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Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2778, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533839


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a contribuição da tecnologia de escuta assistida em usuários de implante coclear (IC) em situações de reverberação e ruído. Métodos Estudo transversal prospectivo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética Institucional (CAAE 8 3031418.4.0000.0068). Foram selecionados adolescentes e adultos usuários de IC com surdez pré ou pós-lingual. Para usuários bilaterais, cada orelha foi avaliada separadamente. O reconhecimento de fala foi avaliado por meio de listas gravadas de palavras dissílabas apresentadas a 65 dBA a 0° azimute com e sem o Mini Microfone2 (Cochlear™) conectado ao processador de fala Nucleus®6. A reverberação da sala foi medida como 550 ms. Para avaliar a contribuição do dispositivo de escuta assistida (DEA) em ambiente reverberante, o reconhecimento de fala foi avaliado no silêncio. Para avaliar a contribuição do DEA em reverberação e ruído, o reconhecimento de fala foi apresentado a 0° azimute com o ruído proveniente de 8 alto-falantes dispostos simetricamente a 2 metros de distância do centro com ruído de múltiplos falantes usando relação sinal-ruído de +10dB. Para evitar viés de aprendizado ou fadiga, a ordem dos testes foi randomizada. A comparação das médias foi analisada pelo teste t para amostras pareadas, adotando-se nível de significância de p<0,005. Resultados Dezessete pacientes com idade média de 40 anos foram convidados e concordaram em participar, sendo 2 participantes bilaterais, totalizando 19 orelhas. Houve contribuição positiva significante do Mini Mic2 na reverberação e ruído+reverberação (p<0,001). Conclusão DEA foi capaz de melhorar o reconhecimento de fala de usuários de IC tanto em situações de reverberação quanto ruidosas.

ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of assistive listening technology with wireless connectivity in cochlear implant (CI) users in reverberating and noise situations. Methods Prospective cross-sectional study approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee (CAAE 8 3031418.4.0000.0068). Adolescents and adults CI users with pre- or post-lingual deafness were selected. For bilateral users, each ear was assessed separately. Speech recognition was assessed using recorded lists of disyllabic words presented at 65 dBA at 0° azimuth with and without the Wireless Mini Microphone 2 (Cochlear™) connected to the Nucleus®6 speech processor. Room reverberation was measured as 550 ms. To assess the contribution of the assistive listening device (ALD) in a reverberating environment, speech recognition was assessed in quiet. To assess the contribution of the ALD in reverberation and noise, speech recognition was presented at 0° azimuth along with the noise coming from 8 loudspeakers symmetrically arranged 2 meters away from the center with multi-talker babble noise using signal to noise ratio of +10dB. To avoid learning bias or fatigue, the order of the tests was randomized. Comparison of means was analyzed by t test for paired samples, adopting significance level of p <0.005. Results Seventeen patients with a mean age of 40 years were invited and agreed to participate, with 2 bilateral participants, totaling 19 ears assessed. There was a significant positive contribution from the Mini Mic2 in reverberation, and noise+reverberation (p <0.001). Conclusion ALD was able to improve speech recognition of CI users in both reverberation and noisy situations.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Self-Help Devices , Noise Measurement , Cochlear Implantation , Deafness , Voice Recognition , Speech Intelligibility , Cross-Sectional Studies
Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2728, 2024. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533840


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever o impacto da judicialização na realização da cirurgia de implante coclear no Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil, incluindo o serviço público e a saúde suplementar. Métodos Foi realizado um levantamento documental de acórdãos de todos os tribunais nacionais e a jurisprudência dominante, voltados à cirurgia do implante coclear no Sistema Único de Saúde, no período de 2007 a 2019, por meio da Plataforma Jusbrasil, utilizando o termo "implante coclear" para realização da busca. Também foi realizado um levantamento na plataforma DATASUS (Departamento de Informação do Sistema Único de Saúde) sobre quantos procedimentos de implante coclear unilateral e bilateral foram realizados no mesmo período. Resultados De acordo com o DATASUS, no período de 2008 a 2019 foram realizados 8.857 procedimentos de cirurgia de implante coclear pelos entes públicos ou pelas operadoras dos planos de saúde no país. Com relação à judicialização para solicitação da cirurgia do implante coclear, unilateral ou bilateral, foram encontrados 216 processos, representando 2,43% dos casos. Conclusão A judicialização da saúde, quando se considera a cirurgia do implante coclear, tem representado uma parcela mínima dos casos, o que demonstra baixo impacto no orçamento público e não tem expressiva ação na organização do Sistema Único de Saúde.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the impact of Judicialization on the performance of Cochlear Implant (CI) surgery in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), including the public service and supplementary health. Methods A documentary survey of judgments of all National Courts and the Dominant Jurisprudence focused on CI surgery in the SUS from 2007 to 2019 was carried out through the Jusbrasil Platform using the term "cochlear implant" to carry out the search. A survey was also carried out on the DATASUS platform on how many uni and bilateral CI procedures were performed in the same period. Results According to DATASUS, from 2008 to 2019, 8,857 CI surgery procedures were performed by Public Entities or Health Plan Operators in the country. With regard to Judicialization, for requesting unilateral or bilateral CI surgery, a total of 216 processes were found, representing a total of 2.43% of Judicialization of Cochlear Implant (CI) surgery. Conclusion In view of the data, it is possible to perceive that the Judicialization of Health when we consider the CI surgery has represented a small portion of the cases, which does not demonstrate a large impact on the public budget and does not have an impact on the organization of the SUS.

Humans , Unified Health System , Cochlear Implantation/legislation & jurisprudence , Cochlear Implantation/statistics & numerical data , Supplemental Health , Health's Judicialization/statistics & numerical data , Brazil
Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e56757, 01/06/2023.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436220


Introdução: A deficiência auditiva em crianças prejudica a aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem oral, o que pode ser minimizado com o diagnóstico e a confirmação da surdez nos primeiros meses de vida. O Potencial Evocado auditivo de estado estável (PEAEE) destaca-se diante dos demais potenciais evocados auditivos devido à facilidade de registro, à objetividade das respostas, à estimulação de várias frequências simultaneamente, em ambas as orelhas, além da identificação da audição residual. Objetivo: Verificar a contribuição do PEAEE na definição terapêutica (escolha do implante coclear ou aparelho de amplificação sonora) para a reabilitação auditiva de crianças. Método: Foram analisados os registros de 20 crianças de um mês a três anos de idade com perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau severo ou profundo bilateral e que foram submetidas ao PEAEE e ao potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico frequência específica (PEATE-FE). Ambos realizados nas frequências de 500 Hz e 2000 Hz no equipamento Smart-EP Intelligent Hearing Systems®. Resultados: Houve diferença entre os exames quanto à ocorrência de resíduo auditivo, pois, um número significativo de indivíduos apresentou respostas ausentes no PEATE-FE e respostas presentes no PEAEE. Não ocorreu associação entre a presença de resíduo auditivo, o grau da perda e a idade da criança com o tipo de intervenção terapêutica. Conclusão: A presença de resíduo auditivo, a classificação do grau da perda e a idade da criança não influenciaram na conduta terapêutica final. (AU)

Introduction: Hearing impairment in children debilitates the acquisition and development of oral language, which can be minimized with diagnosis and confirmation of deafness in the first months of life. Auditory Steady State Evoked Potential (ASSEP) analysis stands out from others auditory evoked potentials due to the ease of recording, objectivity of the answers, stimulation of several frequencies simultaneously, in both ears, besides the identification of residual hearing. Purpose: Determine the contribution of the ASSEP for the therapeutic definition (election of cochlear implantation or hearing aid device) in hearing rehabilitation of children. Methods: The records of 20 children aged one month to three years with severe or profound bilateral neurosensory hearing loss, who were submitted to ASSEP and specific frequency brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) analysis were analyzed. Both tests performed at frequencies of 500 Hz and 2000 Hz using the equipment Smart-EP Intelligent Hearing Systems®. Results: There was difference between the exams regarding the occurrence of residual hearing, since a significant number of individuals had absent responses on the BAEP and present responses on the ASSEP. There was no association between the presence of residual hearing, degree of hearing loss and the child's age with the type of therapeutic intervention. Conclusion: The presence of residual hearing, classification of the degree of loss and child's age exerted no influence on the final conduct. (AU)

Introducción: La deficiencia auditiva en niños hace daño a la adquisición y el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, que se puede minimizar con el diagnóstico y confirmación de la sordera en los primeros meses de vida. El Potencial Evocado de Estado Estable (PEAEE) se destaca de los demás potenciales evocados auditivos por la facilidad de registro, objetividad de las respuestas, estimulación de varias frecuencias simultáneamente, en ambos oídos, además de la identificación de audición residual. Objetivo: Verificar la contribución del PEAEE para la definición de las terapéuticas adoptadas (elección de implantación coclear o audífono) en la rehabilitación auditiva de niños. Método: Fueron analizados los registros de 20 niños de un mes a tres años de edad con pérdida auditiva sensorineural de grado severo o profundo bilateral y que fueron sometidas al PEAEE y al potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por frecuencia específica (PEATE-FE). Ambos se realizaron en las frecuencias de 500 Hz y 2000 Hz en el equipo Smart-EP Intelligent Hearing Systems®. Resultados: Hubo diferencia entre los exámenes con respecto a la ocurrencia de residuo auditivo, dado que, un número significativo de sujetos presentaron respuestas ausentes en PEATE-FE y respuestas presentes en PEAEE. No hubo asociación entre la presencia de residuo auditivo, el grado de pérdida y la edad del niño con el tipo de intervención terapéutica. Conclusión: La presencia de residuo auditivo, clasificación del grado de pérdida y edad del niño no influyeron en la conducta final. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem , Hearing Loss/therapy , Correction of Hearing Impairment , Retrospective Studies , Cochlear Implantation , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss, Bilateral/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Language Development
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(1): 24-29, mar. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431949


Introducción: El envejecimiento de la población, así como la ampliación en las indicaciones de implantación, hace que cada día haya más pacientes implantados mayores de 65 años, lo que supone un reto a nivel de ajuste y optimización auditiva. Se ha constatado que la implantación coclear en pacientes de edad avanzada generalmente conduce a una mejoría, tanto auditiva como en la neurocognición, la depresión, el aislamiento social, la actividad física y la calidad de vida. Objetivo: Los objetivos de este estudio son valorar las características de los pacientes implantados a partir de 65 años en un centro terciario, analizar los beneficios e identificar particularidades clínicas en este grupo de pacientes. Material y Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo con un seguimiento de 5 años postcirugía de pacientes con implante MED-EL y se realizó una visita preoperatoria y un seguimiento con audiometría en campo libre y audiometría verbales postquirúrgica al año, 3 años y 5 años postquirúrgico. Resultados: Se incluyó a 16 pacientes implantados unilateralmente. La edad media inicio pérdida fue de 36,75 años. La edad media de cirugía fue de 71,44 años. Los resultados auditivos fueron satisfactorios, con una media de audiometría en campo libre de 44,33 dB al año, 43,33 dB a los 3 años y 41,66 dB a los 5 años. El resultado en las audiometrías verbales (test de bisílabos y test de frases) fue mejor en el grupo de pacientes con adaptación bimodal. Conclusión: En nuestra experiencia, la implantación coclear en ≥65 años sí que logra mejorar las capacidades auditivas medidas, tanto en audiometría de campo libre como en pruebas verbales. La adaptación bimodal mejora los resultados auditivos, a pesar de la dificultad de procesamiento de los dos estímulos diferentes.

Introduction: The aging of the population, as well as the expansion in the indications for implantation means that every day there are more implanted patients over 65 years of age, which represents a challenge in terms of hearing adjustment and optimization. Cochlear implantation in elderly patients has been found to generally lead to improvements in hearing and neurocognition, depression, social isolation, physical activity, and quality of life. Aim: The objectives of this study are to assess the characteristics of patients over 65 years of age implanted in a tertiary center, analyze the benefits and identify clinical particularities in this group of patients. Material and Method: A retrospective study was carried out with a 5-year post-surgery follow-up of patients with a MED-EL implant, and a preoperative visit and follow-up with free-field audiometry and post-surgical speech audiometry were performed at one year, 3 years and 5 years post-surgery. Results: Sixteen unilaterally implanted patients were included. The mean age at onset of loss was 36.75 years. The mean age at surgery was 71.44 years. Hearing results were satisfactory, with a mean free field audiometry of 44.33 dB at one year, 43.33 dB at 3 years, and 41.66 dB at 5 years. The result in the verbal audiometries (disyllable test and sentence test) was better in the group of patients with bimodal adaptation. Conclusión: In our experience, cochlear implantation in patients ≥ 65 years of age does manage to improve hearing capacities measured both in free-field audiometry and in verbal tests. Bimodal adaptation improves auditory results, despite the difficulty ofprocessing the two different stimuli.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cochlear Implants , Cochlear Implantation , Audiometry/methods , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Hearing Tests
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986942


Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the responsiveness of cochlear nerve to electrical stimulation in patients with cochlear nerve deficiency(CND), to compare their results with those measured in implanted children with normal-sized cochlear nerves, and to investigate the characteristics of the cochlear nerve injury of children with CND. Methods: Participants were children who underwent cochlear implantation at Shandong Provincial ENT Hospital from January 2012 to January 2020, including CND group and control group. The CND group included 51 subjects (male:20; female: 31) who were diagnosed with CND and had normal cochlea. For the CND group, four children had been bilaterally implanted, the mean implantation age was (2.7±1.5) years old. The control group included 21 subjects (male:10; femal:11) who had normal-sized cochlear nerve and normal cochlea. For the control group, all children had been unilaterally implanted except one, and the mean implantation age was (3.0±1.9)years old. Three subjects in the CND group used CI422 electrode arrays, and all the other subjects used CI24RECA/CI512 electrode arrays. The electrically evoked compound action potentials (ECAP) had been tried to record for each electrode using Custom Sound EP software (v. 4.3, Cochlear Ltd.) at least six months post first activation. Furthermore, ECAP amplitude growth functions (AGF) were measured at multiple electrode locations across the electrode array. Generalized linear mixed effect models with the subject group and electrode location as the fixed effects and subjects as the random effect were used to compare results of ECAP measurements. Results: In the control group, ECAP could been recorded at all electrodes (100%), but it could only be recorded in 71% (859/1 210) electrodes in the CND group. Additionally, the percentage of electrodes with measurable ECAP decreased from electrode 1 to electrode 22 in the CND group. Compared to the control group, the ECAP thresholds significantly increased, the ECAP amplitudes and AGF slopes significantly decreased, and the ECAP latency significantly increased in the CND group (P<0.01). GLMM showed that the stimulating site had a significant effect on the ECAP threshold, maximum amplitude, and AGF slope (P<0.01), but had no significant effect on the ECAP latency (P>0.05) in the CND group. However, the stimulating site had no significant effects on the ECAP measurements in the control group. Furthermore, the functional status of cochlear nerve varied greatly among CND group. From electrode 1 to electrode 22, the ECAP thresholds gradually increased, the ECAP maximum amplitudes and AGF slopes gradually decreased in the CND group. Conclusion: Compared with patients with normal-sized cochlear nerve, not only the number of residual spinal ganglion neurons reduce,but also the function of spinal ganglion neurons damages in CND patients. The degree of cochlea nerve deterioration varies greatly among CND patients. Generally, the deterioration of cochlear nerve tends to increase from the basal to the apical site of the cochlea.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Cochlea , Cochlear Implantation/methods , Cochlear Implants , Cochlear Nerve , Electric Stimulation , Evoked Potentials, Auditory/physiology
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011057


Bilateral vestibulopathy(BVP) is one of the common diseases in the vestibular nervous system, with an incidence rate of about 4%-7% in the population, which can lead to a variety of body dysfunctions. At present, there are two main treatment methods for BVP. One is vestibular rehabilitation. However, only part of BVP patients can finally benefit from vestibular rehabilitation, and most patients will remain with permanent vestibular dysfunction. Benefiting from the maturity of cochlear implant technology, European and American countries took the lead in the development of vestibular prosthesis(VP) technology to restore the vestibular function in patients with BVP. This review will focus on the development history, principles, future applications and the related research progress of VP in China.

Humans , Bilateral Vestibulopathy/therapy , Cochlear Implants , Vestibule, Labyrinth , Cochlear Implantation , China
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982739


Electrode array misplacement is a rare complication of cochlear implant. This article reports an 11-year-old boy who was mistakenly implanted the cochlear electrode array into the superior semicircular canal during the initial cochlear implant. After the diagnosis was confirmed, he underwent a second cochlear implant and the electrode array were successfully implanted into the cochlea. This article conducted a systematic review of the literature on electrode array misplacement, and the causes of electrode array misplacement were analyzed from different implantation position.

Male , Humans , Child , Electrodes, Implanted , Reoperation , Cochlea , Cochlear Implantation , Cochlear Implants/adverse effects , Semicircular Canals/surgery
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982743


Objective:To report the experience of using CT-guided cochlear implant surgery in difficult cases such as severe inner ear deformities and anatomical abnormalities, and to discuss the application value of intraoperative CT-assisted localization in difficult cases of cochlear implant surgery. Methods:Retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 23 cases of difficult cochlear implant surgery cases completed by our team with the assistance of intraoperative CT, and collected their medical data, including preoperative imaging manifestations, surgical conditions, and intraoperative imaging images for evaluation. Results:During the study period, 23 difficult cases(27 ears) underwent cochlear implantation under the guidance of intraoperative CT, and 4 cases were bilaterally implanted. Including 6 cases of incomplete segmentation type Ⅰ(IP-Ⅰ), 1 case of incomplete segmentation type Ⅱ(IP-Ⅱ), 10 cases of incomplete segmentation type Ⅲ(IP-Ⅲ), 3 cases of common cavity deformity(CC) and 3 cases of cochlear ossification after meningitis. Facial nerve anatomy was abnormal in 9 cases, cerebrospinal fluid "blowout" was serious in 14 cases, electrode position was abnormal in 3 cases requiring intraoperative adjustment of electrode position, anatomical difficulties required intraoperative CT to assist in finding anatomical landmarks in 2 cases, and electrodes were not fully implanted in 3 cases. Conclusion:When faced with difficult cases with challenging and complex temporal bone anatomy, intraoperative CT can accurately evaluate the electrode position and provide intraoperative anatomical details, allowing immediate adjustment of the electrode position if necessary, providing safety guarantee for difficult cases of cochlear implant surgery and ensure accurate implantation of electrodes.

Humans , Cochlear Implantation/methods , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Cochlea , Cochlear Implants
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982771


Objective:The auditory and speech rehabilitation effects were assessed by the Categories of Auditory Performance(CAP) and the speech intelligibility rating scale(SIR) after cochlear implantation(CI) in prelingually elderly patients by telephone follow-up or face-to-face conversation. Methods:The clinical data of the prelingually deaf patients who underwent unilateral CI in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Shanxi People's Hospital, from December 2016 to December 2021 were collected. Thirty-eight patients were divided into Group A(SIR 1, 17 cases), Group B(SIR 2, 10 cases) and Group C(SIR 3, 11 cases) according to the preoperative SIR Score. Nineteen patients with post-lingual hearing impairment were selected as the control group(Group D, 19 cases). The effects of hearing and speech rehabilitation were evaluated using CAP and SIR Scores before surgery, 6 months after startup, and 1 year after startup. Results:There were no significant differences in CAP scores among the three groups of patients with prelingually deaf patients at 6 months and 1 year after startup(P>0.05), but there were significant differences between group A and group D at 6 months and 1 year after startup(P<0.05); the SIR Score of group A had statistical difference before surgery and 6 months after startup(P<0.05), group B had statistical difference before surgery and 1 year after startup(P<0.05), and group C and D had no statistical difference before surgery and 6 months and 1 year after startup, respectively(P>0.05). Conclusion:For the prelingually deaf elderly patients, hearing will develop rapidly 6 months after startup, and the effect of postoperative auditory rehabilitation was positively correlated with the preoperative speech ability. In the aspect of speech, the prelingually dear elderly patients who have poor preoperative speech ability could benefit more from CI early after surgery. CI is not contraindicated in prelingually deaf elderly patients, even those with poor preoperative speech function.

Humans , Aged , Cochlear Implantation/methods , Cochlear Implants , Speech Perception , Deafness/rehabilitation , Hearing Tests , Speech Intelligibility , Treatment Outcome
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2682, 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527928


RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a relação entre estilos parentais e habilidades auditivas em crianças usuárias de implante coclear. Métodos Este é um estudo analítico observacional. Os participantes foram os cuidadores principais das crianças divididos em grupo estudo (N=50) e grupo controle (N=28). As idades das crianças estavam entre 3 e 7 anos. Os indivíduos do grupo estudo forneceram uma história médica pregressa (HMP) e preencheram o Questionário de Estilos e Dimensões Parentais (QEDP) e a Escala de Integração Auditiva Significativa Infantil-Toddler (IT-MAIS) ou a Escala de Integração Auditiva Significativa (MAIS). Os sujeitos do grupo controle também forneceram um PMH e preencheram o QEDP. O teste de Mann Whitney, o coeficiente de Spearman e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis foram utilizados para análise dos dados, utilizando-se os softwares JASP 0.8 e SPSS 23. Resultados Os grupos estudo e controle não apresentam diferenças significativas em relação aos estilos parentais (p<0,05). A dimensão estilo parental autoritário e punição revelou significância estatística, com escores mais elevados para crianças com desenvolvimento auditivo alterado. Conclusão No presente estudo foi possível verificar que a prática do estilo parental autoritário com dimensões punitivas e coerção física esteve relacionada ao desenvolvimento auditivo alterado em crianças usuárias de implante coclear.

ABSTRACT Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and hearing skills in children with hearing loss who use cochlear implants. Methods This is an observational analytical study. The participants were the children's main caregivers divided into a study group (N=50) and a control group (N=28). The children's ages were between 3 and 7 years old. Subjects in the study group provided a past medical history (PMH), and completed the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) and the Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) or the Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (MAIS). Subjects in the control group also provided a PMH and completed the PSDQ. The Mann Whitney test, the Spearman coefficient, and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used for data analysis, utilizing the JASP 0.8 and SPSS 23 softwares. Results Results showed that The authoritarian parenting style and punishment dimension revealed a statistical significance, with higher scores for children with altered auditory development. Conclusion It was concluded that the practice of authoritarian parenting style with punitive dimensions and physical coercion were related to altered hearing development. Regulation dimension presented a significant correlation with hearing development. The outcome suggested the importance of psychotherapeutic strategies for caregivers who are responsible for children with hearing loss.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Parenting , Cochlear Implantation , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Family Relations , Hearing Loss , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(3): 317-324, 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522095


La hipoacusia afecta a más de 1.500 millones de personas mundialmente. Los principales medios de rehabilitación usados son los audífonos e implantes cocleares (IC). El IC eléctrico convierte el sonido en impulsos eléctricos que estimulan, directamente, a las neuronas del ganglio espiral para proveer sensación auditiva. Tiene como desventaja una amplia dispersión espacial de la corriente, limitando la resolución espectral y el rango dinámico de codificación sonoro, lo que conduce a una mala comprensión del habla en entornos ruidosos y mala apreciación de la música. En los últimos años se ha estudiado utilizar estimulación óptica en vez de eléctrica, pues emite estímulos con mayor selectividad espacial. Se han descrito IC ópticos usando luz infrarroja y otros con métodos de optogenética, estos últimos requieren de la expresión de proteínas fotosensibles inducidas por virus adenoasociados. Se ha visto que la selectividad espectral de la estimulación optogenética es indistinguible de la acústica, y permitió tasas de disparo casi fisiológicas con buena precisión temporal hasta 250 Hz de estimulación. Estudios que compararon un sistema de IC óptico con uno eléctrico concluyen que el uso de optogenética permitiría una restauración de la audición con una selectividad espectral mejorada en comparación con un IC eléctrico.

Hearing loss affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide. The main means of rehabilitation used are hearing aids and cochlear implants (CI). The electrical CI converts sound into electrical impulses that directly stimulate neurons in the spiral ganglion to provide auditory sensation; it has the disadvantage of a wide spatial dispersion of the current, limiting the spectral resolution and the dynamic range of sound coding, which leads to a poor understanding of speech in noisy environments and a poor appreciation of music. In recent years, the use of optical stimulation instead of electrical stimulation have been studied since it emits stimuli with greater spatial selectivity. Optical CIs have been described using infrared light and others using optogenetic methods, the latter requiring the expression of photosensitive proteins induced by adeno-associated viruses. The spectral selectivity of optogenetic stimulation has been found to be indistinguishable from acoustic stimulation and allowed near-physiological firing rates with good temporal accuracy up to 250 Hz stimulation. Studies comparing an optical and an electrical CI system conclude that the use of optogenetics would allow hearing restoration with improved spectral selectivity compared to an electrical CI.

Cochlear Implantation/methods , Optogenetics/methods , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation , Cochlear Implants
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522097


La electrococleografía es una técnica electrofisiológica desarrollada en modelos animales hace más de 90 años. En la actualidad se utiliza en la práctica clínica en audiolo-gía y otoneurología, ya que permite evaluar la función coclear, a través del registro del potencial microfónico coclear, y la funcionalidad del nervio auditivo por medio del registro del potencial de acción compuesto. Debido al avance de la tecnología de los implantes cocleares, actualmente existe la posibilidad de realizar mediciones clínicas a tiempo real con electrococleografía intraoperatoria, por lo que se puede monitorizar la función auditiva residual durante la inserción de los electrodos del implante coclear. En este artículo se presenta una revisión narrativa del uso y aplicación clínica de la electrococleografía en la evaluación de pacientes con implante coclear para predecir el desempeño auditivo y la percepción del habla. La literatura muestra que la electroco-cleografía es una técnica que se encuentra, plenamente, vigente para evaluar la función auditiva en pacientes usuarios de implantes cocleares. Si bien las respuestas cocleares han demostrado ser un buen predictor de los umbrales perceptuales auditivos y del habla en silencio en adultos, aún es una técnica que requiere más desarrollo para ser una herramienta clínica que permita predecir el habla en ruido y la función auditiva en niños y adultos mayores.

Electrocochleography is an electrophysiological technique developed in animal models more than 90 years ago. It is currently used in clinical practice in audiology and otoneurology, since it allows the evaluation of cochlear function, through the recording of the cochlear microphonic potentials, and the functionality of the auditory nerve by means of compound action potential recordings. Due to the advancement of cochlear implant technology, there is currently the possibility of real-time clinical measurements with intraoperative electrocochleography, so that residual hearing function can be monitored during the insertion of the cochlear implant electrodes. This article presents a narrative review of the use and clinical application of electrocochleography in the evaluation of patients with cochlear implants to predict auditory performance and speech perception. The literature shows that electrocochleography is a technique that is fully in force to assess hearing function in patients who use cochlear implants. Although cochlear responses have been shown to be a good predictor of auditory perceptual thresholds and speech in quiet in adults, it is still a technique that requires further development to become a clinical tool for predicting speech in noise and auditory function in children and older adults.

Humans , Cochlear Implants , Cochlear Implantation , Audiometry, Evoked Response/methods , Cochlea/surgery
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(4): 492-497, dic. 2022. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431941


La otitis media crónica (OMC) activa y colesteatomatosa se consideraban una contraindicación para el uso de implante coclear (IC) en el pasado. Actualmente, se han propuesto múltiples opciones quirúrgicas para el IC, de acuerdo con las características clínicas del paciente y el tipo de patología otológica prexistente. La cirugía del IC se puede realizar en un tiempo o en etapas, siendo fundamental intervenir un oído seco y estable previo a la instalación definitiva del electrodo para reducir complicaciones y obtener resultados auditivos satisfactorios. El IC es un tratamiento seguro y eficaz en pacientes con OMC. Múltiples reportes internacionales han evidenciado baja tasa de complicaciones mayores y óptimos resultados auditivos funcionales en pacientes con hipoacusia y OMC.

Supurative and cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media (COM) were considered a contraindication to cochlear implant (CI) use in the past. Currently, multiple surgical options have been proposed for CI according to the clinical characteristics of the patient and the type of pre-existing otological pathology. Cochlear implant surgery can be performed in a single time or in stages, being essential to intervene a dry and stable ear prior to the definitive installation of the electrode to reduce complications and obtain satisfactory hearing results. CI is a safe and effective treatment in patients with COM. Multiple international reports have shown a low rate of major complications and optimal functional hearing results in patients with hearing loss and COM.

Humans , Otitis Media/surgery , Cochlear Implantation/methods , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/surgery , Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear/surgery
Distúrb. comun ; 34(3): 55560, set. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415257


Introdução: O implante coclear beneficia o indivíduo com perda auditiva tanto no desenvolvimento da linguagem, quanto no aprimoramento da percepção dos sons da fala. A cirurgia do implante coclear bem-sucedida, somada à estimulação adequada e ao monitoramento correto, proporcionam um melhor desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas e de linguagem das crianças. Nesse sentido, além de controlar as variáveis de idade na cirurgia e acesso à terapia fonoaudiológica para o desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas e de linguagem, conhecer as famílias e de que maneira ela influencia no desempenho das crianças é extremamente válido, pois pode melhorar o acolhimento e direcionar melhor o aconselhamento. Objetivo: verificar a relação entre as categorias de audição e de linguagem considerando a idade na cirurgia e a relação entre as categorias de audição, linguagem e de envolvimento familiar em crianças usuárias de implante coclear. Método: A amostra estudada foi composta por 15 crianças com idade entre 2,2 e 8,3 anos. Foram utilizados questionários que mensuravam a percepção auditiva, a percepção de fala e o uso da linguagem pelas crianças. Foi aplicada também a escala de avaliação do envolvimento familiar para o auxílio na categorização das crianças a partir da audição e da linguagem. Resultados: Houve relação significante entre categorias de audição e envolvimento familiar e audição e linguagem. Não houve relação entre a idade da criança na cirurgia e as categorias de audição e de linguagem. Também não houve relação entre o envolvimento familiar e linguagem. Conclusão: A idade da criança na implantação do dispositivo não se relacionou com a classificação das categorias de audição e de linguagem. As crianças de famílias mais participativas apresentaram melhores índices de desenvolvimento auditivo.

Introduction: Cochlear implant benefits the individual with hearing loss both in language development and in improving the perception of speech sounds. Successful cochlear implant surgery, coupled with adequate stimulation and correct monitoring, provide a better development of children's hearing and language skills. In this sense, in addition to controlling the variables of age at surgery and access to speech therapy for the development of auditory and language skills, knowing the families and how it influences the children's performance is extremely valid, as it can improve the reception and better target counseling. Objective: To verify the relationship between the categories of hearing and language considering the age at surgery and the relationship between the categories of hearing, language and family involvement in children with cochlear implants. Method: The studied sample consisted of 15 children aged between 2.2 and 8.3 years. Questionnaires were used that measured auditory perception, speech perception and language use by children. The family involvement assessment scale was also applied to help categorize children based on hearing and language. Results: There was a significant relationship between hearing and family involvement and hearing and language categories. There was no relationship between the child's age at surgery and the hearing and language categories. There was also no relationship between family involvement and language. Conclusion: The child's age at device implantation was not related to the classification of hearing and language categories. Children from more participatory families presented better rates of auditory development.

Introducción: El implante coclear beneficia al individuo con pérdida auditiva tanto en el desarrollo del lenguaje como en la mejora de la percepción de los sonidos del habla. La cirugía exitosa de implante coclear, aunada a una estimulación adecuada y un correcto monitoreo, brindan un mejor desarrollo de las habilidades auditivas y del lenguaje de los niños. En este sentido, además de controlar las variables edad de la cirugía y acceso a logopedia para el desarrollo de las habilidades auditivas y del lenguaje, conocer a las familias y cómo influye en el desempeño de los niños es de gran validez, ya que puede mejorar la recepción y mejor asesoramiento de destino. Objetivo: Verificar la relación entre las categorías de audición y lenguaje considerando la edad en la cirugía y la relación entre las categorías de audición, lenguaje y envolvimiento familiar en niños con implante coclear. Método: La muestra estudiada estuvo constituida por 15 niños con edades comprendidas entre 2,2 y 8,3 años. Se utilizaron cuestionarios que midieron la percepción auditiva, la percepción del habla y el uso del lenguaje por parte de los niños. También se aplicó la escala de evaluación de la participación familiar para ayudar a categorizar a los niños en función de la audición y el lenguaje. Resultados: Hubo una relación significativa entre las categorías de audición y participación familiar y audición y lenguaje. No hubo relación entre la edad del niño en el momento de la cirugía y las categorías de audición y lenguaje. Tampoco hubo relación entre la participación familiar y el lenguaje. Conclusión: La edad del niño en el momento de la implantación del dispositivo no se relacionó con la clasificación de las categorías de audición y lenguaje. Los niños de familias más participativas presentaron mejores índices de desarrollo auditivo.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Cochlear Implantation , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation , Child Language , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hearing , Language Development
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936261


Objective: To investigate whether pre-lingual deafness adult caused by inadequate auditory compensation in childhood can benefit from cochlear implants and the related influencing factors. Methods: A total of 26 prelingual deafness as experimental group [11 males and 15 females, the age of operation was (24.5±5.7) years] and 13 postlingual deafness as control group [5 males and 8 females, the age at the time of operation was (42.2±11.4) years] were recruited. Objective assessment included hearing threshold and speech recognition rate tests while wearing cochlear implants. Subjective assessment used Nijmegen Cochlear Implant Questionnaire to assess hearing-related quality of life of subjects. The changes of hearing ability in the prelingual deafness group before and after operation and the differences with the postlingual deafness group were compared, and the correlation between speech recognition ability and the age diagnosed as severe or profound deafness, the age of hearing aid invalid, and duration of wearing cochlear implant were analyzed as factor indicators. All statistical results were analyzed by SAS 9.4 software. Results: In terms of objective indicators, the speech recognition rate of pre-lingual deafness was significantly lower than that of post-lingual deafness [(35.4±28.0)% vs (80.9±8.0)%,t=7.67, P<0.001], while there was no statistical difference in hearing threshold between the two groups [(34.8±4.0) dB HL vs (33.1±3.7) dB HL, t=1.30, P>0.05]. The indicators in the subjective questionnaire showed that the prelingual deafness group was only weaker in advanced sound perception, confidence and total mean score than the post-lingual deafness group (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference in other aspects(P>0.05), meanwhile, all indicators of the prelingual deafness group were significantly improved compared with the preoperative level (P<0.001). There was a moderate positive correlation between the hearing quality and the speech recognition rate in the prelingual deafness group(r=0.51, P=0.008). The regression analysis showed that the invalid age of hearing aid was the exact influencing factor of speech recognition rate. Conclusions: Certain prelingual deaf adults can adapt to cochlear implants and obtain different degrees of auditory assistance. Compared with the improvement of objective auditory ability assessment, the patient who received cochlear implantation gain more improvement in auditory related quality of life subjectively. The ineffective age of preoperative hearing aid is an important factor, which needs to be aroused sufficient preoperative attention.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Cochlear Implantation/methods , Cochlear Implants , Deafness/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Speech Perception
Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2538, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403546


RESUMO Objetivo descrever a incorporação da teleaudiologia na rotina de um programa público referência em implante coclear e avaliar a satisfação dos usuários e de seus familiares com a assistência híbrida. Métodos foram desenvolvidas ações que proporcionaram a conexão entre usuários e especialistas, por meio do modelo híbrido da teleaudiologia, combinando práticas remotas (síncronas/ assíncronas) e/ou atendimentos presenciais. Para verificar a satisfação dos pacientes com a teleaudiologia, foi aplicado o Questionário de Satisfação do Cliente. Resultados foram realizados 218 atendimentos remotos e 23 atendimentos presenciais coordenados, entre teleconsultas para orientação e aconselhamento, coaching de pais, terapia para reabilitação auditiva, validação dos resultados, resolução de problemas, ativação e mapeamentos, procedimentos intraoperatórios, teleconsultas com especialistas e entregas de peças de manutenção da tecnologia auditiva. Dos participantes, 36 responderam ao questionário, relataram estar muito satisfeitos com os serviços prestados de maneira geral, ou em grande parte (88,9%) e com a quantidade de atendimentos que receberam (72,2%). Este estudo sugeriu que, em algum momento durante a pandemia, a maioria dos pacientes teve suas necessidades atendidas usando teleaudiologia para cuidados continuados. Conclusão a abordagem de atendimento híbrida em audiologia foi viável, aceita e alcançou satisfação dos usuários.

ABSTRACT Purpose This article aims to describe the incorporation of teleaudiology in the routine of a highly regarded, government funded, cochlear implantation program and evaluate the satisfaction of users and their families with hybrid assistance. Methods Actions were developed that provided the connection between users and specialists, through the hybrid model of teleaudiology, combining remote practices (synchronous/asynchronous) with face-to-face care. To check patient satisfaction with teleaudiology, the Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) was applied. Results 218 remote appointments and 23 other presential attendances were coordinated, between teleconsultations, guidance and counseling; parent coaching and hearing rehabilitation validation, therapy; troubleshooting, cochlear implant first activations and mappings, intra-operative measures, teleconsultations with specialists and delivery of repaired electronic devices. Of the participants, 36 patients responded to the questionnaire and reported being very satisfied with the services provided in general or in large part (88.9%) and with the amount of care they received (72.2%).This study suggested that, at some point during the pandemic, most patients had their needs met using teleaudiology long term care. Conclusion The hybrid approach to audiology care was feasible, accepted and achieved user satisfaction.

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Satisfaction , Telemedicine/statistics & numerical data , Remote Consultation/statistics & numerical data , Cochlear Implantation , Patient Care , Health Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Audiology , Physical Distancing , COVID-19
Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2491, 2022. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393984


RESUMO Objetivo identificar se as diferenças no desenvolvimento da aquisição das habilidades auditivas iniciais em crianças após o implante coclear, unilateral ou bilateral, podem ser evidenciadas durante o primeiro ano de uso. Métodos estudo longitudinal retrospectivo de levantamento de prontuários. Foram incluídas crianças que receberam o implante coclear antes dos 4 anos de idade, separadas em dois grupos. O primeiro, composto por crianças implantadas unilateralmente e o segundo, por crianças implantadas bilateral e simultaneamente. Foram coletados os dados referentes à escala IT-MAIS (Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale) antes da cirurgia e três meses, seis meses e um ano após a cirurgia. Esses resultados foram comparados com os marcadores clínicos já existentes. Além disso, as famílias foram classificadas segundo a Escala de Avaliação de Envolvimento Familiar. Resultados foram avaliados os resultados de 29 crianças com implante coclear bilateral e 30 crianças com implante coclear unilateral. A pontuação obtida no IT-MAIS dos dois grupos foi semelhante aos marcadores clínicos. Quanto à Escala de Avaliação de Envolvimento Familiar, houve diferença, mostrando que as famílias do grupo dos bilaterais estavam mais envolvidas. Conclusão no primeiro ano de uso do implante coclear, o desenvolvimento da aquisição das habilidades auditivas iniciais das crianças implantadas bilateralmente não diferiu do desenvolvimento de crianças implantadas unilateralmente, sugerindo que as habilidades auditivas iniciais são passíveis de desenvolvimento com entrada auditiva unilateral.

ABSTRACT Purpose To identify the development of initial auditory skills in children with unilateral and bilateral cochlear implant during the first year of use. Methods Retrospective longitudinal study of medical records of children who received cochlear implant under the age of four, separated into two groups. The first, composed of children implanted unilaterally and the second, by children implanted and simultaneously. Data on the IT-MAIS scale (Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale) were collected before surgery and three months, six months and one year after surgery. These results were compared with the existing Clinical Markers. In addition, the family's classification was noted, according to the Family Involvement Assessment Scale. Results The data of 29 children with bilateral cochlear implant and 30 children with unilateral cochlear implant were evaluated. The IT-MAIS score of the two groups was similar to the Clinical Markers. Regarding the Family Involvement Assessment Scale, there was a difference, showing that families in the bilateral group were more involved. Conclusion In the first year of use of the cochlear implant, the development of children implanted bilaterally did not differ from the development of children implanted unilaterally, suggesting that initial auditory skills are likely to develop with unilateral auditory input.

Humans , Child , Speech Perception , Cochlear Implantation/rehabilitation , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural , Language Tests , Surveys and Questionnaires
Med. UIS ; 34(2): 19-28, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375816


RESUMEN Introducción: La cirugía del implante coclear es un método efectivo para la rehabilitación auditiva de los pacientes con hipoacusia neurosensorial severo-profunda, en los que el rendimiento con los audífonos no es suficiente. Aunque la implantación coclear es una técnica segura, es importante conocer sus posibles complicaciones, entre ellas la infección del colgajo o la parálisis facial. Objetivo: Analizar las complicaciones de los pacientes con implante coclear intervenidos en un hospital universitario terciario: El Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia, desde enero de 2001 a marzo de 2020. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo de las complicaciones en una muestra de 134 pacientes con implantación coclear en el Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia, en un periodo de 20 años. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Para demostrar diferencias significativas entre variables empleamos el programa R. Se utilizó el test χ2 para proporciones, considerando significativo un valor p < 0.05. Resultados: 134 pacientes fueron implantados. La frecuencia global de complicaciones fue del 17.9%, 4.5% fueron complicaciones mayores y 13.4% fueron complicaciones menores. La complicación más frecuente fue la desactivación o inserción incompleta de algunos electrodos. Discusión: Las proporciones de complicaciones del estudio entran dentro de los rangos encontrados en la literatura (14.9-18.3%). La frecuencia de complicaciones mayores es inferior al 5%, proporción similar a la obtenida en nuestra serie. Conclusiones: El implante coclear es una técnica quirúrgica segura para la rehabilitación de pacientes con hipoacusia severa, aunque no está exenta de riesgo, por lo que se debe conocer sus potenciales complicaciones. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2):19-28.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Cochlear implantation is an effective method for hearing rehabilitation in patients with severe neurosensory hearing loss in which hearing aids do not provide good discrimination. Although cochlear implantation is a safe technique, adverse effects related to surgery have been described, including flap infection or facial paralysis. Objective: To analyze the complications of cochlear implanted patients in a tertiary university hospital: The Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset of Valencia, from January 2001 to March 2020. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study of the complications in a sample of 134 patients with cochlear implant surgery in The Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset of Valencia in a period of 20 years. Descriptive statistics were used in the statistical analysis. To demonstrate significant differences between variables we used the R program. The χ2 test was used for proportions, considering significant a p value < 0.05. Results: 134 patients were implanted. The global frequency of complications was 17.9%, 4.5% were major complications and 13.4% were minor complications. The most frequent complication was inactivation or incomplete insertion of some electrodes. Discussion: Our complication rate is within the range published in the literature (14.9-18.3%). The major complication rate is 5% which is similar to our series. Conclusions: The cochlear implant is a safe surgical technique for the rehabilitation of patients with severe neurosensory hearing loss, although it is not riskless, therefore, one must know that complication are possible. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2):19-28

Humans , Male , Female , Postoperative Complications , Cochlear Implants , Cochlear Implantation , Hearing Loss
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 87(3): 353-365, May-Jun. 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285686


Abstract Introduction Tinnitus is a frequent symptom in cochlear implant patients, often reported as persistent and disabling in implant candidates. Tinnitus is rarely considered in the preoperative evaluation of patients who are eligible for cochlear implantation. Many studies have shown that a cochlear implant leads to a significant change in the perception of tinnitus. Objective To identify evidence in the scientific literature indicating that cochlear implant in eligible patients with tinnitus can improve tinnitus perception. Methods One hundred forty articles were found from nine databases, and 20 articles from the gray literature mentioned the relationship between cochlear implant and tinnitus perception in patients eligible for cochlear implant. The PICOS (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome) strategy, was used to define the eligibility criteria. The studies that met the inclusion criteria for this second step were included in a qualitative synthesis, and each type of study was analyzed using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal checklist for quasi-experimental studies and the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal checklist for randomized clinical trials. Results The full texts of 11 articles were read, and 6 studies were selected for the meta-analysis. The total sample size in the evaluated articles was 136 patients with tinnitus who were eligible for cochlear implantation. Conclusions Taken together, these findings support the feasibility of cochlear implantation to reduce the perception of tinnitus, thus providing a new perspective in the treatment of tinnitus in patients with hearing loss who are candidates for cochlear implantation.

Resumo Introdução Zumbido é um sintoma frequente em pacientes com implante coclear, comumente relatado como persistente e incapacitante em candidatos ao procedimento. Entretanto, o zumbido raramente é considerado na avaliação pré-operatória de pacientes elegíveis para o implante coclear. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado que o implante coclear leva a uma mudança significativa na percepção do zumbido. Objetivo Identificar evidências na literatura científica que indiquem que o implante coclear em pacientes com zumbido pode melhorar a percepção. Método Foram encontrados 140 artigos em nove bases de dados e 20 artigos da literatura cinzenta mencionaram a relação entre o implante coclear e a percepção do zumbido em pacientes elegíveis para o procedimento. A estratégia PICOS (população, intervenção, comparação e desfecho) foi usada para definir os critérios de elegibilidade. Os estudos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão para esta segunda etapa foram incluídos em uma síntese qualitativa e cada tipo de estudo foi analisado com a critical appraisal checklist for quasi-experimental studies e a critical appraisal checklist for randomized clinical trials do Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados Foram lidos os textos completos de 11 artigos e selecionados 6 estudos para a metanálise. O tamanho total da amostra dos artigos avaliados foi de 136 pacientes com zumbido, elegíveis para o implante coclear. Conclusões Em conjunto, esses achados apoiam a viabilidade do implante coclear para reduzir a percepção do zumbido, proporcionam uma nova perspectiva no tratamento do zumbido em pacientes com deficiência auditiva candidatos a esse procedimento.

Humans , Speech Perception , Tinnitus/surgery , Cochlear Implants , Cochlear Implantation , Deafness/surgery , Hearing Loss/surgery , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Treatment Outcome
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