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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 449-453, jun. 2021. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385762


El síndrome de Sjögren (SS) es una enfermedad crónica autoinmune presente en el 0.1 - 3.0 % de la población, en la que se encuentran involucradas las glándulas salivales, trayendo consigo manifestaciones orales como caries dental y enfermedad periodontal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el índice de placa, el índice gingival y la prueba de sialometría en pacientes con síndrome de Sjögren primario y secundario. Fueron evaluados clínicamente 40 pacientes con SS primario (n=20) y SS secundario (n=20), ambos grupos diagnosticados con periodontitis crónica. Se registró el índice de placa de Quigley-Hein modificado por Turesky, el índice gingival de Löe y la prueba de silometría estimulada, recolectando saliva parotídea con el dispositivo Carlson-Crittenden. Los pacientes con SS primario tuvieron un índice de placa de (3,53±0,5954) e índice gingival (2,41±0,2608). En pacientes con SS secundario el índice de placa fue (1,62±0,3795) y el índice gingival (1,48±0,3994), con diferencia significativa (p=0,0001) entre ambos grupos. El flujo salival se elevó en pacientes con SS secundario. El presente estudio concluye que el índice de placa y el índice gingival fueron mayores en pacientes con SS primario comparados con pacientes con SS secundario. La prueba de sialometría fue mayor en pacientes con SS secundario.

Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease present in 0.1 - 3.0 % of the population, in which the salivary glands are involved, bringing with it oral manifestations such as dental caries and periodontal disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the plaque index, gingival index and the sialometry test in patients with primary and secondary Sjögren's syndrome. Forty patients with primary SS (n = 20) and secondary SS (n = 20), both groups diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, were evaluated clinically. The Quigley-Hein plaque index modified by Turesky, the gingival index of Löe and stimulated sialometry test collected from parotid gland by using Carlson-Crittenden device were recorded. The patients with primary SS had plaque index (3.53 ± 0.5954) and gingival index (2.41 ± 0.2608). The patients with secondary SS had a plaque index (1.62 ± 0.3795) and gingival index (1.48 ± 0.3994), with significant difference between both groups. The present study concludes that plaque index and gingival index were higher in patients with primary SS than patients with secondary SS. Sialometry test were higher in patients with secondary SS.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Periodontitis/diagnosis , Sjogren's Syndrome/complications , Dental Plaque/pathology , Salivation/physiology , Periodontal Index , Dental Plaque Index , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Informed Consent
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 7(2): 272-286, maio 2021. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1284577


Introdução:A terapia de bochecho com óleos vegetais é uma cultura tradicional na Índia com intuito de prevenir afecções bucais, como cárie e doença periodontal. Atualmente, com as mudanças nos padrões alimentares da sociedade, tem-se empregado com maior valor o uso de óleos naturais, já que estudos demonstram sua importância para saúde.Objetivo:Esta revisão integrativa teve como objetivo selecionar evidências que mostrassem a utilização de óleos vegetais, com ação antimicrobiana, no controle do biofilme dental. Metodologia:O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado nos meses de julho e agosto de 2020, por meio de pesquisa por via eletrônica, consultando-se o banco de dados Pubmed e SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Foram utilizados os descritores: Óleos vegetais, agentes antimicrobianos, Placa dental, Odontologia preventiva e Odontologia, os descritores foram usados separadamente e em cruzamento com o operador boleano AND. Utilizou-se os seguintes critérios de inclusão: Estudos clínicos, artigos completos e disponíveis gratuitamente, publicados no período de 2010 a 2020 em português e/ou inglês, e indexados nas bases de dados já citadas. Foram excluídos os trabalhos de conclusão de curso, dissertações, teses, livros e capítulos de livros, além de artigos duplicados e que não abordaram o tema do estudo.Resultados:Atenderam os critérios da pesquisa 04 estudos do tipo clínico randomizado, os quais mostraram eficiência dos óleos vegetais utilizados no controle do biofilme dental. A realização de pesquisas envolvendo e motivando a industrialização de produtos naturaiscontribui para a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares.Conclusões:Os artigos analisados mostraram eficácia na utilização de óleos vegetais no controle do biofilme dental, sendo esses aplicados clinicamente,não mostrando prejuízo aos participantes e indicados como coadjuvante na manutenção da saúde bucal (AU).

Introduction:Mouthwash therapy with vegetable oils is a traditional culture in India with the aim of preventing oral diseases, such as caries and periodontal disease. Currently, with the changes in the dietary patterns of society, the use of natural oils has been used with greater value, since studies demonstrate its importance for health.Objective:This integrative review aimed to select evidence that showed the use of vegetable oils, with antimicrobial action, in the control of dental biofilm. Methodology:Thebibliographic survey was carried out in July and August 2020, through electronic research, consulting the Pubmed and SciELO database (Scientific Electronic Library Online). The descriptors were used: Vegetable oils, antimicrobial agents, dental plaque, preventive dentistry and dentistry, the descriptors were used separately and in cross-section with the Boolean operator AND. The following inclusion criteria were used: Clinical studies, complete and freely available articles, published between 2010 and 2020in Portuguese and / or English, and indexed in the databases already cited. Course completion papers, dissertations, theses, books and book chapters were excluded, as well as duplicate articles that did not address the subject of the study. Results:Four studies of randomized clinical type met the research criteria, which showed efficiency of vegetable oils used in the control of dental biofilm. Conducting research involving and motivating the industrialization of natural products contributes to the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices.Conclusions:The analyzed articles showed efficacy in the use of vegetable oils in the control of dental biofilm, which were applied clinically without showing any harm to the participants and indicatedas an adjunct in maintaining oral health (AU).

Introducción: La terapia de enjuague bucal con aceites vegetales es una cultura tradicional en India con el objetivo de prevenir enfermedades bucales, como caries y enfermedad periodontal. Actualmente, con los cambios en los patrones dietéticos de la sociedad, se ha utilizado con mayor valor el uso de aceites naturales, ya que los estudios demuestran su importancia para la salud. Objetivo: Esta revisión integradora tuvo como objetivo seleccionar evidencias que mostraran el uso de aceites vegetales, con acción antimicrobiana, en el control del biofilm dental.Metodología: El relevamiento bibliográfico se realizó en julio y agosto de 2020, mediante investigación electrónica, consultando la base de datos Pubmed y SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Se utilizaron los descriptores: Aceites vegetales, agentes antimicrobianos, placa dental, odontología preventiva y odontología, los descriptores se utilizaron por separado y en corte transversal con el operador booleano AND. Se utilizaron los siguientes criterios de inclusión: Estudios clínicos, artículos completos y de libre acceso, publicados entre 2010 y 2020 en portugués y / o inglés, e indexados en las bases de datos ya citadas. Se excluyeron trabajos de finalización de curso, disertaciones, tesis, libros y capítulosde libros, así como artículos duplicados que no abordaran el tema de estudio. Resultados: Cuatro estudios de tipo clínico aleatorizado cumplieron con los criterios de investigación, los cuales mostraron la eficiencia de los aceites vegetales utilizados enel control del biofilm dental. Realizar investigaciones que involucren y motiven la industrialización de productos naturales contribuye a la Política Nacional de Prácticas Integrativas y Complementarias.Conclusiones: Los artículos analizados mostraron eficacia en el uso de aceites vegetales en el control del biofilm dental, los cuales fueron aplicados clínicamente sin mostrar daño a los participantes e indicados como coadyuvante en el mantenimiento de la salud bucal (AU).

Plant Oils , Oral Health , Dental Plaque/pathology , Anti-Infective Agents/immunology , Mouthwashes/therapeutic use , Brazil/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Biofilms
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(11): 3663-3674, Oct. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-974716


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre fatores socioeconômicos, comportamentais, saúde geral, saúde bucal e os desfechos de acúmulo de placa e condição de mucosa bucal em idosos. Este estudo transversal, conduzido entre 2004 e 2005, incluiu 785 idosos de Carlos Barbosa, RS. Questionários foram utilizados para coleta de dados socioeconômicos, comportamentais e estado de saúde. O exame físico das estruturas bucais e o Índice de Mucosa e de Placa de Henriksen (MPS) foram utilizados para categorizar os desfechos. Observou-se maior prevalência de acúmulo de placa moderado/grave entre os idosos mais velhos, do sexo masculino e com menor escolaridade. O uso de prótese dental total superior e renda de até 1 salário mínimo foram fatores de proteção para acúmulo de placa moderado/grave. Apenas as variáveis do primeiro bloco da estrutura conceitual, sexo masculino (OR = 2,13; IC95% = 1,26-3,61) e menor escolaridade (OR = 1,37; IC95% = 1,06-1,78) permaneceram associados como risco à presença de escore inaceitável do MPS. Os achados sugerem que idosos do sexo masculino e com menor escolaridade têm maior chance de saúde bucal precária, conforme o MPS.

Abstract This study aimed to investigate the association between socioeconomic and behavioral factors, general health, oral health, and plaque accumulation and oral mucosa condition outcomes in the elderly. This is a cross-sectional study conducted from 2004 to 2005 with 785 elderly dwellers of the city of Carlos Barbosa (RS), Brasil. We used questionnaires to collect socioeconomic, behavior and health status data. The physical examination of the oral structures comprised the Mucosal-Plaque Index proposed by Henriksen (MPS). A higher prevalence of moderate/severe plaque accumulation was observed in the elderly group, in less educated male elderly. The use of full upper dentures and income under one minimum wage were protective factors for moderate/severe plaque accumulation. Only the variables of the first block of the conceptual structure, male gender (OR = 2.13; 95% CI 1.26-3.61) and lower education (OR = 1.37; 95% CI 1.06-1.78) remained associated with an unacceptable MPS score. The findings suggest that, as per MPS, less educated male elderly are more likely to have poor oral health.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Health Behavior , Oral Health , Dental Plaque/epidemiology , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Socioeconomic Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Dental Plaque Index , Health Status , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Dental Plaque/pathology , Protective Factors , Middle Aged
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 102(2): 95-97, abr.-jun. 2014. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-724484


A la luz de los conocimientos actuales relativos al mundo de la física, se analiza la etiología de la enfermedad periodontal, que podría condensarse en la palabra incertidumbre.

Animals , Periodontal Diseases/etiology , Quantum Dots , Epigenesis, Genetic , Dental Plaque/pathology
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 33(3)2014. tab, ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-737189


A estomatite por prótese é uma condição patológica caracterizada por um processo inflamatório que acomete a mucosa oral. Objetivo: à luz da literatura, discutir as relações de candidíase oral e estomatite por prótese. Resultados e Discussão: Diversos fatores, encontrados com frequência, podem estar relacionados à sua etiologia, entre eles: fungos, especialmente do gênero Candida; traumas na mucosa, que podem ser provocados pela prótese mal adaptada; idade avançada; xerostomia; tabagismo; doenças que levam o paciente a um estado de imunossupressão e higiene precária. Nesses casos, são observadas alterações teciduais, especialmente na presença de próteses superiores. Normalmente associados à doença, estão os fungos do gênero Candida, espécies leveduriformes, onde a C. albicans é a mais conhecida e frequentemente associada à manifestação clínica. A capacidade dos microrganismos envolvidos de formar biofilmes é condição precípua para a evolução da infecção. O biofilme acumula-se em superfícies duras como dentes e próteses, produzindo uma película envolta por matriz extracelular proveniente tanto do hospedeiro quanto dos microrganismos; trata-sede uma estrutura organizada, composta por seres unicelulares que formam uma estrutura multicelular, garantindo a sobrevivência coletiva destes em seu interior. Supõe-se que essa característica seja regulada por um mecanismo chamado quorum sensing, mediado pela densidade celular no interior dos biofilmes e por moléculas autoindutoras. Conclusão: Sendo assim, a estomatite por prótese é uma doença infecciosa multifatorial que envolve fatores relacionados ao microrganismo e ao hospedeiro. Tais fatores contribuem para a manifestação da doença que afeta uma parcela significativa dos usuários de prótese dentária...

Denture stomatitis is a pathological condition characterized by an inflammatory process that affects the oral mucosa. Objective: to discuss the relation among oral candidiasis and denture stomatitis thorough an ample literature review. Results and Discussion : Several factors, frequently found, may be related to its etiology, including: fungi, especially genus Candida; trauma in the mucosa, which can be caused by badly fitting denture; old age; xerostomia; smoking; diseases that lead the patient to a state of immunosuppression and poor hygiene. In those cases, tissue changes are observed, especially in the presence of upper dentures. Usually associated with the disease are fungi of the genus Candida, where the C. albicans is the most widely known and frequently associated with clinical manifestations. The ability of involved microorganisms to form biofilms is essential condition for the infection development. The plaque accumulates on hard surfaces such as teeth and prostheses, producing a film surrounded by extracellular matrix from both the host and the microorganisms; it's an organized structure, consisting of unicellular beings that form a multicellular structure, ensuring the collective survival these inside. It is believed that this characteristic is regulated by a mechanism called quorum sensing, mediated by cell density within the biofilm and self-inducing molecules. Conclusion: Thus, the denture stomatitis is a multifactorial infectious disease that involves factors related to the microorganism and host. Such factors contribute to the manifestation of the disease that affects a significant portion of dentures users...

Humans , Candida/pathogenicity , Stomatitis, Denture/etiology , Stomatitis, Denture/pathology , Dental Plaque/pathology
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 12(3): 337-343, out. 2012. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-874740


Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da escova ecológica e do juá na remoção do biofilme dentário de crianças assistidas em abrigo do Município de Caruaru-PE, Brasil. Método: Oitenta crianças foram divididas de forma aleatória em 4 grupos (n=20), sendo um controle - G1: escova e creme dental convencional (EC+CD) e três experimentais - G2: escova convencional e juá (EC+J), G3: "escova ecológica" e creme dental (EE+CD) e G4: "escova ecológica" e juá (EE+J). O estudo compreendeu quatro etapas: uma avaliação inicial do Índice de biofilme e três avaliações com intervalos de 15, 30 e 45 dias. As crianças receberam os kits de higienização correspondentes ao grupo ao qual foram destinadas, e após a utilização dos métodos foram obtidos novos índices de biofilme dentário de acordo com os períodos pré-estabelecidos.Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva e foram utilizados os testes: F (ANOVA) para medidas repetidas e t-Student com variâncias iguais ou desiguais. O nível de significância utilizado na decisão dos testes estatísticos foi de 5%. O software estatístico utilizado foi o SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) na versão 15. Resultados: Em todos os grupos o índice de biofilme apresentou maiores médias na avaliação inicial. Diferenças significativas foram evidenciadas em relação à avaliação inicial (p menor que 0,001) para todos os grupos. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante do grupo controle com os demais grupos. Conclusão: Apesar dos métodos alternativos apresentarem menor eficácia que o convencional, também reduzem os índices de biofilme dentário, mostrando-se como alternativas eficazes e de baixo custo.

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the ecological toothbrush and "juá" on dental biofilm removal in children treated at a homeless shelter in the city of Caruaru-PE, Brazil. Method: Eighty children were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n=20), being a control (G1): conventional toothbrush and conventional dentifrice (CT+CD); and three experimental groups: G2: conventional toothbrush and "juá" (CT+J), G3: ecological toothbrush and conventional dentifrice (ET+CD) and G4: ecological toothbrush and "juá" (ET+J). The study comprehended four stages: an initial evaluation of the dental biofilm index and three evaluations at intervals of 15, 30 and 45 days. The children received the hygiene kits corresponding to the group to which they belonged. After use of the methods, new dental biofilm indexes were obtained according to the pre-established periods. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and the following tests were used: F test (repeated-measures ANOVA) and Student's t-test with equal and unequal variances. A level of significance of 5% was adopted and the SPSS statistical software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 15; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used. Results: In all groups, the dental biofilm index presented the highest means in the initial evaluation. Significant differences were found in comparison with the initial evaluation (p less than 0.001) for all groups. There was statistically significant difference between the control group and all other groups. Conclusion: Although the alternative methods presented lower efficacy than the conventional method, there was also a reduction in the dental biofilm indexes, presenting as effective and inexpensive options.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Toothbrushing , Oral Hygiene/education , Oral Hygiene , Dental Plaque/pathology , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Analysis of Variance , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/methods , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 30(3)jul.-set. 2012.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-670575


Apesar do controle mecânico ser tido como o melhor método para remoção do biofilme das superfícies dentárias, a utilização de agentes antimicrobianos presentes em soluções para bochechos e em dentifrícios é, muitas vezes, requerida. O presente estudo teve como objetivo revisar a literatura acerca da composição dos dentifrícios atuais, seus princípios ativos e suas indicações clínicas. Para tanto, revisou-se a literatura compreendida entre o período de 1989 a 2011, utilizando-se a combinação das seguintes palavras-chaves: dentifrícios, composição química e flúor, nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa, nas bases de dados Pubmed, BVS, Bireme, SciELO e Portal da Capes. Foram incluídos também livros-texto de referência. Observou-se que os dentifrícios são utilizados para levar várias substâncias à cavidade bucal, objetivando a redução da cárie, das doenças gengivais e periodontais, do cálculo dentário, da hipersensibilidade dentinária e da halitose. Atualmente, os dentifrícios são compostos por: sistemas abrasivos, detergentes, flavorizantes, solventes, umectantes, aglutinantes, edulcorantes, conservantes e princípio ativo. A variedade de substâncias presentes nos dentifrícios é muito grande, sendo essa uma das razões para a grande dificuldade em identificar o dentifrício mais apropriado para cada situação clínica. No intuito de facilitar a aquisição desses produtos, é de suma importância que a composição química e a sua indicação sejam informadas adequadamente.

Although mechanical control is considered the best method to remove dental surfaces biofilm, the use of antimicrobial agents contained in mouthwashes and toothpaste is required. This study aimed to review the literature about the current composition of dentifrices, their active ingredients and clinical indications. Thus the literature between 1989 and 2011 was reviewed, using the following keyword combinations: dentifrice, chemical composition and fluoride, in English and Portuguese languages, in Pubmed, BVS, Bireme, SciELO, and Portal Capes databases. It was also included reference textbooks. It was observed that dentifrices are used to carry out a lot of substances to oral cavity, aiming to reduce caries, gingival and periodontal diseases, dental calculus, dentin hypersensitivity and also halitosis. Nowadays, dentifrices are composed of: abrasive systems, detergents, flavorings, solvents, humectants, binders, sweeteners, preservatives and active ingredient.The variety of substances found in dentifrices is huge, and this is one of the reasons that makes harder to identify the most appropriate dentifrice for each clinical situation. In order to facilitate the acquisition of these products, is quite important that the chemical composition and its indication are informed properly.

Humans , Action Potentials , Dentifrices/pharmacology , Dentifrices/chemical synthesis , Dentifrices , Dental Plaque/etiology , Dental Plaque/pathology , Dental Plaque/prevention & control
Full dent. sci ; 2(5): 21-26, 20100815.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-850820


O tratamento superficial aplicado aos implantes de titânio tem como principal finalidade acelerar o processo de osseointegração. Inicialmente a única preocupação dos pesquisadores, era como o tratamento aplicado alterava a topografia superficial do titânio. Porém com o tempo, descobriu-se que no que diz respeito aos fatores biológicos, as características químicas influenciam mais que a topografia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar através de uma revisão da literatura científica, como as alterações dos implantes do titânio podem interferir no processo de adesão e proliferação, tanto de células quanto de bactérias. Alguns estudos demonstram que o tratamento superficial influencia nos primeiros estágios da osseointegração, porém não há um aumento no número de osteoblastos, mas sim uma alteração no padrão de adesão celular. E no que diz respeito aos fatores biológicos, as características químicas influenciam mais que as características topográficas tanto para células quanto para bactérias

The surface treatment applied to titanium implants whose main purpose is to accelerate the process of osseointegration. Initially the only concern of the researchers was how this processaltered the surface topography of titanium. But with time, it was discovered that biological andchemical characteristics influence topography the most. This study aimed to evaluate through a review of scientific literature how the changes of titanium implants can interfere with the process of adhesion and proliferation of both cells and bacteria. Some studies show that the surface treatment influences the early stages of osseointegration however there is an increase in the number of osteoblasts but a change in the pattern of cell adhesion. And concerning to the biological area, chemical characteristics influence the topographic features for both cells and bacterian the most

Cell Adhesion/immunology , Bacteria/immunology , Dental Implants , Osseointegration , Osteoblasts/cytology , Surface Properties , Titanium/chemistry , Dental Materials , Dental Plaque/pathology , Xenarthra
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-655301


Introdução: Apesar da diminuição da incidência de cárie dentária na população mundial, devida aos inúmeros recursos disponíveis para seu controle, a inadequada higienização bucal levando ao acúmulo de biofilme dentário ainda constitui fator de risco para essa doença. O controle do biofilme dentário representa procedimento fundamental na prevenção de cárie e doença periodontal. Correntemente, o uso de escovas e dentifrícios é quase universal e quando boa higiene oral é praticada, mesmo se sabendo que a persistência efetiva na escovação é incomum, pode-se conseguir a remoção adequada do biofilme com diferentes procedimentos mecânicos e químicos. Evidências clínicas e científicas apoiando o uso de óleos essenciais nos cuidados à saúde oral são descritas na literatura. A incorporação de óleos nos dentifrícios e enxaguatórios têm como objetivo favorecer a inibição do desenvolvimento do biofilme, pela redução da aderência bacteriana à película adquirida. Objetivo: atualizar o conhecimento sobre os efeitos de óleos essenciais como agentes no controle químico do biofilme dentário. Conclusão: o uso dos óleos essenciais proporciona benefícios no controle do biofilme e, consequentemente, na prevenção da cárie dentária e da doença periodontal

Introduction: Despite the decrease in the incidence of dental caries in the world population, due to the resources available for its control, an inadequate oral hygiene leading to accumulation of the dental biofilm is still a risk factor for this disease. The control of dental biofilm represents a basic procedure in the prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease. Currently, the use of brushes and toothpastes is almost universal and when good oral hygiene is practiced, even knowing that effective persistence in the brushing is uncommon, it is possible to obtain appropriate removal of the biofilm through different mechanical and chemical procedures. Clinical and scientific evidence supporting the use of essential oils in the oral health care has been described in the literature. The incorporation of oils in the toothpastes and mouthrinses aims to inhibit the biofilm development, through the reduction of the bacterial adherence to the acquired film. Objective: the aim of this study was to update the knowledge of theuse of essential oils as chemical agents in the control of dental biofilm. Conclusion: the use of essential oils improve the control of dental biofilms and therefore of dental caries and periodontal disease prevention

Dentifrices , Toothbrushing/methods , Toothbrushing , Oral Hygiene/education , Oral Hygiene , Dental Plaque/pathology , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology
Acta odontol. venez ; 49(4)2011. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-678882


Evaluar la presencia de factores etiológicos secundarios relacionados a la movilidad dentaria en individuos portadores de periodontitis crónica en los grados de severidad leve, moderada y grave. La muestra por conveniencia fue formada por 155 pacientes de ambos sexos, atendidos en la Clínica de Periodoncia de la Facultad de Odontología de Pernambuco, Brasil, con edad mayor o igual a 35 años. El grado de movilidad dentaria fue comparado a través del método manual de forma bi-digital. Entre los pacientes que presentaban dientes con movilidad, los resultados revelaron que el mayor grado de movilidad (grado 3) estaba presente entre los pacientes del sexo femenino (53,7%) que presentaban de 51 a 70 (69,4%), fumadores (70,6%) y ex-fumadores (83.3%). De toda la muestra, 52,9% presentaban periodontitis grave; el factor de riesgo local más relacionado a la movilidad fue la ausencia dentaria sin recomposición protética (43,9%); el mayor porcentaje de pacientes con movilidad (grado 1, 2 ó 3) era de individuos sin alteraciones sistémicas (61,9%). Los exámenes estadísticos comprobaron relación significativa (p<0,05) entre el mayor grado de movilidad y las variables investigadas (sexo, edad, grado de periodontitis, hábito de fumar, condición sistémica y número de dientes perdidos). Se concluye que el mayor grado de movilidad estuvo asociado a pacientes del sexo masculino, con edad superior a 51 años, fumador o ex-fumador y con alguna alteración sistémica

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Tooth Mobility/diagnosis , Tooth Mobility/etiology , Tooth Mobility/therapy , Chronic Periodontitis/pathology , Dental Plaque/pathology , Dentistry
Braz. oral res ; 23(supl.1): 23-30, 2009. ilus, graf, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-528426


The emphasis currently given to new technologies for enamel remineralization suggests that the changes in the understanding of the dental caries disease, which occurred in the last century, were either not yet adopted or were forgotten. Just like in the past, when the disease was "treated" by restoring cavities, there is presently a misunderstanding on the concept of incipient lesion remineralization. The aim of this paper was to review some concepts about caries, the natural phenomenon of enamel remineralization and the effect of fluoride (F) on it, and also to discuss the clinical relevance of remineralizing products recently launched in the marketplace aiming to "treat early caries lesions".

Humans , Cariostatic Agents/therapeutic use , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dental Enamel/physiology , Fluorides/therapeutic use , Tooth Calcification/physiology , Calcium Phosphates/pharmacology , Calcium Phosphates/therapeutic use , Cariostatic Agents/pharmacology , Disease Progression , Dental Caries/etiology , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Dental Plaque/pathology , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Fluorides/pharmacology , Tooth Calcification/drug effects
Braz. oral res ; 23(2): 209-215, 2009. graf, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-522304


This study aimed to assess the prevalence of aggressive periodontitis (AgP), and to investigate the association between demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral risk indicators with AgP in an untreated and isolated young population in Southeastern Brazil. For this cross-sectional survey, 134 subjects aged 12-29 years were selected by a census. Of those eligible, 101 subjects received a full-mouth clinical examination, and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Cases were defined as individuals with 4 or more teeth with attachment loss > 4 mm or > 5 mm in the age groups 12-19 and 20-29, respectively. Overall, 9.9 percent of the subjects presented AgP (10.3 percent of the 12-19-year-olds and 9.7 percent of the 20-29-year-olds). The only risk indicator significantly associated with AgP in this isolated population was a high proportion of sites (> 30 percent) presenting supragingival calculus [OR = 23.2]. Having experienced an urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for AgP [OR = 0.1]. The authors concluded that this isolated and untreated population from Brazil presented a high prevalence of AgP. Local plaque-retaining factors played a major role in the prevalence of AgP in this isolated population, and should be included in further studies evaluating this destructive periodontal disease form.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Aggressive Periodontitis/epidemiology , Dental Health Surveys , Oral Health , Aggressive Periodontitis/etiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Plaque/pathology , Epidemiologic Factors , Health Status , Regression Analysis , Risk Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Young Adult
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2007 Apr-Jun; 25(2): 76-81
مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-115122


BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of four most commonly used bristle designs of toothbrushes in plaque removal. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was a randomized 4 cell, examiner blind cross-over design assessing the plaque removal efficacy of all four brushes on a single occasion. Sixteen subjects aged 14-15 years participated in the study. On day 1 of each test period, the subjects were rendered plaque free and were asked to suspend oral hygiene practices for 24 hours. On day 2, the subjects were scored for plaque prior to brushing using the Turesky-Gilmore modification of Quigley-Hein plaque index. The subjects then brushed with the allocated toothbrush for 2 minutes and the post-brushing plaque scores were assessed. A wash-out period of 4 days was allowed between the test periods. RESULTS : All the brushes showed a significant reduction in the post-brushing plaque scores ( p < 0.001). The mean reduction in the plaque scores for all the brushes was around 53%. The percentage plaque reduction was greater in the anterior surface than the posterior surface (59.6 +/- 7.45% vs. 49.83 +/- 4.35%). The percentage plaque reductions in the upper, lower, buccal and lingual surfaces were similar. No significant difference in the reduction of plaque scores between the four brushes was seen. CONCLUSION: The data derived from the study supports the contention of many researchers that there is no single superior design of manual toothbrush. Though minor and some site differences in favor of the brushes were seen, they were not statistically significant.

Adolescent , Cross-Over Studies , Dental Plaque/pathology , Dental Plaque Index , Equipment Design , Female , Humans , Male , Mandible , Maxilla , Single-Blind Method , Surface Properties , Tooth Crown/pathology , Toothbrushing/instrumentation , Treatment Outcome
Pesqui. odontol. bras ; 17(2): 189-195, Apr.-Jun. 2003. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-347434


The aim of this study was to develop a new in vivo caries model for the occlusal surface and to describe the enamel features observed before and after dental plaque control (DPC). Four volunteers (12-15 years old) participated in the experiment, each of which was due to have 2 homologous first premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons. Test surfaces did not present visible signs of demineralization, opacities or fillings. A wire mesh was used to promote dental plaque accumulation on the occlusal surface. After 4 weeks, the wire mesh was removed and DPC was performed. In Groups 1 and 2, DPC was performed by the subjects daily and, in Groups 3 and 4, DPC was performed by the subjects daily and by the professional weekly. One tooth/pair of Groups 1 and 3 was extracted after 2 weeks. One tooth/pair of Groups 2 and 4 was extracted after 4 weeks. All test surfaces showed demineralization after the wire mesh was removed. The observed re-establishment of the enamel brightness was directly related to the increase of the DPC duration. In polarized light microscopy, interindividual differences varying from pseudoisotropic areas to enamel lesions were noted in specimens submitted to 2 weeks of DPC. Specimens submitted to 4 weeks of DPC showed less tissue porosity. It was concluded that the new in vivo caries model was effective since all occlusal surfaces presented clinical and microscopic signs of mineral loss in different stages after 4 weeks of cariogenic challenge. After DPC on the test surfaces, there was a reduction of mineral loss suggesting control of demineralization on these surfaces

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Models, Dental , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Enamel/pathology , Dental Plaque/pathology , Bicuspid , Dental Caries/etiology , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dental Plaque/etiology , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Tooth Demineralization/etiology , Tooth Demineralization/pathology , Tooth Demineralization/prevention & control
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 8(1): 53-8, jul.-dic. 1996. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-201627


El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la posible asociación entre la aparatología removible y la presencia de gingivitis. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 260 pacientes (130 pacientes con aparatología removible y 130 pacientes sin aparatología removible), entre los 5 y 14 años de edad, quienes asistían a la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia. Para determinar el grado de gingivitis se utilizó el índice gingival de Silness y Loe y se realizó un examen odontológico intraoral para evaluar la presencia de aparatología removible (se registró el tipo de aparato). Los resultados demuestran que no se puede establecer una correlación clara entre uso de aparatología removible y gingivitis; tampoco existe relación entre tiempo de uso de la aparatología removible y el grado de gingivitis

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable/adverse effects , Gingivitis/etiology , Age Distribution , Dental Plaque , Dental Plaque/pathology , Gingivitis , Periodontal Index
Odontol. urug ; 45(1): 23-32, jun. 1996. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-233675


Como profesionales de la salud, nuestra acción será promover la salud general y en consecuencia, la salud de la cavidad bucal, estrechamente vinculadas entre sí y al medio, actuando en forma integral preventiva desde la gestante; abordando los factores etiológicos que intervienen en la patogenia del proceso carioso o ulceración del esmalte. Como toda enfermedad de participación bacteriana, la caries resulta del desequilibrio de las fuerzas de defensa del huésped (diente + saliva) frente a la agresión del agente causal. De fundamental importancia son: 1) La nutrición con una alimentación balanceada y adecuada absorción de proteínas de alto valor biológico, carbohidratos complejos, vitaminas y sales minerales, para la mayor mineralización y resistencia de la dentición temporal y permanente. 2) El adecuado desarrollo del mecanismo inmunitario. 3) El diagnóstico de riesgo, realizando el análisis microbiológico de saliva en la embarazada con determinación de S. mutans. 4) El control del ambiente que rodea al niño en sus dos y tres primeros años de vida, evitando la colonización precoz del agente en la etapa eruptiva

Humans , Female , Male , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Pregnancy , Health Promotion/methods , Risk Factors , Cariostatic Agents/administration & dosage , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Dental Caries/etiology , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Plaque/pathology , Dietary Carbohydrates , DMF Index , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/diagnosis , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/epidemiology , Fluorides/therapeutic use , Fluoridation/standards , Streptococcal Infections/transmission , Risk Assessment/methods , Maternal Nutrition , Saliva/microbiology , World Health Organization
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