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Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(1)mar. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1521913


Introducción: Numerosas mujeres han contribuido al desarrollo de la estomatología en Cuba y en Cienfuegos. Sin embargo, en este sentido, existen escasas fuentes locales que aborden el accionar de las féminas. Objetivo: Profundizar en la vida y obra de la Dra. María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez, de manera que se puedan rescatar elementos de la evolución histórica de la estomatología cienfueguera. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo histórico-biográfica en el período de octubre del 2016 a diciembre del 2020. Como forma de reseñar la historia se emplearon las memorias. Los métodos utilizados fueron analítico-sintético y deductivo-inductivo; y los submétodos empleados fueron el cronológico, la numismática, la diplomática y la iconografía. Para recolectar datos se emplearon técnicas de la investigación histórica: la revisión documental y las entrevistas. Como fuentes primarias de la investigación se consultaron documentos histórico-legales en el Registro del Estado Civil (2), y en la Universidad de La Habana (1), así como entrevistas orales a profundidad (13), con testimonios de informantes clave. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica, con cuatro referencias de artículos y libros. Resultados: María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez fue la primera mujer lajera dentista -negra además-, graduada en 1944, de clase media. Tuvo un accionar revolucionario notorio, posterior a 1959. Se destaca la donación de todos sus instrumentos al policlínico "Manuel Piti Fajardo" de Cruces, del cual fue dentista fundadora. Conclusiones: La vocación de la primera dentista lajera por la pedagogía y su compromiso con la causa revolucionaria fueron elementos de vital importancia en el desarrollo de la estomatología crucense(AU)

Introduction: Numerous women have contributed to the development of stomatology in Cuba and in Cienfuegos. However, in this sense, few local sources broach the lives of these women. Objective: To deepen in the life and work of Dr. María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez, so that elements of the historical evolution of Cienfuegos stomatology can be rescued. Methods: A historical-biographical research was carried out from October 2016 to December 2020. Memoirs were used as a way of reviewing the history. The methods used were analytical-synthetic and deductive-inductive; and the sub-methods employed were chronological, numismatic, diplomatic and iconographic. Historical research techniques were used to collect data: documentary review and interviews. As primary sources of the research, historical-legal documents were consulted at the Civil Status Registry (2), and at the University of Havana (1), as well as oral interviews (13), with testimonies of key informants. A bibliographic search was carried out, with four references of articles and books. Results: María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez was the first middle class female dentist from Lajas -also black-, graduated in 1944. She had an active revolutionary presence, after 1959. The donation of all her dental equipment to the "Manuel Piti Fajardo" polyclinic in Cruces, of which she was the founding dentist, stands out. Conclusions: The vocation of the first dentist from La Paz for pedagogy and her commitment to the revolutionary cause were elements of vital importance in the development of stomatology in Cruces(AU)

Humans , Female , Dental Staff , Famous Persons , History of Dentistry , Review Literature as Topic
São Paulo; s.n; 20220720. 115 p.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1380183


O Recurso Humano em Saúde é um dos 6 componentes núcleos ou "building blocks" dos sistemas de saúde e por meio de suas ações o direito à saúde é efetivado e o acesso e a qualidade dos serviços são garantidos. Assim mesmo, as instituições próprias de cada país (leis, decretos, sistema político e as características dos sistemas de saúde, entre outros) têm influência sobre os Recursos Humanos em Odontologia (RHO), inclusive à longo prazo, pois uma vez formadas, as instituições permanecem ativas e, por sua vez, estabelecem e são produto de uma série complexa de estruturas ou redes que possibilitam ou impedem sua permanência. Tanto o Brasil quanto a Colômbia passaram por reformas neoliberais nos anos 1990 que criaram instituições novas dentro do modelo estabelecido, afetando as dinâmicas sociais, políticas e econômicas dos dois países. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a influência dos arranjos institucionais, criados a partir das reformas liberais da década de 1990, tanto no Brasil quanto na Colômbia, sobre os RHO, especificamente em relação à distribuição geográfica, a situação laboral e as características das instituições de treinamento (especificamente o domínio das instituições privadas), com base numa análise comparativa e sob a perspectiva do institucionalismo histórico. O método baseia-se no desenho dos estudos de casos múltiplos (também conhecidos como estudos comparativos) com unidades incorporadas e nas categorias teóricas do institucionalismo histórico. Os Resultados e discussão evidenciam que as reformas neoliberais dos anos 1990, caracterizadas pela apertura comercial e a privatização do estado, foram institucionalizadas nos sistemas de saúde, educação e trabalho nos dois países. Essas reformas foram conjunturas críticas que mudaram as políticas sociais e econômicas dos dois países, removendo leis previas de forma completa ou por camadas e condicionando o terreno das políticas das décadas futuras. Dessa maneira, as reformas afetaram aos RHO em assuntos como a flexibilização laboral, a apertura desregulada e sem planejamento de cursos privados de odontologia, o aprofundamento da distribuição desigual da riqueza e dos RHO, e a identidade social e profissional dos dentistas, constituindo-se em efeitos de reforço positivo (path dependesse e increasing retirns) que possibilitam o mantenimento desses fenômenos institucionalizados no estado e enraizado nos RHO ao longo do tempo. Conclusão: As reformas neoliberais tanto no Brasil quanto na Colômbia afetaram os recursos humanos em odontologia no campo da formação, do exercício laboral e da distribuição geográfica.

Brazil , Colombia , Dental Staff , Health Workforce
Rev. ADM ; 79(3): 156-159, mayo-jun. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378813


La seguridad social es un derecho encaminado a asegurar el bienestar de los ciudadanos que forman parte de una comunidad, y su objetivo principal es brindar a las personas aseguradas un conjunto de medidas públicas que ayuden a la protección de su salud por accidentes de trabajo o enfermedad laboral, desempleo, invalidez, vejez o muerte. De acuerdo con nuestra legislación, toda persona que preste servicios laborales a otro, tiene derecho a ser registrado ante el seguro social para que, en caso de accidente o enfermedad laboral, exista una ins- tancia que asista al trabajador afectado a recuperar su salud sin afectar su economía familiar. Es bastante frecuente que el odontólogo tenga trabajadores a su cargo, quien al fungir como patrón tiene obligaciones específicas ante el Instituto de Seguridad Social que de no cumplir, puede traer consigo sanciones y amonestaciones al profesional. El objetivo del presente artículo es informar al odontólogo sus derechos y obligaciones ante el seguro social mediante una revisión de las normas y leyes que lo imponen (AU)

Social security is a right aimed at ensuring the well-being of citizens who are part of community, and its main objective is to provide insured persons with a set of public measures that help protect their health, due to accidents at work and occupational disease, unemployment, disability, old age or death. In accordance with our legislation, any person who provides labor services to another has the right to registered with the social security so that, in the event of an accident or occupational disease, there is an instance that assists the affecter worker to recover his health without affecting his familiar economy. It is quite common for the dentist to have workers under his charge, who, acting as an employer, have specific obligations with the Social Security Institute, which, if not fulfilled, can bring sanctions and reprimands to the professional. The aim of this article is to inform dentists about their rights and obligations with the Social Security Institute through a review of the laws that impose it (AU)

Humans , Social Security , Insurance, Dental , Legislation, Dental , Social Responsibility , Occupational Risks , Patient Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Dental Staff/legislation & jurisprudence
San Salvador; MINSAL; dic. 09, 2021. 50 p.
غير التقليدية ي الأسبانية | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1353255


La presente guía, está dirigida al personal de odontología del SNIS, como una herramienta para la realización de los procedimientos odontológicos, que se realizan en los establecimientos de salud, en los cuales las patologías bucales constituyen gran parte de la demanda de servicios de salud, así mismo, se presentan las acciones orientadas a la identificación y manejo de las patologías bucales que con mayor frecuencia afectan a la población salvadoreña, incluyendo la promoción de estilos de vida saludable, educación y prevención de las mismas

This guide is aimed at SNIS dentistry staff, as a tool for the performance of dental procedures, which are performed in dental establishments health, in which oral pathologies constitute a large part of the demand for health services health, likewise, the actions oriented to the identification and management of the oral pathologies that most frequently affect the salvadoran population, including promotion of healthy lifestyles, education and prevention of the same

Oral Health , Dental Staff , Health Services , Population , Dentistry
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 30(1): e2019533, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154131


Objetivo: Comparar o desempenho das equipes de saúde bucal (ESBs) das modalidades I e II no processo de trabalho e as diferenças entre regiões brasileiras. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com dados das ESBs que aderiram ao Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (2013-2014). A análise de classes latentes identificou subgrupos de ESBs segundo desempenho (consolidado, em desenvolvimento ou incipiente) no processo de trabalho (planejamento das ações; promoção da saúde; atenção integral). Comparadas as modalidades, obteve-se o índice de disparidade. Resultados: Avaliadas 15.886 ESBs, as da modalidade II apresentaram maior percentual de processo de trabalho consolidado nas regiões Sudeste (67,8 a 94,6%) e Sul (54,8 a 93,0%); observou-se maior disparidade no processo de trabalho consolidado entre ESBs da modalidade II (6,3 a 26,5), comparadas à modalidade I (3,9 a 18,4). Conclusão: ESBs da modalidade II guardam potencial para melhor desempenho no processo de trabalho, com disparidades regionais.

Objetivo: Comparar Equipos de Salud Bucal (ESB) modalidades I y II cuanto al desempeño en el proceso de trabajo y diferencias entre regiones brasileñas. Métodos: Estudio transversal con datos de la ESB adherida al Programa Nacional de Mejoramiento del Acceso y la Calidad en Atención Primaria (2013-2014). Análisis de Clases Latentes identificaron subgrupos de ESB según el desempeño (consolidado, en desarrollo o incipiente) en el proceso de trabajo (planificación de acciones, promoción de salud y atención integral). Se compararon las modalidades y se obtuvo el Índice de Disparidad. Resultados: Participaron 15.886 ESBs, las de modalidad II presentaron mayor porcentaje de proceso de trabajo consolidado en la región Sudeste (67,8% a 94,6%) y Sur (54,8% a 93,0%). La disparidad fue mayor entre la modalidad II (6,3 a 26,5) en comparación con la I (3,9 a 18,4). Conclusión: las ESBs modalidad II tienen potencial para obtener mejor desempeño en el proceso de trabajo, pero hubo disparidad regional.

Objective: To compare Modality I and Modality II Oral Health Teams (OHT) regarding work process performance and differences between Brazilian regions. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with OHTs that took part in the National Program for Primary Health Care Access and Quality Improvement (2013-2014). Latent Class Analysis identified OHT subgroups according to work process (action planning, health promotion actions and comprehensive health care) performance (consolidated, developing or incipient). OHT modalities were compared, resulting in an Index of Disparity. Results: After evaluating 15,886 OHTs, Modality II OHTs were found to have a higher percentage of consolidated work processes in the Southeast (67.8%-94.6%) and Southern (54.8%-93.0%) regions. Disparity in the consolidated work process was greater among Modality II OHTs (6.3-26.5) compared to Modality I OHTs (3.9-18.4). Conclusion: Modality II OHTs have the potential for better performance regarding the work process, but with regional disparities.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Dental Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Dental Staff/statistics & numerical data , Health Services Accessibility , Brazil , Program Evaluation , Catchment Area, Health/statistics & numerical data , Oral Health/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 24(3): 674-681, jul.-set. 2020.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125024


RESUMEN La COVID-19 es causada por el nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) y su brote ha sido declarado una emergencia de salud pública internacional. La transmisión interhumana ha sido documentada incluso entre trabajadores de la salud; se cree que los procedimientos generadores de aerosoles pueden tener un papel crucial en la diseminación de la enfermedad. El propósito de esta investigación fue ofrecer una actualización sobre la práctica estomatológica en tiempos de coronavirus, y proporcionar recomendaciones de cuidados específicos que deben seguir los profesionales. Los estomatólogos y técnicos se exponen a un enorme riesgo de infección debido a la comunicación cara a cara y la exposición a la saliva, la sangre y otros fluidos corporales. Para mitigar la propagación de esta afección es necesario conocer medidas de prevención adecuadas. Es de vital importancia realizar una capacitación a los profesionales sobre la práctica estomatológica segura en tiempo de coronavirus.

ABSTRACT COVID-19 is caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and its outbreak has been declared an international public health emergency. Interhuman transmission has been documented even among health workers; aerosol-generating procedures are believed to play a crucial role in the spread of the disease. The purpose of this research was to offer an update on dental practice in times of coronavirus disease 2019 and to provide specific care recommendations to be followed by professionals. Dentists and technicians expose themselves to an enormous risk of infection due to face-to-face communication and exposure to saliva, blood, and other body fluids. It is necessary to know adequate prevention measures in order to mitigate the spread of this condition. It is also important to train professionals on the safe dental practice in times of this coronavirus.

Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional , Coronavirus Infections , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Dental Staff
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(3): e3445, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126517


RESUMEN Introducción: La COVID-19 se propaga por vías respiratorias y aerosoles. La pandemia originada por esta enfermedad causa pánico, miedo y estrés en todos los estratos de la sociedad. Al igual que todas las demás profesiones médicas, los dentistas, particularmente los endodoncistas, que están muy expuestos a los aerosoles, pueden mostrar estrés. Objetivo: Encuestar a los endodoncistas indios para comprender mejor sus niveles de estrés psicológico durante el confinamiento de la India durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Métodos: Del 8 de abril al 16 de abril de 2020 se realizó una encuesta cerrada en las redes sociales de endodoncia. Se utilizó la técnica de muestreo de bola de nieve. Asimismo, se recolectaron datos demográficos básicos, entorno de práctica y otras informaciones relevantes. El estrés psicológico y la angustia percibida se calcularon a través del índice de angustia peritraumática COVID-19 y la escala de estrés percibido. El análisis de regresión multinomial se realizó para estimar la tasa de riesgo relativo y p ≤ 0,05 se consideró significativo. Resultados: Este estudio tuvo 586 endodoncistas indios que completaron esta encuesta. De estos, 311 (53,07 por ciento) eran hombres, 325 (55 por ciento) en el grupo de edad de 25-35 años, 64 por ciento en áreas urbanas, 13,14 por ciento en prácticas individuales y un cuarto de ellos eran residentes. Las mujeres endodoncistas tenían un alto estrés percibido (RRR = 2,46, p = 0,01) en comparación con los hombres, medido por PSS. Los endodoncistas más jóvenes < 25 años (RRR = 9,75; p = 0,002) y 25-35 años (RRR = 4.60; p = 0,004) en comparación con el grupo de edad > 45 años tenían más angustia. Los consultores exclusivos tuvieron RRR = 2,90, p = 0,02, para la angustia leve a moderada en comparación con la normal. Se consideran los factores que impulsan este fenómeno. Conclusiones: Durante el cierre debido a la COVID-19, los endodoncistas indios 1-en-2 tuvieron angustia, según lo medido por CPDI y 4 de cada 5 percibieron estrés, según lo indicado por PSS. Nuestro modelo identificó ciertos factores que impulsan el (des)estrés, lo que ayudaría a los formuladores de políticas a iniciar una respuesta adecuada(AU)

ABSTRACT Background: The novel 2019 COVID-19 spreads by respiratory and aerosols. COVID-19 driven pandemic causes panic, fear and stress among all strata of society. Like all other medical professions, dentists, particularly endodontists, who are highly exposed to aerosols would be exposed to stress. Objective: To survey the Indian endodontists to better understand their levels of psychological stress during the Indian lockdown COVID-19 Pandemic. Methods: From 8th April to 16th April 2020, we conducted an online survey in closed endodontic social media using snowball sampling technique, collecting basic demographic data, practice setting and relevant data. Psychological stress and perceived distress were collected through COVID-19 Peri-traumatic Distress Index and Perceived stress scale. Multinomial regression analysis was performed to estimate relative risk rate and p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: This study had 586 Indian endodontists completing this survey across India. Of these, 311(53.07 percent) were males, 325(55 percent) in the age group of 25-35 years, 64 percent in urban areas, 13.14 percent in solo-practice and a fourth of them were residents. Female endodontists had high perceived stress (RRR = 2.46, p = 0.01) as compared to males, as measured by PSS. Younger endodontists < 25 years (RRR = 9.75; p = 0.002) and 25-35years (RRR = 4.60; p = 0.004) as compared with > 45 years age-group had more distress. Exclusive consultants had RRR = 2.90, p = 0.02, for mild-to-moderate distress as compared to normal. Factors driving this phenomenon are considered. Conclusions: During the lock down due to COVID-19, 1-in-2 Indian endodontists had distress, as measured by CPDI and 4-in-5 of them had perceived stress, as indicated by PSS. Our model identified certain factors driving the (dis)stress, which would help policy framers to initiate appropriate response(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Perception , Stress, Psychological/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Dental Staff , Involuntary Commitment , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , India
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(3): e3315, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1126520


RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), catalogada como pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, ha causado muchas muertes a poblaciones vulnerables debido a la alta capacidad de contagio. Estas rutas de contagio son por contacto directo e indirecto, incluso, de personas asintomáticas. En el presente artículo se sintetizan, desde una perspectiva de la realidad del Perú, algunas consideraciones a tener en cuenta en la salud bucal a propósito de la pandemia de la COVID-19 y los retos profesionales del estomatólogo en la consulta estatal y privada. Comentarios principales: Los procedimientos que generan aerosoles o microgotas desde la cavidad bucal potencian el riesgo de contagio al personal sanitario, especialmente al estomatólogo, puesto que, incluso los procedimientos de urgencia o emergencia estomatológica utilizan instrumental que genera posibles medios de contaminación. Las instituciones afines a la estomatología tienen el deber de establecer protocolos de bioseguridad para la atención estomatológica de urgencia y emergencia y de rutina para evitar generar cadenas de contagio. El deber del estomatólogo en esta emergencia sanitaria es seguir los lineamientos de bioseguridad para la atención estomatológica en los establecimientos de salud del sector estatal y privado. Consideraciones finales: La práctica estomatológica es potencialmente de riesgo en la pandemia por COVID-19, a pesar de ello, es deber del estomatólogo cumplir su rol como profesional sanitario considerando las normas de bioseguridad establecidas por las instituciones de salud(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, has affected many deaths to vulnerable populations due to its high transmission capacity. These transmission routes are by direct and indirect contact even of asymptomatic people. This article presents some considerations to take into account regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in oral health and the professional challenges of the stomatologist in state and private consultation from a perspective of the reality of Peru. Main remarks: Procedures that generate aerosols or droplets from the oral cavity increase the risk of transmission to health personnel, especially the stomatologist; since even dental emergency procedures require the use of instruments that generate possible means of contamination. The institutions related to stomatology have to establish biosafety protocols for dental emergency and routine practice to avoid generating chains of transmission. The role of the dentist in this health emergency is to follow biosafety guidelines for dental care in state and private health center. Final considerations: Dental practice is potentially risky in the COVID-19 pandemic, despite this, it is the duty of the dentist to fulfill his role as a health professional considering the biosecurity standards established by the health institutions(AU)

Humans , Oral Health , Dental Care/methods , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Containment of Biohazards/methods , Risk , Dental Staff/standards , Emergencies
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 108(2): 88-94, mayo-ago. 2020. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121648


La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019 (Covid-19) se ha convertido en un importante desafío de salud pública para todos los países. Las medidas de control de infecciones son necesarias para disminuir la circulación del virus y evitar que se siga propagando mundialmente. Debido a las características de los entornos odontológicos, el riesgo de infección cruzada entre los pacientes y los odontólogos es alto. Es por esto que se requieren protocolos de control de infecciones estrictos y efectivos. Elaborar estrategias de gestión del riesgo en salud en odontología permitirá brindar un entorno de seguridad para el paciente, el profesional y su equipo (AU)

The Covid-19 pandemic has become a major public health challenge all over the world. Infection control measures are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading further and to help to control the situation worldwide. Due to the characteristics of the dental environment, the risk of cross infection is high between patients and dentists. It is important to develop strict infection control protocols to provide a safety environment for the patient and the dental staff (AU)

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Infection Control, Dental/methods , Dental Staff , Pandemics , Patient Safety , Risk Management , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Clinical Protocols , Dental Offices/standards
Rev. ADM ; 77(3): 124-128, mayo-jun. 2020. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128055


En los últimos meses la población del mundo ha estado sometida por la pandemia de COVID-19 a un reto emocional causado por el riesgo de pérdida de la salud (incluida la muerte) y del riesgo real o potencial de la alteración de la estabilidad socioeconómica personal y global. Por otro lado, los individuos reciben diariamente información de diversa valía en relación a veracidad y oportunismo, lo que los expone a incertidumbre respecto a la toma de decisiones relacionadas con el bienestar o asociadas con aspectos laborales y productivos. Debe observarse que esto está sucediendo con: pacientes, empleados, proveedores y profesionistas en el modelo odontológico. El miedo es la respuesta prevalente que induce este conjunto de estímulos amenazantes, en el que de manera secundaria se manifiestan otros estados emocionales, sentimentales y de conducta. Contrarrestar el miedo en todos los actores del concepto práctica dental debería ser la estrategia en la recuperación de la actividad odontológica en esta nueva realidad, siendo la palabra clave, seguridad; misma que no debe estar representada exclusivamente por la implantación de medidas sanitarias, también de manera muy principal por la comunicación y la estimulación positiva de emociones y sentimientos que alcancen la mente afectiva no sólo de los pacientes, sino también de los miembros del grupo de trabajo ­mente inconsciente­(AU)

In recent months the world's population has been exposed by the pandemic advent of COVID-19 to an emotional challenge caused by the risk of health disturbance, death encompassed, and the real or latent risk of disruption of personal and global socioeconomic steadiness. Individuals on the other hand, receive day-to-day information of varying connotation in relation to truthfulness and opportunism, exposing them to decision-making uncertainty regarding welfare, as well employment and productive subjects. At the dental scheme, this is happening with: patients, employees, providers and professionals themselves. The widespread reaction that brings this myriad of threatening stimuli is fear, where other emotional, sentimental and behavioral expressions, secondarily occur. In this new reality, disparate the fear in all and any participant of the dental practice concept should be the strategy applied for dental activity recovering; being the key word, safety. Concept that should not be represented exclusively by the implementation of sanitary actions and warnings, but in a conspicuous manner by communication of this safety concept and the induction of positive stimuli by means of emotions and feelings that could reach the affective mind of patients, and the working group ­unconscious mind­ (AU)

Patients/psychology , Dental Anxiety/psychology , Coronavirus Infections , Fear , Pandemics , Socioeconomic Factors , Unconscious, Psychology , Communicable Disease Control , Risk Factors , Dental Care/standards , Dental Staff/standards , Emotions
Rev. ADM ; 77(3): 146-152, mayo-jun. 2020. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128301


El presente artículo tiene como propósito informar sobre los lineamientos que las clínicas dentales periféricas de la Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) han tomado frente a la pandemia actual COVID-19, emergente en la ciudad de Wuhan, China el pasado diciembre 2019. Dichas medidas surgen con el objetivo de cumplir con estándares de bioseguridad que eviten el contagio y/o la contaminación cruzada entre pacientes, profesionales y personal de las clínicas dentales de la UDEM; Clínica de Prevención Dental (CPD) y Clínica de Atención Dental Avanzada (CADA), las cuales permanecerán activas frente a situaciones que requieran atención de urgencia y postergando los tratamientos dentales de rutina. Los protocolos para brindar una atención de urgencia conllevan determinados pasos a seguir desde que el paciente ingresa a la clínica; iniciando con la revisión del expediente electrónico médico por medio de la plataforma Atlas.xp, seguido del llenado de un cuestionario enfocado al riesgo de la enfermedad y culminando con la toma de temperatura con termómetro infrarrojo. Los pacientes que no presenten síntomas y muestren una temperatura inferior a los 37.3 oC podrán ser atendidos bajo la aplicación de todas las medidas de bioseguridad establecidas (medidas de protección personal, de equipo y paciente, mantenimiento de dos metros de distancia en sala de espera, cumplimiento de tiempos de trabajo parciales, uso de lámparas purificadoras de aire distribuidas en las salas operatorias de las clínicas, trabajo asistido o a cuatro manos con la implementación de aislamiento absoluto en el paciente y con la utilización mínima de la pieza de alta velocidad). Asimismo, se menciona que posterior a cada tratamiento y en la culminación de la jornada laboral, todas las áreas y superficies deberán ser sanitizadas con sustancias desinfectantes específicas. Por su parte, el personal deberá portar ropa convencional al salir de las instalaciones y haber realizado un adecuado lavado de manos para evitar al máximo posible la transmisión del virus (AU)

The purpose of this article is to inform about the guidelines that the peripheral dental clinics of the School of Dentistry of the University of Monterrey (UDEM) have taken in the face of the current pandemic COVID-19, emerging in the city of Wuhan, China in the past December 2019. These measures arise with the aim of fulfilling biosafety standards that avoid contagion and/or cross contamination between patients, professionals and staff of UDEM dental clinics; Clínica de Prevención Dental (CPD) and Clínica de Atención Dental Avanzada (CADA), which will remain active in situations that require urgent care and postponing routine dental treatments. The protocols to provide urgent care include certain steps to follow from the moment the patient enters the clinic; starting with the review of the electronic medical record through the Atlas.xp platform, followed by the completion of a questionnaire focused on the risk of the disease and culminating with temperature measurement with an infrared thermometer. Patients who do not present symptoms and show a temperature below 37.3 oC may be treated under the application of all established biosecurity measures (personal, equipment and patient protection measures, maintenance of two meters in the waiting room, compliance with partial work times, use of air purifying lamps distributed in the operating rooms of the clinics, assisted or four-hand work with the implementation of absolute isolation in the patient and with the minimum use of the high-speed handpiece). It is also mentioned that after each treatment and at the end of the working day, all areas and surfaces must be sanitized with specific disinfecting substances. For their part, the personnel must wear conventional clothing when leaving the facilities and have carried out adequate hand washing to avoid transmission of the virus as much as possible (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Security Measures , Coronavirus Infections , Infection Control, Dental , Dental Clinics/standards , Pandemics , World Health Organization , Communicable Disease Control , Clinical Protocols , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Equipment/standards , Dental Staff/education , Mexico
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e011, 2020. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089392


Abstract Telehealth has been applied in the Unified Health System (SUS) as a tool for qualifying professionals and improving the healthcare provided to the population served by the system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of teleconsultations on the qualifications of the clinical approach of the oral health teams involved in primary health care (PHC) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul under the Telehealth Brazil Networks Programme. The sample population of the study was composed of 285 dentists and 132 oral health assistants belonging to the Family Health Teams. A chi-square test was used to investigate possible associations between the absolute number of teleconsultations performed and several independent variables, namely, gender, age, dental specialty, time since graduation, time working in the Family Health Strategy (FHS), employment status, type of training institution, familiarity with information technology, and work satisfaction at the health facility. The level of significance was p < 0.05. Use of the oral health teleconsultation service led to a reduction of more than 45% in the number of referrals to other levels of care. However, no significant association was found between the number of teleconsultations and the independent variables analysed. The use of teleconsultations proved to be a powerful tool for professional training, for increasing the effectiveness of PHC, and for improving the oral healthcare provided.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Program Evaluation/statistics & numerical data , Telemedicine/statistics & numerical data , Dental Staff/statistics & numerical data , Dentists/statistics & numerical data , Primary Health Care/methods , Reference Values , Time Factors , Brazil , Oral Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Telemedicine/methods , Education, Distance/methods , Education, Distance/statistics & numerical data , Dental Health Services/standards , Dental Staff/education , Dentists/education
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 6(3): [59,72], set-dez 2019.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050951


Objetivo: Comparar as atribuições clínicas referentes à atuação da equipe auxiliar odontológica brasileira (Auxiliar e Técnico em Saúde Bucal) com as atribuições de outras profissões auxiliares regulamentadas no exterior (Dental Assistant, Dental Therapist; Dental Nurse; Dental Hygienist; Orthodontic Therapist). Métodos: Foram buscadas normativas e leis, nacionais e internacionais, que subsidiassem a identificação das atribuições clínicas de auxiliares odontológicos nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo e Pubmed. Resultados: Os resultados apontam que há diversas funções que podem ser delegadas à equipe de saúde bucal no exterior que seriam privativas dos cirurgiões-dentistas brasileiros, tanto nas áreas de diagnóstico, preventiva, clínica geral e ortodontia, quando comparadas com as leis que regem a Odontologia no Brasil. Conclusões: Dental Nurse seria uma função com correlação a Auxiliar em Saúde Bucal, já os Técnicos em Saúde Bucal apresentam menor número de funções dos que as designadas aos terapeutas e higienistas odontológicos. O Orthodontic therapist é condizente a atividades privativas do cirurgião-dentista. De forma geral, os terapeutas entram na área de competência do Cirurgião-dentista no que concerne à Lei 5081/66, que regulamenta a profissão, inclusive dentro de especialidades odontológicas, como é o caso da ortodontia.

Objective: To compare clinical attributions related to the work of the Brazilian dental assistant team ("Auxiliar e Técnico em Saúde Bucal") with attributions of other auxiliary jobs regulated abroad (Dental Assistant, Dental Therapist, Dental Hygienist, Orthodontic Therapist). Methods: National and international regulations and laws were used to support the identification of clinical attributions of dental assistants using Lilacs, Scielo, and Pubmed databases. Results: Several attributions can be delegated to the oral health team abroad that would be exclusive to Brazilian dentists, especially regarding diagnosis, preventive dentistry, general practice, and orthodontic treatment. Conclusions: Dental Nurse can be correlated to "Auxiliar em Saúde Bucal". "Técnicos em Saúde Bucal" have lesser attributions than those assigned to Dental Therapists and Hygienists. Orthodontic Therapist has attributions exclusively designated to the dentist. In general, Therapists attributions are of competence of the Dentist concerning Law 5081/66, which regulates the profession, including dental specialties, as is the case of orthodontics

Humans , Male , Female , Oral Health , Dental Staff , Workforce , Forensic Dentistry
Guatemala; MSPAS. DRACES; mayo. 2019. 10 p.
غير التقليدية ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1224426


DRACES [Departamento de Regulación, Acreditación y Control de Establecimientos de Salud] Este documento tiene como objeto: "la Regulación, Autorización y Control de las Clínicas Dentales, en concordancia con el Reglamento para la Regulación, Autorización, Acreditación y Control de Establecimientos de Atención para la Salud, Acuerdo Gubernativo 376-2007." Es de carácter obligatorio, por lo que se aplica tanto al sector público, privado, social o subsector de la seguridad social, en todo el territorio nacional. Contiene además, las definiciones de los conceptos relacionados al tema principal, además de la infraestructura que deberá tener cada clínica, incluidos el equipo y recurso humano y técnico.

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Offices/legislation & jurisprudence , Dental Offices/organization & administration , Containment of Biohazards/standards , Dental Equipment , Dental Instruments/standards , Dental Staff/standards , Guatemala
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740596


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the job satisfaction level of the dental staff working at oral health centers for people with disabilities. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted with 73 dentists and dental hygienists working at seven regional oral health centers for people with special needs and dental hospitals for people with disabilities in Seoul. The questionnaire consisted of seven questions across two subscales: general satisfaction (4 questions) and satisfaction with wage and welfare (3 questions). The internal consistency of the questionnaire items was assessed using Cronbach's alpha (0.80). The responses were analyzed using a t-test with SPSS (version 23.0). RESULTS: Of the 73 dental staff members, 50% were dentists, 64% were women, and participants' average age was 30 years. In total, 58% of the participants had up to five years of experience working with people with disabilities, 42% of them worked full-time, and each participant treated an average of 200 patients with disabilities per month. The participants reported that their salary was relatively low. Dental hygienists had higher satisfaction level than dentists in the institution's welfare work. The more full-time workers answered, the more suitable they are for their work. CONCLUSIONS: The job satisfaction level of most professionals working in oral health centers for people with disabilities was not very high but they felt rewarded by their welfare work. It was inferred that it is necessary to examine and improve institutional support aspects such as human resource support. Increasing the number of centers in the central region is also needed.

Female , Humans , Dental Hygienists , Dental Staff , Dentists , Disabled Persons , Job Satisfaction , Oral Health , Reward , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Seoul
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716176


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting dentists' attitudes and dental hygienists' services on dental anxiety in adults. The subjects were 300 adults older than 20 years of age living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, and Daegu. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Among the distributed questionnaires, 225 respondents were selected as subjects, excluding 74 people who did not answer and 1 person who was not faithful. Data were analyzed using statistical software with a t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. As a result, the gender was slightly higher in women (54.7%) than in men, and the last dental visit was less than one year in 59.6% of respondents. Most of the respondents' educational level was higher than college level (79.1%), and the monthly income was less than 2 million won in 53.8 of respondents. This study showed that distrust of dentists affected dental anxiety and anxiety stimulation. Higher reliability of the dentist was correlated with less dental anxiety in patients. Dental anxiety showed statistically significant results in dentist subcategories of patient slight and dentists' trust (p < 0.01). Additionally, the factors affecting dental anxiety and anxiety stimulus were knowledge of dental hygienist and distrust of dentist (p < 0.01). According to this study, dentists' and dental hygienists' trust of dental staff show the importance of oral health professionals' role in reducing dental anxiety in patients. It is also suggested that efforts should be made to improve public awareness of oral health experts. It is believed that dentists, and dental hygienists need to promoted to become professionals. In addition, a variety of programs have been developed to reduce dental anxiety, so patients need to be comfortable to receive dental treatment.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Anxiety , Dental Anxiety , Dental Hygienists , Dental Staff , Dentists , Oral Health , Seoul , Surveys and Questionnaires
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 27(1): e201723615, 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-953368


Objetivo: analisar as tendências da força de trabalho de cirurgiões-dentistas no Brasil, no período de 2007 a 2014. Métodos: estudo de séries temporais com dados do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES) e da Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE); regressões lineares generalizadas de Prais-Winstein foram utilizadas para estimar as tendências temporais e calcular a variação percentual anual da força de trabalho de cirurgiões-dentistas no período estudado. Resultados: houve crescimento do número de cirurgiões-dentistas atuando como clínicos gerais e especialistas, em média 12,7% e 17,3% ao ano, respectivamente; a expansão da força de trabalho de clínico geral (0,5%) e de especialista (11,6%) foi menor no setor público, em relação ao setor privado (24,5% e 30,3%, respectivamente). Conclusão: o número de cirurgiões-dentistas é elevado, embora estejam desigualmente distribuídos em ambos setores de atuação, o que pode implicar barreiras no acesso aos cuidados odontológicos no Brasil.

Objetivo: fue analisar las tendencias de la fuerza laboral de dentistas en Brasil, entre 2007 y 2014. Métodos: estudios de Series Temporales con datos nacionales del Registro Nacional de Establecimientos de Salud y del Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística fueron analizados; regresiones lineares generalizadas de Prais-Winstein fueron utilizadas para estimar las tendencias en el tiempo y calcular el cambio porcentual anual de la fuerza de trabajo de los dentistas durante el período. Resultados: el número de dentistas que actúa como generalistas y especialistas creció al año en promedio de 12,7% y 17,3%, secuencialmente; la expansión de la mano de obra de dentistas generalistas (0,5%) y especialistas (11,6%) fue menor en sector público e comparado con el privado (24,5% e 30,3%, respectivamente). Conclusión: el numero de dentistas en Brasil es elevado, entretanto, están desigualmente distribuidos, lo que puede implicar barreras en el acesso a los cuidados odontológicos en Brasil.

Objective: the objective was to analyze trends in the dental surgeon workforce in Brazil between 2007 and 2014. Methods: this is a time series study using data from the Brazilian National Register of Health Establishments and the Brazilian National Institute of Geography and Statistics. Prais-Winsten generalized linear regression was used to estimate time trends and to calculate the annual percent change in the dental surgeon workforce over the period. Results: the number of dental surgeons working as general practitioners and as specialists grew on average by 12.7% and 17.3% per annum, respectively; dental surgeon workforce expansion in relation to general practitioners (0.5%) and specialists (11.6%) was lower in the public sector, compared to the private sector (24.5% and 30.3%, respectively). Conclusion: the number of dental surgeons in Brazil is high, although they are not equally distributed between both sectors. This may imply barriers to dental care access in Brazil.

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Staff , Employment , Time Series Studies
Rev. odontol. Univ. Cid. São Paulo (Online) ; 29(1): 18-31, Jan.-Abr. 2017.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | BBO, LILACS, RHS | ID: biblio-849524


O presente estudo de caso analisou em que medida a adesão ao Pró-Saúde contribuiu para o andamento da reforma curricular em uma faculdade pública de Odontologia no Rio de Janeiro. Para essa análise foram coletados documentos e realizadas treze entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores-chave. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico a Teoria da Estruturação de Giddens. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram avanços e entraves no novo Projeto Político Pedagógico. Entretanto, desafiando as características de uma instituição tradicional de formação, o Pró-Saúde, associado ao interesse dos dirigentes locais em realizar a reforma, cumpriu o papel de indutor das transformações curriculares

The present case study analyzed how the adherence to Pró-Saúde contributed to the process of the curriculum reform done by a public school of dentistry in Rio de Janeiro state. In order to find evidences, documents were collected and thirteen semi-structured interviews with key actors were conducted. The data analysis was performed in light of Giddens' Structuration Theory. The results of the research show both advances and obstacles in the new pedagogical project. In conclusion, challenging the characteristics inherent to an institution of traditional education, Pró-Saúde, associated with school managers interests, fulfilled the role of a catalyst to curricular transformation.

Dental Staff , Education, Dental , Curriculum , Health Human Resource Training
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 54(2): 1-11, apr.-jun. 2017. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-901031


Introdução: os Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde constituem um grande problema para a sociedade e para o meio ambiente, e o conhecimento de seu correto manejo é imprescindível para a formação do profissional da saúde. Objetivo: verificar o conhecimento dos profissionais de Odontologia atuantes nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de municípios do noroeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, sobre o correto manejo dos Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde. Métodos: o instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário semiestruturado, preenchido durante as visitas nos estabelecimentos de saúde, a fim de verificar a conformidade do processo de gerenciamento de resíduos Odontológicos. Realizou-se análise descritiva. Além disso, aplicaram-se os testes do qui-quadrado e o Exato de Fisher para verificar associação entre o conhecimento do descarte de resíduos e a informação sobre o tema, ao nível de significância de 1 porcento. As análises foram realizadas no programa BioEstat 5.0. Resultado: do total (n= 74) dos profissionais, a maioria (97,3 porcento) diz saber o que são Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde e todos acreditam que eles podem fazem mal a saúde. No entanto, 41,9 porcento não responderam de forma correta como descartar os sugadores e luvas infectados e 20,3 porcento sobre o descarte de perfurocortantes. Em relação à informação sobre o tema, 40,5 porcento não obtiveram. Conclusão: o conhecimento sobre o correto descarte dos Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde por esses profissionais ainda é falho. Isso reflete a importância de capacitar os profissionais e propor formas de gerenciamento adequadas dos Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde(AU)

Introducción: los residuos de servicios de salud son un grave problema para la sociedad y el medio ambiente, y el conocimiento de su correcta gestión es esencial para la formación de los profesionales de la salud. Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento de los profesionales de Odontología que trabajan en las Unidades Básicas de Salud de los municipios en el noroeste de São Paulo, Brasil, sobre el manejo adecuado de los residuos de servicios de salud. Métodos: el instrumento de recolección de datos fue un cuestionario semiestructurado, completado durante las visitas a los centros de salud, con el fin de verificar la conformidad del proceso de gestión de residuos dentales. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo. Además, se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado y exacta de Fisher para determinar la asociación entre la eliminación de residuos y los conocimientos e información sobre el tema, considerándose un nivel de significación del 1 por ciento. Los análisis se realizaron en BioEstat 5.0. Resultados: del total (n= 74) de los profesionales, la mayoría (97,3 por ciento) afirmó no saber cuáles son los residuos de servicios de salud y todos creyeron que pueden hacer mal a la salud. Sin embargo, el 41,9 por ciento no contestó correctamente sobre la eliminación de dispositivos de succión y guantes infectados, y el 20,3 por ciento sobre la eliminación de objetos punzantes. Con respecto a la información sobre el tema, el 40,5 por ciento no la obtuvo. Conclusiones: el conocimiento sobre la eliminación adecuada de los residuos de servicios de salud por estos profesionales todavía es deficiente. Esto refleja la importancia de la capacitación de los profesionales y proponer formas de gestión adecuadas de los residuos de servicios de salud(AU)

Introduction: medical waste is a serious problem for both society and the environment, and knowledge about its proper management is essential for the training of health care professionals. Objective: evaluate knowledge among dental professionals working in Basic Health Units from municipalities in northeast Sao Paulo, Brazil, about proper management of medical waste. Methods: the data collection tool used was a semi-structured questionnaire completed during visits to the health centers, aimed at verifying the adequacy of dental waste management. A descriptive analysis was performed. Additionally, chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were applied to determine the association between waste disposal, and knowledge and information about the subject, using a significance level of 1 percent. Analyses were conducted on BioEstat 5.0. Results: of the total professionals (n= 74), most (97.3 percent) stated not knowing which are the medical wastes, and all believed that they may be harmful to health. However, 41.9 percent did not provide a correct answer about disposal of infected gloves and suction devices, and 20.3 percent about sharps disposal. With respect to information about the subject, 40.5 percent did not obtain it. Conclusions: knowledge about proper disposal of medical waste is still deficient among these professionals, pointing to the importance of professional training and of proposing forms of proper management of medical waste(AU)

Humans , Dental Waste/adverse effects , Waste Management/methods , Dental Staff/education , Sustainable Development Indicators/methods , Brazil , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Data Collection/statistics & numerical data
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