Introducción: La protección ante agentes biológicos propios y externos de los cnidarios dependen de la inmunidad innata, la cual consta de tres procesos inmunológicos principales: 1) reconocimiento inmunológico, 2) señalización intracelular, y 3) respuesta efectora. Objetivo: Revisar críticamente el conocimiento actual del repertorio molecular involucrado en la respuesta inmune en cnidarios, así como, su papel en el establecimiento de la simbiosis, y las posibles aplicaciones biotecnológicas de las moléculas involucradas en el proceso de inmunidad. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de artículos científicos encontrados a través de las bases de datos del NCBI, Google Scholar y Scielo, con palabras claves como inmunidad y/o reconocimiento inmunológico en cnidarios, en una ventana de tiempo de la última década, sin descartar literatura clásica más antigua. Resultados: El reconocimiento inmunológico consiste en receptores inmunológicos que reconocen patrones moleculares e inducen respuestas efectoras como la movilización de moléculas al sitio de la infección, la ingestión microbiana y la formación de moléculas que activan cascadas de señalización. La fase de señalización involucra mediadores de la traducción de señales que activan genes de trascripción, y cascadas de señalización intracelular que inician respuestas de defensa adecuadas. Las respuestas efectoras incluyen la capa superficial del mucus, péptidos antimicrobianos, especies reactivas de oxígeno y la respuesta celular mediada por fagocitosis. Por último, se presenta un esquema y una tabla integral de las vías de respuesta inmune en los cnidario. Conclusiones: La inmunidad en Cnidaria está mediada por mecanismos de defensa complejos integrados por receptores de reconocimiento de patógenos, vías de señalización intracelular, células y moléculas efectoras encargadas de la eliminación del patógeno, y reconocimiento-aceptación de simbiontes. El estudio de compuestos activos del sistema inmune en Cnidaria ha sido poco explorado, sin embargo, el trabajo realizado con otros compuestos presentes en las toxinas de este filo, los sitúa como una fuente importante de moléculas antimicrobianas dignas de un análisis de bioprospección.
Introduction: Cnidarians depend on innate immunity for protection against both their own and external biological agents. It consists of three main immunological processes: 1) immune recognition, 2) intracellular signaling, and 3) effector response. Objective: To critically review current knowledge of the molecular repertoire involved in the immune response in cnidarians, its role in symbiosis, and possible biotechnological applications. Methods: We used keywords such as immunity, and immunological recognition in cnidarians, in the NCBI, Scielo and Google Scholar databases, for the last decade. Results: Cnidarian immune recognition consists of molecular pattern receptors and responses such as the mobilization of molecules to the site of infection, microbial ingestion, and the formation of molecules that activate signaling cascades. The signaling phase involves translation mediators that activate transcriptional genes and intracellular signaling cascades that initiate defenses. Effector responses include surface layer mucus, antimicrobial peptides, reactive oxygen species, and the cellular response mediated by phagocytosis. Conclusions: Immunity in Cnidaria is mediated by complex defense mechanisms composed of pathogen recognition receptors, intracellular signaling pathways, effector cells and molecules responsible for pathogen elimination, and recognition of symbionts. There is a potential for toxin compounds useful as antimicrobial molecules.
Animals , Cnidaria/immunology , Immunity, Innate , Symbiosisالملخص
Myxosporidiosis is an infectious disease caused by myxozoans of the Phylum Cnidaria, Class Myxosporea, and Order Bivalvulida, considered a common parasite in fresh and saltwater fishes that parasitize many organs, especially gills. In the present study, 49 specimens of fishes belonging to eight genera: Tetragonopterus, Leporinus, Myleus, Pirinampus, Rhapiodon, Pygocentrus, Ageneiosus, and Serrasalmus were collected and blood smears were made, fixed with absolute methanol, and stained with Giemsa 10% to survey hemoparasites. However, myxospores were found in the circulating blood of five (10.20%) fishes belonging to genus Tetragonopterus, Myleus, and Pygocentrus. Two morphological types of Myxobolus spp. were identified in all the five fish specimens analyzed. Usually, investigations on myxozoans in fish are carried out with the search for plasmodia or cysts in the fish organs and observation of the cavity of organs. Nevertheless, this study highlights the importance of also examining the blood of these animals, since these parasites can cause severe pathogenic diseases in fish. Thus, the blood analyses can proportionate preventive sanitary control for commercial fish avoiding economic loss.
A mixosporidiose é considerada uma doença infecciosa causada por mixozoários pertentences ao Filo Cnidaria, Classe Myxosporea e Ordem Bivalvulida, considerados parasitos comuns de peixes de água doce e salgada, parasitando vários órgãos, principalmente as brânquias. No presente estudo, 49 espécimes de peixes pertencentes a oito gêneros: Tetragonopterus, Leporinus, Myleus, Pirinampus, Rhapiodon, Pygocentrus, Ageneiosus and Serrasalmus foram coletados e extensões sanguíneas foram feitas com a finalidade de encontrar hemoparasitos. Entretanto, mixoesporos foram observados em cinco (10.20%) espécimes de peixes, pertencentes aos gêneros Tetragonopterus, Myleus e Pygocentrus. Dois morfotipos de Myxobolus spp. foram identificados parasitando esses peixes. Normalmente, as investigações sobre mixozoários em peixes é realizada com a procura de plasmódios ou cistos nos órgãos dos peixes e observação da cavidade de órgãos. Porém, esse trabalho ressalta a importância de se examinar também o sangue desses animais, já que esses parasitos podem ocasionar patogenias severas em peixes. Sendo assim, a análise sanguínea pode proporcionar controle sanatório preventivo para peixes comerciais e evitar perdas econômicas.
Animals , Characidae/parasitology , Characidae/blood , Cnidaria/pathogenicity , Fishes/parasitology , Fishes/bloodالملخص
Myxosporidiosis is an infectious disease caused by myxozoans of the Phylum Cnidaria, Class Myxosporea, and Order Bivalvulida, considered a common parasite in fresh and saltwater fishes that parasitize many organs, especially gills. In the present study, 49 specimens of fishes belonging to eight genera: Tetragonopterus, Leporinus, Myleus, Pirinampus, Rhapiodon, Pygocentrus, Ageneiosus, and Serrasalmus were collected and blood smears were made, fixed with absolute methanol, and stained with Giemsa 10% to survey hemoparasites. However, myxospores were found in the circulating blood of five (10.20%) fishes belonging to genus Tetragonopterus, Myleus, and Pygocentrus. Two morphological types of Myxobolus spp. were identified in all the five fish specimens analyzed. Usually, investigations on myxozoans in fish are carried out with the search for plasmodia or cysts in the fish organs and observation of the cavity of organs. Nevertheless, this study highlights the importance of also examining the blood of these animals, since these parasites can cause severe pathogenic diseases in fish. Thus, the blood analyses can proportionate preventive sanitary control for commercial fish avoiding economic loss.
A mixosporidiose é considerada uma doença infecciosa causada por mixozoários pertentences ao Filo Cnidaria, Classe Myxosporea e Ordem Bivalvulida, considerados parasitos comuns de peixes de água doce e salgada, parasitando vários órgãos, principalmente as brânquias. No presente estudo, 49 espécimes de peixes pertencentes a oito gêneros: Tetragonopterus, Leporinus, Myleus, Pirinampus, Rhapiodon, Pygocentrus, Ageneiosus and Serrasalmus foram coletados e extensões sanguíneas foram feitas com a finalidade de encontrar hemoparasitos. Entretanto, mixoesporos foram observados em cinco (10.20%) espécimes de peixes, pertencentes aos gêneros Tetragonopterus, Myleus e Pygocentrus. Dois morfotipos de Myxobolus spp. foram identificados parasitando esses peixes. Normalmente, as investigações sobre mixozoários em peixes é realizada com a procura de plasmódios ou cistos nos órgãos dos peixes e observação da cavidade de órgãos. Porém, esse trabalho ressalta a importância de se examinar também o sangue desses animais, já que esses parasitos podem ocasionar patogenias severas em peixes. Sendo assim, a análise sanguínea pode proporcionar controle sanatório preventivo para peixes comerciais e evitar perdas econômicas.
Humans , Animals , Parasitic Diseases, Animal , Cnidaria , Myxozoa , Myxobolus , Fish Diseases , Phylogeny , Brazil , Fishes , Gillsالملخص
Resumen Las medusas son organismos mayoritariamente marinos pertenecientes al grupo de los cnidarios, los cuales se caracterizan por presentar células urticantes especializadas, los cnidocitos. Si bien, todas las medusas son potencialmente venenosas y el grado de toxicidad depende de la especie, sus efectos sobre los humanos varían desde reacciones locales leves hasta reacciones atópicas-anafilácticas graves, llegando incluso a la muerte de la víctima. Mundialmente se conocen numerosas especies de medusas causantes de envenenamiento a humanos, tales como la avispa de mar (Chironex fleckeri), el sifonóforo carabela portuguesa (Physalia physalis) o el hidrocoral de fuego (Millepora spp.). En Argentina, tres especies de medusas revisten de im portancia clínica epidemiológica debido a su poder urticante: las hidromedusas Liriope tetraphylla y Olindias sambaquiensis, así como la escifomedusa Chrysaora lactea. Estas especies presentan sus mayores abundancias en el verano en las costas bonae renses, coincidiendo con la presencia de turistas durante el periodo vacacional. Sus afectaciones varían de leves a moderadas, registrándose desde parestesias y ardor con dermatitis, prurito, edemas y eritemas. Una infinidad de "remedios caseros" se conocen para remediar los efectos de las picaduras de medusas, sin embargo, la mayoría han resultado ineficaces y perjudiciales. Lo más recomendable es evitar frotar y lavar la zona afectada con agua dulce o aplicar hielo para tratar de contrarrestar el ardor y acudir lo antes posible al centro de salud más cercano.
Abstract Medusae are mainly a marine group belonged to cnidarians, which are characterized by specialized stinging cells, cnidocyts. Although all medusae are potentially poisonous, their toxicity depends on the species and the effects on humans vary- ing from mild local reactions to severe atopic-anaphylactic reactions, even the death of the victim. Numerous species of cnidar ians are known worldwide to affect humans, such as the sea wasp {Chironex fleckeri), the siphonophore portuguese man-of-war (Physaliaphysalis) or the fire-coral (Millepora spp.). In Argentina, three species of medusae are known with clinical epidemiological importance due to their stinging power: the hydromedusae Liriopetetraphylla and Olindias sambaquiensis, as well as the scypho- medusae Chrysaora lactea. These species have their highest abundances in the summer on Buenos Aires coasts, coinciding with the presence of tourists during the summer vacations. Its affectations vary from mild to moderate, registering from paresthesias and burning with dermatitis, itching, edemas, and erythema. An infinity of "home remedies" are known formedusae stings, how- ever, most of them have proven ineffective and harmful. It is best to avoid rubbing and washing the affected area with fresh water or applying ice to try to counteract the burning in the region and to go the health center as soon as possible.
Cnidaria/pathogenicity , Cnidarian Venoms/toxicity , Argentina , Nematocyst/injuriesالملخص
Introducción: El Domo de Costa Rica es considerado como uno de los lugares de mayor importancia debido a que es una zona de afloramiento de agua, donde se desarrolla una alta productividad primaria. Los sifonóforos son organismos depredadores que constituyen uno de los grupos más abundantes de la biomasa zooplanctónica. Objetivo: Analizar la composición específica, la abundancia y la distribución de los sifonóforos. Métodos: Las muestras fueron obtenidas durante la campaña oceanográfica DOMO I realizadas en febrero y marzo de 1979 por el personal del Laboratorio de Oceanografía Física del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Las muestras de zooplancton fueron recolectadas con una red estándar tipo CalCoFI elaborada con malla de 0.3 mm y analizadas en el Laboratorio de Invertebrados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 30 especies de las cuales 27 pertenecen al suborden Calycophorae y tres al suborden Physonectae. Eudoxoides mitra, Muggiaea atlantica, Chelophyes contorta y Lensia hotspur fueron las especies dominantes; C. Contorta mostró una amplía distribución con 85% de aparición, seguida por Eudoxoides mitra (82%), Agalma okeni (73%), Muggiaea atlántica (64%) y Abylopsis eschscholtzi (61%). La fase poligástrica fue predominante en las especies de calicóforos y la fase eudoxia solo fue observada en Diphyes dispar, Eudoxoides mitra, Chelophyes appendiculata, Ceratocymba dentata, Abylopsis eschscholtzi, Abylopsis tetragona, Bassia bassensis y Enneagonum hyalinum. Conclusión: La alta diversidad y densidad de los sifonóforos en esta investigación muestra su importancia en la gran productividad del Domo de Costa Rica.
Introduction: Costa Rica Dome is considered as a place with great importance, characterized by an upwelling event with high primary productivity. Siphonophores are predatory organisms that constitute one of the most abundant groups of the zooplankton biomass. Objective: To analyze the specific composition, abundance and distribution of siphonophores from the upwelling region of the central America. Methods: Samples were obtained during the oceanographic campaign DOMO I, which was carried out during February and March of 1979 by the 'Laboratorio de Oceanografía Física del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)'. The zooplankton samples were collected with a standard CalCoFI net with 0.3 mm mesh, and then analyzed in the laboratory. Results: A total of 30 species were identified, of which 27 belong to the suborder Calycophorae and three to the suborder Physonectae. Eudoxoides mitra, Muggiaea atlantica, Chelophyes contorta and Lensia hotspur were dominant species. C. contorta was observed with a wide distribution in the study area occupying 85% of the stations. It is followed by Eudoxoides mitra (82%), Agalma okeni (73%), Muggiaea atlántica (64%) and Abylopsis eschscholtzi (61%). The poligastric stage of calycophores species was predominant and the eudoxie stage was only observed in Diphyes dispar, Eudoxoides mitra, Chelophyes appendiculata, Ceratocymba dentata, Abylopsis eschscholtzi, Abylopsis tetragona, Bassia bassensis and Enneagonum hyalinum. Conclusion: The high diversity and density of siphonophores in this research show their importance on the great productivity in the Costa Rica Dome.
Animals , Cnidaria/classification , Hydrozoa/classification , Zooplankton/microbiology , Pacific Ocean , Costa Ricaالملخص
Abstract The most frequent jellyfish in Southern Brazil causes mainly local pain and skin plaques. A 3-year-old female bather presented an erythematous, irregular plaque on the left forearm after contact with a jellyfish and intense facial angioedema with facial flushing. The lungs had vesicular murmur, wheezes, and snorts, and pink and spumous secretion in the airways with intercostal retraction. She was administered subcutaneous adrenaline (0.1mg/kg) and hydrocortisone intravenous (10mg/kg) with total recovery in a few minutes. The manifestations of anaphylactic reactions are distinct from those of envenomations, and prompt and adequate care is fundamental in these situations.
Humans , Animals , Female , Bites and Stings/complications , Cnidaria/classification , Cnidarian Venoms , Anaphylaxis/etiology , Angioedema/etiology , Anaphylaxis/diagnosis , Angioedema/diagnosisالملخص
Background: Cnidarians produce toxins, which are composed of different polypeptides that induce pharmacological effects of biotechnological interest, such as antitumor, antiophidic and anti-clotting activities. This study aimed to evaluate toxicological activities and potential as antitumor and antiophidic agents contained in total extracts from five cnidarians: Millepora alcicornis, Stichodactyla helianthus, Plexaura homomalla, Bartholomea annulata and Condylactis gigantea (total and body wall). Methods: The cnidarian extracts were evaluated by electrophoresis and for their phospholipase, proteolytic, hemorrhagic, coagulant, fibrinogenolytic, neuromuscular blocking, muscle-damaging, edema-inducing and cytotoxic activities. Results: All cnidarian extracts showed indirect hemolytic activity, but only S. helianthus induced direct hemolysis and neurotoxic effect. However, the hydrolysis of NBD-PC, a PLA2 substrate, was presented only by the C gigantea (body wall) and S. helianthus. The extracts from P. homomalla and S. helianthus induced edema, while only C gigantea and S. helianthus showed intensified myotoxic activity. The proteolytic activity upon casein and fibrinogen was presented mainly by B. annulata extract and all were unable to induce hemorrhage or fibrinogen coagulation. Cnidarian extracts were able to neutralize clotting induced by Bothrops jararacussu snake venom, except M. alcicornis. All cnidarian extracts were able to inhibit hemorrhagic activity induced by Bothrops moojeni venom. Only the C. gigantea (body wall) inhibited thrombin-induced coagulation. All cnidarian extracts showed antitumor effect against Jurkat cells, of which C. gigantea (body wall) and S. helianthus were the most active; however, only C. gigantea (body wall) and M. alcicornis were active against B16F10 cells...
Animals , Bioprospecting , Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor , Cnidarian Venoms/pharmacology , Cnidaria , Caribbean Regionالملخص
Introduction: Jellyfish stings are the most frequently reported marine animal envenomation worldwide. However, data on jellyfish sting from Malaysia remains obscure due to inadequate research. Methods: We investigated the epidemiology, clinical features and treatment of patients presenting at the emergency department of Langkawi Hospital between January 2012 and December 2014. Secondary data on the nature of the incident, patient demographics, clinical presentation, and treatment were retrieved from the patients’ medical records. Descriptive statistics were presented for all patient variables. Results: A total of 759 patients presented with jellyfish stings during the 3-year study period, with highest number of visits in July, October, November, and December. The mean patient age was 26.7 years (SD: 12.14), 59.4% were men, 68.1% were foreigners or international tourists, and 40.4% were stung between 12.00 p.m. and 6:59 p.m. At least 90 patients presented with mild Irukandji or Irukandji-like syndromes. Most of the jellyfish stings occurred at Chenang Beach (590 reported cases), followed by Tengah Beach and Kok Beach. Most patients were treated symptomatically, and no deaths following a jellyfish sting was reported during the study period. Conclusion: There is a need for public health interventions for both local and international tourists who visit Langkawi Island. Preventive steps and education on initial treatment at the incident site could elevate public awareness and decrease the adverse effects of jellyfish stings.
Cnidaria , Cnidarian Venomsالملخص
Background: Scleractinian corals (stony corals) are the most abundant reef-forming cnidarians found in coral reefs throughout the world. Despite their abundance and ecological importance, information about the diversity of their toxins and their biological activities is very scarce. In this study, the chemical composition and the biological activities of the aqueous extracts of Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea, three scleractinian corals from the Mexican Caribbean, have been assessed for the first time. Methods: Toxicity of the extracts was assessed in crickets; the presence of cytolysins was detected by the hemolysis assay; the vasoconstrictor activity was determined by the isolated rat aortic ring assay; the nociceptive activity was evaluated by the formalin test. The presence of phospholipases A2 (PLA2), serine proteases, and hyaluronidases was determined by enzymatic methods. Low-molecular-weight fractions were obtained by gel filtration chromatography and ultrafiltration. Results: Extracts from the three species were toxic to crickets, induced hemolysis in human and rat erythrocytes, produced vasoconstriction on isolated rat aortic rings, and presented phospholipase A2 and serine-protease activity. Despite the fact that these corals are not considered to be harmless to humans, the extracts generated significant nociceptive responses. The matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis of the low-molecular-weight fractions revealed the presence of peptides within a mass range of 3000 to 6000 Da. These fractions were toxic to crickets and two of them induced a transitory vasoconstrictor effect on isolated rat aortic rings. Conclusion: This study suggests that scleractinian corals produce low-molecular-weight peptides that are lethal to crickets and induce vasoconstriction.(AU)
Animals , Vasoconstriction , Cnidaria/growth & development , Biological Specimen Banks , Nociceptive Pain , Hemolysis , Ecological Equilibriumالملخص
Background Millepora alcicornis is a branching hydrocoral common throughout the Caribbean Sea. Like other members of this genus, this species is capable of inducing skin eruptions and blisters with severe pain after contact. In the present study, we investigated the toxicity of theM. alcicornis aqueous extract on several animal models. Considering that some cnidarian hemolysins have been associated to local tissue damage, since they also induce lysis of other cell types, we also made a partial characterization of the hemolytic activity of M. alcicornis aqueous extract. This information is important for understanding the defense mechanisms of the "fire corals".Methods The effects of pH, temperature, and some divalent cations on the hemolytic activity of the extract were assayed, followed by a zymogram analysis to detect the cytolysins and determine their approximate molecular weight. The toxicity of the aqueous extract was assayed in mice, by intravenous administration, and histopathological changes on several tissues were analyzed by light microscopy. The toxicity of the extract was also tested inArtemia salina nauplii, and the damages caused on the crustaceans were analyzed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy.Results The hemolytic activity of the hydrocoral extract was enhanced in the presence of Ca 2+ (≥2 mM), Mg 2+ (≥6 mM), and Ba2+ (≥0.1 mM); however, it was reduced in the presence of Cu2+(≥0.1 mM), Zn 2+ (≥6 mM), and EDTA (≥0.34 mM). Differences in the pH did not affect the hemolytic activity, but it was temperature-sensitive, since preincubation at ≥ 50 °C sharply reduced hemolysis. The zymogram showed the presence of two types of hemolysins: ~ 28-30 kDa proteins with phospholipase A 2 activity and ~ 200 kDa proteins that do not elicit enzymatic activity. The aqueous extract of this cnidarian was lethal to mice (LD 50 = 17 μg protein/g), and induced kidney, liver, and lung damages. Under denaturing conditions, the aqueous extract completely lost its toxic and hemolytic activities.Conclusions The results showed that the M. alcicornis aqueous extract contains two types of thermolabile hemolysins: proteins of approximately 28-30 kDa with PLA 2 activity, while the others are larger proteins of approximately 200 kDa, which do not possess PLA 2activity. Those thermolabile cytolysins, which are stable to pH changes and whose activity is calcium dependent, are capable of inducing damage in lung, kidney and liver tissues, resulting in a slow death of mice. M. alcicorniscytolysins also provoke tissue dissociation inArtemia salina nauplii that might be attributed to pore forming mechanisms.(AU)
Cnidaria , Cytotoxins , Toxicity , Hemolysis , Marine Environmentالملخص
Carijoa riisei (Octocorallia: Cnidaria), a western Atlantic species, has been reported in the Pacific as an invasive species for nearly forty years. C. riisei has been recently observed overgrowing native octocorals at several rocky-coral littorals in the Colombian Tropical Eastern Pacific-(TEP). C. riisei has inhabited these reefs for at least 15 years but the aggressive overgrowth on other octocorals have been noted until recently. Here, we surveyed for the first time the distribution and inter-specific aggression by C. riisei in both coastal and oceanic areas colonized in the Colombian TEP (Malpelo, Gorgona and Cabo Corrientes), including preliminary multiyear surveys during 2007-2013. We observed community-wide octocoral mortalities (including local extinction of some Muricea spp.) and a steady occurrence of competing and overgrowing Pacifigorgia seafans and Leptogorgia seawhips. In Gorgona Island, at two different sites, over 87% (n=77 tagged colonies) of octocorals (Pacifigorgia spp. and Leptogorgia alba) died as a result of C. riisei interaction and/or overgrowth between 2011 and 2013. C. riisei overgrows octocorals with an estimate at linear growth rate of about 1cm m-1. The aggressive overgrowth of this species in TEP deserves more attention and regular monitoring programs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 199-207. Epub 2014 February 01.
Carijoa riisei (Octocorallia: Cnidaria), una especie nativa del Atlántico Occidental. Sin embargo, se ha reportado como especie exótica invasora en el Pacífico desde hace unos cuarenta años y en la costa occidental de Colombia hace 15-20 años. Recientemente C. riisei se ha observado sobrecreciendo octocorales nativos en varios litorales rocosos coralinos en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical-(POT) de Colombia. C. riisei ha habitado estos arrecifes durante al menos 15 años, pero este comportamiento agresivo frente a otros octocorales no se habían notado hasta hace unos pocos años. En este estudio, se evalúa por primera vez, en las zonas costeras y oceánicas, la distribución e incidencia C. riisei en otros octocorales del POT colombiano (Malpelo, Gorgona y Cabo Corrientes), incluyendo información observaciones entre 2007-2013. Hemos observado mortalidad en toda la comunidad de octocorales (incluyendo la extinción local de algunas especies de Muricea) y una constante competencia y cubrimiento de abanicos de mar Pacifigorgia y gorgonáceos Leptogorgia. C. riisei presento una tasa lineal de crecimiento sobre otros octocorales de aproximadamente 1 cm m-1. El comportamiento agresivo de C. riisei en el POT merece más atención y programas regulares de monitoreo.
Cnidaria/growth & development , Anthozoa/classification , Introduced Species , Colombia , Coral Reefsالملخص
The unifying characteristic of cnidarians is the production of protein and polypeptide toxins. The present study describes the identification of a hemolytic toxin from the soft coral Sarcophyton trocheliophorum. The crude extract was highly cytotoxic (EC50 = 50 ng/mL) against human erythrocytes. It was also tested for hemolytic activity by the blood agar plate method, resulting in a hemolytic halo of 12 mm with 50 µg of protein. The stability of the venom under different physiological conditions was analyzed. The venom hemolytic activity was augmented by alkaline and neutral pH whereas it was reduced in acidic pH. The activity was stable up to 60º C. The hemolytic activity was completely abolished by the addition of serum and reduced significantly during frequent freezing-thawing cycles. Toxin purification was performed by ammonium sulfate precipitation and subsequently desalted by dialysis against 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), followed by anion exchange chromatography on DEAE cellulose column and gel filtration chromatography using Sephadex G-50 matrix. The purified active fractions possessed a prominent protein of approximately 45 kDa, as revealed by SDS-PAGE.(AU)
Animals , Cnidaria/physiology , Cnidarian Venoms/toxicity , Dialysis , Erythrocytes , Proteins , Chromatography, Gelالملخص
Corals are the marine organism that belongs to the phylum Cnidaria, and are one of the common causes of superficial injury in the marine environment. In addition to acute reactions such as burning or stinging pain and erythema, coral injuries may present with complications such as foreign body reactions, bacterial infections, and/or localized eczematous reactions. A 23-year-old male presented with an erythematous edematous tender patch with centrally grouped vesicles on the left ankle; the injury had occurred during skin-scuba diving 2 days before. A biopsy of the lesion treated with hematoxylin-eosin stain showed epidermal necrosis with subepidermal blisters and neutrophilic panniculitis. Herein we report a case of cellulitis caused by the nematocyst stings of corals.
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Anthozoa , Aquatic Organisms , Bacterial Infections , Biopsy , Bites and Stings , Blister , Burns , Cellulitis , Cnidaria , Diving , Erythema , Foreign Bodies , Necrosis , Nematocyst , Neutrophils , Panniculitisالملخص
Gorgonios caribeños del género Briareum (Cnidaria, Gorgonaceae), son una fuente importante de metabolitos secundarios bioactivos. Biosintetizan tres tipos básicos de diterpenos; asbestininos, briarellinas y briareinas. Las briarellinas A R y las briarellinas D y K peróxidos, son los únicos metabolitos que poseen el esqueleto de briallerina, que han sido aislados de un organismo marino de la región del Caribe. Estos diterpenos altamente funcionalizandos forman parte de la familia de Cembranoides 2,11 ciclizados, cuyo origen biosintético se propone deriva del esqueleto carbonado del cembrano, vía diversas ciclizaciones oxidativas y transposiciones de metilo. En este trabajo se discuten ampliamente las propiedades de Resonancia Magnetica Nuclear RMN del esqueleto del carbonato de Briarellina y la comparación entre los dos tipos de briallerinas existentes, y de éstas, con el de los asbestininos...
Cnidaria , Diterpenes , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Protonsالملخص
Os cnidários estão entre os organismos mais peçonhentos que se conhecem. Caracterizam-se por possuir células urticantes denominadas cnidócitos, e diversas espécies, como as chamadas caravelas e águas-vivas, podem ocasionar danos ao homem. Apesar da pouca atenção dada a este tipo de acidente no litoral brasileiro, os estudos existentes mostram que sua ocorrência é significativa. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos levantar os acidentes causados por cnidários nos banhistas de algumas praias do litoral de Pernambuco e investigar o conhecimento referente a este tema por parte de profissionais de áreas relevantes. Assim, visitou-se arquivos de hospitais, postos praieiros e grupamento salva-vidas para o levantamento de registros, e foram entrevistados 17 profissionais. Foram levantados registros de 35 acidentes para um período de dois anos na Praia de Boa Viagem (Recife), além de registros informais de uma média de quatro a cinco casos por semana na Praia de Piedade e dois a três casos por semana na Praia de Pontas de Pedras. Em relação ao conhecimento dos profissionais entrevistados, a maioria das respostas está, de forma geral, de acordo com a literatura existente, apesar de ainda haver certo nível de informações inadequadas ou insuficientes em relação ao tema estudado.
Cnidarians are among the most venomous organisms known to man. They are characterized by stinging cells called cnidocytes, and several species, such as the Portuguese-man-of-war and the jellyfish, can cause harm to human beings. Despite not attracting () much attention on the Brazilian coast, the studies that have been carried out to date show that the occurrence of this kind of accident is significant. The aim of this study was to survey cnidarian related accidents with beach goers on some beaches of the state of Pernambuco, as well as to investigate the knowledge of relevant professions on this theme. () Archives of hospitals and life guard posts were visited for the survey, and 17 professionals were interviewed. During the visits, records were obtained for a total of 35 accidents at Boa Viagem Beach (Recife) over a two-year period, as well as informal records of an average of four to five cases a week at Piedade Beach and an average of two to three cases a week for Pontas de Pedras Beach. As to the knowledge of the professionals interviewed, most answers agree, in general, with the literature available, despite a certain level of inadequate or insufficient information on the theme.
Humans , Animals , Accidents , Cnidaria , Medical Records , Cnidarian Venoms/adverse effects , Interviews as Topic , Brazilالملخص
The occurrence of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (=sowerbyi) Lankester, 1880 was recorded in April 2006 in the Lagoa Misteriosa water body, a calcareous lake (doline) in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Only Rotifera composed the zooplankton community was composed only of Rotifera and the environment was meso-eutrophic system. The nomenclature of C. sowerbii is discussed with regard to the use of the correct spelling and an alternative one. The distributions of C. sowerbii in Brazil include eight states and in South America the distribution includes four countries.
A ocorrência da água-viva de água doce Craspedacusta sowerbii (=sowerbyi) Lankester, 1880 foi registrada em abril de 2006, na lagoa Misteriosa, um lago calcário (dolina) no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. A comunidade zooplanctônica foi composta apenas por Rotifera e a qualidade da água do sistema apresentou uma classificação de meso-eutrófico. A nomenclatura foi discutida quanto às formas usuais de grafia do nome e proposta uma alternativa. A distribuição da C. sowerbii no Brasil inclui oito estados e na América do Sul a distribuição apontou quatro países onde a espécie foi registrada.
Cnidaria/classification , Aquatic Fauna/analysis , Aquatic Fauna/classification , Hydrozoa/anatomy & histology , Hydrozoa/classification , Lakes/analysis , Zooplankton/classificationالملخص
This study aimed to collect information on the diversity of corals and calcified hydroids of the Manuel Luiz Marine State Park (state of Maranhão, Northeast Brazil) to aid in the development of a management plan for the park. A total of 21 cnidarian species were identified, of which 16 were corals and calcified hydroids. The bathymetric and geographic distribution of each of these species was extended. This area has a rich coral fauna in relation to other parts of Brazil and is comparable in diversity to the Abrolhos Islands (Bahia State) - an unexpected result considering the region's proximity to the Amazon River Basin. Most of the specimens of corals and calcified hydroids observed were bleached.
O objetivo deste estudo foi obter informação sobre a diversidade dos corais e dos hidróides calcários do Parque Estadual Marinho do Parcel do Manuel Luiz (Estado do Maranhão, Nordeste do Brasil) para dar subsídios no desenvolvimento do plano de manejo do parque. Um total de 21 espécies de cnidários foi identificado, dos quais 16 eram corais e hidróides calcários. A distribuição batimétrica e geográfica de cada uma das espécies foram ampliadas. Esta área tem uma fauna coralínea rica com relação a outras partes do Brasil e é comparável em diversidade ao Arquipélago de Abrolhos (Estado de Bahia), um resultado inesperado considerando a proximidade da região à Bacia do Rio Amazonas. A maioria dos espécimes dos corais e dos hidróides calcários observados estava branqueada.
Anthozoa/classification , Biodiversity , Cnidaria , Coral Reefs , Marine Fauna/analysis , Marine Fauna/classification , Hydrozoa/classificationالملخص
Sea anemone dermatitis, caused by the toxin of sea anemones (member of phylum Cnidaria), is characterized by erythematous papules, wheals, or vesicles, accompanied by pain and itching. A 25-year old woman presented with multiple erythematous papules on her right forearm, after contact with a sea anemone while scuba diving. She took both courses of an acute toxic reaction and a delayed allergic reaction.