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Actual. nutr ; 24(1): 13-23, ener. 2023. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426117


Introducción: En el ámbito de las enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos, la Salmonella spp. puede causar salmonelosis, principalmente, a través del huevo de gallina, integrante alimentario básico, del cual se pueden evaluar diversos parámetros cualitativos. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la calidad y la presencia de Salmonella spp. en huevos expendidos en Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos. Material y métodos: El estudio fue desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Nutrición de la Universidad Adventista del Plata en Libertador San Martín, y un Laboratorio de análisis químicos en Paraná, desde mayo hasta agosto de 2020. El diseño fue descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 114 huevos obtenidos de 3 supermercados locales, en los cuales se encuentran representados todos los proveedores de huevos de la ciudad. Resultados: No se aisló Salmonella spp. En ninguna de las muestras analizadas. Cada unidad estuvo limpia, aunque 49 no presentaron yema céntrica, siendo el 57,01 % (n = 65) de calidad A, respecto de la cáscara y contenido. El peso promedio fue de 56,89 g, predominando los huevos grandes, DE ± 3,72. Para el Índice de forma la media fue 74,71, DE ± 2,45, destacándose los de forma óptima. Con referencia a la prueba de flotación, la mayoría fueron frescos del día. Respecto del Índice de yema, la media fue 0,38, DE ± 0,09, clasificándose la mayoría debajo de calidad B. Hubo una relación estadísticamente significativa entre este último parámetro y el estado de la cáscara y contenido (p = 0,010). El pH promedio de la clara fue 8,8, DE ± 0,39 y de la yema 8,0, DE ± 0,71. Conclusiones: Los parámetros cualitativos y el microbiológico son aceptables, excepto el Índice y pH de yema. Es imprescindible seguir procurando la inocuidad del huevo

Introduction: In the field of foodborne diseases, Salmonella spp. can cause salmonellosis through foods such as chicken eggs, a basic food component, of which various qualitative parameters can be evaluated. The objective of the study was to evaluate the quality and the presence of Salmonella spp. in eggs sold in Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos. Material and methods: The study was developed in the Nutrition Laboratory of the Universidad Adventista del Plata in Libertador San Martín, and a Chemical Analysis Laboratory in Paraná, from May to August 2020. The design was descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 114 eggs obtained from 3 local supermarkets, in which all egg suppliers in the city were represented. Results: Salmonella spp. wasn´t isolated in none of the samples analyzed. Each unit was clean, although 49 did not present centric yolk, being 57.01 % (n = 65) of A quality, with respect to the shell and content. The average weight was 56.89 g, with a predominance of large eggs, SD ± 3.72. For the shape index, the mean was 74.71, SD ± 2.45, highlighting those with optimal shape. With reference to the flotation test, most were fresh from the day. Regarding the yolk index, the mean was 0.38, SD ± 0.09, with the majority classified below B quality. There was a statistically significant relationship between this last parameter and the state of the shell and content (p = 0.010). The average pH of the white was 8.8, SD ± 0.39 and of the yolk 8.0, SD ± 0.71. Conclusions: The qualitative and microbiological parameters are acceptable, except the index and pH of the yolk. It is essential to continue ensuring the safety of the egg

Humans , Salmonella , Eggs
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 37(297): e1122, jul.-dez. 2023. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1531976


Várias pesquisas mostram o interesse na aplicação de materiais de revestimento na superfície de cascas de ovos para preservar a qualidade interior dos ovos, bem como para prolongar sua vida útil. No presente trabalho verificou-se a qualidade interna de 100 ovos galinhas para o consumo. Os ovos foram revestidos externamente na casca com tratamento de óleo mineral e timol 10%, e um grupo controle, que não sofreu nenhum tipo de tratamento. Um total de 10 ovos de cada grupo (controle e tratado) foram avaliados no dia 7, 14, 21 dias de armazenamento em relação aos seus parâmetros internos de qualidade. Os parâmetros físico-químicos de qualidade dos ovos avaliados foram Perda de peso dos ovos (g), Porcentagem da gema (%), Porcentagem do albúmen (%), Índice de gema, pH do Albúmen, pH da gema e Unidades Haugh (UH). Foi observada diminuição da qualidade interna dos ovos durante os períodos de armazenamento principalmente no grupo controle. Os ovos do grupo controle, que não receberam nenhum tipo de revestimento apresentaram a maior perda de peso e os valores da unidade Haugh diminuíram ao longo do armazenamento, o que não foi observado nos dois grupos tratados. A unidade Haugh dos grupos tratados não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si. Concluiu-se que os ovos tratados com óleo mineral e timol a 10%, o revestimento da casca contribuiu para a preservação dos ovos mantendo positivamente a qualidade interna dos ovos ao longo do período de estocagem, o que pode contribuir para o aumento da vida de prateleira de ovos.

Several researchers show interest in the application of coating materials on the surface of eggshells to preserve the interior quality of the eggs, as well as to prolong their shelf life. In the present work, the internal quality of 100 chicken eggs for consumption was verified. The eggs were coated externally in the shell with mineral oil and 10% thymol treatment, and a control group did not undergo any type of treatment. a total of 10 eggs from each group (control and treated) were evaluated on day 7, 14, 21 of storage in relation to their internal quality parameters. The physicochemical parameters of egg quality evaluated were egg weight loss (g), yolk percentage (%), albumen percentage (%), yolk index, albumen pH, yolk ph and haugh units (uh). decreased internal egg quality was observed during storage periods, mainly in the control group. The eggs in the control group, which did not receive any kind of coating, showed the greatest weight loss and the haugh unit values decreased during storage, which was not observed in the two treated groups. The haugh unit of the treated groups did not show significant differences between them. It was concluded that in eggs treated with mineral oil and 10% thymol, the shell coating contributed to the preservation of the eggs, positively maintaining the internal quality of the eggs throughout the storage period, which may contribute to an increase in shelf life of eggs.

Chickens , Egg Shell , Eggs , Date of Validity of Products , Thymol , Mineral Oil
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 1127-1148, set-dez. 2022.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414419


Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma pesquisa visando a fundamentação científica dos superalimentos. Embora não existam diretrizes oficiais para o que constitui um "superalimento", geralmente está denominação se aplica a produtos alimentícios que contêm grandes quantidades de nutrientes específicos (por exemplo, antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais). Estes bioativos atuam como potenciais agentes de prevenção e complementam os tratamentos de doenças crônicas como síndrome metabólica, diabetes, hipertensão, inflamações, doenças autoimunes entre outras. Como exemplos de superalimentos, encontram-se os brotos, sementes, vegetais, frutas, cúrcuma, chá verde, algas como a espirulina, alho, gengibre, cacau, pólen, geleia real, mel de abelha, coco e açaí. Nesse sentido, outros estudos poderiam ser realizados para investigar como estão sendo compreendidos os superalimentos dentro do campo científico.

This work aims to carry out research aiming at the scientific foundation of superfoods. While there are no official guidelines for what constitutes a "superfood", this designation generally applies to food products that contain large amounts of specific nutrients (eg, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals). These bioactives act as potential preventive agents and complement treatments for chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, among others. As examples of superfoods, there are sprouts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, turmeric, green tea, algae such as spirulina, garlic, ginger, cocoa, pollen, royal jelly, bee honey, coconut and açaí. In this sense, other studies could be carried out to investigate how superfoods are being understood within the scientific field.

El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una investigación sobre la base científica de los superalimentos. Aunque no existen directrices oficiales sobre lo que constituye un "superalimento", esta denominación se aplica generalmente a los productos alimenticios que contienen grandes cantidades de nutrientes específicos (por ejemplo, antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales). Estos bioactivos actúan como agentes potenciales para prevenir y complementar los tratamientos de enfermedades crónicas como el síndrome metabólico, la diabetes, la hipertensión, la inflamación, las enfermedades autoinmunes y otras. Como ejemplos de superalimentos, están los germinados, las semillas, las verduras, las frutas, la cúrcuma, el té verde, las algas como la espirulina, el ajo, el jengibre, el cacao, el polen, la jalea real, la miel de abeja, el coco y el acai. En este sentido, se podrían realizar otros estudios para investigar cómo se entienden los superalimentos dentro del ámbito científico.

Functional Food , Diet, Healthy , Cacao , Solanum lycopersicum , Flax , Persea , Agaricales , Eggs , Fruit , Fabaceae , Nutritive Value
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 21-21, May 6, 2022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396569


The purpose of this trial was to assess the influence of homeopathy products on the diet of quails based on egg quality when submitted to different storage periods. Methodology: Two hundred, 45 day old Japanese quails and 80% of production were used, in a completely randomized design comprised of a 4x3 factorial, and 4 diets (basal feed, inert vehicle and 2 homeopathic products: Fertsigo® (Sulphur10 CH, Sepia 15CH ) and Ovosigo® (Belladonna 12CH,Silicea 12 CH, Natrum mur. 30CH, Calcarea phos. 30CH, Sulphur 12CH) and 3 storage periods (0 days, 7 days and 14 days) with ten repetitions of three eggs per treatment. The weight, percentages of yoke, albumen and shell, albumen height and yolk color, specific gravity, Haugh unit, yolk index and shell thickness were evaluated. The data were submitted to variance analysis to verify whether there was a interaction effect between homeopathy factors and storage time, and when absent, the isolated effects. Results: An interaction between the homeopathic products and time was found for the parameters of albumen height and yolk, Haugh unit and yolk index, which reduced over time. For egg weight, yolk, albumen and shell, a significant effect (p<0.05) was found only in the case of homeopathy for the percentages of albumen and shell. For egg and albumen weights, yolk and albumen percentages, specific gravity and colorimetry there was an effect for time, however these parameters reduced over the storage time in days. The addition of the homeopathic based products Ovosigo® and FertSigo® are indicated for the diets of Japanese quail during the laying phase since it resulted in better weights for the egg and its components. Conclusion: The different homeopathic products did not have an influence on conserving the quality of the Japanese quail eggs during the periods evaluated.

Quail , Homeopathic Remedy , Eggs , Food, Organic
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(1): 63-74, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1389168


ABSTRACT In this study we evaluated the inclusion of chemical silage from red tilapia viscera (Oreochromis sp.) in diets for ISA Brown line laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and its influence on nutritional parameters and egg quality. A total of 56 16-week-old laying hens were randomly divided into two groups (one per diet), which in turn were subdivided into 7 groups, each with 4 birds. Eggs were collected during the first 13 weeks of laying. During this period the egg quality parameters were evaluated until week 11; the bromatological characterization of the egg was carried out in the 2nd and 4th week of laying. The results indicated that the inclusion of chemical silage in 17,18% dry matter does not result in statistically significant differences in egg quality parameters or in their bromatological composition, with respect to the control. This led to the conclusion that chemical silage can be used as an alternative to protein inputs such as fish meal and soybean cake in the diet of laying hens, without modifying the quality of the final product.

RESUMEN En este trabajo se evaluó la inclusion de ensilado químico de vísceras de tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp.) en dietas para gallinas ponedoras (Gallus gallus domesticus) de la raza Isa-Brown, y su influencia sobre parámetros nutricionales y la calidad del huevo. Se utilizó un total de 56 gallinas ponedoras de 16 semanas de edad divididas al azar en dos grupos (uno por dieta), los cuales a su vez se subdividieron en 7 grupos de 4 aves cada uno. Se les recolectó huevos durante las primeras 13 semanas de postura. Durante este periodo se realizó la evaluación de los parámetros de calidad del huevo hasta la semana 11. La caracterización bromatológica del huevo se realizo en las semanas 2 y 4, luego de haber sido puestos. Los resultados indicaron que la inclusion de ensilado químico en un 17,18% materia seca, no genera diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) en los parámetros de calidad del huevo ni en su composición bromatológica, con respecto al control. Esto permitió concluir que el ensilado químico puede ser usado como alternativa a insumos proteicos como harina de pescado y torta de soya en la alimentación de gallinas ponedoras, sin modificar la calidad del producto final.

Animals , Silage , Chickens , Tilapia , Eggs , Food Analysis , Fish Proteins, Dietary , Birds , Viscera , Microbiological Techniques , Minerals
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468506


Present study was planned to determine variations in external and internal quality egg parameters of different avian species including ostrich Struthio camelus, ducks Anas platyrhynchos, chicken Gallus gallus, turkeys Meleagris gallopavo and grey francolin Francolinus pondicerinus. All the birds were kept under similar rearing conditions. A total of 150 eggs were collected for each species to record external features of these eggs. Statistically significant (p<0.05) variations were recorded in egg weight, egg length and egg width between ostrich, ducks, chicken, turkey and quail eggs. Significantly (p<0.05) higher egg weight, egg length and egg width was observed for ostrich eggs while the same was lowest for grey francolin eggs. Similarly, significantly (p<0.05) greater shape index and egg volume values were observed for ostrich eggs while lowest shape index values were recorded for turkey eggs and egg volume was lowest for grey francolin. Significantly, higher (p<0.05) values of egg density were noted for eggs of the quail and the same were lowest for ostrich eggs. Non-significant variations in egg density values were observed between eggs of the ducks, chicken, turkey and grey francolin. It has been concluded that the positive correlations between the internal and external egg quality traits indicated that the traits can be improved through selection.

O presente estudo foi planejado para determinar variações nos parâmetros externos e internos de qualidade dos ovos de diferentes espécies de aves, incluindo avestruz Struthio camelus, patos Anas platyrhynchos, frango Gallus gallus, perus Meleagris gallopavo e francolin cinza Francolinus pondicerinus. Todas as aves foram mantidas em condições de criação semelhantes. Um total de 150 ovos foi coletado para cada espécie para registrar as características externas desses ovos. Variações estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) foram registradas no peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo e largura do ovo entre os ovos de avestruz, patos, galinha, peru e codorna. Significativamente (p < 0,05) maior peso do ovo, comprimento e largura do ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto o mesmo foi menor para ovos de francolina cinza. Da mesma forma, significativamente (p < 0,05) maiores valores de índice de forma e volume de ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto os menores valores de índice de forma foram registrados para ovos de peru e o volume de ovo foi menor para francolina cinza. Significativamente, maiores (p < 0,05) valores de densidade de ovos foram observados para ovos de codorna e os mesmos foram menores para ovos de avestruz. Variações não significativas nos valores de densidade de ovos foram observadas entre os ovos de pato, frango, peru e francolina cinza. Concluiu-se que as correlações positivas entre as características internas e externas de qualidade do ovo indicaram que as características podem ser melhoradas por meio da seleção.

Animals , Food Analysis/methods , Chickens , Eggs/analysis , Ducks , Food Quality
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0040, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376790


ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe a new accessible model of ophthalmological training using chicken eggs. Methods: With the aid of a spherical drill, the external calcified layer and the cuticle of the chicken eggshell were removed in a 2cm diameter circle. Using a video-magnification system, the film was dissected and cut to approximately 1.5 cm diameters. The film was removed and repositioned to make interrupted 12-0 nylon microsutures. The parameters analyzed were: cost, facility of acquisition and handling, time for making the model and the microsutures and number of possible uses. Results: In all simulators, it was possible to carry out separated and equidistant micro-sutures in the egg membrane, without the need for reintervention. Conclusion: The new chicken-egg model for ophthalmic surgery training is low-cost, easy to acquire and handle, and viable for the development of basic microsurgery skills.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever um novo modelo acessível de treinamento oftalmológico com ovo de galinha. Métodos: Com o auxílio de uma broca esférica, a camada calcificada externa e a cutícula da casca do ovo de galinha foram retiradas em um círculo 2 cm de diâmetro. Mediante um sistema de videomagnificação, a película foi dissecada e cortada em formato aproximado de 1,5 cm de diâmetro. A película foi removida e reposicionada para a confecção de microssuturas interrompidas com nylon 12-0. Os parâmetros analisados foram: custo, facilidade de aquisição e manuseio, tempo para confecção do modelo e para a confecção das microssuturas e número de utilizações possíveis. Resultados: Em todos os simuladores foi possível realizar microssuturas separadas e equidistantes na membrana do ovo, sem necessidade de reintervenção. Conclusão: O novo modelo com ovo de galinha para o treinamento de cirurgia oftalmológica é de baixo custo, fácil aquisição e manuseio, além de ser viável no desenvolvimento de habilidades básicas em microcirurgia.

Animals , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures/education , Egg Shell , Simulation Training/methods , Microsurgery/education , Models, Anatomic , Ophthalmology/education , Chickens , Suture Techniques/education , Eggs
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(4): 873-878, 2022. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1416645


Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae) es la mosca más común en todo el mundo. Más de 100 patógenos pueden causar enfermedades en humanos y animales por este tipo de insectos. Estos patógenos incluyen: diarrea infantil, ántrax, cólera, oftalmía, disentería bacilar, fiebre tifoidea y tuberculosis. Además, las moscas domésticas transmiten muchos de los huevos de helmintos como Enterobius vermicularis, Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichuris trichiura, Toxocara canis, y especies de Dipylidium, Diphyllobothriam, Hymenolepis, Taenia y Trichomonas. También puede transmitir quistes de protozoos y trofozoítos como E. histolytica y Giardia lamblia. Se determinó el índice de infestación por Musca domestica L. (Díptera, Muscidae) en una faenadora avícola ubicada en el Perú. Para ello se evaluó no sólo el tratamiento aplicado: protocolo de cola entomológica (T1), monitoreo de insfectación de mosca (T2) o comincación de lámparas LED UV más tabla de pegamento adhesivo (T3), sino también las diferentes zonas de faenadora: zonas sucias de descarga y estabulación (ZDE), preparación (ZP), zonas adicionales de sacrificio sanitario (ZSS), preparación de residuos orgánicos (ZPRO), conservación de los residuos orgánicos (ZCRO) y de conservación de sangre (ZCS). Los resultados demoestraron que, independientemente de la zona de operación, el tratamiento más efectivo para determinar la infestación por la mosca doméstica fue el combinado de lámpara LED junto con tablas de pegamento (T3), seguido del tratamiento de protocolo de cola entomológica (T1) y el tratamiento por Monitoreo de infestación de moscas (T2) independientemente de los días de recolección. Es importante seguir las diferentes normativas a fin de controlar y eliminar la presencia de moscas (y de otros insectos voladores) para evitar la contaminación y, por ende, enfermedades(AU)

Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae) is the most common fly in the world. More than 100 pathogens can cause diseases in humans and animals by these types of insects. These pathogens include: infant diarrhea, anthrax, cholera, ophthalmia, bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis. In addition, houseflies transmit many of the eggs of helminths such as Enterobius vermicularis, Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichuris trichiura, Toxocara canis, and Dipylidium, Diphyllobothriam, Hymenolepis, Taenia, and Trichomonas species. It can also transmit cysts of protozoa and trophozoites such as E. histolytica and Giardia lamblia. The infestation index by Musca domestica L. (Diptera, Muscidae) was determined in a poultry slaughterhouse located in Peru. For this, not only the applied treatment was evaluated: entomological glue protocol (T1), fly infestation monitoring (T2) or combination of UV LED lamps plus adhesive glue table (T3), but also the different slaughter areas: unloading and holding areas (ZDE), preparation (ZP), additional stamping-out areas (ZSS), preparation of organic waste (ZPRO), conservation of organic waste (ZCRO) and blood conservation (ZCS). The results showed that, regardless of the area of operation, the most effective treatment to determine housefly infestation was the LED lamp combined with glue boards (T3), followed by the entomological glue protocol treatment (T1 ) and the treatment by Monitoring of fly infestation (T2) regardless of the days of collection. It is important to follow the different regulations in order to control and eliminate the presence of flies (and other flying insects) to avoid contamination and, therefore, diseases(AU)

Animals , Poultry , Diptera , Houseflies , Insecta , Food Contamination , Cholera , Diarrhea, Infantile , Dysentery, Bacillary , Eggs
Rev. patol. trop ; 51(3): 1-6, 2022. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1418017


This study presents the first report of Aedes aegypti laying eggs on the water surface of an artificial breeding site in the field. This report occurred in the city of Rio de Janeiro inside a white bucket containing 11 liters of rainwater. Conspecific larvae had previously been found in this bucket. From the 219 eggs obtained, 135 (61.6%) were laid on the water and 84 (38.3%) on the border of the bucket. Larvae (4th instar) and adults obtained from the eggs were identified as A. aegypti. This behavior may influence the population dynamics of A. aegypti and expands the knowledge about the species adaptation. This report confirms the species' ability to lay eggs on the water surface of artificial breeding sites in the field and suggests the hypothesis that pheromones in the water may influence the females to lay eggs on water.

Oviposition , Rainwater , Aedes , Eggs , Vector Borne Diseases , Larva , Culicidae , Eggs/parasitology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(5): 1137-1146, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345273


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ultraviolet light in reducing bacterial load of eggshells and the impact of experimental disinfection on hatching, embryo mortality, and time-borne distribution using broiler breeder hens of different ages (38, 42, and 48 weeks old). Fertile eggs were subjected to different exposure periods (5, 7, and 9 minutes) of UV light (UV-C) with a 254 nm wavelength. For controls, eggs disinfected with paraformaldehyde (5.3 g/m3) and eggs not disinfected (NC). After subjection to disinfection protocols, the eggs were placed into sterile plastic bags containing 20 mL of peptone saline solution (0.1% m:v) and massaged for 1 minute to release the bacterial load. Aliquots of this solution were incubated in specific medium for bacterial growth for 48 hours at 37ºC for subsequent CFU counts. To evaluate the effects of disinfection on production, eggs previously disinfected by UV-C (9 min) and paraformaldehyde and NC eggs were candled between incubation days 10 and 13 and at the end of the incubation period to assess embryonic mortality. Hatchability distribution was performed every 8 hours. The 9 minutes 254nm UV-C light exposure was able to disinfect viable eggs and matched the effectiveness of the paraformaldehyde technique.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia da luz ultravioleta na redução da carga bacteriana de cascas de ovos e o impacto na eclosão e na mortalidade embrionária observando-se a idade das matrizes (38, 42 e 48 semanas). Os ovos foram submetidos a diferentes períodos de exposição (cinco, sete e nove minutos) à luz UV (UV-C) com comprimento de onda de 254nm. Os controles foram ovos desinfetados com paraformaldeído (5,3g/m³) e ovos não desinfetados (NC). Após a desinfecção, os ovos foram colocados em sacos plásticos estéreis contendo 20mL de solução salina peptonada (0,1% m:v) e massageados por um (1) minuto para descolamento das bactérias. Alíquotas dessa solução foram incubadas em meio para crescimento bacteriano por 48 horas a 37ºC e contagem de UFC. Para avaliar os efeitos da desinfecção, ovos previamente desinfetados por UV-C (nove minutos) e ovos com paraformaldeído e NC foram submetidos à ovoscopia entre os dias 10 e 13 de incubação e ao final do período de incubação, para avaliação da mortalidade embrionária. A distribuição da eclodibilidade foi realizada a cada oito horas. A exposição à luz UV-C de 25nm de nove minutos desinfetou os ovos férteis e coincidiu com a eficácia do paraformaldeído.(AU)

Animals , Chickens , Disinfection/methods , Eggs/radiation effects , Eggs/microbiology , Ultraviolet Rays
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 721-732, May-June 2021. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278356


This study aims to evaluate effects of inclusion of moringa in Japanese quail diets on laying performance, egg quality, blood parameters, serum biochemical profile, and behavior. One hundred and forty-four Japanese quails, approximately 35-d-old, were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replications. Treatments were diet inclusion of 0, 2, 4 and 6% of dried and ground moringa leaves. The inclusion of moringa in diets reduces the quadratic feed intake up to the level of 1.20%, increases weight of eggs with a quadratic behavior up to 3.80%, and linearly increases yolk weight. Yolk color changes with higher levels of inclusion of moringa and resulted in more intense colors. The biochemical profile of quails changed slightly but remains within the normal range. The inclusion of 4% of moringa in diets increases alkaline phosphatase. Regarding cholesterol and triglycerides, diet with 6% moringa inclusion was lower when compared to the others. The behavior of laying quails does not change due to inclusion of moringa in diets. Up to 3.83% of Moringa oleifera can be included in Japanese quail diet to improve egg quality without compromising performance, biochemical profile, blood parameters and behavior.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a inclusão de Moringa oleifera na dieta de codornas japonesas sobre o desempenho, a qualidade de ovos, os parâmetros sanguíneos, o perfil bioquímico e o comportamento. Foram utilizadas 144 codornas japonesas, com aproximadamente 35 dias de idade, as quais foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições cada. Foram fornecidas dietas com 0, 2, 4 e 6% de folhas desidratadas e moídas de moringa. A inclusão de moringa nas dietas reduziu quadraticamente o consumo até o nível de 1,2%, aumentou o peso dos ovos com comportamento quadrático até o nível de 3,8% e aumentou linearmente o peso da gema. A coloração da gema se intensificou com maiores inclusões de moringa. O perfil bioquímico sofreu alterações leves, mas não saiu dos padrões normais para codornas. A inclusão de 4% de moringa nas dietas aumentou os níveis de fosfatase alcalina. Já a inclusão de 6% reduziu níveis de colesterol e triglicérides. O comportamento das codornas não se alterou com a inclusão de moringa nas dietas. A inclusão de até 3,83% de Moringa oleifera na dieta de codornas japonesas aumenta a qualidade de ovos sem comprometer o desempenho, o perfil bioquímico, os parâmetros sanguíneos e o comportamento delas.(AU)

Animals , Coturnix , Moringa oleifera , Eggs/analysis , Phytochemicals/therapeutic use , Plants, Medicinal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 733-741, May-June 2021. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278346


This study examined the replacement of the inorganic minerals (IM) Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn with their organic form (OM) in the diet of 67-week-old Dekalb White laying hens by comparing digestibility, production and egg quality. The experiment involved 240 birds, with 48 birds used per treatment and 12 per replicate. Isoenergetic and isonutrient diets were supplemented with 8mg Cu, 50mg Fe, 70mg Mn and 50mg Zn per kilogram of diet from an inorganic premix (IM100), from an organic premix (OM100), or the latter at the decreasing inclusion levels of 65% (OM65), 45% (OM45) and 35% (OM35). The following variables were evaluated: production, eggs per housed bird (EHB), viability, egg weight and mass, cracked and lost eggs, digestibility and egg physicochemical traits. Birds fed OM35 and OM45 showed lower production rates, and organic minerals provided the highest egg weights, regardless of their inclusion level. Accordingly, egg mass was similar between IM100, OM45 and OM35, and highest values were obtained with OM100 and OM65. Source or level had no influence on digestibility or egg quality. Supplementation with 2.8mg Cu, 17.5mg Fe, 24.5m g Mn and 17.5mg Zn per kilogram of diet (OM35) in the last third of the laying cycle provided relevant economic production indices (EHB, viability, egg weight or mass).(AU)

Estudou-se a substituição dos minerais inorgânicos (MI) Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn por minerais orgânicos (MO) na dieta de poedeiras Dekalb White com 67 semanas, comparando-se índices de produção, digestibilidade e qualidade dos ovos. Utilizaram-se 240 aves, 48 aves por tratamento e 12 por repetição. Dietas isoenergéticas e isonutrientes foram suplementadas com 8mg Cu, 50mg Fe, 70mg Mn e 50mg Zn por kg de ração MI100 e MO100 ou suplementações decrescentes MO65, MO45 e MO35. Avaliou-se produção, ovo por ave alojada (OAA), viabilidade, peso e massa dos ovos, trincados e perdidos, digestibilidade dos nutrientes e características físico-químicas dos ovos. Observaram-se menores índices de produção nas aves dos tratamentos MO35 e MO45 e maiores pesos dos ovos nos tratamentos com minerais orgânicos, independentemente da inclusão. Assim, massas de ovos foram semelhantes para os tratamentos MI100, MO45 e MO35 e maiores para MO100 e MO65. Fontes ou níveis de inclusões não influenciaram a digestibilidade e a qualidade dos ovos. Índices zootécnicos economicamente relevantes (OAA, viabilidade, peso e massa do ovo) foram obtidos com suplementação de 2,8mg Cu, 17,5mg Fe, 24,5mg Mn e 17,5mg Zn por kg de ração (MO35) em poedeiras brancas no último terço do ciclo de postura.(AU)

Animals , Dietary Minerals/administration & dosage , Chickens , Eggs/analysis , Nutritive Value
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507745


Introduction: Sea urchin gonads (roe or uni) are considered a culinary delicacy worldwide. However, only a few species are considered edible and commercialized. The sea urchin Tripneustes depressus has generated the interest of producers in Baja California Sur, Mexico, due to the quality of its gonads. A biological basis for designing a management strategy is key to consider its commercial exploitation. Objective: To determine the reproductive season of T. depressus through description of the gonad stages and reproductive cycle, and to establish its relationship with environmental factors. Methods: We collected monthly samples (October 2016-September 2017), recording in-situ temperature and photoperiod. We evaluated a sample of 1 055 specimens for demographic characteristics, using total weight (g) and test diameter (cm). We also did a histological analysis of gonads from 178 individuals. Results: Average test diameter was 9.70 ± 0.03 cm (5-12.50 cm). Based on the proportion into the gonad of sexual (gametes) and somatic (nutritive phagocytes) cells, we propose five gonad stages (growing, premature, mature, spawning, and intergametic) for both sexes. There were two times of the year when gonads were heaviest and closely corresponded to the growing stage, coinciding with the highest proportions of nutritive phagocytes. Gonad development (growing and premature stages) peaks in the months with the longest daylight periods, with spawning in the shortest daylight periods. Conclusions: Gonad wet weight and adjusted gonad weight are good indicators of the reproductive season of T. depressus. The lowest gonad wet weights were matched the spawning peak in the shortest daylight period (January and March).

Introducción: Las gónadas de erizo de mar (huevas o uni) se consideran un manjar culinario en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, solo unas pocas especies se consideran comestibles y se comercializan. El erizo de mar Tripneustes depressus ha generado el interés de productores de Baja California Sur, México, por la calidad de sus gónadas. Una base biológica es clave para diseñar una estrategia de manejo para T. depressus para considerar su explotación comercial. Objetivo: Determinar la época reproductiva de T. depressus a través de la descripción de los estadios de las gónadas y del ciclo reproductivo, y establecer su relación con factores ambientales. Métodos: Recolectamos muestras mensuales (octubre de 2016 a septiembre de 2017), registrando in-situ la temperatura y el fotoperiodo. Evaluamos una muestra de 1055 especímenes para las características demográficas, utilizando el peso total (g) y el diámetro de testa (cm). También hicimos el análisis histológico de las gónadas de 178 individuos. Resultados: El diámetro de la testa promedio fue de 9.70 ± 0.03 cm (5-12.50 cm). Con base en la proporción en la gónada de células sexuales (gametos) y somáticas (fagocitos nutritivos), proponemos cinco estadios gonádicos (crecimiento, prematuro, maduro, desove e intergamético) para ambos sexos. Hubo dos épocas del año en que las gónadas eran más pesadas y se correspondían estrechamente con la etapa de crecimiento, coincidiendo con las proporciones más altas de fagocitos nutritivos. El desarrollo de las gónadas (etapas de crecimiento y prematuro) alcanza su punto máximo en los meses con los periodos de luz más largos, con desove en los periodos de luz más cortos. Conclusiones: El peso húmedo de las gónadas y el peso ajustado de las gónadas son buenos indicadores de la temporada reproductiva de T. depressus. Los pesos húmedos más bajos de las gónadas coincidieron con el pico de desove en el período con luz diurna más corto (enero y marzo).

Animals , Reproduction , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Eggs , Mexico
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e50591, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461003


The present study aimed to study the reproduction of the Amazon turtle (Podocnemis expansa) through the evaluation of the reproductive parameters of adult females. This study was carried out in the Crixás-Açu River, municipality of Mundo Novo, state of Goiás, Brazil. In September, the biometrics of 20 females were evaluated during the spawning period. Their nests were marked for subsequent evaluation of hatchlings, measuring the distances of each nest to the river and vegetation. The second stage consisted of the evaluation of hatchlings and characterization of nests after egg hatching. The datawere tested using the Pearson Correlation to measure the degree of linear correlation between the variables analyzed, such as the parameters of females, hatchlings, nests, and eggs. Nest depth was positively correlated with the number of eggshells found. We also found a correlation between the number of eggsshells and the distance of nests to the vegetation. Although moderate, this result indicates that as the distance to the vegetation increases, the number of eggshells found in nests decreases. The spawning site for Amazon turtle breeding is crucial to determine a higher number of eggshatching and better development of hatchlings. However, the literature is still very scarce regarding the choice of spawning grounds and the influence that vegetation may have on the development of freshwater turtle hatchlingsin Brazil.

Animals , Biometry , Eggs , Turtles/growth & development
São Paulo; s.n; 2021. 79 p.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283952


Introdução: O Aedes aegypti é o principal vetor transmissor do vírus causador da dengue, Chikungunya, Zika Vírus e vírus da Febre Amarela urbana no Brasil, tendo uma ampla distribuição em países de clima quente e úmido. Atualmente, novas metodologias são necessárias para o controle do Aedes aegypti (Diptera Culicidae) diante de recentes surtos e re-emergência destes vetores. Entre os métodos de controle dos culicídeos as armadilhas de oviposição vem sendo testadas e avaliadas em vários países, principalmente no Brasil. Objetivo: Testar a eficácia de um novo recipiente proposto como armadilha de oviposição de fêmeas do mosquito Aedes aegypti, comparando-o com a tradicional armadilha ovitrampa na Unidade Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Campus Quadrilátero da Sáude e Direito/USP. Métodos: Foram selecionadas quatro áreas no campus da Faculdade de Saúde Pública para instalação mensal de quatro armadilhas ovitrampa e quatro recipientes novos, a 1,00 metro do solo, totalizando oito armadilhas, com a finalidade de testar a eficiência na postura de ovos por fêmea do Aedes aegypti. O estudo ocorreu ao longo do ano 2019, entre os meses de fevereiro e setembro, compreendendo os períodos sazonais Primavera-Verão, Outono-Inverno de 2019. Resultados: Após as coletas, comparou-se o desempenho de todas as armadilhas e seus substratos com presença ou não de ovos nas palhetas das ovitrampa e no recipiente novo, e também sua sensibilidade. Para analisar a eficiência das armadilhas ovitrampa optou-se pelo cálculo do Índice de Positividade de ovitrampa (IPO) onde o número de armadilhas positivas é dividido pelo número de ovitrampas inspecionadas x 100; (IDO) Índice de Densidade de ovos, onde o Total de ovos nas paletas dividido pelo Total de armadilhas positivas; (IMO) Índice Médio de Ovos, onde o número de ovos coletados dividido pelo número de ovitrampa inspecionada. Desta forma, para cada amostragem, foram calculados os valores correspondentes aos Índices citados sendo que os meses mais representativos para ovos de Aedes aegypti coletados pela ovitrampa foram mês de março (661ovos) e maio (624 ovos), onde foram registrados uma media de 295,6 ovos de Aedes aegypti. Os valores mais expressivos para IPO e IDO (62,5%; 41,3% respectivamente) foram registrados no período de verão de 2019 com um total de 661 ovos de Aedes aegypti, enquanto o maior número de ovos coletados no inverno chegou a 110, embora nas demais áreas observou-se um número razoável de ovos coletados. Conclusão: O recipiente novo se mostrou negativo para todas as amostras na postura de ovos pela fêmea do Aedes aegypti. A armadilha convencional Ovitrampa foi positiva durante todo o período de estudo indicando a presença de fêmeas de Aedes aegypti no ambiente. O novo recipiente não pode ser considerado uma armadilha de oviposição.

Introduction: Aedes aegypti is the main transmitting vector of dengue, chikungunya, Zika virus and urban yellow fever virus in Brazil, having a wide distribution in countries with hot and humid climate. Currently, new methodologies are needed to control Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in the face of recent outbreaks of these vectors. Among the culicide control methods the traps have been tested and evaluated in several countries, mainly in Brazil. Objective: To test the efficacy of a new container proposed as an oviposition trap of females of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, comparing it with the traditional ovitrap, on the campus where the School of Public Health/USP is located. Methods: Four areas were selected on the campus of the School of Public Health to install monthly four ovitraps and four new containers with distance of 3 meters and a height of 1.00 meters from the ground, totaling eight traps for the purpose of testing posture efficiency of eggs per female of Aedes aegypti. The study took place throughout the year from February to September comprising the seasonal periods of Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter of 2019. Results: After the collections, the performance of all traps and their substrates with or without eggs in the ovitrap reeds and in the new container was compared, as well as their sensitivity. To analyze the efficiency of ovitraps, we opted for the calculation of the ovitrap Positivity Index (IPO) where the number of positive traps is divided by the number of inspected ovitraps x 100; (IDO) Egg Density Index, where Total eggs in palettes divided by Total positive traps; (IMO) Average Egg Index where the number of eggs collected divided by the number of eggs inspected. Thus, the most representative months for Aedes aegypti eggs collected by ovitrap was in March (661eggs) and May (624eggs) where an average of 295.6 eggs of Aedes aegypti were recorded. The most significant values for IPO and IDO (62.5%; 41.3% respectively) were recorded in the summer of 2019 with a total of 661 Aedes aegypti eggs, while the largest number of eggs collected in winter reached 110, although in the other areas they presented a reasonable number of eggs collected. Conclusion The new container was negative for all samples in egg laying by Aedes aegypti female. The conventional device Ovitrap was positive throughout the study period indicating the presence of females of Aedes aegypti in the environment. The new container can not be considered an oviposition trap.

Aedes , Eggs , Larva , Vector Borne Diseases , Culicidae
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(3): 205-218, sep.-dic. 2020. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251916


RESUMEN Este estudio se llevó a cabo para establecer la prevalencia e identificar los factores de riesgo asociados con las infestaciones por trematodos en ganado lechero Holstein en el valle de Paipa, Boyacá. Las muestras fecales recogidas de 100 bovinos seleccionados aleatoriamente se examinaron utilizando una técnica de sedimentación simple para el recuento diferencial de huevos de trematodos. Se buscaron huevos de tres grupos de trematodos: Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum spp., y Cotylophorum spp. La prevalencia específica de trematodos para cada grupo fue del 12, 9 y 4%, respectivamente. Se observó una superposición sustancial en el recuento de F. hepatica y Paramphistomum spp. La prevalencia de los tres trematodos identificados en este estudio se asoció significativamente (P < 0,05) con la condición corporal y la raza, mientras que la prevalencia de Fasciola hepatica y Paramphistomum spp., se asoció con la edad. La prevalencia de los tres principales trematodos de importancia para la salud animal con una alta tasa de infestación mixta junto con una mala condición corporal, sugiere una pérdida económica sustancial incurrida debido a la reducción de la productividad del ganado en el área de estudio.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to establish the prevalence and identify the risk factors associated with trematode infestations in Holstein dairy cattle in the Paipa-Boyacá valley. Fecal samples collected from 100 randomly selected cattle were examined using a simple sedimentation technique for differential trematode egg count. Eggs were sought from three groups of trematodes: Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum spp., and Cotylophorum spp. The specific prevalence was 12, 9 and 4%, respectively. Substantial overlap was observed in the count of F. hepatica and Paramphistomum spp. The prevalence of the three flukes identified in this study was significantly associated (P < 0.05) with body condition and race, while the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomum spp., was associated with age. The prevalence of the three main trematodes of importance for animal health with a high rate of mixed infestation together with a poor body condition, suggests a substantial economic loss incurred due to the reduction of livestock productivity in the study area.

Animals , Cattle , Paramphistomatidae , Trematoda , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Eggs , Fasciola hepatica , Livestock , Veterinary Medicine , Infections
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 96(6): 725-731, Set.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1143192


Abstract Objective: To assess the frequency of baked egg tolerance in IgE-mediated egg allergy patients through the oral food challenge and to assess the tolerance predictability of different skin prick tests, as well as specific serum IgE measurement to egg proteins. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 42 patients with a diagnosis of egg allergy were submitted to different skin prick tests with egg (in natura, boiled, muffin, ovalbumin, and ovomucoid), and specific IgE to egg white, ovalbumin, and ovomucoid; as well as to the oral food challenge with food containing egg, extensively baked in a wheat matrix. Results: Of the total, 66.6% of patients tolerated the ingestion of egg-containing foods in the oral food challenge. A comparative analysis with positive and negative oral food challenge found no significant differences regarding age, gender, other food allergies, or even specific skin prick tests and IgE values between the groups. Conclusions: The study demonstrated an elevated frequency of baked egg food-tolerant individuals among egg allergy patients. None of the tested markers, skin prick tests, or specific IgE, were shown to be good predictors for identifying baked egg-tolerant patients. The oral food challenge with egg baked in a matrix is central to demonstrate tolerance and the early introduction of baked foods, improving patients' and families' quality of life and nutrient intake.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de tolerância a alimentos assados com ovo em pacientes com alergia ao ovo mediada por IgE por meio do teste de provocação oral e verificar a capacidade de predição de tolerância ao ovo por meio de teste cutâneo de leitura imediata (Skin Prick Test ou SPT) e de dosagem sérica de IgE específica para componentes do ovo. Métodos: Estudo transversal, 42 pacientes com diagnóstico de alergia ao ovo foram submetidos a SPT com ovo (in natura, cozido, bolinho, ovoalbumina e ovomucoide), IgE específica para clara de ovo, ovoalbumina e ovomucoide e ao teste de provocação oral com alimento com ovo extensamente assado em matriz de trigo. Resultados: Dos pacientes, 66,6% toleraram a ingestão do alimento com ovo durante o teste de provocação oral. Não encontramos diferenças em relação a idade, gênero, outras alergias alimentares ou mesmo entre os valores dos SPT e IgE específica na análise comparativa entre os grupos com teste de provocação oral positivo e teste de provocação oral negativo. Conclusões: Foi demonstrada uma elevada frequência de indivíduos tolerantes a ingestão de alimentos assados com ovo entre os pacientes com alergia a ovo mediada por IgE. Nenhum dos marcadores testados, SPT ou IgE específica, demonstrou ser bom preditor para identificar os pacientes tolerantes. Consideramos que os testes de provocação oral com alimentos com ovo assado sejam fundamentais para a introdução desses assados, melhorar a qualidade de vida e a ingestão de nutrientes dos pacientes e famílias.

Humans , Quality of Life , Cooking , Egg Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Immunoglobulin E , Skin Tests , Allergens , Ovomucin , Cross-Sectional Studies , Eggs , Immune Tolerance
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1631-1638, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134490


RESUMEN: En este estudio se analiza una deformación que afectó la aleta caudal de los alevines de salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y que les proporcionó un aspecto de "cola aguzada". Al momento de la eclosión se observaron completamente normales pero la deformación se detectó con posterioridad. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los cambios anatómicos e histológicos de la aleta caudal deformada del alevín de salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar). Para esto se utilizaron 60 alevines para realizar análisis de laboratorio y descartar la presencia de patógenos virales o bacterianos. Otros 60 alevines con un estado de desarrollo entre 600 y 700 Unidades térmicas acumuladas (UTAs) fueron anestesiados con Benzocaína 5 %, fijados en formalina al 10 % pesados y medidos. De estos un grupo de 30 alevines (15 normales y 15 deformes) fueron sometidos a la técnica de Hanken y Wassersug para evaluar Lepidotriquias. Los otros 30 alevines (15 normales y 15 deformes), fueron procesados mediante las técnicas histoquímicas: H&E/azul de Alcián para evaluar las características histológicas generales. Adicionalmente se utilizó técnicas inmunohistoquímicas para reconocer la ubicación y la presencia de los centros de señales Sonic hedgehog (Shh) para la formación de Lepidotriquias. A los valores obtenidos para las variables cuantitativas peso y longitud de cuerpo, largo y ancho de aleta caudal, se les realizó estadística descriptiva y fueron sometidos a prueba de normalidad de Shapiro-Wilk. Las diferencias observadas entre peces normales y deformes, fueron analizadas mediante prueba t de Student o U de Mann Whitney, utilizando el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS 20.0. La deformación se observó desde las 600 UTA. El peso de los alevines deformes fue similar al de los peces normales (p>0,05), lo mismo sucedió con la longitud de la aleta (p>0,05). Por el contrario, el ancho de la aleta de los deformes fue muy reducida (p<0,05). El fenotipo de aleta aguzada presentó un cambio en la integridad de los bordes, fracturas de Lepidotriquias. La epidermis de la aleta caudal de los alevines deformados presentó sus centros de señalización Shh activos, pero el blastema interrayos presentó vasodilatación, congestión y hemorragias. La presentación de este caso se relacionó con incrementos bruscos de temperatura peri eclosional.

SUMMARY: This study analyzes the deformity of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar) caudal fin, which gives it a "pointed tail" appearance. Although at hatching specimens were normal, the deformities were detected later. The objective of this work is to describe the anatomical and histological changes of the deformed caudal fin of the Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar). In this analysis we used 60 specimens for laboratory analyses, to rule out the presence of viral or bacterial pathogens. Another 60 fry, developmental stage between 600 and 700 Accumulated Thermal Units (UTAs) were anesthetized with 5 % Benzocaine, fixed in 10 % formalin, weighed and measured. Of these, a group of 30 fry (15 normal and 15 deformed) underwent the Hanken and Wassersug technique to evaluate lepidotrychia or dermal rays. The remaining 30 fry (15 normal and 15 deformed) were processed using H & E / Alcián blue histochemical techniques to evaluate general histological characteristics. Additionally, immunohistochemical techniques were used to determine the location and presence of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signal centers for lepidotrychia development. The values obtained for the quantitative variables body weight, length and width of the tail fin were described using the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The deformity was observed from 600 UTA. Weight of deformed fry was less than normal fish, length of the fin was similar in normal and deformed fish. In contrast, width of the deformed fin was significantly reduced. The sharp fin phenotype presented a change in the conformity of the edges, lepidotrychia fractures. The epidermis presented active Shh signaling centers, but the interray blastema showed vasodilation, congestion and hemorrhages. The presentation of this case was related to sudden increases in perieclosional temperature.

Animals , Salmo salar/abnormalities , Animal Fins/abnormalities , Yolk Sac , Salmo salar/embryology , Eggs , Animal Fins/embryology
Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(5): 388-395, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249936


Resumen Introducción: La Ciudad de México no tiene presencia endémica de Aedes aegypti, por lo que está libre de enfermedades transmitidas por vector como dengue, Zika y chikunguña. Sin embargo, existe evidencia de la presencia de huevecillos en la urbe desde 2015. Objetivo: Reportar la presencia constante y en aumento de huevecillos de Aedes aegypti en la Ciudad de México de 2015 a 2018. Método: Se realizó vigilancia a través de ovitrampas; se contabilizaron y eclosionaron huevecillos para determinar la especie. Resultados: De 2015 a 2018 fueron identificados 378 organismos como Aedes aegypti. En total fueron colectadas 76 ovitrampas positivas a Aedes aegypti en 50 sitios distintos de 11 alcaldías. El noreste de la Ciudad de México fue el área con mayor positividad. Conclusiones: Los resultados pueden estar indicando un periodo de colonización incipiente y la probable la existencia de colonias crípticas del mosquito, por lo que la Ciudad de México podría estar en riesgo de presentar epidemias de enfermedades transmitidas por vector.

Abstract Introduction: Mexico City has no endemic presence of Aedes aegypti, and it is therefore free of vector-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, Zika and chikungunya. However, evidence has shown the presence of Aedes aegypti eggs in the city since 2015. Objective: To report the constant and increasing presence of Aedes aegypti eggs in Mexico City from 2015 to 2018. Methods: Surveillance was carried out using ovitraps. Eggs were counted and hatched in order to determine the species. Results: From 2015 to 2018, 378 organisms were identified as Ae. aegypti. In total, 76 Aedes aegypti-positive ovitraps were collected at 50 different places in 11 boroughs of the city. Northeastern Mexico City was the area with the highest number of positive traps. Conclusions: The results may be indicating a period of early colonization and the probable existence of cryptic colonies of the mosquito, and Mexico City could be therefore at risk of experiencing vector-borne epidemics.

Animals , Aedes/classification , Dengue , Eggs , Mosquito Vectors , Species Specificity , Cities , Aedes/growth & development , Larva/classification , Larva/growth & development , Mexico
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 970-976, May-June, 2020. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129701


This study aimed to establish criteria for eliminating redundant variables, to know the magnitude of the data relationship, and to provide information that helps researchers in the use of the technique to analyze and interpret production data and egg quality. The data used in this work was obtained from four successive generations of the quail lineage developed by the Department of Animal Science of the Federal University of Pelotas. The characteristics were measured from the 42nd day of age, when the egg production period began, until 126 days of production, obtaining three 28 day periods (cycles) in the four successive generations, totaling 545 females. Of the twelve original variables, only seven demonstrated potential to be maintained in future experiments, representing a 42% exclusion. The main philosophy of this study was the analysis of the studied variables and made possible the understanding of the relationship and the correlations.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estabelecer critérios para eliminação de variáveis redundantes, conhecer a magnitude das relações dos dados, além de fornecer informações que auxiliem pesquisadores na utilização da técnica para analisar e interpretar dados de produção e qualidade de ovos de codornas. Os dados utilizados neste trabalho são provenientes de quatro gerações sucessivas da linhagem de codornas de corte desenvolvida pelo Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. As características foram mensuradas do 42º dia de idade até o 126º dia de produção, totalizando 545 fêmeas. Das 12 variáveis originais analisadas, apenas sete demonstraram potencial para serem mantidas em experimentos futuros, representando uma exclusão de 42%. A análise de componentes principais foi efetiva para a redução das variáveis estudadas e possibilitou a compreensão da relação e correlação dessas.(au)

Animals , Coturnix , Eggs/analysis , Genetic Profile , Food Quality , Multivariate Analysis
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