratar estos procesos(AU)

Introduction: Pneumoatoceles and pulmonary bullae are lesions that are observed in children almost always associated with infectious pneumonia, although their causes may be diverse. The clinical importance of these processes lies in the danger of progressive growth, which can compromise respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Objective: To describe the experiences derived from the imaging process and the invasive treatment of treated cases. Presentation of the cases: Since the end of 2021 and for a period of one year, five children with extensive pneumonia were treated in the pediatric intensive care unit of the University Pediatric Hospital of Cienfuegos, who developed large bullae several days after appropriate antimicrobial treatment. The bullae required percutaneous drainage and aspiration due to their magnitude and the presence of cardiovascular symptoms. Conclusions: The bulla that appeared as a complication of pneumonia in the child can occur with a not negligible frequency, and it is necessary to be attentive to their evolution, because, unlike pneumoatoceles, can grow progressively and compromise respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Percutaneous drainage and continuous aspiration for five days was a safe and effective method to treat these processes(AU)

Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Pleural Effusion/drug therapy , Pneumonia/complications , Pneumonia/diagnostic imaging , Asthenia/etiology , Tachycardia/complications , Residence Characteristics , Blister/etiology , Back Pain , Cough , Thoracentesis/methods , COVID-19 , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Drainage/instrumentation , Levofloxacin/therapeutic use , Anemia
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441828


Introducción: En de la población adulta predomina la enfermedad pulmonar, pero el coronavirus infantil grave parece más tipificado por una respuesta inflamatoria inmunomediada, con o sin síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico asociado. Objetivo: Examinar un paciente pediátrico con accidente cerebrovascular, como consecuencia de la enfermedad producida por el coronavirus tipo 2. Presentación del caso: Lactante femenina de 6 meses, que se presentó a emergencia con historia de fiebre de 39 oC, sin predominio de horario, de 10 días de evolución que no cedió con antipiréticos tipo acetaminofén, y dificultad respiratoria en los 3 días previos a su presentación en emergencia del hospital. Antecedentes familiares patológicos positivos, por la enfermedad del coronavirus en su padre. En la radiografía de tórax se observó infiltrado alveolar derecho y se ingresó con diagnóstico de neumonía por síndrome respiratorio agudo grave por coronavirus tipo 2. La tomografía de cráneo registró foco isquémico frontal parasagital derecho y parietal izquierdo; posteriormente se confirmó con resonancia magnética, en cuyo informe se definió la presencia de infartos en fase aguda a nivel frontal derecho y parietal izquierdo. Conclusiones: Se expuso una manifestación infrecuente en población pediátrica asociada a la enfermedad por coronavirus. La tasa de eventos tromboembólicos en el curso de las infecciones virales no es baja, y por coronavirus no es la excepción. Se requieren mayores estudios y pruebas para determinar el papel del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo por coronavirus tipo 2 en el accidente cerebrovascular pediátrico(AU)

Introduction: Pulmonary disease predominates in the adult population, but severe infantile coronavirus appears more typified by an immune-mediated inflammatory response, with or without associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Objective: To examine a pediatric patient with stroke resulting from coronavirus type 2 disease. Case presentation: 6-month-old female infant presenting to emergency with history of fever of 39 ℃ with no hourly predominance, of 10 days of evolution that did not subside with acetaminophen-type antipyretics and respiratory distress in the three days prior to presentation to hospital emergency. Positive family history of coronavirus disease in his father. Chest X-ray showed right alveolar infiltrate and she was admitted with a diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome pneumonia due to coronavirus type 2. The cranial tomography recorded a right frontal parasagittal and left parietal ischemic focus, later confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging whose report defined the presence of acute phase infarcts at the right frontal and left parietal levels. Conclusions: An infrequent manifestation in pediatric population associated with coronavirus disease is exposed. The rate of thromboembolic events in the course of viral infections is not low and coronavirus is no exception. Further studies and evidence are required to determine the role of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus type 2 in pediatric stroke(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant , Pneumonia/diagnosis , Seizures/diagnosis , Skull/diagnostic imaging , Stroke/diagnosis , Dysentery, Amebic/diagnosis , COVID-19/etiology , Benzodiazepines/therapeutic use , Midazolam/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Clarithromycin/therapeutic use , Acetaminophen/therapeutic use
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e21308, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439523


Abstract Development of ceftriaxone loaded nanostructured lipid carriers to increase permeability of ceftriaxone across uninflamed meninges after parenteral administration. Lipids were selected by theoretical and experimental techniques and optimization of NLCs done by response surface methodology using Box-Behnken design. The Δδt for glyceryl monostearate and Capryol90 were 4.39 and 2.92 respectively. The drug had maximum solubility of 0.175% (w/w) in glycerol monostearate and 2.56g of Capryol90 dissolved 10mg of drug. The binary mixture consisted of glyceryl monostearate and Capryol90 in a ratio of 70:30. The optimized NLCs particle size was 130.54nm, polydispersity index 0.28, % entrapment efficiency 44.32%, zeta potential -29.05mV, and % drug loading 8.10%. In vitro permeability of ceftriaxone loaded NLCs was 5.06x10-6 cm/s; evidently, the NLCs pervaded through uninflamed meninges, which, was further confirmed from in vivo biodistribution studies. The ratio of drug concentration between brain and plasma for ceftriaxone loaded NLCs was 0.29 and that for ceftriaxone solution was 0.02. With 44.32% entrapment of the drug in NLCs the biodistribution of ceftriaxone was enhanced 7.9 times compared with that of ceftriaxone solution. DSC and XRD studies revealed formation of imperfect crystalline NLCs. NLCs improved permeability of ceftriaxone through uninflamed meninges resulting in better management of CNS infections.

Ceftriaxone/agonists , Triage/classification , Lipids/analysis , X-Ray Diffraction/instrumentation , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Central Nervous System Infections/pathology
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(3): 345-348, jun. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407785


Resumen Neisseria meningitidis es una bacteria gramnegativa asociada frecuentemente a enfermedades invasoras de elevada mortalidad. Si bien su reservorio natural es la nasofaringe humana, en los últimos años han aumentado los aislamientos de este agente en la mucosa anorectal, principalmente en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). Presentamos el caso de un HSH con infección por VIH, que consultó por un cuadro de uretritis y sifilis primaria, en el cual se aisló N. meningitidis en una muestra anorectal. Fue tratado en forma empírica con ceftriaxona y azitromicina, realizándose un cultivo de control post-tratamiento que fue negativo. A pesar del aumento de las infecciones y colonizaciones anogenitales por N. meningitidis, se desconoce su rol como patógeno genital, en la transmisión de otras infecciones y la necesidad de esquemas terapéuticos específicos.

Abstract Neisseria meningitidis is a Gram-negative bacterium frequently associated with invasive diseases with high mortality. Although its natural reservoir is the human nasopharynx, in recent years there have been increasing reports of isolation of this agent in the anorectal mucosa, mainly in men who have sex with men (MSM). We present the case of an HIV-positive MSM who consulted for urethritis and primary syphilis, in which N. meningitidis was isolated in an anorectal specimen. He was treated empirically with ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and a post-treatment control culture was negative. Despite the increase in anogenital infections and colonization by N. meningitidis, its role is unknown as a genital pathogen and in the transmission of other infections and the need for specific therapeutic regimens.

Humans , Male , Adult , Homosexuality, Male , Neisseria meningitidis/isolation & purification , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/drug therapy , Azithromycin , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Meningococcal Infections/drug therapy
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(1): 7-13, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388326


INTRODUCCIÓN: El uso de antimicrobianos es el principal factor de resistencia bacteriana. OBJETIVO: Determinar el consumo de antimicrobianos en instituciones de salud de Santiago de Cali entre 2013 y 2020. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se empleó la Dosis Diaria Definida por 100 camas-día. Se definieron como criterios de inclusión las instituciones que tuvieran como mínimo 9 reportes anuales y que el reporte fuese superior a 95%. En este caso quedaron incluidas 10 instituciones. RESULTADOS: El consumo en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) fue mayor que en servicios diferentes a UCI. Se consumió más ceftriaxona e imipenem en servicios diferentes a UCI, mientras que meropenem, piperacilina/tazobactam y vancomicina lo fueron en UCI. En servicios diferentes a UCI, dos instituciones aumentaron el consumo para ceftriaxona, ciprofloxacina y piperacilina/tazobactam y una para vancomicina, mientras que en UCI en una institución el consumo aumentó para piperacilina/tazobactam. CONCLUSIÓN: El sistema brindó herramientas de vigilancia prospectiva que mostraron necesidades de intervención en instituciones.

BACKGROUND: The use of antibiotics is the main factor of microbial resistance. Aim: To determine the consumption of antibiotics in health care institutions in Santiago de Cali between 2013 and 2020. METHODS: The methodology of the Defined Daily Dose per 100 beddays was employed. Institutions that had at least 9 annual reports and that the report is greater than 95% were defined as inclusion criteria. In this case, 10 institutions were included. RESULTS: Consumption in Intensive Care Units (ICU) was higher than in other units. Ceftriaxone and imipenem were more consumed in units other than ICU, whereas meropenem, piperacillin/tazobactam and vancomycin were more consumed in the ICU. In units other than ICU, two institutions increased the consumption of ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin and piperacillin/tazobactam and one the consumption of vancomycin, whereas in the ICU, one institution increased the consumption of piperacillin/tazobactam. The endemic range identified that vancomycin located itself in the epidemic zone in one institution. CONCLUSION: The system provided tools for prospective surveillance that showed the need for intervention in institutions.

Vancomycin , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Prospective Studies , Colombia , Piperacillin, Tazobactam Drug Combination , Intensive Care Units
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0028, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376785


ABSTRACT We report an unusual case of brucellosis presented with headache, diminished vision, papillitis and multiple peripapillary hemorrhages accompanied by subretinal fluid extending up to macula. Diagnosis of brucellosis was made based on positive polymerase chain reaction of cerebrospinal fluid sample for Brucella species DNA, accompanied by a raised titer of anti-brucella antibodies. Patient showed remarkable improvement on triple drug therapy in form of doxycycline, rifampicin and ceftriaxone.

RESUMO Relatamos um caso incomum de brucelose apresentada com cefaleia, visão diminuída, papilite e múltiplas hemorragias peripapilares acompanhadas por fluido sub-retinal, estendendo-se até a mácula. O diagnóstico de brucelose foi feito com base na reação em cadeia da polimerase positiva de amostra de líquido cefalorraquidiano para DNA de espécies de Brucella, acompanhada por um título elevado de anticorpos antibrucela. O paciente apresentou melhora notável com a terapia tripla com drogas na forma de doxiciclina, rifampicina e ceftriaxona.

Humans , Female , Aged , Brucellosis/diagnosis , Brucellosis/drug therapy , Eye Infections, Bacterial/diagnosis , Eye Infections, Bacterial/drug therapy , Ophthalmoscopy , Rifampin/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Brucella/isolation & purification , Fluorescein Angiography , Cerebrospinal Fluid/microbiology , Papilledema , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Doxycycline/therapeutic use , Tomography, Optical Coherence
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 9(2): 182-188, 2022. il 27
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, DIGIUSAC, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1415952


La resistencia a los antimicrobianos es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial que va en aumento y se ve reflejada en la falta de eficacia de los tratamientos de infecciones bacterianas con antibióticos en humanos y en animales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la resistencia a los antibióticos de cepas de Escherichia coli aisladas en carne de cerdo expendida en los mercados municipales de la ciudad de Guatemala. Se identificaron los antibióticos que presentaron mayor resistencia y mayor sensibilidad in vitro frente a las cepas de E. coli aisladas a partir de 76 muestras de carne de cerdo. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple con afijación proporcional por mercado. Para la identificación de las cepas de E. coli se utilizó la prueba de IMViC y para evaluar la resistencia a los antimicrobianos se utilizó la prueba de Kirby Bauer empleando 9 antibióticos. Se aisló E. coli en el 55% (42/76) de las muestras. La resistencia en las 42 cepas aisladas fue: tetraciclina (83%) neomicina (50%) y sulfametoxasole + trimetoprim (50%). 83% de las cepas (35/42) fueron resistentes a 2 antibióticos y 50% (21/42) a 3 antibióticos o más. Se obtuvo mayor sensibilidad con ceftriaxona (91%), amikacina (83%), gentamicina (65%) y ácido nalidíxico (65%). Se concluye que existe resistencia a los antibióticos evaluados, lo que constituye un riesgo para la salud pública ya que se encuentra en cepas aisladas en un alimento para consumo humano.

Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health threat that is increasing and is reflected in the lack of efficacy of bacterial infection treatments with antibiotics in humans and animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance to antibiotics of Escherichia coli strains isolated from pork in the municipal markets of Guatemala City. Antibiotics with the highest resistance and those with the highest sensitivity in vitro against the strains of E. coli were evaluated. A simple random sampling was carried out with proportional allocation by market, and 76 samples were collected. IMViC test was used to identify the E. coli strains, and antibiotics resistance was evaluated using the Kirby Bauer with nine different antibiotics. E. coli was isolated in 55% (42/76) of the samples. Resistance was evaluated in the 42 isolates. Antibiotic resistance was detected to tetracycline (83%), neomycin (50%), and sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim (50%). All isolates presented resistance to at least one antibiotic; it was determined that 83% (35/42) showed resistance to two antibiotics and 50% (21/42) showed resistance to three antibiotics or more. The sensitivity obtained was higher for ceftriaxone (91%), amikacin (83%), gentamicin (65%), and nalidixic acid (65%). In conclusion, antibiotic resistance was detected, which constitutes a risk to public health since it is found in isolated strains in food for human consumption.

Humans , Animals , Drug Resistance, Microbial/drug effects , Kanamycin Resistance/drug effects , Tetracycline Resistance/drug effects , Trimethoprim Resistance/drug effects , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Pork Meat/microbiology , Ceftriaxone , Gentamicins , Neomycin , Nalidixic Acid , Food Microbiology , Enrofloxacin , Guatemala
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(2): 202-208, 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1379373


El Streptococcus gallolyticus del colon. La fisiopatología que explica este fenómeno implica el aumento local de niveles de lactato puede presentarse como el germen causal de la endocarditis infecciosa en pacientes con lesiones premalignas y malignas, colágeno, fibrinógeno y fibronectina secundario a la hiperactividad metabólica tumoral que genera un ambiente adecuado para el crecimiento y adhesión bacteriana a la pared intestinal y posterior translocación al torrente sanguíneo. Simultáneamente, se establece la presencia de infecciones secundarias por la formación de biofilms, tanto a nivel colorrectal como en válvulas cardíacas. El objetivo del manuscrito es un mapeo en la literatura médica disponible sobre la correlación entre la endocarditis por Streptococcus gallolyticus y las lesiones premalignas y malignas de colon. Simultáneamente, exponer la experiencia clínica de un hombre de 82 años con diagnóstico de endocarditis por Streptococcus gallolyticus y el hallazgo incidental de pólipos adenomatosos del colon(AU)

Streptococcus gallolyticus can present as the causative germ of infective endocarditis in patients with premalignant and malignant lesions of the colon. The pathophysiology that explains this phenomenon involves the local increase in lactate that can be presented as the causal germ of infective endocarditis in patients with premalignant and malignant lesions, collagen, fibrinogen, and fibronectin levels secondary to tumor metabolic hyperactivity, which generates a suitable environment for bacterial growth and adhesion to the intestinal wall and subsequent translocation to the bloodstream. Simultaneously, the presence of secondary infections is established due to the formation of biofilms, both at the colorectal level and in the heart valves. The objective of the manuscript is a mapping in the available medical literature on the correlation between Streptococcus gallolyticus endocarditis and premalignant and malignant colonic lesions. Simultaneously, to present the clinical experience of an 82-year-old man diagnosed with Streptococcus gallolyticus endocarditis and the incidental finding of adenomatous polyps of the colon(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Colonic Neoplasms/pathology , Endocarditis/physiopathology , Streptococcus gallolyticus/virology , Bacterial Adhesion , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Abdominal Pain , Colonic Polyps , Drug Therapy
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(4): 408-411, 26/11/2021.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362154


Background The ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) procedure is still themost used technique for management of hydrocephalus. This article reports a case of hepatic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pseudocyst as a rare, but important, complication of the VPS insertion. Case Description An 18-year-old male presented to the hospital complaining of temporal headache and visual turbidity for approximately 3 months with a history of VPS insertion for treatment of hydrocephalus and revision of the valve in adolescence. The diagnosis was based on abdominal imaging, demonstrating an extra-axial hepatic CSF pseudocyst free from infection. Following the diagnosis, the management of the case consisted in the removal and repositioning of the catheter on the opposite site of the peritoneum. Conclusion The hepatic CSF pseudocyst is an infrequent complication of VPS procedure, but it needs to be considered when performing the first evaluation of the patient. Several techniques are considered efficient for the management of this condition, the choice must be made based on the variables of each individual case.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt/adverse effects , Cysts/cerebrospinal fluid , Catheter-Related Infections/drug therapy , Hydrocephalus/complications , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt/methods , Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Catheter-Related Infections/diagnostic imaging , Hydrocephalus/cerebrospinal fluid , Hydrocephalus/therapy
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(5): 702-706, oct. 2021. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388285


Resumen Streptococcus equi subespecie zooepidemicus es una cocácea grampositiva, p-hemolítica, considerada parte de la microbiota de los equinos y un patógeno oportunista en otros animales. La infección en humanos es poco frecuente, pero suele manifestarse como cuadros graves. Se ha asociado al contacto con animales, especialmente caballos, y al consumo de productos lácteos no pasteurizados. Presentamos el caso de una bacteriemia en un binomio madre-hijo por este agente, asociado al consumo de quesos artesanales. Pese a que la penicilina es el tratamiento de elección, la recién nacida fue tratada en forma exitosa con ampicilina y la madre con ceftriaxona. Ninguna de ellas presentó complicaciones asociadas a la bacteriemia. A nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer reporte de infección connatal por este agente.

Abstract Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus is a Gram-positive, P-hemolytic coccus considered part of the commensal flora in horses and an opportunistic pathogen in other animals. Infection in humans is rare, but it usually manifests as serious symptoms, it has been associated with contact with animals, especially horses, and the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. In this report we describe a case of bacteremia of the mother-child binomial by this agent, associated with the consumption of artisan cheeses. Although penicillin is the treatment of choice, the newborn was successfully treated with ampicillin and the mother with ceftriaxone, none of them presented complications associated with bacteremia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of connatal infection by this agent.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Streptococcal Infections/diagnosis , Bacteremia/diagnosis , Streptococcal Infections/etiology , Streptococcal Infections/drug therapy , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Cheese/adverse effects , Bacteremia/etiology , Bacteremia/drug therapy , Streptococcus equi , Mother-Child Relations
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 91-98, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153050


The metabolic peculiarities of felines favor an intoxication. Fifty healthy female cats were divided into five groups: PG (placebo group), G2 (cefazolin), G3 (ceftriaxone), G4 (enrofloxacin) and G5 (ampicillin) were used. The parameters evaluated were: total expired carbon dioxide (ETCO2), oxygen saturation in hemoglobin (SpO2), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), body temperature (BT), systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, mBP and DBP) by invasive method, at T0, 5 (T5), 10 (T10), 15 (T15), 20 (T20), 25 (T25) and 30 (T30) minutes after administration of the treatments. HR presented reduction in G2 compared to PG at all times, except T20, and in G4, T25 and T30 were lower than the T0 values (P<0.05). BT showed increase in the G3 at T0 and T5 and all groups showed reduction in the values of BT relative to T0 (P<0.05). ETCO2 increased in G2 and G5 at all times compared to PG (P<0.05) and there were no differences among the times within each group. It was concluded that ceftriaxone is safer for the prophylactic antimicrobial use in cats, however the other antimicrobials are also indicated, because all the parameters, in all groups, basically did not change over the study and when this occurs it remains in reference interval.(AU)

As peculiaridades metabólicas dos felinos favorecem quadro de intoxicação. Foram utilizadas 50 gatas saudáveis, que foram divididas em cinco grupos: GP (grupo placebo), G2 (grupo cefazolina), G3 (grupo ceftriaxona), G4 (grupo enrofloxacina) e G5 (grupo ampicilina). Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: dióxido de carbono expirado (ETCO2), saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2), frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura corporal (T°C), pressão arterial sistólica,média e diastólica (PAS, PAM e PAD), pelo método invasivo, em 0 (T0), 5 (T5), 10 (T10), 15 (T15), 20 (T20), 25 (T25) e 30 (T30) minutos após a administração dos tratamentos. A FC apresentou redução no G2 em relação ao GP em todos os momentos, exceto no T20, e, no G4, o T25 e o T30 foram inferiores aos valores do T0 (P<0,05). A T°C apresentou aumento no G3 no T0 e no T5, e todos os grupos apresentaram redução nos valores da T°C em relação ao T0 (P<0,05). O ETCO2 apresentou aumento no G2 e no G5, em todos os momentos, em relação ao GP (P<0,05). Concluiu-se que a ceftriaxona é mais segura para uso profilático em gatos, entretanto os outros antibióticos também são recomendados, pois todos os parâmetros praticamente não se modificaram e, quando alterados, mantiveram-se dentro dos padrões de referência.(AU)

Animals , Cats , Ceftriaxone/administration & dosage , Respiratory Rate/drug effects , Heart Rate/drug effects , Anti-Infective Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Infective Agents/adverse effects , Hemodynamics , Anesthesia, Intravenous/veterinary
Malawi med. j. (Online) ; 33(2): 82-84, 2021.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | AIM | ID: biblio-1290527


Background Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a significant opportunistic pathogen that is associated with high mortality in immunocompromised individuals. In this study, we describe a multidrug-resistant (MDR) S. maltophilia clinical isolate from Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH), Lilongwe, Malawi. Methods: A ceftriaxone and meropenem nonsusceptible isolate (Sm-MW08), recovered in December 2017 at KCH, was referred to theNational Microbiology Reference Laboratory for identification. In April 2018, we identified the isolate using MALDI Biotyper mass spectrometry and determined its antimicrobial susceptibility profile using microdilution methods. Sm-MW08 was analysed by S1-PFGE, PCR, and Sanger sequencing, in order to ascertain the genotypes that were responsible for the isolate`s multidrug-resistance (MDR) phenotype. Results Sm-MW08 was identified as S. maltophilia and exhibited resistance to a range of antibiotics, including all ß-lactams, aminoglycosides (except arbekacin), chloramphenicol, minocycline, fosfomycin and fluoroquinolones, but remained susceptible to colistin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The isolate did not harbour any plasmid but did carry chromosomally-encoded blaL1 metallo-ßlactamase and blaL2 ß-lactamase genes; this was consistent with the isolate's resistance profile. No other resistance determinants were detected, suggesting that the MDR phenotype exhibited by Sm-MW08 was innate. Conclusion : Herein, we have described an MDR S. maltophilia from KCH in Malawi, that was resistant to almost all locally available antibiotics. We therefore recommend the practice of effective infection prevention measures to curtail spread of this organism

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia , Therapeutics , Ceftriaxone , Carbapenems , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(4): e0025, 2021. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288629


ABSTRACT Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Ocular involvement can occur at any time, and it may affect 10% of patients in the secondary stage, and from 2% to 5% in the tertiary stage. Uveitis is the most common presentation of ocular syphilis, affecting 0.4% to 8% of patients with systemic disease. Chorioretinitis is the most common posterior alteration. We present the case of a 53-year-old male patient, presenting with bilateral low visual acuity and nyctalopia for 3 years. His physical examination revealed decreased pupillary reflex, anterior vitreous cells, physiologic papillae, arteriolar attenuation, reduced foveal reflex, diffuse retinal pigment epithelium atrophy, peripapillary and perivascular punctate pigment accumulation and peripheral chorioretinitis. Full-field electroretinogram was extinct in both eyes. Treponemal syphilis test was positive. Previously diagnosed as retinitis pigmentosa, evolved to blindness, despite proper treatment. Our case shows syphilis as a significant cause of blindness. Atypical presentations of retinitis pigmentosa must warn ophthalmologists to etiologies of pseudoretinitis pigmentosa, such as syphilis.

RESUMO A sífilis é uma infecção sexualmente transmissível causada pela espiroqueta Treponema pallidum. A sífilis ocular pode ocorrer em qualquer estágio da doença, chegando a 10% na forma secundária e a 2% a 5% em sua forma terciária. A uveíte é a manifestação ocular mais comum, ocorrendo em 0,4% a 8% dos pacientes com a doença sistêmica. A coriorretinite é a manifestação mais comum do segmento posterior. Apresentamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, com queixa de baixa acuidade visual e nictalopia há ٣ anos. Seu exame físico revelou lentificação dos reflexos pupilares, celularidade no vítreo anterior, papilas fisiológicas, atenuação arteriolar, redução do reflexo foveal, atrofia difusa do epitélio pigmentar da retina, acúmulo punctato de pigmento em regiões peripapilar e perivascular e coriorretinite periférica. Eletrorretinograma de campo total extinto em ambos os olhos. O teste treponêmico foi positivo. Foi previamente diagnosticado como portador de retinose pigmentar, evoluindo com cegueira, a despeito do tratamento correto instituído. Esse caso mostra a sífilis como importante causadora de cegueira. Casos atípicos de retinose pigmentar devem alertar o oftalmologista para causas de pseudorretinose pigmentar, como a sífilis.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retinal Diseases/etiology , Syphilis/complications , Retinitis Pigmentosa/etiology , Retinal Diseases/diagnosis , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Syphilis Serodiagnosis/methods , Fluorescein Angiography , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , Visual Acuity , Uveitis, Posterior/diagnosis , Uveitis, Posterior/etiology , Retinitis Pigmentosa/diagnosis , Blindness/etiology , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Electroretinography , Fundus Oculi
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