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Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(2): e3544, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408393


Introducción: La elevación de seno maxilar con implante dental simultáneo, sin el uso de substitutos óseos, ha retomado la teoría del potencial de neoformación ósea, que el coágulo de sangre alojado bajo la membrana de Schneider por sí solo presenta. Excluyendo así la necesidad de materiales exógenos. Objetivo: Exponer la efectividad de la elevación de seno maxilar con implante dental simultáneo, sin el uso de injerto, mediante la evaluación de la cantidad de ganancia ósea vertical. Presentación de casos: Caso 1: Paciente de 62 años, género femenino, que fue sometida a una elevación de seno maxilar sin injerto e implante dental simultáneo, con técnica de ventana lateral debido a altura ósea reducida de 5,24 mm. Luego del período de seguimiento tomográfico de 12 meses, después de la carga protésica, se logró una altura ósea vertical de 10,2 mm, lo que dio como resultado una ganancia ósea vertical de 4,96 mm. Caso 2: Paciente de 48 años, género femenino, que fue sometida a una elevación de seno maxilar sin injerto e implante dental simultáneo, con técnica transalveolar, mediante el uso de piezoeléctrico debido a una altura ósea reducida de 8,33 mm. Luego del período de seguimiento radiográfico de 4 meses, antes de la carga protésica, se logró una altura ósea vertical de 11,55 mm, lo que dio como resultado una ganancia ósea vertical de 3,19 mm. Conclusiones: Con base en estos 2 informes de casos, la elevación de seno maxilar e implante dental simultáneo sin injerto se asocian con la reducción de la morbilidad quirúrgica, menor probabilidad de procesos infecciosos y menor costo de la cirugía. Por lo tanto, puede considerarse una alternativa quirúrgica para la colocación de implantes en el maxilar posterior superior debido a deficiencias óseas verticales, independientemente de la técnica (lateral o transalveolar(AU)

Introduction: Maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implantation without using bone substitutes, reapproaches the theory about the bone neoformation potential of the blood clot housed under the Schneider membrane, all by itself, thus excluding the need to use exogenous materials. Objective: Discuss the effectiveness of graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implant placement through an evaluation of the amount of vertical bone gain. Case presentation: Case 1: Female 62-year-old patient undergoing graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implantation by lateral window technique due to a reduced bone height of 5.24 mm. After a 12-month tomographic follow-up period subsequent to prosthetic loading, a 10.2 mm vertical bone height was achieved, resulting in 4.96 mm vertical bone gain. Case 2: Female 48-year-old patient undergoing graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implantation by transalveolar technique using a piezoelectric generator due to a reduced bone height of 8.33 mm. After a 4-month radiographic follow-up period, before prosthetic loading, an 11.55 mm vertical bone height was achieved, resulting in 3.19 mm vertical bone gain. Conclusions: According to these two case reports, graftless maxillary sinus lifting with simultaneous dental implantation is associated to reduced surgical morbidity, a lesser probability of infectious processes and lower surgical costs. It may therefore be considered to be a surgical alternative for implant placement in the posterior maxilla due to vertical bone deficiencies, regardless of the technique used (lateral or transalveolar(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Dental Implantation/methods , Sinus Floor Augmentation/methods , Aftercare , Costs and Cost Analysis
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 271-277, mar. 2021.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385727


La técnica de autotrasplante dental se ideó como opción terapéutica ante la pérdida o ausencia de dientes por traumatismos, caries, agenesias, exfoliación temprana, iatrogenias, u otros factores. Consiste en extraer un diente desde su posición original para implantarlo en un solo acto quirúrgico en una zona edéntula, sea ésta un alveolo postextracción o alveolo confeccionado quirúrgicamente. Un resultado exitoso, requiere una meticulosa selección de candidatos, para esto, se debe considerar la ausencia de patologías y condiciones de orden local o sistémico que dificulten una adecuada cicatrización de heridas y reparación tisular. Nuevas herramientas para facilitar éxito clínico, como la planificación y simulación virtual, junto con la impresión de prototipos en tres dimensiones (3D), permitirían optimizar posibles osteotomías y una implantación del diente donante de manera fácil y en tiempos quirúrgicos mínimos, favoreciendo la disminución de la complejidad quirúrgica, además de la reparación y regeneración de tejidos pulpares y periodontales. El objetivo de este artículo es reunir una serie de consideraciones para optimizar la técnica de autotrasplante dental.

The dental autotransplantation technique was devised as a therapeutic option for the loss or absence of teeth due to trauma, caries, agenesis, early exfoliation, iatrogenesis, or other factors. It consists of extracting a tooth from its original position to implant it in a single surgical act in an edentulous area, be it a post-extraction socket or a surgically made socket. A successful result requires meticulous selection of candidates, for this, the absence of pathologies and local or systemic conditions that hinder adequate wound healing and tissue repair must be considered. New tools to facilitate clinical success,such as planning and virtual simulation, together with the printing of prototypes in three dimensions (3D), would allow possible osteotomies and an implantation of the donor tooth in an easy way and in minimal surgical times, favoring the decrease of surgical complexity, in addition to the repair and regeneration of pulp and periodontal tissues. The objective of this article is to gather a series of considerations to optimize the dental autotransplantation technique.

Humans , Dental Implants , Dental Implantation/methods , Computer Simulation , Computer-Aided Design , Surgery, Computer-Assisted/methods , Printing, Three-Dimensional
Medisan ; 25(1)ene.-feb. 2021. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1154856


Los implantes dentales son una opción de restauración estética, funcional y armónica, cuya tasa de éxito es superior a 95 %. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 24 años de edad, atendida en la consulta de Ortodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente Mártires del Moncada de Santiago de Cuba, quien fue remitida desde el Servicio de Prótesis Estomatológica, con el fin de lograr el espacio adecuado para colocarle un implante, pues desde los 12 años de edad aproximadamente había perdido un diente a causa de caries. La restauración protésica mediante el implante dental proporcionó un excelente resultado.

Dental implants are an option of cosmetic, functional and harmonic repairs whose rate of success is higher than 95 %. The case report of a 24 years patient is presented. She was assisted in the Orthodontics Service of Mártires del Moncada Teaching Provincial Stomatological Clinic in Santiago de Cuba and was referred from the Stomatological Prosthesis Service, with the purpose of achieving the appropriate space to place an implant, because she had lost a tooth due to dental decay since she was approximately 12 years. The prosthetic repair by means of dental implant provided an excellent result.

Osseointegration , Dental Implantation/methods , Orthodontics , Prostheses and Implants , Dentistry
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(4): e3016, Oct.-Dec. 2020. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144446


ABSTRACT Introduction: The passivity of prosthetic components is one of the most important prerequisites in oral implant rehabilitation for maintenance of osseointegration. Objective: Thus, the present study analyzed in vitro the accuracy of different molding techniques in prosthetic rehabilitation on angled implants installed in an anatomical model of a metallic edentulous maxilla. Methods: Laboratory experiment study. A reference metal model of an edentulous maxilla was used. A metal framework was used for the misadaptation assessment. Three groups (n= 10) were compared and impressions were made with vinyl-polysiloxane and casts were obtained with type IV stone: (1) Impression with a metallic open-tray without splinted transfers; (2) Impression with a metallic open-tray and metal splinted transfers; (3) Impression with a multifunctional guide and metal splinted transfers. Misadaptation was assessed with the aid of a stereomicroscope and measuring software. Data were submitted to ANOVA with Welch correction and the Games-Howell post-hoc test with the significance set at 5 percent. Results: Misadaptation (µm) was 110,23 ± 30,94, 37,53 ± 3,92, and 37,69 ± 2,79 for the the groups. Statistically significant differences between impression with a metallic open-tray with and without splinted transfers were observed (p < 0,001). No significant differences between the other types of impression. Conclusions: Impression with a metallic open-tray without splinted transfers and with a multifunctional guide splinted with metal transfers were the most precise methods resulting in higher accuracy in transferred implants(AU)

RESUMEN Introducción: La pasividad de los componentes protésicos es uno de los prerrequisitos más importantes para el mantenimiento de la osteointegración en la rehabilitación oral sobre implantes. Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro la precisión de diferentes técnicas de impresión en rehabilitación sobre implantes inclinados instalados en un modelo anatómico de un maxilar metálico desdentado. Métodos: Estudio de laboratorio de tipo experimental. Se utilizó un modelo metálico de referencia de un maxilar desdentado. Fue utilizada una barra metálica para la evaluación de la desadaptación. Se compararon tres grupos (n = 10), se realizaron impresiones con polivinilsiloxano y se obtuvieron modelos con yeso piedra tipo IV: (1) impresión con una cubeta metálica abierta sin unión de los transferentes; (2) impresión con una cubeta metálica abierta y unión de los transferentes con cilindros metálicos; (3) impresión con una guía multifuncional y unión de los transferentes con cilindros metálicos. La desadaptación se evaluó con la ayuda de un microscopio estereoscópico y un software de medición. Los datos se enviaron a ANOVA con la corrección de Welch y la prueba post-hoc de Games-Howell con la significación establecida en 5 por ciento. Resultados: La desadaptación (µm) fue de 110,23 ± 30,94; 37,53 ± 3,92 y 37,69 ± 2,79 para los grupos, respectivamente. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la impresión con cubeta abierta metálica con y sin unión de los transferentes (p <0,001). No hubo diferencias significativas entre los otros tipos de impresiones. Conclusiones: La impresión con cubeta abierta metálica sin unión de los transferentes y con una guía multifuncional con unión de los transferentes con cilindros metálicos fueron los métodos más precisos que dieron como resultado una mayor precisión en la transferencia de la posición de los implantes(AU)

Humans , Dental Implantation/methods , Dental Impression Materials/adverse effects , Dental Materials/therapeutic use
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(3): 325-331, set. 2019. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012431


RESUMEN: Los implantes subperiósticos (ISP) han sido relegados poco a poco en favor de los implantes endóseos debido a la aparición de implantes cortos, técnicas all-on-4, elevaciones sinusales, lateralizaciones y transposición del nervio dentario inferior, colocación de implantes en arbotantes anatómicos en el maxilar superior y de modernas técnicas de regeneración óseas. El objetivo del presente artículo es el de realizar una revisión de la evolución que han ido experimentando los ISP desde su invención en 1943, así como exponer una actualización de estos, los Ranc-Implants, mediante la presentación de un caso clínico. Los Ranc-Implants suponen una alternativa viable en casos de atrofias severas de los maxilares que, en otros casos, requerirían procedimientos de regeneración óseos avanzados para la inserción de implantes convencionales.

ABSTRACT: Subperiosteal implants (ISP) have slowly been downgraded, in favor of endosseous implants, short implants, all-on-4 techniques, sinus elevations, lateralization and transposition of the inferior alveolar nerve, anatomical buttresses in the maxilla, as well as modern bone regeneration techniques. The aim of this article is to review the evolution of ISPs since their invention in 1943, and present an update of these techniques, Ranc-Implants, by presenting a clinical case. Ranc-Implants represent a viable alternative in cases of severe atrophy of the jaws that, in other cases, would require advanced bone regeneration procedures for the insertion of conventional implants.

Humans , Male , Aged , Dental Implants , Dental Implantation/methods , Radiography , Radiography, Panoramic , Mandible/diagnostic imaging
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 33: e046, 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011657


Abstract: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the association between the different factors of loading protocols and the long-term stability of micro-screws from biomechanical and histological viewpoints. Searches were performed on PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Wanfang and CNKI databases for animal experiments comparing loading protocols and the long-term stability of micro-screws. Among 1011 detected papers, 16 studies met the eligibility criteria and were selected for analysis. Most studies showed medium methodological quality for evaluation of micro-screws' long-term stability. Five studies reported that loading would not destroy the long-term stability of micro-screws. Three studies indicated that low-intensity immediate loading or a 3-week minimal healing time was acceptable. Two studies reported that the loading magnitude was a controversial issue with regard to the micro-screws' long-term stability. Two studies suggested that counterclockwise loading could decrease the long-term stability of micro-screws. In conclusion, immediate loading below 100g force, healing time greater than 3 weeks, regular loading below 200g force and a clockwise direction of force supported the long-term stability of micro-screws. Further studies relating to the combination of varying loading conditions will be needed.

Animals , Bone Screws/standards , Dental Implants/standards , Dental Implantation/methods , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/methods , Reference Values , Time Factors , Wound Healing , Biomechanical Phenomena , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Models, Animal , Dental Implantation/instrumentation , Equipment Design , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 23(5): 93-101, Sept.-Oct. 2018. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-975020


Abstract Introduction: Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is the therapy of choice to correct skeletal transverse dimension in children and adolescents, associating orthopedic and dental effects. In an attempt to prevent the undesirable dentoalveolar effects and optimize the potential of skeletal expansion in individuals in advanced stages of skeletal maturation, the miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE) was proposed by Lee et al. in 2010. Objective: This paper presents a systematized protocol for selection of miniscrews indicated for MARPE, by the evaluation of cone-beam computed tomographies (CBCT). Variables related with the bone and soft tissue thicknesses at the palatal regions of interest, as well as in relation to the fixation rings of miniscrews of the palatal expander are analyzed and discussed to provide better performance in the clinical practice.

Resumo Introdução: a expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) é a terapia de escolha para a correção da dimensão transversa esquelética em crianças e adolescentes, associando-se efeitos ortopédicos e dentários. Com a finalidade de prevenir os efeitos dentoalveolares indesejáveis e otimizar o potencial de expansão esquelética em indivíduos com estágios avançados de maturação esquelética, a técnica de expansão rápida da maxila assistida por mini-implantes (MARPE) foi proposta por Lee e colaboradores em 2010. Objetivo: o presente estudo apresenta um protocolo sistematizado para seleção de mini-implantes indicados para a MARPE, mediante avaliação de imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC). Variáveis relacionadas à espessura de tecido ósseo e tecido mole nas regiões de interesse do palato, bem como em relação ao anel de fixação dos mini-implantes do parafuso expansor, são analisadas e discutidas para proporcionar melhor desempenho na prática clínica.

Humans , Bone Screws , Palatal Expansion Technique/instrumentation , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/methods , Malocclusion/therapy , Clinical Protocols , Dental Casting Technique , Dental Implantation/instrumentation , Dental Implantation/methods , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Malocclusion/diagnostic imaging
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 23(5): 39.e1-39.e13, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-975019


Abstract Introduction: The selection of appropriate sites for miniscrew insertion is critical for clinical success. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate how interradicular spaces measured on panoramic radiograph compare with Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), and how crowding can influence the presence of available space for miniscrew insertion, in order to define a new "safe zones" map. Methods: A total of 80 pre-treatment panoramic radiographs and 80 CBCT scans with corresponding digital models were selected from the archives of the department of Dentistry, Aarhus University. Crowding was measured on digital models, while interradicular spaces mesial to the second molars were measured on panoramic radiographs and CBCTs. For panoramic radiographs, a magnification factor was calculated using tooth widths measured on digital models. Statistical analyses were performed to investigate the correlation between the amount of crowding and the available interradicular space. Visual maps showing the amount of interradicular spaces measured were drawn. Results: The most convenient interradicular spaces are those between the second molar and the first premolar in the mandible, and between the central incisors in the maxilla. However, some spaces were revealed to be influenced by crowding. Conclusions: Calibration of panoramic radiographs is of utmost importance. Generally, panoramic radiographs underestimate the available space. Preliminary assessment of miniscrew insertion feasibility and the related selection of required radiographs can be facilitated using the new "safe zone" maps presented in this article.

Resumo Introdução: a seleção de locais apropriados para a inserção de mini-implantes é crítica para o sucesso clínico. Objetivo: os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar as medições de espaços inter-radiculares feitas em radiografias panorâmicas e compará-las com as medições feitas com tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), além de avaliar como o apinhamento pode influenciar na disponibilidade de espaços para inserção dos mini-implantes, no intuito de definir um novo mapa de "áreas seguras". Métodos: foram selecionadas, nos arquivos do departamento de Ortodontia da Aarhus University, 80 radiografias panorâmicas pré-tratamento e 80 imagens de TCFC com os modelos digitais correspondentes. O apinhamento foi medido nos modelos digitais, enquanto os espaços inter-radiculares mesiais aos segundos molares foram medidos nas radiografias panorâmicas e na TCFC. O fator de magnificação das radiografias panorâmicas foi calculado utilizando-se as larguras dentárias medidas nos modelos digitais. Análises estatísticas foram realizadas para investigar a correlação entre a quantidade de apinhamento e o espaço inter-radicular disponível. Foram desenhados mapas visuais mostrando a quantidade dos espaços inter-radiculares medidos. Resultados: os espaços inter-radiculares mais adequados são aqueles entre o segundo molar e o primeiro pré-molar inferior, e entre os incisivos centrais superiores. Porém, verificou-se que alguns espaços são influenciados pelo apinhamento. Conclusões: A calibração das radiografias panorâmicas é de suma importância, pois, geralmente, as radiografias panorâmicas subestimam o espaço disponível. A avaliação preliminar da viabilidade de inserção dos mini-implantes e a seleção das radiografias necessárias para isso podem ser facilitadas utilizando-se os novos mapas de "áreas seguras" aqui apresentados.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Bone Screws , Dental Arch/diagnostic imaging , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/methods , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Calibration , Radiography, Panoramic , Retrospective Studies , Dental Arch/anatomy & histology , Dental Implantation/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging , Molar/anatomy & histology
ImplantNewsPerio ; 3(3): 491-503, mai.-jun. 2018. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-905514


Este relato de caso demonstra a utilização de implantes cerâmicos de zircônia na região do remanescente radicular cariado 21, extraído atraumaticamente. O implante cerâmico traz uma nova opção para as reabilitações em regiões em que a estética é essencial. Como método de preenchimento alveolar foi utilizado L-Plasma Rico em Fibrina (L-PRF), juntamente com um material aloplástico biocompatível e homogêneo, que tem sido largamente difundido na Odontologia. A instalação imediata da coroa temporária realizada logo após o procedimento de enxertia fez com que todo o alvéolo em sua porção cervical fosse ocupado, servindo de proteção e vedação para o enxerto de L-PRF e o biomaterial inserido na porção vestibular do alvéolo, bem como devolvendo a função estética e bem-estar do paciente. Um planejamento virtual adequado e a preservação das estruturas de sustentação no momento cirúrgico, bem como a utilização dos implantes de zircônia em dentes de região anterior em condições desfavoráveis, aumentam a previsibilidade, sendo uma alternativa de sucesso para a reabilitação com implantes.

This case report demonstrates the use of zirconia dental implants for a decayed, atraumatically extracted tooth # 21. The ceramic implant brings a new option for rehabilitation in regions where aesthetics is essential. In addition, the Leukocyte Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) was added with a biocompatible alloplastic and homogeneous material, which has been widely disseminated in dentistry. The immediate installation of the temporary crown shortly after grafting procedure provided volume at the cervical portion of the alveolar socket, serving as a protection and barrier for L-PRF and the biomaterial inserted at the buccal aspect to retrieve aesthetics and well-being. Appropriate virtual planning and the preservation of supporting structures on surgery, as well as the use of the zirconia implants in anterior region under unfavorable conditions increase the predictability, being an alternative of success for implant rehabilitation.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Dental Implantation/methods , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Esthetics, Dental , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Surgery, Oral/methods , Zirconium
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 17(1): 80-90, ene.-feb. 2018. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901801


Introducción: Las elevaciones del seno maxilar traen consigo modificaciones anatómicas, que pueden influir en su funcionabilidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y anatómicamente las elevaciones sinusales realizadas y su repercusión en el éxito de los implantes posicionados. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo en 56 pacientes sometidos a elevaciones sinusales en el período comprendido desde enero 2013-enero 2015 con criterios de inclusión debidamente establecidos, en la Facultad de Estomatología Raúl González Sánchez. Cada paciente se sometió a interrogatorio, examen clínico y al análisis ortopantomográfico previo al tratamiento, y a los 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses de la intervención. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, distribución topográfica, técnica quirúrgica implementada, material de relleno, altura sinusal, nivel óseo y complicaciones. Resultados: Predominaron pacientes del sexo femenino (60,7 por ciento), con edades comprendidas entre 30-39 años (60,7 por ciento). La tasa total de éxito a 2 años de implantación dental fue 92,1 por ciento. La reducción final en altura sinusal promedio en técnica de ventana lateral fue la mayor (10,1 mm). La mejor relación altura injerto-longitud de implante se obtuvo con beta fosfato tricálcico (1,66). La perforación de membrana menor de 5mm fue la complicación transoperatoria más registrada (28,6 por ciento). Conclusiones: La técnica de ventana lateral exhibe mejores resultados en la reducción de la altura sinusal. El relleno con betafosfato tricálcico muestra mejor relación altura de injerto-longitud del implante. Los resultados de reducción en altura se mantienen estables tras 12 meses y la perforación de membrana sinusal es la complicación más usual(AU)

Introduction: Elevations of the maxillary sinus lead to anatomical modifications, which can influence on its function. Objective: To characterize sinus elevations from the clinical and anatomical point of view, and comment on their impact on the success of positioned implants. Material and Method: A descriptive prospective study was conducted in 56 patients who underwent sinus elevations with very well established inclusion criteria in Raúl González Sánchez Faculty of Odontology from January 2013 to January 2015. Each patient was interviewed, and submitted to a clinical exam. Also, an orthopantomography analysis was made before treatment, and 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after the intervention. Variables such as age, sex, topographic distribution, implemented surgical technique, padding material, sinus height, bone level, and complications were analyzed. Results:Female patients predominated (60,7 percent), aging from 30-39 years (60,7 percent). The overall success rate at 2 years following implantation was 92,1 percent. The final reduction of average sinus height with the lateral window technique was the highest (10,1 mm). The best relationship in terms of height and length of graft was obtained with beta-tricalcium phosphate (1,66). Membrane perforation smaller than 5mm was the most recorded intraoperative complication (28,6 percent). Conclusions: The lateral window technique exhibits better results in the reduction of sinus height. Padding with beta-tricalcium phosphate shows a better relationship in terms of height and length of graft. The results in height reduction are stable after 12 months, and sinus membrane perforation is the most common complication(AU)

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Dental Implantation/methods , Sinus Floor Augmentation/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
ImplantNewsPerio ; 3(1): 25-37, jan.-fev. 2018. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-881395


A tela de titânio é um recurso importante e amplamente utilizado em diversos tipos de enxertos ósseos. Contudo, apresenta um alto índice de exposição, o que pode comprometer total ou parcialmente o tratamento. Nesse contexto, é importante o profissional compreender diferentes formas de lidar com essa intercorrência, possibilitando o melhor prognóstico possível do enxerto, além de diminuir o desconforto do paciente. O presente trabalho apresenta um caso clínico de enxerto particulado com tela de titânio na região anterior da maxila, com exposição precoce e persistente do enxerto, mesmo frente a diferentes intervenções. O relato descreve as abordagens envolvidas em diferentes momentos da exposição e discute os aspectos teóricos e práticos envolvidos, incluindo a etiologia, os biomateriais utilizados, sua relação com exposições ao meio bucal e as prováveis razões pela quais o enxerto não apresentou perda significante de volume, mesmo após 41 dias exposto ao meio bucal.

Titanium mesh is an important and widely used resource in several types of bone grafts. However, it has a high prevalence of exposure, which may partially or totally compromise the treatment. In this sense, it is important for the professional to understand different ways of dealing with this problem, allowing the best possible prognosis of the graft, besides reducing the discomfort of the patient. The present work presents a case report of particulate graft with titanium mesh in the anterior region of the maxilla, with early and persistent graft exposure, even in front of different interventions. This report describes the approaches involved in different times of exposition and discusses the theoretical and practical aspects involved, including etiology, the biomaterials used, its relation with exposures to the oral environment and the likely reasons why the graft did not present signifi cant loss of volume, even after 41 days exposed to the mouth.

Humans , Female , Adult , Biocompatible Materials , Bone Regeneration , Bone Transplantation/methods , Dental Implantation/methods , Particulate Matter , Titanium
ImplantNewsPerio ; 3(1): 77-94, jan.-fev. 2018. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-881654


Os implantes imediatos têm sido utilizados com bastante frequência como uma forma de tratamento para a substituição de dentes condenados. Entretanto, quando a área a ser tratada pertence à zona estética, muito cuidado deve ser tomado. Nessa região, quando o objetivo é alcançar um peri-implante com estética satisfatória, o profissional deve utilizar técnicas que, associadas ao implante imediato, evitem a formação de um defeito decorrente da remodelação pós-exodontia, ou ainda, utilizar procedimentos de melhoria tecidual nos casos em que os dentes condenados já apresentem defeitos de tecido ósseo e/ou mole ao seu redor. O objetivo deste trabalho é, através da apresentação de um caso clínico de reposição do elemento 41 condenado, com perda óssea severa e defeito mucogengival, demonstrar e discutir uma modalidade de tratamento que utiliza o implante imediato de carga imediata não funcional associado ao enxerto de tecido conjuntivo e preenchimento com osso mineral bovino particulado.

Immediate implants have been used frequently as a treatment choice for the replacement of compromised teeth. However, when the area to be treated belongs to the aesthetic zone, great care must be exercised. In this region, when the objective is to reach a peri-implant with a satisfactory esthetics, the professional must use techniques that, associated to the immediate implant, prevent the formation of a defect due to the bone remodeling after tooth loss or to use procedures of tissue improvement for cases where the compromised teeth already have defects of bone and/or soft tissue around them. The objective of this study is to present a clinical case of replacement at tooth 41 with severe bone loss and mucogingival defect to demonstrate and discuss a treatment modality that uses the immediate implant with non-functional immediate loading associated with the connective tissue graft and particulate, deproteinized bovine bone filling.

Humans , Male , Adult , Biocompatible Materials , Connective Tissue/transplantation , Dental Implantation/methods , Free Tissue Flaps/transplantation , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Tissue Transplantation/methods
ImplantNewsPerio ; 3(1): 95-104, jan.-fev. 2018. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-881694


O sucesso de uma reabilitação com implantes depende não só de sua funcionalidade, mas também de uma estética que abranja desde a coroa sobre o implante ao tecido mole que o envolve, visando à manutenção das características teciduais de um dente natural. A cirurgia plástica peri-implantar passou a ser largamente utilizada para correções de defeitos ósseos e teciduais em áreas que sofreram remodelação tecidual extensa após a extração. Apesar da grande variedade de técnicas que podem ser utilizadas, existem limitações em relação à previsibilidade do resultado. No relato de caso apresentado, foram utilizadas três técnicas de cirurgia plástica para o ganho tecidual e a melhora estética do defeito de crista apresentado entre implantes anteriores.

The success of implant rehabilitation depends not only on its functionality, but also on an aesthetic that involves the implant crown and the soft tissue that surrounds it, aiming to maintain the tissue characteristics of a natural tooth. Perimplantar plastic surgery became widely used for corrections of bone and tissue defects in areas that underwent extensive tissue remodeling after extraction. Despite the wide range of techniques that can be used, there are limitations to the predictability of the outcome. In the case report presented, three techniques of plastic surgery were used for tissue gain and esthetic improvement of the crestal defect presented between adjacent implants in the anterior region.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dental Implantation/methods , Esthetics, Dental , Free Tissue Flaps , Oral Surgical Procedures , Surgery, Oral/methods , Tissue Transplantation/methods
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 32: e86, 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-952169


Abstract This study compared the survival rate of dental implants, amount of marginal bone loss, and rates of complications (biological and prosthetic) between short implants and long implants placed after maxillary sinus augmentation. This systematic review has been registered at PROSPERO under the number (CRD42017073929). Two reviewers searched the PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, and Cochrane Library databases. Eligibility criteria included randomized controlled trials, comparisons between short implants and long implants placed after maxillary sinus augmentation in the same study, and follow-up for >6 months. The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias in randomized trials was used to assess the quality and risk of bias of the included studies. The search identified 1366 references. After applying the inclusion criteria, 11 trials including 420 patients who received 911 dental implants were considered eligible. No significant difference was observed in the survival rate [p = 0.86; risk ratio (RR): 1.08; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.46-2.52] or in the amount of marginal bone loss (p = 0.08; RR: −0.05; 95%CI: −0.10 to 0.01). However, higher rates of biological complications for long implants associated with maxillary sinus augmentation were observed (p < 0.00001; RR: 0.21; 95%CI: 0.10-0.41), whereas a higher prosthetic complication rate for short implants was noted (p = 0.010; RR: 3.15; 95%CI: 1.32-7.51). Short implant placement is an effective alternative because of fewer biological complications and similar survival and marginal bone loss than long implant placement with maxillary sinus augmentation. However, the risk of mechanical complications associated with the prostheses fitted on short implants should be considered.

Humans , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Dental Implantation/methods , Sinus Floor Augmentation/methods , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Bias , Risk Factors , Alveolar Bone Loss/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Dental Prosthesis Design , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Implantation/adverse effects , Sinus Floor Augmentation/adverse effects
Anest. analg. reanim ; 30(2): 36-48, dic. 2017. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-887214


Introducción: Con frecuencia anestesiólogos son requeridos para trabajar fuera de pabellón quirúrgico intrahospitalario. Un campo interesante es la sedación en la consulta odontológica. Esto plantea un desafío dada la lejanía de un hospital, que le impide contar con ayuda inmediata en caso de una situación de emergencia y a la angustia que genera al paciente el procedimiento, por lo que debe lograrse un perfecto balance entre seguridad y ansiolisis. Material y Método: Se estudiaron pacientes sometidos a instalación de implantes dentales. Se comparó el uso de midazolam (M) y clonazepam (C) evaluando la satisfacción del implantólogo y del paciente. Resultados: Se estudiaron 67 pacientes y al evaluar su satisfacción, ésta se catalogó como buena y muy buena con ambos fármacos. Sin embargo en la evaluación del odontólogo se encontraron diferencias, ya que en el grupo M, tres casos fueron evaluados como regulares y ningún caso en el grupo C (p < 0.05). La causa de esta mala evaluación, fue explicada por el operador debido a que estos enfermos no fueron capaces de abrir la boca de manera satisfactoria. No se registraron episodios de desaturación, hipotensión, ni crisis hipertensiva. Discusión: Se demostró que la sedación con benzodiacepinas fue útil y segura. Sin embargo, la utilización de midazolam llevaría a un estado de hipnosis más profundo que impediría al paciente abrir bien su boca, hecho que dificultó el procedimiento dental. En conclusión el clonazepam podría tener la ventaja de lograr altos niveles de satisfacción tanto del profesional como del paciente.

Background: Increasingly, anesthesiologists are often required to perform procedures outside the operating room. An interesting field is sedation in the dental office. This poses a major challenge given the remoteness of a hospital and the anxiety generated in the patient. Therefore a perfect balance must be achieved between anxiolysis and safety for each case. Materials and Methods: We prospectively studied patients undergoing dental implants. We compared the use of two benzodiazepines, midazolam (M) and clonazepam (C) and evaluated the satisfaction of both the dental surgeon and the patient. Results: We studied 67 patients. When assessing patient satisfaction the patients were classified as good and very good with both drugs. However dentists in the evaluation some differences were found between the two groups, in the M group, three cases were evaluated as fair and no cases in group C (p <0.05). The cause of this poor assessment was explained by the operator, as a result of these three patients not being able to open their mouths during the procedure. There were no episodes of desaturation, hypotension or hypertensive crisis in any of the patients. Discussion: We demonstrated that sedation with benzodiazepines in the dentist's office as a useful and safe alternative with either midazolam or clonazepam. However, the use of midazolam leads to a deeper state of hypnosis that would prevent the patient to open the mouth suffuciently, making it difficult a dental procedure. In conclusion clonazepam could have the advantage of achieving high levels of satisfaction from both the dentist and the patient.

Humans , Midazolam/therapeutic use , Clonazepam , Dental Implantation/methods , Drug Evaluation , Hypnotics and Sedatives , Patient Safety
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(4): 425-430, dic. 2017. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-893284


RESUMEN: Los odontomas son los tumores odontogénicos benignos más prevalentes. Estos están conformados por tejido dentario, epitelio odontogénico y tejido mesenquimático. Se dividen en dos subtipos: odontomas compuestos, que presentan tejidos dentarios normales, pero con una alteración en su conformación y tamaño, y odontomas complejos, que presentan tejidos dentarios bien formados, pero rodeados de tejido desorganizado. Se presentan tres casos de pacientes sexo femenino, quienes acuden para evaluación y tratamiento debido al hallazgo radiográfico de odontoma compuesto. En el caso nº 1 se realizó la desinclusión del diente impactado, la exodoncia del diente remanente, la exéresis del odontoma compuesto, la instalación de un implante dental en el alveolo de la zona intervenida y, finalmente, el posicionamiento de injerto óseo. En el caso nº 2 se realizó la exodoncia del diente temporal remanente y la exéreis del odontoma compuesto. Ambos casos evolucionaron de manera favorable sin complicaciones post operatorias. En el caso nº 3 se realizó la fenestración del diente 18 y la exéreis del odontoma compuesto que retenía su erupción. Todos los casos evolucionaron de manera favorable sin complicaciones post operatorias. Dada la prevalencia de esta patología, es necesario un adecuado conocimiento sobre ella y sus características, para realizar un adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento. Existen distintas medidas terapéuticas respecto a la rehabilitación de una zona edéntula como resultado de la exéresis de estos tumores. Esto depende principalmente de la edad del paciente. Al ser requeridas medidas rehabilitadoras, un punto importante a considerar es la posibilidad de realizar todos los procedimientos quirúrgicos en un solo tiempo operatorio.

ABSTRACT: Odontomas are the most common benign odontogenic tumors and are composed of dental tissue, odontogenic epithelium and mesenchymal tissue. They are divided into two subtypes: Compound odontomas, which present normal tooth tissue, but an alteration in their conformation and size, and complex odontomas, which present well-formed tooth tissue, but are surrounded by disorganized tissue. A bibliographic review was performed by one operator in Pubmed and Epistemonikos. After filtering by title and abstract, only one systematic review was selected. We present two clinical cases of compound odontoma in female patients at the Military Hospital in Santiago. Patients were referred for evaluation and treatment due to the radiographic finding of compound odontoma. In case # 1, the impacted tooth was disincluded, the remaining temporal tooth was extracted, and excision of the compound odontoma carried out; subsequently a bone graft implant was placed in the remaining socket. In case # 2, the remaining temporal tooth was extracted and compound odontoma excised. After that, natural eruption of the corresponding permanent tooth is expected. In case # 3, tooth 1.8 fenestration and excision of compound odontoma was performed. In this case also, natural eruption of the corresponding permanent tooth is expected. Given the prevalence of this pathology, adequate knowledge of compound odontomas and their characteristics is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment. There are different therapeutic measures for the rehabilitation of an edentulous area following excision of compound odontoma. This depends mainly on the age of the patient. When rehabilitation measures are required, an important aspect to consider for the patient, is the possibility of a single surgical event, as was done in case # 1.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Palate/pathology , Tooth Abnormalities/pathology , Odontoma/diagnosis , Hamartoma/pathology , Biopsy/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Odontoma/surgery , Dental Implantation/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Osteotomy, Sagittal Split Ramus/methods , Margins of Excision
Prosthes. Lab. Sci ; 7(25): 9-13, out.-dez. 2017. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-880522


A provisionalização imediata, em que o provisório é adaptado diretamente no implante recém-instalado, é uma ótima alternativa para temporização. A indicação depende do posicionamento tridimensional correto, estabilidade primária do implante e o perfil oclusal do paciente. O manejo da prótese é essencial para a estética e o desenho do pilar protético (provisório ou definitivo) pode influenciar favorável ou negativamente os resultados.

Immediate provisionalization, in which the provisional is adapted directly into the newly installed implant, is a great alternative for temporization. Its indication depends on correct three-dimensional positioning, implant primary stability and patient's occlusal profile. Prosthesis handling is essential for prosthetic abutment (provisional or definitive) aesthetics and design and can favorably or negatively influence the results.

Humans , Dental Implantation/methods , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Denture, Partial, Temporary , Tissue Conditioning, Dental
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