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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e234922, 2022. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1360634


A compreensão sobre suporte e qualidade ambiental torna-se de fundamental importância para intervenções e melhoria das condições e qualidade de vida da população idosa. Este estudo objetivou identificar a percepção do suporte ambiental e suas implicações na elaboração de projetos pessoais na velhice. A pesquisa se caracterizou como exploratória, descritiva e de abordagem quantiqualitativa. Participaram 76 idosos residentes em três condomínios do Programa Cidade Madura do estado da Paraíba. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados os questionários sociodemográfico e o de projetos pessoais. As análises foram realizadas por meio da análise de conteúdo pela perspectiva de Bardin. A média de idade encontrada no estudo foi de 71,01 anos, com predomínio: de mulheres (56,6%); de estado civil casado (31,6%); de baixa escolaridade; de renda de até um salário mínimo mensal (76,3%); e de aposentados (73,7%). A análise dos Projetos Pessoais resultou em 8 categorias de atividades: Vínculos afetivos, Atividades domésticas, Lazer, Atividades de compromisso, Religião, Saúde, Jardinagem, Informação/distração. O ambiente (físico e contextual) é um importante aliado na concretização dessas atividades, que refletem em um bem-estar global. O estudo concluiu que potencialidades do ambiente como segurança, tranquilidade, socialização e acessibilidade, dão suporte favorável à realização de atividades cotidianas, o que, consequentemente, reflete em um bem-estar geral e melhor qualidade de vida. Algumas fragilidades do ambiente, como falta de acessibilidade urbana, ineficiência e insuficiência de serviços de saúde e transporte público, também foram citadas pelos idosos como limitações na realização de seus projetos pessoais.(AU)

The understanding about support and environmental quality becomes of fundamental importance for interventions and improvement of conditions and quality of life of the older population. This study aimed to identify the perception of environmental support and its implications in the development of personal projects in old age. This is an exploratory, descriptive, and quantitative qualitative study. A total of 76 older adults residents in three condominiums of the Cidade Madura Program of the state of Paraíba participated in the study. Sociodemographic and personal projects questionnaires were used for data collection. The analyzes were performed by content analysis from Bardin's perspective. The average age found in the study was 71.01 years, with a predominance of women (56.6%), of marital status married (31.6%), low educational level, up to a minimum monthly wage of earnings (76.3%), and retirees (73.7%). The analysis of Personal Projects resulted in 08 activity categories: Affective bonding, Domestic activities, Leisure, Commitment Activities, Religion, Health, Gardening, Information/distraction. The environment (physical and contextual) is an important ally in the accomplishment of these activities, which reflect on a global well-being. The study concluded that potentialities of the environment such as safety, tranquility, socialization, and accessibility provide favorable support in the performance of daily activities, which, consequently, reflects in a general well-being and better quality of life. Some environmental weaknesses, such as lack of urban accessibility, inefficiency and insufficiency of health services and public transportation were also cited by the older adults as limitations in carrying out their personal projects.(AU)

La comprensión sobre el soporte y calidad ambiental es clave para las intervenciones y mejoría de las condiciones y calidad de vida de la población anciana. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la percepción del soporte ambiental y sus implicaciones en la elaboración de proyectos personales en la vejez. Se trata de una investigación exploratoria, descriptiva y de abordaje cualicuantitativo. Participaron 76 ancianos que viven en tres habitaciones del Programa Ciudad Madura del Estado de Paraíba (Brasil). Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron los cuestionarios sociodemográficos y de proyectos personales. Se aplicó el análisis de contenido de Bardin. La edad media en el estudio fue de 71,01 años, con predominancia de mujeres (56,6%); estado civil casado (31,6%); bajo nivel educativo; renta de hasta un salario mínimo mensual (76,3%) y de jubilados (73,7%). El análisis de los proyectos personales dio como resultado 8 categorías de actividades: Vinculación afectiva, Actividades del hogar, Ocio, Actividades de compromiso, Religión, Salud, Jardinería, Información/distracción. El ambiente (físico y contextual) fue un importante aliado en la concretización de esas actividades, que conducen a un estado de bienestar general. Se concluyó que potencialidades del ambiente como seguridad, tranquilidad, socialización y accesibilidad dan soporte favorable en la realización de actividades diarias que, consecuentemente, reflejan en un bienestar general y mejor calidad de vida. Algunas fragilidades del ambiente como falta de accesibilidad urbana, ineficiencia e ineficacia de servicios de salud y transporte público también fueron citados por los ancianos como limitaciones en la realización de sus proyectos personales.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Social Environment , Aged , Aging , Environment , Projects , Public Housing , Quality of Life , Religion , Socialization , Activities of Daily Living , Health , Data Collection , Affect , Access to Information , Gardening , Planning , Health Services Accessibility , Household Work , Leisure Activities , Object Attachment
NOVA publ. cient ; 17(31): 9-66, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056777


Resumen Los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos (DME) son la nueva epidemia de enfermedades crónicas, son multifactoriales y afectan los diferentes sectores productivos. Aunque se encuentran múltiples instrumentos para la evaluación de la carga estática y dinámica, el OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action) parece ser una opción atractiva. Objetivo. Realizar una búsqueda de literatura sobre el uso del método OCRA y DME en trabajadores de diversos sectores productivos (20072018). Materiales y métodos. Una revisión de literatura (siguiendo la declaración PRISMA) de estudios que evaluaran el nivel de riesgo biomecánico (OCRA) y DME en las bases de datos Scielo, Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, Gale, PubMed, Lilacs y Ebsco fue realizada, 7 estudios cumplieron con los criterios de selección; la mayoría son cuantitativos (corte transversal). Resultados. El 79% de las condiciones relacionadas con la tarea requieren exigencia física e implican movimientos repetitivos (jardinería y floricultores); la aparición de DME en espalda alta-baja, extremidades superiores e inferiores, los cuales se generan por la frecuencia de las actividades realizadas (producción de calzado); además, "riesgos muy alto" de desarrollar DME (industria del salmón) y un índice medio (OCRA) por movimientos repetitivos que requiere cuidado especial (línea de Ensamblaje en U) fueron encontrados. Conclusiones. La revisión arrojo el uso limitado del método OCRA para la detección de DME en trabajadores de diferentes sectores; y este método puede ser usado para la detección del riesgo biomecánico.

Abstract Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the new epidemic of chronic diseases, are multifactorial and affect to different productive sectors. Although there are multiple tools for the evaluation of static and dynamic load, OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action) seems to be an attractive option. Objective. To conduct a literature search on the use of the OCRA and DME method in workers of various productive sectors (2007-2018). Materials and methods. A literature review (following the PRISMA statement) of studies assessing the level of biomechanical risk (OCRA) and the prevalence of DME in the Scielo, Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, Gale, PubMed, Lilacs and Ebsco databases was performed, 7 studies met the selection criteria; Most are quantitative. Results. 79% of the conditions related to the task require physical demands and involve repetitive movements (gardening and flower growers); the production of DME in upper-lower back, upper and lower extremities, wich are generated by the frequency of the activities in the footwear production; In addition, "very high risks" of developing DME (salmon industry) and a medium index (OCRA) for repetitive movements that require special care (U-Assembly line) were found. Conclusions. The review showed the limited use of the OCRA method for the detection of SMD in workers from different sectors; and this method can be used for the detection of biomechanical risk.

Epidemics , Chronic Disease , Upper Extremity , Diagnosis , Gardening
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742453


Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are ubiquitous organisms that are generally found not only in the natural environment but also in the human engineered environment, including water, soil, and dust. These organisms can form biofilms and can be readily aerosolized because they are hydrophobic owing to the presence of the lipid-rich outer membrane. Aerosolization and subsequent inhalation were the major route of NTM lung disease. Water distribution systems and household plumbing are ideal habit for NTM and the main transmission route from natural water to household. NTM have been isolated from drinking water, faucets, pipelines, and water tanks. Studies that used genotyping have shown that NTM isolates from patients are identical to those in the environment, that is, from shower water, showerheads, tap water, and gardening soil. Humans are likely to be exposed to NTM in their homes through simple and daily activities, such as drinking, showering, or gardening. In addition to environmental factors, host factors play an important role in the development of NTM lung disease. The incidence and prevalence of NTM lung disease are increasing worldwide, and this disease is rapidly becoming a major public health problem. NTM lung disease is associated with substantially impaired quality of life, increased morbidity and mortality, and high medical costs. A more comprehensive understanding of the infection source and epidemiology of NTM is essential for the development of new strategies that can prevent and control NTM infection.

Humans , Agriculture , Biofilms , Drinking , Drinking Water , Dust , Epidemiology , Family Characteristics , Gardening , Incidence , Inhalation , Lung Diseases , Lung , Membranes , Mortality , Nontuberculous Mycobacteria , Prevalence , Public Health , Quality of Life , Sanitary Engineering , Soil , Water
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766153


OBJECTIVES: Presenteeism is currently recognized as a significant global health issue that can potentially cause productivity losses. Hence, many studies have analyzed the relationships between workplace factors and presenteeism. However, few studies have considered non-occupational factors. This study examined the associations between presenteeism and activities outside work, including volunteering, self-development, leisure/sports, and gardening and house repair activities, in Korean wage workers. METHODS: This study analyzed the fourth Korean Working Conditions Survey, in which a total of 19 294 wage workers participated. To identify relationships between presenteeism and activities outside work, multivariate logistic regression analysis was used after adjusting for general and occupational characteristics. RESULTS: Self-development and leisure/sports activities significantly increased the odds ratio (OR) of presenteeism (OR, 1.166; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.061 to 1.282 and OR, 1.276; 95% CI, 1.181 to 1.379, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Certain activities outside work, such as self-development or leisure/sports, were related to presenteeism among Korean wage workers. Although many previous studies have emphasized the positive effects of those activities on health, this study documented negative effects of these activities outside work on health.

Agriculture , Efficiency , Gardening , Global Health , Korea , Logistic Models , Odds Ratio , Presenteeism , Salaries and Fringe Benefits
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 85: e0442017, 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-996741


Entomopathogenic nematodes are effective in controlling soil insects and they are used in agricultural systems. The virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes on crickets (Gryllus L.) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) was evaluated under different conditions in order to select populations for application in the field. Virulence tests with Heterorhabditis amazonensis RSC05, H. amazonensis MC01, Steinernema carpocapsae All (Weiser) and H. amazonensis GL were performed. Evaluations were then made of the concentrations of infective juveniles (100, 200, 400 and 600 infective juveniles per insect); feeding preference with or without choice; and field tests using traps to evaluate insect sampling. All isolates were found to cause mortality in Gryllus sp., and H. amazonensis MC01 and S. carpocapsae All were selected; an increase in concentration resulted in increased insect mortality. Regarding the feeding preference tests, after 16 h there was no feeding in any of the treatments. In treatments with a chance of choice, it was verified that the crickets fed, independently of the presence of the nematodes. In the field tests, 19 live crickets were found in the traps, and, after application of entomopathogenic nematodes in aqueous suspension, 2 live crickets were found. Results suggested that H. amazonensis MC01 was promising in the control of Gryllus sp. under the tested conditions.(AU)

Os nematoides entomopatogênicos (NEPs) são eficazes contra insetos de solo e têm sido usados em sistemas agrícolas. A ação de NEPs sobre grilos (Gryllus L.) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) foi avaliada em condições de laboratório e campo, a fim de selecionar populações para aplicação em área de cultivo. Foram realizados testes de virulência com Heterorhabditis amazonensis RSC05, H. amazonensis MC01, Steinernema carpocapsae All (Weiser) e H. amazonensis GL, assim como verificadas a adequação da concentração de juvenis infectantes (100, 200, 400 e 600 juvenis infectantes por inseto) e a preferência alimentar sem chance de escolha e com chance de escolha, além do teste de campo utilizando armadilhas para amostragem dos insetos. Verificou-se que todos os isolados causaram mortalidade em Gryllus sp. selecionando-se H. amazonensis MC01 e S. carpocapsae All e que o aumento na concentração de juvenis infectantes resultou em mortalidade crescente dos insetos. Com relação aos testes de preferência alimentar, observou-se que, após 16 horas, não houve alimentação em nenhum dos tratamentos. Nos tratamentos com chance de escolha, constatou-se que houve alimentação dos grilos, independentemente da presença ou não de nematoides. Nos testes de campo, antes da aplicação de juvenis infectantes, foram encontrados 19 grilos vivos nas armadilhas, e após a aplicação dos NEPs em suspensão aquosa foram encontrados 2 grilos vivos. Dessa forma, concluiu-se que H. amazonensis MC01 foi promissor no controle de Gryllus sp. nas condições testadas.(AU)

Virulence , Gryllidae , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Nematoda , Gardening , Insecta
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 85: e0402017, 2018. ilus, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-998431


The African snail Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822), originally from Africa, was introduced in Brazil and since then became an important pest, because of its resistance to abiotic conditions, hermaphroditism, polyphagia and absence of natural enemies. Considered as one of the 100 worst pests in the world, with the record of establishment in almost all Brazilian states, it causes sanitary, ecological and economic losses. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine the population dynamics and food preference of the giant snail in three areas of lettuce, located in Alagoas, Brazil. There was no statistical difference between food preference tests with and without choice among the varieties offered. To the fluctuation of the population of A. fulica, the Pearson correlation coefficients were negative only for temperature, and there was no correlation with precipitation and relative humidity.(AU)

O caramujo-africano Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822), originário da África, foi introduzido no Brasil e desde então se tornou uma praga importante, por sua resistência a condições abióticas, hermafroditismo, polifagia e ausência de inimigos naturais. Considerada uma das cem piores pragas do mundo, com registro de implantação em quase todos os estados brasileiros, causa perdas sanitárias, ecológicas e econômicas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a dinâmica populacional e a preferência alimentar do caramujo-africano em três áreas de alface localizadas em Alagoas, Brasil. Não houve diferença estatística entre os testes de preferência alimentar com e sem escolha em meio às variedades oferecidas. Para a flutuação da população de A. fulica, os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson foram negativos apenas para a temperatura, não havendo correlação com a precipitação nem com a umidade relativa.(AU)

Snails , Lactuca , Agricultural Pests , Pest Control , Gardening
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-126527


BACKGROUND: Sleep disorders and depression/anxiety disorders are long-standing and significant problem for mental health. Also there are already known so many negative health effect of these disorders. But there were few studies to examine the association between activities outside work and forementioned disorders. So this study aimed the association of those things by using the Republic of Korean data. METHODS: Data from 32,232 wage workers were used in the 4th Korean Working Condition Survey. General and occupational characteristics, sleep disorders, depression/anxiety disorders and activities outside work are included in questionnaire. To find the relationship between activities outside work and sleep, depression/anxiety disorders, multivariate logistic regression analysis was used after adjusting for general and occupational characteristics. RESULTS: We observed that volunteer activities increased the odds ratio of both sleep disorders and depression/anxiety disorders(Odds ratio[OR] = 1.35, 95% confidence interval[CI]: 1.03–1.78 and OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 1.29–1.84, respectively). And self-development activities increase the odds ratio of sleep disorders(OR = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.17–1.57). Gardening activities lowered the odds ratio of depression/anxiety disorders(OR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.59–0.94). CONCLUSION: Some of activities outside work were related to sleep disorders and depression/anxiety disorders among Korean wage workers. Our results showed negative health effect of some kinds of activities outside work such as volunteering and self-devlopment compared to other studies that emphasized positive effect of those activities for health.

Agriculture , Anxiety , Depression , Gardening , Leisure Activities , Logistic Models , Mental Health , Odds Ratio , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Sleep Wake Disorders , Volunteers
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 33(1): e00071016, 2017. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039357


Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar a ocorrência de larvas de mosquitos, em especial do Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus, no tanque e axilas de bromélias do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil, destacando implicações epidemiológicas do uso dessas plantas. A maioria de larvas encontradas foi de mosquitos do gênero Culex, enquanto as de A. aegypti e A. albopictus foi ocasional. O uso de telas para proteção das plantas, a exposição ao sol e a maior quantidade de água no tanque podem ter influenciado a ocorrência e agrupamento das larvas.

The aim of this study was to observe the occurrence of mosquito larvae, especially Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, in the tanks and axillae of bromeliads at the Bauru Municipal Botanical Gardens, São Paulo, Brazil, highlighting the epidemiological implications for the use of these plants. The majority of the larvae belonged to mosquitos from genus Culex, with only occasional findings of A. aegypti and A. albopictus. The use of screens for protection of the plants, exposure to sunlight, and larger amounts of water in the tanks may have influenced the occurrence and grouping of larvae.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue observar la ocurrencia de larvas de mosquitos, en especial las del Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus, en el tanque y axilas de bromelias del Jardín Botánico Municipal de Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brasil, destacando las implicaciones epidemiológicas en el cultivo de esas plantas. La mayoría de larvas encontradas fueron de mosquitos del género Culex, mientras que las de A. aegypti y A. albopictus fueron ocasionales. La utilización de telas para la protección de las plantas, su exposición al sol y la mayor cantidad de agua en el tanque pueden haber influenciado la ocurrencia y agrupamiento de larvas.

Animals , Aedes/classification , Bromelia/parasitology , Gardening , Insect Vectors/classification , Seasons , Brazil , Population Density , Aedes/growth & development , Dengue/transmission , Insect Vectors/growth & development , Larva
Santiago de Chile; s.n; 2014. 113 p. tab, ilus.
أطروحة جامعية ي الأسبانية | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-878523


La presente Memoria constituye una aproximación etnográfica a la comunidad pewenche de Pitril, ubicada en la comuna de Alto Bío Bío perteneciente a la VIIIª Región, cuyo objetivo pretende reflexionar sobre la experiencia femenina en relación a las huertas. A partir del trabajo de campo realizado durante distintas épocas del año, la presente investigación ofrece un relato construido en base a las experiencias, saberes y prácticas de aproximadamente cinco familias de la comunidad, intentando dar cuenta de la relación entre las mujeres y sus huertas. Para ello, se propone una lectura teórica que pone en entredicho la distinción naturaleza/cultura desde las vertientes del perspectivismo amerindio y la fenomenología. La investigación procura así, contribuir a la comprensión y valoración de otras formas de habitar el mundo, relevando el paisaje como categoría de análisis para explorar la territorialidad, las actividades productivas, las construcciones simbólicas, las relaciones de género y la construcción de la subjetividad femenina en función del ecosistema hortícola, cuyo despliegue amplía la noción de persona y de humanidad convocando otros existentes.

Humans , Female , Gardening , Plants, Medicinal , Population Groups , Anthropology, Cultural , Chile
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 33(supl.1): 130-141, set. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-695804


Introducción. La retroalimentación a las comunidades de la situación de dengue en su localidad, podría ser útil para mantener la motivación para su participación en el control del dengue y disminuir los índices entomológicos de Aedes . Objetivos. Evaluar la cobertura y el alcance de una intervención basada en la difusión masiva de reportes situacionales sobre el dengue y su efecto en la presencia de criaderos intradomiciliarios de Aedes spp. en Guadalajara de Buga, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional de corte transversal en 1.426 viviendas, para establecer la presencia de criaderos intradomiciliarios y caracterizar la exposición a la intervención. El efecto de la intervención se evaluó en un estudio de casos y controles. Los casos obedecieron al total de viviendas con criaderos positivos y, entre las viviendas sin criaderos positivos ubicadas en la misma manzana del caso, se seleccionaron aleatoriamente cuatro controles por caso. Resultados. El índice de viviendas positivas fue de 2,5 %. La cobertura fue del 59,4 % y el alcance del 22,3 %. El contacto con la intervención no se asoció con la ausencia de criaderos intradomiciliarios positivos. La presencia de matas con agua o floreros se asoció con criaderos positivos (p=0,01) y el uso de anjeos se consideró como factor protector (p=0,02). Conclusiones. Aunque la cobertura de la intervención fue adecuada, no se observó que tuviera efecto sobre la ausencia de criaderos intradomiciliarios positivos. Por lo tanto, se requiere la evaluación de la intervención en términos de su fidelidad, diseño y proceso de implementación.

Introduction: Maintaining communities abreast of their local dengue situation could help to keep them motivated to participate in dengue control and to decrease Aedes entomological indexes. Objectives: To evaluate the coverage and reach of an intervention based on mass-media communication of dengue surveillance reports and its effect on the presence of intra-domiciliary breeding sites for Aedes in Guadalajara de Buga, Colombia. Materials and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in 1,426 households to identify the intra-domiciliary breeding sites and to characterize the intervention exposure. To evaluate the effect of the intervention, a case-control study was performed. All households with positive breeding sites were considered as cases. Four controls per case were randomly selected among the non-positive breeding site households located on the same block of the case. Results: The positive house index was 2.5%; coverage was 59.4% and reach was 22.3%. There was no association between the intervention and the presence of intra-domiciliary breeding sites. The presence of water plants and flower pots were associated to positive breeding sites (p=0.01) and the use of screens was associated to the absence of breeding sites (p=0.02). Conclusions: Although intervention coverage was adequate, the lack of association between the intervention and the absence of positive breeding sites requires assessing its fidelity, factors related to the design, and the implementation process.

Animals , Humans , Aedes , Dengue/epidemiology , Health Promotion/methods , Insect Vectors , Information Dissemination/methods , Mass Media , Mosquito Control , Population Surveillance , Aedes/virology , Case-Control Studies , Community Participation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia/epidemiology , Dengue/prevention & control , Gardening/methods , Household Articles , Housing , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Insect Vectors/virology , Mosquito Control/instrumentation , Mosquito Control/methods , Mosquito Control/organization & administration , Socioeconomic Factors , Urban Health , Water
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-25062


PURPOSE: To report a case of fungal keratitis caused by Scedosporium apiospermum. CASE SUMMARY: A 70-year-old man visited our clinic with complaints of redness and decreased visual acuity in his right eye caused by a soil gotten into an eye while gardening 10 days ago. The patient had previously been treated in a local clinic but did not show significant clinical improvement. Bacterial and fungal staining, culture, and an antibiotic sensitivity test were performed from a corneal scrape. The cultures revealed growth of Scedosporium apiospermum. The patient was treated with topical moxifloxacin antibiotics, fluconazole, amphotericin B antifungal agents. However, the lesion was not improved, so antifungal therapy was switched to topical voriconazole. After two months of treatment, the infection was resolved with mild scarring. CONCLUSIONS: Although it is a rare pathogen, Scedosporium apiospermum should be considered as a potential pathogen in patients presenting with corneal ulceration due to trauma from an object contaminated by soil, polluted water, or spoiled plant contact. And we suggest that topical application of voriconazole may be a good alternative treatment for patient with fungal keratitis in which no improvement despite a conventional antifungal agent, fluconazole.

Humans , Amphotericin B , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Antifungal Agents , Aza Compounds , Corneal Ulcer , Eye , Fluconazole , Gardening , Keratitis , Plants , Pyrimidines , Quinolines , Scedosporium , Soil , Triazoles , Visual Acuity
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 15(4): 771-780, Dez. 2012. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-668249


O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a distribuição espacial da esquistossomose na comunidade horticultora de Natuba, Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco. Foi conduzido um inquérito parasitológico, onde foi examinado o material fecal de 310 moradores da comunidade. Os casos positivos para Schistosoma mansoni foram georreferenciados e incluídos no croqui da localidade, gerando os mapas de distribuição espacial com estimadores de kernel. Os resultados apresentaram uma alta prevalência para esquistossomose, com 28,4% da população parasitada. Outros parasitos foram encontrados em 25,8% da população. O uso das ferramentas de geoprocessamento permitiu mapear e compreender a distribuição dos casos de esquistossomose no espaço ocupado pela comunidade, destacando e relacionando locais de menor altitude (passíveis de alagamento), com uma maior frequência de casos humanos. Estudos como este fornecem informações para que os serviços de saúde local possam intervir e promover mudanças para que indivíduos residentes em áreas com baixas condições habitacionais minimizem sua exposição ao risco de contrair a esquistossomose.

The objective of this study was to describe the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis in horticultural community of Natuba, district of Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco state. It was conducted a parasitological survey, examined the fecal material of 310 community residents. The cases positive for Schistosoma mansoni were geocoded and included in the computerized template of the community, generating maps of spatial distribution with kernel estimators. The results showed a high prevalence of schistosomiasis, with 28.4% of the parasites. Other parasites were found in 25.8% of the population. The use of GIS tools to map and understand the possible distribution of cases of schistosomiasis in the space occupied by the community highlighting and listing locations of lower elevation (able to flooding), with a higher frequency of human cases. Studies like this provide information to the local health services, may intervene and bring about change for individuals living in areas with low housing conditions to minimize their exposure to risk of contracting schistosomiasis.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Gardening , Spatial Analysis , Schistosomiasis mansoni/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Residence Characteristics
FWU Journal of Social Sciences. 2012; 6 (2): 116-123
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-140448


The study was carried out to assess the impact of the major activities of the project on women beneficiaries. In all 63 women on six schemes were interviewed by using a questionnaire. The respondents mostly belonging to the age group of 25-40 have been divided into owner, cultivator and tenants preferably of equal weight. The women were found to be benefiting from the Potable Water Supply PWS, providing them clean drinking water within the house compound. The PWS caused reduction in their work load and the spare time availed is being utilized for other productive purposes and enabling them to create hygienic situation through more water use by the households. The women have also more or less, benefited from the health and Hygiene training where on average the children, women and houses look cleaner than before and water related diseases have decreased on average. The impact of training on malaria was assessed mainly through determining the incidence of malaria which indicates that on average, the incidence has lowered slightly but the knowledge gained by women is the most important benefit accrued. The kitchen gardening training has little impact mainly because of drought. The safe handling of agro chemicals practice trained for has been adopted by women to a greater extent while the grain storage type of practice has not been given much attention as the women on schemes do not realize it a major issue. Though rigorous efforts have been undertaken in terms of women activities in the scheme areas by the project yet the impact on women could be seen more on the knowledge side, gained through training but on adoption side, to cross the psychological barrier requiring trust and confidence built over time, the results are modest. The women could have improved to a satisfactory level provided ample time could have been spent by the project staff to guide, motivate, involve them and sense of ownership created within them. The women within the male dominated society could not develop strength in their voice to influence male counterparts in development process. However, a realization to both male and female has been given about the importance of women involvement in development process but the process thus initiated has been left half way due to the phasing out of the project from the area leaving the women to be on the mercy of the tribal set up in future too

Humans , Female , Drinking Water , Gardening , Health , Hygiene , Water Supply , Workload
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 100-110, 2012.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-120924


Horticulture therapy employs plants and gardening activities in therapeutic and rehabilitation activities and could be utilized to improve the quality of life of the worldwide aging population, possibly reducing costs for long-term, assisted living and dementia unit residents. Preliminary studies have reported the benefits of horticultural therapy and garden settings in reduction of pain, improvement in attention, lessening of stress, modulation of agitation, lowering of as needed medications, antipsychotics and reduction of falls. This is especially relevant for both the United States and the Republic of Korea since aging is occurring at an unprecedented rate, with Korea experiencing some of the world's greatest increases in elderly populations. In support of the role of nature as a therapeutic modality in geriatrics, most of the existing studies of garden settings have utilized views of nature or indoor plants with sparse studies employing therapeutic gardens and rehabilitation greenhouses. With few controlled clinical trials demonstrating the positive or negative effects of the use of garden settings for the rehabilitation of the aging populations, a more vigorous quantitative analysis of the benefits is long overdue. This literature review presents the data supporting future studies of the effects of natural settings for the long term care and rehabilitation of the elderly having the medical and mental health problems frequently occurring with aging.

Aged , Humans , Aging , Antipsychotic Agents , Dementia , Dihydroergotamine , Gardening , Geriatrics , Horticultural Therapy , Korea , Long-Term Care , Mental Health , Quality of Life , Republic of Korea , United States
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 33(4): 399-405, Out.-Dec. 2011. graf, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-868154


This study had as objective to evaluate whether the pillaging activity by native bees influences floral abscission. Samples were collected in ten individuals of Bougainvillea spectabilis. In the period between May 4 and June 1st, 2009, 2,874 flowers were collected on the ground and 2,895 from the plants, with three-day intervals between each collection and a total of 10 repetitions in each plant. We measured the total of closed flowers, open flowers, robbed flowers, normal flowers, open robbed flowers and non-robber open flowers, in both soil and plant. For the statistical analysis, the T-test was used to see whether there was a difference between the averages obtained from the evaluated characteristics between the soil flowers and plant flowers. Simple linear regression was used to see whether there was a relationship between the closed flowers and robbed closed flowers found on the ground and open flowers and non-robbed open flowers in the plant. There were significant differences regarding all variables measured between soil and plant. A correlation was found at both closed flowers and robbed closed flowers found on the ground and open flowers and non-robbed open flowers in the plant.

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade de pilhagem de abelhas nativas influenciando a abscisão floral de Bougainvillea spectabilis. As coletas foram realizadas em dez indivíduos de B. spectabilis. Foram coletadas 2.874 flores no solo e 2.895 na planta no período de 4/5/2009 a 1/6/2009 com intervalo de três dias entre cada coleta, totalizando 10 repetições em cada indivíduo. Foram mensuradas as flores fechadas, flores abertas, flores fechadas pilhadas, flores fechadas não pilhadas, flores abertas pilhadas e flores abertas não pilhadas tanto no solo como na planta. Para as análises estatísticas foi utilizado o Teste-T para verificar se houve diferença entre as médias obtidas das características avaliadas entre as flores do solo e as flores da planta, além de regressão linear simples para verificar se houve relação entre as flores fechadas e flores fechadas pilhadas; flores abertas e flores abertas pilhadas, encontradas no solo e flores fechadas e flores fechadas pilhadas; flores abertas e flores abertas pilhadas na planta. Houve diferença significativa em relação a todas as variáveis entre o solo e a planta. Foi verificada correlação tanto nas flores fechadas e flores pilhadas fechadas encontradas no solo quanto nas flores abertas e flores abertas não pilhadas na planta.

Animals , Plants , Reproduction , Bees , Gardening , Hymenoptera
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-283204


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To compare the quality of cultivated and wild Anemarrhena Rhizome from Yi County (Xiling Zhimu) based on contents analysis of active constituents.</p><p><b>METHOD</b>Samples of cultivated Anemarrhena Rhizome from most townships of Yi County were analyzed and compared with wild ones. Six indexes belonged to three kinds active constituents of saponin, flavornoid and polysaccharide were adopted. HPLC-ELSD method with cholesterol as internal standard was adopted to determine the content of sarsasapongenin. HPLC-ELSD method was used to simultaneously determine the contents of anemasaponin C and Anemasaponin A III. Contents of neomangiferin and mangiferin were determined by HPLC-UV method. Total polysaccharide was determined by phenol sulfate method.</p><p><b>RESULT</b>The mean content of sarsasapongenin in cultivated Anemarrhena Rhizome samples is slightly lower than the wild. The mean contents of anemasaponin C and Anemasaponin A III in cultivated Anemarrhena Rhizome samples are higher than the wild. There is no notable difference of these three index between the cultivated and the wild. The cultivated Anemarrhena Rhizome samples have a lower content of neomangiferin and a higher content of mangiferin than the wild. While the total content of these two flavonoids have no notable difference. The cultivated Anemarrhena Rhizome samples have a higher content of total polysaccharide than the wild samples.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Contents of active constituents in cultivated Anemarrhena Rhizome from Yi County (Xiling Zhimu) are not notably different with the wild Anemarrhena Rhizome. They have similar good quality as the wild ones.</p>

Anemarrhena , Chemistry , China , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Gardening , Methods , Plant Extracts , Rhizome , Chemistry
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 26(6): 925-929, Nov.- Dec. 2010. graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-911707


Dois acessos de sapotizeiro, planta nativa do sul do México e da América Central, pertencentes à Coleção de Frutíferas Nativas e Exóticas da UNESP/FCAV, Campus de Jaboticabal, foram estudados quanto à propagação por estaquia. O primeiro ensaio consistiu de imersão rápida da base de estacas semi-herbáceas enfolhadas dos acessos selecionados FCAV-III e FCAV-VII em solução hidroalcoólica (50%) de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) nas concentrações 0, 1.000, 3.000, 5.000 e 7.000 mgL-1 e o preparo de estacas com e sem lavagem do látex exsudado, em recipiente contendo água pura por período de 14 horas. Esse ensaio foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 x 2 (doses de AIB x acessos x preparo das estacas). O segundo ensaio constou da imersão das estacas herbáceas enfolhadas do acesso FCAV-III nas doses de AIB acima mencionadas. Ambos os ensaios foram distribuídos no delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições e 10 estacas cada. Todas as estacas foram coletadas na primavera e preparadas com cerca de 12 cm de comprimento, plantadas em vermiculita de textura média e conduzidas em condições de câmara de nebulização por aspersão intermitente sob telado com 50 % de luminosidade. Os dois acessos testados não enraizaram e os tratamentos utilizados não foram capazes de induzir apreciável emissão de raízes.

Two sapoti tree accesses (Manilkara zapota), native plants of south of Mexico and of América Central, belonging to the Collection of Fruitful Native and Exotic of UNESP/FCAV, Jaboticabal Campus, was studied with relationship to the cutting propagation. The first test consisted of fast immersion of cutting base semi-herbaceous foliage of selected accesses FCAV-III and FCAV-VII. The ttreatments were alcoholic solution (50%) of indolbutíric acid (IBA) in concentrations of 0, 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 and 7,000 mgL-1. and the cuttings preparing with and without latex exudate washing for a period of 14 hours in recipient with pure water. This trial was set in 5 x 2 x 2 factorial scheme (IBA concentrations x accesses x cutting preparation) The second test consisted the herbaceous foliage immersion of FCAV-III access in IBA concentrations above. Both experiments were distributed in randomized design with four replications and 10 cuttings each. All cuttings were collected in spring and prepared with about 12 cm of length, planted in medium texture vermiculite and carried under conditions intermittent mist spray flashing in chamber with 50% light. The two accesses tested not rooted and treatments were not able to induce the roots emission

Gardening , Manilkara , Reproduction, Asexual
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2010; 6 (1): 5-12
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-93238


The growth of Albizia lebbeck [L.] Benth, and Leucaena leucocephala [Lam] de-Wit, were studied in soils collected from Karachi University area under natural ecological circumstances. Various growth variables of A. lebbeck and L. leucocephala were reduced from different soil composition [25, 50 and 75%] of Karachi University soil [sandy soil] as compared to Garden soil. Growth of L. leucocephala in comparison of A. lebbeck was significantly decreased in all of the proportions of University soil. 50% University soil caused diminution in a large number of growth parameters of A. lebbeck, particularly considerable inhibition was observed in plant height, plant cover, seedling length, root length, shoot length, leaf area, shoot dry weight and total plant dry weights than Garden soil. 75% soil markedly retarded leaves growth and leaflets numbers, whereas root and leaf dry weights were substantially lessened by 50 and 75% soils. Root/shoot ratio and leaf weight ratio were manifestly stunted in the treatment of 25% soil. In the case of L. leucocephala, almost cumulative growth properties except shoot dry weight were depleted using all ratios of University soil comparatively to Garden soil. 75% University soil especially showed more pronounced declination in plant height, plant cover, numbers of leaves and leaflets, leaf area, root, leaf and total plant dry weights, root/shoot, leaf weight and leaf area ratios of L. leucocephala as related to Garden soil. 25% soil exhibited appreciably regretting growth in root, shoot and seedling length while, specific leaf area was adversely affected from application of 50% soil

Soil , Gardening , Universities
Ciênc. cult. (Säo Paulo) ; 62(1): 18-19, 2010.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-565844

Biodiversity , Gardening
اختيار الاستشهادات
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