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Rev. ADM ; 79(1): 54-58, ene.-feb. 2022. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362610


Introducción: La hiperplasia gingival es una condición benigna caracterizada por el aumento de volumen de la encía. Algunos fármacos, factores genéticos, aparatología y placa dentobacteriana son factores que pueden inducir esta condición. Objetivo: Devolver la anatomía a la encía brindando una mejor estética y permitiendo una óptima higiene oral. Material y métodos: Paciente masculino de 20 años de edad con antecedentes de fenitoína presenta aumento de volumen en la encía. Resultados: Se obtuvieron resultados estéticos y funcionales satisfactorios con el tratamiento quirúrgico y el uso de membrana de celulosa oxidada. Conclusión: En el manejo de la hiperplasia gingival es importante el enfoque no quirúrgico como control de placa dentobacteriana y medidas de higiene del mismo paciente (AU)

Introduction: Gingival hyperplasia is a benign condition characterized for the grown on the gingival volume. Some drugs, genetic, orthodontic and dental plaque are some factors that can induce this condition. Objective: To return the gingival anatomy, providing a better aesthetic allowing also good oral hygiene. Material and methods: A male 20 years of age with medical history of phenytoin display grown on the gingival volume. Results: Aesthetic and functional results were achieved with the surgical treatment and the oxidized cellulose membrane. Conclusion: In the gingival hyperplasia management is important de non-surgical approach, as dental plaque control and oral hygiene of the patient (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Phenytoin/adverse effects , Cellulose, Oxidized , Gingival Hypertrophy/chemically induced , Gingivectomy , Esthetics, Dental , Membranes, Artificial , Mexico
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 53(1): e21007, Marzo 12, 2021. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356813


Resumen Introducción: La hipertrofia gingival (HG) es el aumento del volumen de la encía asociado a ciertas enfermedades sistémicas, hereditarias (idiopático), ingesta de algunos medicamentos o a factores locales como el tratamiento ortodóntico, capaz de provocar cambios histológicos en el tejido conectivo gingival. Objetivo: Describir las características histológicas e identificar el colágeno tipo I y tipo III en tejidos gingivales de sujetos con hipertrofia gingival portadores de ortodoncia. Materiales y método: Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles que incluyó el análisis de biopsias de tejido gingival de 12 pacientes sometidos a cirugías periodontales. La muestra se dividió en dos grupos: individuos sanos (control; n= 6) y pacientes con HG portadores de ortodoncia (pacientes; n= 6). Las muestras fueron procesadas e incluidas en parafina. Las tinciones Masson-Goldner y rojo sirius/verde rápido fueron empleadas. El colágeno tipo I y tipo III fueron identificados mediante inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpos monoclonales. Resultado: En los pacientes con HG portadores de ortodoncia se observó un epitelio hiperplásico y tejido conectivo denso con abundantes fibras de colágeno distribuidos aleatoriamente. La inmunodetención de colágeno tipo I indicó la presencia de abundantes fibras desorganizadas y el colágeno tipo III fue inmunolocalizado subyacente a la membrana basal, vasos sanguíneos y toda la extensión del tejido conectivo de los pacientes con HG con tratamiento ortodóntico. Conclusión: La acumulación de fibras de colágeno, particularmente del colágeno tipo I y tipo III, son hallazgos histológicos que caracterizan la HG en pacientes portadores de ortodoncia. Futuros estudios son necesarios para dilucidar el fenotipo de los fibroblastos gingivales y la probable pérdida homeostática entre la producción y degradación de colágeno en esta patología.

Abstract Introduction: Gingival hypertrophy (GH) is the increase in the volume of the gingiva associated with certain systemic, hereditary (idiopathic) diseases, the intake of some medications or local factors such as orthodontic treatment, capable of causing histological changes in the gingival connective tissue. Objective: To describe the histological characteristics and identify type I and type III collagen in gingival tissues of subjects with gingival hypertrophy wearing orthodontics. Method: A case-control study was designed that included the analysis of gingival tissue biopsies from 12 patients submitted to periodontal surgeries. The sample was divided into two groups: healthy individuals (Control; n= 6) and patients with GH wearing orthodontics (Patients; n= 6). The samples were processed and embedded in paraffin. Masson-goldner and sirius red/fast green stains were used. Type I and type III collagen were identified by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies. Result: A hyperplastic epithelium and dense connective tissue with abundant randomly distributed collagen fibers were observed in patients with orthodontic GH. Immunodetention of type I collagen indicated the presence of abundant disorganized fibers and type III collagen was inmunolocalized underlying the basement membrane, blood vessels and the entire extension of the connective tissue of patients with GH orthodontic. Conclusion: The accumulation of collagen fibers, particularly type I and type III collagen, are histological findings that characterize GH in orthodontic wearers. Future studies are necessary to elucidate the phenotype of gingival fibroblasts and the probable homeostatic loss between collagen production and degradation in this pathology.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontic Appliances , Orthodontics , Collagen Type I , Collagen Type III , Gingiva , Gingival Hypertrophy
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 32(2): 53-63, July-Dec. 2020. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149611


ABSTRACT Introduction: gingival hypertrophy (GH) is the uncontrolled increase in gingival volume induced by different etiological factors, including orthodontic treatment. This pathology is characterized by changes in epithelial and connective tissue, including modifications in the extracellular matrix. The present study determined the presence and distribution of type III collagen in tissues of patients with GH wearing fixed orthodontic appliances. Methods: 12 samples of gingival tissue were obtained from patients undergoing periodontal surgery. They were divided into two groups, the first with healthy patients (control; n = 6) and the second with patients diagnosed with GH and orthodontic treatment (patients; n = 6). Each obtained sample was subjected to the hematoxylin-eosin stain, Masson-Goldner staining, and type III collagen immunohistochemistry. Results: the hematoxylin-eosin and Masson-Goldner histological stains showed hypertrophia of epithelial tissue and connective tissue with a marked collagen fiber increase in the gingival tissue of orthodontic wearers with GH compared to individuals in the control group. The gingival tissue of patients with GH caused by orthodontic treatment showed a distribution and location of type III collagen near the basal lamina, around the blood vessels, but unlike the control group, its location was noticeable throughout the connective tissue. Conclusion: the gingival tissues of orthodontic wearers with GH experience an increase in the number and density of collagen fibers. Type III collagen seems to lose its usual location in the gingival tissues of orthodontic wearers with GH.

RESUMEN Introducción: la hipertrofia gingival (HG) es el aumento descontrolado del volumen de la encía debido a diversos factores etiológicos, entre ellos el tratamiento ortodóntico. Esta patología se caracteriza por cambios del tejido epitelial y conectivo, incluyendo modificaciones en la matriz extracelular. El presente estudio determinó la presencia y distribución de colágeno tipo III en tejidos de pacientes con HG portadores de ortodoncia fija. Métodos: se obtuvieron 12 muestras de tejido gingival de pacientes sometidos a cirugías periodontales. Se dividieron en dos grupos, el primero, integrado por pacientes sanos (control; n=6), y el segundo por pacientes diagnosticados con HG con ortodoncia (pacientes; n=6). Cada muestra obtenida fue sometida a la coloración hematoxilina-eosina, Masson-Goldner e inmunohistoquímica del colágeno tipo III. Resultados: las tinciones histológicas hematoxilina-eosina y Masson-Goldner permitieron constatar hiperplasia del tejido epitelial y un tejido conectivo denso con notable aumento de las fibras de colágeno en el tejido gingival de los pacientes con HG portadores de ortodoncia en comparación con los individuos del grupo control. El tejido gingival de pacientes con HG por ortodoncia evidenció una distribución y localización del colágeno tipo III cerca de la lámina basal, alrededor de los vasos sanguíneos, pero a diferencia del grupo control, su localización fue notoria en toda la extensión del tejido conectivo. Conclusión: los tejidos gingivales de pacientes con HG portadores de ortodoncia experimentan aumento en número y densidad de las fibras de colágeno. El colágeno tipo III parece perder su localización habitual en los tejidos gingivales de pacientes con HG portadores de ortodoncia.

Gingival Hypertrophy , Collagen Type III
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(5): e3079, sept.-oct. 2020. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144687


RESUMEN Introducción: los agrandamientos gingivales suelen tratarse a través de terapias quirúrgicas de gingivectomías; su tratamiento no quirúrgico mecánico también es una opción sobre todo en los casos de gingivitis asociada a la pubertad como consecuencia de los cambios hormonales. Objetivo: describir el tratamiento no quirúrgico de una paciente de 12 años con agrandamiento gingival asociado a la pubertad y lesiones gingivales inducidas por biofilm dental. Presentación del caso: el caso presentó un agrandamiento gingival leve localizado que remitió al cabo de un mes a la primera fase de tratamiento, después de tres sesiones de fisioterapias con la remoción de biofilm calcificado se obtuvo una reducción del porcentaje del índice de higiene oral sin requerir intervención quirúrgica. A los cuatro años de seguimiento se observó reducción completa del agrandamiento gingival y bolsas periodontales. Conclusiones: la terapia periodontal mecánica es una alternativa eficaz en la reducción de la inflamación gingival inducida por hormonas durante la pubertad sin la necesidad de requerir intervenciones quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del agrandamiento gingival. Otras alternativas como las gingivectomías son aplicables; sin embargo requieren procedimientos más complejos, costosos y aumento de la morbilidad del paciente; en ese sentido el tratamiento mecánico no quirúrgico se muestra como una opción viable(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Gingival enlargement is usually treated with gingivectomy as an alternative to surgery; however, non-surgical mechanical treatment is another option especially in cases of gingivitis associated with puberty as a result of hormonal changes. Objective: To describe the non-surgical treatment of a 12-year-old patient with gingival enlargement associated with puberty and gingival lesions induced by dental biofilm. Case presentation: The patient presented a localized mild gingival enlargement that relapsed to the first phase of treatment after one month. Three months after physiotherapy sessions with removal of calcified biofilm, a reduction in the percentage of oral hygiene index to "good" was obtained; therefore, surgical treatment was not required. Four years later, there was a complete reduction in gingival enlargement and periodontal pockets. Conclusions: Mechanical periodontal therapy is an effective alternative to reduce gingival inflammation induced by hormones during puberty not requiring surgical intervention to treat gingival enlargement. Other alternatives such as gingivectomies are performed; however, they require more complex, expensive procedures and they can also increase patient morbidity. In that sense, the uniqueness of the non-surgical mechanical treatment is chosen as a feasible option(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Oral Hygiene Index , Puberty , Dental Plaque/therapy , Periodontal Debridement/methods , Gingival Hypertrophy/therapy
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 4(3): 371-375, jul.set.2020. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382018


Paciente do sexo masculino, com 24 anos, portador de dermatite atópica desde o primeiro ano de vida. Começou a evoluir com forma grave da dermatite atópica aos 17 anos, e devido à refratariedade clínica ao tratamento convencional tópico, foi encaminhado para serviço de referência. Após otimizar os cuidados com uso de emolientes, corticoides tópicos e cursos de antibioticoterapia, manteve persistência de eczema generalizado, com SCORAD oscilando entre 40 e 50 no período de 4 meses. Dessa forma, optou-se por terapia sistêmica, sendo iniciado o uso de ciclosporina oral na dose de 200 mg. A resposta terapêutica com a ciclosporina foi percebida após 4 semanas, sendo refletida na redução do escore de gravidade (SCORAD=10). Durante o seguimento, além da melhora clínica, eram monitorados potenciais eventos adversos. O paciente fez uso da ciclosporina durante 5 anos sem apresentar eventos adversos, com necessidade de aumento de dose para 300 mg/dia dois anos após início da medicação. Porém, neste quinto ano de uso da ciclosporina, o paciente apresentou hipertrofia gengival importante. Assim, optou-se por reduzir a dose de ciclosporina de 300 para 200 mg/dia. Nenhum outro sinal ou sintoma foi observado, e os exames laboratoriais também não mostraram qualquer toxicidade. O paciente se mostrou resistente à redução da medicação, pois o temor de piora das lesões de pele o aflige muito. Orientamos sobre a necessidade de melhorar a higiene bucal de forma disciplinada, e agendamos reavaliação clínica mensal. Além disso, foi encaminhado para avaliação odontológica.

A 24-year-old man had atopic dermatitis since the first year of life. He first developed a severe form of atopic dermatitis at the age of 17, and because of clinical refractoriness to conventional topical treatment, he was referred to an excellence center. After care was optimized with emollients, topical corticosteroids and courses of antibiotic therapy, generalized eczema persisted, with Scoring Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) score oscillating between 40 and 50 in a period of 4 months. Thus, systemic therapy was chosen, with use of oral cyclosporine at a dose of 200 mg. Therapeutic response with cyclosporine was observed after 4 weeks, with a reduction in the severity score (SCORAD = 10). During followup, in addition to clinical improvement, potential adverse events were monitored. The patient used cyclosporine for 5 years with no adverse events, requiring a dose increase to 300 mg 2 years after initiating the medication. However, in the 5th year of cyclosporine use, the patient had significant gingival hyperplasia. Thus, we decided to reduce the dose of cyclosporine from 300 to 200 mg. No other signs or symptoms were observed and laboratory tests also showed no toxicity. The patient was resistant to reducing the medication, as he feared the skin lesions would aggravate. We advised him on the need to improve oral hygiene in a disciplined manner and scheduled a monthly clinical reevaluation. In addition, he was referred to dental evaluation.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Cyclosporine , Dermatitis, Atopic , Gingival Hypertrophy , Oral Hygiene , Patients , Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Eczema , Dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(4): e180118, out. 2018. tab, ilus, mapas
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976301


A new mouth breeder species of Gymnogeophagus is described from a tributary of the río Uruguay. It is distinguished from most species of the genus by the presence of hypertrophied lips, and from G. labiatus and G. pseudolabiatus by the color pattern. The presence of successive allopatric species of the Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys clade inhabiting the tributaries of the río Uruguay is discussed.(AU)

Una nueva especie incubadora bucal de Gymnogeophagus es descripta de un tributario del Río Uruguay. Se distingue de la mayoría de las especies del género por la presencia de labios hipertrofiados, y de G. labiatus y G. pseudolabiatus por su patrón de coloración. Se discute la presencia de sucesivas especies alopátricas del clado Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys habitando los tributarios del Río Uruguay.(AU)

Animals , Perciformes/classification , Gingival Hypertrophy/veterinary
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 113(5): e264-e267, oct. 2015. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-757067


El síndrome de fibromatosis hialina es una enfermedad autosómica recesiva rara, que se caracteriza por la presencia de contractura y dolor articular, placas y nódulos hiperpigmentados e hipertrofia gingival, producto de la acumulación de un material amorfo hialino similar al colágeno tipo VI en diferentes tejidos. Esta enfermedad incluye el síndrome de hialinosis sistémica y la fibromatosis hialina juvenil, dos entidades que, durante años, fueron consideradas de manera separada; sin embargo, las características clínicas y la edad de presentación se superponen. Además, ha sido documentado que la causa de ambas entidades se localiza en un mismo gen. Se presentan dos casos de hermanas de una misma familia colombiana afectadas por la enfermedad.

Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by the presence of contracture and joint pain, hyperpigmented plaques and nodules and gingival hypertrophy. These findings are the result of the accumulation of a hyaline amorphous material similar to collagen type VI in different tissues. This syndrome includes systemic hyalinosis and juvenile hyaline fibromatosis, two entities that for years were considered separately. However, it has been documented that the cause of both entities is located in the same gene and the clinical features and age of presentation are overlapped. In this study two cases of sisters from a same colombian family affected by the disease are presented.

Humans , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome/diagnosis , Gingival Hypertrophy , Phenotype , Fatal Outcome
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 21(5): 547-549, ago.2015. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-785399


La esclerosis tuberosa es una displasia neuroectodérmica con gran variabilidad clínica,caracterizada por la asociación de crisis de epilepsia con retraso mental o sin él y manifestaciones cutáneo-mucosas, por la formación de múltiples tumores hamartosos benignos, neurofibromas y angiofibromas...

Humans , Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases , Tuberous Sclerosis , Angiofibroma , Spasms, Infantile , Hamartoma , Gingival Hypertrophy , Skin
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 68(4): 296-301, out.-dez. 2014. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-745427


O presente artigo descreve a reabilitação de arco superior por meio de prótese total fixada a implantes em um caso clínico de sorriso gengival associado a perdas dentárias. Para a obtenção de um resultado previsível, estética e funcionalmente, foi realizado extenso planejamento protético pré-cirúrgico em modelos e simulações digitais do sorriso. Baseado nesse planejamento foi realizada uma osteotomia maxilar com instalação imediata dos implantes. Aguardou-se o tempo de osseointegração dos implantes, para em seguida reabilitá-Ios com a prótese total fixa metaloplástica parafusada. A descrição desse caso objetiva ressaltar a importância do planejamento protético pré-cirúrgico minimizando assim, possíveis erros e prejuízos no resultado final estético e funcional da reabilitação.

The present study describes the rehabilitation of the upper arch with fixed full arch prosthesis screw retained to implants in a gummy smile case report. In order to obtain predictable results, esthetically and functionally, an extensive pre-surgical prosthetic planning and smile digital simulations were done. Based on this planning a maxillary osteotomy was done and immediate implants were installed. After the osseointegration period, the patient received a full fixed metaloplastic prosthesis, screw retained. This case report aims to highlight the importance of pre-surgical prosthetic planning to minimize errors and to achieve esthetic and functional results.

Gingival Hypertrophy/diagnosis , Dental Implantation , Dental Implants , Planning/methods
Rev. Clín. Ortod. Dent. Press ; 13(4): 54-66, ago.-set. 2014. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-856003


A exposição exagerada da gengiva é um dos problemas que afeta, negativamente, a estética do sorriso. Apresentando-se em diversos graus de extensão, sua etiologia pode estar relacionada com excesso vertical maxilar, protrusão dentoalveolar superior, extrusão e/ou erupção passiva alterada dos dentes anaterossuperiores, e hiperatividade dos músculos elevados do lábio superior. Em grande parte dos casos, porém, alguns desses fatores ou mesmo todos eles encontram-se associados. O Ortodontista parece ser o profissional mais indicado a diagnosticar e planejar o tratamento desses pacientes, por ter condições de avaliar a participação de cada um dos fatores etiológicos no problema e, numa proposta de abordagem transdisciplinar, encaminhá-los para profissionais das áreas afins.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Gingiva/abnormalities , Gingival Hypertrophy/diagnosis , Gingival Hypertrophy/therapy , Orthodontics , Smiling , Esthetics, Dental
Rev. Clín. Ortod. Dent. Press ; 13(4): 68-73, ago.-set. 2014. ilus, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-856004


O sorriso gengival geralmente é considerado esteticamente desagradável e possui alternativas de tratamento de diferentes complexidades. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar o resultado do tratamento de três pacientes portadores de sorriso gengival utilizando a aplicação da toxina botulínica do tipo A (BTX-A). A documentação e análise das imagens foi realizada por meio de métodos desenvolvidos a partir de videografia digital específica, sendo esse procedimento repetido 1, 2, 12 e 24 semanas após uma redução na exposição gengival e que após 24 semanas, não retornaram aos níveis iniciais. Dessa forma, pode-se observar que a BTX-A é considerada minimamente invasiva, eficaz e que representa uma forma de tratamento temporário para minimizar o sorriso gengival.

Humans , Gingival Hypertrophy/therapy , Smiling , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Esthetics, Dental , Facial Expression
Rev. Clín. Ortod. Dent. Press ; 13(4): 76-87, ago.-set. 2014. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-856005


A exposição exagerada da gengiva no sorriso cria um aspecto antiestético, e requer tratamento. Apesar de o objetivo final do tratamento ser um bem claro - eliminar o sorriso gengival -, vários caminhos podem ser realizados para tratar essa condição, que pode ter como causa a hiperplasia gengival, a hiperfunção da musculatura perilabial ou, até mesmo, o crescimento exagerado da maxila no eixo vertical. O primeiro passo no tratamento dessa condição é diagnosticar sua etiologia. Dependendo da causa do sorriso gengival, o tratamento pode variar desde uma simples remoção de milímetros de osso, e reposicionamento superior da maxila. O objetivo de presente artigo é demonstrar diferentes tipos de sorriso gengival, e discutir como a cirurgia ortognática pode ser útil no tratamento dessa patologia.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Gingiva/abnormalities , Gingival Hypertrophy/therapy , Orthognathic Surgery , Esthetics, Dental , Maxilla/abnormalities , Vertical Dimension
Rev. Clín. Ortod. Dent. Press ; 13(4): 88-96, ago.-set. 2014. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-856006


O objetivo do presente trabalho foi apresentar os fatores determinantes para o diagnóstico, plano de tratamento e realização de uma correção de sorriso gengival, do ponto de vista periodontal. Por meio de uma revisão de literatura, foram expostos e discutidos a etiologia e os parâmetros fundamentais para o tratamento do sorriso gengival. Além disso, foram apresentados dois casos clínicos. Concluiu-se que a cirurgia para correção de sorriso gengival é um procedimento previsível, em que se alcança o resultado no ato cirúrgico, sem morbidades para o paciente. No entanto, o profissional deve ter conhecimento dos parâmetros periodontais envolvidos e dos padrões de estética para um resultado favorável e harmonioso.

Humans , Female , Adult , Gingival Hypertrophy , Gingiva/abnormalities , Periodontics , Smiling , Esthetics, Dental
Oman Medical Journal. 2013; 28 (1): 53-55
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-146732


Infantile Systemic Hyalinosis [ISH] [OMIM 236490] is a rare, progressive and fatal autosomal recessive disorder characterized by multiple subcutaneous skin nodules, gingival hypertrophy, osteopenia, joint contractures, failure to thrive, diarrhea with protein losing enteropathy, and frequent infections. There is diffuse deposition of hyaline material in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, muscle and endocrine glands. It is caused by mutations in the ANTXR2 [also known as CMG2] gene, which encodes a transmembranous protein involved in endothelial development and basement membrane-extracellular matrix assembly. We describe a child with classical features of ISH presenting in infancy with severe chronic debilitating pain and progressive joint contractures. The diagnosis was confirmed by molecular DNA sequencing of ANTXR2 gene which revealed a novel homozygous mutation not previously reported; 79 bp deletion of the entire exon 11 [c867_945del, p.E289DfsX22]. Although this is the first reported case of ISH in Oman, we believe that the disease is under-diagnosed since children affected with this lethal disease pass away early in infancy prior to establishing a final diagnosis

Humans , Female , Mutation , Genes, Recessive , Chromosome Disorders , Gingival Hypertrophy , Bone Diseases, Metabolic , Contracture , Failure to Thrive , Diarrhea , Protein-Losing Enteropathies , Receptors, Peptide
Rev. Clín. Ortod. Dent. Press ; 11(5): 120-126, out.-nov. 2012. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-855900


A procura pela excelência estética é atualmente, uma realidade em nossa sociedade. Nesse context5o, a busca pelo sorriso perfeito tem siso constante. Uma queixa bastante comum é a presença do sorriso gengival, condição caracterizada pela aparência de mais de 2mm de gengiva durante o sorriso. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um caso clínico de sorriso gengival em que a paciente era portadora de erupção passiva alterada do tipo I-A. A queixa estética se tornou mais evidente após o fim do tratamento ortodôntico. Os fatores etiológicos envolvidos são: o crescimento vertical da maxila, a extrusão dentoalveolar, a hiperatividade dos músculos labiais e/ou lábio superior curto, erupção passiva alterada e o uso de medicamentos cujo efeito colateral é o crescimento gengival. Dentro do ramo de atuaação da Ortodontia encontra-se a intrusão dentoalveolar, associada ou não à cirurgia ortognática. A Periodontia trata os casos em que são necessárias correções cirúrgicas no tecido gengival; já a Cirurgia Plástica e a Dermatologia corrigem as alterações musculares. /quando existem diferenças nas proporções dentárias, são requeridos tratamentos restauradores cocmplementares. Existem casos em que se torna necessa´ria a atuação multidisciplinar, pois podem coexistir dois ou mais fatores etiológicos. Foi realizada a ccirurgia periodontal indicada e a paciente mostrou bastante satisfação com o resulstado final, conformando que o correto diagnóstico, alaiado a técnicas consagradas, é a melhor forma de se alcançar metas estipuladas.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Esthetics, Dental , Gingival Hypertrophy/surgery , Gingival Hypertrophy/diagnosis , Smiling
Rev. Fundac. Juan Jose Carraro ; 17(36): 14-19, sept.-oct. 2012. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-684946


El término agrandamiento gingival por fármacos se refiere a un crecimiento anormal de la encía, secundario al uso de una medicación sistémica. Si bien se reporta una larga lista de medicamentos relacionados, se encontró una fuerte asociación sólo con la Fenitoína , la Nifedipina y la Ciclosporina A. La prevalencia del Agrandamiento Gingival varía ampliamente, sin embargo la prevalencia relacionada con el uso de la Fenitoína es aproximadamente del 50 por ciento. La Nifedipina y la ciclosporina producen cambios en el 25 por ciento de los pacientes tratados. Existe controversia entre la dosis y el riesgo o severidad del Agrandamiento.El grado de Agrandamiento gingival parece estar relacionado con la susceptibilidad del paciente y el grado dehigiene bucal de éste. Después de 1 a 3 meses de iniciada la medicación del fármaco los agrandamientos originadosen la papila interdental, se expande afectando otras áreas de la encía llegando a cubrir en casos extremosuna porción importante de los dientes principalmente en los segmentos anteriores por vestibular. El uso discontinuo de la medicación por el médico de cabecera y más aún la sustitución del fármaco por otroresulta en la regresión y el cese del Agrandamiento.

Humans , Male , Female , Cyclosporine/adverse effects , Phenytoin/adverse effects , Nifedipine/adverse effects , Gingival Overgrowth/chemically induced , Folic Acid/therapeutic use , Gingival Hyperplasia/chemically induced , Gingival Hypertrophy/chemically induced , Gingival Overgrowth/epidemiology
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 9(2)mar.-abr. 2011.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-583358


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A hipertrofia gengival (HG) é reconhecidamente um grave efeito adverso a medicamentos, frequentemente encontrado em pacientes em uso de imunossupressores, anticonvulsivantes ou anti-hipertensivos. Nesta última classe, se destaca a nifedipina, porém tem sido crescente o númerode casos secundários ao uso da anlodipina. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar na literatura os dados existentes sobre a epidemiologia, características clínicas e histopatológicas, a prevenção e o tratamento da HG associada a este fármaco. CONTEÚDO: A coleta de dados foi realizada através dos Bancos de Dados BIREME, Pubmed e Medline. As palavras pesquisadas foram: aumento gengival, hipertrofia gengival, hiperplasia gengival, amlodipine induced gingival overgrowth, gingival overgrowth induced by calcium channel blockers, drug induced gingival overgrowth. No bando de dados BIREME foram encontrados 24 artigos referentes ao assunto pesquisado, na Pubmed e Medline foram encontrados 47 artigos pertinentes ao contexto enfocado. Do total, foram utilizados 34 artigos na revisão de literatura. CONCLUSÃO: A anlodipina é um fármaco que comprovadamente atua no tecido gengival causando o seu aumento. Sendo assim, a HG induzida por este fármaco tem aspectos clínicos característicos e é uma reação adversa individualizada devido à influência multifatorial. Em razão do atual aumento do uso deste bloqueador de canal de cálcio, a incidência da HG torna-se cada vez mais crescente. Desta forma, por gerar comprometimento funcional e estético ao indivíduo acometido, é de suma importância o conhecimento desta condição pelos profissionais de saúde para que ocorra a correta identificação do quadro e o estabelecimento precoce de uma conduta terapêutica adequada.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Gingival hyperplasia(GH) is admittedly a severe adverse effect of medications, frequently found in the immunosupressors, anticonvulsivants or antihypertensives users. Among this last class of medications, nifedipine is featured, but adverse effects due amlodipine using have been increasing. The aim of this study was to examine the existing data on the literature about epidemiology, clinical and histopathological features, prevention and treatment of GH due this medication. CONTENTS: The data collection was performed through BIREME, Pubmed and Medline databases. The words searched were: gingival enlargement, gingival hypertrophy, gingival hyperplasia, amlodipine induced gingival overgrowth, gingival overgrowth induced by calcium channel blockers, drug induced gingival overgrowth. In the BIREME databases were found 24 articles concerningon the topic searched, in Pubmed and Medline were found 47 relevant articles focused on the context. Totally, 34 articles ofthe literature review were used. CONCLUSION: Amlodipine is a drug that acts in the gingival tissue inducing its enlargement. Therefore, GH induced by thisdrug has typical clinical features and is an individualized adverse effect by the multifactorial influence. Due to the current increasein the use of calcium channel blocker, the incidence of GH becomes increasingly common. However, by the functional and esthetic commitment of the affected individual, is of high importance the knowledge about this condition by health professionals aiming the correct identification of this case and the early establishment of an appropriate treatment.

Humans , Amlodipine , Calcium Channel Blockers , Gingival Hypertrophy/diagnosis , Gingival Hypertrophy/epidemiology , Gingival Hypertrophy/pathology , Gingival Hypertrophy/prevention & control
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194243


Phenytoin is a commonly used antiepileptic drug, and its narrow therapeutic index causes various toxicities. Although acute toxicity commonly causes ataxia, few cases have been reported of permanent cerebellar atrophy. A 49-year-old female with epilepsy was prescribed oral phenytoin. After three years of medication, seizure was controlled, but she developed unsteady gait and dysarthria. On admission, the patient showed severe bilateral ataxia, gingival hypertrophy, nystagmus, and dysarthria. Phenytoin toxicity was the impression, and phenytoin was omitted. Serum phenytoin level was 46.9 mg/L (therapeutic range being 10~20 mg/L). Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to rule out other brain lesions, and diffuse cerebellar atrophy was revealed. After rehabilitation, mild bilateral ataxia remained, standing balance was poor, and the patient was able to walk 70 meters with minimal assist using roller walker. We review a case of chronic phenytoin toxicity that manifested as cerebellar ataxia and later showed atrophy of cerebellum.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Ataxia , Atrophy , Brain , Cerebellar Ataxia , Cerebellum , Dysarthria , Epilepsy , Gait Disorders, Neurologic , Gingival Hypertrophy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Phenytoin , Seizures , Walkers
مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139911


Background: Leukemia is a fatal disease. The oral manifestations of the leukemias occur early in the course of the disease and these oral features can at times act as a diagnostic indicator. Saliva has been used as a diagnostic aid in a number of systemic diseases. Materials and Methods: In our study, samples of unstimulated saliva of 30 leukemia patients who were not on chemotherapy were collected and analyzed for salivary amylase and total protein. The oral manifestations and radiographic changes (OPG) were recorded. The correlation between the oral manifestations and the salivary components (salivary amylase and total protein) was assessed for prognostic significance. Results: In the present study when the mean values of salivary amylase (1280±754 U/ml) and total protein (647.2±320.7 mg%) were compared with that in control subjects. There was a statistically significant difference for amylase levels (P<.05). On intraoral examination the study subjects showed pallor, gingivitis, gingival enlargement, petechiae, and ecchymosis. On the OPG, the radiographic features included generalized rarefaction of bone (20%), thinning of lamina dura (3.4%), generalized alveolar crest bone resorption (30%), thinning of walls of alveolar crypts (6.7%), besides others, e.g., periapical abscess (10%). Conclusions: The saliva of leukemic patients demonstrated obvious changes in composition. A rise in salivary amylase and total protein levels was evident, with the increase in amylase levels being statistically significant.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Alveolar Bone Loss/etiology , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Amylases/analysis , Case-Control Studies , Child , Child, Preschool , Ecchymosis/etiology , Female , Gingival Hypertrophy/etiology , Gingivitis/etiology , Humans , Jaw Diseases/etiology , Jaw Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Leukemia/complications , Leukemia/metabolism , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell/complications , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell/metabolism , Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive/complications , Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive/metabolism , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/complications , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/metabolism , Male , Middle Aged , Mouth Diseases/etiology , Periapical Abscess/etiology , Periapical Abscess/diagnostic imaging , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/complications , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/metabolism , Purpura/etiology , Radiography, Panoramic , Saliva/enzymology , Salivary Proteins and Peptides/analysis , Young Adult
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205383


Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis (JHF) is a rare, progressive autosomal recessive disease that's characterized by papulonodular skin lesions, soft tissue masses, joint contractures, gingival hypertrophy and osteolytic bone lesions. We present here the case of a 2-yr-old boy with JHF along with a review of the relevant literature. This case demonstrates that JHF should be considered in the differential diagnosis when multiple subcutaneous nodules are observed in the face, head and neck.

Contracture , Diagnosis, Differential , Fibroma , Gingiva , Gingival Hypertrophy , Head , Hyalin , Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome , Joints , Neck , Skin
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